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Part I: Soft tissue preparation

No more than 40 seconds on each area

Go up one side of your body and then switch to the other side

1. Foam roll calves

 Relax the toes
 Move laterally and medially on the calf (i.e., not just the back of the muscle)

2. Foam roll hamstrings

 Go side-to-side in shearing motion
 Full length from just under glutes to behind your knee

3. Foam roll gluteus maximus

 Cross leg over bent knee
 Lean into gluteus with the same leg crossed in the air

4. Foam roll gluteus medius

 Uncross legs and allow your hip to rotate toward ground with bent knee
 Foam roll right under the hip bone protrusion on your lower back (PSIS)

5. Roll over on elbows and foam roll quadriceps

 One leg at a time
 Move laterally and medially on the quadriceps

6. Foam roll tensor fasciae latae (TFL)

 Located right under the hip bone protrusion on top of your hip (ASIS)
 This is a subtle movement as this is a very small muscle; find it and stay on it

7. Foam roll thoracic spine

 Roll from top of back to just under scapula, winged bony protrusions on the back
 Keep the body in slight extension or back bend hinging from the mid spine and do not over arch
the lower back

8. Stand up and with a dense ball do trigger point therapy on the pectoral muscles
 Apply pressure with elbows up between the nipple and armpit
 Push the ball down and pivot the ball to make the skin move in every direction; less about rolling
the ball and more about pushing it

9. Foam roll serrates anterior

 Lie on your side with the foam roller under the armpit and arm extended overhead
 Move foam roller up and down just in front of the lat muscles near the rib cage

Copyright Peter Attia and Jesse Schwartzman

Part II: Muscle activation
Do not hold a stretch longer than 40 seconds
Do multiple sets of any exercise that you want more stretching or work

1. Hip flexor stretch kneeling on one knee

 Pelvic tilt upward so that your belt buckle is facing up and ribs are in
 Squeeze the butt on the stretched hip as your rock forward

2. Hip flexor stretch standing

 Do not flare your ribs and maintain the upward pelvic tilt
 Grab your back ankle to flex the knee

3. Gluteus medius side lying leg raise, 25-50 reps each side
 Make sure to keep the leg you are raising slightly behind the body
 Make sure to keep raising leg toe slightly inwardly rotated

4. Single gluteus bridges with external hip rotation, 8-15 reps each side
 Don’t let the pelvis rotate (sag)
 Don’t try to rotate the upward leg too far, smaller is better; the moment the hip of the elevated
legs begins to sag, you’ve gone too far

5. Dead bugs, 20-30 total reps

 Don’t hold your breath and try to crush the stability ball
 Keep your lower back pressed into the ground

6. Stir the pot and then arm extensions, 8 stir the pot rotations in each direction, 8 total extensions
 Feet should be a little wider than shoulder width until you get strong enough to bring your feet
 Keep hips level and lower back and neck neutral

Copyright Peter Attia and Jesse Schwartzman

Part III: Dynamic preparation
Start slow and progress to becoming more elastic; you should feel like your stretch is bouncing in and out
of each movement

1. Big lunge forward and reach to sky - 10 reps alternating

 Keep arms straight and back bend slightly
 The hinge should come from your mid-back

2. Big lunge forward and twist - 10 reps alternating

 Twist with arms straight toward leg that is forward, look at hand pointing upward
 Twist comes from upper back; belly button should turn very little (not lower back)

3. Lateral lunge step (externally rotate foot on straight leg for advanced version) - 16 reps alternating
 Keep inside leg straight and put all weight on flexing knee
 Make sure to keep big toes down on stepping leg and hinge hips back

4. Hip hinge single leg reach - 10 reps alternating

 Maintain tall spine with slight extension through the motion
 Make sure to stick hips out and reach forward; don’t reach for the ground

5. Back lunge to upward knee drive press into hands - 10 reps alternating
 Make sure to hold the knee drive and hand press for at least 2 seconds
 Keep shoulders back and spine tall when pressing into knee

6. Shoulder taps from plank - 16 reps alternating

 Hold each tap for at least 1 second and own the position
 Don’t hold your breath; maintain level hips

7. Downward dog - hold for 20 seconds

 Bend knees, if needed, to maintain neutral spine

8. World’s greatest stretch - 8 total reps each side, stay on same side then switch
 Keep back neutral, use risers or yoga blocks on hands if needed
 Rotation comes from the upper back, do not over twist lower back

9. Walk back and hold deep squat - hold for 20 seconds

 Make sure you can stay on heels
 Widen stance and externally rotate feet if needed

10. Crab table top

 Squeeze back of shoulders together and imagine pinching a pencil

11. Shin box - 10 reps alternating

 Use your hands if needed for support coming up and down, come back to neutral between
 Always come back to neutral position between reps

Copyright Peter Attia and Jesse Schwartzman

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