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inevitable condition-- let's learn to use it to ouradvantage. If we were to

take a box of chalk and lay the pieces on a table, we wouldprobably say that they
all look alike. Maybe they do all look alike, but if we measure them we will be
able todetect a difference. If we use a ruler, we may be able to sort the pieces
intogroups according to differences of 1/64 inch. However it may be impossible to
detect a difference among some of the pieces. If we used a micrometer we could
measure to the nearest thousandth of aninch. This time we would find that the
pieces which were alike when measured tothe nearest 1/64 inch vary quite a bit when
measured to the nearest thousandthof an inch. We could go so far as to select
the pieces that showed no difference whenmeasured to the nearest thousandth of an
inch and measure them to the nearestten thousandth of an inch. As the increment of
measurement becomes morerefined, we will be able to detect more and more variation.
The foregoing is illustrative of the natural laws of variation. We mayobserve two
things that appear to be identical, but closer observation willreveal a difference.
There may be times when things are so much alike that it isdifficult to find any
difference. Variation is important to us only if we canmeasure it, or if it has
some affect on the functions for which it was made. Present day industry is capable
of producing parts so much alike that they mustbe measured in millionths of an inch
in order to detect any variation. It must be pointed out that the measurement
of length is not the onlymeasure of variation. It is possible compare variation in
grams, tensilestrength, specific gravity, feet per minute, temperature, hardness,
or by manyother methods. Industry is constantly seeking new and improved methods of
measurement to help detect variation. ORDER OF VARIATION One of the most
difficult things for us to understand is the order ofvariation. If we were to
measure the parts coming out of a machine and recordthe measurements, it would
appear that there is no logical sequence to thevariation. However if we arrange our
data in some logical order, we can notonly identify the variation, but we can
predict future outcomes. CAUSES OF VARIATION In industry we generally
attribute variation to four causes. We refer tothese as the "4-M's". They are:
1. Men 2. Machines 3. Materials 4. Methods 1. Men -
The manner in which an operator adjusts the machine, sharpens atool, or controls
the feeding mechanism has an affect upon the variation of theproduct coming from
the machine. 2. Machines - The type of machine, the amount of wear, or the
conditionof the machine will generate causes that contribute to variation. 3.
Materials - The uniformity or lack of uniformity of the material weuse may cause
variation in the product. 4. Methods - One of the most important factors that
contribute tovariation is the method we use to perform the operation. Industry
recognizesthis and uses written instructions and routing sheets to establish
standardmethods of operation. We can not expect an operators to get the best
resultsfrom a machine if they do not have instructions to follow. By the same
token,we can not expect to get uniformity if we do not have a standard way of doing
things. CHANCE CAUSE SYSTEM As long as the men, machines, materials and
methods continue in a normalfashion, the product will exhibit a normal amount of
variation. We may say thatthe inherent variation generates a CHANCE CAUSE SYSTEM.
A chance cause system is one which is subject only to the inherentvariation of men,
machines, materials and methods. It will produce a certainpattern of variation. If
we can identify the pattern of variation , we can usethis information to predict
future outcomes of the same combination of men,machines, materials and methods.
ASSIGNABLE CAUSE An assignable cause is one which changes the pattern of normal
variation. If an operator failed to follow instructions, or kept changing the
machinesetting, we would say the operator was the assignable cause. If a machine
toolbroke, the machine would be the assignable cause. If the material was of poor
quality, it would be the assignable cause. If the instructions were not clearand
understandable, the method would be the assignable cause. As long as a system
operates with a "normal" amount of variation we saythat it is "in control". If only
inherent variation exists, there is little wecan do to improve the process without
making major changes. When an assignable cause enters into the system and
creates excessivevariation, we say the process is "out of control". If we can
detect anassignable cause, identify it, and correct the condition, we have a means
forcontrolling quality.

EVALUATION The primary function of statistics in the control of quality is

to identifythe pattern of variation within a known risk level, or limit.
Statisticalmethods, such as control charts, operate on the assumption that a
certainpattern of variation does exist within a chance cause system. The risk level
isthe amount of chance or risk we take when we make an assumption about a process.
he controls and tests we use indicate the event that our assumption is correct.
As an example, control charts usually operate at the 99. 7% risk level. This means
that 3 times out of 1 000, an assignable cause would be sought eventhough one did
not exist. That is, the assumption that the process is "incontrol" would be
rejected in favor of the assumption that an assignable causeis present because
there is a good chance that it may be. Experience teaches usthat machines and
materials are common sources of trouble. We would ratherassume that something has
gone wrong and look for it, than assume that anunusual sample has occurred in a
A HISTOGRAM We have discussed the importance of being able to observe data in
someorderly fashion so that we might identify the pattern of variation. The
following figure illustrates the weight in grams of a plastic product. In
looking at the data it is difficult to detect anything other than a group
of numbers.
WEIGHT IN GRAMS 25 25 21 28 21 23 28 24 20 23
26 27 26 24 29 24 25 25 24 27 22 26 27 25 26 22
24 25 27 24 23 27 22 24 22 25 28 29 23 25 30 25
26 22 25 27 26 20 24 26 If we use the technique of constructing
a frequency chart, we can see apattern does indeed exist. The following figure is
an example of the above dataas it is tabulated on such a chart. WEIGHT TALLY
30 I 29 II 28 III 27 IIIII I 26
22 IIIII 21 II 20 II The following figure shows
the data in the form of a frequency histogram,or what is commonly called a bar
graph. HISTOGRAM F 10 R 9 E 8 Q 7 U
6 E 5 N 4 C 3 Y 2 1 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30

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