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Khi Losang Phuntsog (Geshe Lama Konchog) lên sáu tuәi, cha mҽ
ngài quyӃt đӏnh gӣi ngài tӟi tu viӋn Drepung ӣ gҫn nhà (Drepung là
mӝt trong ba đҥi tu viӋn cӫa phái Gelug ӣ Lhasa). Tuy nhiên cұu bé
đã biӇu lӝ mӝt phҭm tính chính yӃu cӫa đӡi mình: cұu biӃt đích xác
mình muӕn gì và sӁ theo đuәi mөc tiêu đó vӟi sӵ quyӃt tâm mãnh
liӋt. Cұu tuyên bӕ rҵng cұu muӕn tu hӑc ӣ Tu viӋn Sera. Vì cұu có
mӝt ngưӡi chú hӑc ӣ Sera nên cha mҽ cұu cũng thông cҧm vӟi
quyӃt đӏnh đó.

Tuy nhiên, ngưӡi chú này đã gây cҧn trӣ cho viӋc tu hӑc và thӵc
hành cӫa cұu. Ông ta thưӡng đánh đұp cұu.

Nhưng không điӅu gì có thӇ làm Losang Phuntsog nhөt chí.

Konchog đã tu hӑc ӣ Tu viӋn Sera ӣ Tây Tҥng tӯ năm lên 7 tӟi 32 tuәi (1934-1959). Mһc dù các
tu sĩ không đưӧc phép nhұn các nhұp môn và giáo lý Mұt thӯa trưӟc khi hoàn tҩt hӑc trình
Geshe (TiӃn sĩ Phұt Hӑc), ngài thưӡng lҿn đi dӵ nhӳng lӉ nhұp môn và giáo lý cӫa nhӳng Lҥt
ma như Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche và Pari Rinpoche. Ngài cũng đã hoàn tҩt mӝt
khóa nhұp thҩt ngҳn cӫa các Bәn Tôn mà ngài đưӧc nhұp môn, ӣ trong nhӳng trө xӭ cӫa các
Lҥt ma này. Suӕt nhӳng năm tu hӑc ӣ Sera, tӯ khi còn là mӝt cұu bé, Lҥt ma Konchog thưӡng
biӃn mҩt, mӛi lҫn trong nhiӅu tháng, du hành tӟi nhӳng đӏa điӇm khác nhau quanh Tây Tҥng đӇ
thâu nhұn vào tâm trí dӏ thưӡng cӫa ngài toàn bӝ nhӳng loҥi thiӋn xҧo rҩt khó tìm thҩy ӣ mӝt con

Thҫy Tenzin Zopa, thӏ giҧ cӫa ngài, nói: ³Ngài lão luyӋn trong rҩt nhiӅu lãnh vӵc. Ngoài Kinh điӇn
và các giáo lý Mұt thӯa cӫa cҧ bӕn truyӅn thӕng cӫa Tây Tҥng, ngài cũng thành tӵu vũ điӋu
Cham, nhӳng nghi lӉ, mҥn đà la cát, thiên văn hӑc, khoa tiên tri, kiӃn trúc phù hӧp vӟi Luұt hӑc ±
sӵ hiӇu biӃt cӫa ngài thұt đáng kinh ngҥc.´

Đӕi vӟi Geshe Jampa Tseten thì rõ ràng là ngưӡi bҥn hӑc ³điên´ cӫa ông không phҧi là mӝt
ngưӡi bình thưӡng. Geshe Jampa Tseten nói: ³Tӯ khi là mӝt đӭa trҿ, ngài đã là mӝt bұc linh
thánh, mӝt thiӅn giҧ vĩ đҥi«´


Năm 1959, khi đã hoàn tҩt hӑc trình Geshe và sҳp dӵ kǤ thi tӕt nghiӋp thì ngài phҧi đào thoát
khӓi Tây Tҥng. Ngài rӡi bӓ Tây Tҥng vӟi đӝc nhҩt bӝ y mһc trên ngưӡi, mӝt miӃng da cӯu và
mӝt vài bҧn văn cӫa bӕn trưӡng phái. Trên đưӡng đi ngài gһp ngưӡi nào đó nói rҵng Nepal có
thӡi tiӃt ҩm áp và ngài sӁ không cҫn tӟi da cӯu, vì thӃ ngài bán nó đi đӇ lҩy mӝt món tiӅn nhӓ.
Nhưng ngài vүn còn mӝt miӃng da cӯu nhӓ.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche kӇ rҵng khi Lama Konchog trӕn khӓi Tây Tҥng ± tӯ Lhasa tӟi Nepal ± có
lúc ngài ӣ trong mӝt thung lũng bӏ quân đӝi Trung quӕc vây kín. Không có cách nào thoát ra
ngoài. Ngài ngӗi giӳa thung lũng và cӱ hành mӝt lӉ puja đӇ thuyӃt phөc tâm linh thánh cӫa vӏ
Bҧo Hӝ. Thӡi tiӃt trong trҿo nhưng sau lӉ puja thì nhӳng đám mây và sương mù bҩt ngӡ xuҩt
hiӋn và trӡi bҳt đҫu đә tuyӃt. Khi đó ngài có thӇ trӕn đi ± thұm chí ngài đi thҷng vào giӳa nhӳng
chiӃc xe cӫa quân đӝi. TuyӃt đã làm cho nhӳng ngưӡi lính không nhìn thҩy ngài.

Theo Lҥt ma Lhundrup, tu viӋn trưӣng Tu viӋn Kopan, con đưӡng mà Geshe Lama Konchog
theo đuәi đӇ thoát khӓi Tây Tҥng vào năm 1959 đưӧc khám phá trong mӝt giҩc mơ. Trưӟc tiên
ngài đi tӟi Tsum ӣ Nepal và đӇ lҥi nhӳng bҧn văn cӫa ngài cho mӝt ngưӡi nào ӣ đó, sau đó đi
Kathmandu vӟi ý đӏnh tӟi Buxa. Ngài gһp Guru (Đҥo sư) Trijang Rinpoche cӫa ngài ӣ
Kathmandu. Vӏ Thҫy này bҧo ngài đӯng đi Buxa mà trӣ lҥi vùng núi non đӇ thiӅn đӏnh. Nhưng
ngài thӵc sӵ muӕn đi Buxa, vì thӃ ngài không nghe theo lӡi khuyên cӫa Trijang Rinpoche mà đi
Ҩn Đӝ. Trong khi đi trên xe lӱa cùng mӝt ngưӡi bҥn muӕn viӃng thăm Varanasi (Ba La Nҥi), ngài
gһp Trijang Rinpoche trên cùng chuyӃn xe lӱa. Trijang Rinpoche hӓi ngài đang làm gì ӣ Ҩn Đӝ,
và bҧo ngài trӣ vӅ núi ӣ Nepal đӇ thiӅn đӏnh. Lҫn này ngài nghe theo lӡi dҥy cӫa vӏ Thҫy, ngài đi
thҷng vӅ Tsum, ӣ bên kia biên giӟi nҵm trên phҫn đҩt Nepal, thâu thұp các bҧn văn ngài đã đӇ
lҥi và đi lên núi mà không nói cho ai biӃt mình đi đâu.

Ngài tìm thҩy mӝt hang đӝng ӣ phía trên ngôi làng, và tình cӡ đó chính là Hang Bӗ câu mà
Milarepa, vӏ thánh và yogi đưӧc yêu quý cӫa Tây Tҥng, đã thiӅn đӏnh. Chính ӣ nơi đó em gái cӫa
Milarepa đã cúng dưӡng anh mình vҧi đӇ may áo. Ngưӡi ta nói rҵng các daka và dakini đã biӃn
thành nhӳng con chim bӗ câu ӣ đó đӇ nghe giáo lý cӫa Milarepa.

Hang Bӗ câu ӣ sâu trong vùng rӯng núi, ӣ đó chӍ có hә và nhӳng dã thú khác cũng như hươu
nai sinh sӕng. Lama Konchog đã ӣ đó mưӡi năm, không rӡi nơi đó và không gһp bҩt kǤ ai. Ngài
chӍ có nhӳng bҧn văn, mӝt bӝ y, nhӳng mҭu nhӓ da cӯu, và mӝt chiӃc bình lӫng.

Theo lӡi ngài kӇ lҥi cho Tenzin Zopa, thӏ giҧ cӫa ngài, trong nhӳng tháng đҫu, Geshe Lama
Konchog đã tұp ³đӇ có cái dҥ dày trӕng rӛng, tôi đã sӕng nhӡ rau tҫm ma và dҫn dҫn có thӇ thӵc
hành µchulen gió¶´ ± mӝt phương pháp nhӡ đó thiӅn giҧ có thӇ ³trích xuҩt các tinh chҩt´ (chulen)
tӯ thiên nhiên. Phương pháp thông thưӡng mà các yogi thӵc hành là trích xuҩt các tinh chҩt tӯ
đá và hoa, sau đó hòa trӝn chúng thành nhӳng viên thuӕc. Nhưng Lҥt ma Konchog đã quyӃt đӏnh
không tҥo ra mӑi chҩt bә dưӥng. Thұt vұy, ngài đã rút tinh chҩt tӯ không khí, và đã có thӇ tӗn

Lama Zopa Rinpoche kӇ rҵng có lҫn khi đang tu tұp trong ҭn thҩt thì món tsampa (bӝt lúa mҥch
nưӟng ± món ăn chính trong thӵc đơn hàng ngày cӫa ngưӡi Tây Tҥng) cӫa ngài sҳp cҥn kiӋt.
Ngài quyӃt đӏnh không ra ngoài đӇ tìm thêm tsampa, mà cӭ tiӃp tөc nhұp thҩt, bҩt kӇ điӅu gì xҧy
ra. Ngài thӵc hiӋn quyӃt đӏnh này bҵng cách nghĩ tӟi bәn sư Trijang Rinpoche. Và tӟi ngày không
còn tsampa, mӝt ngưӡi đàn ông đã tӟi vӟi mӝt bao lӟn tsampa. Tӯ lúc đó, ngài không bao giӡ
thiӃu tsampa. Bҩt kǤ khi nào lương thӵc cӫa ngài sҳp hӃt thì có ngưӡi xuҩt hiӋn mang thêm tӟi
cho ngài. Ngài tin rҵng đó là nhӡ sӵ ban phưӟc và dүn dҳt cӫa Guru cӫa ngài bӣi ngài đã tӯ bӓ
sӵ bám luyӃn vào cuӝc đӡi này bҵng cách nương tӵa Guru.

Geshe Lama Konchog đã sӕng như thӃ vӟi quyӃt tâm thành tӵu nhӳng chӭng ngӝ, đưӧc thúc
đҭy bӣi lòng đҥi bi và vui thích sӵ cô tӏch, vӟi cӑp và hươu nai làm bҥn hӳu. Sau này khi đưӧc
hӓi cҧm nghĩ ra sao vӅ hoàn cҧnh ӣ phương Tây, ngài nói: ³Nó hoàn toàn bӏ ô nhiӉm! Thӵc
phҭm tӕt lành nhҩt tôi tӯng đưӧc dùng thì có ӣ trong hang. Nơi chӕn tuyӋt hҧo tôi tӯng sӕng là ӣ
trong hang. Nhӳng bҵng hӳu tӕt lòng nhҩt tôi tӯng có thì ӣ trong hang.´ Phҧi leo lên mӟi vào
đưӧc hang, và hươu nai ³giúp đӥ nhau đӇ len vào. Đôi khi chúng ngӗi suӕt ngày và đêm. Chúng
tôi cùng sӕng vӟi nhau thұt an bình, không chút sӧ hãi. Vӟi tôi, đó là mӝt cõi tӏnh đӝ.´

Năng lӵc cӫa ngài hӃt sӭc mҥnh mӁ, ngài không ngӫ mà lӉ lҥy suӕt đêm. Sau khi ngài ӣ đó 10
năm, mӝt vài ngưӡi làng đi lên núi cùng đàn cӯu đã tình cӡ nhìn thҩy ngài. Hӑ nói vӟi ngài rҵng
hӑ sӁ dâng tһng ngài thӵc phҭm cӫa loài ngưӡi nӃu ngài xuӕng làng và tөng các bҧn văn cho hӑ,
nhưng ngài tӯ chӕi, nói rҵng ngài đã có thӵc phҭm tӕt lành nhҩt. Nhưng dân làng tiӃp tөc quҩy
rҫy nên ngài quyӃt đӏnh rӡi khӓi hang và tìm môt nơi khác. Ngài tìm thҩy hang đӝng khác, nhưng
nó không tӕt như hang đҫu tiên ± hang này chӍ có mӝt nӱa, vì thӃ ngài phҧi xây lên bҵng đá.

Dân làng phía dưӟi hang đӝng này (đây là làng cӫa Tenzin Zopa) gһp rҩt nhiӅu vҩn đӅ vӟi các
tinh linh và trӡi mưa không đúng thӡi và v.v.., và ngài đã cӭu giúp hӑ. Các thҫn chú cӫa ngài hӃt
sӭc hӳu hiӋu trong viӋc giҧi trӯ nhӳng vҩn đӅ này, vì thӃ dân làng tӟi nhӡ cұy ngài, và lúc nào
ngài cũng thұt tӯ bi, luôn luôn giúp đӥ mӑi ngưӡi. Khi sӕng ӣ Tsum tҥi Nepal, ngài đã chӳa khӓi
bӋnh cho mӝt ít ngưӡi điên nhӡ cúng dưӡng lӱa và bҵng cách đánh hӑ.
Ngài tiӃp tөc nhұp thҩt và giúp đӥ dân làng trong khoҧng thӡi gian giӳa các cuӝc nhұp thҩt. Dân
làng gӑi ngài là ³Lҥt ma Ông nӝi´ và hӃt sӭc tôn kính ngài. Vào lúc này, các tu sĩ và ni cô trong
vùng (hҫu hӃt thuӝc truyӅn thӕng Kagyu) thӍnh cҫu ngài làm tu viӋn trưӣng cӫa hӑ và xin ngài
ban các giáo lý. Geshe Lama Konchog ban cho hӑ Kinh điӇn và giáo lý Mұt thӯa. Ngài có sӵ hiӇu
biӃt uyên bác vӅ cҧ bӕn truyӅn thӕng.


Như vұy Lama Konchog đã nhұp thҩt nghiêm nhһt trong núi cҧ thҧy 26 năm. Ngài đã tӟi
Kathmandu mӝt vài lҫn và gһp Lama Yeshe (Thҫy cӫa Lama Zopa Rinpoche), bҥn cũ cӫa ngài ӣ
Tu viӋn Sera, và mһc dù Lama Yeshe đã vài lҫn yêu cҫu ngài ӣ lҥi Kopan, Lama Konchog đã
không chҩp thuұn mà luôn luôn trӣ vӅ Tsum. Có mӝt lҫn ngài đi cùng Lama Yeshe tӟi phi trưӡng
ӣ Kathmandu, khi ҩy Lama Yeshe đang thӵc hiӋn mӝt chuyӃn du hành ӣ ngoҥi quӕc. Trên
đưӡng đi, có ngưӡi cúng dưӡng Lama Yeshe mӝt đôi giày. Lama Konchog cҧm thҩy buӗn bã vì
ngài nghĩ rҵng sӁ không gһp lҥi Lama Yeshe nӳa« Cuӕi cùng vào năm 1985, mӝt năm sau khi
Lama Yeshe thӏ tӏch, Lama Konchog tӟi cư trú ӣ Kopan. Khi Thҫy Tenzin Zopa hӓi ngài điӅu gì
đã khiӃn ngài tӟi Kopan, Lama Konchog chӍ nói rҵng Lama Zopa Rinpoche đã thӵc hiӋn mӝt lӉ
puja Chokyong (Hӝ Pháp) đӇ ³móc´ ngài tӟi giúp Tu viӋn Kopan và FPMT (Tә chӭc Bҧo tӗn Phұt
Giáo Đҥi thӯa)!

Thҫy Tenzin Zopa cũng nói rҵng đӇ trҧ lӡi cho câu hӓi tҥi sao ngài tӟi Kopan, Geshe Lama
Konchog nói đó là bӣi tҩt cҧ nhӳng gì ngài đã làm trong quá khӭ, tҩt cҧ nhӳng gì ngài đang làm
trong hiӋn tҥi, và tҩt cҧ nhӳng gì ngài sӁ làm trong tương lai. Đó cũng do bӣi thiӋn nghiӋp cӫa
chúng ta!

Lama Zopa Rinpoche thuұt lҥi rҵng khoҧng năm 1990-1991, Lama Konchog bӏ vҩp ngã trên các
bұc thang ӣ Tu viӋn Kopan và đұp đҫu vào bê tông. Lұp tӭc ngài có mӝt cҧm thӭc mҥnh mӁ vӅ
sӵ giҧi thoát và ngài vô cùng hoan hӍ vì đã nhұn lãnh nhӳng chưӟng ngҥi cӫa Lama Zopa
Rinpoche và Tu viӋn Kopan. Ngài cҧm thҩy hӃt sӭc hài lòng. Thay vì Kopan phҧi kinh qua nhӳng
chưӟng ngҥi thì ngài đã trҧi nghiӋm chúng và vì thӃ ngài hài lòng.

Ngoài nhӳng chӭng ngӝ Mұt thӯa, rõ ràng ngài là mӝt hành giҧ Đҥi thӯa, mӝt yogi có chӭng ngӝ
Bӗ ĐӅ tâm và chӭng ngӝ không thӇ sai lҫm vӅ tánh Không.

Trong chuyӃn Lama Zopa và Lama Konchog hành hương Tây Tҥng (năm 1987), các ngài tӟi
thăm hӗ Palden Lhamo. Hӗ này trông giӕng mӝt chiӃc TV ± nó có thӇ tiên đoán cuӝc đӡi cӫa con
ngưӡi. Nó đã tiên đoán và xác nhұn Hóa Thân cӫa Đӭc Đҥt Lai Lҥt Ma thӭ 14. Lama Zopa
Rinpoche thuê đӫ ngӵa cho cҧ đoàn hành hương nhưng Geshe Lama Konchog tӯ chӕi không
đһt chân lên ngӵa. Đó là dҩu hiӋu cӫa mӝt Bӗ Tát. Ngài không muӕn mang lҥi phiӅn não hay đau
khә cho con ngӵa. Mһc dù ngài không khӓe, ngài đã luôn luôn đi bӝ.

Thҫy Tenzin Zopa kӇ: ³Năm 1999, tôi ӣ trong phòng cӫa ngài tҥi Kopan đӇ phөc vө trà bơ cho
ngài và ngưӡi bҥn hӑc cӫa ngài là tu viӋn trưӣng Tu viӋn Samdeling. Các ngài chӑc ghҽo nhau
bҵng nhiӅu cách, và bҩt ngӡ tu viӋn trưӣng nói vӟi ngài: ³Nhӟ lҥi đi, tӯ khi còn thơ ҩu chúng ta
đã sӕng vӟi nhau ӣ Đҥi hӑc Sera ӣ Tây Tҥng. Khi chúng ta còn trҿ ngài rҩt khác biӋt vӟi chúng
tôi. Ngài đã thӵc hành nghiêm nhһt mӑi con đưӡng Kinh thӯa và Mұt thӯa. Ngài luôn luôn là
ngưӡi nhiӋt tình và đưӧc yêu mӃn nhҩt đӇ nhұn nhӳng nhұp môn Mұt thӯa và thӵc hành các
nhұp thҩt nghiêm nhһt. Ngài không bao giӡ đӇ lӥ mӑi cơ hӝi này« Chúng ta thưӡng ӣ cҥnh
nhau và suӕt đêm ngài không đӇ cho chúng tôi ngӫ yên. Ngài làm ӗn cҧ đêm bҵng nhӳng thӵc
hành cúng dưӡng Cho (1) và nhӳng bài tұp Sáu Yoga cӫa Naropa, đұp ҫm ҫm khҳp nơi. Ha
ha« Và ngài cũng là mӝt trong nhӳng triӃt gia/ ngưӡi thҧo luұn lӛi lҥc nhҩt; và ngài đһc biӋt xuҩt
sҳc vӅ môn Madhyamika (Trung Đҥo) và nhӳng hӑc thuyӃt vӅ tánh Không. Ngài nhӟ không, ngài
luôn là mӝt ngưӡi lãnh đҥo các cuӝc thҧo luұn và ngay cҧ nhӳng hӑc giҧ thâm niên cũng tìm đӃn
ngài đӇ hӑc hӓi nhӳng kiӃn thӭc phi thưӡng cӫa ngài, nhưng ngài thưӡng hӃt sӭc khiêm tӕn. Vì
thӃ nhӳng bұc trưӣng thưӧng cӫa chúng tôi tһng cho ngài biӋt danh ³Lama Konchog (Lama Quy
y). Khi chúng ta nghĩ vӅ quá khӭ thì nó là nhӳng kӹ niӋm hӃt sӭc vui vҿ và thұt đáng ngҥc nhiên,
phҧi không? Và bây giӡ chúng ta đã già. ³Hô! Hô! Ha! Ha!´ ³Lama Konchog, nӃu ngài mҩt chҳc
chҳn là ngài sӁ trӣ thành mӝt hóa thân, phҧi không Rinpoche?´ Đҥi Thành tӵu giҧ Geshe Lama
Konchog cưӡi ha hҧ và nói: ³Dĩ nhiên, chҳc chҳn là tôi sӁ trӣ lҥi và đưӧc thăng chӭc rҩt lӟn. Ha!

Lama Konchog đã làm lӉ thӑ giӟi cho nhiӅu Tăng đoàn và nhӡ ngài nhiӅu chúng sinh đã đưӧc
giҧi thoát. Khi ӣ Kopan, ngài đã giҧng dҥy nhiӅu giáo lý triӃt hӑc, giáo lý Kinh thӯa và Mұt thӯa,
các luұn giҧng, các lӉ nhұp môn cho các Tăng đoàn và nhӳng đӋ tӱ ngưӡi ngoҥi quӕc. Ngài đã
du hành tӟi nhiӅu quӕc gia đӇ ban tҩt cҧ nhӳng Pháp bҧo này trong cҧ bӕn truyӅn thӕng Phұt
Giáo Tây Tҥng.


Geshe Lama Konchog đã hoàn tҩt các thӵc hành:

600.000 chén nưӟc cúng dưӡng.

800.000 Lӡi nguyӋn Quy y.
1.500.000 lӉ lҥy toàn thân bҵng thӵc hành Vajrasattva, tán thán 21 Đӭc Tara và sám hӕi 35 vӏ
100.000 Cúng dưӡng lӱa Vajra Daka.
1.200.000 Cúng dưӡng Mҥn đà la.
1.200.000 lҫn trì tөng thҫn chú Mӝt Trăm Âm cӫa Đӭc Phұt Vajrasattva.
2.000 nhұp thҩt Nyung Nay.
800.000 trì tөng 9 vòng Guru Yoga Lama Tsongkapa.
100.000 lҫn đӑc Kinh Ngưӡi Cҳt Kim cương.
700.000 tsa-tsa.
100.000 thӵc hành Cҫu nguyӋn 35 vӏ Phұt như pháp chuҭn bӏ.
ThiӅn đӏnh Lam-rim và thӵc hành Jorcho.
Tӵ-nhұp môn Vajrayogini.
700.000 thiӅn đӏnh Samaya Varja.
1.200.000 cúng dưӡng torma.

c  c 

Khoҧng 8,15 giӡ tӕi 15 tháng Mưӡi năm 2001, Tenzin Zopa và nhӳng ngưӡi khác có mһt bên
Geshe Lama Konchog. Tenzin Zopa nhӟ lҥi: ³Lama Konchog bҧo chúng tôi: µBây giӡ thӏ kiӃn vӅ
ҧo ҧnh đã xuҩt hiӋn¶ ± cái đҫu tiên trong tám dҩu hiӋu bên trong cӫa cái chӃt ± µvì thӃ xin hãy đi
và bҳt đҫu cҫu nguyӋn.¶ Chúng tôi rӡi khӓi nơi đó ngoҥi trӯ anh Thuben Lhundrup cӫa tôi, là
ngưӡi tөng lӡi cҫu nguyӋn hàng ngày cӫa Lama Konchog cho ngài. Vào lúc 8,50 giӡ ngài ngӯng

Nhӳng khóa cҫu nguyӋn đưӧc cӱ hành tҥi nhà cӫa Lama Konchog suӕt ngày và đêm trong bҧy
ngày, khi ngài vүn an trө trong thiӅn đӏnh tӏnh quang trong 7 ngày. Ngày 22 tháng Mưӡi, thân linh
thánh cӫa ngài đưӧc cung thӍnh tӟi đӏa điӇm làm lӉ cúng dưӡng lӱa. Các Lҥt ma và ba trăm tu sĩ
cӫa Tu viӋn Kopan cùng ba trăm sư cô cӫa Tu viӋn Kachoe Ghakyil gҫn đó, cũng như nhiӅu đӋ
tӱ sùng mӝ ӣ nưӟc ngoài, đã tham dӵ lӉ cúng dưӡng lӱa Yamataka đưӧc tә chӭc tҥi mӝt đӏa
điӇm do Lama Zopa Rinpoche chӑn lӵa. Buәi lӉ kéo dài trong vài giӡ giӳa nhӳng dҩu hiӋu tӕt
lành là năm loҥi cҫu vӗng và mӝt trұn mưa hoa tӯ không trung. Cuӕi cùng, tháp đưӧc cҩu trúc
đһc biӋt đӇ đӕt lӱa đưӧc bít lҥi.

Lúc 4,30 giӡ sáng ngày thӭ ba sau lӉ cúng dưӡng lӱa, dưӟi sӵ
giám sát cӫa Lҥt ma Cherok trҿ tuәi, Lҥt ma Lhundrup, Thubten
Lhundrup, Geshe Losang Jamyang, Amtsok, Drakpa và Tenzin
Zopa, tháp đưӧc mӣ ra và cuӝc tìm kiӃm xá lӧi bҳt đҫu. Mӝt sӕ
lưӧng xá lӧi đáng kinh ngҥc đã đưӧc tìm thҩy ± nhӳng dҩu hiӋu vӅ
sӵ vĩ đҥi cӫa vӏ thánh này. ³Quá nhiӅu xá lӧi đưӧc tìm thҩy khiӃn
mӝt công viӋc đưӧc cho là mҩt hai giӡ đã kéo dài đӃn tám giӡ,´
Tenzin Zopa nói. Hàng trăm xá lӧi như nhӳng viên ngӑc, tóc đen,
trái tim, lưӥi và mӝt con mҳt ± thưӡng thì nhӳng bӝ phұn như thӃ
cӫa mӝt hành giҧ Mұt thӯa cao cҩp không bӏ đӕt cháy ± và nhiӅu
xá lӧi khác đưӧc tìm thҩy. ³Lҥt ma Lhundrup nói như thӇ toàn thân cӫa Geshe-la là mӝt viên
ngӑc quý«´

Sáu tuҫn sau khi xá lӧi đưӧc mang ra khӓi ngӑn lӱa và đưӧc đһt
trong nhӳng chiӃc bình trên bàn thӡ trong nhà cӫa Lama Konchog
tҥi Tu viӋn Kopan thì nhӳng biӃn đәi to lӟn đã xҧy ra. Tenzin Zopa
nói: ³Mӝt bӝ xá lӧi gӗm hai viên đã biӃn thành ba mươi bҧy viên,
và bӝ khác biӃn thành hai mươi tám viên. Nhӳng miӃng xương
thưӡng xuyên tҥo thành các xá lӧi giӕng như ngӑc và thuӝc loҥi
vàng; và tӯ tro, xá lӧi cũng đang hiӇn lӝ. Trên chiӃc lưӥi có mӝt
hình ҧnh cӫa Đӭc Tara tӵ xuҩt hiӋn càng lúc càng lӝ rõ. Trái tim
tiӃp tөc thu nhӓ lҥi và đӗng thӡi tҥo thành xá lӧi đӓ. Mӝt chiӃc răng
có hình dҥng vӓ ӕc xà cӯ xoҳn ngưӧc chiӅu kim đӗng hӗ.´

Các xá lӧi ngũ sҳc là trҥng thái thanh tӏnh cӫa 5 uҭn, trҥng thái cӫa
5 vӏ Phұt ThiӅn, trҥng thái cӫa sӵ toàn giác. Rõ ràng là Đҥi thành
tӵu giҧ vĩ đҥi đã thành tӵu sӵ toàn giác trong mӝt đӡi. Đây là kӃt
quҧ cӫa viӋc ngài đã sӕng mӝt cuӝc đӡi vӟi Ba Phương diӋn
Chính yӃu cӫa Con Đưӡng,(2) thӵc hành Bӗ ĐӅ tâm và tӯ bӓ mӑi ô nhiӉm bҵng cách áp dөng
pháp đӕi trӏ là tánh Không.

Khensur Losang Tsering Rinpoche, cӵu tu viӋn trưӣng Đҥi Hӑc Sera Je nói vӟi Thҫy Tenzin
Zopa: ³Tôi biӃt Geshe Lama Konchog rõ hơn các ông. Chúng tôi là bҥn rҩt thân tӯ khi còn ӣ Đҥi
Hӑc Sera ӣ Tây Tҥng. Tên Ngài là Lama Konchog và Ngài thӵc sӵ là Lama Konchog. Danh hiӋu
đưӧc ban cho Ngài quҧ là có căn cӭ đúng đҳn. Tôi thҩy Ngài thӵc sӵ là mӝt bұc toàn trí. Ngài
không chӍ là mӝt hӑc giҧ vӅ mһt triӃt hӑc, mà thӵc sӵ là mӝt hӑc giҧ trong mӑi lãnh vӵc thuӝc
Kinh thӯa và Mұt thӯa. Ngài tinh thông mӑi sӵ mà chúng ta tưӣng là mình hiӇu rõ, là nhӳng điӅu
mà nhiӅu hӑc giҧ khác không thҩu suӕt, và Ngài thӵc sӵ đưa mӑi sӵ vào thӵc hành. Ngài rҩt
khiêm tӕn, rҩt dũng cҧm và giúp đӥ tôi rҩt nhiӅu. Khi tôi thӵc hiӋn Khóa Nhұp thҩt Yamantaka Vĩ
đҥi 3 năm tҥi căn phòng cũ kӻ cӫa tôi ӣ Sera, Ngài là ngưӡi bҧo trӧ cho cuӝc nhұp thҩt này và
mӑi lӉ cúng dưӡng lӱa. Tôi rҩt biӃt ơn Ngài. Tôi có cҧm tưӣng và hoàn toàn tin rҵng Ngài thӵc
sӵ là mӝt Lҥt ma chӭng ngӝ cao cҩp, chҳc chҳn là như vұy. Hãy nhìn nhӳng dҩu hiӋu sau khi
Ngài thӏ tӏch., như nhӳng xá lӧi và các cҫu vӗng v.v.. Đây là nhӳng dҩu hiӋu mà mӝt ngưӡi bình
thưӡng không thӇ thành tӵu, thұt vô phương!!! ChӍ nhӳng bұc thánh chӭng ngӝ rҩt cao mӟi có
thӇ thành tӵu nhӳng dҩu hiӋu như thӃ. Tӯ 2500 năm trưӟc Đӭc Phұt đã giҧng dҥy điӅu đó chӭ
không chӍ mình tôi nói vӟi ông. ThӍnh thoҧng, khi tôi nghĩ tӟi Ngài và nhӳng yogi trong quá khӭ
như Milarepa, tôi tӵ hӓi làm thӃ nào các ngài có thӇ có đӫ can đҧm đӇ làm các thӵc hành vĩ đҥi
như thӃ. Đó thӵc sӵ là mӝt điӅu đáng đӇ tӵ hào. Ngày nay có nhiӅu ngưӡi, mһc dù nghiên cӭu
rҩt giӓi và hiӇu biӃt rҩt nhiӅu nhưng đӇ đưa nhӳng kiӃn thӭc đó vào thӵc hành hàng ngày và làm
cho thӵc hành đó hoàn toàn trӣ thành nguyên nhân cӫa sӵ giҧi thoát thì quҧ là hӃt sӭc khó khăn.
HiӋn nay thұt rҩt rҩt khó tìm đưӧc nhӳng bұc tôn quý như các yogi vĩ đҥi Milarepa và Lama
Konchog. NӃu chúng ta muӕn thành Phұt trong đӡi này, ta nên thӵc hành như các ngài. Nhưng
điӅu đó thӵc sӵ, thӵc sӵ là mӝt công viӋc vĩ đҥi. Không thӇ tin nәi, phҧi không? Tôi hoan hӍ, tôi
hoan hӍ. Chúng ta rҩt, rҩt may mҳn đưӧc nӕi kӃt vӟi nhӳng bұc chӭng ngӝ này, thұm chí chӍ
đưӧc ӣ bên các ngài mӝt chӕc lát, có mӕi liên kӃt và nhӳng sӵ ban phưӟc và đһc biӋt đưӧc làm
đӋ tӱ cӫa các ngài thì quҧ là hӃt sӭc may mҳn."

€ c

Thҫy Tenzin Zopa thuұt lҥi: ³Khoҧng mưӡi phút trưӟc khi Đҥi Thành
tӵu giҧ ngӯng thӣ, Kopan Khen Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup và tôi mӛi
ngưӡi nҳm mӝt bàn tay cӫa ngài và cuӕi cùng tha thiӃt khҭn cҫu ngài
trӣ lҥi như mӝt hóa thân đӇ làm lӧi lҥc cho Phұt Pháp và tҩt cҧ chúng
sinh. Đҥi Thành tӵu giҧ đã trҧ lӡi chúng tôi vӟi lòng bi mүn lӟn lao,
đưa ra hai biӇu thӏ rõ ràng. Trưӟc hӃt ngài nói chӳ đҫu tiên cӫa tên
cha mҽ là chӳ AH. KӃ đó, bҵng cách chӍ ngón tay vӅ phía đông bҳc
Kopan, mӝt biӇu thӏ rõ ràng vӅ phương hưӟng ngài sӁ đӃn. Vào lúc đó
Khen Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup và tôi cҧm thҩy hӃt sӭc an әn và có
niӅm tin cùng sӵ hoan hӍ trong viӋc xác quyӃt hóa thân cӫa ngài.
Nhưng cҧ hai chúng tôi giӳ kín biӇu thӏ rõ ràng này cho tӟi ngày 17
tháng Mưӡi Hai năm 2005 khi Tenzin Nyudrup đưӧc Đӭc Đҥt Lai Lҥt
Ma thӭ 14 xác nhұn là hóa thân đích thӵc không thӇ sai lҫm cӫa Đҥi
Thành tӵu giҧ quá cӕ Geshe Lama Konchog. Khi đó hóa thân đưӧc ba tuәi rưӥi.

Yogi vĩ đҥi Geshe Lama Konchog thӏ tӏch ngày 15 Tháng Mưӡi năm 2001 và Tenzin Nyudrup ra
đӡi lúc 3 giӡ sáng ngày thӭ Hai 28 tháng Mưӡi năm 2002, theo lӏch Tây Tҥng là ngày 22
tháng Chín, là ngày tӕt lành kӹ niӋm Đӭc Phұt tӯ Cung Trӡi Đâu Suҩt trӣ vӅ thӃ gian. Khi cұu bé
ra đӡi, thân cұu to lӟn nhưng không làm thân mүu đau đӟn. Nhӳng ngưӡi trong gia đình nói rҵng
đӭa trҿ sinh ra mà không khóc. Ngay sau khi cұu ra đӡi, mӝt trong nhӳng Đҥo sư dòng Kagyu đã
dùng khoa chiêm tinh đӇ tiên tri vӅ sӵ kiӋn này. ViӋc tiên tri cho thҩy thұt rõ ràng rҵng đӭa trҿ
này không phҧi là ngưӡi bình thưӡng, đó là mӝt hiӇn lӝ cӫa mӝt Lҥt ma chӭng ngӝ rҩt cao cҩp ӣ
phương Nam và v.v..

8 giӡ sáng ngày 12/1/2006 Đӭc Đҥt Lai Lҥt Ma thӭ 14 đã làm lӉ thө phong cho hóa thân Tenzin
Nyudrup ӣ Amarvati trong ViӋn Kalachakra Mandala, đӏa điӇm linh thiêng nhҩt, nơi Đӭc Phұt
Thích Ca Mâu Ni đã ban giáo lý tantra Kalachakra lҫn đҫu tiên trong thӃ giӟi. Hơn 800 đӋ tӱ cӫa
Đҥi thành tӵu giҧ quá cӕ Geshe Lama Konchog (là nhӳng ngưӡi tham dӵ lӉ nhұp môn
Kalachakra) tӯ khҳp nơi trên thӃ giӟi đã tham dӵ buәi lӉ. Ngoài ra còn có nhiӅu Tăng đoàn và
các tu viӋn trưӣng, cӵu tu viӋn trưӣng, và Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Khen Rinpoche Lama Lhundrup
và v.v.. Hóa thân đã đưӧc Đӭc Đҥt Lai Lҥt Ma làm lӉ thө phong tu sĩ và đưӧc tһng danh hiêu là
Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche. Khi ban danh hiӋu này, Đӭc Đҥt Lai Lҥt Ma nói: ³Bӣi ngài đã
thay đәi thân tưӟng, tôi ưӟc muӕn tһng ngài mӝt danh hiӋu mӟi, phân nӱa là tên tôi và phân nӱa
là tên trong đӡi trưӟc cӫa ngài. Tôi hӃt sӭc kǤ vӑng ӣ ngài, cҫu mong ngài tӕt lành trong Pháp,
tôi tһng ngài danh hiӋu TENZIN PHUNTSOK´ (Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche)./.

   ! "

(1) Cho: Nghĩa đen là ³cҳt´. Mӝt hӋ thӕng thӵc hành dӵa trên Bát Nhã Ba la mұt, truyӅn tӯ Thành
tӵu giҧ Ҩn Đӝ Phadampa Sangye và nӳ Đҥo sư Tây Tҥng Machig Lapdron vӟi mөc đích cҳt đӭt
bӕn loҥi Ma và sӵ chҩp ngã.

(2) Ba Phương diӋn chính yӃu cӫa Con Đưӡng: nhӳng giáo lý cӕt tӫy cӫa Lam-rim: sӵ Tӯ bӓ, Bӗ
ĐӅ tâm, và tánh Không



Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche

Photographer Ven Tenzin Zopa



With great devotion and countless prostrations to the lotus feet of The Three Times
Supreme Object of Refuge, The most venerable Kyabje Lama Thupten Zopa Rinpoche

On your holy advice, in July 8th, 2005 I wrote a letter relating pertinent information
about the Tsum boy, Tenzin Nyudrup, who is a candidate to be recognized as the late
Great Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's reincarnation.

5 years ago the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog passed away. Since then, with
great devotion hundreds and hundreds of true devoted Sangha and lay disciples of the late
great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog from all over the world who have extracted the
nectar of the late yogi's Holy teachings, especially the communities of Omin Jangchup
Choe Ling (Kopan Monastery), Kachoe Gyakyil Ling (Kopan Nunnery), Daychen
Lhundrup Monastery and Rachen Jangchup Choeling Nunnery in the Himalayan region
called Tsum, plus overseas Dharma centers and Sangha and lay communities have
strongly prayed for great benefit for Buddha Dharma and numberless sentient beings so
desperately needed by praying for the swift return of the true un-mistaken reincarnation
of the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog.
Therefore I, a simple minded and deluded disciple of the late great yogi, have searched
for the actual reincarnation and in the process been able to gather some valid, true, and
obvious observations as follows.

Some weeks before the great yogi passed away, while I was serving Him, He talked
about a young man called Apey from the place where Geshe Lama Konchog did strict
retreat for over 25 years. During those 25 years He sustained His body by doing chulen
(taking the essence) practice which means sustaining the body by extracting the
nutritional essence from wind (or other substances). He stayed in a holy remote
Himalayan valley where the ancient Tibetan saint Milarepa's cave is located. As well, He
did strict retreat under a tree without any protection from outer elements, snow, or wild
animals. The environment surrounding this holy hidden happy valley called Tsum is said
to have been established by the Lotus Born Buddha, Padmasambava.

The great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog constantly talked about this farmer named
Apey from this holy valley saying repeatedly, "Now I have a great wish to meet Apey."
Especially one week before the great yogi passed away, His main conversation is about
Apey. One day the great yogi said, "How come this year Apey never appeared to see me?
Before I die, I must see him. Is there anyway to send a message to him to come down to
see me?" While saying this the great yogi also showed the aspect of being very nervous
and urgent. Then I asked what is the reason it appears so important to see him? I had
never seen the great yogi act like this before, so I asked why? The great yogi Geshe Lama
Konchog replied, "You people will not understand what I mean! It would be best if I
could meet Apey directly." While we were earnestly trying to understand what the great
yogi meant, suddenly, a man from Tsum Niloe, who used to be one of the the great yogi's
benefactors while he was in Tsum, appeared to see Him. His first words to this Tsumpa
were, "Is Apey coming down to town?" He replied that this year Apey would not be able
to come down to town; the reason being that this year Apey had lots farming at the one
time and he didn't have manpower in his family. For this reason Niloe was sure that Apey
would not come. Then he asked why the great yogi needed to see him? The yogi replied,
"I need to give him a very important message." The great yogi said, "Anyway when are
you going back to Tsum?" He replied, "I am going back tomorrow morning." "Oh! That's
very good." The great yogi said, "Can you be sure to pass my message to Apey? Ask him
to come down to see me as soon as possible and at the same time ask him to bring a small
piece of butter, and a bit of tsampa, and a bit of new cheese (shoesha-somar)." "Sure
Geshe la, I'll pass the message to Apey. But I am quite sure that he doen't have fresh
shoesha this time. Can I send fresh shoesha from my family for you?" the great yogi said
"NO! This time he must bring it from his family." After this conversation, Niloe man left
from the great yogi's room at Kopan. Unexpectedly, about ten minutes later, he returned
back because he forgot his hat in Geshe la's room. When the great mahasiddha saw him
again, the great mahasiddha said, "Oh, you came back. I would like to reconfirm with you,
please make sure that you don't forget my message to Apey."

We found out that, unfortunately, this Tsumpa was unable to return to Tsum before the
great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog passed away. Therefore, Apey didn't get the

Miraculously though, on October 16th, 2001, at nine in the morning Apey suddenly
appeared at great mahasiddha's room in Kopan. Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to
meet the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog directly as the great yogi Geshe Lama
Konchog had passed away on the previous day, October 15th, 2001, at 8:50 PM. So,
Kopan's abbot, Khen Rinpoche Lama Lhundup, and myself asked Apey, "Did you receive
Geshe Lama Konchog's message?" "No," He replied. "Did you hear about Geshe la's
situation?" "No.", Apey replied. "Then why did you come down to Kathmandu even
though it is a very long way from Tsum? Do you have any job to do in Kathmandu?"
"No.", Apey replied. "Then how come you are here?" "Since last week while I was
working in the fields, I couldn't settle my mind. I don't know why. I was almost going
crazy. I couldn't concentrate even for a moment on my work in the fields. I suddenly felt
like going off, and so three days ago left without even informing my wife and my
children. I just came off to Kathmandu. I also don't understand myself how I was able to
walk from mountain to mountain to reach Kathmandu within 2 days when it is supposed
to take at least 5 days to walk here from Tsum."

Then we asked why he wasn't able to reach last night before our guru Geshe Konchog la
passed away? He said, "Unfortunately, I was unable to get a bus from Arugar, and, at the
same time I didn't know about Geshe la's situation. In Tsum we all don't know about the
great yogi's situation. No one has heard about it".

Then we asked him, "What have you brought from Tsum?" Amazingly, he had brought
just exactly the things Geshe la had desired from him, butter, tsampa, and cheese
(shoesha) in the exact amounts wished for. Kopan abbot Kyen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup
and myself and many of us who knew the story of the great yogi's and the Tsumpa Niloe's
conversation about Apey and the things to be brought from Tsum were all amazed and
shocked! It was so amazing for things to happen in this way without any verbal
communication. This was truly direct mental communication. Apey brought these three
things for the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog so that in case Geshe la was
staying at Kopan then, he might get a chance to see him and offer those foods. These
three things were the great yogi's favorites, he knew.

Because of this amazing incident, Kopan's Abbot Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup asked
Apey to arrange these three offerings into beautiful bowls and offer them in front of the
great mahasiddha geshe la's holy body. Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup said to Apey,
"Because the great mahasiddha is still alive he can see you, he can talk to you, he will
accept the offerings. Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup continued, "He is in clear light
meditation. He is not like us normal people, he is buddha. From a material view, it
appears to us he is dead, but in reality he is not dead. He is still alive and he is in clear
light meditation. So you make three prostrations and offer as an auspicious offering and
please pray strongly. I have a great hope in you."

On another occasion, a few days before the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog
passed away, a committee representing Kopan monastery, Kopan nunnery, and other
overseas students made extensive mandala offerings with many requests to the Great
Mahasiddha to return as a reincarnation. The Great Mahasiddha replied, "Whether I
return as an incarnation or not depends on the Sangha communities and students prayers
and wishes.

On the following day, Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup, and Geshe Lobsang Jam-yang on
behalf of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, made extensive mandala offerings with symbols
of Buddha's body, speech and mind, and requested The Great Mahasiddha to return as a
reincarnation. The great Mahasiddha again replied, "It depends on the Sangha
communities and students prayers. Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche will know where I will

The day before The great Mahasiddha passed away, I also made strong prayers and
offered body, speech, and mind and requested many, many times to The Great
Mahasiddha to return as a reincarnation. He replied, "Don't cry. Don't be sad. We will be
seeing each other very soon. I have full trust in you. The only thing you have to be
careful about is not to be too aggressive. I truly trust Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche. You
just make sure you finish your Geshe studies and be sure to serve Rinpoche in whatever
way required. And also, whenever you need advice just refer to Rinpoche. Rinpoche will
know where I will be, just refer to Rinpoche. Also, one thing, before I stop my breath,
make sure all the offerings and money I have is divided into two portions. With one
portion make charity and offerings to all the monasteries, temples, holy places etc.
without any discrimination. Make equal charity and offerings to them. The second
portion, offer for the teachings at Bodhgaya by HH Dalai Lama. The teachings should be
arranged with Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche's advice and should be suitable to be
received by all levels of people. Just keep 50 rupees as a purse keeper." He gave a very
sweet smile then carried on saying, "After I pass away, for some time don't let anybody
touch the body. Don't make noise. Don't light butter lamps near to my body. Don't burn
incense near my body and don't cry; and make sure to cremate my body on Monday. The
cremation puja is to be performed through the Yamataka fire puja, and do Medicine
Buddha puja. So just make it a simple one okay. I have done everything in my life, I have
no regret, I am very happy about everything."

About ten minutes before The Great Mahasiddha stopped his breath, Kopan Khen
Rinpoche Lama Lundrup and myself each held one of The Great Mahasiddha's holy
hands and finally made extensive requests for Him to return as a reincarnation for the
benefit of the Buddha Dharma and all sentient beings. We requested extensively and with
very loud voices to show us clear indications from where his reincarnation would appear.
With so much compassion The Great Mahasiddha replied to our request by showing two
obvious indications. First, by saying the first syllable of the parents name, the syllable
AH. Second, by pointing his finger to the north-east from Kopan, showing a clear
indication of the direction where he was going to descend. At that moment Khen
Rinpoche Lama Lundrup and myself already felt greatly relieved and had confidence and
joy in the certainty of His reincarnation. But we both kept this clear indication to
ourselves until December 17th, 2005 when Tenzin Nyudrup was recognized as an
unmistaken true reincarnation of the late Great Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog by HH
the 14th Dalai Lama.

In fact in 1999, I was in the Great Mahasiddha's room at Kopan serving butter tea for him
and his classmate, the Abbot of Samdeling Monastery. They were teasing each other in
many ways, and suddenly the abbot said to The Great Mahasiddha, "Remember, since
childhood we were together at Sera University in Tibet. You have been very different
from us since we were young. You have done serious practice in all the Sutra and Tantra
paths. You have always been one of the most enthusiastic and favorite to receive Tantric
initiations and do serious retreats. You would never miss out on all these things. It is kind
of your hobby isn't it?" "Remember we used to stay next to each other and the whole
night you would never let us have a peaceful sleep. The whole night you would make
noises of Cho offering practices and the exercises of the Six Yogas of Naropa, banging
here and there ha ha.... And as well you were one of the best philosopher/debaters; and
you are especially excellent in Madhyamika / The Middle Way and the theory of
emptiness. Remember you always used to be a discussion leader and even senior scholars
came to you to extract your extraordinary knowledge and yet you used to be very humble.
Therefore, our seniors gave you the nickname, Lama Konchog (Lama Refuge). When we
think of our past it is with very joyous memories and is amazing isn't it? And now we are
already old." Ho!Ho!Ha!Ha! "Lama Konchog if you die surely you will come as a
reincarnate Rinpoche won't you?" The Great Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog gave a
big smile and a huge laugh and said, "Of course, for sure I will come back with so much
promotion Ha!Ha!"
On another occasion during 2000, the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog was
seriously ill in Singapore such that He almost passed away. At that time Kyabje Lama
Zopa Rinpoche was in Hong Kong. Rinpoche gave a call to the Great Mahasiddha and
requested Him to live long, but if due to the lack of disciples' merits if the Great
Mahasiddha felt is more beneficial to leave this body then, "You still have to make sure
and promise that You will return to Kopan as a reincarnate lama. You need to help and
support me as you have done during this life." The Great Mahasiddha replied, "For sure I

After this conversation with Rinpoche, the Great Mahasiddha showed me a very
delightful face and said, "If I get well, I really need to use my full time to help Rinpoche,
especially to actualize Rinpoche's heart project, the Maitreya Statue. You know, whatever
Rinpoche does, there is no mistake! Rinpoche never fears problems, He only reflects on
what is of benefit. If the action is beneficial for Dharma, and even if it benefits just one
sentient being, even if there are lots of obstacles, Rinpoche will still do it. He will never
give up. It is cause for much rejoicing, and it is very courageous, and it is wonderful isn't
it? In fact, we all should be like Rinpoche. There is no waste of time if serving Rinpoche
and it is very meaningful. Whatever He does, is truly pure Dharma."

I remember that after Rinpoche called, from the very next day the great mahasiddha
Geshe Lama Konchog started to recover. Unfortunately though, he never fully recovered
until the end of his life.

So I am very hopeful, and I pray days and nights and have full faith that all the late Great
Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's wishes to help Rinpoche and Dharma and sentient
beings will be fulfilled by holy reincarnation Tenzin Nyudrup (Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok

On one occasion, before the Great Mahasiddha returned to Kopan from Singapore, He
again relapsed and almost passed away.

Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche suddenly flew to Singapore and visited the Great
Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog, at that time. Rinpoche asked myself and my brother,
Thupten Lundrup, and the resident geshe and everyone to stay out of the Mahasiddha's
room, and the door was closed. Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the Great Mahasiddha
Geshe Lama Konchog, just by themselves, spent more than an hour. I presume that they
made serious conversation and confirmation of the Great mahasiddha Geshe Lama
Konchog's reincarnation and so on. Since then, whenever people talked to him about His
holy reincarnation, most of the time He would reply that, about this Kyabje Lama Zopa
Rinpoche knows.
Now, recalling all these incidents, it seems really amazing how Buddhas communicate
through their omniscient mind. It is really beyond we ordinary being's perceptions. It is
truly amazing.

The year after the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog passed away, I was on a
fundraising tour in Singapore for the 1000 Buddha Relics Stupa at Kopan,
commemoration for the late Great Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog. On the day after a
fundraising lunch, I happened to call Kopan Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup, but
accidentally the call went to Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche's room. Coincidentally, Kyabje
Lama Zopa Rinpoche Himself picked up the phone. I was shocked and very happy to
hear His voice and so took the chance to report the success of the fundraising lunch for
the 1000 Buddha Relics Stupa. Which Rinpoche had advised me to build a Wheel
Turning Stupa especially motivated and dedicated to the swift and unmistaken return of
the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's reincarnation. When Rinpoche heard the
success of the fundraising, He sounded very pleased. Suddenly Rinpoche added a few
words saying, try to get as many blessings pills, such as mani pills, as possible, and send
them to your brother's wife. Ask her to take them regularly. Take as many as possible.
After this conversation with Rinpoche, we hung up the phone and my head was full of
questions? Why did Rinpoche ask me to send blessing pills to my sister-in-law and ask
her to take them regularly? I was even wondering how Rinpoche knew about my sister-
in-law? On that occasion, Rinpoche was pausing at Kopan on the way back from a
pilgrimage tour in Tibet.

When I recall this incident now, I am very sure that Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche had
already predicted Tenzin Nyudrup to be the late Great Mahasiddha Geshe Lama
Konchog's reincarnation even just after He was conceived in my sister-in-law, Drolma
Choezom's, womb. It's amazing isn't it?

On another occasion, a few months after the Great Mahasiddha passed away, during
Tibetan New Year's Great Prayer Festival in Kopan, the great and revered lama, Kyabje
Denma Locho Rinpoche, the ex-abbot of HH the Dalai Lama's monastery, was present at
Kopan Monastery. With the holy advice of Kopan Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup, I took
the opportunity to offer one complete set of new (fully ordained) Gelong's robes, which
had belonged to the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog, to Kyabje Denma
Locho Rinpoche. I asked for his omniscient mind observation about the late great
mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's reincarnation. His omniscient reply was that at the
moment the Great Mahasiddha is in Vajrayogini Pure-land, and He has already made a
prayer to descend to this world to benefit numberless beings and to serve Buddha Dharma.
So, we just wait for the right time for Him to descend. From our side, we just rejoice in
his great and numberless realizations, and keep pure samaya, and make strong prayers,
then our wish will come true. " I will pray strongly from my side for the swift return".

The following year, Kyabje Denma Locho Rinpoche again visited Kopan Monastery for
the Great Prayer Festival. I made strong prayers, prostrations, and offerings, and asked
the same question. His omniscient mind replied, "Now it seems the great yogi Geshe
Lama Konchog has already descended. Now it is very important for us to find the
unmistaken reincarnation. For that, you must seek advice from the Omniscient
Compassionate Buddha Chenrezig, HH the Dalai Lama. Then we will be able to find the
unmistaken true reincarnation of the great yogi the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama

Rinpoche even advised me, "Now you must study hard and complete your geshe studies.
Once we have found the unmistaken reincarnation, you must look after him. It is very
meaningful and very fortunate to be able to serve Him again. One will accumulate great
vase merits, you will be one of the most lucky ones, because it is the same person, having
the same realizations, and with an equal power of blessing. The only difference is in
different form." After hearing Rinpoche's advice, i couldn't wait to serve the Great
Mmahasiddha again in a different form.

At the beginning of 2005, I went to meet Kyabje Denma Locho Rinpoche in Dharamsala
with the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's reincarnation film project crew.
Rinpoche declared, "Now you should try to make an appointment to meet HH the Dalai
Lama and request His omniscient observation on the great Yogi's reincarnation. It is
already coming on five years since The Great Yogi passed away. I am sure He has
already descended into our world by now." I replied to Rinpoche that Kyabje Lama Zopa
Rinpoche, Khen Rinpoche, and Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche are taking full charge of the
search for the unmistaken reincarnation of the late Great Mahasiddha and they are
referring everything to HH The Dalai Lama. As well, Ii got a call from Kyabje Lama
Zopa Rinpoche saying that He is going to arrange an appointment to see HH The Dalai
Lama either in Switzerland or the U.S. this year about our late great mahasiddha Geshe
Lama Konchog's reincarnation. Kyabje Denma Locho Rinpoche showed a very delightful
face and said, "That's very good! Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche will be the most
appropriate to do this. I am very happy about it because it is very important! I will make
strong prayers to clear the obstacles to finding swiftly the unmistaken reincarnation of the
late great yogi Geshe Lama Konchog."

In the beginning of 2003, after I had completed the 1000 Buddha Relics Stupa, Ii returned
to Sera Je University and went to pay respects to my teacher, the ex-abbot of Sera Je
University, Khensur Losang Tsering Rinpoche. We had a serious conversation on the late
great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's life and reincarnation. Khensur Rinpoche made
an observation and said it is 100% sure that the Great Mahasiddha's reincarnation already
exits. Then I asked where Khensur Rinpoche thinks He is now? Rinpoche replied, "In my
observation He seems to have taken rebirth in the place where Geshe la meditated in the
past 25 years." Khensur Rinpoche even advised, "If you happen to visit that place, it is
good that you should start to observe, but you have to be very careful and skillful, and
very low profile. The best way is to take one of the mahasiddha's malas, mix it with other
malas, and you wear it on your wrist or on your neck. Then go around that village,
especially analyze the children around age one to two." Then He changed the subject and
said, "I know Geshe Lama Konchog (the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog) better
than you people know Him. We were very close friends since Sera University from Tibet.
His name is Lama Konchog and He is really Lama Konchog. The label was given to the
right base, I see Him as truly omniscient. He is not only a scholar in philosophy, but He is
truly a scholar in all fields of Sutra and Tantra. He mastered everything that we're
supposed to know which many of the other scholars don't, and truly put everything in to
practice. He is very humble, very courageous, and very supportive. When I did 3 years
Great Yamantaka Retreat in my old room in Sera, He is the one who sponsored my
retreat and all the fire pujas. I am very thankful to Him. I feel and have 100% faith that
He is truly a highly realized lama, that's no question at all. Just looking at the signs after
He passed away, like the relics and the rainbows etc, these are not signs an ordinary being
can achieve, no way!!!!!. Such signs can only achieved by very highly realized holy
beings. It is not that I am just saying this to you, it is as Buddha taught 2500 years back.
Sometimes, when I think of Him and past yogis such as Milarepa, I wander how they
were able to get such courage to do such great practices. It is truly something worth
rejoicing in. Nowadays many people still study very well and know quite a lot but to put
in to daily practice and make that practice the full cause of liberation is very very very
difficult. Is very very very rare to find precious beings like the great yogis like Milarepa
and Lama Konchog nowadays. If we want to become Buddha in this lifetime, we should
be doing like them. But it is really, really a great task. Unbelievable isn't it? I rejoice, I
rejoice. We are very, very fortunate to have connections with these holy realized beings,
even just to get a moment to be together and have connection and blessings and
especially to be a disciple of him is truly fortunate"

After this conversation, Khensur Rinpoche asked me to have lunch with Him and we
ended the meeting.

Every time I returned from Nepal, Khensur Rinpoche would always ask me about the late
great mahasiddha's Geshe Lama Konchog's reincarnation. For the past few years I have
had no confirmation for Khensur Rinpoche. But this last time, when I returned from
Nepal, I had the best news for Him. When I saw Him on December 27, 2005, on entering
His room, before i could even prostrate, He asked me," What is the update on Geshe
Lama Konchog's reincarnation?" I immediately answered that the Great Mahasiddha
Geshe Lama Konchog's reincarnation is already found and recognized by HH the 14th
Dalai Lama on 17th of December 2005 and the Reincarnation is a 3 and half years old
boy from Tsum, the same boy Khensur Rinpoche used to talk about. Khensur Rinpoche
was so pleased to hear this news. He said, "Now we are very relieved, very happy, and
very fortunate to have found the unmistaken reincarnation. Since His Holiness recognized
Him, that's the most accurate and most important. So now even though there is the same
continuum of the same person and the same realizations, but for the benefit of deluded
beings, He has chosen to manifest in a new form to manifest like us in our world, just
manifest like us for our full benefit. So now we should concentrate to offer Him the best
education, we have to create very pure and best environment and take good care of His
health and everything, they are not like us for them they will learn very fast and very
easily, from our side we just need to create the best environment . He will bring great
benefits for the Buddha Dharma and numberless beings, having one holy being like this
in our world is much more worthwhile then having hundreds and hundreds of like us.
Now we should treasure Him and take good care of Him."

And also before Tenzin Nyudrup was ordained, Khensur Losang Tsering Rinpoche so
kindly came to pay respect to the little holy boy Tenzin Nyudrup on 11/1/06 at Amarvati
during HH The 14th Dalai Lama's Kalachakra, and that is the first time they met in
different form. While Khensur Rinpoche offered kata and full sets of ordained Sangha
robes to the holy boy, Khensur Rinpoche asked Tenzin Nyudrup whether he remembered
him or not and the holy boy reply that he did, and they bowed to each other and offered
kata to each other and they touch their forehead for about 5 minutes and Khensur
Rinpoche said "I request you to live long and have to be the great wisdom eye for the
benefits of all the beings and have to turn the great wheel of Buddhadharma till samsara
ends and I can see that you have the ability to do that, I am very very very happy that you
have returned very fast and in a great form."

On 12/1/06 after the holy boy Tenzin Nyudrup was ordained by HH the 14th Dalai Lama
at 8 am in Amarvati in the Kalachakra Mandala House, the most holy site where the
Buddha Shakyamuni gave the teachings on the Kalachakra tantra for the first time in this
world. The greatest auspicious holy site Amarvati Holy stupa, the greatest auspicious
holy Guru the living compassionate Buddha Chenrezig HH The 14th Dalai Lama, the
greatest auspiciousness of holy teaching, the great tantric teaching the Kalachakra
initiation, the greatest month day and hour and moment - with all this incredible
auspicious occasions the holy boy Tenzin Nyudrup was ordained and given a holy
ordination name - Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche. When HH the Dalai Lama gave this
holy name to the little boy Tenzin Nyudrup His Holiness said "Since you have changed
your form I wish to give you a new name, so half my name and half your past life's name.
I have great hope in you, may you be auspicious to the Dharma, I give you a name
TENZIN PHUNTSOK." (Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche)

After the ordination on 12/1/2006 we had an ordination ceremony for Tulku Tenzin
Phuntsok Rinpoche at 1.30pm in Amarvati and over 800 students of the late great
mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog attended from all over the world (who were attending
the Kalachakra initiation), as well many Sangha and abbots and ex-abbots and of course
Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Khenrinpoche Lama Lundrup and so on. On that very
day everyone had a most wonderful, most happy, most auspicious moment when
everyone rushed to offer kata and offering of toys and so on and once again got the
chance to be so close to the the great mahasiddha Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche (the
holy reincarnation of our late Guru the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog).

On that day Khensur Rinpoche came to the auspicious gathering and said to Tulku Tenzin
Phuntsok Rinpoche "We all have great hope in you and you are our future and you have
to turn the great wheel of Dharma to the all world. We all have faith in you and we have
full trust that you will be the great opening wisdom eye for numberless blind poor mother
beings. You brighten our coming days."

And also Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche keep sharing with the ex-abbots and
Khenrinpoche that when our little Lama went to get blessing from His Holiness, His
Holiness showed a very pleased expression to our little Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche.
Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche is very pleased with all the occasions related to Tulku
Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche.

On the same day Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche met his old past life close friend the
ex-abbot of Seraje Khensur Rinpoche Jampa Thechog in Amarvati and Khensur
Rinpoche offer kata and offerings and asked to 3 and half year old Tulku Tenzin
Phuntsok Rinpoche, "Rinpoche do you remember me? We were very very close Dharma
friend". Then our little rinpoche replied in a very unique and very special way to Khensur
Rinpoche and Khensur Rinpoche right away said that is true Geshe Lama Konchog, our
late Geshe Lama Konchog especially used to behave in the same way like this to me
whenever we were together. I am so happy that you returned quite fast, we all waited to
see this auspicious day. We all are very glad and we have great hope in you and you are
our future".

On the same day he met Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche and Rinpoche said "Now we all feel so
happy and so grateful, the most important thing is that we were able to find the
unmistaken reincarnation of our late great master and at the same time we were able to
get such a fortunate chance to get blessing and ordination and recognition from HH the
14th Dalai Lama. It is all truly amazing and tooooo fortunate and toooo auspicious for all
of us".

On 21 Jan 2006 while Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche was on the pilgrimage to Ajanta
and Ellora (80 Mahasiddhas' Caves in India) Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche for the
first time met his old past life friend the ex-abbot of Samdeyling Monastery Khensur
Jampa Tseten. Khensur Rinpoche was very very happy and offer kata and offerings to his
past life friend in a different form, the 3 and half years old Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok
Rinpoche. And his first words to him were "I heard the great and very very auspicious
news about your return in Amarvati during HH the Dalai Lama's Kalachakra initiation, I
did try to find where you were staying but unfortunately I was unable to. But I had full
faith in our past karma and I did strong prayers that we must meet soon. My prayers and
our past karma are answered. Rinpoche you are truly wonderful, do you remember me?"
Then they touch their forehead and Khensur Rinpoche said "Now you have to come back
to Sera University soon and have to return to Lhowa Khamtsen, and I have full faith in
you that you will be one of the greatest lamas in the coming days and you have to turn the
wheel of Dharma all over the world and have to live long and take good care, as for me I
am already too old and soon will have to leave the world".

Then Khensur Rinpoche talked to me and said "in fact I was there the day before Geshe
Lama Konchog passed away in Kopan and the great yogi said that in his coming life he
will return in the child of Tenzin Zopa's brother, I have kept this to myself till today
because I can see Kyabje lama Zopa Rinpoche and Kopan Khenrinpoche Lama Lundrup
and Dagri Rinpoche are taking full charge of this so I just watch from afar and if this
auspicious day didn't happen by now, in fact I thought to raise my voice about our late
yogi's reincarnation because we also have full responsibility, especially me from Sera
Lhowa Khamtsen, the Khamtsen has full responsibility about this, anyway thanks to all
the buddhas and thanks to His Holiness and thanks to Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Kopan
and you and so on for finding the unmistaken true incarnation of my late great friend,
Tenzin Zopa you just have to remember that in this world you will never find such a great
true lama, a true yogi like the late Geshe Lama Konchog. I knew him for 27 years so I
know the true facts about him, I tell you the truth he is fantastic in everything, a true
living Kadampa geshe, a true yogi, and true scholar, and true Lama Konchog, however
much you people know about him you people don't know anything about him. Anyway
you are still one of the fortunate ones. OK you made my day and life of letting me and
my long time close friend Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche be here together for a
moment. Anyway I don't mean to take too much time of you all, you might need to leave
from this place? Please take good care of Rinpoche".
Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche has many inborn qualities and I would like share one or

A few hours after Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche was ordained by His Holiness The
14th Dalai Lama we had an ordination ceremony at Amarvati, during the ordination
ceremony attended by over 800 students and Sangha and many new faces; not only the
students who were already connected with the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama
Konchog were overjoyed and blessed but also the new faces were also truly in great joy
just by hearing the name of Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche and just to see his face
everyone is totally subdued and gave them great joy and blessing, as many of those who
attended said, and I think so too. I am 100% sure that in coming days this precious Tulku
Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche will be like pure honey, by the sweetness of his compassion,
wisdom and blessing numberless beings in this world will be able to be satisfied and
everyone's wishes will be fulfilled by granting the nectar of pure Dharma and blessing
just like pure honey satisfies all the bees. Even with the cuteness of the look of his holy
face and the way he looks at things and the way he smiles at people and the way he
interacts with different people and different things and his compassion of giving and
concern for sick people and poor people and his thoughtfulness to everyone and his
respectful and affectionate thought to holy objects, especially for Buddha images and
stupas. The amazing thing is he never satisfied or gets tired of being with stupas and
buddhas images even at this age of 3 and a half, and also since he was two years old he
prefers to sleep alone and before he sleeps he like to recite Om mani peme hum.
Especially after everyone has fallen sleep and if he can't sleep he will chant the mantra till
he can sleep, and every night he will wake up at 3am and will ask any of the family
sleeping around him whether the sun has risen or not. If we don't want him to get up by
that time we just have to reply to him that the sun has not risen and then he will say I
want to rise fast so I will chant JANGCHUP SEMCHO RINPOCHE till the sun rises and
then he will chant this holy bodhichitta prayers till he can get up.

And he likes to use only red and yellow colour cloths. Plus the firmness in his decisions
and he really knows what is good and what is not good. Whenever he gets close with the
different things and also within my stay with him for the last few months he has shown
many many sign of predictions, such as if there is going to be an accident or some bad
things are going to happen he will scream and direct us in the safe direction. A few times
at the beginning when I started to travel and stay together with him I just ignore him and
find he was very stubborn, and sure enough some bad things will happen - it has
happened every time he reacted like that. So then whenever he react this way I try to
follow as he wants and then he stops crying and screaming and nothing bad will happen.
If things around are very good and auspicious and something good or auspicious is going
to happen he will act very happy, very enjoying and very relaxed. Just this much itself is
already too amazing for a little 3 and half year old child. There are many many inborn
amazing qualities in him.

In 2003, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Khen Rinpoche advised myself, Gelek Gyatso
Rinpoche, and Kopan manager Ven. Tenpa Choden to visit Tsum valley for the purpose
of taking over the Mu Monastery and Rachen Nunnery on behalf of Lama Zopa Rinpoche
and Kopan Monastery. I took the opportunity to investigate Geshe la's reincarnation in
Tsum valley in accordance with the advice of Kyensur Losang Tsering Rinpoche, Kopan
Khenrinpoche Lama Lundrup, and Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche. A few days after the great
mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's cremation with the request of Kopan Khenrinpoche
Lama Lundrup through Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche, HH the Dalai Lama made several
predictions to the late Great Mahasiddha's reincarnation there is a reincarnation .

2-he will come more from the Tibet side, more in the east - north east direction.

Geshe Jam-yang's astrology predicted the structure, surrounding layout, height, and color,
of the reincarnation's house, and the first syllable of the parent's names, syllable (AH)
"Apey" and the first syllable of the village name, syllable (TSA) "Tsum".

As well, the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog himself had clearly indicated,
just before He passed away, the direction where his reincarnation would appear - the
direction north east direction and the first syllables of the parents' names, syllable (AH)
"Apey". However, my first efforts at checking were made using malas as Khensur Losang
Tsering Rinpoche had advised. I brought along to Tsum one crystal mala which belonged
to the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog, and the mala which He used
everyday for torma offerings. I wore one of Geshe la's actual malas on my wrist together
with a few others which did not belong to the great yogi Geshe la. Going through the
villages, I showed these to children around the age of one to two years old. Until reaching
Apey's family, I didn't see unusual indications from any of the children. When I saw
Apey's boy, a one year old named Tenzin Nyudrup, he straight away grabbed all the
malas from my wrist. He wore them on his neck and gradually threw all the other malas
from his neck except for the crystal mala, which had belonged to the late great
mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog. This one he wore around his neck. We all tried our
best to get the crystal mala back from him, but he grabbed it with his left hand and
wouldn't let go. Six of us were new to him but we were amazed by the response the boy
gave to all of us, and the monks and nuns from Rachen and Mu monasteries, including
the family, we all tried to be smart to get the mala back by giving him brand new toys
like cars, balloons, and saying nice words to him etc. He gave us a big shock by
screaming violently, throwing toys, and even crying so badly that all of us failed to
retrieve the mala. That was around 6 PM. Around 10 PM, he went to bed. Even then he
was still holding the mala tightly around his neck. We tried our luck at getting the mala
back after he had gone to sleep. We asked his grandmother Butri to try gently to take it
off his neck while he was sleeping. But he knew and he screamed and cried. For three
days and nights, he never let the mala separate from his neck. He held it very dearly. We
had to fly back to Kathmandu having totally failed to retrieve the mala. In that instant
reaction of the little boy, in all our minds, without any choice, faith arose. We had a great
suspicion that this child may well be the reincarnation. Thus, we felt a spontaneous joy.
We all hoped to spend more time with him, but unfortunately we had to leave the valley.
We returned to Kopan with great joy and great hope.

In accordance with the strong advice of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Kyabje Dagri
Rinpoche, Khenrinpoche Lama Lundrup and H E Trulshig Rinpoche and so on for the
swift return and to clear all the obstacles to find the unmistaken reincarnation of the late
great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog- for the past five years I have had many pujas
performed in different great monasteries such at Sera, Kopan and other monasteries and
nunneries. Especially the one thousand recitation of the Snow Lion Face Dakini prayers,
one hundred thousand sets of Tara pujas, one hundred thousand recitations of the long
Manjushri Dharani prayers, hundreds of Medicine Buddha pujas, one thousand recitations
of the Heart Sutra, one thousand sets of White Umbrella prayers, hundreds and thousands
of recitations of the Vajrasattva mantra, one hundred thousand recitations of 21 Tara
prayers, full recitations of the Kangyur and Tengyur texts, four million recitations of
Compassionate Buddha's mantra, hung hundreds of prayer flags in the Himalayas, had
hundred sets of Nyungnye Retreat (fasting retreat) offered, one hundred thousand torma
offering pujas, many Vajrayogini and Yamantaka self-initiations, built a wheelturning 40
feet 1000 buddha relic stupa, made one hundred thousand Tsa Tsas of Guru Lama
Tsongkapa, made a statue of the great guru Lama Tsongkapa and his two disciples, made
a statue of three deities of highest Yoga tantra, made an 11 face life size statue of the
Compassionate Buddha Chenrezig and Buddha Maitreya, liberated hundreds of animals,
sponsored retreats for the holy Sangha, etc.

After doing these pujas Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche and other lamas asked me to go up to
Tsum again and visit Apey's family in order to make further enquiries about the child. So,
in a very low-key manner, I visited just after Tibetan New Year in 2004. I had the
opportunity to spend three days with Apey's family interacting with the potential
reincarnate child. Also, I made some enquiries with the parents and neighbours.
Especially important were several conversations with Ven. Ani Choedron, who was one
of the Great Mahasiddha's closest attendants while He was in Tsum. Also, she is the
grand-aunt of the boy. Ani Choedron declared many clear indications about the boy, such
as when the boy reached two, many times over many days, the little Tenzin Nyudrup
always called to go up to the cave where Geshe la did strict retreat and always looked up
to the cave and always screamed and asked them to bring him there. And also everyday
he looked up to the cave and always said Gompa Gompa, at the same time pointing his
finger towards the cave. Later Ani Choedron even had to bring little Tenzin Nyudrup to
late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's cave and even had to stay there for weeks
because the boy insisted on going to the cave and even on staying there. She had to do
this a few times. Besides that even at the age of one, whenever he passed by a text box,
the box in which he late Great Mahasiddha himself locked up all his antique scriptures
about 20 years before, whenever the little Tenzin Nyudrup passed by this box, he paid
special attention and grabbed the box. And not only that, he used to search for and hold
the vajra and bell of the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog, the vajra and bell
which the late Mahasiddha kept with the family, and would even ring the bell loudly and
was very attached to it. And also late Great Mahasiddha kept one big wool sangha coat
(dagam) at Apey's house. Tenzin Nyudrup always liked to use that coat and liked to sleep
in that coat. The one year old Tenzin Nyudrup from one year old up to now paid special
attention and had a liking for all the things which belonged to Geshe la and which He
kept in Apey's house. Ven Ani Choedron was amazed to see all this incredible
extraordinary behaviors in this little Tenzin Nyudrup but not in other kids. Not only Ani
la but also many villagers, they saw this little boy Tenzin Nyudrup as extraordinary and
very special.

After I came back from Tsum and visited the boy Tenzin Nyudrup , I went to see one of
the most respected Nyingma lamas called H E Trulshig Rinpoche in Boudha a few times
and requested his omniscient observation in particular about the little boy Tenzin
Nyudrup from Tsum village in the Himalayas, and Rinpoche's observation came out that
Tenzin Nyudrup is the unmistaken reincarnation of the late Guru, the great mahasiddha
Geshe Lama Konchog.

In beginning of 2005, I again visited Apey's family and got the chance to spend three
days in their house. The amazing thing was every morning around 6-am Tenzin Nyudrup,
this little boy, would come and wake me up and force me to follow him to the back of his
house to water the apple tree. The apple tree which was planted by the late great yogi
Geshe Lama Konchog Himself about 20 years back. I would hesitate to get up because it
was very cold and freezing in the morning, even the water was frozen. To touch and play
with the ice water is very tough for me. But he never let me take a chance to run away
while I was staying three days in his house. Every morning I was pulled by his hand with
so much screaming I had to get out from the warm blankets! Since there was so much
force from him, as well as doing the same thing (watering that particular apple tree) at the
same time everyday, I happened to ask the family what is this about? Has he been doing
this everyday? They replied that since a year back, almost everyday he would never miss
any chance to water that particular apple tree. For this no one needed to lead him and no
one needed to ask him. Everyday after he wakes up, he will never forget to water the
apple tree first thing. After knowing this, Iwas amazed and I felt very touched and I cried,
and my faith in him is unshakeable. Because the time wasn't ripe I had to keep all this in
myself till the day His Holiness declared that the little boy Tenzin Nyudrup is the
unmistaken reincarnation of my late great Guru Geshe Lama Konchog.

Another clear indication related to Apey's family is after the Great Mahasiddha passed
away, within 49 days Apey's wife Dolma Choezom had the same dream fortnightly for a
few days. The dream was Geshe la visiting Tsum valley and all the villagers lined up to
receive blessing from Him, but when everyone tried to get near to receive blessing from
Him, Geshe la only put His hand on Dolma Choezom's head and blessed her but none of
the other villagers received blessing from the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog.
She had the same dream a few times and every time after the dream, she had a feeling of
great joy and bliss. In fact in those 2 years, after the first two children, it has been quite a
difficult time of not conceiving any child for Apey's family. Miraculously around the end
of the 49 days after the great yogi passed away, she conceived. The great yogi Geshe
Lama Konchog passed away on Monday 15 Oct 2001 and Tenzin Nyudrup was born at 3
am on Monday 28 Oct 2002 which is Tibetan 22nd of the 9th month which is the
auspicious day on which Buddha Descended from Tushita Heaven. He was supposed to
be born in August, but he delayed two months in the womb. When he was born in Oct,
his physical size was huge, but there was not much pain for his mother. When the child
was born, he did not cry, the family members declared.

Right after the birth, one of the Kagyu mantra masters did a birth astrology for the new
born child. In the astrology it was very clearly stated that this child is not ordinary and is
the manifestation birth of one very highly realized lama from the Southern direction and
so on.

It is long story but to make it brief, in fact Apey and his wife were matchmade by the late
great yogi Himself, the date of the engagement and the date for their marriage were all
chosen by late great mahasiddha Geshe la Himself, even the late Great Mahasiddha
voluntarily offered a puja on their wedding day. Today when I recall all these incidents, it
is really amazing, it all sounds as though the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog
Himself made perfect arrangements for His next rebirth.

Then also, on the night when the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog passed away,
Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup made a call to Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche, and requested
Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche to inform His Holiness that the great yogi Geshe Lama Konchog
just passed away and entered into clear light meditation, and to request His Holiness'
prayers and dedication, and request advice about the reincarnation. For this request, His
Holiness answered "For sure I will pray and do the dedication for the late great yogi, and
as for the reincarnation, there will be a reincarnation, and I feel the direction that he will
come from is more towards Tibet."

Even while the late Great Mahasiddha was in clear light meditation for 7 days, over 200
foreign students and over 700 Sangha saw directly many amazing signs of His great
realizations. Not only that, during His cremation rainbows appeared and surrounded the
sun, and there was a drizzling of rain and rainbows appeared towards the six different
directions. One rainbow appeared from the cremation stupa up to Kopan kitchen. One
rainbow appeared above the fire on the cremation stupa. One rainbow surrounded the
cremation stupa. One rainbow appeared from the cremation stupa to Kathmandu valley.
And one rainbow appeared from the ground to the space in the North-East direction and
this rainbow took about an hour to dissolve in the clouds in that direction. This is also one
of the very clear indications for the search for the reincarnation.

Also in Tibetan custom when we cremate high lamas, in order to find a sign of their
return as a reincarnation or not, normally under the cremation stupa in the centre we put
some sand and smoothen it and cover with a big plate. We invite the holy body to sit
above that plate and be cremated. After the cremation, after clearing the ashes, we open
the plate and check for signs. If there is a footprint, it is a sign that the Lama will return.
If the footprint is small, it means that we will be able to recognize the reincarnation from
childhood. If the footprint is big, that is the sign that we will recognize the reincarnation
when he gets older. To check the direction where the reincarnation will come, we check
the direction in which the heel faces. In the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's
case, there was a very obvious footprint and the heel was directed from the North- East
direction and the toes were facing Kopan's main temple. Plus there was a very obvious
inborn print of the Crown of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas as well as a very obvious inborn
image of a lotus. All these indications are already very obvious signs for the return of the
great mahasiddha's reincarnation in which direction and so on.

In fact, there were a lot of obvious signs that the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog
has achieved full enlightenment. The most obvious signs as stated in the Buddha's
teachings such as the 5 color of the relics and the heart, tongue and eyes and the 5 color
rainbows and the rain drizzling etc. In fact in the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama
Konchog's case, from His ashes there were more than 5 colors of the relics not only that,
there were 3 colors of the hairs, and the hairs are very smooth, very shiny, and one
portion of the hair is very dark black in color and very fine and very shiny and sparkling -
actually it is the hair of Vajrayogini. As well as the heart, tongue and eyes were very
fresh and very lively left behind without being burnt by the fire, even though they were in
the great fire for 72 hours. All these signs were seen and directly perceived by hundreds
and hundreds of people from all over the world. Immediately after we invited the relics
from the cremation site to the relics shrine, Kopan Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup made a
call to Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche in Dharamsala and Khen Rinpoche mentioned all the
auspicious incidents which happened during the cremation including the amazing
information about the relics and requested Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche to make extensive
offerings on behalf of late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog and inform His
Holiness the Dalai Lama about all this, and at the same time seek advice about the late
great yogi's reincarnation. Without delaying a day, Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche did as Khen
Rinpoche requested. A few days later Kyabje Dagri Rinponche returned a call to Khen
Rinpoche Lama Lundrup and passed the answers from His Holiness. His Holiness said
that I am very pleased and very much rejoice about all the signs which the late great
Lama Konchog showed of achieving greatly high realizations. At the same time His
Holiness advised that "Reincarnation is definite - the great yogi will return in
reincarnation. I feel like He will come from the North East direction of Kathmandu or
more to the East from Tibet side and will come into the family which He was close in the
past when He was alive. In fact, He will come by showing many obvious signs, so you
don't have to put much effort to go and seek him. Anyway, nowadays I feel more
comfortable that the reincarnations come by themselves by showing obvious signs that
they are the true reincarnation of the past lama".

In early 2003, Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche visited Kopan for the opening of the 1000 Buddha
Stupa to commemorate the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog. The 3rd day
after the Stupa consecration, Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche went into retreat. The first night of
the retreat, around 3 am, Rinpoche had a very clear dream of the great mahasiddha Geshe
Lama Konchog., that the great yogi Geshe Lama Konchog came to offer a handful of
gold to Rinpoche and showed the aspect of being very pleased and had few conversations
with Dagri Rinpoche. After Rinpoche woke up, Rinpoche felt very joyful, and very
strongly felt that the late great mahasiddha had already returned in new form. Rinpoche
went back to Dharamsala after the retreat and performed extensive protector pujas and
checked for observations with some other high lamas, whose observations predicted that
the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog had already returned as a reincarnation.
After that Rinpoche continuously did many observations and checked many signs and the
results 100% confirmed that the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog had
returned as a reincarnation and that the 3rd child of Apey is the unmistaken reincarnation
of late great yogi. Due to the time not being ripe, Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche kept this
information with himself, Kopan Khen Rinpoche Lama Lundrup and myself till His
Holiness the Dalai Lama's confirmation was announced. Anyway, since that time, Kyabje
Dagri Rinpoche and other high lamas already mentioned many many times that the 3rd
child of Apey, Tenzin Nyudrup, is the true reincarnation of a very highly realized lama of
the past. And even advised the family to take good care of him.
Also after the great yogi Geshe Lama Konchog passed away, Kyabje Lama Zopa
Rinpoche asked Geshe Jamyang to check astrology to find out whether there was a
reincarnation of the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog or not, if there is, from
where he will come and how etc. The astrology predicted that definitely there will be a
reincarnation, and clearly predicted the scenery of the area, which is exactly the scenery
of Tsum valley. Especially the structure of the house and the surroundings are exactly
Apey's house and surroundings. More than that, the size, height, color and the personality
of the father is exactly the marks of Apey. Geshe Jamyang also did the calculation of the
astrology of the place, and the name of the parents. In the astrology name of the place, the
option came syllable (TSA) and syllable (LA). For Syllable (TSA) -came 90% of the
option, for syllable (LA) came 50%. Then the astrology of the father name was syllable
(AH). In the conclusion of Geshe Jamyang's astrology, the name of the place starts from
syllable (TSA)- is "TSUM" in the direction of North East at the Himalayan border of
Nepal and Tibet. The syllable (AH) is the name of the father "APEY" who lives in the
direction of the North East of Kathmandu and in the border of Nepal and Tibet, in the
village called Tsum. From the astrological point of view, the 3rd son of Apey, Tenzin
Nyudrup, was predicted as the unmistaken reincarnation of the late great mahasiddha
Geshe Lama Konchog.

For the past 5 years after our late Guru the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog
passed away, I have had various types of clear dreams related to the great Guru Geshe
Lama Konchog and His reincarnation. I would like to share some of the dreams here.
Two months after the great Guru mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog passed away, on 18
Dec 2001, I was sleeping in the Great Mahasiddha's room at Kopan. In the morning
around 3 am, I dreamt that one small fatty fair boy came out from the dead body of late
Guru mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog, the dead body which actually looked similar to
the time Geshe la passed away and is outside late yogi Geshe Lama Konchog's verandah
at Kopan. The aspect of the body is lying actually as when Geshe la was in clear light
meditation for a week. It was the same feeling and the same image. And that little boy
called my name very loudly - Tenzin Zopa - and he passed his hand to me and asked me
to bring him inside the room and let him sit on Geshe Lama Konchog's throne. After that
I woke up and I stay in the blanket for about two hours and checked my feeling. My
feeling was very joyous and I had the strong feeling that the late great mahasiddha Geshe
Lama Konchog already came back in new form. Since then I never felt my Guru Geshe la
had passed away. The feeling is He is always around me and I felt very secure and

On 27 Oct 2002, since next morning is very auspicious Buddha Descending From Tushita
Heaven, I motivated to wake up very early and do light offering and water bowl offering
and do some cleaning in the Great Mahasiddha's house, so I tried to sleep early. Since I
am sleeping in the mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog's room, the room was always very
bright even at night, because we always had the lights on the altar. After I lay down, I
could see Geshe la's big picture in front of my face and suddenly felt that I missed him
very much, and also without any choice all the past memories with the late kind great
mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog came into my mind. I was unable to fall asleep till
3am. Around 3 am I suddenly fell asleep for a short while, and dreamt about the same
little boy, his height was about two feet, he was fair and fatty and is very serious yet is
very charming and had a small mole on the face and was giving a sweet smile to me, he
was surrounded by many people. I went near to him, I scream and shout, saying "this is
Geshe la's reincarnation, this is Geshe la's reincarnation, this is Geshe la, this is Geshe
la...." I suddenly woke up and my heart was beating very fast and again I checked my
feeling for a while, and I felt very strongly that the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama
Konchog truly came back to our world. I even felt that I can never forget the child's face
and that if I happen to see that child, even in a big crowd I would be able to see him even
from very far.

A year later, I found out that on the same day and same time, the little Tenzin Nyudrup
was born.

On 8 August 2003, I was in Sera, that night when I went to sleep, I was unable to sleep
till 3 am because some how, I don't know why, the whole of my body was unbearably
itchy, till the whole of my body was full of marks of the scratches. Around 3 am, I fell
asleep and had a dream that the same boy came to me with very wrathful face and
straight away hold my hair and turn my head restlessly. And the boy with a very wrathful
voice said "Where is my conch shell, where is my conch shell?" I suddenly woke up and I
was very scared by the boy's wrathfulness and my heart was beating very fast, and at the
same time, I noticed that my body itchiness was all gone, at the same time I felt very tired
and I continued to try to go to sleep, and when I was lying on the bed, I was recalling the
dream and suddenly I remembered that one time when I travelled with the late great
mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog to Taiwan, before we returned to Kopan Monastery,
in Taipei, Taiwan, in the centre of Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche's room while I was
packing for Geshe la, then the great mahasiddha passed me one small conch shell which
is normally used for puja, the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog specially warned
me to "Make sure you pack the conch shell, I need it!" Normally Geshe la will never care
of the packing. This is the only time He warned me in many years travelling with Him.
When we returned back to Kopan in his room, the first thing he asked me was "Where is
my conch shell?" I tried to find it in the luggage, I couldn't find it at all. Since due to my
carelessness or whatever, I am quite sure I did pack the conch shell but I couldn't find it
at all. I even teased him, asking "Why You are so serious about it? The conch shell is not
the best quality one, I can get for You better quality and as many as you want from
Boudha". The great mahasiddha replied with very wrathful face I know you will do this,
that's why I ask you! Then he just walked away from me. So when I reflected on my
dream with this incident related to the conch shell, when I faced the great mahasiddha
Geshe la at that time the wrathful aspect of Geshe la and the wrathful aspect of the child
in my dream, that was exactly the same expression. And the fear in my heart, is also
exactly the same. A few months later, one of the Western student visited Tsum, and took
many photos and sent me the photos of the small Tenzin Nyudrup. When I first saw his
face in the photos, instantly, it reflected all my dreams and the face of the child I saw in
the dream, the face I saw in the pictures, is 100% the same face. In that moment, I had
great joy. But I kept this joyous feelings in myself till 11 Dec 2005 when Kyabje Lama
Zopa Rinpoche, Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche and Kyenrinpoche Lama Lundrup officially did
the traditional checking of the candidate boy for the late great mahasiddha's reincarnation.
Even though Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche asked me many time about my dreams and
predictions and signs related to the late yogi Geshe Lama Konchog's reincarnation, I
promised myself not to influence from my side any sign for the prediction of the late
great mahasiddha's reincarnation. Even though I might be one of the closest to the great
mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog, but I am too ordinary to predict and judge the life and
state of mental continuum of somebody who is already enlightened. For the enlightened
one, only enlightened beings can be able to judge and predict without any mistakes.
Therefore, I wholeheartedly relied about this holy reincarnation issue on Kyabje Lama
Zopa Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Now, I would like to share the greatest joy in my life finding the unmistaken true
reincarnation of Our Precious Guru the Late Great Mahasiddha, The Great Yogi, The
Great Scholar, The Great Living Kadampa Master, The Living Buddha, Geshe Lama

That on 17th Dec 2005, His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama and Kyabje Lama Zopa
Rinpoche and Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lama Lundrup Rigsel, and Kyabje Dagri Rinpoche,
and many other highly realized lamas recognized and announced to the world that Tenzin
Nyudrup the son of Apey Karsang Phuntsok and mother Dolma Choezom from Tsum
Himalaya Valley in the North East direction of Kathmandu, on the border of Tibet and
Nepal, was officially recognised as the unmistaken true reincarnation of the Late Great
Mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog.

With so much auspiciousness and great fortune for H.E. Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok
Rinpoche, at the age of 3 and a half years old from 8 Jan to 16 Jan 2006 He received the
commentary on the profound view and the great highest yoga initiation, the Kalachakra
initiation and the Long life initiation and he completed pilgrimage to Amarvati
Kalachakra stupa, Nagarjuna Konda, the 80 mahasiddhas' caves at Ajanta and Ellora and
to the three great monastic universities - Drepung, Ganden, Sera and so on. With this
auspiciousness our precious Rinpoche will be able to receive all the teachings on sutra
and tantra and be able to cultivate and be able to meditate and be able to grant the great
blessing of the Dharma to all the numberless beings and be able to liberate all beings up
to everlasting happiness and able to perform all the virtuous deeds just as all the past
buddhas and bodhisattvas have performed.

Just a small note for clarification. In the past 5 years, there were many candidates and
many rumours and misunderstandings in accepting the late great mahasiddha Geshe
Lama Konchog's reincarnation around the world. Tenzin Nyudrup and all the other
candidates were equally checked by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Kyabje Lama
Zopa Rinpoche and so on. Except for Tenzin Nyudrup, all the other candidates were
failed as the unmistaken reincarnation of the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog.

I Tenzin Zopa on behalf of all the Students of our late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama
Konchog would like to thank countless times His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and
Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lundrup Rigsel and Kyabje
Dagri Rinpoche and all the other high lamas who have put so much effort to find the true
unmistaken reincarnation of our late Guru the great mahasiddha Geshe Lama Konchog.

Also many countless thanks to the parents of the late great mahasiddha Geshe Lama
Konchog's reincarnation for giving birth to the precious child Tenzin Nyudrup and taking
good care of Him up to now and for offering him to serve Buddhadharma and benefit
numberless beings.

From now on we will call the precious child Tenzin Nyudrup by the holy ordination
name given Him by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on12 of Jan 2006 at 8am at the
most holy place Amarvati during the Kalachakra initiation "TULKU TENZIN

With so much joy and great devotion to the precious holy reincarnation H. E. Tulku
Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche of our late great guru the great mahasiddha, the great yogi, the
great master Geshe Lama Konchog (the great yogi Losang Phuntsok) with great prayers
and auspiciousness of H.E. Tulku Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche's enthronement on 3rd
March 2006

Tenzin Zopa, 3rd March 2006

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