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02, Pgrt 2

0i I Fì' Draft Standard

FietdbusStandardfor Usein Industrial Control

SystemsPart ã Physical
Pl Lay er Specification
and ServiceDefinition, Amendmentto
(Formerly Clause11)

Draft 2

This docüment is r dnft úbrt rtprrcnts work bcing done by rn ISA Strndrrdt Conmittec heding to
the development d ra ËA Stenderq RccommendedPracticc or Technicel Report IÍ ir fumishcd for
rwiew purposcr only.

The reeder is ceutioned &ú thfu documenthas not becn epproved end cannot bc prcomcd to rt{tcct
úe position of ISAor eny other conmitt€e, rociety, or gnoup. Although cvery efion hes bcen mtde to
ensrne rocurrcy, neitbcr ISA, membercof the S&P llepartment, nor their employen údl b€ beld
liable for eÌTorc or limitetions.

Perticipetion of individuú ir the darclopment of lqie propccd $üdrrd úell not bc concúlucdü ü
unrcserrcd cndoncmcut of thc propocedstrndard by the inüviduels or thc euploycrr of tbcrc

This draft may bc reproduced in limited quentities for rwier purpcca only."

The fnternational Societyfor Measurementand Control

!sAdS5O02, FieldbusStandaÍdforUse in Industrial Control SystemsPart2: PhysicalLayq
Specificationand ServiceDefinitiorç Amendmentto Clause24

CopynghtO 1995by úe InstrumentSocietyof America. AII rights reserved.Printedin the

United Statesof America. No part of this publicationmay be reproducd storedin a rerieval
, systeÍÍIor transmitte{ in any form or by any means(electronig mechanica[photocopying
recording or oúenrise), wiúout the prior written pernrissionof the Publisher.

67 AlocanderDrive
P. O. Box 12277
ResearchTriangleParlqNorth Carolina 27709

This prefaceaswell asall footnotesand ÍrÍÌnexesareincludedfor informationalpurposesand is

not part of ISA-dS50.O2,PaÍt2.

This draft standardhasbeenpreparedaspaxtof the semiceof ISA - The InternationalSociety

for Measurementand Control - toward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation.To
be of real value,this documentshoild not be static but úould be *rbject to periodicreview.
Toward this end the Societywelcomesall commentsandcriticisrnsand asksthat they be_
addressedto the Secretary,StandaÍdsandPracticesBoard; ISA 67 AlexanderDrive; P. O. Box
12277;Research TriangleParlqNC 27709;Telephone(919) 99O-9227;Fax(919) 549-8288;
Internet: INFO@,ISAORG.

The ISA StandardsandPracticesDepartmentis awareof the gfowiÍtg needfor attelrtionto the

metric systemofunits in general"andúe Int€rnatbnal SystemofUnits (SD ln particular,in úe
preparaúonof instrumentationstandards,recommended.pq$oeqandtechnicalreports..The
beiarfnent is further awareofthe benefitsto USAusers ofISA staÍldaÍdsofincorporating
sgiiablereferencesto the SI (andthe metric sysÉem) in their busin€ssand professionaldealings
wiú otlrer countries. Toward this end,this Departmentwill endeavorto introduceSl-acceptable
metric units in all new andrevisedstandardsto the geatest ercentpossible-Qe Metric Practice
Ctuide,whichhasbeenpublishedby the Instiarte of Elecüicaland.ElectronicsEngineersas
A}ISIIIEEE Std. 268-l-992,andflrture rwisions, will b€the rcferenceguide for definitions,
grmbols,abbreviations,and conversionfrctors.
It is the policy of ISA to eocourageandudóne tbp püticipation of a{concernedindividuals
and interestsin ttre dwelopmentõf ISA *andards. Participationin úe ISA standards-making
processby an indiüdual in rn way constiüúes..adcsementby theenrployerof that individual, of
iS^e, or o-fanyof the standards,recomÍn€údd practices,andtechnicalreportsthat ISA develops.
The foilowingpeoflesàred asactiúemernbersofISA SubcoÍtrnitteeSP50.2:


M. Zielinski Chairman Fiúer-Rosernount

H. Damrneyer,ÌvíaÍl4giÍtgDirector PhoeÍrixIndustries,Irrc.
A McCaulë!, lÍ., tvtanagingDirector Chagin Valley Controls,Inc.
G. Woo4 tvtanagingDirector CrraemeWoodConzulting
C. Akiyama YokagawaCorporation
P. Burton Consultant
C. Colwell Ìúasoneilan-IkesserIndustries
J. Elias Hone5meltInc.
J. Creer ITT Barton
C- Gross Dow CtrernicalCompany
M. Kogure IÍtachi, Ltd.
H. Landet Centerfor IndustrialResearch
A. Lesh AI\{P,Inc.
F. McKenna FMcK Associates,Ltd.
E. Mller, Jr. SouthWestResearchIn*inrte
B. Neve PacsChandlersFord Industrial

ISA-dS50.02,Ptrl2, Amcndmentto Clsse 24

P. Patel TraceEnvironrnental
B. Squires MeasurementTechnology,Ltd.
A Tresset Cegelec

a Onevote per company

The foüowing peopleservedas mernbersofISA CommitteeSP50:

R Caro, Chairman ArtburD. Liule,IÍlc.
H. Dammeyer,Ìv[aÍragingDirector PhoenixInduSrieq Inc.
A McCaúey, ÌúanagingDirector CtragrinVa[ey Controls,Inc.
G. Woo{ IAanagiagDirector CrraeÍncWood Consulting
C. Akiyarna YokogawaCorporation
J. Aliperti Consultant
B. Baker Consultant
L. Beckman HIìvíA Americas,Inc.
G. B€usú Absoh*eCoÍ$rol,Irc.
S.Boyer iliad F'ngineering;Inc.-.
*P. Brett Hone5rwe[Inc. r
P. Burton Consular
E. Butteriss B€chd Corporation
A Capel "'-'Costgüc tngittcÊring Ltd.
B. Ca,gr€r Cmsllkrc ''
R Crowder :,, , SIIIP STAR Associates,Inc.
M Dajani ;r .,-"PhillipMonis USA
E. Delúostria Allen-BradleyCompany
U. Dobrich ' Si€fii€nsAG
B. Dwnortier Súneids
+J.Elias Hooe5meltInc.
T. Feindel R Stú|,Inc.
*P. Grienr"Jr. Hone5nreltInc.
B. Gross GeneralMotors Corporation
*C. Gross Dow ChemicalCompany
A Grryta ABB Kent-Tayloq Inc.
K.IÍII Mobil Research& Dwelopment Corporation
T. Holland SquareDCornpany
J. Howard Forüoro Cornpany
S.Hwang AtrtomationSystems
I. Jamison SouthernAlb€rtaInstitute of Technolog5r
K. Kakizatcai Fúi Electric Company,Ltd.
M. Kazahaya Fisch€r& Porter Company
tR Ketcham Union CarbideCorporation
D. Kosh TheodoreBarry & Associates
*M. Kross Bailey ControlsCompany
C.I^angford Consultant
tR I:sher BaiteryControlsCompany
A Lesh AIVÍP,IÍrc.
K. Lindner Endress+ I{auserGmbH + Company
T. Madden Epron CompanyUSA
ISA{SS0.02rPrrt 2,Amcndmentto Cture Z 4
F. McKenna FMcK Associates,Ltd.
R. Meeker Procter& GaÍnble
A. Melo Macromicro
M. Melton HoechstCelaneseCorporation
D. Meniman MerTectqInc.
E. Messano VALTEK Internaüonal
E. Mller, Jr. Souú West ResearchInstitute
N. Mller Digtal EquipmentCorporation
O. Mrabella Instihrto di Inforrnaticae Telecomunicazioni
D. Modell MPI
A Mulú€rji EPRIÌú&D Center
G. Nachev Isoì'íatic Ieboratories
L. Natiello Krefr CreÍr€ral Foods
H. Newman CorÍr€llUniversity
H. Ostling Júnrcn Yokogawa
E. Pageler Fiúer Controls International,Inc.
P. Patel TraceEnvironrneirtal
D. Pearson BASEEFA
J. Polon Neles-Iarneüry, Inc.
F. Russo ENEI,.DSR
*E. Sederlund Dow ChemicalCompany
D. Serang Moore ProductsCompany
Y. Shimanuki ToshibaCorporaion
E. Skabowski ClrernonUSA
J. Sleünslcy Fed€ralOffice for Standards& Measurement
I Sprague SaudiArrttan oil Company
IL Storey Sell Devdopment Company
*C. Thurston Union CaÍtúd€Corporation
N. Tobol RooanFâgiÍreering
C. Van I{aren JamesRiver Corporation
J. Weiss Electric Power ResearchInstinrte
C. \{illiams EastmanKodak Company
G. Winchester NationalElectÍical Ìúanuãcturers Association
*D. Wroblewski Bail€y Controls Company
M. Zielinski Fiúer-Rosernount

* One vote per company

ISA{Sí1.02, Prrt2,Anendment to ClenseZ

This publishedstandardu/asapprovedfor publicationby úe ISA StandardsandPracticesBoard
tn _.


M. Widmeyer,Vice President The SupplySystem

H. Baumann H. D. Baumann& Associates,Ltd.
D. Bishop ChewonUSA ProductionCompany
P. Brett Honeywell,Inc.
W. CalderItr Foxboro Company
I{ Dammeyer PhoenixIndustries,Inc.
R Dieck Pratr & Whitney
H. Hopkins Utility Productsof Arizona
A Iverson Lyondell PetrochemicalCompany
IC Lindner Endress*Iúuser GmbH+ Company
T. McAvinew Metro WastenraterReclamationDistrict
A McCauley,Jr. Ch4gÍinValley Controls,Inc.
G. McF'aÍtand Hongn*'ell IndustrialAutomation& Controls
I. Mock Consultant
E. Montgomery FluorDani4Inc.
D. Rapley RapleyEngineeringServices
R Reimer Allen-BradleyCompany
R lVebb Pacific Cras& Elmic Company
W. Weidman Consuluut
I. Weiss Elàxric PowerResearchInstitute
J. Whetstone "^ìútio@l trngiare of Standards& Technology
C.lVilliams Easman"KòdakCompany
G. Wood CiraemeWood Consrlting
M. Zielinski Fisher-Rosemount

ISA-dSí).02, P.Íl 2, Amendment to Cleusc 24 6

[Editor's Comments:
I . The table od figure numbers will change when this section is merged with the existing Standord-l

A Medium Attachment Unit (MA[I) z 31,25 kbiUs, voltage mode' wirc medium, wiú low-powcr option


f Th. 3f 35 kb'it/sroltegeaodcMAU:ioultemusly povidcsrcccssror @uritrtio n tì*,oít .Ddto ú o6iod po*u

di*ih^dio rworlc Dcviccsrcrcbcd to ttc actr*uk muaic.L vir úc Eodi'q .nd nry a 6.y d bc pourcÍd Êoo it If hrs
po*uod, pora b difihrlcrl s dircc vtlt gF .Dd qtttcd, rod mmicetic sirnrls rre rpcrinpccd m tlr d.c.porru. In
Icürskrtly Srfc çplicúic, etrilúlc por*u ory limit thc urnbcr of dcvis.

2 The aÉrlort nodiua ccÉís oftwií.d p.ir cúlc. nacpcaAcaoetpotogt, r|| Írrchcd dcvioca,otta'+nn poesr'btyúct
nmiüingacrlicÊ,rcbigbiry.drctoFcttúsigBiôc.drnrorkloding. Trepcari&lrtrvcfccüruscdlorôro?ddülepcÍic

3 h!údtlctopologic.ÍËi4poít ú hcithcÍtôpolog/r!ÊüiloÍkooLinsclnnkcrblc,fcrmiaúodrtboóã.|ê hlü.

h|3 togolog, rErrs rrc ôsrihlat rhag tbc lãglh of thc truDk In lhc tro. topologl, rpurs lc mrrcd I c €!d of óGlÍrd. A
tpurorydwçÍhrnc &vicctotbcactwqlc,thcaurnbcrofdcviccsdcpcodiagmrprr lcogth

4 , á! úc ponr Êcçcy (d.c.) dcriccs rppcrr to 6c Érmú rr cüÍÍd tiokr, wiü r limitod rlc of .ü.DgÊof|hê rrypty .trítí
drerruÊoo tbc mcdim TlÈ Fçrds ür6id crúngcsh lod qrrÍ!ú Ê,olnincrfãürg wilh muoi€tion rigErh

5 Tht pÍt of ISA-S50.02Pur 2 çaci6c r low.pom optio thrr dlo$rs dcviccato rçôre tücb qrr,cú dnw ôo fb oct*qt rrôca

6 To aúimizc coïúo od rüryiog o lhe octrrcdq lhc por*s erypfy iqcOrn is çci6cd r r âmin of thc hl rcrminrc
iaodre rràtürt úc tdet r*qlt ÍG.ctre b rrriaimizcdotttitc icqr*y no3c 50 lü to 39 tl{z

u.l Trusnitted bit rate

Tbc transmiUedbit ratc shall be 31,25 lüit/s+ 0,ryo,nreragd oncr a &ame baving 3 minimrrm lco$h of 16 oct€ts.
Tbe insantaneors bit tirtrc shall be 32 ps + 0,9Iq

u.2 Net*ork specifúíons

Ì{OIE : ^ 3 f:5 *lityt *rpaoAc MAU çcntcs h r lctrrìoÍt coqccd of üc foüowing ooqe.ú:

e) c.blÍ

b) TcÍEi!.lrç

c) CoqlcÍ5

O Dcdc..(ad.iairyúlaícomnicetiockm.ít}

A wiÍGú*'oÍk h 3135 lôiúr vo||ge oodc ory çti<ndty irludc úc fc{oving aqÉ:

c) Cmas

0 PowrÍrpli;'

O Dsvioacíüicüirlúdcpo*rrrmliq

h) IúüdcsreaybúÍicÍl

A.Ll Toplogies

A wiÍe ti7ttr{JshenopeÍatein a netwoú úth a linear bus topology,consisting of a tnrnk, terminatedat cachcod as
specifiedi^24.7.s,to which communicationelemen8 arc connectedvia couplers and spurs.

I Thc caplcrud muaiclioclcnatmrybc incgnlcd i! c d*ioc(i.c. zcm kngthrptrÍ).

2 Tre t4oloX5r with dl lbc comnicerioo clcocAs locarcd d tbc .ads ofth. truak b rcgrÍd.d rs r rpccial cesc of r ht fa tbc
prporc ofthir prrt of,ISAS50.02 PrÍt 2.

3 Scvs.t mnicltioo dcocds ory bc cocclod !o rhc tnrak ú c poiú u.;-t r muhiaort oplcr. An rdivr ccplct oty
b. utod to c:d.ad r rpr ro e lcaglh utüidr rcquircr tcrmiaeti<n ro rv<id rçdccrio rod diíati<r. Activc rcgcalcrr oey bc u.Gd to cú.úd
|bc btÉ of lhc üuok bclmd th'r of,r riaglc rcgmcd es pcÍDiüêd by th. D.rtroÍk ofiguúúio rulcs.

U.L2 Networkconfiguration mles

A31,25 kbiís voltage-mode\dtrlJ shrll be requiredto conform !o the requiÍenents 6f rhis part of ISA-S50.02PaÍ
2 when üsd in a net*ork which compliesúú theserules.

Rule 1: Ooe Fieldbuschrll !s capableof communicationbetweenthe foüowing numbersof devices,all operating

at the samebit rare:

a) For a mn LS. Fieldbnswithout po*er suppliedvia the signal conducton: betweentwo and 32

b) For a non I.S. Fieldbuswith power suppliedvia the signal conductors:betqrcestno snd the number d
deviceswhich can be poweredvia the signal conductors,assuntng $s1 x ninimrrm of 120 m shall be
availableto dsvicesú the Í€moteend from the pouar süpply with olrc derviceat the ponar
srpplyeod dÍawing l0 nA

c) For an LS. Fieldbus: betnrcentwo and thc nrmber of der/iccsÍrüich can be ponrcredvia the signâl
coDôrctors,essrming that a minimum d40 DA c\atl be eva$f to dcvicesin the hazardousarea

NOTE I - Rrlc I docr a pochdc ttc uscof mc fheoúc aocüod inabcr of dcviccr h o incdlod 3:É.o- SiE üc dcviccpo*c
cmgknicçoci6od,tbnobcrofhs+o$uçddcricc.embcspccifcd. ltcob)rsamúrt6cniainqpo*vrypty
volt4e b 20 Vdc- *: rà. LS. bcrdcrqcntcc with r 19 Vdc c$l-
Rule 2: A ftlly haded (maximrmnrmber of oonnecteddeviccs)31,25lüiís voltage-modeFieldbussegmentúall
harrca total cablelengÊü,iBauAing spurs"betc/€enany two devices,of up to I 900 m.

NOTE 2 r I 9fl) m mlxiano cdilc lcoglh ir tbc roçiraca fa codorurrce lo úÈ pút of ISA-S50.02PrÍt 2 but úL docsd
prcúdc thc urc of logú hgb io ra ioírllcd qrícrn

Rnlc 3: The total nunber of*aveform regenerationsUyrcpeatersand actftrccouplersbctweenany two devices

sball not occeedfor.

Rulc 4: Thc ma:rinum propagationdelaybetweenany tryo devicesshall not orceed20 nominal bit times.

NOTE 3 - Fc c6ciacy of,thcocürcrL net part of thc trneroud fimc of roy dcvicco thc nápork cerscdby e lhE bctua thc cod
of r rcccivcdÊuc rnd tbc bcgimiog dlbÊ tremiü.d Êrc caaiaing u lssoci.r.d imcdir& rrspcc shonldd c:c.d 5 bit rirc,
rcmcúu2bít:Éd:uíhicbdbouldb.órctolbcMAU. AritbmtnaodrtoryroegoectücDLL-PhLidcrfeosclbc MDS-
MAU idcrfra, thrr prrt ofihc trruouad timc of e Ficl&rs dÁ,icccaurd by tbc IhL c tüc MAU crmt bc tpccifd a cúfúúrrc?

Rlle 5: Tbe Fieldbusshall be capableofcontinued operationwhile a deviceis being connectedor disconnected-

Data errorsinúrced furing connectionor disconnectionshall be detected-

RuIe 6: Failurp of any oommunicationelementor sprrr(with thc exceptionof a short ciÍcuit, low impedance,or
j:ìbbeÍ) shall not intcrfeÍe with transactionsbetweenoúer communicationelementsfor more rhen I ms.

ISA-dS50.02,Prrt 2, Amendment to Clause 24

the medinm twisted pain shall havediSinctly markedconducÍorsurhich
Rule 7: In polarity sensiüvesJistems
uniquely identiry indiüdual conductors.The polarization sball be Ínaintainedat all connectionpoints.

Rgle t: Thc degradationof the elecúical characteristicsof the signal, betweenany two dst/ices,due to attenuation,
attenuationdiSortion and mismarchingshall be limitd to the valuesindicatedbelow.

a) Sigpt aüenuation: The configuration of tbe bns (trunk and spur lengths,numberof devioes'
I.S. barriers, gafvadc isolators,and possiblematching devices)sh^ll be srch that the attenuationb€tsrcen
any tqrc devicesat úe Aequencyconesponding to the bit rate sball not cxceed10,5dB.

b) Attenuation disortion: The configuration of the h$ (trunk and spur lengths and nunber of deviceg
I.S. barriers, and galvanicisolators)shall be nrch thqt betrreenany two dsices:

[Âcenrution (1,25 Ê) - Auenuation (0,25 fr)l < 6 dB

Aüenuation(1,25 A) à Attenuation (0,25 fr)

where fr is the Êequencycorrespondingto the bit rate. Aüenuationshall be monotonicfor all

Êequenciesfrom 0,25fÍ to 1,25f1 (7,8 klÍz to 39 kIIz).

c) Misatching Distortion: Mismarching (due to euÍs or any other €ff€ct, inclúing oDeoP€nciÍ$it
spqr of naximum length) on tb hrs úall be srch Íhât, at any point along thc tÍunh i! tbe frequeDcy
band 0,25 ftto L,25fr (7,8 kl{z to 39 kl{z):

l(Z-Z'fr)I (Z+7&)l s 0,2

whcre Zfrrstty,impedâDceofthetrutrkcúladfr€125 kÍlz)aúZistb€paÍa[elcombinationofZg

end tle load impedancear the corpler.

Tbe concentratirmof coqlcrs sball bc fu5 rtan 15 pcr 250 m-


NOTE 4 - n1111r S rúúaÉs rc*iai<r o tnd, ud çur Lsglb, ddc? ofdcvica crc.R Tcdryiog oly thc trmirdo ffii<n
iryorcatyOirlicofüÉcÊdú1 Diftr:Amtinrtirorybcüscddcpcodingotbcocc&ofltc.eeliclio.

Rnle 9: The following rules shall apPlyto systemsimplemeúed with Íedundantocdia:

a) cach channel(cable)shall compty with tbe networt confguraion rulcs;

b) úere shall not be a non-rcdundantsegmentbetw€Êntwo redundantsegments;

c) Íepeaterssball alsobe redundanq

O if the sysem is configuÍ€d(by Staüon Ìúanageoot) to transmit on rnoÍe then soe chaillel
simultancoustyth€n th€ propagaüontime difrerencebet*ten any two dervicesoo any two channelsshall
mt orceedfivebittimes;

NOTE 5 - Thb paiod ney bc crcadc4 hl mt rçôrcc4 by $li<n Mu4cocd rs giwn in túh l. Scc6.2.2úd 99.

e) channelnumbersqhall !e naintaind througbout the Fieldbus,i.e. cbannels1,2,3...from Station

Ìvíanagementshalt alwaysconnectto physical channels1,2'3-..

ISA{S50.02, P trt 2, Amendmeutto Clausc24 9

Rrrlc l0: For a bus-po*ered31,25 kbiVs voltage-modcFieldbus sqgment,tbe volage arailable to all devicessball
be wiúin the rangeof 9,0 V to 32,0 V dc including ripple and the d-c. oomponeotof the voltagedrop carsedby

NOTE 6 - TbÊôc. coqocr ofüc voltegcôop cr$.d by.i8n ling b dcpcodat rfo th. m6grrrtio oftüc oarlclc Thc dr.
oqmcot ir cr.'.cd by thc lcp cü'.f in dcvicccurrcntttnough tbc nawo* ÍËiírc (qblc rcdtüc., tS. brtic rcrilre, ac.)

A.L3 Pawer distribution rzlesfor networkconfiguration

The cableúield shall not be usedas a porl€Í conductor.

A3 Transnit citr.ttit spcifcation for 31,25lbit/s voltage-modeÌ"{AU

NOTE - Fc cescof rdcrrc, thc roquiracats of 24.1 .ú 2431p ruruizcd in rrbtcs t rod 2-

Túle I - Transmit level specification srnnarT for 3lJ5 kbiUs voltagemode MAU

Truo! trrd órnclcrlsdc* vdr.r EÍcnd to úÍ@|r Lhltr Íor31J5 LblUs

(hlmlraoa udagr,{ loedesúorm io 6gp6 l)

ot$Í |clËl (pcrkroace( s 6grs! 2) 0,75Vro r V

Witht í lo.d (0J miod ünpoarc ofth. tÍuú cablcer & (3125 k}íz)) 500 *l%

Mrxinrm gdtivt rnd ncglirt .-Fliodc ditrc*occ (sign ling bis) .s shor*l b 6gurc * J0aV

olúFÍ lã,ct wilb c taninrta rwrrcd (pc.k lofc*) g?5 VloaOV

T'íbtcl lord (mind iryctuc dtbc rnn* c.bb rtfr (3lri ldlzD l@Q *t9ó

fíuirn olprl lcwt opcociraú 35V


Mrxirua q4uCg!.ldiÍoÍtiú; ic, orsvottagc, Íiog!trúd dÍoop * to'.(

(SccfgltrG 2)

aui.lcÊútrieí.Í oúpot, ie teoofucrrisc í I oV(rs.s.)

(mrrcd orutôc feçcyr-a l kllz ro l0O kltz)

Túte 2 - Tnnsmit timing specification srmnary for 3115 kbit/s voltagemode MAü

T11rsürr'rp! ctrrfcrtCc* trb.r rcÍcrrcd toburL LbLr for3lJ5lbtUr

(hl mrd uÉngrcg lod r: óorm b fgrrc l) (hspowr:dodctS.)

Trrmittcd bitratc 3125ktrls+02Ìh

Icrdamus brit titre 32ps+ 0Pps

Risc ud ÂIl r:-es (lú/.to 90% otpk+k dgÍrel, sccÍigure 2) s 0J5 miael túttimc

Shr rrrc (rr rry Fúnr eo@ lt)% to 90% of pk-pk signal) S02VIttç

Iduio|e tnossriuodbit ccll jiucr (zcrocwiag poir dcviarioo,scc6guÍc 3) +0.025miultirüc

Tnmí coúlc/dbrblc tinc Ge lic ôriog uôiúthc qÍFr rrrvcfoÍm Daymt E .t 5 2,0 noinel bittincs
tüc trrasmit rcquinoo,r.)

243.1 Testconfiguration

Figure I showsthe configurarionwhich shall bc usedfor testing.

ISA-dSSO02,P tr3 2,Anenrlment to Clausc24 l0

Fieldbus Deüce
Power Under
Supply Test

T = Terminatorremovedas
requiredfor testing
Figurc I - Trensmit cirtuit teú conÍiguretion

Difierential signal volage: Vd = Va - Vb

Exoeptwhcre otherwiseSafedin a qpecificrequirement,test load resiSanceR = 50 O (0,5 nominet in@nce of

the truDk ca$leat f1 (31,25kIIz)) and C = 2 pF (2 x the capacitanceof one terminator).
NOTE -Soe 24.6 fortüc po*rreçty spelticúio rrd24.7.5 fqtbtcmúortc+cciÍicrt'rn

U.3.2 Output l*el requirements

NOTE - FigpÍ! 2 úorr o qlc ofihc rc. ooqocú ofe cydc of e Frlõur rmrera, úrúrtirg soc k y i&d nú üÊ
tnmí cirurit çoci6crtio. Oty itDd voltltrr rlc úcn; üb rÍlgra re}cr rrood ofpowr epty \rolt4Ê3

I ü1re
ÍÌoop +


Rise üma Fa! üme

Fignre 2 - Output waveform

A3l,25lüiís ÌúAU transnit ciÍqdt úall conform to tbe following qÍpú l€,velrcquirements,atl ampüUtdcsbeing
measred at the estimatedmidaoint betweenany peals or tÍoughs in tbe top and bocom of the waveform Cnid-
point' in figure 2):

a) the ougut voltageacrossthe test load after trandormer Sepuy'dowl (if applicable)shall be betnrcen
0,75 V and 1,0 V peak-iopeal with a load resistançeof 50 O * l7o ('min dp' in figure 2);
of 100 çl* lyo
b) the orput voltage at rhe tnrnk, or at the transmit terminals,with a load resistance
('ma'x dp one
(í.e. wiú one trunf termiÉtoÍ removed)shell be between0,?5 V and 2'0 V peak-to'peak
terminator rcmoved" in figure 2);
iDclúing T q"o ciÍctlit
c) tbe orput voltage at the trunk, or at the transmit tcrminals, wiú any load
"Lrr o6 oo"a 35 V in cither potarity. For test prúposcsopen circüit sball be d€úrd as a lmd of
l0O lf,) resistane in parallel with 15 pF capacitance;
resistanceof < I O is
d) dlring transmissiona dwice shall not srfier permanentâilurc whcn a load
applied for I seoon{
as showain figure
c) thc dificrcncc bccrcÊnpositive ampünrdeand negüve amplinrde,m€asurÊd
3, úâll not orceed+ 50 mV Peak;

ÌúAU whiú is receiving or not ponrcÍodrh'll

O the orípnt noiseAom a3l,25lüiís voltaç-modc
not exceedI mV r.m-s., r*"n d aitrerentially over a @uency band of I ulz to l0o kIIz' Í€feÍÍ€d to
tbe tÍrrnk

g tbe ditrerential voltage acÍossthe testload sh'll bÊsuchtx', the volagp monotonicallycbanges
morc than
Ëm"* lú/o aú W oíp*-to-peak ralue. ThereafreçtbÊsignel votagc sball not rary
transition occ||rs" This permiued vaÍiati@ thâIl iEludc all forms
+ f07o of pcak{o.peak vaíue untlt aext
ringng and drmp' ' :-
of oup Í "ign^r disortion, i.e. overvoltage

2,1,33 futPttt tímíngrequirencnts

A 31,25 lüit/s ÌúAU transmit ciÍqrit shall conform to thc folb!Êng ouslt timing
soplihdc shall Dot
a) rise úd flt üD€q meased from lüYoto9Oeledthc pcak+o'pcaksgnrt
cxceedot5 rn*il Ult gge (sedfgure 2);

lÚ/ob 907odthc pcak'

b) slcn, rareshaltrg1 ár."d o,2Yl1tsmea$Í€d ar any point in tbc rangc
tofcak c'gnel ampüürdc(scefiguÍÊ 2);
..i** *Ui1 ..V üc ocryfca ro-rajrccr ciÍÍrír éc. Rcçrirw b) b crlqrlrtod Êoo tüc forntrr'

M.rd.wÍÍG - 2xl1sÊrlryrÍc - 2xQtVo IO2ST - Ç4xV6/T

qúp.Í tdtrse wtb leadrrd lod (l'0 v) Úd T b thc múd üit tb (32 rs)
rúcrc v6 b thc orxion *ík

thc ideal zeroqossing point'

c) transittcd bit cell jiaer úall Doterceed+ 0,025 nominal bit tiD€ fron
mcagred with r€spectto the prwious zero crossing(seefiguÍe 3);

| : :: =: 12
IsAdS50.02, PrÉ 4 Amendment to claüsc -
Amolitr.rdo -.-{e9{:e-ry.JjtL _

Waveímn early
btí wihitì linils
Siignalling Bias


: Midfdttl

Figurc 3 - Trensmitted bit cctl jittcr (zeto crossing point devietion)

O tbc transnit ciÍcuit shall urn oo, i.c. thê signal shall rise from below úe traosmit ciÍeit
naximum outrú noiselcvrl as çecified in24.3.2 (0 to full output leveÀin lessthan 2 nominal bit times.
The warrcformonesponding to thê thiÍd and lafer bit times shall bc as spccifiedby othcr paÍts of 24.3;

e) tbe transmit ciÍ$it shau tuÍn oq, i.e. thc sigFal süall ftll fm ftll oufÍ lerrcl to belo,wfhc tÍansnit
ciÍcuit nâxinun o4ut noise level as pecifed i^24.32 (f), ia less than 2 nominal bit tim. The titne
for the transnit ciÍcuit to Í€ürn to iS d sC inpcdancc sball not exceed4 oominal bit tiE€s. For thc
putposcs of tesiag thisrequirement úall benetvith the transnit ciÍcrdt test coofiguÍation of 24.3.1
with th€ eguiralentcapecitaoceof a maxinrgr lengú cable acrossthe DUT terminals.

NOTE-Thfunçigbtoolclbtrbctunrio ofthctrmit circuíÊ,oorctiwrop.ssi\rc lÊerr€s

úc bc rycirrefrlly

243.4 Signal Poloity

For a hrsaourcred device,the data'+" terminal shall be conncctedto the poq/eÍ'+" terminal, and the l/urla*-"
terminal shall be coonectedto the power'-' terminâI. Seefgre l.

Whentransmissionis enóle4 a high úolo\y tÍarsiüon of tb ìíarchcstcr enoodedsigrel shall reslt in a higü to
low transiüon in V6 on tb€ bus. A low to higb transition of tbe Ìúancheser encodedsignal shalt Íe$lt in a low to
high transiüoa in V6 on tbÊh$. ïhe siglal polâÍity is deúnedin figure 4.

During rcoeptioÍn,a high to low transition in V6 on tbc bus shall result in a high to low transition of thc
ìúanch€steÍencodedsignal. A low to high tÍansition in V6 on tbe bus shall Í€silt in a low to high transition of the

NOTE I - f.{roóGí.Í cocodiagis d.6ncd b 9.2.

ISA{S$.O2, P trt z,Amendmentto Clause24 l3


Receiving Transrniüing

encoding 0 0 : N - N+
'í' TrS at

ïrE at


i i: '.: .'

i:'': Figure4-' SignalPolaritY

.- '-"':o* j..-'.
NOTEA ì i:.:;-::'?

'l', "Ír", 'Ì.|+", rod Anr ldolr This wrvára ds

2 Thc srrf,o b flpÍÊ 4 b úot11 to pmvidcE Grcrqlc of lbÊ
drcprcrcd nrcüll PbPDU. S.. Ctürsc 9 fctbc camding rufcs

3 Th.T:6 úd R:6wrvdco iofgrm4 rc iodácrahÍc inüclbcFkdmrrtcd'Rrociviogl.

4 TbdgDrbÍtbMDS-MAUidcrÊcc1çd"e..dhClüs. 10. TbTró,T{'!!dR ódt!.búomb69rcaGdy

roocsiblc ifthc MDS-MAU LicÍÊcc L G'9oc'd'

A3S Trotsitionfrom Reeive to Trotsnit

when a devicestartsto transmit, the ouFut warrcformshall immediatc$ comply with tbe requiremcos


I Tbcrç L m ÍÊ$tilqD.útotr46c dct ic.qJÍÍlú Êoo its Ílccirc nluclothc trrmitul|e'

gç úor*n b 68trr 5. Thb 6gIG L irfud'd b thb FÍt of IsA'
2 Forr ccqlcs frr ôft|tú rrlue ofdcryh çirsccr cünçd
iSo.oZ n .tZ folccçlorrcypraprc rad dod iryfy e çocift irylclad<n-
c c
c, 0'
t =
() o
a o
o .9
o @
o o
ReceMng I Transmitting Reèivang 1 Transmitting
lq<ÍmA t lq=5p1 I

c c
5 5
(J o
o o
o íJ
5 5
@ tu
o o
Receiüng 1 Transrnitting Receiving I Transrniüing
lq ='t0 mA tq >'15ml

Ftgnre 5 - Transition fiom Receiving to Transmitting

Receivecircttit specifcation for 3I, 25 túíls voltage'nde l'{ÁU

NOTE - Fc cescofrfcrtocc, rhc rcçirtncarr of24.4 Í! lrrriad b Lbb 3'

Trbb 3 - Receivc circlit rpecifrcation srmnary for 31'25 kbiís Yoltageüode MAU

Recclvc drd cfrrecterldcr Llnltr Íor3l'25!Ôlls

(vrluanercdotad) (hs po*crcd roJc LS.)

l*rl irycaúcc rcrcd owr üc Êcçrcocyrroge025 +to 125fr >3 tút

lJO mV
ldn pkík dS!.| rcçrircd to bc rco4od q=!gr-O

75 nV
orr pklk mirc rcçrirodto bc rdccod (scc6gsÍc O
Mrximrn rciwd bl odl ji!.Í
(zcroqorúrg FildcvLtin, se 6gsÍ! 7)

U.4.1 Inptt impedance

m lessrhan 3 kfl
The ditrerential inwt impcAanceof a 31,25 kbit/s voltage-modcÌúAU receirrcciÍcuit sball be
yËz). This requireEent shall app[v after a l0 ms ÍaÍtp
orcr t[e aequency ,rogio,ZSfl to 1,25fr (?,8 kIIz to 39
time following oonnectiooto the netwoÍt or ap,pücationof pourcr to the o€tc/oÍt Indcpendcnttyaourcred
(or netcoÍt"oweÍed devicescapableofUeingturned ofrwhile connected to úe networt) sball meet úis
This inpedane chrll !3
Í€ÍIuiÍ€oegt in tbe pouar-on and powerofisares, and in transition betu/€enúese sares.
rave wiú a signal amplittde gr€aterthan tbe
ncasrÍed at tbe communiçatiooeiereot t€rEinals ruing a sine
Íeceiv€Í seositiúty thÍeshold and lourcrthrn f,,QV peat+o+eaf

ISAdSí).O2, Ptrt1,-Amendment to Clruse U

I Tbc rcçirto:ú fa à 3 kg iÍ1l.Í impcd.E ôring porü{p rad powcrdor*u mry bc u by umrtic dilbliog ofthc trrmiü.Í
ôringtÍ*G FiÔda

2 Dcticcwilhfrul disccrcclio clccnmiçcirqris cuhrw impcdrrc L"t,1'..thc Tcofd rmuú undcrfruh coditio"

U.4.2 Receìver sensitivityand noie reiection

A 31,25lòiís volage-modeÌúAU receiveciÍcuit shall be capableof accçting an input signal of ampütudeno less
'signal lsvel' in figure 6 togaber with
than fsO mV peak{oacats, includi4g overvoltageand oscillation (see
'positive emplihrdc'and'negatirrcampütude'in figwe 2).

A 31,25 lüiís voltage-modcÌúAU rçceivecfucuit shall not respondto an input signâl with a peak+o+eak
'noise rejection' in fglue 6).
amplihrdewhich doesnot o<ceed75 mV (sce

+ s€nal
l€vel (ÍÍft.)

+ rnbe
reildln (nü.)
0v NosE.
- Írdre
reier*tn tn*.1

- siglc
brËl (aú.)
.-..-{$*'. ,,ì,*
Figrrc 6 - RcodverrcusitivÚyrnd noiscrcjcction

A.43 IntedercnceryVtibiÍtg odcnor r&ç

XO]E t -Vylc$c frdftrr3.ogcrrtlng b rrrrityofleodrrd rúrc cavirffióc proüelilityfutlo Appüdio f.r5rtruscr

Dúrlhitodrirarrt cÍodãrü, órcto çcatlnofúcmvtyioglt5ÃieltDd D.lrLi*Lrftrcclic*Ôouldbc lcsüü I in 6
x td (t cin20 yan I l0 mged+ A cmnicarfuo dcncl b rcgrÍd.d rs cofcaing to |ôis rücoraicd rqrüto'c úca n
m thc ftüoring ifcrÊrcooc rrccfllility rcçe6. Thcecerc çccifod by t @frre cnq nlc uüicà L d.Íit Edby t!Éog
r rÍio ddácctcd to rldáêdêd anur of tO6. tUr fon-rr ú. IEEE tO2 Fudknd R!çdÍroaúr Dcmrt Dnô 5J, rccaio 5.6.f
úd 5.6, lld óould üc redly rdÈntrlç sith e 16 bit Frc Chcc*.Scçc rt lb Dú Li* lr)'tÍ.

A communicdion clerçnt which includ6 a3l,2'lbiís voltagc-modcÌúAU, operatingwith fraG containing 32

randomuser a-ta bitC with naximum fraG ratÊ and úth cignalsof 375 mV pk-pk ampüUrde,shall producern
6s1ç rhrn f0 detectedAaoe ermrs ú 60 000 frames druing operarionin the prescnceof oommonmodevoltage or
Gaussiannoiseas folloc/s:

a) a çgmrnonmodesinusoidalsignal of any frequencyfro m 63 I:Iz to 2 MI{z. with an amplitdc of 4

V r.m"s.andArom47 llzto 63Iíz with an amplitudeof 250 V r.m-s.;

b) a comnon moded-c. signal of+10 V:

additirrcdifrerential noisein the freqrcncy band I klíz to 100kIIz, úth a noise density
c) whirc Canrssian
d70 pVdIIz r.m-s.

NOTE 2 -ThÊc6onodcrclrgrndCnrsdrrisc4*i6ceticrrc&rrrciw cirqíodorlorrcatcciogrvithbdeacodtcÉ

ad rcd indicerir: ofry:ícoicrllÍiú pr.dioc.

ISAdS50.02, P :rÍt 2, Amendment fo Clause 2í l6

A communicationelementwhich includes a31,25 kbit/s voltage-modeÌúAU, operatingwith frarc conaining 32
random user data bits, at an averageof l0 messagesper secorú with signals of 375 mV pk-pk anpührdc, sha[
prodlce rxr moÍ€ rhen l0 detectedfiane errors in I 000 framcs during opeÍation in the presencedelectromagnaic
or elcctrical interferencecnvironrnentsas follols:

f) l0 V/m electromagnaicfield as specifiedin IEC t0l-3 at severity level 3;

2) electrical frst transientas specifiedin IEC E0l'4 at severity level 3.

The abov€ eÍïor rate specification sball also bc satiúed after but not duÍiog operation in thc following noisc

l) t kV electrostaticdischargeto erposedmetalc/oÍt as specified in IEC 801-2 af severitylerct 3.

' If the device$frers temporarylossof function or performanceas a ̀$lt of this test it sballreover ftom
any srch losswithout operatorintervention úthin 3 secondsafrer the erul of tbe tcst;

ü) high frìequercydisuÍüance tess as specifiedin IEC 255-22-l ApeeDdixE, Teí vìoltagcclassItr

(2,5 kV and I kV p€akwlues of first half<ycle in longitudinal and tranwersemoderespcctivety).If thc
devics sufrerstemporaÍylossof firnction or performanceas a reglt qf rhis t€st it shall recowr from any
srch ls without operatorintervenúonwithin 3 secondsafrer úe end of tbe test

A.4.4 Reeived bit elljitter

The Í€ceiw ciranit shall aoocpta Ìúancheíer encodcdsimal transnittcd in accordaoccwith 24.1 aú 24.3. I^
addition, the recciwr chatt qrcÍt pÍopeN'1ywith signâtswith úc rirnç variatio bacËctt any two adjaccntsignal
transition poinÍs (zero crossing)of + 0,10 peminal bit timc a less. Sccfigure ?. "


I ThL dc cprúrdcrhc uscof,r*ivcn whicüPtÍfuúbcLÍtüraüs çcci6cetkn

2 Dçcatrg o fu p.ü.ÍD! fhc rnind üc b.trx€ zcÍo cÍciDgt my bc ooôetíc c bit rin
3 Thcrcirrcrcçix3bnicCtdgDdrithrrpccificdtimvrriÍi<nvrhn ThcrcccirrnpctraamruóatàcreiwdbiScdl
jiccÍ @Òôc rlcivcÈ.lility to reliúly dccodctn{ldiog

05 trit lima -- r-o5 trit time €

AmpÍunb _ _ _ - k- Jg!--
í \ :
-T- UO+on
l Vp
t WaveÍormeafi iiüerrÍÍü
but wiüúnlimits fieootve üme
vgg- -t-


Figure 7 - Received bit cell jittcr

Prrt 2, Amendmentto Cleuse24

A.5 Jabber inhibit

The MAU shall ontain a self-intemrptcapabiütyto inhibit transmittedsignals 6e6 psçhing the medium.
Harduarc within the MAU (with no e"xternalmessageother tlr^n the detectionof ouput signatsor leakagevia the
transmit function) sball prwide a window of between120 ms and 240 ms during which time a normal frame may
be transmitted. If th€ Êamelengú orceedsúis duration, the jabber inhibit firnction sh^ll inhibit further output
signals from reaching the mediun and sball disableechoon the RxS line (see L0.2.2,to indicatejabber d€{ection
to the MDS.

The ÌúAU sbâll Íeset úe self-inrcmrptfiurction afrer a period of 3,0 s + 5Ú/l

NOTE -Thir iúibit hlgtn6cfam maçlàla 169((:24Orc | 1,5s) ofthc rnilúlcrimc.

U.6 Power distibution


I A dcvicc o ogiorlly rcirrc por<r vie tbc sigrrl cúóxÍcs a bc a.P.nLly Potrtr€d

2 A dcvioc cra bc ccrrifcd s Intrbic.lly t fc wilh cilhcÍ octbod of rccciving Por*tr

3 Thir pÍtofISA-S5O.@ PÍr 2 docsd bcludc rcquirms fa l.S cstifceri<nhl scckrio:drdc aodic asiülrtir
u/bió *urld Fsld LS. ccrti6ceri<n

4 AtcgúÍcly porrrcrcd devicc o bc mcccdto r potrcd Fldòüs.

5 Fc asc of,rcfcrcoo., tbc ÍÉçriÍeúl of 24.6 rre sroúizod b ldcs 4 rd 5. -:' . .. '

Trble4;- Ncçorh powered deüce chrracteÍistics for th 31J5 kbit/s

Nc*ort portr:l a:rle üdcrüdcr Lhlrbr3É5ltUc

Opcndngvol+t 9,0 to 32,0 V dc.

Mbimn witbrad voü4e, d6.Í poLÍity, fc m drorge 35V

MrxinmÉc ofcânf ofçicrccaGuÍtcd (oú-trusúün€I thb rcquira docs l,0mÂrb

mt çly uithio tüc frl 20 c rúcrthc mcai<n ofibc dcviocto o opcrefiagr.ôr,oít
awithiathc6rst 20 c úcrrüc çlbioof poltÍroúcútmdc

I.íüiorú orÍrc$ |tir rcçirm lpplicr fuiogthÊtic iúcnnl of 5ü} pr to 20 c R.rtãl $li€rccat otrÍrÍrt phr 20 nrA
úcr thc mio of,lüc dcvicc!o ro qcrling gwotk c 500 ps to 20 m .frã ü.
rpplicetim ofpor:t to Íüc ociworlc (SccNoaÊ.)

NOTE - Thc fÍí ín pr L crdudod lo dlor fc thc úrrging of RFI 6hcrs .nd oúc crp*itracc in ôÊ d.vicc. ThÊrll€ of càüge
rp.ci6c.tiú çlics râct 20 c.

ISA{S50.02, P e.rt2, Amendment to Clansc 24 l8

Trble 5- Network power $pply requirementsÍorthe 31J5 kbiUs voltegemode MAU

N.fi ro.t FÌcÍ nppty r:qdrcuo Itultr for3lJ5 Lblís

Olpulroltrgr, m'ts. 532 Vdc.

orÍFívlltrgÊ, LS. Dçcads o brrricr reting

olípúÍiplcrodúitc Scc6gurc 8

Olgl@cate Scc 24.6.3

U.6.1 Supplyvoltage

A Fieldhrs deviccwhich includes a 31,251òiís voltage-modeÌúAU shall be capableof operatingwithin a roltage

rangeof 9 V to 32 V d-c. betweeathe two conduclorsincluding ripple. The dcvice shall wiüstand 3 minimum
voltage of * 35 V d-c. úthout daÍnege.

A.&2 Povercdvia signal conductors

A Ficldhs devicewhich includes a3l,2ilbiís voltag+modeÌúAU shâll conform to tb€ Í€quiÍem€ntsof this paÍt
of lsA-Ss0.OzPart2when poweredby a sryply with the following spocifications:

a) Thc ortput rrelt4geof the powersupptyfor non LS. networts shall be 32 V úc. gCnun including
ripple; :_
IIOTE I -FcLS. qrú6üÊopãúlgElrgeoÍyba&túEltyecaiticdoÍÊçlG. húi3crsctücporrrfpfys,ülbc
l€r.d b ô. t & -çe oa ar orpu rcttç çitllcdíïcd by.-egTccçinlcú cqd.
.4.1 : 1.,,.

b) Thebrealcdocm dthÊ isofafh ofthe sigDalcinuit andth€pourçrdisributioocircuit

from grogndand&om 663hotbershallbcin'amrdane with IEC I f 3l-2 (1993),Table17.
XOff i -n ** ,c* *O ro bc tplicd bcr*rca iodcpcortcntLollcd cinlits c bchrçcobolúãl dÍurís rd EdUG
cúô.lingFs icrúrariCsithromiÍnlydt gcs5OVôc.cro"r-tb.csrinLdtcíwfr4oÍ'ce-larcln444Vrm-g6ú15V
ac" roa 53j Vpaf inp1rlsêr.<. Fc circuitswitü emilrt voltryc b.hrcca 150 '-l3(X) V rs:. ttc cçiralc*tc* rtltrgrr rt!G.
lcvdue2ffiY rm.s- 3 175V dc..Dd3 f75 VPc.k iryulsêt'ú

yia thÊ signal ondrrctors shall

A Fieldhs deryiceuúicb inchdes a3t,25 kbit/s voltag+node MAU and is po*ered
be rcquired to oonformto thc requirenents of this part of ISA€50.02hí2 wüen operating wiú naximum levels
of ponrcr$pply ripple and noise as folloc6:

a) f6 mV pcak to p€ak orer the frequencyrange0,25 f1 to 1,25fÍ (7,E kHz to 39 kÍlz);

b) 2,0 V peakto peakorer the frequencynnge 47 Hz to 63 Hz fot non-I.S. applications;

c) 0,2 v peak to p€ak wer úe @uency Írnge 47 Hzto 625Ezfor LS. applications;

d) 1,6 v p€ak to p€akat frequencies$Fâter tlrrn 125fr, up to a na)dmum of 25 Nfrt1

c) levels at iatermediarcfrequenciesgenerallyin acoordancewith figure t.

2, Amendment to Clause24




t 0,01í1 r 0,1íí oztç o,st ttl 100Íír tt0@fr
l l t l t l
17 Í+. 63 Hz 625 llz 7,8 *l{z 39,1 ló{z 3"9Í MHz 25 )*ü

Figure E - Power supply ripple and noisc

A FielÕus devicc which includ€s t3l2S lüit/s volage-modc ÌúAU and is porrcrcdvia the signaloonúrtors úall
oúibit a nrardmrm rafe of changcdcurrent drannnfrom tbe nctno* d 1mÁ/m. This requfucocntdG Dot
appl'4 l) c/hen tÍansmiüing 2) within tbe fiÍst 20 ms afterfhc omoction dthe eYfue to an opcratingDÊtqoÍlg3)
wirhin thc fiÍst 20 ms aftcr thc applicationof ponrcrfo thc Uqíst, or rl) upo disoonncCionfrron thc unort or
Íe,morraldpower to thc &twìort A derviccüll bc üdd Ttilt its led qúescemqrÍ€úL A dcvicc shall dÍew
no mre than 20 nrA above its rât€d cuÍÍ€nÍ frm thc Uno* Ouring thc tirc in&rnl of 500 Fsto 20 ms dcr thc
oonncctiondtüc deyiceto an opihrniag nctwort s 5O9.ts b 2O ms afrcÍ thc apücatioa dporrcr to thc ÉcíoÍt

Ì.1OTE3-Th.fuS0p baduddrrltorfctbccàrrgirgofRfltrlt lrúdoú.ÍéFc'rsêc iaü.dcvica ThÉr&ofege

çccificlin çlics úcr 20 s.

U.63 Poverxppty iinp"a^o

Thc pocg sry'ply usedto prwide power on the simal conductorssball comply wiú thc impeaac specifcation in
24 -6.3.1,24.6.3-2,or 24.6.3-3.

A.63.1Power supply impdanefor single outpttt pover xpplies

Forpower srppües having a singlc output, poccÍ $pply inpedance úall be n€astÍ€d ttsing thetcs ciÍcüit of
figure 9.

P.ra2rÁmendment to
Deüce UnderTest Test
r(lf Not Part
tOf Device
!UnderTest) Constant-
r-l-ì Cunent 950 cl
Zsuppty r f l l Load t1%
r l l I
r Ç l
' l l > í000 pF
r r r
Vsupply r'T' l Test
L - I - J
I Source

Ilgure 9 - T€st Circuit for SingleOutput Power Suppliec

Tbe test tsminalors úown in figuÍe 9 shall eachbe 100O t l% in scrieswith I trF *.5oA Turo tcs terminaroÍs
sball be usd itr th€ t€st cil€uit if the srpply underte* doesnot conain an internal Ermindor. If the supplyunder
tcs çontainsan inerml t€rminator which is almys coorccte4 only one test tcrminator shall bÊusÊdin th€ t€st
ciÍcrdt If thc srypty utrdsÍ tÊstconains an internal terminator which c.n be optionally onneclcd into tbe ciÍcüit,
the srpply úallbc t€std (a) with the inrcrnal teÍminator r,a4qÊ Est t€rminafor qnd (b) with tm testtÊrEitrâÍoÍs
and no internal teÍnimtoÍ.
If thc power sply is intcndcdto bc us€dwiü u;1@l lry{alopodaermining n€tqoÍt (for ocample,35rnight
be tbe casewith spplics dÊsignedto be usedÍedrndaotly), tle.mpply chall $s tesÊd úth the e:c€ÍnalnetcoÍt
The $pply úalltc tç*ed:f?Qyq 50o,( 8rd 80olrof its rated orput cuneot (or 20 mA whicheveris gr€atcr),wiú
the spply l@ddtyâD.€,.y.oqc<urrcot load baving I mAÂ/compliance orbcüer (i.e., > f kO impedare).
ïhc pourcrspp$$alt üst*cd by nonitoring the AC. brs noltage Vsus while applyug a l0 Vr-esinewzrc from
a test signal solrcethrurg[ a 950 O t l7o resistorand a coupling capacitor of at l€aÍ 1000 trF.
Tbe measued ÀC. hrs volage Vs6 shall conformto thc followiag:

e) For norl.S. poríer elppliec int€nded for fecding LS. berriers: Vaussball be beturcen0.40 Vp-
p and 0.60 Vpp at all &equenciesfrom 50 Hzto 39 kËIz-

b) For LS power arpplies, rnd for non-LS. power arpplics not intcnded for fecding LS
berrier$ Vrus shall be between0,40 Vp-pand 0,60 Vpp from 3 yllzto 39 kIIz, and shall not inúTease
or dcsr€aseat a raÍegpateÍ rhrn !Q dB per decadeat any frcquency ftom 5OlJzto 3 kJlL

NOIE3 -f ircccptúlcfrrúcârocic ofporropptyadtcruinrtclobcodbcdg logrsücurtinlfua Laocicrlly

cçrivrlcf oúc indAcadcl dcric6cringthcÍÊsriÍds ofihLp.ÍtdlSA-S5o.@ Prí2, rod ifúcrtr,ortcodgtÍrtionrhs of
2422 seôllowod.
'Not for usewith I.S.barriers."
Powersppües notintcndedfor feedingI.S-barrienshallbernaÍtd

ISA{S50.02,Pert 2' Amendmentto Clüse 24 2l Pover distributionthroughan I-5.banier

Intrinsic safetybarrier outpú inpedâncesbâll be defined in terms of its ftequencydependcntcharactcrisicswbcn

onnected in the test circuit of figure 10.

Test Power Source Test

i(lf Not Part
iOf Device D.C.
5mH 'UnderTest) Constant-
t5% . -l- . Cunent 950rl

r V r
Load t lolo

r l r à í000 pF
t 1o/o r J _ l
r-T\r Test
i Source

Fig'rc t0 - Tcí Cirudt for Power llfuüüúon ftrüil ell^$ Brricn

Thc test porm souÍceúocm in figure r0 consigsúlfow{Acdancg*D.C roltage sourçcin sericswith 5 mII
+. Syo aú50 O t l7o. The tcst tcrniDâlors úi[ cach'tè :f00 Íl,:t tt6,tí scrieswiú I pF Í 57o. If thc barricr
ootains an intcmal tcÍninalor, the barrier shall $p &sd wiôorc test tcrminaror. Ohcrrvisc thÊbarÍi€Í shall be
testdwith two test te|miDators.
Tbc barricr shrll tc ügltÊdlíü2tr/e,Sto/., ailto7o d rafcd qÍput orrÍcNú(or 20 mÀ c/hicb6/cr is gfcafcr), wüor
badod by a D.ê oonstaa1{gred led baving I nAÂ/ compliane or bcter (i.e., 2 I tfl inpedan).
Tbe barrier shall bc tcsdüy nooitoÍing thc hs rlolagc Vrruswhile applyrnga l0 Ve+ sinc wevl frroma tcst
signat sguÍ€ thÍog! a 950 O t l'lo rcsistorand a mpling capacitorof at lcest f000 FF-
Tbe ncastrcd ÀC. brs rrelage VHrson the hâadous sidc of thÊbaÍÍief shall bc bctuiecn0,40 Vp.paod 0,60 Vp*
Aìom3 klíz to 39 kIIz, and shall not ircÍeaseoÍ d€cÍeaseat a rate gl€ateÍ than 20 dB per dccadcd atryÊo$rcocy

NO1j -nbrcccpfólefcfbcfnairrofportraapty,ts.brricr,odrariníctobcmtincdilvrric!wtyrrrlogrlb
aarnrt oodgurÍiú turlrl.ú 2422 te folloloú

4.653 power flpply impedow lor multipleoutput stpplies with signal oupling betweenoutpttts

od oah.Ídcvi€poüdiagÍIrüiPlcporuod-etEl pcti
NOIE f -Thirt ctioo i3rpplbblcrogrlv|dcLdlcl rair=oaplcc,

For nultiple-output pof,/eÍsrpplies with corpting of Fieldbuscommunicationsiglal b€tc€eoou$Ís' power sppty

inpedarce sball be neasred tsing the t€stciÍcuit of figuÍE ll.

@trocteuscu- 22
Deüce Under Test Test

r Of Device
t UnderTest)
Zsupply D.C.
Current > í000 pF
Vsupply Test


n-ïI Test

950 fi
t 1o/o
Current > í000 pF

Ftggrc tt - TcsúCincuit for Multiple Outpú Supplies with Sign l Coupling

T*o tes ternioatoÍs
Tb€ t€st terminatoÍs showtrin figure f I shall €achbe 100O r, lyo íÃserieswith L 1tF*.So/e.
an intemal tcrminator- f thc derviceusd€r
shru gs usedin tbÊ test circuit if the deviceunder test do€snot contain
only ore test termiDaror sball be uscdin thc t€st
test conains an internal teÍminatoÍ which is alcãJÃ connectd
which can be optionally connected into tba ciÍflit
circuit IÍ. the devicc under t€st containsan internal termitrator
one test terminaror aDd (b) with two test terEinaroÍs
tbe dwice shall be tesed (a) witb the inteÍnal terEinator and
and no internal tcrninator.
(for e;ramplgas
If the device undeÍ test is intend€dto be usedwith an e)úemalinpedance{etermining rctc/oÍt
with tbe oúernat
night be the casewith sryplies designedto be usedredundantly),the srpply shall be teíed
n€twoÍt connccted-

! t = l
to Clause- 23
The det/iceunder te$ shell be testedat z0yo,,5ú/o,and 80% of its Íafed output cilrrcnt (or 20 mÁ, whicheveÍ is
greafer)on eachoutput, wiú úe deviceloadedby a D.C. coníant{uÍrent load having I mA/V complianceor
better(i.e.,> I kC)impedance).
The measged AC. bqs voltage Vsusshru be between0,40 Vp+ and 0,60 Vp-pfrom 3 ktlz to 39lúI1"nd shall not
incrcascor decreaseat a Íale,grtzltrr then !Q dB per decad€at any frequencyfrom 50 llz to 3 kIlz.

NOTE - lf i rcccpcblc fc rbc firocio ofporrcr rrypty, irolrlr c orplcr, rod tcrminrrc b bc mbiacd io vrri<ls wly: rs log u
thc iryodrc of rhc mbincioo ir Gsrivrtcú lo thc prnru i4cArae of indcpcodcaldcvica ming tb. Í{uiÍlo.ds ofüt& FÍt of
ISA.Sí).OAPrrt 2 rod lbc Érr,or* mfgunri<n nrlcs of 2'í.2.2 gç followod-

U.6.4 Poweredvpratelyfrom signal conductors

NOTE-Pors distsifutiúto m.bus por,vcrçdFrcldbusdcyiccabbyr.p.r.lc coórdorE fccdioglocel polcre4plic* Ítgdelc

drty büÍÈr LS- ccrtifcrtio ory rcquirctbcsccoôrcrcr to bc b r rcpenre cebleÊ,m ttc sigud múrc{üs üd nry rbo i4orc
ffii íÍingcú ÍÊquircocatsfc crlnal 1çç15t*m gccifcd

poweredFieldbusder/icewhich includes a31,25 kbiUsvoltage-modeÌúAU shall draw no Eol€ Íhân

A s€,paratety
l0 mÁ.direct cgrrent fron tbe signal condrrctorsnor shall it srpply norc rhan 100 F.{ direct cuÍÍent 161fuscigntl
onductors tú€n Dottransitin& A derviceshall be narted with its rated quiescentqrrent drry from the

A.65 Electricaliplation
AII Fieldh5 devis which usewire mêdiun, úcQpnteeaÍSdyps/€rcdorpocrcÍ€d via the signal conductors,
úall prwkte lw Aequencyttol"6oo 6ç1q/c€dqguBdqyd tbÊFieldbostnrnk cúle-
'."' ï' ,t '' :
Ì,IoIT I -ThLorytabyi:c*Úicrdtbccniadc,yidftogooadcbyurcofrdar,Qao€lplcÍatcoúcrinllinS
A ombined ponrcrspsy:ndçonounication elementsball mt rcquire elecEicalisolation-

For shieldcdcúlcC thc isolation irnpadac Eeasucd betcrccnthe úield of the FielÕus cablcand thÊFieldhs
dsvice grund shrlt !g grealerthen 250 kO at all frequenciesbelow 63 IIz-

to ground from eithcr inprl terninal da deviceshall mt oícÊed250 pF.

Thc maximgm uúalanced capacitaDce

The brealcdownÍoqúÍcmts of thc isolationdtbe signal ciÍcüit asd the pouÊr diÍriburiotr circuit from gFulnd
ad ftom caú otb€r shall be in acoordancewith IÊC l13l'2 (1993), Table 17.
NOTE2-Tt cçrinlctfclrolrgebrobcepplicdbantcoirdAcndcabUoCcircrritrabctrrairoldcddÍ.!iad.cct$üL
gc 44í V r.nr' Gl5 V
ç6ôcbg pÍt3. Fc cirqritr wíi r mind roltegt 3 50 V d.c. c ran óc q1rivdcd tcí rbür8cr ú $. l€üd
ôc. úd 63 V Fk iqobc tGú Fc circuia wiü e mind voü{p bctrrcco lí} rod 3(X)V r.o.r, thc cçirnlcc tcl tú{Pú d ã
lcrdsc2260Vro.r.3 175vôc..od3 l?t VFkiryul$t í-

A.7 Meüunt specifcation

A.7.1 ConnecÍor

Cablc oonc6ors, if uso4 shal| bc to the ISA-S50.02FaÍt 2 Fieldh$ StandaÍd(seeannor B). Field t€rmiÍdion
rccnniqgcssrch asscren,orblade tcrninals and pernanent termiution may also be used-
24.7.2 Coble

The cablegsedfor testing Fi€ldbusdeviceswith a 31,25Lòiís volage-mode ÌúAU for conformanoeto thc require-
ments of úis paÍt of ISA:S5O.O2PaÍ 2 list€d pair cablewith overall shield meetingthc following

a) Inpedanceat fr (31,25kllz) = 100O t 2070;

b) ma:cimumafienuation atI,25 fr (39 kl{z) = 3.0 dB/km;

c) maximum capaciüveunbalanceto úield = 4 nF/kn, testedusing a 30 m or longer sample;

d) naxinum d-c. resisance(per conductot)= 24 Cl/km;

e) na:dmum propagationdelaychange0,25 ft to 1,25 ft L'7 Us/lcm;

O conductorcrcs se4ional area(wire size)= asminel 0,8 mm2 (#lS AWG);

g) minimrtm úield coveragestull be 907o'


f qtr31't'"c. of ceblcoy bc rrd oú:r tüel for of,crrocc lc*.g CrHã wilh hryÍüËd |pcdfcúici cy colHc irtercd
tr,rotlc"gËl;dlcrrycÍiúú.Íf.Gn;imrroby. Co',trrcly,c$lcs-9:$d-ç."{q4*o-ybcucdrúfcabLaglb
1ininric fc tot r"iot -a ç,n pf* psttc io.cofcnrs to úc RFVEMI rrrc$ibility.ïY

Fciafbicellynfcrppliclicthc iaôrarn/rcsilroocrÍio (t rR)úouldbclõlbô. linítpocifidbyüÊ l€lrc8drtúy

rgrú.'y ôÍ lhc PúricrdÍ inplcocaÍitn

A.73 Coupler

The coupler shall prwide one or swral point(s) of connectionto the trunk It may be intcgFarcdin a Fieldhs
der/ice,à *ich casetbcÍc is no s)uÍ. Olh€r,ise it hasat least thÍec accesspoints as shownin figure 12: onefor
the spur a"d onefor eh sidc of úe trunk-

Figurc 12 - Fieldbus couPler

A passivecorpler may contain any or all of the optional elemeotsas describedbelow:

a) a transf,ormer,to prwide galvanic isolation and impedancetrandormation betrvecntrunk
b) connectors,to prwide easyconnectionto spuÍ and/or trunk;

c) prctection resisrorgas shownin figure 13 to protcct bus traffic betrcen other scationsfrom the
€ff€ctsof a short ciroril spuÍ on an unpoe/€Íe4 non-inuinsically-safe trunk-

Flgure 13 - Protection rcsistons

Acti\rc corplers, which require odernal po*rr nrpplies, conain oomponentsfor signal amplification and rc-
tÍansmissio!" The Uansmitlerel and timing requiremeos shall be accordingto 24.3.

A.7.4 Splices
NOIE t - A çlie ir uy pr! ofrhc unck b rúicb tüc órrectailk irycdrc of tüc actcÍoú crblc L ac prucrwi. TlÈ i
pÚltb Ar o rcpsUo of rhc crblc coôaar ro\'|l of thc caHc 6;64 cr.-g. ofsiÍG erl|t a tyPG,Gio fo +|rì
urfucCofslú|.!ÍÍip.,éc. AFdi.rlÉ;r.ooofrrpliocLfficrag,prtdthca:lrnrtfbd bao3.cúiüdúlGotlhof
úc çccifcd ucdliua'

For nctçorts baving a total cablelcngú (tÍunt aod sps) dglÊalcr ünn 4O0m, tbe slm of tbe lenglhsof 8U
splicessha[ mt cxceed2,0eloof the total cablelcogth- :fior dle lengths of 4OOm or less,tie srm of thÊlcogths d
all splicesúall nôt exceed8 m-

Thc cootinúty ofatl condgclorsof lhe cableshnll be naintaircd in a splice.

U.1S Terminotor

A terminaúorchrll gç locded at both eadsof thc tnrnk cable,conn€ctedfton onc signal conductoÍto ths Ahcr. No
oonnectionshelt $ç madeb€tqrceoterminator and cable úield-

The terninafor inpedane ralgc shall be lO0 O -2 Cy{ó O over úe Êequencyrange0,25 fr to 1,25fr 0,t klíz to
3gkÍlz). Tbe terninator inpeOanceúall be equivalentto a l0O O resistor in serieswith a 1,0 FF capacitor. Tbe
maximum conponent tolemnocschell $s l0O O t 2 A and l'0 FF t 0,2 lrF.

I ïtL iaodracraürcbçroximelclytbcrrrngrcrblccürnacrilic irycalc trtrforgritrhlc ceblcsúúc rclad

foq&ad.. Edir óccato niaimizc trrnsobún lir rcdoaic.

2 Tbc fcrniarlr ooq6 úold b. cüm 1oDêé fhc çccifod rnlucs ow tüc tcqcrúrre ragÊ úd oP.Írtiog liÈ of fu
ifrllrrin ü' L rcmcodcd rürr ú. 25cCãliÍg oftbc coqccrr b. 100 O A I O ed I FF t 0'l FF.

Th€ diÍ€ct @rÍetrt labgethÍoug[ tbc terminator sball not exceed100 FA The terminator shell be nonaolarized-

2, Amcndment to Clanse ã
All rcrminators usedfor I.S. applicationsshall comply wiú isolation requirements(creepagBand clearancc)
commensuxate with the required I.S- approval. Terrrinators for non-I.S. appücationsshall not be requiredto have
I.S. approval.
NOTE 3 - tt ir rcccÉer{c fc tbc fiacic of povcr nryply, rfay buricr, rod tcÍminrre b bc mbincd in nri<rlr *ryr es log s thc
iAcdrggj ofúc cmbioefio L cçrivrl€ú to th. Frrltel iryoarc of ioacpcaacf dc\tkã ncÉitrg tbc rtqriÍlúGols of6it P.tt of ISA-
550.02 PrÍt 2 rod tbc grrrort oodgurrtin rub ú 24.2,2te followc4

U.7.6 Shieldingnles

Where oonformanceto the noise immunity requirementsof 24.4 is to bc met by th€ useof shielding it is necessary
to ensïÍe the integrity of shielding throughoutúe cabting connectoÍsand couplersby the following means:

a) the coverageof the cableshield shall be greater than 90Yoof the full cable lengú;

b) shielding shall conpleely coverthe electrical ciÍcuits in connectors,couplers,and rylices.

NOTE- Dcvhrio fu ttcsc dúclding rulcs mey dcgredc ooirc iffi;ty.

U.7.7 Groundingmles

NOTE t -GpudingrcpcÍDeúyo@.ctcdto c.ÍheouSbegficirdlyh* iAcdrneodwth nüci:orcrrrotc.Írybg

cqóility to pcra wlresÊ build rp uíhi€üniSb rc$h b uoò. bezrÍd to ffiod cguipcul rpam. Zcm rols (omoa) lis
mry bc mcclod to gÍlutrd uá.re úc,y rrc Cranicetly isolarcdÊm thc FÈldxs ülak

Fieldbusdeviccssh^ll gs requiredto fruction to the requireffi 6lthis part dISA-S50.02 PaÍt 2 with the mid-
point of one terminaroror one hdìldive coupler diredb to q1*
Fieldbusderices shall mt conn€cteither conducb of thctwisüoítpoiÍ to ground at any point in the ÉcoÍtc
Signalschqtl be appliedand prescrriçddifferentially thnrghou tbc network

NOTE 2 -üir írdlúFcdÉiÍíhcúiêld oftüc Ficdórs truok cólc (ifrppücrbtc)to bc cficcivcly guoacd.tc FÉr.log
lb. hgÍh ofú. crhla Fa üir rr.m FHeus dcvbcs$ould dl,ow d.c. isolelio of tbc ceblclhi<ld ôoo SÍqtad- h L rbo ladrrd
prrta to caa31 óc dgld oôdc to grurad in r belraccdmrmcr' { t}3 ga poin, ag by us'.g úÊ ctd.Í trP dl t ÍEinlú ú
ârry6ng trugio.E r. Fc hs polcrcd :Fm tbc grouúdiogof thc úidd rd balaoccdrdgDdofudoÍ3 tbould bc dc to lbc po*u
trypry,6it FcLS.q6t66tücgÍotrttügEboüldbc.ttbcrefctyb.Íricrcrnhmioa Crp*itiwcaplbgbarrtcathcúicldalüc
bdroocd rignd mórctoc üd dcí'ioclocd grouodfa EIì'íI coúol is pqmiacd gUjca o I.S. rc$ircorús.

U.8 Intrinsic kfeA

NOïE-Thb pstoflsA-S5o.ül P!ú2 dGút ír.'Íf O litócrcçrirmbyuüicüoircoof cçripocauybc ccrtifcd Ú
1aU-ry31drdcíroçrirccçripcútobciúicdc.üy3.fc. R thcr,ittcdsloccdudcmditiccsitúir6rrruúd
pera tS. ccrtifcai<r.

A.8.1 Inünsic safetybanier

NOTE-Thc irycdre ofiüc LS-brricrissPccifd b24-63-2-

At the raredurorting volage of the barrier, and at any frequencyin the range025 fÍ to 1,25fr (7,t klíz to
'+' (posiüve) netwoÍt rcrminal (Uazardoussidc) to SEouodshall ditíer
39kÍlz),the capacitancen€a$r€d firomtbe
'-' (negÍive) nctwort terrrinal (hazardos side)
by no more Íh"; 250 pF from tbe capacitancemeasred Aom the
to ground-

?A.8.2 Barrier ord terminator plrcement

A barrier shall gç scparât€dfiom the n€aÍ€strcrminator by no trrcÍ€than 100m of cable.

A.9 Galvanic Isolators

Tbc commgnicationscbaracteÍisticsof galvanic isolatorsusedon the Fieldbrs shall complywith the specifications
sf 24.3,24.4, aú24.S. CÉlvanicisolatorsthat provide poc/er to Fieldbrs devicessball also complywith thÊ pocteÍ
spply ryecifications of 24.6.

FeaSso.oz, Prr.t 2, Amendmentto Clausc24 28

Anner C Gnformetive)

Ceble specificetionrrnd tnrnk end spur lengúhsfor the 3f35 kbit/s voltagemode MAU

' C.l Cable dewiption and specifications

' 'A'
Tbe preferrcdFieldbuscableis specifiedin 24.7.2 for conformancetestin& and it is referredto as type
Fieldhs cable.
NOTE I -ThÈ crblcll'iI PÍob.blybc uscd in ocrr iosrallÍic-

Other tpes of cablesçen be usedfor Fieldbuswiring other then for conformancetesting. The alternateprderred
Fieldbuscableis a multiplg twisted pair cablewith an overall shiel4 hereafterr€ferredto as T)?e B'Fieldbus

NOTE 2 -Tbboblc will trob.bly bc uÍ€d ir boú Ew rod nanoÍit ixallrrim whcrcmultiplc Ficlôusscsscnra btbc lrc rrcr of
6c urcr'r pleí.

A lesspreferredFieldbrs cableis a single or multiple, twisted pair cable withoú any úiel{ hercafterrefercd
!o as T)?c 'C" Fieldbrs cable. The leas preferredFieldbrs cable is a multiple conductorcúle withou twfurd
pairs, hèdcr referredto asType "D" Fieldbuscable.
'C! üd Df crblcs will n ioly b. uscd b raro8t lppliclirr. 'üd'nçc
NOTE 3 -T!p. Tbcy will hw m timirerl:c h Frd&r
'A' lúd 'B' crblcr do mf hrvr. This mey precludc fu urc of Ï:?3 'Cl .od 'D' c.blC3 ia ccÍrd!
úd S/Ììl nrir. tü.ltbc TyTc

Tlpical cablespecificationsat25"C are liseil in able C.l.

úle C.l-
Puercacr Cord&fc T3pc'Br ryF'c' ryp. 'D'
Inpcdrc,h fr(3115 kl{z) l0O *30 ú È

!.Íexiunn dc Resi*ncc, Ot*/tm pcroórclr 56 L32 20

MexiqroÁlcuutkto, dB&n 125& (3ekl{z) 5.0 8.0 t.0

Noiorl ocúrcorcrcrariod ltr' m2 o32 0,13 r25

(wiÍc du)
(#22 AIVG) (#26AWG) (#16AwG)

llr:dmn Crprcitiw llnbdec, aFltn 50 EãGÍ!.úgú 6 È al

.. =núTtcffi.d

C2 Tlpical tuú and spur lengths

.Il," "C' and 'D' cableC

Using the netnorh oonúguratioanrles çecified i124.2.2, the maximum lengtls for Tlge
inclding aU spurs,typically will be:

Tlpe'B'- 1 200m

Tlpe'C'- 400m

Tlpe D'- 200 m

ISA{S$.O2, Prrt 2, Anendmentto Clause24 29

Tbêsê t1l1icl gridcliocs do mr spcrsedc úrc Ncilvoík Coúfguretic R.ulcs of 24.2.2.

elemenb on
Alocnable spur lengÍhsfor eitber busoÍ tree topologr are depcndent9o th" numberof communication
nunrber of communication elementsto spur lengfh- Ìvíaximum
thc fieldbus. Túle C.2 relatesthe recommended
.d' "B,' 'C,' and "D' cables. The table assunesonecommunicationelement
spur lengÍhsare the samefor Tlpe
p"r rp*. Wben a sprÍ with puiçr," tnrnk coupler hacmore then oae communicationelement'tbc length of tbat
total spur length is
,p- ,u*ra u rcd;ed by 3o m per communicationelement As the recomnendednadmum
tZO n, the na,ximum nqmberof communicationelements peÍ spuÍ should be 4'

Teble C2 - Recommendedmarimum spur lengths vs number of communicrtion elements

To{el rrubcr. oÍ comntnlcedol Rrcouncodcd nrdntm rPor

dmúr bagt\n

2'-32 0

t9-24 30

l5-lt @

l3-14 90

t-t2 120

Spun oflength lessthan I m shouldbe regardedas spücÊ1

Ilwdoping rnd promulgating technicalty sound oorurcnsus stendards,
nooommerdedpracÍiccs,rnd techical r€ports is one of ISArs primaly goals. To
rúieve this god &e Standardsand PrecticesDepartuent rdies on the technicel
expertisernd effor$ ofvoluntcercommittec memberr,úairmen, end wiewers.
ISA is rn American National Stsndards Institutc (ANSD rccredited
or3anizetion" ISA rdministers United States Technicsl Advisory Groups
(USTAGs) rnd provides sccrcteriat support for Inteiaetiond Electrotechnical
C-ommission(DC) rnd Intslrtioncl Organization for Standedizetion (ISO)
committccstüet devdop procclsuersrensltend ontnol stendards. To obtein
edditional informetion on the Sot'etfb stalderUs pnogrrm, pleasewritc:

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Researci Triangle Parlg NC27709


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