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1. Solve: -156 + 78 = -78

2. Solve: (- 50) - (-20) + 70 =40

3. Solve: (-10) + (- 5) - (-10)= -5

4. The appropriate sign is:

(-20) - (+20) _____ 40 + (-40)
Correct Answer : <
Solution :
(-20) - (+20) = -20 - 20 = -40
40 + (-40) = 40 - 40 = 0
-40 < 0

5. Write the successor of -24 and predecessor of 30. Then, add the results
Successor of -24 is -23
Predecessor of 30 is 29
Now, -23 + 29
6. Find the value of
(a) (-98) + (27) + (32) + (-21)
(b) (-17) + (-30) + 2 + 45

(a) (-98) + (27) + (32) + (-21)

= -98 + 27 + 32 - 21
= (-98 - 21) + (27 + 32)
= -119 + 59
= -60
(b) (-17) + (-30) + 2 + 45
= -17 - 30 + 2 + 45
= -(17 + 30) + 2 + 45
= -47 + 47
7. Subtract 34 from -63 and then -63 from 34. Is -63 - 34 = 34 - (-63)?
-63 - 34
= - 97
Then, 34 - (-63)
= 34 + 63
= 97
-97 ≠ 97
Therefore, -63 - 34 ≠ 34 - (-63)
8. Find the sum, using quicker way
(a) 3467, 283, -3467, -283
(b) -4779, 779, 9
(c) -5363, 516, 5360

(a) 3467, 283, -3467, -283

= 3467 + 283 + (-3467) + (-283)
= 3467 + (-3467) + 283 + (-283)
(b) -4779, 779, 9
= -4779 + 779 + 9
= -4000 + 9
= -3991
(c) -5363, 516, 5360
= -5363 + 516 + 5360
= -5363 + 5360 + 516
= -3 + 516 = 516- 3
= 513
9. Find the sum of
(a) -201, 88 and 154
(b) 45, -155 and 225
(a) -201 + 88 + 154
= -201 + (88 + 154)
= -201 + 242
= 41
(b) 45 + (-155) + 225
= 45 - 155 + 225
= (45 + 225) - 155
= 270 - 155
= 115
10. On a particular day, the temperature of Delhi at 10 a.m. was 13◦C but by the
midnight, it fell down to 6◦C.The temperature of Chennai at 10 a.m. the same day
was 18◦C but fell down to 10◦C by midnight. Which fall is greater.
Solution : We have
Fall in Delhi’s temperature = 13◦C - 6◦C = 7◦C
Fall in Chennai ‘s temperature = 18 ◦C - 10◦C = 8◦C
Clearly 8 ◦C > 7◦C
Hence, fall in temperature of Chennai is greater.
11. Subtract the sum of - 5020 and 2320 from -709
Solution : Sum of -5020 and 2320 = -5020 +2320
- 5020 + 2320 = -2700
-709 – ( - 2700) = - 709 + 2700
= 1991
12. Kavita deposited Rs 5,600 in his account on Saturday and then withdrew Rs
2,066 on Tuesday. Next day she again deposited Rs 1,500 and withdrew Rs 990 next
month. Find the balance in her account after all the transactions.

Solution : Money deposited = 5600 + 1500 = 7100

Money withdrawn = -2066 + ( - 990) = -2066 -990 = -3056

Balance in her account = 7100 + ( - 3056) = 7100 – 3056 = 4044

Ans : Rs. 4044

13. Subtract sum of (-1250) and 1138 from the sum of 1136 and (-1272)

Solution : ( -1250) + 1138 = -1250 + 1138 = -112

1136 + ( -1272) = 1136 – 1272 = -136

- 136 - ( -112) = -136 + 112 = -24

14. Add the following pairs of integers.

(a) -9999, -4444

(b) -4600, 460

(c) The smallest two digit negative integer and the smallest

two-digit positive integer.

(d) Profit of Rs 208 and loss of Rs 520

Solution : (a) -9999 + ( -4444) = -9999 -4444 = - 14443

(b) -4600 + 460 = - 4140

( c) -99 + 10 = -89

(d) 208 + ( - 520 ) = 208 – 520 = - 312 = Loss of Rs. 312

15. Write the following numbers in ascending and descending order:

-114 , 112, 0, -163, 109, -99

Ascending Order: -163 < -114 < -99 < 0 < 109 < 112
Descending Order: 112 > 109 > 0 > -99 > -114 > -163
16. State true or False:
(i)(-6) + (-9) < ( -6)- (- 9)
(ii) (-12 )- (-12) > ( -12) +( -12)
Solution : (i) -6 + (-9) = -15
-6 –(-9) = -6 +9= 9-6 = 3; Hence it is true.
(ii) -12 – (-12)= -12 +12=0;
-12 +( -12) = -24, 0 >-24, hence the given statements are true.
17. Represent the following on the number line:
(a) The greatest two digit negative integer.
(b) The greatest one digit positive integer.
(c) The greatest even negative integer.
Solution :
(a) The greatest two digit negative integer is -10.

(b) The greatest one digit positive integer is 9.

(c) The greatest even negative integer is -2.

18. Which of the following integer is less than the integer representing the opposite
of '5 kg decrease in weight'?

Correct Answer : -5 ; '5 kg decrease in weight' = -5 ; opposite of -5 = 5

And -5 < 5

19. Find the value of the following using number line

(a) -6 - (-4)
(b) 3 - (-3)

Solution : -6 + 4

Therefore, -6 - (-4) = -2 (1/2 mark)

Therefore, 3 - (-3) = 3 + 3 = 6 (1/2 mark) (3+3 =6)

20. Answer the following questions:

i)Write any two pairs of integers whose sum is 0.

ii)Is (-4)+(-2)=(-2)+(-4)?

iii) What is the additive Identity?

iv)What is the additive Inverse of -4?

Solution:- (i) (4, -4) ; (8, -8); (10,-10) etc

ii) yes
iii) zero
iv) 4

21. A car travelled north of Patna by 60 km and then to the south of it by 90km.
how far from Patna was the car finally?

Solution:- Distance travelled towards the North = 60

Distance travelled towards the South = - 90
60+(-90)= -30 km
Car was 30km towards south.

22. While playing cards Surjit lost Rs. 90 in the first game, Rs. 30 in the second and
25 in the third game. He gained Rs. 20 in the fourth and rs. 70 in the fifth game .find
his net gain or loss?

=(-90 -30-25)=-145……..loss
=(20 +70)=90……………gain
= -145+90= -55
It was a loss of Rs. 55

23. Simplify:-

a) (-7) + (-9) + 4+ (-16)

-7 -9+4-16
b) 37 + (-23) + (-65) + (-8)
37 -23-65-8
= -59

24. Observe the given series and solve them

a)1-2+3-4+5-6……….(no of terms16)
solution:- 1-2+3-4+5-6……….
= -1 -1 -1 …………8 times ( as 1 -2 = -1; 3 -4 = -1……..)
= -8
b)3-3+3-3……….(no of terms 11)
solution:- 3-3+3-3………
= 0 + 0+ 0+ 0 + 0 +3 ( as 3 -3 =0; 3 – 3 =0;…….)

25. Write eight consecutive integers whose sum is 4.

Solution:- -3+(-2)+(-1)+0+1+2+3+4=4

26. On 1st January, the minimum temperature in Srinagar was -10 degree
celcius. On 1st February , the minimum temperature was -5 degree celcius, by how
many degree did the minimum temperature rise in the month?

Solution:- Initial temperature on 1st January = - 10 degree Celsius

Final temperature on 1st February = - 5 degree Celsius

Rise ( or difference ) in the temperature = -5 –(-10)

= -5+10
= +5
Ans. 5˚ C


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