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Relationship Environmental Awareness and Environmental

Behavior Tourism in Gemah Beach

Sueb1, Elvira Harum Permatasari1

Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas
Negeri Malang Jalan Semarang No 05 Malang 65145, Indonesia

Corresponding author: mas ganteng@ac.id


Keywords: Biomaterials, ……, ……….., method.

1. Introduction
In this milieu, there is an interaction between people and the environment. During this
interaction, there have occurred some environmental problems due to people’s using the nature
indefinitely and unconsciously. During this interaction, there have occurred some environmental
Environmental changes are largely determined by the attitude and protection of humans in
their environment. Physically, nature can be used for the benefit of humans in seeking a better
and healthier life and can occur otherwise, if the utilization is not used in accordance with
their abilities and see the situation. The decline in environmental quality is largely due to
human behavior towards the environment. The environment that has reduced carrying
capacity will threaten the survival of future generations. Humans must be able to maintain
harmony between people and their environment, so that the balance of the ecosystem is not

Gemah Beach is one of the famous beaches in Tulungagung district. This resulted in a large
number of tourists on this beach. Because of the large number of tourists in this area resulting in
increased waste production. Environmental awareness of tourists will influence the environmental
attitude on the beach. Beaches and small islands in Indonesia are living spaces that require integrated
and sustainable environmental management (Ferrol-Schulte, et al., 2015). Based on this background,
the researcher aims to find out the relationship between environmental awareness of tourists and
environmental attitude at Gemah Beach.

2. Materials and Methods

The preparation
Data diperoleh dari kuesioner yang dibagikan, dalam setiap pertanyaan terdapat pilihan jawaban
dengan skor yang berbeda. Populasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah wisatawan yang ada di Pantai
Gemah Tulungagung, sampel diambil secara acak, tidak memandang umur, gender, dan tingkat

Time. February-March 2019

Location: At Gemah Beach, Tulungagung.

The characterization
Penelitian ini menggunakan medel corelasi spearman.

3. Results and Discussion

The main goal of this study was to obtain ………….

Table 1. Mineral contents of …………..

Compound Concentration (%)

Figure 1. The comparison of ………..minerals level

4. Conclusions

In summary, our study


We thank……aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa… for the technical support.


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