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ADJECTIVE PREPOSITIONS EMMANUEL N TUFON Adjectives followed by Prepositions a Rules: ‘There is no definite 1. Certain prepositions must follow certain rule anaes 2. Certain prepositions must follow certain. simply need to ron learn them : Some adjectives take different prepositions. Cruel nasty __ friendly nice generous polite Good rude kind unfriendly mean unkind Examples: 1. She was very generous TO me when I was 2. [twas rude OF him to leave so suddenly. 3. She was rudeTO him for no reason. ying with her. 4. How can you be so unfriendly TO your neighbors? Adjectives Followed by reposition “On” (Example 1. Lam keen on socing you. 2. Martha is reliant on her brother | 3. Frank’s reputation depends on Joe. Adjectives Followed by reposition “OF" (Examples: 1. Mary is conscious of her wrong. 2. Itis typical of jerry to brag a lo. 3.1 feel kind of guilty of my actions. 2 1. Mary is good for teaching 2. Joc is responsible for the accident. 3. Do you really feel ready for competing? 4. Frange is known for its delicious dishes 5.1 finally qualified for my driver’ licens. ea Adjectives Followed by ) Examples: 1. Lam pleased with your work. 2. Our boss looks angry with you. 3. Robin is always busy with his studies 4, Frank has become associated with shady characters ‘Adjectives Followed by ‘position “Tn” Exam 1. Roy is successful in business. 2. My brothers are only experienced in Artistic Drawing 3. Lam interested in cat 4. My boss was involved in a corruption seandal ( Adjectives Followed by } Preposition “AC” Examples: Twas annoyed at Jery’s constant talking. 2. My fiend is good at repairing computers. 3. Tam clover at playing pranks, | 4. Martha was amazed at Jonathan's courage

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