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The Sacred Self:

Tools and Rituals to Transform Your Daily Experience  

> The Sacred Self: Tools and Rituals to Transform Your Daily Experience
October 19 - 21 · 2018
Set against the enchanting backdrop of the Andre Van Beek gardens in Beauvais,
France, The Sacred Self retreat offers a complete weekend of Kundalini Yoga,
Meditation, and Sacred Dance for those inspired to live the most spiritual
expression of themselves at a deep, personal level. During this three-day retreat,
you will learn valuable tools and practices that can be added to your daily
routine in order to sharpen your intuition and deepen your connection to your
inherent divinity; as well as experience the guiding force of intimate, rhythmic
movement to tap into the your core essence. Leading you on this weekend journey
of insight and ritual will be seasoned holistic practitioners, Vivi Devi Dasi and
Michelle Devi Ananda.

*Full weekend participants will receive a welcome gift, plus a private sacred ritual
consultation with Michelle Devi Ananda.

> The Sacred Self: Tools and Rituals to Transform Your Daily Experience
18h - 19h - Arrival.
19h - 20h - Kundalini to create clarity (for the intention setting) & to create ever-present
youth and energy.
20h - 21h - Sacred Dance Ritual.

8h -9h - Breakfast.
9h - 11h - Awaken the 10 bodies with Kundalini Yoga.
11h - 12h30 - Lecture: Sacred Devotion Part One: an explanation on how Daily
Rituals can keep you safe, sane and connected to your higher power
through intuitive practice.
12h30 - 14h30 - Lunch Break.
14h30 - 18h:30 - Sacred Dance and Ritual.
18h:30 - 19h - Healing Gong Meditation.

8h -9h - Breakfast.
9h - 11h - Through Kundalini yoga create prayer, intention and regeneration.
This set streams magnetic energy through the bodies, bringing
joy and depth of breath.
11h - 12h30 - Sacred Devotion Part Two - how to connect with your spirit guides
and angels through intuition and divination tools.
12h30 - 14h30 - Lunch Break.
14h30 - 18h:30 - Sacred Dance and Ritual.
18h:30 - 19h - Healing Gong Meditation.
> Michelle Devi Ananda
Michelle Devi Ananda is a renowned spiritual medium who has transformed her work
in the metaphysical realm to teach others how to realize their own intuitive power
on a daily basis. As a medium, Michelle mentored with international best selling
author and medium James Van Praagh as well as with UK-based spiritual medium,
Martin Twycross. She holds a Certificate of Religious Literacy from Harvard University
and received her Kundalini Yoga teacher certification from The Ra Ma Yoga
Institute New York, New York. Michelle has merged her experience as a psychic
medium with her passion for Kundalini yoga and meditation to create her own
unique holistic healing practice. For Michelle, spiritual devotion and soul evolution
are the heart of her work.


> Vivi Devi Dasi
I am passionate about the expression of spirit through body, rituals and music. This inspired
me to begin a deep search of self-knowledge and connection with the Being. Throughout
my travels to different countries, I studied: Kundalini and Vinyasa Yoga, Shakti Dance®,
Feminine Empowerment, Tribal Belly Dance, 5 Rhythms®, Mystic Dances, Ritual Dance,
African Sacred Dance, Indian Sacred Dance, Dances of Universal Peace, Reiki, Meditation,
Womb Blessing and Shamanic Dance.

As I was integrating knowledge, I felt a call for service in order to share what I had learned
in each place. Since then, I have been teaching classes and workshops on deepening self
knowledge through a variety of techniques. From my life journey, the project ~ Círculo de
Diosas ~ was born, a space for support, inspiration and empowerment for women through
the deepening of ancestral healing techniques. This pilgrimage has brought me many
benefits, such as cultivating patience, flexibility (physical and mental), compassion and
above all, a connection with the Divine inside.


Organized by:

The Sacred Self Retreat will take place at:

Jardin du peintre André van Beek
1 Rue des Auges, 60650 Saint-Paul, France


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