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Madame Seaqueen

nger- grrrrrrrr


An argument, yelling, being annoyed, frustrating situation,

unorganized meeting, getting told off, someone is in a bad
mood, receiving punishment, competition, emotional outburst,
stubbing your toe, the picnic is cancelled, being pushed
around, revved up, mind your tongue, verbal fireworks, seeing
red, heated discussion, energetic

The Zigeuner ANGER card
- an image of a young lad getting

scolded by an older gentleman who is wearing an apron. It
looks like the lad is being told to get out of the room into the
darkness by the doorway.

The Biedermeir ANGER card 
-has a scene of a young boy

getting his ear pulled by an older man. There is a knocked over
chair on the floor of the room.

The Art Deco ANGER card 
-portrays a waitress coming

through a doorway with a pile of dishes in her hands. A few
plates have fallen and one has been broken by her right foot.


Indicates mental confusion. Heated words. Impulsive or

aggressive response. Flying off the handle. Provocation.

When the Anger card appears in a layout it signifies a

profound negative emotional reaction around the person or
situation card depicted near it. If you can remember a time
when you were really angry about something, the essence of
that anger is contained within this card. Pay attention to the
surrounding cards to pinpoint what is the cause of this
unpleasant response. At times, people have this reaction
because they are functioning from fear and think they having
no control.


Something will happen today to tick you off. Anger is a great

motivator when you get to the point where you need that
emotional fuel to get something done. It doesn’t always have
to be a bad thing that is traced with venom. For the most part
it will be reaction to what a person has said or done that is not
in compliance to what you would have done. Today you could
find yourself at the receiving end of some cross words from
another individual. Maybe you deserve it and maybe you don’t.

The other person is revved up and you happen to be there. It is

a good idea not to get behind the wheel if you are in an
enraged state because your mood can escalate if the person in
front of you is driving too slow or cuts you off. Count to 10
during the course of the day and evening if you feel anger
welling up inside of you. It’ll blow over quicker. If you are
prone to having a short fuse anyways stay away from difficult
people. There could be an outing to a sports event where there
will be lots of screaming and yelling, like a baseball, soccer,
and hockey game. This would be a great emotional outlet.


1. Personality card, Current situation

The ANGER card will tell you that the person getting the
reading is in a mood that can change suddenly. They are wired
for some reason and slightest thing will set them off. For one
reason or another their emotional state is in an upheaval. Did
they just argue with someone? Cross currents in the present
circumstances. On edge for sure. Something or someone has
provoked you to the point that you have these unhealthy
emotions. You may have been on the receiving end of
someone else’s wrath. Who is the hot head?

2. In money matters

A dispute or argument over money. There isn’t enough to

spend on frivolous items. The additional money you were
counting on is delayed and this infuriates you. You get
overcharged on a purchase and get into a yelling match.
Breaking or busting a valuable item.

3. Communications, Transportation, Siblings

Any type of conversations you have will be in a combative style.

There will be no reaching an agreement without a fight. Your
brother or sister gets mad at you for something you said.
There could be problems in your neighborhood with noisy
neighbors. Be nice to the policeman that stops you for running
a red light and bite your tongue.

4. In matters of the family & home

The domestic scene will be strained. People are generally high

strung and get on each other’s nerves. Familiarity breeds
contempt. Go out for a walk to cool off. Bumping heads on an
issue involving your home, children or parents. An agreement
won’t be reached until everyone calms down. An unwanted
guest comes over.

5. In matters of love & luck & creativity

It’ll be a hot affair with intense feelings. Wild times in the

bedroom. If you are a screamer at least shut the windows.
Sexual tension but in a good way. Best not to gamble because
you will blow a fuse when you keep losing. You become
passionate over a creative project. Now is the time to channel
the TEMPER energy into a creation of any kind.

6. Matters of work, well being

Letting off steam about work. Minor problems arise that ruffle
your feathers. Getting asked to cover for someone because
they were a no show. As if you don’t have enough to do. A
customer is biting off your head when you tell them you have
sold out of the product that they drove clear across town to
get. Heated discussions in the lunch room.
 Time to get the
blood pressure checked especially if you have been upset

7. Partnerships, Marriage

If you are married it would be a good idea to just nod your
head without speaking if possible. Your partner has come
home fit to be tied. The storm will pass eventually, but it will
pass. In business relationships there will be major conflicts of
interests not easily solved. Negotiations will be difficult. If you
are single, you will stay single until you learn to control your
temper. No one likes a walking volcano.

8. Endings

The parting is not amicable. Things will end with nasty

language. Telling a person you never want to speak to them
again is not the way to inform them that you feel hurt and wish
they had not done what they did. Walking out during an
argument with the intention of not coming back.

9. Travel, Education

You missed the deadline on the ticket sales. You arrive at the
airport late. Your trip is cancelled and you are off work on a
scheduled holiday. Using the energy of the Temper card to do
physical activities such as climbing mountains and going
hiking through the trails. Now is the time to go to that
workshop or seminar. Taking a course in anything to do with
the physical body. An interest in Martial Arts. Excitement for
study and learning.

10. 3-months Future Situation, Achievements

With a lot of hard work, drive and aggressive talk you will
succeed. Using your energy to accomplish the unthinkable.
Having the passion to start a new career. Important not to quit
pursuing your objectives...........

......The next three months will be filled with all kinds of

restless energy. You will have many projects on the go. You
will feel frustrated because you can’t finish everything you
started, even though a majority of what you set out to do will
be accomplished. Dealing with an irate person. Getting a verbal

11. Friendships, Community

A close acquaintance does not see eye to eye with you on a

matter and this displeases you very much. A community
function that starts good turns into a battle of wits. A
humanitarian cause touches you emotionally.

12. Past situation, Spirituality

Unresolved anger issues from the past. In recent weeks dealing

with an aggressive person. It is challenging to get closure
when there is charged up emotions involved.

The kundalini energy has been activated. Hopefully you know

how to handle it? Be careful or you will get burned or burned

A profound interest in the history of Christianity.

http://seaqueen.wordpress.com December 31, 2007

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