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Compiled in November, 2010

The Birth of the New Civilization



The Birth of the New Civilization


This, the Book of the Twentieth Century, is a

volume of immeasurable importance. The words within it
reach out to all people and touch the future of all
mankind. In the pages that follow the teaching of the
Creator, the Supreme God the Father, as revealed to me,
will unfold. Never before has such a message been
imparted, uncovering the coming world of a new
civilization. It is imperative that religious, academic,
political and literary leaders in every country read it and

Civilization as we know it is not genuine. It is a

transitory, pseudo-civilization that will last only until the
dawn of a new age, when the true civilization is born.
That time will mark the end of the world as foretold in the
Christian scriptures and it will mean the end of the
“provisional” civilization of today. The Bible says that the
gospel of the kingdom “will be preached throughout the
whole world” before the final judgment. I believe these
words are a prophecy foretelling the coming of my

Jesus said, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is

at hand. “At hand” is often taken to mean sometime in the
future, but I declare that the time for the kingdom of
heaven has already come; it is here, at this moment. God
has already begun the final preparations to build His
kingdom on earth, and I have been chosen to assist in
His work. It is still insignificant in comparison with what is

The Birth of the New Civilization

to come, but it is rapidly moving forward. The perceptible

signs of the fulfillment of God’s plan are all around us in
the miracles that many have witnessed in our time,
awesome miracles that people do not yet understand.
When I consider the unfathomable greatness of God’s
work, I know that now He is crowning the divine task
begun in infinite time past and carried on through the
ages under His omniscient watchfulness. My testimony
will reveal the fullness of God’s providence and the all-
encompassing breadth of’ His plan, and then the signs
will be clear to all people.
God now wills that the old civilization of the Age of
Night be purged in order to establish the new. Until now
the power of evil has been far stronger than the power of
good, but the world is about to enter an age when good
will prevail. Then will God’s paradise be realized on earth.
In the transition from .the old to the new, all people will go
through the inexorable process by which our civilization
will be purged. The world will be terribly afflicted as the
untold sins gathered over centuries of evil are
annihilated. That affliction is the sign of purification
working throughout the world, throughout all societies
and nations. It will cause great tribulation, catching
countless millions in its wave of destruction.

This is the last judgment, the final and inevitable

stage before earthly paradise. But God, in His great love,
wishes to save as many as possible from the terror that
will cleanse the world, and He has chosen to work
through me. Part of my mission is to spread His truth
throughout the world, to tell of the coming paradise, and

The Birth of the New Civilization

through this testament, to show that men can be saved. A

greet change will come in every sphere of life and every
corner of civilization as the’ old gives way to the new. It
will cause an upheaval of inconceivable magnitude.
Through my testament, people will understand how they
erred in the old civilization and they will be able to correct
themselves and their societies as they learn the
principles of the new civilization. Those who hear what I
say and follow it will be saved. Those who do not will
painfully regret their disbelief, when it is too late. Those
overburdened with sin cannot survive; those who sins are
slight will be saved to emerge in the new world of
Paradise on Earth. When the last judgment has finally
ended the new world will begin to appear.

Facing that word of magnificence, beauty and

grandeur, all people will find at last a life more wonderful
than any dreams. They will finally know how primitive,
barbarian and inhuman civilization has been until now,
and they will rejoice in their salvation. This volume
heralds the fulfillment of’ God’s plan.

The Birth of the New Civilization


This is a book of catalytic truths that will uproot the

very foundations on whi.ch civilization stands. It contains
the final insight into the culture man has fashioned and
the roles played by religion and philosophy, science and
art, and all else in human history. All who read with care
will find themselves chanced and awakened. Then
civilization will begin to stir restlessly, finally undergoing a
complete transformation.

Many readers, especially scientists, will probably be

unable at first to comprehend fully what I say, but deep
reflection upon these pages will result in a genuine under
standing of man and the universe, the reality behind all
the phenomena that science has tried in vain to grasp.

There is an artificial division that the scholarly world

has created between religion and science. We must
overcome that division and refute the false justifications
that have supported it.

All things were created with their opposites each

with a dual aspect: yang and yin, light and darkness,
reality and appearance, or spirit and matter. Every branch
of science and learning, while recognizing and embracing
the material side of things, has failed comp1eely to
perceive or accept the existence of the spiritual. Such
narrow vision is perhaps unavoidable, a result of the
intangible quality the spiritual and the impossibility of
measuring it with scientific means. The methods of
natural science have picked up only the physical
The Birth of the New Civilization

properties of the space surrounding the earth, such as air

and electricity, but there is an additional spiritual
substance which is as integral to that space as any
physical property. The space surrounding the earth is
composed of Spirit and Air. The essence of Spirit is Fire
and the essence of Air is Water. These two elements,
Fire and Water, combine to become an unbroken blanket
of vapor that forms the atmosphere of a physical and
spiritual entity around Earth. The third element is Soil, the
essence of Earth. Science has recognized only the
physical properties of Air and Earth, thus confining
scientific theory and experimentation to the physical
aspects of what makes up the unified whole of the world.
No matter how advanced, science is plagued by internal
contradictions because it cannot explain the whole of
reality. Reality invariably betrays the conclusions of
theory. As long as science fails to incorporate the spiritual
realm into its own sphere of investigation, any perception
of the New Civilization will be blocked.

The three realms of Spirit, Air and Earth can be

understood in terms of their vertical relationship, which
corresponds to the order of the sun, moon and earth. In
any given horizontal plane, however, they exist together,
in mutual interpenetration. The three realms fuse together
to form the earth, a composite mass in them center of the
universe. Each element of the three realms, furthermore,
has its own internal dynamic. Fire Burns vertically, Water
flows horizontally, and Soil stands still. But the stillness is
not absolute, for it resonates with the respiration of the
earth. The vertical and horizontal currents of Fire and

The Birth of the New Civilization

Water weave together like cloth to form a vapor that

circulates around and penetrates the earth. The vapor is
composed of particles so miniscule that no scientific
method can perceive it. This invisible vapor is the source
of all change in the earth - a substance inexplicable in its

Someone who has been awakened to a part of the

truth about the spiritual realm is called, in Buddhism,
Kakusha, or “enlightened.” Someone who has been able
to reach beyond Kakusha is called Daikakuha, “greatly
enlightened.” Kenshinjitsu is the supreme state among
men of knowing the divine will and perceiving God’s plan.
Jesus and Buddha both attained the state of Kenshinjitsu,
although the time of their enlightenment was premature.
Because civilization was not yet ripe, they could not save
the world in their time, nor could the saints who followed
after them eradicate the misery and suffering that still
afflict mankind.

Now God has willed that the world and civilization

should be saved. It is only for that purpose that I have
been chosen to expound the truth and carry forth the
salvation of man. This is the great gospel that human
history has come to meet.

The vision of the Kenshinjitsu reveals that all the

achievements and cultural advancement history has
witnessed came about precisely because of the one-
sided, materialistic advance of civilization. While

The Birth of the New Civilization

civilization succeeded, in its material advance, it failed to

grow in the spiritual aspects.

Why did God not create a perfect, infallible

civilization in the first place? That is the question with
which this book is concerned.

The Birth of the New Civilization


To build paradise in this world, among all its people,

the evil that dwells deep in the hearts of men must first be
completely banished. People are endowed with an
intuitive abhorrence of evil and they instinctively avoid as
it as far as they can. We created ethics and morals to
assist us in guarding against it. Education, for example,
stresses knowledge of the good, while religion demands
the pursuit of good and condemns evil Parents warn their
children and teachers admonish their pupils to beware
the evil that confronts everyone, constantly. Husbands
and wives caution each other against it, and the law
threatens evildoers with punishment. But still, no matter
what efforts we make, there are many more hearts filed
with evil than good.

There are kinds and degrees of evil: deliberate evil,

unconscious evil, and evil resulting from ignorance. Most
ominous is the evil committed in the belief that it is good.
The first type is the most clear-cut, but the second is the
most common. The third is the outpouring of the savage,
abnormal or completely immature personality. The
greatest of all, however, and the kind whose influence is
strongest and most venomous, is evil committed openly
and sincerely in the mistaken belief that it is good. If one
judged by the standard of good, a look at the sweep of
civilization would be enough to condemn our world as
evil. The historical record since ancient times is filed with
instances of the good persecuted by the wicked, but
cases of evil tortured by good are few and far between

The Birth of the New Civilization

Evil persons seem always to have had many supporters

while good people have had few. The wicked evade the
law openly and with impunity, while the good often cringe
in silence.

It is a historical truism that the good are weak,

oppressed by the wicked, who are strong. It is for that
reason that democracy evolved in the West - as a
concept and a system to check evil in society. In Japan,
for hundreds of years feudalistic thinking justified the
exploitation of the weak by the strong. It was only by the
defeat of World War IL and foreign occupation that Japan
was finally punished and transformed into a democratic
nation. Our postwar democratization was not the natural
outcome of an evolutionary process, but rather the
product of an accident in history, a rare case when good
conquered evil. To many, however, including myself, it is
clear that democracy is not yet firmly rooted and that it
still must combat vestiges of the old patterns of
domination in Japanese society.

What is the relationship between evil and

civilization? To answer this question, it is necessary first
to recognize that civilization owes its beginning to the
conflict between good and evil. As history has shown
since the ages of primitive man, the strong have
harassed the weak, deprived them of their freedom,
wantonly committed murder, plundered and tortured,
forcing the powerless to devise defenses of all
descriptions. The weak have made weapons, built fences
and walls, provided for enemy attacks and developed

The Birth of the New Civilization

facilities to move around quickly. Individually and

collectively they have contrived all the defenses they
possibly could and in so doing, they unwittingly made
immense contributions to the progress of civilization. As
the human intellect grew and knowledge increased,
methods of writing. were devised and contracts between
groups came into being. International treaties represent
the highest form of contract so far. To defend against and
bring evil under control, rules, regulations and
punishments were established among people living
communally, developing into the laws and law
enforcement agencies of today. These instruments,
however, have never been adequate to eradicate evil
conduct. The expanding human intellect, while holding
great potential for good, at the same time has made it
easier for those motivated by evil to invent cleverer and
more insidious weapons. Thus, the conflict between
prevailing evil and good has continued from pre-historic
ages right up to the present. The struggle was not without
huge, unavoidable sacrifices, but it had incomparable
effects on the advance of the human mind and
civilization’s progress.

It is to relieve the sufferings of the good that great

religious leaders have appeared from time to time. Many
of them condemn all mundane desires and preach
doctrines based on resignation, exhorting people to
unquestioning obedience, but at the same time they
prophesy the coming of a heaven on earth in order to
offer hope for the future. They have warned man that he
must reap the fruit of what he sows. They have given

The Birth of the New Civilization

their lives to persuading the wicked to repent. Most of

these men had to endure terrible hardships and
persecution, giving rise to deeply moving stories of their
lives and deeds. They achieved much, but they were
never able to halt the underlying current of the world.
History has also witnessed efforts by non—religious
leaders, including scholars and politicians, seeking to
ward off through materialistic means the disasters
wrought by evil. As a result science has made great
progress and civilization has reached glorious levels of
achievement. However, as evil forces continue to utilize
scientific advances, many negative developments have

War is one of the best examples of the evil use of

knowledge, Natural science is responsible for more
sophisticated tools for destruction, and finally, the atomic
bomb, The bomb is the crystallization of a horror that
human beings had never dreamed of. The discovery of
atomic fission and the bomb were at first welcomed as a
force so terrible to surely bring war to a permanent end,
Any relief was short-lived, however, for the danger then
arose that evil forces would take advantage of the
invention. Now fear and apprehension have grown
greater. But the time is approaching when it will become
impossible to provoke war. Ironically, while evil is
originally responsible, we are beginning to see that the
same evil is also going to bring an end to war. We can
begin to see that both good and evil have existed under
the providence of God.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Those who believe in the spirit as well as believers

in the material, with the exception of deeply evil persons,
long for perfect peace and happiness. Can peace and
happiness ever become a reality? If so, when?. With a
future that looks as hopeless as it does today, fears and
apprehensions are steadily rising. Many thinking people
have been driven to skepticism, cynicism, or nihilism.
Some seek salvation in religion, while others reach out
for answers in philosophy. Most trust only in science for
the solution to their problems, but uncertain whether
science will provide the answer, they have come to a
dead end. Yet humanity still suffers from the three
greatest of afflictions: disease, poverty and war. Through
divine revelation I have learned the true cause of
suffering, and I wish to explain it in terms of evil as it
functions in the whole of Gods plan, and to offer a way to
overcome it today, in this stage of civilization.

First, if evil is the source of man’s unhappiness,

why did God create it? Neither religion nor philosophy,
much less natural science, has really probed this
question. It has been abandoned as a hopeless puzzle.
Still, as long as the question remains unsolved, true
human. Civilization remains beyond our grasp, Hidden in
the depths of history until now is the truth of the meaning
of evil in the world and its necessary function in
civilization. Of all evils, the most dreadful have been
those that threaten life itself: war and disease. Let us
consider war first, It is the most disastrous, for it means
huge loss of lives. To escape from the sufferings .of war,
however, men have poured enormous energy into

The Birth of the New Civilization

strengthening themselves to defend, or to defeat.

Paradoxically, these efforts contributed much to the
development of civilization. Without wars there would
have been much slower progress, or none at all.

Like strands of thread twisted together, war and

peace are closely bound in each step forward,
Interestingly enough, the same truth is at work in society
and in human affairs. The conflicts between good and evil
in all areas of life are the steps of progress, and as such,
have given evil an, important role to play up to our time.
The time of evil, however, is limited by the will of God, the
Supreme Being who presides over all. The end of the
world, the last judgment in the teaching of Jesus, will
mean the end of evil. The age that has been so long
awaited will mark the final victory of good and the
beginning of heaven on earth. It will be a world with no
sickness, poverty or war, where truth, goodness and
beauty prevail. Paradise has many appellations, but they
all mean the same heaven on earth.

There are certain spiritual and physical

preparations that must be completed before
transformation into this new world of goodness and true
happiness can take place. Spiritual progress can take
place instantaneously, while material progress is labored,
requiring a long time. Thus, God ordained material
progress to reach maturity before spiritual growth. To
push material civilization ahead, man was made to
disregard Godts existence and as a result, human,
consciousness has been focused on the material. That,

The Birth of the New Civilization

of course, accounts for atheism. It functioned as an

intellectual vehicle for evil, which, gradually overwhelming
good, caused endless strife for the miserable lot of man,
People have desperately tried to counteract evil and
escape from their sufferings, and in so doing, they have
pushed civilization ahead.

Evil had a fundamental role in the development of

civilization, but the time has come to expel it. We are
about to see the great change when good will conquer
evil. This is not the fancy of my personal hopes or logic,
but it is God’s plan for the world and for mankind,
whether it is believed or not. The time has come for
Paradise on Earth. Our civilization, until now a pawn of
evil, will soon pass into the hand of good.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Through the centuries it has been far more difficult

to explain evil than good. We have seen how evil served
a specific purpose in God’s plan. It will soon cease to
serve that purpose, but to eradicate it altogether is
another matter. This represents a subtle part of God’s
Providence, which will become clear as I explain more
fully the design of His universe.

Central to the universe are three masses: The sun,

the moon, and the earth. The sun radiates what we call
the element of Fire; the moon radies the element of
Water, and from the earth emanates the element of Soil.
Each element Fire, Water and Soil, has its own particular
qualities and ways of working. Two of these, Fire and
Water, intermingle to form the great atmosphere which
surrounds the earth and make it possible for all worldly
creation to exist and to grow. God divided His creation,
giving everything dominant attributes of either yin or
yang. The yin - yang principle endows Fire with the
positive attribute (yang) and Water with the negative
(yin), so that Fire burns vertically and Water flows
horizontally. A dynamic interaction between Fire and
Water-is set up and kept in constant motion, creating a
woven pattern of flow where indiscernible particles
intermesh in currents. The flow reaches way above the
earth, forming the layers of air that we call atmosphere.
According to the same principle, the dualities of fire and
water, heat and cold, day and night, light and darkness,
spirit and matter, masculine and feminine, and so forth,

The Birth of the New Civilization

are also manifestations of yang and yin. IF we distinguish

them in terms of good or evil, yang is spirit, or good, while
yin is matter, or evil. Good and evil are thus part of the
yin-yang dialectic, whose contraposition in all creation
reflects the basic structure of Nature itself.

The same principle applies to the human being.

Man is made up of the body, which is visible, and the
spirit, which is invisible. Body and spirit are inseparably
bound, and a human being is given life from the force
generated by the combination of the two. That
combination is in turn governed by the law of spiritual
predominance over the physical. When the heart, the
center of the spirit, wishes something done, it gives
orders to the body to take action. But if the spirit is the
essence and also master of every man, why does he
incline to wrongdoing? This is a crucial question that can
be answered only in spiritual terms, for the problem of
good and evil, after all, belongs to the spiritual domain.
Since man is created with both spirit and body, any
science that limits its scope to the body alone will be
partial and incomplete, however advanced. It will never
develop into a true science unless it embraces the whole.
Our teaching, which flows from the knowledge of the
spirit and its dialectical relationship with the body, is a
true science. According to this teaching, good and evil
spring from the heart, and they originate, therefore, in the
spirit. If we always remember the law of spiritual
predominance over the physical, my explanation of good
and evil should become clear.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The formation of a human being originates in

conception. Physically, conception is complete when a
male spermatozoon joins the female ovum. Spiritually,
however, conception means that an individualized part of
the Spirit of God enters to become the soul of a human

When a fetus is fully developed, a baby is born.

Soon after birth, two spirits come to attend the soul. One
of the two is an animal spirit, and it usually enters the
body when a child is one or two. The soul itself is called
the primary spirit, and the animal spirit is the secondary
spirit. The other spirit that comes to the newborn child is
the guardian spirit. It never enters the body, but is always
around the person as his protector. Both the animal and
guardian spirits stay with the individual throughout his
lifetime, and he finally becomes a unified entity of the two
spirits and the soul.
When Mencius said, “Man is good by nature,” he
was talking about the soul, the divine source of
conscience. The secondary spirit, however, is evil, if one
looks within himself, he will feel the unrelenting
opposition between the secondary spirit and the
conscience, The guardian spirit is a good protector spirit,
chosen from among the spirits of an ancestors. It guards
him against everything that causes unhappiness;
calamity danger, illness, wrongdoing, negligence,
degradation, and all else that might harm him in any way.
We hear of people having premonitions, ominous
dreams, or unexpected obstacles coming across their
path. Sometimes we find a person at cross—purposes

The Birth of the New Civilization

when things do not go smoothly for him, Sometimes,

however, by missing a train, for example, someone is
saved from danger. When He is tempted to commit an
evil deed, something unexpected intervenes and his
action is blocked, This is the activity of the guardian spirit,
working to prevent harm or misfortune. The primary and
secondary spirits are always at odds with each other
Good results when the primary spirit prevails, but when
the secondary spirit triumphs evil is allowed to dominate.
Man, therefore, exists on a level between God and beast.
Virtuous, he attains godliness; overcome by evil, he is
like a beast.

Secondary spirits vary according to time and place,

but they are usually the departed spirits of animals,
including serpents or badgers, foxes or cats, for example.
Besides the secondary spirits, there are other alien spirits
that enter and temporarily possess individuals. The idea
of animal spirits entering one’s body is undoubtedly
abhorrent, but when the nature and symptoms of
possession are clear, it makes perfect sense, for
possession is another manifestation of the truth about
man, A person always reveals the characteristics of the
animal spirit that possesses him, Although the alien spirit
is usually that of an animal, sometimes it is the spirit of a
deceased individual or, more rarely, the spirit of a living
Why does possession take place? It depends on
the degree of spiritual purity. We shall see how every
individual has both a physical and a spiritual body, and it
is the spiritual body on which sins and impurities in the

The Birth of the New Civilization

blood are reflected. These reflections take the form of

clouds, The more beclouded the spiritual body, the more
vulnerable a person is to the influence of an alien evil
spirit and the greater power his animal spirit gains As that
power increases, his inclination toward wrongdoing grows
stronger. The spiritual body of most people today is
heavily clouded, allowing evil spirits to possess them and
work through them quite easily. That is why more and
more crime is occurring in the world. The spiritual body of
those who have faith in God is less clouded and they are
likely to be better people in their thoughts and behavior.
Their souls are purer and they have stronger power to
combat evil spirits. Unbelievers, though they may appear
to be good, can be possessed by evil spirits a any time.
They are more vulnerable and in a sense more
dangerous than believers, in that their inclination toward
evil arid destructive activities is stronger. A better society,
then, depends on the spiritual state of all people. Our
world will improve only with the purification of more souls.

Unclouded souls have a luminous quality that is

shunned by animal spirits. They radiate a kind of
protection. Yet the souls of most people are so clouded
that alien spirits have no trouble possessin.g them. The
person becomes a puppet, maneuvered by the animal
spirit and plunged into the kind of evil or “criminal” activity
that we see everywhere today. Government leaders and
lawmakers do riot comprehend the real source of such
behavior so they try to repress crime by legal, coercive,
or other artificial methods, National legislatures are a
good example of this, passing bills which are nothing

The Birth of the New Civilization

more than makeshift amendments tacked onto existing


True faith in God the creator is the only way to

resolve the afflictions of man and society. Among the
deities of the many, many religions that exist today some
have truly divine qualities while others do not, but most
people cannot distinguish between the two, Ardent faith
in and endless devotion toward deities too weak to
control the power of evil is not enough to give anyone
divine blessing. But people have been nurtured in the
belief that their own deities are the true divinities and will
bestow blessings art them. They do not realize the
danger of their innocent belief There has been no other
way to think, for during the Age of Night the Supreme
God did riot reveal His light and His truth, No deity,
however benign, was powerful enough to defeat evil.
Wrongdoers always seemed to be so successful that
others tried to follow their ways as history shows time and

Many ambitious and talented people triumphed in

their lives to become heroes, but if we look closer at such
people, we find that they were possessed by powerful,
negative spirits. The interesting thing is that they all
began their enterprises with a flood of success and were
carried along by it, But it did not last, The tide turned and
they we’re brought face to face with frustration and finally
disaster. At that point the evil spirits left them, Kaiser
Wilhelm, Mussolini, Hitler and countless others illustrate
this pattern. After their collapse, they became almost

The Birth of the New Civilization

imbecilic, some demented, in a development

characteristic of anyone suddenly freed of possession by
a strong evil spirit.

The king of evil made a total and permanent plan

for the ultimate domination of the entire world more than
two thousand years ago. He has never ceased in his
attempts to destroy everything good, and to this day -the
divine spirits have continued in their struggle against him,
The Supreme God has caused civilization to develop by
setting divine spirits and evil spirits against each other.
Evil spirits have been overwhelmingly stronger but now
God is revealing Himself in His full power and exerting
that power to finally overturn evil for once and for all, This
is the impending last struggle between good and evil.

The Birth of the New Civilization


The Supreme God has summoned to His full power

the hidden reserve of good to vanquish the dominant
force of evil forever, He has come to cleanse our
civilization and to create an entirely new world. This is
what we mean by divine providence. How did evil
subjugate man in the first place? Let us look at the
Genesis story of the forbidden fruit when Adam and Eve
opened themselves to evil power by eating from the tree
in the garden of Eden. There are profound implications in
this allegory for the concept of original sin, but we can
also draw an interesting parallel by substituting “medicine
for ‘fruit.” The “fruit,” which opened the door to evil to the
Biblical first man, can be taken as symbolic of medicine
the substance that generates clouds in both spiritual and
physical bodies and thereby makes man vulnerable to
disease and exposes him to penetration by evil.

We have seen that the human entity embraces both

spirit and body. The spiritual aspect, called the “spiritual
body,” pervades the entire physical body and. takes the
same form, We have also talked. about the fundamental
law that subordinates the physical to the spiritual. Evil is
the result of evil spirits that dwell in the spiritual body,
whose center is the soul. As the clouds on the soul
become more dense, the secondary spirit within and
possessing animal spirits become more active arid their
presence in the clouds is manifested in strange,
animalistic behavior. Thus, in order to exterminate evil, it
is necessary to dispel the clouds completely. But clouds

The Birth of the New Civilization

are reflections of impure blood, and since drugs cause

impure blood, man must first cease using medicine of any
kind to prevent evil from coming into the world. When all
medicines and medicinal toxins are eliminated, one
principal source of clouds in the spiritual body will be
removed. Clearly medicine is the root cause of evil, but it
is unimaginably difficult to drive this seemingly simple
truth home to people.

There is another important role that medicine has

played in man’s history: medicine has functioned to
weaken human health. As we shall understand later,
clouds generated from within the spiritual body
accumulate to increase impurities in the blood, which
undermines man’s health, and ultimately, his mission.
Natural purification occurs to purge the blood of
impurities and dissipate the clouds. Purification is an
uncomfortable and often painful process that is
misunderstood as a negative condition. Unaware of the
necessity for purification, people began using medicine in
an attempt to relieve their suffering. The most effective
way to guarantee that purification will not occur is to
lower the vitality of the body, and medicine is the most
effective way to do that. As the body weakens the
purifying activity becomes milder and pains become less
severe. People have misconstrued their relief from pain
as an indication of recovery, when in reality it means the
condition is growing worse. Medicine merely mitigates
physical pain by its poison. Not only, it is completely
powerless to cure, but it actually produces more disease.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Our blindness about disease is the fundamental

cause of the distress and agony that fills the world, but it
is also a part of God’s providence. So that civilization
might develop, He created evil, setting it in never-ending
conflict with good. At the same time He ordained that
civilization should progress through the deterioration of
human health. In more primitive times man lived a free
and natural life. His food and shelter were for the most
part the same as those of wild animals, and his health
and physical strength were equal to theirs. In those days
he went through life roaming the mountains and fields in
the struggle to survive against fierce beasts, venomous
serpents and other hostile animals. As time went on, his
savage way of life changed. He no longer had to
constantly battle wild animals, but conflict between man
and man then grew more intense. It was through a long
period of sustained conflict that human intellect advanced
and created civilization after many generations. If the
course of human development had been peaceful and
quiet, people might have remained in the primitive state,
perhaps advancing, but only slightly. The human intellect
would have remained untapped. as they lived on, content
with a relatively uncivilized environment.

When man took the first medicine, his act marked

the “fall,” the beginning of our long history of disease and
evil. One of the cardinal human errors has been the
undaunted, persistent belief in the curative powers of
medicine. Earliest man was robust and strong, but his
God — given health gradually declined through the use of
medicine. He was further weakened as he conquered

The Birth of the New Civilization

wild beasts to make his surroundings less dangerous.

Knowledge advanced through battle against wild animals
and conflict between men. Combined with loss of
physical strength, greater knowledge led man to
construct roads and travel in conveyances drawn by
animals, instead of traveling on foot as he had done in
the past. Civilization moved forward. The steam engine,
progressively better means of transport and
communication were invented. People made themselves
more comfortable and increased their efficiency with
machines and electric appliances. They worked hard to
reduce unhappiness through social organization, public
administration, economy, education and scholarship, the
fine arts and other areas of culture. They developed
sophisticated moral and legal systems and devised
elaborate institutions These finally reached the level of
contemporary times.

Such a long history, however, has been nothing

more than preparation. It was the necessary prelude to
the coming of the New Age. In the cosmic plan the
historical function of medical science is to make man
vulnerable to evil and to lower his vitality. That function
has been carried out. If evil had been allowed to
dominate unrestrained and human health had
deteriorated too far, humanity itself would be in danger of
complete destruction. To save us, God could not allow
medical science to advance further. He revealed the truth
to me in order to restrain evil and transform civilization.
Now is the time when God will check the power of evil

The Birth of the New Civilization

and establish the true civilization, the time for good to

predominate over evil.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Before we go deeply into medical science, there are

many things about health and the human life span that
everyone should know.

If medical science were truly the art of healing, the

number of sick would steadily decrease and life would be
prolonged. After centuries of medicine, if it had
accomplished what it was supposed to, all the gravest
diseases would certainly have been conquered and
illness would have become only a memory of the past.
The reality is just the opposite. What is practiced today
could not possibly be true medicine. Closely related is the
human life span, which God determined when He made
man. He has shown me that the natural life span should
be between one hundred-twenty to six hundred years. If
we had not deviated from God’s path, human life would
have been much longer than it is, at least one hundred —
twenty years. That would mean many more years to live,
in good health, without any fear of illness. It would, in
fact, be a paradise for us.

Medicine is what has led us astray from God’s path,

but to help you understand how natural the “one hundred
— twenty year lifespan is, let me explain with a simple
illustration. We can compare human life to the twelve—
month cycle of nature, of the four seasons of spring,
summer, autumn and winter. Spring begins in January
and New Year’s Day is the birthday of all people. January
represents the time of infancy and childhood, and

The Birth of the New Civilization

February, the season of plum blossoms, is the time of

youth. Then, just before the cherry blossoms bloom,
youth reaches its height. After youth a man becomes
independent and ventures forth into the world. When
cherry blossoms are at their pealc and people feel light-
hearted, man reaches his most active period. In Japan,
forty—two is a man’s “critical age,” symbolized by the
scattering of the blossoms as in the saying, “By a sudden
wind, blossoms fall overnight.” Then begins the season of
fresh green grass and the many leaves of summer, the
time when boughs are heavily laden with fruit. That
season passes, the warm weather fades and the autumn
harvest comes. So it is with man. I-us labors have at last
borne fruit and he now receives public acknowledgement.
His grandchildren are increasing and he enters another
period, the late autumn of his life. He is happy in his
children and theirs. He makes the best of his experience
and for a prolonged period he can help others. With the
trust they have built in him, he does as much good for the
world as he can. He reaches a ripe age of ninety or so,
his “winter season.” He is ready to spend his remaining
years in peace, taking special delight in nature during its
seasons, yet continuing actively at work as long as he

To see human life in its four “seasons” is a way to

interpret the revelation that man’s natural life span should
be one hundred—twenty years, and so there is nothing
strange in expecting. To live at least that long when
medical treatment disappears completely. Among all the
methods of treatment for illness, drugs were the most

The Birth of the New Civilization

heavily used until the twentieth century. Over such a long

period of time, however, it has produced a multitude of
diseases. Most often people tried to cure them with more
medicine, causing still more disease. At the same time
the number of years of life have reduced beyond even
the natural minimum. If medical science were truly
advancing diseases should be dying out, but the variety
has actually increased in proportion to the new medicines
developed and used. One more important point to think
about is that if medical science could actually cure
disease, doctors and their families should be much
healthier than others. In reality, however, they seem to
have more health problems than anyone else. It is often
said that medical doctors die sooner than other kinds of
doctors, and their families are generally physically
weaker and more inclined to contract diseases than other

If we exclude accidental death, almost all deaths

today result from disease. It can be a tortured process,
making one wish that the doctor could put an end to the
suffering. People go through such agony simply because
they are being forced to die before the natural conclusion
of their life span. When leaves fall, when grass withers,
when rice is harvested, each is experiencing a natural
process of life. But if a branch is broken off by violence, if
grass is torn out while it is still green, if rice is reaped
before it is ripe, that is an unnatural death. So it is with
human beings who die from disease before their allotted
time. They should be allowed to live out their life to the
full. But modern man has become weak, and instead of

The Birth of the New Civilization

living out his normal life-span, the most he can hope for is
only about ninety or one hundred years and that today is
considered “natural death.” God gave us at least one
hundred-twenty years of life so we may work and live
those years in a perfect state of health, knowing no
illness. But man was foolish and invented by himself the
suffering of disease and a foreshortened life. Such
ignorance inspires more than pity; it fills one with deep
compassion for human blindness.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Countless religions have come into being since

antiquity, and all of them, invariably, have advocated
good and denounced evil. The elimination of evil has in
fact been the raison d’être of every religion we know. By
now, however, we are aware that evil has been a
valuable, necessary tool that God has put to work to
stimulate growth in society and progress in civilization.
But is there any sense at all in the idea that God loves
man and despises evil while at the same time He created
evil men and caused crime? Then He turned around to
punish man for evil, the very tool that He created and
used. If God had not created evil to begin with, would
punishment not then be unnecessary? If God truly loved
us, would He not have spared us the trials of evil and
punishment? This is a deeply serious question that I,
myself, used to ask. When others were troubled I would
reply that I agreed, I also could see no plausible answer
to the problem - I could not possibly put myself in God’s
position and understand why He chose to create evil the
way He did. All I could say with certainty was that God
did create evil and He must have had a good reason. I
knew that He would reveal this sooner or1ater, and all we
could was to wait until He did. That was the only answer I
could give to those who were perplexed.

Then God revealed the answer to me. It was with

joy and relief that I began to understand. I found that I
could tell the many, many people who also wanted to
understand. For all who seek the answer to this problem,

The Birth of the New Civilization

God’s revelation is an awakening from the darkness of

ignorance to the light of understanding. All great religious
teachers and prophets through the ages totally
condemned evil because God could not reveal to them
how profoundly important it was for a certain period of
time in His plan. Even the divine spirits did not know.
They worked to build paradise through good and justice
alone. Constantly fighting against good, evil spirits have
plagued the world with their never-ending battle to
achieve their own ends, no matter what the means. But
there came the time for God to intervene directly and
curtail evil works, and He chose me to reveal the truth
about evil and good.

There has been no saint, no teacher or religious

prophet who has directly shared in the almighty power of
God. Even Jesus. He was called the Redeemer, one who
atoned for and took upon himself the sins of all mankind
that they might be saved. On behalf of men, he asked for
forgiveness from God. At that moment he became the
forgiven more than the forgiver Sakyamuni also devoted
his life to preaching the Buddhist doctrine to help
mankind in the search for salvation. But according to
what has been revealed to me, Sakyamuni could not get
very far in accomplishing his objectives. Only during his
last years did he come to understand that the true way to
salvation went beyond the limits of his teachings. As one
of the sutras indicates, he was. able to clearly see the
coming of the world of Maitreya-bodhisattva, or what I call
earthly paradise, thousands of years ahead in the future.
The timing of Sakyamuni’s prophecy is important; the

The Birth of the New Civilization

sutra states that the world of the Maitreya-bodhisattva

lies five billion, six hundred and seventy million years
ahead. It seems preposterous for Sakyamuni to have
expected such a prediction to be taken literally, though,
insofar as the time was so far ahead in an age and a
world and among people that no one could imagine. He
would not have spoken about something so impossible to
envision. I know now that the numbers 5, 6 and 7 have
another and deeper significance. God revealed that 5 is
the sign of Sun (Fire), 6 of Moon (Water) and 7 of Earth
(Soil). They should stand in that order of priority. Until
now, however, the order has been jumbled to give priority
to Moon (6), followed by Earth (7), and last, Sun (5).

Even the greatest teachers the world has known

could not clearly convey the truth. Neither the sutras nor
the Bible, or example, are clear; it has been impossible
for the many people who search for the truth to find it.
The time of the great teachers was not ripe. The full truth
was not revealed until our age, when God gave me His
direct revelation. Recordedhere is that message from
Gad, It is clear and complete, and it leaves no doubt
about its meaning. It is directed to everyone who wishes
to know, for anyone can understand it.

Our world has been dominated by the

overwhelming power of evil, but now in the last moment
before its total victory, the Supreme God has intervened
to reveal His full power to conquer. This world where evil
dominates good will become a world where good
prevails. Then we will see the demise of modern

The Birth of the New Civilization

medicine. No longer will it reign as the most powerful

instrument of evil. Medicine was the necessary evil in the
development of human civilization, and that meant
placing man’s most precious and most fragile possession
- his life - almost completely at its mercy. It is frightening
to consider the jeopardy of human life because the very
premises of medicine are so completely distorted. The
task before me, to change people’s thinking and to uproot
their belief in medicine, is one of the most difficult tasks

The Birth of the New Civilization


The idea of heaven has been expressed in many

ways. The concepts may differ, but they all convey the
same hope for human happiness, In the West utopia is
an expression of secular thought, while “heaven” is the
Biblical term, In the Buddhist sutras one can find, among
others, the “world of the Maitreya—bodhisattva”
(paradise) used to express the same hope. In this writing
“paradise” means the human hope for ideal happiness.
We have seen how it is God’s purpose to establish
paradise here on earth. Thus, history has been the
unfolding of God’s providence in the process of
preparation and change, but history as we know it is
coming to an end, and we are on the threshold of
paradise. It will be a world without sickness, poverty or
strife, With the passing of sickness, the other two
greatest of human afflictions poverty and conflict will also
pass naturally away.

What is sickness, and what is the substance we

use against it, medicine? As we understand the causes
and nature of illness, it will be easy to see the destructive
medical fallacy. My testimony is absolutely clear and
absolutely true. It flows not from the intellect, nor from
research of any kind, but from divine revelation and the
truth of actual experience. If experience offers proof, the
lives and activities of my many followers stand as
witness. They are all inspired with the knowledge of
Johrei, which is the true healing, offering their power to
the sick. The rate of healing by Johrei has no comparison

The Birth of the New Civilization

in medical science it is a hundred times greater. The

people who have been healed through Johrei and faith in
my teaching are already surprisingly many and steadily
increasing. But despite this visible proof, most people still
believe in medicine. They cling to something with no
power only the power to foreshorten life by sickness and
misery when life might be long, healthy and happy. The
world is a picture of agonizing pain. We cannot leave it to
get worse, only because of ignorance.
The human state has reached a cataclysmic point
of misery, a sign that it cannot be left to deteriorate. God
will no longer tolerate this condition to remain unchanged.
He has ordained that I tell of the ultimate error in medical
science so that He might now transform the world and
make possible true health for all people in preparation for
their life in the paradise soon to come.

The Birth of the New Civilization


As we begin to talk about disease the first question

is, what is disease? Very simply it is a process of
eliminating impurities that should not be in the physical
body, Without any impurities, blood circulation would be
excellent and one would enjoy perfect, vigorous health
and be able to live a fully active life throughout the year.
What, then, are these impurities? They derive from
substances such as medicines and other chemicals taken
into the body, When they become old, they change into
impure toxic blood or pus. What originally caused man to
take medicines and in so doing, to bring disease?

In the primitive ages as populations increased,

natural food supplies grew more and more inadequate
People had to eat anything they could find that was
edible. Since early methods of hunting, fishing and
farming were very simple, they ate any food they found
in. forests, rivers and fields, without distinguishing
between the good foods and those that were harmful to
the system. Because they wanted only to satisfy his
hunger, they were frequently poisoned; they became ill
and suffered pain. This they began to call disease. To
alleviate pain, people began to experiment with various
things, such as roots the bark of trees and other kinds of
plants. By chance so the of them proved effective and
were much in demand. These were called “medicine”.

It is impossible to indentify any particular individual,

but every culture has its god or hero of medicine - often a

The Birth of the New Civilization

legendary figure to whom the origins of the particular

medical traditions of the culture are attributed. In the case
of China, for example, it was Shen Nung, an emperor
who is believed to have reigned in the third millennium
B.C. These traditions grew and were accepted as it was
found - that certain medicines could alleviate the pain of
common discomforts, such as food poisoning, that were
caused by purification, These medicines worked by
suppressing the process of cleansing. The erroneous
belief that when the symptoms were gone disease was
cured grew virtually immovable No one knew that it was
suppression of purification that had taken place. What is
surprising is that this misconception has been
perpetuated for thousands of years. Human intelligence
has actually advanced little beyond the thinking of ages
long-past. People still take medicines made from herbs,
bark, and other substances besides chemicals, holding
on to the old Idea that medicine heals disease, even in
this modern world.

In explaining disease I will take the common cold as

an example, as almost everyone has had a cold at one
time or another. The first symptom is usually an increase
in body temperature. After that, other symptoms appear,
such as headache, coughing, phlegm, night sweat,
lassitude or pain in the joints. These are all caused by the
body’s action to rid itself of some accumulated toxins.
Medical science, unaware of purification, tries to
suppress the symptoms, the very processes that will
eliminate the toxins. As toxins accumulate, the bodily
functions are progressively impeded. Therefore, at a

The Birth of the New Civilization

certain point, nature begins to eliminate some of the

toxins from the system. Fever works to dissolve
congealed. toxins arid eliminate them from the body in
nasal or oral mucus, perspiration, urine, or diarrhea, This
process is usually painful, and uncomfortable.

If the individual will patiently permit the process of

purification to continue unobstructed, the toxins will
decrease unimpeded and the health will steadily improve.
Medical theory, however, dictates that pain or discomfort
indicates damage to the internal functions and doctors
therefore make every effort to suppress it. Purification
can take place more easily when the vitality of the body is
high. Medical treatments, contradicting this basic
principle, are designed to lower the vitality, thereby
suppressing purification. As vitality decreases, symptoms
diminish, so it is easy to understand why medicine is so
convincing. Medication, however, is the most effective
way possible not to heal but to debilitate it is one of the
worst things you can do, for it literally injects poison into
the body.

To the detriment of human health, people have

completely misunderstood the natural process of the
dissolution of toxins by fever followed by discharge.
Because the cleansing action irritates the nerves and
causes discomfort, it has been misconstrued as a
deteriorating condition. The customary remedy is to try to
prevent dissolution of the toxins with icepacks, poultices,
antipyretics and the like. The temporary alleviation of pain
is interpreted as recovery, simply out of ignorance. Thus,

The Birth of the New Civilization

methods of alleviating pain themselves cause further

disease. Failing to understand heaven’s gift of good
health, people destroy and reject it. This is what we call
medical science.

A victim of a cold thinks he is being healed if his

discomfort is temporarily relieved. He simply does not
realize that the natural elimination of toxins is being
suppressed and medicinal toxins are entering his body.
Suppressing purification and adding more toxins will
always produce much more severe purification later.
Consider, from example, those who treat colds with
medication; they generally suffer continuing recurrences
of the same ailment. Colds are common when seasons
change, sometimes becoming chronic. But having a cold
is something we should actually be grateful for, since it is
the simplest form of cleansing for the body. Efforts to
prevent or cure colds by using suppressive methods of
treatment only harden the toxins in the body instead of
allowing their natural expulsion. That results in more
intense purification, which appears in the form of TB or
other very serious conditions. The best method of
prevention is to encourage occasional colds and let them
run their course. If that were done, half the battle of
disease would he won. As it stands, however, medicine
takes the oppositemeasures and serious diseases are in
fact increasing.

There are two kinds of toxins that accumulate and

cause disease. The first is congenital, inherited medicinal
toxin, and the second is acquired after birth. They gather

The Birth of the New Civilization

and solidify around areas where the nerves are more

active. The busiest nerves are in the upper part of the
body, particularly in and around the brain - the eyes,
ears, nose, mouth and so on. Toxins tend to move toward
those regions, concentrating at first in the neck area,
congealing and forming hard lumps. Very few people
have no lumps formed by toxins around the neck and
shoulders. A slight fever is almost always present in
those areas, due to minor purification taking place.
Headaches, a dull feeling in the head, stiffness of the
neck and shoulders, ringing in the ears, discharge from
the eyes, nasal mucus, phlegm and alveolar pyorrhea are
all caused by this purification.

Purification occurs naturally when the hardened

toxins exceed a certain amount. It also takes place when
vitality is raised by physical exercise or other activity, or
when a sudden change in the weather forces the body to
adapt to it. Both are manifested in the form of stiff
shoulders or other symptoms, usually followed by a cold.
Coughing is a pumping action by which liquefied toxins
are removed. Not only are the toxins around the neck
eliminated this way, but those in other areas as well.
Sneezing is another kind of pumping that removes
liquefied toxins from the region behind the nose, around
the top of the spinal column (medula oblongata.)

A cold, then, is a rather intense form of purification

primarily in the upper half of the body centering around
the brain. Understanding this, we should all.w nature to
take its course without anxiety, even when we catch cold.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The body will become cleaner and normal health wilt

return without too much trouble. Man’s happiness could
be so much greater if he only knew this truth.

The Birth of the New Civilization



The Birth of the New Civilization


Modern civilization is plagued by three powerful

afflictions, war, disease, and poverty. Of these, disease is
the fundamental cause of human miseries. Poverty will
disappear on its own accord once the other two problems
are resolved. War is a sickness of the soul, a spiritual
failing, which can be remedied only when disease is
understood and eradicated. Disease, war, and poverty all
originate from the same, condition, and all three will
vanish forever when people everywhere become
perfectly healthy both in spirit and in body. How simple it
seems, yet how difficult to realize. Nevertheless, it is
possible for everyone to achieve genuine, total health.
God has revealed to me the one certain way to banish
these afflictions, and it is my mission to spread the divine
message. What I have written here represents a first step
toward that goal.

Today we tend to think of disease as a physical

thing, but that is a misconception. Disease of the spirit is
as real as physical disease, and it is the spiritually
unhealthy people who are the cause of war. Until we all
become both physically and spiritually whole, true
civilization, free from war, disease, and poverty, can
never be possible. How can people attain genuine health,
the kind of health I call wholeness? We must understand
the essence of true health in spirit and body and then
discover how to achieve that state. Having been shown
what lies at the heart of human perfection, I now can
explain how others can find it.

The Birth of the New Civilization

First of all we need to explore the truth about the

universe we are born into. Modern science regards
existence only in terms of finite matter. It acknowledges
nothing beyond matter. The assumptions of science are
seriously misleading, as they take no account of the level
of existence most important for humanity: that which is
spiritual and eternal. That there might be something
beyond matter has not been recognized in modern
societies because people have depended solely on the
material sciences for knowledge. Scientific theory may
appear to have advanced in recent years, but it is all
based on the premise that nothing can be proved to exist
outside the physically demonstrable.

Thus, scientists have developed a dogmatic way of

thinking which tends to disregard all phenomena that are
not scientifically verifiable. They show by their own
attitude how easy it is for prejudice and narrowness to
enter scholarly endeavors. modern science fails the most
elementary test: it has not increased human happiness,
even though technological civilization has continued to
advance. Why should this be so?

We know that the goal of true medicine is to make

people humanly perfect, whole in both body and spirit,
and yet medical science is moving in exactly the opposite
direction. Rather than helping, it is creating more invalids
and more disease. To understand why it is going so wide
of the mark, we need to examine the premises of medical
theory. Ignorant of the real cause of disease, the science

The Birth of the New Civilization

of medicine has interpreted most aspects of sickness in

narrowly physical terms. Based on materialism, medical
science has focused on treating the physical symptoms
and alleviating suffering. Progress in medicine is gauged
primarily by the effectiveness of temporary pain-relieving

The accepted methods themselves are physical.

The use of drugs, medical instruments, radiation, and so
forth will often lighten pain. Unfortunately, however,
successful pain-relief has been misconstrued as healing.
Few people recognize that alleviation of pain and healing
of disease are different altogether. The former is
temporary, the latter is permanent. Medicine becomes
infinitely more dangerous because its methods to relieve
distress not only fail to cure permanently, but they also
create new diseases and exacerbate existing ones.

Medical science being basically materialistic,

practitioners naturally regard the human body only as a
physical entity and treat people as though they were no
more than animals. Trying to discover or prove some new
medical theory, researchers use animals in their
experiments. They then make the mistake of applying
their findings to human beings. Medical scientists do not
understand that humans and animals are essentially
different in spiritual qualities, as well as in form and
emotional and intellectual capacities. Because they are
different, human disease must be studied with human
Patients; otherwise, we cannot even hope for a true

The Birth of the New Civilization

medical science that will guarantee genuine and

complete healing.

Furthermore, a person, unlike an animal, has

psychosomatic reactions that can greatly affect the
condition. For example, when someone is told that he or
she has an incurable disease, the shock alone may
cause startling deterioration. Many of us as well as
doctors frequently encounter such cases. No similar
developments occur in animals, because animals react to
knowledge about their bodies in a completely different
way. Medical science today, then, has two fundamental
failings that disqualify it as genuine science: treating
people as exclusively physical beings at the expense of
their spiritual being, and not making rigid distinction
between humans and animals.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Having outlined the great misconceptions of

medical science, now I want to examine more carefully
this field of endeavor in more practical detail. If we
analyze medicine in terms of its own goal--healing--what
do we see? My answer is critical, but not for-criticism's
sake. I simply want to point out exactly where it has
failed. I hope that my purpose will not be misunderstood
and what I say will be given honest consideration in a
spirit of openness to the truth.

As an example of the way medicine is handled, at

least in Japan, when doctors are requested to give full
reports to their patients, they seldom do. Their responses
to questions are often equivocal, perfunctory, or evasive.
They rarely make definitive statements to patients about
their sickness, but hedge with vague inconsistencies.
"This may be cured," or, "We have evidence that this is
curable, so you'll be all right," or perhaps, "This measure
is known to be effective." The doctor might assert that a
certain method is the only option or that the disease can
be cured, provided the patient carefully heeds medical

Another way to avoid directness is to say, "This is a

very unusual case, one in a million," or sometimes,
"You're going to need hospitalization." When the patient
asks if hospital care will cure the disease, the response
is, "That depends... I cannot guarantee it." From their own
experience doctors know better than anyone how a case

The Birth of the New Civilization

develops in unexpected ways that totally confound the


The standard examination includes percussion,

auscultation, thermometry, X-ray, blood tests, injections
to test reactions, microscopic tests, and others, involving
all sorts of different instruments. If medical science is
truly "scientific," doctors should be able to tell after all that
precisely what the condition of a patient is. During the
examination the physician often requests information in
the most minute detail, not only on the medical history of
the patient, but also illnesses and causes of death in the
family, sometimes going back two or three generations.
The doctor may only be trying to verify the diagnosis, but
whatever he or she does, no medical method is perfect.

If medical methods were scientifically valid, why are

so many people not healed in accordance with medical
theory? Either the diagnosis or treatment must be wrong,
or perhaps both are based on invalid assumptions. 01: all
people treated, those who are completely cured
constitute probably less than ten percent. Even when
treatment appears to have been effective, it is only
temporary. The patient is never entirely free from anxiety,
since in most cases the disease either recurs or develops
into another illness. It is extremely doubtful that very
many have ever been truly, permanently cured. All this is
well known to doctors, the people who must struggle
directly with the inherent contradictions of their

The Birth of the New Civilization

The term "my doctor" suggests that everyone

should have a physician to consult regularly. But if the
doctor could bring about perfect health, eventually no one
would need his or her services. If medical science were
capable of genuine healing, we would see a steady
decrease in the sick and ailing. Doctors would be running
out of work, and hospitals would be losing their clientele.
Hospital buildings would be up for sale for lack of funds to
run them and no sick to populate them. Sadly, though,
not only are patients increasing but the variety of
diseases is growing larger and waiting lists for the
hospitals are getting steadily longer.

Further, to the dismay of the health care authorities

medical expenses in both public and private institutions
grow alarmingly higher each year. Obviously something
is deeply wrong right at the core of medical practice and
theory, and yet no one even suspects the nature of the
obvious and terribly costly defect. Most are not aware of it
only because they have become so dependent upon
materialistic science that they can see nothing else.

Think for a moment about the medical diagnosis

after examination. When a patient is examined by several
doctors, their diagnoses often diverge significantly,
casting doubt from the beginning on the scientific validity
of the medical hypothesis itself. If the diagnostic criteria
were genuinely scientific, conflicting opinions on the
same data or phenomena would not occur. In fact, an
illness is often diagnosed in different ways simply

The Birth of the New Civilization

because diagnostic methods are derived only from

materialistic science.

One would think, likewise, that doctors' families

would have fewer illnesses and better health than others,
and that the doctors themselves would enjoy greater
longevity, assuming that their knowledge of medical
science gives them close access to effective treatment.
On the contrary, doctors and their families are in no
better health and sometimes have even more ailments
than other people. When someone in a doctor's family is
sick, one would imagine that the physician is especially
attentive in Providing the best care for the child, parent,
or whoever. Actually, however, instead of treating family
members themselves, doctors often have someone else
take care of them, even when the problem is easy to

Many doctors are said to be reluctant to make a

diagnosis -for members of their own - families because
they either doubt their ability to be objective or do not
trust their own conclusions. They are probably wary of
the guesswork and speculation that enter into their
diagnoses, which lack a real scientific basis. Once, while
one of my doctor friends was reminiscing, he mentioned
the difficulty of diagnosing diseases correctly. He
confessed that postmortem examinations in a large
hospital sometimes disclosed that the diagnosis of the
trouble and the actual cause of death did not coincide.
The number of such cases was greater than he wished to
state, he admitted. In his experience, the remedies he

The Birth of the New Civilization

prescribed did not always work as effectively as he had

expected. They often made the condition worse -
sometimes they even jeopardized the patient's life. At
such times the doctor could hardly sleep at night worrying
about how to explain the situation to the patients and
their families. This, he added, was the greatest burden for
a doctor. I felt deep compassion for him then,
understanding the difficult position his profession
sometimes created for him.

In spite of progress in medical science,

conspicuous discrepancies remain between the diagnosis
and the real facts of a case. Some doctors no longer give
much credence to medical treatment and turn to
psychological or spiritual healing. This is seen more
among veteran physicians than among young, idealistic,
and inexperienced doctors. The late Tatsukichi Irisawa,
physician to the emperor, wrote a waka poem on his

I know this drug can have no effect on me,

But it is my duty toward the world
To take what I have always administered
To my patients.

Among my acquaintances is an M.D. who often

comes to me when he or someone in his family becomes
ill and he cannot cure them himself. He comes willingly,
knowing that whatever the disease is, I will soon be able
to heal it with Johrei, once I worked on a long-standing
case of neuralgia. The patient was a well-known

The Birth of the New Civilization

professor and a medical doctor, and with Johrei I was

able to heal him in a short time. I also healed his
daughter, who had tuberculosis. His wife was so
impressed that she urged him to give up medicine and
turn to our method of healing. He could not bring himself
to change, because of his social status, professional
obligations, and financial needs, and he is still following
his old practice.
In another case, I was asked to see the wife of a
prominent businessman. She was suffering from facial
palsy that had disfigured her face so badly that one could
hardly bear to look at her. I warned her not to accept any
medical treatment. She confessed that her family had
been very insistent that she consult a doctor, and she
had gone to a hospital for examination. When she talked
with the head physician, who was a close friend, he
apparently said to her, "Your condition will return to
normal in a couple of years if it is left alone. You must
never have electrotherapy or anything of that nature,
although other doctors at this hospital will probably
encourage it." "Yes, they already have, but I refused,"
she replied. "That was wise," the doctor told her. I was
impressed by her story, feeling great admiration 'for this
doctor. He must have been a truly great medical man.
After about two months of Johrei, she was completely

The Birth of the New Civilization


As we begin to talk about disease, the first question

is, what is disease? Very simply, it is a process of
eliminating impurities that should not be in the physical
body. Without impurities, blood circulation would be
vigorous and one would enjoy-full, robust- health and be
able to live an active life thr9ughout the year. What, then,
are these impurities? They derive in part from substances
such as medicines and chemicals taken into the body.
When they become old, they change into impure toxic
blood or pus. What originally caused human beings to
take medicines and in so doing, to bring on disease?

Over the millenia as the human race grew more

numerous, natural food supplies were not always
adequate. Since early methods of hunting, fishing, and
farming were very simple, people ate what they could cull
from forests, rivers, and fields, without distinguishing
between good foods and those that harm the human
system. Eating only to satisfy their hunger, they were
frequently poisoned; they became ill and suffered pain.
They began to call their ailments "disease." To alleviate
pain, people experimented with various things, such as
roots, the bark of trees, and other kinds of plants. By
chance, some of these seemed effective and came into
popular use. They were called "medicines.'

Every culture has its god or hero of healing - often a

legendary figure to whom the origins of the particular
healing traditions of the culture are attributed. In the case

The Birth of the New Civilization

of China, for example, it is Shen Nung, an emperor

thought to have reigned in the third millennium B.C.
These traditions spread and were widely accepted as it
was found that certain medicines could alleviate common
discomforts, such as food poisoning, that were signs of
purification. Those medicines worked by suppressing the
process of cleansing. The erroneous belief that when the
symptoms were gone, disease was cured, became
permanently - entrenched. No one knew that what had
taken place was suppression of purification. Most
surprising is that this misconception has been
perpetuated for thousands of years. Human perceptions
about health have advanced little beyond the thinking of
ages long past. In our times, also, people still take
medicines made from herbs, bark, and other substances
besides chemicals, holding on to the old idea that
medicine heals disease.

In explaining disease I will take the common cold as

an example, as almost everyone has had a cold once in a
while. The first symptom is usually an increase in body
temperature. After that, other symptoms appear, such as
headache, coughing, phlegm, nightsweat, lassitude, or
pain in the joints. These phenomena are all caused by
reactions in the body as it tries to rid itself of some
accumulated toxins. Medical science, unaware of
purification, works to suppress the symptoms, the very
processes that will eliminate the toxins. As toxins
accumulate, and the body functions are progressively
impeded When the mass of toxins increases to a certain
level, nature begins to eliminate some of them from the

The Birth of the New Civilization

system. Fever works to dissolve congealed toxins and

send them out in nasal or oral mucus, perspiration, urine,
or diarrhea, a process that is usually painful or

If the individual patiently permits purification to

continue unobstructed, the toxins will decrease
unimpeded, and one's health will steadily improve.
Medical theory, however, dictates that pain or discomfort
indicates some internal malfunction, and doctors make
every effort to suppress it. Purification can take place
more easily when the vitality of the body is high. Medical
treatments, contradicting this basic principle, are
designed to lower the vitality, thereby disrupting
purification. As vitality decreases, symptoms diminish,
and so it is easy to understand why medical treatment
can be so convincing. Using medication, however, is the
most effective way possible not to heal but to debilitate -
it is one of the most harmful things you can do, for it
literally injects poison into your body.

At great cost to their health, people have

completely misunderstood the natural process in which
toxins are dissolved by fever, and then discharged.
Because the cleansing action irritates the nerves and
causes discomfort, it has been misconstrued as a
negative condition. The customary remedy is to try to
prevent dissolution of the toxins with icepacks, poultices,
antipyretics, and the like. Temporary alleviation of the
pain is interpreted as recovery, simply out of ignorance.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Thus, methods of relieving pain themselves cause further


Without fully understanding heaven's gift of good

health, people destroy and reject it. This is exactly what
medical science is doing.

Cold victims think they are being healed if

discomfort is temporarily relieved. They simply do not
realize that the natural elimination of toxins is being
suppressed and medicinal toxins are accumulating within
the body. Suppressing purification and adding more
toxins inevitably produce much more severe purification
later. Those who treat colds with medication generally
experience continuing recurrences of the same ailment.

Colds are common when the seasons change,

sometimes becoming chronic, but we should be grateful
for a cold; it is the simplest form of cleansing for the body.

Efforts to prevent or cure colds by Using

suppressive methods of treatment only harden the toxins
in the body instead -of allowing their natural expulsion.
That results in more intense purification, which takes the
form of TB or other very serious afflictions. The best way
to prevent such diseases is to encourage occasional
colds and let them run their course. If that were done, half
the battle of disease would be won. As it stands,
however, medicine takes the opposite approach and
serious diseases are, in fact, increasing.

The Birth of the New Civilization

There are two kinds of impurities that accumulate

and cause disease. The first is congenital, inherited
medicinal toxin, and the second is acquired after birth.
They gather and congeal around areas where the nerves
are more active. The busiest nerves are in the upper part
of the body, particularly in and around the brain, eyes,
ears, nose, mouth, and so on. Toxins tend to move
toward those regions, concentrating at first in the neck
ar9a, congealing and forming hard lumps. Very few
people have no lumps of toxin around the neck and
shoulders. A slight fever is almost always present in
those areas, due to minor purification taking place.
Headaches, a dull feeling in the head, stiffness of the
neck and shoulders, ringing in the ears, discharge from
the eyes, nasal mucus, phlegm, and alveolar pyorrhea
are all signs of this purification.

Purification occurs naturally once the hardened

toxins exceed a certain level. It also takes place when
vitality is raised by physical exercise or other activity, or
when a sudden change in the weather forces your body
to adapt quickly. Both instances of purification are
apparent in the form of stiff shoulders or other symptoms
that are usually followed by a cold.

Coughing is a pumping action by which liquefied

toxins are removed. Not only are the toxins around the
neck eliminated this way, but those in other areas are
also discharged. Sneezing is another kind of pumping
that purges liquefied toxins from the is region behind the
nose, around the tnedull at the top of the spinal column.

The Birth of the New Civilization

A cold, then, is a rather intense form of purification

primarily in the upper half of the body, especially the
head and neck. Understanding this, when you catch a
cold you should allow nature to take its course. There is
no need for anxiety. Your body will become cleaner, and
you will regain normal health without experiencing too
much discomfort. Our happiness could be so much
greater if all of us only knew this.

The Birth of the New Civilization


The following four sections are devoted to a

discussion of specific illnesses. My underlying theme is
medical science and the harm it does by its purely
physical approach to the human body and its emphasis
on material therapy. Let us take the common cold first,
something almost everyone experiences at some time or
other. Still unable to identify the origin of the common
cold, medical science continues to attribute it to some
airborne virus or allergic condition, but as I will explain,
such thinking is well off the mark and is certain to he
superseded very soon.

We believe that our bodies carry many congenital

toxins, which cause smallpox, measles, whooping cough,
and so on. There are doubtless many others that are
unknown to us. The body tries to excrete the toxins
through natural physiological actions - what we call
purification. In this process toxins first accumulate in
various parts of the body, tending to concentrate in areas
where the nerves are more active. The most active
nerves are in the upper body, especially in and around
the head.

When awake, a person's arms and legs may be at

rest, but their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and
especially brain, are in constant activity. That’s why
toxins accumulate around the shoulders, neck, lymphatic
glands in the neck, parotid glands, and in greatest
concentration in and around the brain, including the

The Birth of the New Civilization

medulla oblonqata. The toxins that gather in different

parts of the body gradually coagulate over time until, at a
certain point, a natural process of elimination begins.

Hardened toxins obstruct blood circulation and

cause various symptoms of illness. Stiff neck and
shoulders, headache, heaviness of the head, failing
eyesight, impaired hearing and smell, nasal congestion,
tooth decay, shortness of breath, slackness of limbs,
lumbago, edema, and others are all such common
symptoms. They erode the will to work and prevent a
person from fulfilling his or her mission as a human
being. To enable people to carry on their duties, God
provided a means of purifying the body – disease is
actually a cleansing of the blood. The outward symptoms
may be unpleasant, but it is essential for health. Disease
is among the greatest of God's blessings. If somehow all
sickness were obliterated from the face of the earth, the
human race might gradually grow weaker and finally

It probably seems contradictory to speak of the

hope of a world without sickness, on the one hand, while
being thankful for disease, on the other. When we
envision a world without sickness, however, we mean a
state when people have no more toxins to be purged. For
u5, now, the purifying function of disease is what gives it
meaning. If people were all free of toxins, there would be
no need for purification, and disease would not occur
From this it should be clear that disease is vital in the
elimination of toxins, for it is purifying activity. In the case

The Birth of the New Civilization

of a cold, fever usually develops first. Fever is nature's

method of breaking up and liquefying hardened toxic
masses to facilitate their excretion. 45 soon as they are
liquefied, the toxins begin moving toward the lungs in a
manner that remains mysteriously unclear. With the
administration of Johrei, the toxins liquefy and almost
instantaneously move through muscle and bone into the
lungs. If the dissolution of hardened toxins occurs in one
or two places, it causes mild discomfort, but as more
solid masses of toxins are affected by the purifying
action, the symptoms become increasingly acute. That is
how a slight cold can develop into something much

Liquefied toxins enter the lungs quickly. If the fluid

is thin, it comes right up and one can spit it out. Toxins in
a more viscous state remain in the lungs for a time. They
are eliminated by the pumping action of coughing and
clearing the throat. Just as coughing produces phlegm,
sneezing ejects nasal mucus. A headache, sore throat,
tympanitis, inflamed lymphatic glands, and aching joint,
groin, or some other are all the pain of nerve abrasion
caused by dissolving toxins as they flow toward an outlet
from the body. Thick ones are excreted as phlegm, nasal
mucus, diarrhea, and so forth; watery ones come out as
night sweat, urine, or other substances.

Thus, purification is performed naturally, in a

rational way. That the Creator should have given us such
functions seems almost miraculous. Seen in this light,
illness is quite different from the unsolicited evil it usually

The Birth of the New Civilization

appears to be. It is inconceivable that God created us

only to torment us with illness and inhibit our activities.
People were created to be in good health always. Human
misconceptions, however, have caused toxins to form
and accumulate; hence, the necessity to eliminate them.
That is the essence of illness. In the case of a cold, if
nature is allowed to have its way without any medical
intervention, purification can progress to completion.
Recovery will be smooth and one's health will improve
afterward. It is not necessarily a bad thing, therefore, to
catch frequent colds. By letting purification run its course
unobstructed each time we have a cold, we actually help
to eventually eliminate the truly serious diseases.

Nonetheless, people regard purification in just the

opposite way and do all they can to suppress it whenever
they get ill, This misinterpretation of the symptoms that
accompany purification as a sign of change for the worse
has disastrous consequences. Wary of fever, people try
to reduce body temperatures that rise above `normal'. By
reducing fever, they force suspension of the process that
dissolves toxins, which is why coughing and other
symptoms also fade. The person seems to recover, but
the net result is negative. Just when hardened toxins
finally have begun to dissolve, medical treatment
suppresses the dissolution activity and they coagulate
once more.

Ice-cooling, poultices, medication, injections, and

so forth, are all designed to prevent toxic masses from
breaking up. They are clearly effective, for the symptoms

The Birth of the New Civilization

of illness fade, but that is a sign that the toxins have

hardened once more into non-activity. Believing he or she
is cured, the patient is completely unaware that these
methods tie the hands that are trying to purge the toxins.
We often speak of complications of a cold; such
developments are the consequence of attempts to
suppress the natural purification that the body is trying to
carry out. The friction created when anti-purification
measures clash with the purification process simply
protracts the cold symptoms. Even if the symptoms
disappear, this only means that purification has been
suppressed. The cold is not cured and will recur later. In
summary, medical treatment does not cure illness; it only
postpones its recurrence. A genuine cure is possible only
when the body can get rid of toxins. When the body is
cleansed, the cause of disease is removed. True healing
helps the dissolution of toxins so that they are eliminated
sooner and in greater volume when purification occurs.
There is no other way to achieve true healing.
Suppressing purification is like going into debt, The
longer repayment is put off, the more interest
accumulates. The debtor cannot repay all at once, and so
he takes out another interest-bearing loan to help him out
for a while. Sooner or later he will probably have to
borrow more money.

Finally, the interest alone becomes so burdensome

and the demands for repayment so strident that the
situation is intolerable. The borrower is unable to repay
the money, and the dissatisfied creditors attach both

The Birth of the New Civilization

income and property. Finally, unable to meet their

demands even then, the person goes bankrupt.

A cold acts the same way. If you clear your debts

when payment is due, even if it means some hardship,
the matter is closed. By borrowing again, you relieve your
difficulties only temporarily. It is like taking medicine for
temporary relief. With a cold, each deferment increases
the volume of medicinal toxins until at last the body
demands full purification all at once. Then such
conditions as pneumonia arise. On the other hand, if
creditors can count on the debtor's solvency, they might
settle for gradual repayment. A similar principle is at work
in conditions like tuberculosis.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Two diseases that have caused immeasurable

suffering are tuberculosis and pneumonia. It is worth
examining them in some detail, for both have their origin
in the common cold. A cold is, of course, a form of
purification, but as soon as the cleansing process begins,
it is almost always suppressed. All of often the patient
uses the worst possible methods, which are medicine
and icepacks to reduce fever.

All medicine is poison, but almost everyone uses it.

Never suspecting that disease is part of the healing
process of purification, they take medicine, for it is the
most potent way to suppress the pain and discomfort.
Physical pain is interpreted as unnecessary and harmful,
but disease and the suffering that goes with it signify
purification. Disease is the manifestation of a natural
healing power that everyone has, enabling the body to
get rid of its impurities. The cleansing or purifying
capacity varies from person to person, depending on the
strength of their natural healing power. Younger people
tend to get tuberculosis more easily because they have
greater natural healing or cleansing capacity. Their more
concentrated purifying power works faster, which
explains such phenomena as epidemics of diseases
among youth and infants. When sickness - purifying
activity - occurs, however, medical methods are put to
work until one of them suppresses it.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The most efficient ones lower the physical vitality of

the patient by introducing poisonous substances into the
body that decrease purifying energy. The symptoms of
sickness then begin to disappear. Even icepacks are
harmful, for they reduce the temperature needed to
dissolve toxins. Purifying activity is restrained and the
toxins get hard again, giving the patient a false reprieve
from physical suffering. The same is true of poultices,
though there is a slight difference in the way they act. A
poultice blocks the pores through which the skin
breathes. The skin is suffocated, which suppresses
purification in the affected area, and then the painful
symptoms of sickness fade away. Injections have
become popular partly because the more potent drugs
can be dangerously poisonous when taken orally.

When the purifying activity of a cold is suppressed

by medical or other means, not many toxins can be
eliminated. Most remain in the body and harden once
more, while new ones are taken in. Because the
medications for every cold bring more toxins into the
body, they accumulate until drastic purifying action is
necessary. At that stage, it will occur all at once, causing
what we know as pneumonia. Pneumonia is a demand
for full purification all at once, as though a debtor were
asked to pay up in a lump sum.

The main characteristic of this illness is a large

quantity of phlegm in the lungs. As the alveoli in the lungs
move with each breath, the phlegm inside blocks the
passage of air and causes a pronounced rattling. Phlegm

The Birth of the New Civilization

also causes difficulty in breathing because its presence in

large amounts reduces the capacity of the lungs. This
condition makes it necessary to inhale more frequently in
order to get enough air. If no medical treatment is
administered and the Pneumonia is allowed to take its
own course, the patient will recover naturally after the
necessary amount of phlegm has passed out of the

Medical treatment, however, counteracts the true

healing processes, mobilizing every possible means to
suppress cleansing action. Very often strong drugs are
used for pneumonia because they are more effective in
clearing away the symptoms – and suppressing the
purification. Potent drugs or other powerful suppressive
methods clash violently with active purification and cause
great suffering. In addition to having a high fever, the
patient has no appetite and becomes physically
exhausted. This condition can be fatal. I can find no
words to express the horror I feel when I think of what
medicine has done to make life so miserable.

Pneumonia is an intense purifying activity that can

occur only when a person has a vigorous, powerful

Tuberculosis is slow purification that takes place

when the body is relatively weak. Doctors today normally
use chest X-rays to detect and diagnose tuberculosis,
which appears as clouds or cavities in the lungs. In
medical opinion, these are the signs of the disease, but

The Birth of the New Civilization

doctors do not understand what causes them. They are

actually caused by dissolved toxins that enter the lungs
and are ready for elimination. Medical treatment only
prevents them from being purged; the phlegm remains in
the lungs instead of being discharged. Over time, it
congeals, and that is what appears as cloudy shadows in
X-rays. They are entirely man-made substances.

There is nothing wrong with the lungs until liquefied

toxins enter them. When the toxins are forced to stop
moving and phlegm congeals in the upper part of the
lungs, the condition is called catarrh of the apex of the
lung, or tuberculosis of the pulmonary hilar lymph nodes.
Infiltration of the lungs, similarly, is a condition where
purification starts either as a light pleurisy or through
dissolution of hardened toxins in the rib area. The
dissolved toxins infiltrate the lungs, to be eliminated from
the throat as phlegm. In either case, medication only
hardens the toxins, making the condition hard to cure. If
left to take its natural course, it would heal easily.

Once tuberculosis is diagnosed, everything

possible is done to suppress purification, as in treating a
cold. Doctors usually recommend protracted bed rest as
very effective, but the lack of exercise for even a month
can rob a healthy person of appetite and energy. He or
she grows wan and visibly weaker, panting at the least
exertion. When a person is sick, enforced immobility can
be even more damage rig. Unable to satisfy the body's
need for exercise, the patient soon becomes too weak to
move about at all.

The Birth of the New Civilization

In addition, the sick person is given drugs and a

great deal of animal protein, which is thought to be very
nutritious. Such treatment tends to enervate anyone,
even when their health is sound, but it is particularly
harmful to the sick.

Medical treatments weaken the body and reduce

purifying energy. The symptoms of disease ebb until
there is no fever or coughing, and no more phlegm is
discharged. Everyone is pleased that recovery seems
imminent. Yet what happens is that activity in the body
regresses to the pre-purification state, and worse, the
patient has accumulated more toxins and has become

The discomfort of the illness may fade, but that is

not the same thing as healing. Given some stimulus, the
condition can suddenly flare up again at any time and it
may become critical, possibly fatal. All experienced
doctors must have encountered cases in which the
disease followed such a pattern.

Interestingly, Japanese doctors who specialize in

tuberculosis use the term "harden" rather than "cure" in
speaking of this disease. During treatment, if a patient
exercises a little, a fever soon develops. This should be
encouraged, because a fever is helpful. It gives
suppressed purification activity a chance to start again.
Instead. however, doctors warn their patients not to
exercise. We often hear of people who receive medical

The Birth of the New Civilization

treatment for an extended period and are then told they

are cured. They return to normal activity but the condition
recurs soon after. The reason is clear: toxins that have
solidified because of iiecfical treatment over many years
begin to dissolve all at once.

I must mention the so called infectious quality of

tuberculosis bacilli. Medical science considers them to be
extremely contagious, but even though tuberculosis can
occur through infection, in most oases the bacilli are
generated internally. When phlegm first enters the lungs,
medical treatment hardens it so it cannot be eliminated. It
putrefies, and creates an environment where the bacilli
can be generated.

Any organic material can decay under certain

conditions, and with decay, bacteria appear. Decay is
more rapid in the presence of body heat. When a person
catches a cold, phlegm begins to collect in the lungs. If it
is eliminated then and there, it will not putrefy. The
condition will cure itself and the body will go back to

Nevertheless, doctors still try to suppress the

natural action of toxins, causing them to decay and
stimulate the production of bacteria that gradually
consume the pulmonary cellular tissue and create
cavities. From the results, it is apparent that doctors are
badly misled, although they act with good intentions.
Unless they can be shown how wrong their thinking is,

The Birth of the New Civilization

more and more people will suffer as a result of their


The Birth of the New Civilization


In treating tuberculosis, a commonly used method

is to induce pneumothorax. It is considered very effective
because, when cavities are discerned in the lungs, it
reduces them by shrinking the alveoli and weakening
lung activity. It is, in effect, a rest treatment for the lungs.
However, it hardens the thick phlegm that created the
cavities. By suppressing purification, pneumothorax helps
to shrink the cavities, and that brings temporary relief. But
once the person resumes normal activity, purification will
virtually always occur again, because the condition was
never truly cured. Insofar as the former state of illness
returns, it is evident that this method does not bring
genuine healing.

Among other lung diseases, lung gangrene is

caused by tumorous formations just under the thin
membrane surrounding the lung. If the disease is left to
itself, the tumefaction reaches its limit, holes appear, a
large quantity of bloody pus is coughed out, and the
condition clears up. This process is also a kind of
purification. When purification is suppressed by medical
means and the patient fails to recover, even after long-
term treatment, in many cases he or she finally succumbs
to the disease. Miliary tuberculosis produces morbid
grains in the lung alveoli. These are similar to vesicles of
eczema on the skin, and the condition is a sort of
purification. If the disease is allowed to go its own way,
the grains drain out in pus and the disease cures itself.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Lung cancer is caused primarily by eating large

quantities of neat. Toxin contained in the meat causes
impurities to enter the blood. They accumulate in the
lungs, hardening into tumor - like growths. They can be
gradually eliminated, however, in phlegm through the
process of purification. This disease is stubborn, and a
full cure takes a long time, but since the cause is a
relatively vegetable-poor diet, simply eating more
vegetable foods and less meat will eventually take care of
it. Not accidentally, this disease appears more frequently
among people in Western countries and elsewhere who
eat proportionately more meat.

Measles is often accompanied by pneumonia, but

this should not cause worry. As measles spots form in the
alveoli, lung capacity is reduced and breathing becomes
labored, but the patient will recover in a few days if the
condition is left alone. Tuberculosis of the larynx occurs
usually in the last stage of pulmonary tuberculosis. Its
symptoms are chiefly a hoarse voice and sore throat,
which make it difficult to swallow food. These symptoms
arise with the emission of phlegm that contains old
accumulations of very virulent medicinal toxins. They
cause the bronchial membranes and throat to become

As long as phlegm is emitted, a cure is difficult.

There is little chance of recovery, especially since the
patient has become seriously weak at this stage. If a
doctor diagnoses tuberculosis of the larynx, he will almost

The Birth of the New Civilization

certainly regard it as hopeless, since so few patients


Turning now to tuberculosis of the intestines,

symptoms of this disease are innumerable hard lumps of
toxin all around the intestines, centering on the area
around the naval. The lumps cause pain under pressure,
and fever develops in the abdomen.

The fever acts to dissolve the lumps and the

liquefied toxins can then be discharged in diarrhea. Since
the accretions are hardened toxins, the patient will not
recover unless all medications are stopped. Continuing
diarrhea greatly weakens the patient. In medical opinion,
a victim of this disease has little chance of surviving.

Before closing this section, I want to add a

comment on the difficulty of curing tuberculosis compared
with other diseases. When medicine is the main
treatment for TB, drugs are administered right from the
start. They simply protract the condition, especially since
the afflicted person, impatient to get well, tends to take
more and more medicine, creating a vicious circle. Finally
medicinal toxins accumulate in the body to such an
extent that there is no way out. Toxins from years past
have already penetrated and injured the physical body so
much that there is no hope of healing.

What brings on such terrible consequences is the

widespread, mistaken belief in the efficacy of medicine.

The Birth of the New Civilization

All patients in the later stage of TB are actually victims of

medicinal Poisoning.

In treating them, my only objective has always been

to eliminate the toxins, which can be done through Johrei
in the way I have been shown by God. Each time Johrei
is given, medicinal toxins are dissolved and discharged
from the body. One regains health as the toxins
decrease, but the noxious remains of early-ingested
medicines may still be perceptible through Johrei even
many years later. All this offers more evidence of the
injurious nature of medicine and the power of purification.

The Birth of the New Civilization


One aspect of tuberculosis has been badly

neglected, and that is its psychological impact. This is the
most important factor in the disease. No matter whom it
strikes, the shock of being told one has tuberculosis is
stunning. A feeling of hopelessness about the future
sweeps through the victim. It is like a death sentence;
only the date of execution is still uncertain. Health
officials and doctors alike, probably to prevent such a
reaction, publicly support the claim that tuberculosis can
be cured permanently by adequate rest and nutrition as
well as proper medical treatment.

I cannot believe that many TB patients are

reassured, however, for among all those sent to
sanatoriums and hospitals only a small number have
been fully cured when they are discharged. Most patients
who recover later suffer relapses and go back into
medical treatment. This pattern ends only with death. It is
understandable when official propaganda telling us that
tuberculosis can definitely be cured is greeted with

The despair people feel after a diagnosis of TB

causes all kinds of reactions - Many lose their appetite
and begin to have premonitions of death. I know those
feelings very well, for I myself was pronounced a victim of
tuberculosis by the well-known Dr. Irisawa when I was
about seventeen. It is not helpful to inform a person if he
or she has tuberculosis, yet medical practitioners have no

The Birth of the New Civilization

choice, since standard treatment requires complete rest

and certain special remedies. This places doctors in a
dilemma. It is assumed that tuberculin tests, X-rays, and
so forth, are necessary for accurate diagnosis, but it is
doubtful whether those tests should really be
administered. In my opinion, they do more harm than

From the moment an individual is informed that

signs of latent tuberculosis are present, even latent TB,
the person begins to grow visibly weaker. This happens
even when there are no active symptoms and the person
has a history of continuing good health. Within a few
months, he or she becomes pitifully thin, partly because
of the prescribed rest treatment, but most of all, because
of the lasting and terrible shock simply of being told that
some kind of tuberculosis is in evidence. For most, that
sudden pronouncement, coming like a bolt from the blue,
has an indescribable effect.

Many years ago I knew a fencer, a man of stout

build, who went for a routine physical examination and
was diagnosed as having latent TB. Complete rest was
prescribed. He told me that as he had no noticeable
symptoms at the time, he could hardly bear lying still in
bed. He found the burden of the treatment insufferable. It
seemed ridiculous to keep a man of his stamina and
robust vitality in bed. I could hardly bear to see him there.
About six months later when I saw him again, he was
hollow-cheeked and very pale; he had the face of a
tuberculosis victim. The following year I heard that he had

The Birth of the New Civilization

died. My heart sank. If only he had never had a physical

examination, he might never have learned of his TB
symptoms, and he might have continued in the best of
health for many years. There must be many, many cases
similar to his.

According to medical statistics derived from

autopsies, the lungs of ninety percent of the Japanese
people have marks of a tubercular condition that healed. I
have always believed that if checkups and examinations
were not given, the number of tuberculosis patients would
drop sharply. A physician would argue that if tuberculosis
were not a contagious disease, it could be controlled and
people need not be told of their symptoms. They contend,
however, that TB bacilli spread and are dangerous to
others, and that is why it must be diagnosed at an early
stage and prevented from developing. They claim that
early discovery makes effective treatment easier I am not
convinced. We have already discussed the harm early
discovery can do, but medical science makes a serious
mistake regarding contagion, also. I unequivocally
declare that tubercular bacilli are not contagious.
Whenever I am quoted as saying that, I am watched
suspiciously for a while by the so-called experts. The real
cause of tuberculosis has not yet been identified by
medical scientists, but they accept the contagion theory
and do not like to be contradicted.

During World War II, I was once asked by the navy

to help some tuberculosis patients in the air corps, for
there were quite a number of them. When I sent one of

The Birth of the New Civilization

my assistants to the air base at Kasumigaura, he made a

point of telling people that tuberculosis was not
contagious. He so infuriated the medical officers that they
dismissed him immediately. They really believed that if
such an idea gained acceptance, tuberculosis would
spread throughout the entire air force before long. I
continued to insist on the non-contagious nature of TB,
and no evidence has ever persuaded me otherwise. One
reason is that among my followers there has not been a
single case of infection up to the present.

Until about ten years ago I always had one or two

tuberculosis patients staying in my home, as an
experiment. I had six children, boys and girls ranging
from five or six to about twenty years old. We had TB
patients living with us for more than a decade. They lived
under the same roof with our family, and I did not use any
method of disinfection. Everyone was treated the same,
with no special arrangements to prevent contact or
proximity. None of my family ever became infected and
all of them remain in extremely good health. Let me cite
one more example. Several years ago, I heard about a
widow of forty or so who had been suffering from
tuberculosis since the death of her husband - Out of fear
of catching TB, none of her relatives or friends would
allow her to come near. I felt sorry for her and took her in.
Since then she has lived and worked in my home. No one
has been infected, of course, and she herself has
recovered almost completely.
Actually, no one in my home and none of our
believers has any fear of tuberculosis, for even if it were

The Birth of the New Civilization

as infectious as it is generally believed to be, it could be

cured very easily through Johrei. Confident that TB does
not spread, we are more relaxed, secure, and happier
than people with conventional attitudes toward the

Fear of tuberculosis infection has brought about

countless tragedies. If someone is exposed to TB,
husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and
sisters, are not allowed to come near each other, even to
talk together. Tableware and bedding of patients are kept
separate from those of the other members of a
household. TB victims are treated like pariahs. If we
believe what medical science believes, we must accept
such discrimination.

Once, in a certain rural district, a farmer's daughter

of sixteen or seventeen was told that she had
tuberculosis. A separate house was built for her and she
lived there all alone.

As the building faced the street, villagers who had

to pass it would run by, covering their mouths with their
hands as they went. I heard this story from the girl
herself, and I remember having a good laugh over the
picture of people scurrying by. Yet they seriously feared
contagion by air - That so many were so afraid of a
nonexistent danger became a sad comedy.

The Birth of the New Civilization

When there is a TB patient in a family, the other

members are usually haunted by the specter of infection
at any time.

They are always careful about colds, and if they

happen to get one, they rush to the doctor for drugs. In
addition to the mental horror, by ingesting more medicinal
toxins and suppressing purification they actually create
the conditions for TB in themselves. If the symptoms
develop, it is assumed that they `caught" it. This is the
reason that the contagion theory is still accepted. It would
be very interesting to test my followers together at any
given time for contagiousness. Not only do they have no
fear, but all their tests should prove to be negative.

There is one more cause of tuberculosis, and that is

spiritual. If an individual who died of tuberculosis had a
close relative - a parent, child, sibling, or an intimate
friend or lover, the spirit of the deceased may possess
one of them. When this happens, the possessed will
show the same symptoms as those of the deceased. It
will appear as though the patient has been stricken by the
same disease through contagion.

We will go into the problem of spiritual possession

later, but a final point on contagion has to do with
frequently reported outbreaks of tuberculosis in primary
schools. At such times, all the teachers in the school are
medically examined, and almost inevitably, one or two
oases of open tuberculosis are found.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Those unlucky individuals are singled out to take

responsibility for being "original carriers" of the disease.
Actually, if strict medical examinations were given to all
teachers in any school, they would always uncover a
case of TB, even in schools with no incidence of
"contagion." What, then, is the basis for the contagion
theory? Clearly there is none, none whatsoever

The Birth of the New Civilization


Medical theory prescribes complete rest for a

tuberculosis patient. We know now how harmful that can
be; the best procedure is to let nature take its course.
You should carry on in a comfortable, unrestrained way,
living as you normally would. If you develop a fever and
feel languid, stay in bed quietly for a while, obeying the
instincts of your body that call for rest. If you feel like
getting up, follow the urge to move around. Walk when
you feel like walking, run when you want to run, sing
when you wish, and if you want to work, go ahead. It is all
right to do whatever you like. In short, do what feels

This principle is true not only for tuberculosis, but

for any and every other disease. It also applies to diet. A
sick person should eat whatever is appealing, as much
as and whenever he or she feels like eating. It is
important, of course, not to take medicine, but there
should be no pressure to eat food that is unappetizing
simply because someone says it is "good for you," or to
refrain from eating what you want only because it is
supposed to be "bad for you." In principle, one has an
appetite for what the body needs. You should not have to
eat food you do not want.

TB patients, however, should be warned against

consuming too much animal protein. A little animal
protein may not do too much harm, but it is far better to
eat a large proportion of vegetables in the daily diet.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Modern doctors encourage TB patients to eat as much

fish, poultry, and meat as possible, on the grounds that
they are very nutritious, but their advice springs from a
deep misconception. Patients may feel better temporarily,
but they will become gradually weaker as they continue
to consume such food. Basically, plant foods (vegetables,
grains, fruit, and nuts) contain more nutritive elements
than animal food. A diet restricted to fish, poultry, or meat
over a long period of time would result in scurvy or
something similar, with possibly fatal consequences.
Vegetables eaten in any amount do not cause illness;
they actually improve one's health and lengthen the

I was once afflicted with a serious case of

tuberculosis and was told by my doctor that there was
little chance of recovery. Somehow I realized then that I
had been eating too much animal food, and I immediately
switched to a vegetable diet. My condition soon
improved, and I made rapid progress toward recovery.
Having begun to doubt, I gave up medicine and lived on
nothing but vegetable foods for three months. I recovered
completely and became healthier than before the disease

I have never suffered a relapse. I am now sixty-

eight and in the best of health. If I had not sensed when I
did how wrong medical principles are, I would probably
not be here now.

The Birth of the New Civilization

An all-vegetable diet is particularly beneficial In the

case of a TB patient who coughs up blood. Not long ago,
I treated one case where the effects of a meat diet were
so immediate that the person could not eat any meat
without coughing blood the following day. It stopped just
as soon as he changed his diet to vegetable foods.

Doctors also warn us that fatigue and lack of sleep

are not good for the health, but this, too, is a mistake that
comes solely from ignorance. Fatigue, of course, comes
after physical exercise. Exercise puts the body in motion,
purification of toxins that have accumulated inside
begins, and a slight fever develops. The fever causes a
feeling of languor, which is labeled fatigue, and it is
actually a good sign: it tells us that fever is assisting the
elimination of toxins. The person who exercises
vigorously and regularly, getting tired in the process, is a
healthy individual. If you feel your legs and middle with
your hands when you are exhausted, you will find that
they are slightly feverish. This is an indication that some
toxin is being dissolved.

Another popular idea is that too little sleep can help

trigger or exacerbate TB. Lack of sleep, however, has
absolutely no influence, either in generating the disease
or making it worse. Few hours of sleep can be beneficial,
as long as you do not strain yourself. Consider, for
example, that, according to medical reports, the rate of
tuberculosis among people accustomed to keeping late
hours with little sleep - hotel employees, entertainers, etc.
is lower than other categories of people.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Fewer hours of sleep allow more hours of activity,

which makes the body conducive to purification and
causes one to feel tired.

Medical science today tends to make

interpretations that oppose reality, and so doctors assert
that "inadequate " sleep is very bad for the health. I say
they are wrong. My thinking can be illustrated by the
typical TB patient who has a low temperature in the
morning, but gradually develops a fever toward three or
four o'clock in the afternoon. The fever is a result of strain
on the nerves, which stimulates purification in the body,
even though he or she may be lying quietly in bed.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Today there are many medicinal remedies for

tuberculosis coming on the market. Cepharanthine has
been very widely used, and streptomycin and other
antibiotics are so popular that doctors everywhere seem
to be prescribing them. Why this stream of new remedies
for TB? It is simply that the old ones are not good
enough. We have seen that the effectiveness of a given
medicine is commensurate with its toxicity. The more
powerful the poison and the better controlled its side-
effects, the more effective it is in suppressing illness.
Some medicines suppress purification very efficiently,
thereby reducing the symptoms.

For these reasons the demand for super potent

medicines for TB has grown, stimulating the development
of still more.

Purification occurs in time, but the more powerful

the medicinal toxins, the more severe purification of the
system becomes. An attempt to escape one pain simply
causes another and sharper pain later. This situation is
made worse by the popular assumption that production of
stronger, and by definition more poisonous, drugs
represents progress in pharmacology. It is an unpleasant
fact that medical errors increase the number of patients,
give pharmacists thriving business, and help the media
get huge revenues for advertising. Civilized society is
truly in sad shape.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The very fact that I have learned of the true nature

of medicine is an indication that the time which God
ordained has come, when we shall see the end of the
dark age of our civilization. Earthly paradise is upon us.

The Birth of the New Civilization


I hope I have conveyed an idea of how devastating

the results of medicines and medical treatment can be. I
would like to take up nutrition now, an important and
badly misunderstood aspect of human health. Earlier I
explained that in cases of tuberculosis the intake of
animal protein in large quantities is not, contrary to
common belief, good for the health. That is only one
example of the way the entire basis of modern dietetics
has been misconstrued.

The biggest mistake made by nutritionists is their

emphasis on food itself rather than the natural body
functions that process food to derive nourishment from it.
For instance, we have identified vitamins and minerals
and classified them as A, B, C, and so on, and vitamin
pills are recommended as supplements to insufficient
natural nutriments. Such advice is wide of the mark. It
utterly disregards the inherent functions of the body.

Natural body functions can produce carbohydrates,

protein, fat, amino acids, glycogen, vitamins, and the
other necessary substances. Mysterious as it may seem,
the human body can convert food, even that lacking in
vitamins, to provide all elements required for optimum
health, including vitamins.

On the other hand, the body is actually harmed by

artificial nutriments or highly concentrated "nutritious"
foods. Continuous consumption above a certain level of

The Birth of the New Civilization

either kind will eventually weaken the body. In the case of

vitamin supplements, the more one takes, the more
deficient in natural vitamins one becomes.

Large amounts of "highly nutritious" substances

undermine its main effect is to help raise the rate of

Exercise works to increase the vital powers only in

an auxiliary way. The basic requirement for good health
is to strengthen the digestive functions. The human body
thrives on an ordinary daily diet. The more highly refined
the food in one's regular diet, the weaker the body
functions become. The popular notion coming out of
medical theory - that easily digestible food is best for the
human system -is, clearly, absolutely wrong.

We are told to chew our food well, but this only

weakens the stomach. Atony of the stomach, one of the
conditions that induce muscular weakness, is a disease
brought on by mistaken human ideas. A pattern of eating
only highly digestible foods, chewing them well, and
using artificial aids to digestion gradually weakens the
stomach until it loses its muscular tone. Around 1900
"Fletcherism" became a dietary fad in the United States.

Horace Fletcher, an American nutritionist, taught

that one should always chew one's food as well as
possible. When I was a young man I decided to try it. At
first, I thought it was helping me, but after I had continued
for about a month, I found myself growing less vigorous.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Alerted, I changed back to my normal way of eating and

regained my strength in no time. Most dietetic theories
are the same. They cannot possibly be beneficial
because they are contrary to the ways of nature and

Let me give another example. Nursing mothers are

advised to drink a lot of cow's milk to ensure milk for their
babies. A woman who gives birth to a child should have a
sufficient amount of milk to nourish her child and if she
does not, it is because something is wrong. It is
necessary to discover what is wrong and correct it. I do
not know whether medical science recognizes this, or
whether medicine can do anything about it, but when a
nursing mother drinks cow's milk, she begins to have less
breastmilk. This is because her milk-producing functions
are made less active by the supply of foreign milk. If
animals are so eminently capable of naturally producing
milk custom-made for their young, human beings should
be able to do at least as well.

I have also heard of sick people drinking animal

blood for nourishment. Like vitamin pills, ingesting the
blood of an animal only impairs the natural functions of
the human system. Although that approach may appear
effective for a while, in the long run it enervates the
blood-making functions, causing anemia.

Consider the fact that when rice and bread, green

vegetables, or yellow beans reach the stomach, they
produce red blood. What a wonderful mechanism the

The Birth of the New Civilization

human body is! If food that does not contain any blood at
all can be used to make blood by the body, what will
happen if the blood of an animal is ingested? Natural
blood will not be properly manufactured. It is difficult not
to condemn dieticians for their ignorance. Their errors
result from a lack of common sense, disregard of nature
as made by our Creator, and overdependence on
scientific theory.

Vegetable foods provide almost all the sources of

nutrition we need. The fact that so many vegetarians
enjoy good health and a long life is persuasive evidence.
Zen Buddhist priests, who live on a plain vegetable tend
to live Ionger than most people. The English writer
George Bernard Sham, who lived to be ninety-four, was
also a strict vegetarian.

Some time ago when I was traveling in northern

Japan, I noticed in the train a healthy-looking gentleman
about fifty years of age, who seemed to be from the
country. I saw him occasionally taking some young pine
needles out of his pocket and eating them with apparent
enjoyment. This struck me as rather odd, so I asked him
about it, and he told me proudly that his diet had
consisted of nothing but pine needles for more than ten
years. He said that he had been very weak and sickly in
the past. Having heard that pine needles were good for
the health, he started living on that alone. He said they
had been very unpalatable at first, but as he got used to
the taste, he had grown stronger and felt better. To show
me how robust and wealthy he was, he rolled up his

The Birth of the New Civilization

sleeves and displayed well-toned, strong and brawny

arms. Some time ago the story of a young man who lived
on nothing except used tea leaves appeared in the
newspapers. Reportedly, he enjoyed the best of health,

Once, when climbing Mt. Yari in the Japan Alps, I

was surprised to find my guide eating a lunch of plain
boiled rice and nothing else, with apparent satisfaction.
When I asked him if he really liked it, he replied that it
was very good and refused to take any of the canned
food I offered him. This man went up and down difficult
mountain paths every day, a distance of about twenty-five
miles for each trip, carrying a pack weighing more than
eighty pounds. It seemed a wonderful thing that he could
do this on a diet of nothing but rice.

In the seventeenth century, Arai Hakuseki, a noted

Japanese scholar of the Chinese classics, lived in an
upstairs room over a tofu shop when he was young,
devoting himself to his studies.

During the two years he was there, he allegedly ate

nothing but okara (made from the lees of tofu).

In my own experience, when I had tuberculosis I

went on a purely vegetable diet. For three months I did
not even use the fish seasoning I had grown accustomed
to, neither did I take any medicine. I recovered
completely. Upon reaching the age of ninety, a person
should follow the same practice to remain vigorous and

The Birth of the New Civilization

young; one should maintain as plain and simple a diet as

possible, eating mostly vegetable foods.

Why are simple foods good for the health?

Precisely because they lack many nutritional elements,
the digestive organs have to work all the more
energetically to produce nutriments, and as a result, the
digestive functions remain active and a person is
rejuvenated. Such eating habits promote stable, robust
health and longevity.
I have heard that Manchurian laborers before the
second world war were so extraordinarily vigorous that
Western scholars went to Northeast China to do research
on the source of their vitality. These people of Manchuria
reportedly ate only three large pieces of kaolianq bread
each day. Think of how nutritionists would react to this
diet! Our dietetic experts urge us to eat several
categories of food at each meal. On the contrary, we are
much hotter off eating as few kinds as possible.

The longer the same kind of food is consumed, the

more active the nutriment-yielding functions become. A
possible analogy are those acquired skills that increase
with repetition over a long period of time.

Another fact about food that often surprises people

is that a vegetable diet tends to keep one warm in winter.
It is true that meat stimulates warmth for a short while,
but some time after eating meat one feels even colder
than before. One of the reasons for the well-developed
heating systems in Europe and North America could be

The Birth of the New Civilization

that a diet heavy in meat makes it difficult to withstand

cold. The Japanese people used to put up with cold
weather easily because they did not eat meat. In the old
days, houses were not insulated against the cold, and in
clothing as well, pre-modern Japanese laborers had bare
legs all year round, and women seldom wore socks or
anything more than one or two cotton underskirts. The
modern Japanese woman wears two or more layers of
warm clothing in winter and still complains. There is much
evidence that seems to establish a clear relation between
diet and hardiness in cold temperatures.

Fatigue is also closely related to diet. Nutritionists

and physicians encourage farmers, for example, to eat
more fish, poultry, and meat, because, it is claimed, they
do not get enough protein. But a chiefly vegetable diet is
better for farmers, for vegetables can produce more
lasting energy and endurance than animal foods.
Vegetable foods enable them to work long hours without
tiring. That is how Japanese farmers, both men and
women, have been able to work from early in the morning
until late at night, generation after generation over the

If they now change and begin eating more and

more animal foods, as they are being urged to do, their
productivity will suffer greatly.

Actually, one factor in the mechanization of

agriculture in developed Western countries might be the
increasing inability of farmers to endure the strain of their

The Birth of the New Civilization

work, and they have tried to compensate for their

physical failing with ingenuity. As Japanese farmers
change their diet and eat proportionately more animal
foods, they, too, will probably turn increasingly to
mechanical power.

In short, a vegetable diet is the best way to attain

optimum health. But there are other factors to consider.
While vegetables are most nourishing for farmers, for
example, city people living less physically demanding but
highly competitive lives, particularly those in
predominantly "mental" occupations, need proportionately
more animal foods. For Japanese, seafood and poultry
traditionally take priority over other meat. That is natural,
since Japan is surrounded on all sides by the sea. Both
kinds provide excellent nutrition especially for the brain,
stimulating a quick and lively spirit.

On the other hand, beef and other red meat fuels

the competitive spirit, which can develop into

Consider the histories of red meat-eating groups,

such as Caucasians. The spirit of competition has
enabled Europeans to develop the culture and civilization
of the West, but at the same time, their fighting spirit is
the cause of endless wars. There have been far more
wars in the so-called civilized countries of the West than
in the East.
In the long run it is best to follow your natural
inclinations and eat what you feel like eating, without

The Birth of the New Civilization

worrying about what others advise. People with urban

lifestyles who do more "brain work" find they need about
equal proportions of vegetable and animal foods, while
farm workers and sick people need seventy to eighty
percent vegetable food and the remainder animal, Illness
will not occur as long as you follow a natural, well-
balanced diet and take no medicine. Current theories of
hygiene and health run counter to nature and cause
unnecessary problems. How I lament the state that
"civilized" people are in! Dietetics in Japan has gone so
far as to advocate injection of nutritive substances when
considered necessary. This is a dangerous practice. One
or two injections of nutriments will not affect the system
drastically, but habitual use will have a very damaging
effect on the body. The human being is so created that
food is passed through the mouth into the digestive
organs, each of which functions in its own way to produce
nutritive elements, Trying to inject nutriments through the
skin into the body with a needle is an extraordinary
distortion of this process. Such practices disregard the
functioning of the digestive system, and repeated over a
period of time, they inactivate those organs.

The organs will eventually degenerate, and the

absorption of nutriments will end up a function of skin and

The Birth of the New Civilization


Modern medical science attributes a great many

diseases to bacteria or viruses. Doctors claim that people
will not contract those diseases if they can be protected
against infection, but that approach is dangerously
superficial. What is the essence of bacteria and viruses?
How can we clearly identify the most basic nature of
these microorganisms? There must be some valid reason
for their existence, and no meaningful solution to disease
will be possible unless we trace their origins. But today's
science is based only on the human intellect; it cannot be
expected to be capable of finding the ultimate source of
bacteria and viruses.

No matter how infinitesimal, bacteria and viruses

are not generated without a reason or purpose1. Why did
God create tiny bodies if their function, as is commonly
believed, is to cause disease and epidemics? What could
possibly explain their existence in our world? God's
creation in all its changing aspects serves a purpose for
humankind, and there is nothing in the world that does
not have a specific function.

In accordance with what we know as the law of

natural selection, when something no longer serves its
Although discussion of this point was omitted from the final version of this book, the
process of the generation of bacteria is described in a number of articles by Mokichi Okada.
these are generated within the clouds in the spiritual body. The clouds may form as a result
of the individual's sins, or as a reflection in the spiritual body of blood made impure by
medicinal toxins. Either way, the substance of the clouds is Water contaminated by impure
particles. As the latter thicken, countless infinitesimal entities germinate and become living
organisms called viruses When they are large enough to be visible through a microscope,
they are what we know as bacteria.

The Birth of the New Civilization

purpose, it ceases to exist. Living creatures can continue

to exist only as long as they fulfill their specific function in
the totality of God's plan for the sustenance and growth of
the world. I could cite any number of illustrations showing
the necessity for all living things to have a purpose in
order to survive. The dinosaurs are an example of
prehistoric creatures that outlived their usefulness and
are today extinct.
As long as they exist, even bacteria and viruses
must have some part to play. People have been
unreasonably afraid of them because human knowledge
has never reached below the surface to learn their raison
d'etre. Why did God create bacteria and viruses that so
afflict people, causing sickness, suffering, and death?
That is a profoundly important question, but so far
knowledge has not advanced enough to reveal the
answer and people have been too indifferent to seek it
out. Society's leaders and scholars in particular must be
awakened to the inadequacy of modern science. I believe
this volume will prove to be a source of great
enlightenment on the meaning of God's creation. Why did
God bother to create humankind and everything else in
the universe? There is no question more fundamental nor
more important. No one, however, has yet offered a
satisfactory answer.

The ultimate goal of divine providence is to enable

human beings to build an ideal world, where truth, virtue,
and beauty are fully realized, and to develop and
advance that world infinitely. This aim expresses the
eternal truth of life for humanity. The future of humankind

The Birth of the New Civilization

is extraordinarily bright, beyond the power of the intellect

to conceive. God has created us with a part to play in the
fulfillment of his divine purpose.

Looking forward to a brilliant future, we should each

be fully aware of our mission and gladly commit
ourselves to it throughout our lives, without deviating from
the path God has ordained we should follow.

Health is the primary consideration in

accomplishing that mission. The state of our health today
is such that we often suffer from illness. To protect us,
God has endowed us with natural functions to preserve
our health. These functions, paradoxical as it may seem,
are the very thing called "disease."

As people in the Age of Night continue to live their

lives in fulfillment of the mission God gave them,
impurities inevitably accumulate throughout their spiritual
bodies. As we shall see later, the result of accumulated
impurities is the formation of clouds in the spiritual body
and the creation of toxic blood in the physical body.
When impurities in the system accumulate to a certain
level, they become a hindrance to normal activities. To
cleanse the system of these impurities, natural purifying
functions are activated 2 , and these are felt as pain or
discomfort. Until today, this has been called disease and

An important part of these cleansing functions is carried out by bacteria and viruses.
Bacteria feed on impurities in the blood to multiply, but once they have absorbed the impure
matter, they are discharged along with other excretions from the body. Consequently, the
blood is gradually purified as more bacteria feed and depart. God created bacteria and
viruses for this very purpose. (See Okada Mokichi, Amerika o sukuu 1953, p.54; "Baikin wa
arigatai mono" [Bacteria Are Useful] Eiko. Nº. 115. - Eds.)

The Birth of the New Civilization

has always been misinterpreted as injurious or harmful.

When stricken with disease, people tend to think their
health is being undermined, and they begin to fear that
their life is in danger.

Consequently all known resources have been

mobilized to remove or alleviate physical distress, and
medical thinking has finally reached the point where it
stands today -- deviating sharply from the true path of

We can see, then, that disease is the greatest

blessing God has bestowed upon us to preserve our
health and well being. I firmly believe that a science
based on this truth would be medical science as it is
meant to be, fully realizing its purpose and potential to

The Birth of the New Civilization


At present, the smallest bacteria and viruses that

we can identify are those visible only when magnified
tens of thousands of times by an electron microscope.
These instruments, however, have not yet been fully
developed, and more sophisticated microscopes will
someday make it possible to detect organisms that are
just a tiny fraction of those we can now perceive.

Judging from the present rate of technological

progress, however, they may not become a reality for
quite some time.

Science cannot, in any case, advance much more

in the material realm and is now approaching what I call
the realm of spiritual elements - that part of the spiritual
world immediately adjacent to the physical world.
Perhaps it is here that science as we know it can go no
farther. It is crucial to achieve a breakthrough at this
point, but it will be extremely difficult. Even if the
immediate obstacles were overcome, there would be yet
another, for the spiritual elements - Fire, Water, and Soil -
are literally infinitesimal , totally imperceptible to material

Dr. Hideki Yukawa, theoretical physicist and

recipient of the Nobel Prize, was the first to establish the
existence of the meson. His theory was substantiated by
experimental physics when other scientists, in
photographing cosmic rays, actually located mesons on

The Birth of the New Civilization

dry plates. If nuclear physics and its related fields

represent the ultimate development of materialistic
science, verification of the existence of a world next to
this is the only way science can progress. It is that world,
the realm of spiritual elements, that I have discovered
and whose existence I have empirically proven through
my work in spiritual science.

The theory has been substantiated through

application and proven to be remarkably effective in
healing disease. I have made a great discovery, whether
judged by its practical and spiritual effects or by any
scientific standards.

The realm of spiritual elements stands in between

the scientifically verifiable physical world and the realm of
divine spirits that has been the exclusive province of
religion. My discovery thus bridges the gap between
scientific knowledge of the material world and religious
insight into the divine world.

Science, philosophy, and religion all represent the

arduous attempt of people to perceive the universe in its
totality, but still a gap remains to frustrate that effort.

The pursuit of truth has at last been rewarded and

the mystery humans have tried to understand for so long
has unfolded.

We have been conditioned to believe that the

scientific community will ultimately uncover the mysteries

The Birth of the New Civilization

of the universe. It is through me as a spiritual leader,

however , that we have found the answer; not in the
revelations of natural science, but in the spiritual truths
that my work and faith have demonstrated.

Yet the discovery will serve no purpose until it is put

into practice and can benefit humankind. Our work has
been limited so far to a small number of people, hut we
know its effectiveness.

What we call Johrei is a healing method, developed

through application of our new knowledge, and it is so
powerful that it can cure almost any disease and lengthen
the human lifespan.

Well, over ninety percent of our patients have been

completely healed by Johrei. The benefits people can
receive from this discovery are limitless, touching all
aspects of their being, and changing the world.
When the truth of spiritual science is universally
acknowledged, our present civilization will experience a
radical transformation and will begin an unprecedented
epoch in human history. Genuine civilization will become
a reality when the distinction between religion and
science disappears, giving way to higher levels of
perception through which new spiritual life and science
will flow. It is a new age, of which people have no
experience, and about which they have not even

The Birth of the New Civilization


We have discussed the realm of spiritual elements

as a link between the worlds of science and religion.
Neither the nature of the spiritual world nor its relation to
human beings has ever been fully understood, but that
relationship is one of the most crucial aspects of our
existence. The spiritual entity is real and can be
identified, for the spirit exists in the spiritual world in the
same sense that the body exists in this world.

The realm of spiritual elements is invisible, rarefied

beyond comparison with what we commonly think of as
"our world."

It is essential to life, the source of the absolute and

infinite energy that sustains all creation and makes its
development possible. This ethereal and inexplicable
realm represents the elements of Fire, Water, and Soil,
emanating from Sun, Moon, and Earth, and combined in
perfect unity.

A human being is made up of two basic and closely

integrated entities, the physical body and the spiritual
body. The physical is visible and palpable, but the
spiritual is not of the material world and cannot be seen
or felt. Both the spiritual and physical bodies are
vulnerable to contamination. No matter how hard a
person may try to faithfully carry out the mission God
entrusted to him or her, clouds still accumulate in the
spiritual body, just as dirt accumulates on the physical

The Birth of the New Civilization

body. Natural purification takes place to cleanse the

spiritual body, just as bathing removes dirt from the skin.

This cleansing process occurs not only in human

beings, but in everything that exists between Heaven and
Earth. When impurities have accumulated in the spiritual
world surrounding the earth, for example, nature takes
action to gather them together in certain areas. A storm
or other purifying activity in the form of low-atmospheric
pressure then clears away the impurities. Storms, floods,
fires, or any disaster caused either by nature or by
humans are all reflections of purifying activity in the
spiritual world.

Purification occurs in human beings in a similar

way. God created the spiritual body to be perfectly
transparent and so when impurities accumulate,
substances form that become opaque spots, or clouds.
The clouds are generated either as a result of submission
to evil by the soul, or as reflections of toxins in the
physical body. In the first instance, clouds generated from
within the spiritual body are part of the process of
purifying evil. The spiritual body is one of three parts that
make up the human spirit, and it is the last in the
hierarchical structure of soul, heart, and spiritual body.
Above the hierarchy is God, and the soul of every man
and woman is joined with God through a spiritual cord.
The spirit may also be conceptualized in terms form a
trinity. The descending order shows the spiritual structure
of the trinity, while the ascending order represents the
physical relationship. Throughout our lifetimes we act in

The Birth of the New Civilization

ways that are both good and evil, and when the evil
exceeds the good, impurities accumulate in proportion to
the excess. These form clouds on the soul which are
reflected in the heart, and in turn, in the spiritual body.
When the clouds accumulate beyond a certain amount,
purifying activity takes place to dissolve and eliminate
them. In the process of purification the clouds first gather
in one area or in several specific areas, and then they
thicken and condense until eventually they congeal.

It is interesting to note that the areas where the

clouds congeal differ according to the type of sin
committed. For example, to deceive others visually
causes clouds to coagulate in your eyes, and evil
thoughts lead spiritual impurities to congeal in the head.
To sin with the heart from lack of humane love is to have
clouds settle in the chest. There is also a correlation
between places in your own body where clouds gather
and the specific parts of the body that did something
wrong, as well as with areas in the bodies of other people
affected by your wrongdoing. If you strike someone's
head, clouds will congeal in your head. If you verbally
hurt or offend someone, your ears or tongue will suffer
the consequences.

In the second instance, when some foreign

substance has been introduced into the physical body, it
produces an impure flow of blood. The physical impurities
are projected into the spiritual body as formations of
clouds. The clouds gather in various areas of the spiritual
body arid gradually thicken in the same way that toxins

The Birth of the New Civilization

coagulate in the body. In a sense, the spiritual and the

physical bodies are one and the same. Blood in the
human body, for example, is spirit in physical form, and
spirit is blood in spiritual form. In the same way, clouds
are toxins in spiritual form. But the spiritual always takes
precedence over the physical, according to the principle
of the universal order.

Whether the spirit projects clouds (toxins) into the

physical body or the body projects clouds into the spirit,
toxins continuously accumulate and congeal. In time,
purification occurs to dissolve and liquefy these toxins so
they may be eliminated in any of several modes. The
elimination process is accompanied by some kind of
discomfort, which is usually called sickness.

What causes impure blood to be generated in the

body? It is medicine, the substance that is central to
medical treatment.

There is no medicine that can ever be a real

remedy. All of what is called medicine is poison. When
medicine is introduced into the body, impure blood will be
generated, and each time, the impurities or toxins in the
blood increase. A disease (which is the elimination of
toxins) will often linger, become worse, or develop
complications, not in spite of medical treatment but
because of it.

Many people undergo surgery or some other

medical treatment and seem to recover completely, only

The Birth of the New Civilization

to have a relapse or some other post-treatment affliction.

The removal of an inflamed appendix, for example,
means that the same illness can never recur. Other
ailments, such as peritonitis or kidney trouble, can
develop, however, due to clouds that remain in the area
even after the removal of the diseased part. Moreover,
impurities in the blood are increased by additional
medicinal toxins to form new clouds that combine with the
old ones, and together they cause new diseases in other

In the course of purification the impure blood

thickens until its red corpuscles turn white; these form
what is known as pus. Bloody pus is impure blood in the
process of change. When the transformation is complete,
it will have become simply pus.

In this process, labeled phagocytosis by the

medical community, white bloodcells ingest or destroy
harmful microorganisms or foreign particles in order to
protect the body from infection.

Pus, in the medical viewpoint, is therefore the

congealed mass of degenerating leukocytes, dead
microorganisms, tissue, etc.

Thus, modern medical treatment itself causes

disease by producing medicinal toxins and hence, impure
blood. The impure blood is then reflected in the spiritual
body as clouds. Since the spiritual order always takes
precedence over the physical order of the universe,

The Birth of the New Civilization

impure blood becomes pure through the eradication of

clouds in the spiritual body and any disturbance or illness
heals. Our method of healing is the application of this
principle. It is called "Johrei", which means purification of
the spirit. The purpose of Johrei is to remove clouds from
the spiritual body. With Johrei, illness can be completely
eradicated. Medical science has advanced with the
physical body as its focus, ignoring the spirit. How, then,
could it be expected to produce more than temporary
palliatives? Medical treatment can never effect a
complete cure, for that is possible only through Johrei.

The Birth of the New Civilization


To recapitulate, disease is the purification of clouds,

which originate in human sins. Sins are reflected on the
soul as impurities, which in turn are projected through the
heart into the spiritual body. Thus, the only effective way
to deal with illness is to cleanse the soul and eliminate
the clouds. Long ago, however, people turned to herbal
and other medicines to cure disease. These served only
to inject toxins into their bodies and further becloud the

Why have we continued to believe in the curative

powers of medicine? Since the founding of medical
science by Hippocrates in the West and Shen Nung in
the East, whom legend says was the first to use herbs in
easing the suffering of the sick, humankind has clung to a
fallacy. That misconception arose from the observation
that certain substances taken as drugs and medicine
really did mitigate, if only temporarily, physical suffering,
and the people became convinced that these medications
could heal disease. Among groups of people who did not
yet possess sophisticated knowledge and information,
such a belief was perhaps natural, but it is extraordinary
that through the ages we have continued to hold to the
same basic ideas about medicine that were first
developed many centuries ago.

God has given me life on this earth in order to find

teach the solution to the problem of disease - the source
of human misfortune. A time for rejoicing has come, for

The Birth of the New Civilization

our civilization will soon pass through a decisive transition

to a new, completely different course of development. It is
then that we will know a perfect world. Today, because
humankind has been taking medicine since ancient
times, everyone among us suffers to some degree from
medicinal poisoning. The toxins remain in our bodies and
eventually cause disease. Most doctors seem to think
that medicinal poison will be disposed off if left alone, but
this is a crucial error; medicinal poisons will not disappear
as long as there is life left in a body.

As a personal example of this, I had a tooth

extracted thirty-six years ago, and the dentist inserted
some disinfectant into the cavity. I immediately began to
feel terrible pains in that area. The dentist then
administered another medicine, which only produced
more suffering. I went to several other reputable dentists,
but none could give me any relief. In the course of the
whole incident I had four teeth extracted and went
through considerable anguish. The pain did not go away,
and worse, the medicinal toxins began to affect my brain.
I was driven into such a desperate state that I thought I
would go mad or kill myself.

Heaven did not forsake me, however. Somehow I

knew that all the suffering that I was experiencing was
caused by medicine, so I stopped going to dentists and
my condition gradually improved.

Soon I had quite forgotten my former agony.

Medicinal toxins remain in the body even after several

The Birth of the New Civilization

decades, however, and today I still feel slight pain. As a

result, I channel Johrei to myself almost daily.

When God created human beings, he also created

food and everything else necessary for human life. God
endowed the lands, the seas, and the rivers with powers
to sustain life, and gave to the air, sun, noon, and stars
and to the plants and minerals, also, each their own
beneficial qualities. God divided the things created into
what we can eat and what we cannot. He gave us a
sense of taste and gave flavor to foods so that we could
distinguish between what nourishes us and what does
not. He also created many different kinds of foods, all to
suit certain circumstances and to sustain our health.
When our bodies are in need of salt, we want salty foods;
when we need sugar, we feel a desire for something
sweet; when we need water, we become thirsty. We are
created to feel a natural desire for whatever our bodies

Digestive and metabolic functions also serve a

specific purpose. What we are permitted to eat can be
digested and assimilated by the body, and other things
that we should not take in remain unassimilated. All
medicines are foreign substances, and since they cannot
be assimilated, they change into toxins as time passes.
The purifying action that removes these toxins is disease.
Sputum, nasal mucus, perspiration, pus, and impure
blood are all transformations of medicinal toxins. But
people have never identified disease with the ominous
presence of medicinal toxins and have actually caused

The Birth of the New Civilization

the onset of more and more new diseases in their

attempts to cure themselves. We know now that our
ignorance has resulted in untold and unnecessary
suffering. When all human beings are informed of and
believe the truth about medicinal toxins, the world will
experience immense relief and salvation.

If doctors and specialists will look at the processes

of disease from this perspective, they will understand
what I am saying. Our misinterpretation of illness has not
only produced more disease, but it has also led to
poverty and war. All humanity must awaken to this
erroneous thinking before the true civilization can be

Consider people today and then think of the time

long ago when no one had any medicinal toxins in their
body. Before the introduction of any kind of medicine, a
person lived to be more than one hundred years old. As
medicine developed over the centuries, the average
lifespan was greatly foreshortened, overall. Statistically,
the average lifespan in the advanced countries has
increased somewhat in recent years, but this is
temporary. We generally attribute longer life to progress
in medical science.

Certainly medicine has become more effective in

containing purification, apparently prolonging life,
especially when newly discovered medicines are able to
take over and "work" dramatically when the oId medicines
have lost their power.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Nevertheless, the fact remains that the more

"effective" a medicine is, the more harmful it is to one's
health. Although we may live longer today than in the
past, we are not truly healthy and any gain in the average
lifespan will soon be reversed.

I want to emphasize that there is almost no disease

whose cause cannot ultimately be found in medicinal
toxins. The source of a disease becomes readily
apparent upon administering Johrei; pain, fever, skin
irritation, general malaise, and any other suffering can all
be traced to medicine. Diseases related to congenital
toxins, including syphilis, leprosy, smallpox, measles,
whooping cough, and many others, are no exception, for
they, too, are caused by medicines taken by one's
parents or ancestors. There is probably not one person in
ten who is entirely free of aliments, and even fewer
families are completely free from sickness. It is the rare
person who does not get caught in the syndrome of
taking medicine when he or she is ill, exacerbating the
illness and then feeling the need for stronger medicine.

People today are weaker than they should be and

too afraid of illness. Prevention of disease and healing by
medical means cause physical and spiritual suffering.
Medical treatment, furthermore, is expensive arid
produces anxiety about both the methods and the
outcome. If we could throw away all medicines, disease
would gradually disappear from the earth, and we would

The Birth of the New Civilization

have a healthy world free from disease in several


The Birth of the New Civilization


The development of a smallpox vaccine by Edward

Jenner in 1798 is a landmark in scientific history. His
discovery was based on Jenner's knowledge of am old
practice among young Greek women of inserting a
needle into an eruption on a smallpox patient and
transferring the substance into their own bodies.

For many people, the minor case of smallpox that

ensued provided immunity against a full-blown case of
the disease. that method sometimes resulted in fatalities,
but Jenner found that immunity could be obtained safely
by vaccinating people with the substance of the milder
disease, cowpox. He is remembered not only for the
work, one of the greatest accomplishments in the annals
of medicine, but also for his scholarly conscience and
selfless devotion to humankind. The successful
vaccination of a small child proved his theory, and won
him the respect and admiration of both his
contemporaries and later generations.

Before the development of the vaccine, smallpox

had been a dreaded disease that was frequently fatal.
Even if one survived, the patient was often permanently
disfigured by ugly facial pockmarks. The smallpox
vaccine put an end to the fear of those blemishes. It is
easy to imagine how relieved and grateful people of that
era were for the new possibility of immunity. Deeply
disturbing, then, is the suggestion that the vaccine is the
cause of ailments more miserable even than smallpox.

The Birth of the New Civilization

God has revealed to me that vaccinating against

smallpox can cause many diseases later in life. It is ironic
that such an apparently powerful preventative actually
does more harm than good. Through the method of
healing that God has shown me, however, it is possible to
get at the ultimate source of the disease in order to cure it
without anxiety.

Smallpox is the result of medicinal toxins gathering

in the body over several generations. In one form or
another medicine has probably been used for almost as
long as humans have been in existence. Over time, the
toxins produced in the body by medicines become
harmful substances that can be passed on from one
generation to another. Smallpox occurs when inherited
toxins erupt on the skin as a result of natural purification.
The smallpox vaccine is nothing more than an attempt to
suppress purification, arid it compounds the problem by
preventing the smallpox toxins from leaving the body.
They remain there, to cause various diseases later in life.
If smallpox develops, one suffers only once for a brief
period, whereas if the purification of smallpox toxins is
not permitted to occur, they can cause prolonged bouts of
distress from a variety of afflictions. One of the worst is

A few decades ago, I read about a French doctor

who claimed that the incidence of tuberculosis had risen
in Europe since vaccination for smallpox became
mandatory. I was interested in what seemed to be an
accurate observation. Apparently no one else paid any

The Birth of the New Civilization

attention to it, however, and there was never any serious

discussion of discontinuing the practice. Perhaps the
general reasoning is that while the misery of smallpox
may be brief, pockmarks remain for life; hence,
vaccination is still mandatory. It seems beyond the
understanding of the general population that variolar
toxins can cause TB, as well as many other diseases.

The solution is to abolish vaccination and allow

people to suffer smallpox as a natural process of
purification, but make sure the disease is brief and cured
completely, with no remaining pockmarks. That can be
achieved with Johrei. I can say with absolute certainty
that this is the only way, and it will not fail. It will be
difficult to convince others, especially outside Japan, until
more people come to accept and trust Johrei as a
method of healing. It is best, of course, to stop using all
medication in order to eliminate the ultimate cause of
smallpox itself, but that, too, is not easy. It would take at
least several generations to completely purify our bodies
of all hereditary toxins, even if people stopped using
medicine immediately.

Variolar toxins whose purification has been blocked

by vaccination can cause scabies, as well. This ailment
occurs when the body begins to purge toxins through the
skin. It appears to be identical to a kind of chronic
smallpox, and in serious cases, numerous gridline-
colored eruptions break out to cause acute pain and
itching. Scabies can take from one to several years to

The Birth of the New Civilization

fully heal. In my own case, it took five or six years before

the condition disappeared completely.

The Birth of the New Civilization


The human body is a complex entity comprised of

many different organs and systems, each with their own
specific functions. While the heart, the lungs, and the
stomach are three primary organs, central and most
important is the heart.

Unless its fundamental essence and workings are

thoroughly understood, no one will ever comprehend the
true nature of life, sickness, and death.

It is interesting to note that while medical science

recognizes that the heart is the most delicate organ, and
the one most difficult to treat successfully, it has never
accurately identified its most vital function. The heart has
been generally regarded by medical science simply as a
kind of pump that maintains the circulation of blood.

The true function of the heart, however, lies first in

the fact that it is the organ most closely related to the
spiritual realm. In order to understand this relationship,
knowledge of the earth's basic design is necessary. As is
described elsewhere, our earth has three phases which I
call the spiritual world, the atmospheric world, and the
physical world. The essence of the first is the element of
Fire, the second, the element of Water, and the third, the
element of Soil.

Fire, Water, and Soil are the spiritual energies

emanating from the sun, the moon, and the earth

The Birth of the New Civilization

respectively. These elements energize and sustain all of

God's creation, including mankind, and the heart, lungs,
and stomach are the principal organs of the human body
that absorb them. The heart absorbs Fire from the
spiritual realm, Water provides our lungs with energy
from the atmospheric realm, and the stomach takes in
Soil from the physical realm. The relative positions and
primary functions of the heart, lungs, and stomach within
the body correspond to the natural order of the sun,
moon, and earth.

Our knowledge of the three organs has, so far,

been limited to their physical functions; pumping blood,
breathing, and ingesting food. No one seems to have
recognized, for example, that the heart absorbs the
element of Fire. The reason for this is that people have
been completely unaware of the spiritual world. Blood,
air, and food are substances which can be measured by
scientific methods, whereas the element of Fire absorbed
through the heart, the essence of the spiritual world,

Thus, while two of the three elements have been

roughly identified in the form of air and food, the
existence of the third element has remained unknown. It
is this element that is the most important, however, and
medical science will be incomplete without knowledge of
the element of Fire and of the heart as its receptor Illness
is purifying activity and is nature's way of eliminating
toxins. In order to dissolve congealed poisons, however,
a certain amount of heat is necessary. This is absorbed

The Birth of the New Civilization

by the heart in the form of Fire from the spiritual realm.

When toxins are dissolved for elimination, the heart must
work harder to absorb more Fire in order to provide ailing
areas of the body with more heat. This is the reason that
the heart beats faster when the body develops fever. The
purifying power of Fire increases as more Water is
combined with it. Thus, the lungs must also work harder
to absorb more Water and facilitate the action of the
heart, producing labored breathing.

The chill that often accompanies a high fever is

caused by the temporary concentration of Fire in the
heart and in areas where purification is taking place,
resulting in a lesser amount of Fire being supplied to the
rest of the body. When a fever develops, one
experiences a loss of appetite as some of the heat
necessary for digestion is drawn off by the heart to aid
purification. After the congealed toxins have been
dissolved, the extra heat becomes unnecessary and the
fever disappears.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Having discussed lung disorders in previous

chapters, I would now like to examine diseases of the
stomach. As I have already explained, most diseases are
caused by medicinal toxins, but this is especially true of
the various stomach ailments. All of them, in fact, can be
attributed to medicines.

Let me give an example. Everyone has at some

point experienced overeating, indigestion, and heartburn.
If left untreated, these discomforts will soon pass. You
might, however, take some sort of drug, thinking that this
will offer more immediate relief. The medicine is
temporarily effective and, feeling better, you imagine that
the ailment has been cured. In actuality, the reverse is
true and this single dose of medicine could be the
eventual cause of death.

Even an isolated dose of medicine can sow the

seed of disease. As time goes on, you will again
experience a stomach ailment and will probably take
more medication. Repeating the pattern, you will fall into
the habit of taking something to alleviate the discomfort
whenever it occurs. It is possible to become addicted
until, eventually, you are unable to go without.

If you consult a doctor, the diagnosis will be a

condition such as dyspepsia, indigestion, catarrh of the
stomach, or hyperacidity. He or she will then forbid you to
eat certain foods, prescribe some medication, and place

The Birth of the New Civilization

restrictions on your activities. You follow your physician's


Initially, your condition seems to improve. Rather

than being cured, however, you are actually moving
toward more serious disorders, accompanied by pain,
nausea, heartburn, and loss of appetite. Once more you
begin taking drugs. Most symptoms are alleviated by
taking medication, so you trust whatever drug you are
taking, expecting to be cured. You are never without
some kind of medication from then on. Gradually, you
find that the medication which was so effective initially, is
no longer working. Any given medication is effective only
for a limited time, and you begin switching from one to
another, unknowingly becoming poisoned by these drugs.
Finally, it is probable that you will begin to vomit blood.
You hurry to your doctor and your condition is diagnosed
as a gastric ulcer. He warns you that unless you take
proper care of yourself, you may be heading for serious
trouble. You are allowed only liquid foods, and you are
told to stay quiet. In every respect, your condition is now
considered to be serious.

This sequence of events is one common to many


Looking back, we can see that when you first

experienced discomfort, you should have left it alone, for
soon it would have passed. Today, the belief in medical
science is so firmly entrenched that people take it for
granted that disease cannot be cured without medical

The Birth of the New Civilization

intervention They are convinced that it will grow worse

unless they quickly consult a doctor or take some kind of
drug. Thus, the insidious "cure" works on, causing
unnecessarily serious stomach ailments.

Let me describe in more detail how substances

taken to relieve stomach distress can cause disease.
Medicines of this type are usually some sort of digestive.
The base of most digestives is bicarbonate of soda,
which is commonly used in cooking and is useful for
softening food. If digestives are taken habitually, the
bicarbonate of soda gradually softens the walls of the
stomach. Ingested any solid food irritates the mucous
membranes, which have become tender, and causes

Vomiting red blood indicates that it is fresh from a

wound in the stomach. The larger the wounded area, the
more blood is present.

Some people regurgitate a coffee-colored liquid that

often contains black grains. In this case, the rupturing of
the stomach membranes has caused blood to
accumulate in the stomach, where its color changes over
time. The grains contained in this liquid are congealed
blood. Faeces sometimes contain solids composed of
dark blood that originally came through scars on the walls
of the stomach. After the blood has remained in the base
of the stomach long enough to harden, the body begins
to first liquefy and then to eliminate it. When an individual
regurgitates this coffee-colored blood, it is often in large

The Birth of the New Civilization

amounts. From our perspective, this is a relatively easy

situation to deal with. According to medical science,
however, such a condition is very difficult to cure. Since
the origin of the illness lies in the very medication used to
treat it, this must pose a serious problem for doctors.

This condition cannot be cured unless the patient

stops taking medicine altogether. If the drugs are
discontinued and he or she waits patiently, the ailment
will almost invariably be cured. Only liquid foods should
be ingested as long as any blood is expelled, followed by
a gradual change to an ordinary diet. This regimen is all
that is required to heal the condition completely.

Hyperacidity is the other most common ailment

affecting the stomach. It is, as the name indicates, a
condition in which an excess of acid is excreted in the
stomach. It is caused by medicinal toxins, and once the
medications are discontinued, it disappears naturally.

Among the various types of stomach distress, one

of the most severe is gastrospasm -- stomach
convulsions that bring violent, almost unbearable pain.
Morphine, a kind of anesthetic that suppresses pain by
causing temporary paralysis, is usually used to treat this
condition. As the pain recurs, drug ingestion becomes
habitual. The cause of this disease is, again, medicinal
toxins. Medicine taken into the stomach remains there,
undigested and unassimilated by the body. As a person
sleeps, usually on his or her back, the medicine
penetrates the stomach walls and moves into the back,

The Birth of the New Civilization

where it becomes congealed. It is dissolved through

purifying action and flows back into the stomach. By this
time, however, it has already become a toxin which the
stomach tries to eject.

The irritation caused by this action is felt as violent

pain. In the case of gastrospasm, if one bears the pain
and allows the condition to take its natural course, the
pain will cease as the medicinal toxins are discharged in
the form of diarrhea. In this way, the disease will be
cured. It must be remembered, however, that as long as
any significant amount of toxin remains in the stomach,
pain will recur. This is unavoidable, and regaining one's
full health is possible only if the pain is endured until all of
the toxin is cleared from the stomach. The intensity of the
pain will decrease with every recurrence, until, finally, the
condition is completely healed.

Let us now look at cancer of the stomach. There

are two kinds, "pseudo", which occurs more frequently,
and genuine. Genuine cancer of the stomach has a
spiritual cause and must be examined from a spiritual
point of view. Here we will discuss "pseudo-cancer" of the
stomach. Its cause, of course, is medicinal toxins. As
previously stated, medicine congealed in the back
eventually dissolves and returns to the stomach. At this
point, medical treatment stops the elimination of toxins
and it recongeals. The recongealed toxins are more
dangerous than those congealed for the first time, for
they are made of older medicine which has already been
changed into toxin. This is the condition known as

The Birth of the New Civilization

cancer, or, as we have called it "pseudo-cancer."

Whether cancer will actually develop depends on the
quality of the medicine taken. It cannot be said that all
medicines cause cancer. What is certain, however, is that
if the ailment is left to take its own course, it will, in time,
be completely healed.

The Birth of the New Civilization


The role of the kidneys in the human body is of

great importance. Medical science recognizes that, when
functioning properly, they extract waste material from the
blood and send it to the bladder as urine. As one grows
from infancy to adulthood, however, the kidneys undergo
gradual deterioration. Why does this occur? The kidneys
work to separate necessary and unnecessary matter,
and, in this process, abnormal substances are often
mixed in. These are medicinal toxins. They pass through
the membranes which cover the kidneys and gradually
accumulate in the back kidney areas.

The toxins congeal and compress the kidneys,

eventually causing atrophy and reducing the output of
hormones – the primary cause of frigidity. The elimination
of urine is slowed, and part of it escapes and
accumulates in the back of the back of the kidneys with
the medicinal toxins. In this manner, the toxins in this
area are increased until they settle on both sides of the
spine and eventually move Lip along the spinal column,
finally reaching the shoulder and neck areas. This is the
cause of stiffness in the shoulders and neck. It is possible
to differentiate between medicinal toxin and uric toxin by
palpation. Lumps formed by medicinal toxin are hard,
painful, very persistent, and do not dissolve easily.
Conversely, lumps formed by uric toxin are relatively soft
with little pain. The toxins eventually enter the brain
where natural purifying activity occurs and is experienced
as some type of head ailment.

The Birth of the New Civilization

This purification can cause such common

complaints as heaviness in the head or headache, or
more serious diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis,
encephalomyelitis, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.

It is not difficult to determine the presence of toxin

in the head by touch. An elevated temperature, even if
only slight, is an indication of toxin, and the higher the
temperature, the greater the amount of toxin present.
There is probably no one who does not have, to one
degree or another, constant fever in the head.

Meningitis is caused by acute purification of toxins

that have accumulated in the frontal section of the head,
and children are more prone to this disease than adults
because a child's purifying energy is stronger. This illness
is accompanied by high fever, severe pain in the
forehead, and extreme sensitivity of the eyes. Light
becomes almost blinding and causes dizziness.

If left alone, the lumps of toxin dissolve and are

eliminated in tears and nasal mucous, followed by slow
but complete healing.

After the disease is cured, moreover, the brain

becomes sharper and clearer than before.
Schoolchildren, for example, show remarkable
improvement in their schoolwork after recovering from
meningitis. Medical treatment for meningitis, such as ice
applied to the head, hardens the dissolving toxin. The

The Birth of the New Civilization

fever disappears and the patient seems to be healed. But

hardened toxins impede the proper functioning of the
organs, sometimes causing dementia or other crippling

Encephalitis is a similar disease. Statistics show

that this disease occurs most frequently in children
between five and ten years of age. Children in this age
group often play outdoors without hats, exposed to the
blazing sun. Toxins that have accumulated in the back
and shoulders are stimulated, and as they begin to
dissolve they move upward to the brain. The dissolved
toxins first settle around the medulla oblongata. The
stick-like form of congealed toxin can be detected by
slight hand pressure.

When this is dissolved by high fever and enters the

back of the head (cerebellum), extreme sleepiness
ensues. As in the case of meningitis, treatment with ice at
this stage hardens the toxin and is very likely to cause
crippling after-effects. If nature is left to take its course,
dissolved toxins that entered the back of the head
proceed forward through the brain, and are discharged in
large amounts of bloody pus through the eyes, nose, and
mouth. Elimination of all toxin results in complete healing.

In most cases, it takes about a week before the

disease is fully cured. As with meningitis, children show a
marked improvement in their schoolwork after recovery
from encephalitis, and, moreover, the disease is not fatal
if the natural process is allowed to run its course. Deaths

The Birth of the New Civilization

occur only if the wrong treatment, such as ice, is


While encephalitis occurs in the summer, a similar

disease, encephalomyelitis, occurs in the winter. Here,
also, toxins congeal into a stick-like form around the
medulla oblongata, but unlike encephalitis, they remain
there undissolved because the head is not exposed to
strong sunlight. This disease is characterized by
stiffening of the entire neck so that, due to the toxins, it
cannot bend. The later progress of this illness is similar to
that of encephalitis.

Atrophy of the kidneys causes toxins to accumulate

in that area. The toxins then move upward to the head,
where some of them may congeal around the medulla
oblonqata. In such cases, the blood vessels carrying
blood to the eyeballs are compressed, causing anemia of
the eye. The result is a deficiency of matter necessary to
the eyes, weakening sight to the point that distant objects
are scarcely visible. As the toxins are dissolved, the
vision returns to normal.

Astigmatism is caused by a similar situation. Here,

however, the degree of solidification is constantly shifting
due to purification. Thus, compression of the blood
vessels is irregular, causing continually changing
eyesight. With amaurosis, toxins congeal at the back of
the eyes, intercepting the optic nerves and causing
blindness. Cataracts and glaucoma are the result of
toxins congealing in the eyeballs themselves.

The Birth of the New Civilization

If left alone, they gradually resolve. Medical

treatment, including eye lotions and injections, have
adverse effects, further solidifying the toxins and making
a temporary ailment possibly incurable.

All eye diseases are caused by the accumulation of

toxins in the brain. These are then discharged through
the eyeballs, in one form or another, as they dissolve.
Although it may take a long time, the condition will heal if
left untreated. In trachoma, the toxins in the brain seek an
outlet through the mucous membranes at the back of the
eyelids, causing them to break out in a rash. This
condition will resolve itself as the toxins are eliminated.
Nasal diseases, such as polypus, inflammation, and
catarrh, are all caused by toxins in the brain which, in the
process of elimination, settle on the sides, interior, or in
the nostrils, before excretion. These diseases will also
heal naturally unless suppressive methods of medical
treatment make them incurable. In tympanitis, toxins
around the parotid and lymphatic glands dissolve under
high temperatures and penetrate the bone. The dissolved
toxins then enter the middle ear, break through the
eardrum, and are excreted. Pain is felt throughout out this
process, but if left untreated for two or three days, it will
completely heal by itself.

Let us now turn to tonsillitis, a condition in which

toxins near the lymphatic glands gradually congeal
around the tonsils.

The Birth of the New Civilization

They then dissolve under high temperature and

penetrate the mucous membrane on their way out. This is
a very simple and effective purifying action. Swabbing
with liquid is a common form of medical treatment, one
that hampers purification and aggravates the condition
causing the tonsils to swell until, finally, surgery becomes
necessary. Without medical intervention, tonsillitis will
disappear on its own in a short time. Recurrences are
less and less severe until, finally, the condition is
completely healed. I personally have seen this happen
when I have given Johrei for chronic tonsillitis, and the
large number of people that fully recover from this
condition naturally shows that medical treatment is not a

There is a condition known as pyorrhea which,

while not prevalent, is stubborn. In this is form of
purification, the toxic substances around the lymphatic
glands dissolve, settle in the gums, and are then excreted
as bloody pus. This substance, which was originally urine
and has become old, is very unclean.

The malady is easy to cure, however, by

massaging the gums with a stiff toothbrush, thereby
allowing the bloody pus to drain until it is eliminated
altogether. Toxic substances settling around and above
the shoulders, which are the cause of the common cold,
usually come from the region of the kidneys. Many other
diseases are also the result of the atrophy of these

The Birth of the New Civilization

Among them are tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy,

peritonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia, women's
illnesses, caries, liver trouble, jaundice, diabetes, stones
of the bladder, kidneys, and of the gall bladder, asthma,
palsy, infantile paralysis, and mental diseases.

Obviously, it is essential that the kidneys function

perfectly for optimum health. To insure this, the hardened
toxins that cause atrophy of the kidneys must be
dissolved and eliminated, and more must be prevented
from forming. No method of treatment prescribed today
can provide this. Only through Johrei is a solution
possible. This method of healing can provide a world free
from disease.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Pleurisy, according to medical science, is a

condition in which fluid collects in the spaces between the
membranes enclosing the lungs. "Wet" pleurisy occurs
when the accumulated fluid is urine which has not been
eliminated by the kidneys.

When the condition is accompanied by pus, the

condition is called "purulent" pleurisy. "Dry" pleurisy is the
term used to describe the condition when the membranes
spread apart with little accumulation of fluid, and the pain
associated with this is caused by the membranes rubbing
together. Wet pleurisy is usually the result of a sudden
strong action, such as a blow to the chest, or of an
extreme movement of the arm, as occurs in exercises on
the horizontal bar. Sometimes, however, it develops
without any obvious cause.

Wet pleurisy is treated medically by removing the

fluid with a needle. This method of treatment is
sometimes effective, but it can also cause recurrences
and the condition often becomes chronic. When this
happens, the fluid changes to pus and the disease
progresses to purulent pleurisy. Sometimes pus forms
initially, but, either way, the condition can become

Medical treatment for purulent pleurisy involves

draining the pus daily through a hole made in the chest
wall - When the disease reaches this stage it is extremely

The Birth of the New Civilization

difficult to treat, and the condition usually deteriorates

until death occurs. The purulent form is found most often
when large amounts of medical toxins are present.

Wet pleurisy begins with a high fever and chest

Pains. The pain is most intense during deep breathing,
but it disappears when a large amount of fluid
accumulates and the membranes no longer rub against
each other. The normal flow of urine decreases, and
night sweats and drowsiness are typically experienced.
Perspiration is a positive symptom, an indication that
accumulated fluid is leaving the body through the skin. If
the patient is allowed to perspire freely, all of the fluid will
eventually be eliminated and the condition will be cured.

Medical science prescribes treatments that

discourage free perspiration through night sweats, which
are generally regarded as a bad sign. Such treatments
only make the disease worse, if not altogether incurable.

In the purulent form, pus infiltrates the lungs and is

expelled as sputum. This condition should also be
allowed to take its natural course. Dry pleurisy is not
common – doctors often mistake intercostal neuralgia for
this disease -- and is easily cured.

Lung tuberculosis is a frequent complication of

pleurisy. It arises when pleural fluid or pus infiltrates the
lungs and coagulates (accumulates?) there because of
prescribed rest or some other inappropriate treatment. If
pleurisy is left untreated, tuberculosis will not occur.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Peritonitis (serous peritonitis or abdominal dropsy),

like pleurisy, is caused by an accumulation of fluid
between the peritoneal membranes. At times, the
abdomen swells tremendously.

It is sometimes treated by puncturing the abdominal

wall with a needle and removing the fluid. Although
temporary relief is achieved, this is one of the most
harmful treatments possible.

Each time the abdominal wall is punctured, fluid

accumulates in rapidly increasing amounts until the
abdomen is distended to many times its normal size. At
this stage there is almost no chance of recovery.
Peritonitis is caused by atrophy of the kidneys, and,
therefore, can only be cured by first restoring the health
of these organs.

In purulent peritonitis, medicinal toxins in the form

of pus congeal around the navel. There is no distension
of the abdomen as in serous peritonitis (or abdominal
dropsy), and, in fact, the abdomen appears flatter than
normal. This condition can be recognized (diagnosed?)
by palpating the area. Hard spots, which are painful
under pressure, can be discerned. This is a chronic
condition accompanied by mild pain and diarrhea.
Several years are often required for a complete cure.
When drugs are administered, more toxins are created in
the body and, as a result, a curable disease is often
made incurable.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Acute peritonitis is a very extreme form of the same

disease. It comes on suddenly, accompanied by high
fever and excruciating pain that causes a person to
double up in agony. At one time, abdominal incision was
performed to treat the condition, but it was never very
affective and this method of treatment is no longer as
common. Through Johrei, it can be completely healed
within one to two weeks.

Acute peritonitis is a very strong form of purification,

experienced mostly by young adults. There are probably
very few individuals who have no medicinal toxins
congealed in the form of pus around the navel, although
some certainly have more than others. Under particular
forms of strain, such as in Zen meditation or abdominal
respiration, toxins gather in the abdominal area and often
cause peritonitis.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Medical science has offered many explanations for

asthma; allergy, hyperactivity of the parasympathetic
nerves, food or climate, hypersensitivity, room
construction, and even wall coloring. None of these,
however, comes close to the true cause of this ailment.

There are two types of asthma, cardiac and

bronchial. In the cardiac form, medicinal toxins
accumulate and consolidate directly under the
diaphragm. With the onset of purification, and the
accompanying slight fever, the hardened toxins are
dissolved. The resulting liquid then moves toward the
lungs where it is eliminated as sputum. The liquefied
poison cannot travel the distance between the diaphragm
and the lungs without help, however, so the lungs expand
to their maximum capacity in order to draw the poison
into them. In addition, the suction created by the
expansion of the lungs helps the liquefied toxins to
penetrate the thick lung membranes.

Cardiac asthma is the result of these two types of

abnormal lung action, which block the entry of air and
cause suffocation.

When liquefied toxins that have spread to the lungs

are coughed up as phlegm, the asthmatic attacks are
temporarily relieved.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Likewise, asthma sufferers who contact pneumonia

also experience the temporary alleviation of their attacks,
as the hardened toxins are dissolved by the high Fever
and are expelled as sputum. Hard lumps are invariably
present in the area of the diaphragm of cardiac

In bronchial asthma, the condensed toxins are

present near the ribs. Through purification, they are
gradually liquefied and are moved into the lungs by a
vigorous pumping action (by what?).

The same process also causes coughing that

expels phlegm and brings temporary relief. The greater
the quantity of sputum expelled, the more rapidly the
disorder is cured.

Unaware of the function of sputum, doctors

recommend treatments that not only suppress its
elimination, but add medicinal toxins to the body, as well.
The results of their efforts are to turn the ailment into a
chronic condition and make it more difficult to treat. Such
treatment is like pouring water into a sieve. People who
could be cured sometimes suffer for years from an
asthmatic condition. Prolonged cases would be
prevented if the medical community understood the
simple mechanisms necessary to effect a cure.

The Birth of the New Civilization


When medicinal toxins solidify in the area around

the liver, the symptoms that appear often lead to a
diagnosis of liver trouble, although the organ itself is in no
way affected.

Pressure from the solidified toxins against it,

however, causes not only pain, but also the distressing
condition known as jaundice. As the pressure builds, the
gall bladder, located on the underside of the liver, is
affected. The bile in the gall bladder is forced out and
flows throughout the body, causing "jaundice." The skin
becomes discolored and digestion becomes more
difficult. Normally, a constant flow of bile from the gall
bladder through the bile duct to the duodenum aids in the
digestion of food. This condition, however, causes the
supply of bile to be reduced, and the digestive process to
be ineffective.

For the disorder to be completely healed, it is

necessary to treat the underlying cause: the congealed
toxins around the liver must be dissolved and eliminated.
This cannot be accomplished by standard medical
treatment, and any measures taken to help the condition
are mere palliatives offering only temporary relief.

When stones form in the body, they frequently

occur in the gall bladder. The gall stones are carried
along by the flow of bile. They have difficulty passing
through the narrow bile duct, resulting in severe attacks

The Birth of the New Civilization

of pain. One treatment involves a wire-like instrument

which is inserted in the mouth and down through the
stomach in an attempt to grasp the stones. This method,
however, does not appear to be very successful.

When the stones are small enough, they pass into

the kidneys. There, urea collects on the surface of the
stones and they gradually grow larger. The function of the
kidney walls is impaired due to abrasion resulting from
the movement of the stones within the kidneys. Bleedinq
and pain is caused whenever urine comes in contact with
the affected areas. At this stage, the ailment is
sometimes diagnosed as tuberculosis of the kidneys. The
stones gradually increase in size, and when they become
so large that they endanger the life of the patient, the
kidney may have to be removed by surgery. When the
condition reaches this point, the stones are exceedingly
hard. Small kidney stones may pass down into the
urinary bladder, where they become "bladder stones."

The most serious trouble arises when the stones

lodge in the urethral orifice or, after passing from the
bladder, in the urethral orifice. In either case, the urine
can no longer flow freely and it is retained, causing the
lower abdomen to swell. To relieve this condition, doctors
pass a tapered instrument through the urethra. This is
effective if the obstruction is in the urethral orifice, but
when the urethral orifice is blocked, it is extremely difficult
to treat by such a method, and the life of the patient may
be endangered.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Gall stones are the result of medicinal toxins that,

mixed with uric toxins, seep out of the kidneys and
gradually move upward until they filter through the
posterior side of the gall bladder. There, they combine
with bile to form stones. The only way to get rid of them is
to first dissolve the solidified toxins in the back kidney
areas, which are the original cause of the disorder. The
function of the kidneys is then restored and the urine flow
returns to normal. With the administration of Johrei, the
stones are dissolved into sand-like particles which are
excreted with urine, and the condition heals in a very
short time.

The Birth of the New Civilization


There is a whole range of ailments that are lumped

together as "neuritis and neuralgia", and they are
classified according to the parts of the body effected.
Neuralgia occurs most often in the hands, legs, and
intercostal region. Very often it accompanies rheumatism.
Neuralgia, however, is characterized by sharp pain along
nerves, and does not affect the internal organs.

Some forms affect other areas. Osteonyelitis, for

instance, is a case where medicinal toxins have
hardened on the bone and, when purification occurs,
gives rise to affliction.

Another example is called, in medical terminology,

"intercostal neuralgia." This name is a bit misleading, for
it should properly be called rib neuralgia. It is caused by
the purification of medicinal toxins that have hardened on
the ribs.

These toxins dissolve and penetrate the lungs as

phlegm, irritating the nerves and causing pain. When the
process is especially violent, the extreme pain that results
can cause difficulty in breathing. This condition is very
easily healed by Johrei. One kind of neuralgia usually
occurring in the arm joints is a result of gonorrhea, and,
again, with Johrei, a cure is relatively easy Pain in the
nervous system is ordinarily caused by medicinal toxins
introduced into the body. If one can hear the pain and
allow nature to take its course, healing is certain. In the

The Birth of the New Civilization

process of purification, toxins gradually accumulate in

one spot, and the area turns red and swells.

Eventually, this area will burst and the pus will

drain, bringing about complete healing. Injections of
certain powerful pain-relieving drugs can cause poisoning
that makes the skin hurt everywhere. The condition heals
easily if left alone, but doctors usually give more
injections, making it more difficult to cure.
Let us next examine rheumatoid arthritis, one of the
most feared ailments. This condition affects joints in the
arms, feet, or fingers. Medicinal toxins that have gathered
in the joints dissolve before excretion, causing redness,
swelling, and nearly unbearable pain. Suppressive
methods of medical treatment render the affected parts
immovable. When the toxins have completely solidified,
the pain disappears but the joints become stiff. Medical
science can never cure the disease - it only relieves the
pain, and, as a result, the patient is crippled for life.

Through Johrei, one can be healed easily in a short


If help through Johrei is sought after treatments

such as ice-cooling, ointments, or injections have been
administered, the healing process takes much longer.
The irony is that the huge amounts of money spent by
patients for medical care for this treatment, ultimately,
cause them to be crippled. If victims of rheumatoid
arthritis received Johrei from the beginning, with no other
treatment, they would be completely cured within a week.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Cerebral hemorrhage is another of the fearful

diseases that strike the upper part of the body. While,
younger people are more susceptible to tuberculosis, the
elderly are more prone to strokes. consequently, there is
greater concern about cerebral hemorrhage as one
grows older, especially as it often results in some degree
of paralysis, or death. Medical science has still not
identified its basic cause, but even if it had, doctors would
not know how to handle it.

Cerebral hemorrhage is the result of the

accumulation of hard lumps of toxin around the neck,
especially toxic blood that has, over many years,
congealed at the top of the spinal column.

It is not difficult to discern whether one is

constitutionally susceptible to this disease. By probing the
area, it is easy to locate the presence of any congealed
toxin, as one side will protrude and be painful when
pressure is applied. When purification begins, the
congealed toxins dissolve, break the blood vessels, and
overflow into the brain. Impure blood passing through the
brain flows into the opposite side and recedes into the
hands and toes, where it quickly recongeals. This is the
cause of hemiplegia, or paralysis of the limbs on one

In a serious case, stiffening of the arm and hand

occur, the elbow turns to the inside, and the fingers warp.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The thumb turns inward so that the four fingers press

against it. Curiously enough, toes do not become
crooked, but the foot loses its power to move. If the case
is more serious, the tongue grows stiff and one loses the
ability to speak. The head feels dull, as in dementia. The
eyes become dim, and sight on the paralyzed side fails.
Sometimes one becomes totally blind. These are the
most characteristic symptoms of this disease, and it has
the potential to turn a patient into a vegetable. Applying
ice to cool the head is the worst possible treatment, but
doctors believe that contraction of the blood vessels
helps to stop the outflow of blood. This is a great mistake,
for this outflow is the body's way of purifying the toxic
blood. When the toxins are gone, elimination ends
automatically. It takes only a few minutes for the body to
accomplish this.

We should not interfere with this natural process.

Applying ice serves only to harden the impure blood that
remains. In the brain. If it is not expelled, the functions of
the brain are impaired, causing dementia. Ignorant
medical specialists believe in cooling for many days,
chilling the brain until it ceases to function properly. This
has led to the death of many patients, as the chilling
causes them to lose the use of their brain. When death
results not from a disease, but from a cure, you are
indeed "healing the horn but killing the cow."

From the many cases I have seen, it is clear to me

that very few die solely from cerebral hemorrhage.
Among medical professionals, it is believed that a fall can

The Birth of the New Civilization

cause this condition. In my opinion, the reverse is true: it

is the cerebral hemorrhage which causes the fall - The
hemorrhage occurs first, followed by dizziness, which
often causes stumbling and falling. Medical doctors warn
patients to be careful to avoid falling, completely
misunderstanding the causal relationship between
hemorrhage and dizziness, and falling. Medical science
believes that symptoms such as dullness in the head,
mild paralysis in some of the extremities, preretinal
hemorrhage of the eyes, or ringing in the ears are signs
of impending cerebral hemorrhage, and that some
preventative measures must be taken. Their diagnosis is
correct, but the preventive and healing methods are
completely wrong. Doctors encourage reducing the intake
of food, limiting exercise, and other measures that
weaken the body and stop purification. In addition, the
various methods used to prevent a relapse are effective
only in postponing the inevitable return of the disease.

The recently adopted depletion method is

considered effective if applied immediately after the first
attack. Again, this is a misconception. By the time the
hemorrhage has occurred, the effusion of impure blood
has already congealed in specific areas. The depletion
method draws blood from other areas of the body which
are unrelated to the condition. It can, therefore, cause
acute anemia, which often leads to death. High blood
pressure is also thought to cause cerebral hemorrhage,
but this is another medical fallacy. Although the two may
be indirectly linked, there is no direct relationship.

The Birth of the New Civilization

I once helped a patient who had been a copyist for

a large publishing company for some thirty years. He was
then about sixty, and he told me that when he had his
blood pressure taken six years before it had registered an
astounding three hundred, which naturally surprised both
him and his physician. It might have been even higher,
for the scale stopped at three hundred.

He was advised to be very careful and to be as

quiet as possible.

If he stopped working, however, he would have had

no other income and since he had no visible symptoms,
he continued to work. When he came to see me, he
appeared to be perfectly healthy. Upon closer
examination, I noticed that he had large solid swellings
on each side of his neck, under his chin. The one on the
right was the larger of the two. I thought these must have
been the cause of his high blood pressure, since the
muscles around the trachea are linked to the arms, and,
therefore, any swellings on the neck must affect the
hemadynamometer. As I stated earlier the real cause of
cerebral hemorrhage is impure blood congealing around
the medulla oblongata, not high blood pressure.

Another, unique symptom of paralysis appears

when toxins congeal at either the right or left cervical
lymphatic gland and, when dissolved by purification, flow
downward, causing something similar to paralysis on that
side. This condition puzzles doctors because it has
nothing to do with the brain and the symptom seems

The Birth of the New Civilization

mild. Any attempt to cure it by medical means only

aggravates it. If this condition, called reverse paralysis, is
treated medically, the patient loses his motor functions
and often dies.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Cerebral anemia is a disorder that stems from a

reduced flow of blood in the brain. It is the reverse of
apoplexy, which is caused by poisoned blood flowing into
the head and increasing the amount of blood in the brain.
The human body maintains a constant flow of blood to
this area, and when the blood flow decreases, the
functions of the brain are impaired. This flow reduction
occurs when lumps of toxin accumulate around the neck
and compress the vessels through which the blood is
supplied. As this disorder can only be cured by dissolving
the lumps around the neck, something not possible with
standard medical treatment, doctors are able to offer only
temporary palliatives.

The symptoms associated with cerebral anemia

include headache, a heavy or tight feeling in the head,
dizziness, and, sometimes, nausea or vomiting. Some
patients suffering from cerebral anemia become dizzy or
nauseated upon hearing the sounds of trains, trams, or
automobiles. Although not serious, the disorder causes a
great deal of suffering and is of considerable concern to
those who experience it. Cerebral anemia can be easily
diagnosed. At the outset, the patient closes his or her
eyes constantly, and he or she feels nauseated. Cold
sweat breaks out on the forehead, and the forehead feels
colder than usual. Palpation of the neck always reveals
the presence of hard lumps of toxin. When Johrei is
administered on the lumps, they dissolve and healing
quickly follows. When one first feels the condition

The Birth of the New Civilization

developing, it can be helpful to lie flat on his or her back

without a pillow in order to increase the flow of blood to
the head. Cerebral anemia is also the cause of
neurasthenia, a very common ailment.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Insomnia is the term for inability to sleep normally.

It is not a disease in itself, but as it is so frequently the
cause of certain illnesses, it cannot be disregarded.
Insomnia is caused by a kind of cerebral anemia.
Solidified lumps of toxins form around the medulla
oblongata, compressing the blood vessels and reducing
the amount of blood being sent to the brain. This in turn
creates difficulty in sleeping.

Toxins usually accumulate more on the right side of

the medulla oblonqata than on the left. Invariably, when
the hardened toxins are dissolved, a complete cure is
assured. This type of cerebral anemia always occurs in
the frontal part of the brain, which, deprived of blood, may
easily be possessed by a foreign spirit, as will be
discussed in more detail later. For that reason, insomnia
should be treated as a serious condition and should be
attended to immediately. It is, also, sometimes the
remote cause of mental illness. The causes and cures of
mental disorders are, for the most part, unknown to
medical science. Long periods of sleeplessness usually
precede insanity.

When sleep becomes normal, the patient begins to



The Birth of the New Civilization

Tinnitus, or ringing of the ears, is another common

ailment for which medical science has no remedy. It is
not life- threatening and is usually left untreated, although
patients afflicted with it suffer greatly. This disorder, also,
is caused by solidified toxins in the area around the
medulla oblongata.

As the toxins slowly dissolve by the natural, but

weak, purifying action of the body, one experiences
ringing in the ears. This symptom is relieved when the
hardened toxins are dissolved, and the resulting liquid is
eliminated from the body by sneezing or other nasal
discharge. In rare cases, ringing in the ears is caused by
dissolving toxins near the parotid gland.

Other disorders

Sometimes the brain is affected by malfunction of

the heart, although this is uncommon. People who have
valvular disease, for example, experience dizziness every
time the slightest jolt, movement, or other minor stimulus
causes palpitations.

Solidified toxins which have accumulated around

the heart in the tissue of the chest, in the side, or below
the shoulder blade dissolve through purification. A mild
fever develops to stimulate the heart, which is instantly
relayed to the brain, resulting in dizziness.

Among the causes of chronic brain disorders are

dental medications that travel upward into the brain;

The Birth of the New Civilization

drugs used for tympanitis; disinfectants used in

operations on the eyes, the tonsils, or the lymphatic
glands; and eye drops or injections used in treating eye
diseases. The medicinal toxins formed from these drugs
travel throughout the system and eventually reach the
brain. Another disinfectant that may cause brain disorder
is that used for lancing a swelling or growth in the back or

It usually moves upward into the brain tissue, where

it hardens into lumps. Whether the front or the back part
of the brain is affected depends on whether the operation
is performed on the back or on the chest. In short, it is
important to understand that disinfectants used in
operations on the upper body can cause disorders of the

The Birth of the New Civilization


Surgical removal of the tonsils was once generally

accepted as the cure for tonsillitis. Recently, however,
medical science has begun to stress the importance of
the tonsils, and now advises against their removal. This
change in concept came about through the observation of
the adverse effects on other parts of the body after
removal of the tonsils. The toxins in the upper half of the
body have a tendency to gather in the lymph glands in
the neck, forming both large and small lumps. They are
found almost everywhere.

The solidified toxins, seeking an outlet, slowly

dissolve and then collect again in the tonsils, where they
congeal once more. When the hardening of the toxins
reaches a certain point, a high fever develops to dissolve
them, and the liquefied toxins are eliminated through an
opening in the tonsils. The tonsils actually serve as
outlets for toxic substances in the upper body.

If they are removed, the toxins will no longer have a

way of being discharged, and they are forced to congeal
in other parts of the body. In turn, they cause other
disorders such as neurasthenia, tympanitis, toothaches,
and nasal diseases.

Removing the tonsils, therefore, is like destroying a

small bug, only to turn a big one loose.

The Birth of the New Civilization

It is true that a tonsillectomy seems to effectively

free a person from colds for several years, years later,
various disorders will inevitably arise. Since doctors do
not understand the real causes of these diseases, the
explanations they offer are random.

The Birth of the New Civilization


The general health of a person is reflected in the

state of his or her teeth; many people have dental
problems, which are an indication of poor health. Ill health
is caused by the accumulation of toxic substances in the
body, and teeth are especially harmed by the various
drugs and disinfectants used in dental treatment and the
insertion of dentures. When a cavity is filled, disinfectants
are used to sterilize the area. Rather than cleansing the
cavity as was intended, however, the disinfectants
themselves decay and generate large amounts of
bacteria. The body, through natural purifying action,
attempts to rid itself of this decaying substance. In a mild
case, only slight pain is felt when the unclean matter is
discharged through the gums, but in most cases, a small
hole opens in the bone around the root of the tooth,
causing excruciating pain. Instant relief comes with
perforation of the gums and the discharge of pus.

Whenever I have a cavity filled, I ask the dentist to

use no drugs. In this way I can be certain that I will not
have trouble with the tooth later on. Often, when a filled
tooth begins to ache, the pain can be relieved by
removing the filling. Dentists mistakenly blame insufficient
sterilization for the recurrence of a toothache. In
prophylactic care, also, the fewer medicinal or chemical
substances used, the better the results will be.

Strong and healthy teeth depend on good general

health, and to maintain health, no drugs of any kind

The Birth of the New Civilization

should be used. For those whose teeth have deteriorated

beyond all possible recovery, however, the best they can
do is replace them with artificial teeth, improving their
appearance as well.

In another type of ailment, painful eruptions on the

mucous membranes of the mouth, swellings on the
tongue, or sore throat are caused by the ingestion of oral
medicine or gargling with mouthwashes. The drugs
spread into the mucous membrane where they gradually
change into toxic substances. Eruptions or swellings are
a sign that the body is trying to eliminate these poisonous
substances and a spontaneous cure will result if they are
left alone. Almost all cases of apparent cancer of the
tongue fit into this group. If the condition is left atone,
ninety percent of the time healing will naturally follow. A
physician, however, gives medical treatment immediately
whenever anything looks like cancer. This aggravates the
condition and, in cases where it was not present before,
causes cancer to appear.

In addition to tongue cancer brought on by

medicinal toxins, there is a rare form of tongue cancer
that is impossible to cure easily. It is a genuine cancer of
the tongue whose cause is spiritual, the result of sins
committed through cruel lies or any speech that makes
someone suffer. No cure is possible unless one repents
his sins and seeks spiritual salvation.

One form of medical treatment prescribed for

coughing is inhalation. It is completely ineffective

The Birth of the New Civilization

because a cough emerges from the trachea, while

inhaled medicine enters the esophagus.

Coughing is a pumping action that expels sputum,

and the more one coughs, the better it is for the health.
Thus, any measure that suppresses coughing is

Chemicals in mouthwash solutions are also very


Their intended purpose is to disinfect the mouth,

but they have just the opposite effect. Actually, saliva has
more sterilizing power than anything else, and so when
the mouth is rinsed with a disinfectant, its germ-resisting
power is weakened. Similarly, the use of eye washes are
unnecessary and even harmful, in view of the disinfecting
power of tears and the soft conjunctival membranes lining
the back of the eyelids.

Few people realize the true meaning of skin

troubles on the face. Some women experience frequent
feverish flushing, slight aching, or itching and pulling
sensations. They come from excessive use of cosmetics.
Chemicals are absorbed into the skin and there they form
toxins which are excreted through the capillaries of the
skin. Women must be made aware of the harm they
cause by heavy use of medicated creams and synthetic
cosmetic preparations.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Many disorders occur in the lower half of the body,

perhaps most commonly in the anal region, and their
cause is easy to trace. As toxins that have accumulated
in various parts of the body begin to dissolve, they are
often discharged through the anus. Foreign matter is also
eliminated with natural body waste.

The most common type of lesion in this area is

called prolapsus, a condition in which some of the inside
tissue is caused to protrude. In the early stages, the
tissue is easily returned to its proper place. As the
prolapsed portion of the anus becomes larger, however,
the condition becomes increasingly difficult to deal with. It
causes extreme discomfort which very few treatments
can alleviate. A relatively large number of people suffer
with this. Due to the strain of labor, women are especially
prone to anal prolapse during childbirth. Most are
reluctant to speak of their troubles and, keeping it to
themselves, their discomfort increases. Hemorrhoids
occur when a combination of two or three kinds of toxins -
- congenital or other medicinal toxins, or uric toxins --
gather around the anus before elimination in the process
of purification. Anal prolapse has two forms, only one of
which is accompanied by pain. The painful type is the
result of non-congenital medicinal toxins.

No matter what the cause, the condition will

improve greatly by strictly limiting the time spent in the

The Birth of the New Civilization

Hemorrhoids are swollen tissue in the margin of the


They occur internally in obese persons, and

externally on those who are thin. Left untreated, the
swellings grow larger as toxins continue to accumulate.
Eventually they burst, discharging the toxic substances,
and spontaneous healing takes place.

Another rather common disorder is anal bleeding, in

which impure blood is eliminated through a fissure in the
anal wall.

Although persistent bleeding causes discomfort, it

should not be alarming. It is simply an action that purges
impure blood from the body and is, in the long run,
beneficial. People with various complaints such as
headaches, apathy, and stiffness of the neck or
shoulders always feel better after anal bleeding. Thus,
this bleeding is helpful in preventing cerebral

The most troublesome lesion in this area is called

anal fistula, which first appears as a congealed mass of
virulent medicinal toxins in one part of the anus. The pain
is severe and, because of this, a doctor is usually
consulted. The mass is almost always lanced, resulting in
temporary improvement Another swelling soon forms
near the primary lesion, and if the doctor is again
consulted, he performs another incision. This pattern of

The Birth of the New Civilization

swelling and lancing is repeated until the region around

the anus is 1iterally perfurated and the pa in is almost
unbearable. Each time an incision is made, drugs are
administered, permeating the tissue and increasing the
toxins that cause the pain so that it finally becomes
intolerable. If the lesion is left to run its natural course, it
will heal spontaneously. It is sometimes said that a
person who has had surgery for anal fistula becomes
susceptible to pulmonary tuberculosis. This is because
the operation arrests the flow of pus, shutting off the
normal outlet for the body's toxic substances. As they
search for another outlet, the toxins begin to flow upward
toward the lungs.

The ailment can also be caused by a long-accepted

method of treating syphilis -- injection of mercurial drugs
into the gluteal region. After many years, the drug toxins
sometimes begin to produce symptoms resembling anal
fistula. A very hard and extremely painful oval
protuberance appears. If left alone, this will heal on its
own in two or three weeks, but it can easily become
chronic if operated on. Anal pruritus or itching is an
obstinate disorder caused by smallpox toxin or other
medicinal poisons. If left untreated, the condition may
persist for several decades before disappearing. Even
with Johrei, it takes several years to be completely cured.

The Birth of the New Civilization


The most serious of the various diseases unique to

women are related to the uterus, which is the center of
two important activities: menstruation and pregnancy.
Common among menstrual problems are pain and
irregular flow. The passage for menstrual blood becomes
contracted, and when it dilates, it causes pain that varies
in intensity and lasts from one to several days around the
time of the monthly period. What has happened is that
solidified masses of toxins in the lower abdomen
compress the passage, which makes the period painful.
The discomfort can be relieved simply by dissolving and
eliminating the toxins, but since standard medical
treatment cannot accomplish this, many women suffer
unnecessarily over long periods of time.

Some people experience delayed or erratic monthly

periods, or the flow may be excessively light or heavy.
These irregularities are caused by anemia or impure
blood, and they will disappear when full health is
restored. Continuing menstruation in tuberculosis patients
indicates that the disease is still in a mild stage, and there
is no need to be especially worried. As the disease
progresses, anemia develops and the menstrual flow
gradually decreases and tends to be delayed.

Without exception, menstruation ceases entirely in

the terminal stages of tuberculosis. Thus, the regularity of
the menstrual cycle is an accurate indication of the
severity of the disease.

The Birth of the New Civilization

It has also been observed that as tuberculosis

progresses and the menstrual flow slows down, patients
lose some or all of their pubic hair.

Pregnancy is certainly not a disease, but a sign that

the reproductive system is in good order. Many pregnant
women sees to feel more apprehension than pleasure,
however, and few feel completely secure. Pregnant
women become more susceptible to ailments, especially
those generally called morning sickness.

Pregnancy is considered by doctors to be

dangerous for a woman with tuberculosis or Basedow's
disease, and is often terminated artificially. Even when
they appear to be healthy, many women experience
difficult deliveries.

Complications in pregnancy should be the

exception rather than the rule. They do not appear to
have troubled women in long-ago eras as much as they
do now, judging from the paucity of records describing
such disorders, and so it seems that medical intervention
has been more damaging than beneficial. Many people
are still unaware of the adverse effects of medicine in
pregnancy. Discomfort or illness during pregnancy stems
entirely from drugs, and the more that are taken, the
more serious are the after-effects. In addition to causing
unnecessary suffering to the mother and possibly
premature delivery or stillbirth, drugs also affect the
newborn baby, as we see in the growing number of weak,

The Birth of the New Civilization

underdeveloped, and deformed infants. Conception and

childbirth are natural functions, and normal gestation and
smooth childbirth should be a matter of course. If
complications occur that nature does not take care of
automatically, something is wrong. It is very important not
to make it worse by using a harmful remedy.

Morning sickness is a common, but uncomfortable

complication of pregnancy. Its symptoms are well known,
but it should not be taken lightly, as severe forms can be
dangerous. Unknown to medical science, it is caused by
the accumulation of toxins between the navel and the
stomach that hinder the enlargement of the uterus. As the
uterus swells, the body's purifying action is set in motion
and appears as morning sickness. Toxins are eliminated
from the system by vomiting. The toxic substance
contains congenital and/or non-congenital toxins, which
must be completely eliminated before the condition is
resolved. Since doctors are unaware of the true cause --
and they could not treat it anyway -- all they can do is
recommend measures to temporarily alleviate the
symptoms, or, in extreme cases, abort the pregnancy.

Swelling of the feet or other areas is another

familiar problem. It arises when the functions of the
kidneys are impaired by damage or atrophy caused by
toxins that have accumulated behind the kidneys. As the
uterus enlarges, the kidneys are compressed between it
and the solid masses of toxins. With the increase of
pressure, the kidneys contract and cannot dispose of all
the urine that is present. It overflows into other parts of

The Birth of the New Civilization

the body and causes edema. The condition is cured

simply by dissolving the toxic masses in the back through
Johrei, removing the pressure on the kidneys. Doctors do
not know how to treat this, and in severe cases abortion
appears to be the only alternative to save the life of the
mother. This sacrifice of a precious, unborn baby is
unnecessary, and because it is so often performed
relatively late in the pregnancy, the parents' grief is that
much harder to bear.

The attitude of the medical profession toward

pregnancy is based on ignorance and misconceptions.
Doctors advise termination of pregnancy for women with
illnesses such as tuberculosis and Basedow's disease,
but that goes against the laws of nature. A woman
becomes pregnant only when she has the vitality to bear
a child, when she is fully ready to become a mother.
Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for her to conceive.
The view of human beings by medical science is entirely
materialistic. It makes no allowance for the divine nature
inherent in humans and treats them as though they were
just another kind of animal. It follows, then, that medical
knowledge depends upon experiments made on animals,
the results of which are then applied to human beings.
My own thinking is based not only on theory, but on
personal experience as well.

When consulted by a pregnant woman, I always tell

her that no matter what her ailment, she should not
worry, for everyone who has ever come to us has given
birth safely, aided only by Johrei.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Endometritis, also not uncommon, is a

consequence of catarrh in the mucous membrane lining
the interior of the uterus. Here, toxic substances that
have descended into the uterus are eliminated through
the inner wall, causing eruptions. Sometimes the
descending toxins stimulate the mucous lining of the
uterus, where they cause catarrh. In either case, the
disease will eventually be healed naturally. Curettage is
often and unnecessarily used to treat endometritis.
Although this form of treatment might afford relief for a
short while, the trouble is certain to recur as long as
poisonous substances remain. The uterus is, after all, the
most sensitive part of a woman's body; surgery should be
never be permitted.

Metritis, or inflammation of the uterine Parenchyma,

is caused by purification of solidified toxins around the

The purging action gives rise to a slight fever, mild

pain, and some discomfort. Although this condition will
heal without any intervention, complete cure can be
achieved more quickly through Johrei.

Women who are unable to conceive because of

forward or backward displacement of the uterus are often
advised to have the problem corrected surgically. Medical
professionals are correct in asserting that a displaced
uterus can cause sterility, but what causes the
displacement in the first place? It is simply the result of

The Birth of the New Civilization

accumulated toxins in front of or behind the uterus. An

operation removes the poisonous mass of toxins and the
uterus returns to the normal position, but toxins will
accumulate again and once more push the uterus out of
place. To achieve no more than a temporary an effect,
such an invasive procedure is wasteful and unnecessary.

In another kind of situation, a woman may be told

by her doctor that she is unable to bear children because
of retroflexion of her uterus, yet she later becomes
pregnant without either treatment or surgery. An
acquaintance of mine was apparently told that she could
not have children because of such a condition, and later
gave birth to three. Cases such as these show the
inadequacy of medical research. Further, misleading
diagnoses of this kind are very upsetting It would be
better for doctors to withhold judgment until they have
sufficient evidence.

Cancer of the uterus is rare, but it is one of the

most feared diseases. In most cases that have been
diagnosed by a doctor as uterine cancer, what appears
as cancerous tissue is, in actuality, the accumulation of
impure blood on the outside of the uterus, and not true
cancer. Doctors believe that vaginal bleeding in post-
menopausal women often indicates cancer, but from
experience I know that this is incorrect. Many such
women have received Johrei. In each case, a large
amount of blood was discharged and the mass that was
identified as cancer disappeared. What is diagnosed as
cancer of the uterus is usually only a lump of menstrual

The Birth of the New Civilization

blood that has congealed over a long period of time. As

medical knowledge advances, this will one day be
recognized by doctors.

Myoma of the uterus is due to swelling, or more

accurately, to the presence of a hardened mass in the
muscles of the uterus.

Purification of this mass of toxins is what causes

the patient's distress. Congealed toxins are sometimes
removed by surgery with apparent success, but
recurrence of the same condition in adjacent areas is
very likely. Myoma of the uterus can be successfully
treated with Johrei, but complete healing takes a long
Diseases of the ovaries usually take the form of
cysts and are the result of the retention of either pus or
fluid. The symptoms in either case are similar. The cyst
may be hard or soft, and the severity if the condition
varies greatly. If the cyst is malignant or if it is treated by
standard medical methods, it may grow to considerable
size. In some cases, the patient's abdomen will swell
beyond the size of late pregnancy.

Medical intervention involves removal of the cystic

ovary, but although this is a relatively easy operation, it
can often cause other disorders.

The most troublesome after-effect of removing an

ovary is emotional instability. It is not so apparent when
only one is removed, but when both are resected, the

The Birth of the New Civilization

woman loses her reproductive organs, and she can bear

no more children. Such an operation can have very
disturbing results, including the sense of having lost
some quality of being feminine. Another complication of
this operation is damage to the eyes. Some women
become almost completely blind. It is possible for the
entire body to weaken and one’s temperament to become
gloomy and desperate. Surgery is presently the only
method available to doctors for treatment of this

Cystic ovaries can be completely and safely cured

with Johrei. They are caused by medicinal toxins or by
excess urine due to contracted kidneys. The former
produces an accumulation of pus, and the latter, fluid
retention. In both instances, if the proper functioning of
the kidneys is restored, healing follows soon.

I would like to comment here on the nature of

leucorrhea (vaginal discharge) in women. This is quite
common and causes many women considerable worry,
but is actually a good sign, for in the process toxins are
eliminated. When the body has been sufficiently
cleansed, the entire lower abdomen will be relieved of
distress. Both doctors and laypeople, unaware of its true
function, attempt to suppress the discharge. This is like
sealing the disease inside the body and is one of the
most harmful measures that can be taken.

In general, diseases unique to women are caused

by the gradual gravitation of toxins in the body. When

The Birth of the New Civilization

they accumulate in the pelvic region, the uterus, ovaries,

fallopian tubes, and bladder are affected. As the poisons
descend, anal diseases and lesions of genital organs
occur. They should not cause anxiety, and medical
treatment should be avoided.

Frigidity is another problem related to the general

health of women. It seems to be a popular subject, but
medical specialists still do not know its cause. That is
unfortunate, since it is an important problem. Frigidity,
which can also mean sterility, prevents a woman from
fully accepting the love of a man, and harmonious
relations between them are difficult to maintain.
Sometimes the husband seeks a more satisfying
relationship outside the home, and the deepening crisis
between the couple can eventually lead to breakup of the
marriage. Women who experience frigidity are very
unfortunate, and they are more numerous than one might
suspect. This is a subject that cannot be easily discussed
with strangers, however, and since medical treatment is
entirely ineffective, many women spend their lives in
frustrated solitude. It is a blessing, therefore, that this
condition can be corrected through Johrei.

The primary cause of frigidity is atrophy of the


Medical professionals will tell you, correctly, that the

adrenal glands above the kidneys produce hormones.
When the kidneys contract, their functions are
suppressed, causing an insufficient supply of hormones.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Atrophy of the kidneys comes from pressure of toxic

masses behind these organs. The condition will be
healed by dissolving the masses.
Another cause is the constant downward flow of
toxins which settle around the pelvic region. First the
uterus and then other organs in that area are affected. As
the toxins descend further other disorders such as anal
diseases, vaginal spasms, pruritus, inflammation of the
mucosa, urethral trouble, generalized eczema, or erosion
appear. A swelling or a mass of toxins develops around
the urethra, or a hard lump accumulates on the major or
minor folds of the vulva. The lumps extend to the inguinal
region (groin), inhibiting movement of the legs.
Involvement of the urethral region is particular very
serious. The lesions that occur can be easily recognized -
- they are present when a lump or pain is felt.

Because of the organs involved, it is better for a

woman to channel Johrei to herself or to have her
husband do it for her.

It is effective either way. Patience and

perseverance are necessary because, although gradual
improvement will take place, a protracted period of Johrei
is required for complete healing.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Children's diseases are numerous and quick to

develop. It is particularly distressing when a baby is sick,
for the only indication that something is wrong is his
incessant crying. It is sometimes difficult to tell exactly
what the problem is. When a newborn baby has greenish
or foamy diarrhea, which is common, it should not be
attributed to indigestion or some malfunction in the
digestive system. It is caused by toxins ingested by the
baby from breastmilk. Diarrhea is actually a good sign, as
it indicates that toxins from the mother's body are being
eliminated. The condition will improve without treatment
when all the toxic substances have been discharged.

Sometimes pediatricians, concluding that a baby

has a particular illness such as infantile beriberi,
prescribe drugs without knowing the real cause or cure.
They are surprised to discover that the medication only
enervates the baby and hinders normal growth. A single
misunderstood treatment like that can weaken the
constitution, and it can increase vulnerability to scrofulous
diatheses. Its effects may even turn up in the adolescent
years as heightened susceptibility to tuberculosis.

Inoculating infants is also harmful, whether for

vaccination against diseases like smallpox or for curative
purposes. The body of an infant is not developed enough
to be able to tolerate drugs as well as an adult's body
can. Any kind of intravenous medication can disturb the
development of an infant. All too often we see children

The Birth of the New Civilization

who are unable to hold their heads up at even after their

first birthday, who are late in learning to walk, or who
suffer mental retardation. Perhaps as medical scientists
and practitioners better understand these problems,
treatments that produce such effects will no longer be

Another ailment that occasionally occurs in infants

in their first few months causes them to vomit blood. This
is the result of the baby swallowing some of the mother's
old blood before and during delivery. After regurgitation,
the baby's appetite increases, indicating an improvement
in the condition.

As the baby grows, she or he may contract

whooping cough, measles, children's dysentery, scarlet
fever, diphtheria, meningitis, infantile paralysis,
encephalitis, or another childhood disease. Whooping
cough, marked by violent coughing ad frequent
expectoration, is the body's natural purifying action to
expel the accumulation of postnatal fluid swallowed by
the baby during delivery. This illness is characterized by
peculiar wheezing noises as the child inhales following a
coughing spell.

It is called "100-day cough" in Japan, since it takes

about fourteen weeks for a child's body to rid itself of all
the unwanted fluid. If Johrei is administered right from the
start, the child gets well in about three weeks; if Johrei is
begun during the severe stages of coughing, it takes
about one week.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Johrei should be channelled to the chest first,

followed by the back, and then the stomach area,
wherever the spumy substance is concentrated.

Attempts to suppress the coughing spells may

make the illness worse. If natural healing is allowed to
proceed unimpeded, dissolved toxins move to the lungs
and are expelled by coughing up a foamy substance.
When the coughing is suppressed, the sputum remains in
the lungs and hardens. Fever develops to dissolve it, and
if left alone, the condition would clear up with the
whooping cough, but medical treatment aggravates it
until it becomes pneumonia.

With diphtheria, the throat becomes inflamed and

swollen, making breathing difficult. This is a frightening
disease, for the patient can suffocate. Medical
treatments, such as antiserum and other injections,
temporarily arrest the purifying action.
Antiserums are themselves strong poisons, causing
virulent, intractable disorders that can be fatal. With
Johrei, however, diphtheria is especially easy to cure.
The results seem almost miraculous; complete healing
occurs after forty minutes, at most.

Johrei is completely safe and, because no drugs

are used, there are no subsequent complications. Later
we will discuss some of the spiritual factors that
sometimes bring about diphtheria.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Meningitis has several characteristic symptoms:

sudden, high fever; splitting headaches; and extreme
dizziness and sensitivity to light. A child's developing
abilities stimulate activity in the brain, causing toxins from
other areas to accumulate there, particularly in the front
part. That area is especially sensitive when the child
begins to go to school, which is the period of greatest
susceptibility to meningitis. One particularly harmful
treatment is ice packs used to reduce fever. When the
head is chilled, dissolving toxins return to their solid form
and brain activity is dulled.

Meningitis can be fatal, and even if the child is

cured, it is possible that he will be either mentally
retarded or physically crippled. Channeling Johrei is the
best way to avoid these dangers. It accelerates the
dissolution of toxins, which are discharged through the
eyes and nose in large amounts of bloody pus. When the
head is cleared of impurities, the mental functions are
sharper than before. Often the child shows great
improvement in his or her schoolwork.

Measles strikes nearly everyone at one time or

another. Since this illness indicates elimination of
impurities passed on from the blood of one's parents, it is
actually very beneficial.

It is not a serious pathological condition, but people

are unaware of its cleansing function and regard measles
with alarm.

The Birth of the New Civilization

It is one of the diseases the government has

targeted for prevention. No special measures are
necessary, however, for if left alone, measles will
disappear naturally. Medical intervention can not only
postpone recovery but endanger the patient's life as well.
The traditional precaution with measles is a wise one: the
patient should be kept inside and warm in the early
stages, for exposure to wind prevents elimination of the
toxins through the skin. Also, it is important not to
obstruct the eruptions. Measles may recur or some other
disorder may appear if the poisons remain in the body.

Patients with measles are susceptible to

pneumonia, but that usually results from cooling the head
with ice or other treatments. Such intervention prevents
eruptions from appearing on the skin, and the toxins
retreat into the lungs where they erupt in the alveoli. The
decreased capacity of the lungs produces rapid breathing
and a relatively small amount of sputum.

This type of pneumonia need not cause anxiety.

Left alone, it will heal spontaneously within two or three

Eye trouble and tympanitis often follow recovery

from measles and are due to toxins lingering in these
areas. In the natural process of elimination, they are first
dissolved by high fever and then discharged through the
eyes and ears. No treatment is necessary, for although it
may take some time, the disorders will clear up on their

The Birth of the New Civilization

Encephalitis is another disease whose cause is

easy to explain. As a child plays in the summer sun, his
or her head is heated by the sun's rays, and toxins
present in the back of the body migrate toward the back
of the head. In this process, the toxins first concentrate in
the area around the medulla oblonqata. Fever dissolves
them, and the resulting liquid flows Into the back of the
head, causing extreme drowsiness. With the onset of the
disease, a perceptible bar like mass forms in the same
area. A constant stream of toxins flows into the region of
the mass, keeping it intact no matter how much of it

Ice-cooling is dangerous, for it can prolong the

disease, possibly leaving a patient crippled or ending in
death. Because encephalitis is such an intense
purification, it is necessary to channel Johrei many times
at intervals of twenty or thirty minutes between sessions.
Patience is required, but with repeated channeling the
crisis passes. Like meningitis, large amounts of liquefied
toxins in the form of bloody pus are discharged through
the eyes and nose. The patient recovers after elimination
of the toxic substance, and, in most instances, is
completely cured within a week.

Medical science cannot identify the source of toxins

and has no effective methods of dealing with them.
Consequently, doctors are overly concerned with
contagion. The recent medical hypothesis that this
disease is transmitted by mosquitoes is questionable.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Regardless of how it starts, encephalitis is easily cured

with Johrei.

Scarlet fever is simply the elimination of

congenitally impure blood through the skin, and Johrei
cures it quickly.

Initially tiny eruptions appear, following which the

skin takes on a distinct reddish hue. Typically, the
eruptions cover one part or only half of the body,
although in severe cases they spread over the entire
body. This disease will heal on its own; cooling of the
head or other medical remedies only prolong or
aggravate it. As the patient begins to recover, poisons
issuing from capillaries dry and form tiny scales. These
are thought to carry the disease and are considered
dangerous, but they are harmless when Johrei is
administered. A complete cure takes from two days to a

Children's dysentery is a relatively common ailment,

but because the mortality rate is so high, people regard it
with dread. The most striking symptom is the onset of
frequent yawning. When a child loses his or her appetite
and appears listless and drowsy, dysentery could be the
reason. This illness occurs when most of the toxins in the
upper half of the body are concentrated in the stomach
as a result of natural purification.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The accumulation of toxins affects the brain,

causing complications there that are of great concern to

Children's dysentery can be effectively cured with

Johrei in a day or two.

Cases of infantile paralysis appear to have been

rising rapidly in recent years, and it is now officially
recognized as an infectious disease. There are two
causes for this illness, one spiritual and the other
physical. The spiritual form is extremely rare; in most
cases the cause is physical. The latter is actually a type
of pseudo-infantile paralysis that is always curable. Its
trademark is impaired functioning of the muscles in the
hip, arms, or legs. The legs usually lose much of their

The illness is caused by medicinal toxins that are

inherited, acquired after birth, or, more commonly, both.

Whatever the cause, toxins accumulate in one area

of a leg, causing pain when it is moved or touched. The
most common location is the sole of the foot. Diagnosis is
quite simple, as pressure exerted on the leg or arm
always produces pain in some area. Johrei channeled to
that spot brings rapid improvement and healing. No type
of medical treatment has any effect whatsoever on the
elimination of toxins. Treatment might ease the mind of
patients and their families, but the fact that doctors
cannot provide a complete cure makes this disease

The Birth of the New Civilization

frightening. The spiritual form of this illness is true

infantile paralysis, and is very important to an
understanding of what constitutes genuine good health.
This type will be described in detail later.

In conclusion, there are a few points to remember

about children's health. First, insertion of mercurial drugs
into the eyes of newborn infants to prevent gonorrhea, or
administration of vermicides to the stomach should be
avoided, as any drug is a foreign substance. Breast
feeding should be encouraged as much as possible,
although cow's milk or powdered milk can be substituted
when the mother's supply is inadequate. Lack of or
insufficient milk is an indication that something is wrong,
either because of pressure on the milk glands by
congealed toxins, or an accumulation of toxins that
compress the stomach. In the latter case, the stomach is
contracted so that it cannot ingest enough food to nourish
both mother and child. In either case, Johrei effects a
complete and rapid cure.

Abnormal bowel movements in an infant indicate

that toxins from the mother are passing through her milk
to the baby, where they are eliminated. As I said before,
this is a positive indication, not a cause for concern.
Slight fever is quite common in infants. Although it is
thought to be caused by "growing pains" or teething, in
actuality, fever arises entirely from purification of toxins
and is a good sign. Breast feeding should be stopped
after a child is about a year old. Sometimes a mother
continues to breast-feed her baby longer, but after that

The Birth of the New Civilization

point it tends to weaken the child and should be

discontinued. Frequent colds or fever from inflamed
tonsils are helpful, for they indicate purification is taking
place. A child's health will improve each time this process

Finally, mothers often worry needlessly that a chill

while the child is asleep might cause illness, such as
diarrhea. There is no basis for this concern. I have six
children, but not one has suffered any ill effects from
being chilled while sleeping.

The Birth of the New Civilization


I have attempted to give a thorough, but broad idea

of the real causes of disease and the misplaced theories
of modern medicine. Here I would like to clarify certain
issues in medical practice and theory. Concerning
surgery, this is an area that is reported to be advancing in
rapid strides, but if anything, those strides are being
taken backwards. The very fact that operations have
become more sophisticated indicates that medical
science has made no progress at all. An operation itself,
performed to remove faulty organs or diseased tissue, or
to correct an internal condition, indicates the failure of
other methods to cure the problem.

Disease and bodily functions, although intimately

related, are essentially different. True healing will
eliminate the disease, leaving the organ intact and
functioning perfectly.

Medical methods, however, no matter how intricate,

offer no way to completely remove the disease. The
medical answer is too often simply to remove the entire
organ, taking the function with it. It requires only simple
logic to see that "advancement" in surgery is really a sign
of the inadequacy of medicine.

Most doctors still have a deluded belief in modern


The Birth of the New Civilization

We must rebuild the whole conceptual and practical

base of medical science, and start again from there, but
that is impossible until doctors understand the false
assumptions on which their thinking is based. The errors
in medical theory have not been fully understood,
allowing it to proceed along the wrong paths. That is why
people still suffer from sickness, even after generations of
"scientific" medical research. Any advances made in
surgical methods signify only improved technology rather
than medical progress.
If God, the Lord of Creation, created us as his
masterpiece, he must also have created the vital organs,
bones, muscle, skin, the sensory organs, and all other
parts of the human body for specific purposes. There is
no reason for him to have burdened humans with useless
parts. But this century has seen the rise of a great many
individuals who profess to know more than God. They
have concluded that some parts of the body, such as the
appendix and tonsils, are not necessary. Even a kidney
or one of the ovaries, when afflicted, is thought to be
dispensable; it can be safely removed in the interests of
preventing disease.

Surgeons are taking up their scalpels and removing

various parts from the body. The amazing thing is that
instead of criticism and objections to this audacious and
violent attack on the human body, it is generally
accepted, even welcomed.

Individuals, institutions, even governments

encourage the development of this practice and its

The Birth of the New Civilization

theory, in the belief that they are contributing to human


Who are these all-knowing people who are the

recipients of such generous support? They are the
leaders in medical science, many of whom have gained a
place in history or are respected figures today. Their view
of humans remains myopic, limited to the materialistic
and physical, and blind to the value in what lies beyond. I
do not mean to denounce the materialistic sciences in
their entirety, and I fully appreciate their great
achievements and the benefits people will continue to
receive from them, but it is not safe to entrust every
aspect of life to the solutions they offer. Science is limited
by boundaries beyond which its concepts are irrelevant.

Materialistic science approaches all animate

creatures the same way it views inanimate matter. Even
though living creatures cannot be encompassed by
materialistic science, scientists categorize them as
physical beings, and it is here that the most fundamental
error occurs. Considering that medical science has
developed on the basis of this misconception, it is not
surprising that people are operated upon as though the
body were just another piece of matter.

One factor that may have led medical thinking

astray is the particularly rapid advance of scientific
knowledge in this century, which has given rise to the
illusion that science can solve anything. Living creatures,
however, develop and are healed according to a

The Birth of the New Civilization

completely different set of laws, even though certain

applications of science appear to have positive effects.
True and permanent influences of science, however, are
impossible because the basic way of thinking is wrong.
Still unaware, medical science continues to grope along
its meandering, unrelated byways. Deeper understanding
of God's creatures would reveal that a human being is
very different from an animal and requires different care.

This is true in the psychological and emotional

realms, also. The human psyche has a strong and often
damaging influence on one's physical state. But while
worry can aggravate a human disease, animals do not
respond the same way. Thus, when laboratory animals
are used for testing and the findings are applied to
people, the results are irrelevant. Humans cannot be
viewed as animals, nor can they be treated simply as
matter. Surgery, therefore, might bring temporary relief,
but the patient is not really healed, and the ailment will
recur in another form.

Doctors do not understand this, and for that reason

they cannot possibly foresee the long-range outcomes of

Consider what happens when any vital part of the

body is removed: the person becomes an internal cripple.
It is hard to imagine anyone emerging totally unscathed
from such a loss. It is bad enough to have a foot., hand,
finger, or even the tip of a finger amputated, for such an
external disfigurement causes inconvenience and

The Birth of the New Civilization

suffering throughout a lifetime. But the removal of a vital

part can cause even more misery, debilitating one
internally. While external physical defects are often not
fatal, an internal defect will definitely affect the life of an
individual. The appendix, for example, is an important
organ; toxins that have gathered all around the back
move to the area behind the right kidney where they
coagulate. Then, little by little, they move to the appendix
area, where they clot. When the toxins in and around the
appendix accumulate to a certain level, a sudden
purifying action occurs, accompanied by fever, pain and
other symptoms. By this action toxins dissolve and are
eliminated in the form of diarrhea. In this simple process,
toxins disappear and a complete cure ensues.

When a doctor observes this condition, he or she

advises immediate surgery, which destroys the original
function of the appendix. The doctor warns the patient
that hesitation will have serious consequences, but there
is actually absolutely no danger.

The more hopeless it appears to doctors, the more

chance there is for complete recovery. This is more than
empty theory, for I have channeled Johrei to many in
such a state, and every one of them has been completely
healed. In operations, on the other hand, we sometimes
hear of unfortunate results only when it is over, and too
late to repair the damage.

Latent inflammation of the appendix can be

determined if there is pain under pressure an inch or so

The Birth of the New Civilization

below and to the right of the navel. Since the cause is not
just in the appendix itself, however, healing through
Johrei of the appendix region alone does not relieve the
condition entirely. Appendicitis is accompanied by a
tender, hardened mass in the area behind the right

Johrei channeled to this area produces immediate

relief from pain and a complete cure, within forty minutes.
This short but effective procedure will cure the disease
and there will be no recurrence.

An operation, on the other hand, is painful and

expensive, and leaves an internally crippled body. In
unfortunate cases, the incision does not heal easily,
sometimes taking several years to fully close. In some
rare cases the patient dies from such an operation. Johrei
poses no danger to the patient and provides a simple,
rapid cure. There is really no comparison; the difference
between surgery and Johrei is as wide as the distance
between a Neanderthal and a modern human.

Even when a primary disorder is successfully cured

by operating, adverse effects begin to appear later.
Because the appendix functions as a mechanism to help
eliminate toxins in the back, the toxins have nowhere to
go when the appendix is missing, and so the greater
portion collects around the peritoneal area.

The accumulation in the kidney region also

increases, and this greater mass exerts still further

The Birth of the New Civilization

pressure on the kidney, thus aggravating chronic

peritonitis. That is the most serious result of removing an
appendix, though toxins may flow to other parts of the
body also as a result of the operation. Other frequent
aftereffects of an appendectomy include weakened
abdominal muscles and grasping power, loss of stamina
and endurance, and decreased sexuality.

When there is pain in the kidney region or blood

appears in the urine, the condition may be diagnosed as
tuberculosis of a kidney. An operation is performed and
the kidney is removed, but the results are rarely
satisfactory, for most patients suffer later from some
other disorder. The greatest trouble results from the extra
burden placed on the remaining kidney, which is forced to
do the work of two. It becomes more susceptible to
disorders because of the large concentration of toxins
that the kidneys normally have. The body becomes
generally weaker, walking becomes difficult, and twisting
or sitting up straight is sometimes impossible. Thus,
nephrectomy (removal of a kidney) often turns the patient
into a semi-invalid. If Johrei is given from the beginning,
the disorder is healed without even touching the patient's

Operating for cancer of the stomach also causes

troublesome problems. What is especially distressing is
that sometimes after the stomach is opened, no cancer is
found. This is not uncommon, and it causers much
unnecessary suffering. Even when the operation is
successful and the cancerous growth is removed, a small

The Birth of the New Civilization

piece is often overlooked. No matter how tiny, it spreads,

and another operation becomes necessary. If it happens
a third time, it is fatal, because by then operating is no
longer possible. The partial stomach and the intestine
area are sutured together after removal of tumors, and so
food can be taken only in small amounts at frequent

According to medical statistics, a patient who has

had that kind of operation can expect to live usually only
about two and one-half years. How do doctors justify their
actions? For a patient expected to live for only six months
or a year, they give an additional year or two after
"successful" surgery. If this were inevitable, we would
have to accept it, but I know of many patients who would
have lived five or six years more if they had been left
untouched instead of having their lives cut short by

Radium is sometimes used to treat cancer, but this

form of treatment aggravates rather than improves the
condition. Not only the tumor but the surrounding tissue
also is destroyed by the radium rays. True cancer of the
stomach is rare. Most cases are pseudo-cancer of the
stomach, which is caused by medicinal toxins. Depending
on their properties, absorbed drugs are converted to
toxins and return to the stomach, where they harden.
These masses are not true cancer. The condition can
always be healed by Johrei as long as the patient is not
too debilitated.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Surgery is also performed for removal of the

ovaries, for breast cancer, for tympanitis, carbuncles, eye
diseases, anal diseases, bubo, orchitis, whitlow,
gangrene, and orthopedic disorders. The effects of the
operation are more or less the same.

Before concluding this section, let me add a few

last comments. One is on the treatment of swellings. If a
swelling is not incised and left completely untreated, it will
grow larger and larger until it bursts and discharges
bloody pus. Then it will gradually heal by itself. But the
patient, unable to bear the pain, usually goes to a doctor
who tries to bring about a quick cure by incising, which is
a serious mistake. The effect of the incision on the
swelling is closely related to the stage of growth. There is
no serious trouble if the swelling has reached maximum
size, but when it is incised too early, the pus stops
accumulating in one place and spreads to others, causing
swelling in adjacent areas. Important to remember is that
just the prick of a needle will arrest the accumulation of

I was once asked to visit a patient in surgery, a man

about forty years of age. He told me that some time
before he noticed a swelling around the cervical lymph
node about the size of a quail's egg. He immediately went
to a doctor, who incised the swelling and drained the pus.
Soon thereafter, another lymph node began to swell next
to the first one. The second was also incised, but then a
third appeared. Another incision and another swelling
ensued. Finally, the lymph nodes in the other side of his

The Birth of the New Civilization

neck began to enlarge from the repeated incisions, until a

chain of swellings ran from one side of his neck to the

This was when I was called to visit him.

The swelling was now extending inward as well,

and it seemed then that even Johrei could not help him
much. Several days later, I was informed that the patient
had suffocated from respiratory obstruction caused by
swelling in the throat. He was without a doubt a victim of
the surgical treatment he received.

If the first swollen lymph node had been left alone

when it appeared, it would have grown bigger and bigger
, maybe even as big as a baby's head, but eventually it
would have become very red and softened and burst
open. This would have led to a complete cure without any

In recent years, operations on the brain are being

performed by growing numbers of surgeons. They are
done on patients with epilepsy or other similar brain
disorders, but they are ineffective. These disorders are
different from physical diseases of the brain, for they are
caused by spiritual factors. We must leave full discussion
of this topic until later, when we come to the subject of
the spiritual causes of disease.

Surgery for TB has also become more widespread

in recent years. It involves removing the ribs and inserting

The Birth of the New Civilization

plastic balls in the rib cage, leaving the patient with

thoracic cavities, or operating on the diaphragm. None of
these operations provides more than temporary relief; the
long-term results are invariably negative. In summary, let
me reiterate that no lasting good can come from the
primitive practice of surgery, and greater progress in
medicine should make doctors fully aware of its futility.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Medicinal toxins are the immediate cause of all

disease, and since there are so many different
medicines, the variety of symptoms and disorders caused
by them seems endless. Western drugs come in many
forms: oral medicine, injections, disinfectants, and salves
or ointments. Since ancient times, oral medications have
been more widely used than any other. There are
innumerable medicines of this type. But regardless of the
particular drug, the cause of any disease is always the

In medical terms, specific ailments are

distinguished by where they occur and how they affect
the body. If a given drug were truly effective for the
ailment it was developed to cure, it should work in every
case. Considering the plethora of drugs that are
available, many for the same problem, it is clear that
none is truly effective.

Certain kinds of drugs are must be diluted before

use, for if taken full strength they would cause
inflammation of the mouth or violent poisoning. Even
when diluted, however, large amounts of medicinal toxins
will accumulate if they are taken several times a day over
a long period of time. It is interesting to note that the
distress experienced when the body is purified of
Western medicines is generally intense, with acute pain,
severe itching, high fever, or sometimes paralysis.
Purification of Chinese medicines in the body, on the

The Birth of the New Civilization

other hand, is accompanied by dull pain, languidness,

slight fever, or other less acute suffering. The specific
symptoms vary with each medicine. Castor oil and other
laxatives, for example, give temporary relief, but the long-
range results are harmful. Laxatives weaken the
excretory system, making normal functioning difficult. As
one continues to take laxatives, the condition grows
progressively worse, ultimately leading to a chronic state
of constipation. The medicinal toxins in these drugs
steadily accumulate. They cause other diseases and
ailments, especially in the kidneys.
Purgatives are given to cleanse the intestines,
among other reasons, but our bodies already possess an
adequate and efficient system for this purpose.
Unnecessary treatment will interfere with the action of the
excretory organs, causing more harm than good. One
function of the intestines is to eliminate accumulations of
impure and unnecessary material through diarrhea.
When a child contracts dysentery, Johrei should be given
immediately. Castor oil, or any other medication, is
dangerous. Likewise, enemas only weaken the natural
functions of the intestines and impede the elimination of
waste matter. Enemas are often given to reduce a fever;
it is thought that fever and bowel movements are related.
But to induce bowel movements artifically is, in the long
run, damaging.

I once helped a three-year-old child whose

abdomen had become as tightly distended as a balloon. I
learned from the mother that the child had been given
enemas repeatedly since soon after birth, until finally no

The Birth of the New Civilization

stools could be evacuated without one. Eventually, his

suffering was so acute that, although she knew it was
bad for her child, the mother continued this treatment
because she did not know what else to do. I felt very
sorry for this person who was in such a painful
predicament, solely due to ignorance. Some doctors
mistakenly believe that constipation leads to
autointoxication. Their view is that fecal poison leaves the
bowels and circulates through the body when waste
products are retained. This is totally inaccurate, for no
matter how much excrement accumulates, it cannot
possibly leave the intestinal tube. Regardless of how
much fecal material is retained, it compacts as it
accumulates and one's health is in no way endangered.

From personal observation, I have found that

constipation lasting for one or two months is not unusual.
Some individuals whom I have helped had no bowel
movements for as long as six months and did not
experience any ill effects. I also remember reading in a
ladies' journal about a woman who had had no bowel
movements for two years and nonetheless had remained

Evidence such as this, added to the many cases in

my own experience, indicate that constipation need not
cause anxiety.

The effects of medication for flu, tuberculosis,

gastric and intestinal disorders are harmful enough in and
of themselves, but we must add the damage done by

The Birth of the New Civilization

other drugs, such as tranquilizers that act on the brain,

eye drops, gargles, diuretics, detoxicants, stimulants,
tonics, hemetinics, cold and cough medicines, and
analgesics. None of them can cure illness. More likely,
they will aggravate it. Analgesics taken for headaches
relieve pain for a short while. They are habit forming,
however, and taken regularly, cause gradual
accumulation of medicinal toxins and further disorders.
One of the most dangerous types of medication is
eyedrops. They tend to harden leucomatous spots, for
example, making the ailment that much more difficult to

Although it is not commonly known, certain kinds of

eyedrops can cause trachoma. One should be very
careful in using them.

Trachoma is caused by medicinal toxin infiltrating

the membrane lining of the eyelids. The poisonous
substance is discharged through eruptions in the
conjunctival surface.

Occasionally, tears start to flow without obvious

cause. Since the unusual secretion comes from the
eyedrops, which are in the process of elimination, the
condition will heal spontaneously when the medicinal
toxins are completely discharged. Medical science
explains this as damage to the tear sacs, but that is
completely irrelevant. A waxy discharge from the eyes is
a positive sign that purification of toxins in the frontal part
of the head or around the eyes is occurring. In any eye

The Birth of the New Civilization

disease, the appearance of these secretions is a certain

indication that the disease will be healed.

Cocaine is a particularly dangerous medicine that is

taken through the nose, and it is very toxic. Inhalation
produces a refreshing, transient feeling of well being.
This is an addictive substance, and habitual use over a
long period damages the brain. Many, many lives have
been ruined through the use of this drug. Gargle or
mouthwash solutions, even diluted, contain poisons that
permeate the mucous membranes of the mouth when the
solution is used regularly. The elimination of these toxins
causes soreness or inflammation of the mouth,
roughness of the tongue, or swellings. It is best,
therefore, to avoid medicinal mouthwashes and gargles,
especially if one is a vocal entertainer. In general, the
same is true of oral medication in liquid form. After
prolonged use, medicinal toxins that have permeated the
mucous membranes produce the same, but often more
pronounced, adverse effects because liquid drugs are far
more toxic than others. Frequent use can cause cancer
of the tongue.

For this, doctors usually prescribe more drugs,

which only create additional problems. Toothpastes and
powders containing medicinal preparations are also
harmful, for they greatly weaken the teeth.

Salves and ointments also have dangerous effects.

The poisons in these preparations penetrate the skin and
can cause serious disorders. I once heard a frightful story

The Birth of the New Civilization

from a man who had a localized case of eczema. A

doctor applied a strong ointment thinking that the skin
lesion was malignant. Instead of healing, the eczema
spread, and within three years covered his entire body.
All during that time he received treatment at a well-known
hospital, but his case was finally pronounced hopeless.
At that point he came to me for help. When I first saw this
man, the skin on his entire body had turned purplish, and
the eczema was broken with a watery discharge here and
He said he suffered more from pain than itching. He
could hardly sleep at night. His condition had progressed
too far to be helped physically, and he died a few months

Another unusual case was that of a man who had

been continually applying a plaster preparation for
stiffness in his shoulders and back. After many years, his
entire back had become imprinted with a geometrical
pattern of marks that could not be washed off. The drug
poison in the plaster had penetrated the skin, staining it
and causing considerable pain in the discolored area.
The plaster must have been strongly toxic, for it took
almost a year of steady treatment by Johrei to cure him. I
learned from this case that even allegedly mild
preparations, such as plasters, should be avoided.

People also seem to be unaware that breath

fresheners or popular health tonics can cause severe
poisoning. After witnessing many cases, I have found that
habitual users of these products have weakened

The Birth of the New Civilization

digestive functions, poor complexions, and are highly

susceptible to disease. Poisoning from health tonics has
the effect of a mild form of drug addiction and it is a
serious problem today.

There is one drug, however, that might be regarded

as the king of medicinal poisons. This is arsphenamine, a
drug used to treat syphilis. The chief substance from
which it is prepared is an arsenic compound so deadly
that an amount no bigger than the tip of a match is lethal.
It is, therefore, extremely powerful in arresting the
purification process and in preventing the skin eruptions
of syphilis. Without medication, toxins in the body are
forced out by purification in the form of eruptions.

Suppressing this natural process by injecting

arsphenamine causes the lesions to disappear
immediately, but that is a purely temporary effect, not a
true cure. Doctors know this drug works only for a short
while, so it is used in conjunction with some other
treatment. I have found that the toxins formed from
arsphenamine tend to rise to the brain, causing a
shockingly high rate of mental disease. Doctors seem to
assume that brain damage when it occurs with syphilis is
caused by the disease virus, but the cause is
arsphenamine. Once the medical profession
acknowledges this as a possibility and investigates it
thoroughly, the true relationship between syphilis,
arsphenamine, and brain damage will become clear.

The Birth of the New Civilization

I would like to turn now to the fallacies behind

injections. Injections only bring temporary suppression of
purification. If there were no side-effects, they would be
acceptable, but the medicinal toxins remain and always
cause other ailments later.

Immunization against contagious disease has

become a common practice in many countries. But it is
impossible to completely eradicate these diseases by any
medical means, given the misconceived ideas that prevail
about the nature, causes, and treatment of disease.
Syphilis and other such diseases are exceedingly simple
to cure through Johrei. When this becomes generally
known, inoculations will be unnecessary. The effects of
the poisons in vaccines are seen most clearly as small
swellings on the leg below the knee. If left alone, they will
grow to a certain size and then rupture spontaneously,
discharging the injected drug as pus. When all the drug
poison have been discharged, the lesions will heal.
Applying salves or incising the swellings has the opposite
effect and retards the healing of the lesions.

Furthermore, injections sometimes cause gangrene

or whitlow (an inflamed swelling on a finger), occasionally
leading to amputation of toes or fingers. In the most
unfortunate cases, such lesions may even prove fatal. I
once gave Johrei to a housewife of about forty in whom
drug poisons from injections had gravitated to one of her
ankles and produced a swelling. It had been incised by a
doctor, and the incision had made the condition worse.
Intense pain had set in and the lesion was growing larger.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The doctor told the woman that it would be

necessary to amputate her leg midway between the ankle
and the knee. Repelled by the thought, she refused. In
the meantime she heard about Johrei and came to me.
The deteriorating condition of the lesion was, in my
opinion, entirely due to the disinfectant used after the

Disinfectants are among the most harmful of drug


Agents meant to kill bacteria are used as

disinfectants, which means they are strong and can be
very poisonous. The harm is usually greater when they
are used during surgery, for the poison can infiltrate
directly into the muscles. If medical professionals would
study the evidence, they would see the harm that
disinfectants exert. My purpose here is to awaken
everyone to the true nature of disinfectant poisoning, and
to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering.

A case I recall vividly was a girl of seven or eight

afflicted with what seemed like a rare disease. It was a
real shock when I first saw the patient, for there was a
gaping hole about the size of a hen's egg in the right side
of her face. It began at the corner of her mouth and
spread across her cheek, and through it the roots of her
teeth were visible. Any food put into her mouth flowed out
through the hole. She was kept barely alive by milk being
spooned directly into her throat. It had all begun with a

The Birth of the New Civilization

small lump about the size of a bean near the edge of her
mouth. She was taken to a doctor, who said the swelling
was a very malignant lesion called a noma, and that it
had to be cauterized with a strong drug. One week after
treatment, the skin had also been burned off, leaving the
hole in her cheek.

The medicine used was probably not disinfectant,

but it roust have been very strong to cause such damage.
Her condition was hopeless, so all I could do was offer
my sympathy and leave.

About a month after my visit, the child passed

away. It is a horrifying example of what medical science
sometimes inadvertently does.

The heavier the disinfectants and injected

medicines, the further they descend in the body. The
heaviest medicines reach the areas from the knees to the
soles of the feet, and then they solidify. Walking becomes
very difficult because of the pain in the soles. Certain
drugs accumulate below the knees, causing paralysis, a
condition often taken for beriberi. Neuralgia and
rheumatism are also caused by medicinal toxins.

My paramount concern here is to awaken the

medical profession to the dangers of drugs. If doctors
everywhere begin to understand that rather than healing,
they are adding tremendous suffering to the human
condition by the administration of medicines, they will

The Birth of the New Civilization

have taken a huge stride in improving the lives of


The Birth of the New Civilization


The attitude that human beings are an assemblage

of parts available as objects for scientific study or
"treatment' is at the root of contemporary medical
thinking. This perception is responsible for the many
ways in which medical science harms or fails to help the
human condition. Medicine is divided into numerous
fields of specialization: internal medicine, surgery,
neurology, urology, Otorhinolaryngology, and dentistry, to
name but a few. Some of these are further subdivided.
Internal medicine, for example, includes areas of
specialization such as Gastroenterology and cardiology.
Preventive medicine is a field primarily concerned with
the prevention of contagious diseases and with public
and individual hygiene. Not all specialist are practitioners.
Researchers, for instance, devote their entire lives to
academic study, working with microscopes and animals
day in and day out, while others specialize in taking
pulses throughout the year.

Countless methods of medical treatment exist. Oral

medication, injections, surgery, electrotherapy, and
massage are commonly used by medical professionals.
Other types of medical intervention include radiation
therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, and so on, as
well as treatment with herbal medicines and home
remedies. Some religious sects still encourage the
practice of incantations and exorcisms for certain
afflictions. Such a brief list hardly touches on the
numerous and diverse forms of treatment practiced

The Birth of the New Civilization

today. Ironically, the reason that so many exist is that no

single one has proven to be really effective. If any of
these were true methods of healing, we would have
solved the problem of disease.

Medical theory contains much erroneous thinking

that prevents healing, but viewing the body as an object
is the most serious misconception. The human body is
not simply a number of separate parts joined together,
but rather a single, integrated entity. Affliction in one part
of the body affects not only that particular area but may
cause problems in other regions, as well.

Something wrong with the hands or feet might be a

disease of the extremities, but it could also be the result
of a disorder in some other part of the body. Some
problem in part A, for example, might affect part B, and
then appear outwardly in part C. Any disorder in one part
of the body is related to all other parts. Let us suppose
that a person has bad teeth, a condition that develops
from a weak constitution. In order to develop strong teeth,
it is necessary first to improve one's general health.
Women in the advanced stages of tuberculosis invariably
experience amenorrhea, which is caused by anemia
developing of the disease. Without exception, those with
weak intestines have weak stomachs, those with weak
stomachs have poor lungs, those with poor lungs have
bad hearts, and so on.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The human body is like a nation. If the governing

policy is poor, the entire population will be adversely

Similarly, if the heart, the central governing organ in

the human body, does not function properly, the body as
a whole will suffer. Economic depression, or tight money
and a shortage of goods, can be compared with anemia
and malnutrition in the human body. Even light pain
stimulates the brain and adversely influences the heart,
and, ultimately, the stomach is affected.

Appetite diminishes, intestinal functions are

impaired, and constipation and fatigue set in. That a
disease can affect the entire body is also evident in
pneumonia, where inflammation of the lungs causes pain
and discomfort in other areas.

A personal experience provides a vivid illustration. I

once gave Johrei to a woman in her twenties who had a
very painful toothache. Initially, the pain subsided, but
she returned the following day with the same complaint.
Ordinarily, it is necessary to give Johrei only once to heal
a toothache, so I concluded that the reason for this
woman's pain must lie elsewhere. I examined her from
the lower jaw downward until I felt a hard lump in the
chest which was painful when touched.

When I gave Johrei to the chest area, the lump

disappeared, and with it the toothache.

The Birth of the New Civilization

She returned again the next day, however, as the

toothache had returned. This seemed strange, and upon
further examination by touch, I found an extremely painful
spot in the region of the appendix. I gave Johrei to this
area also and, finally, the pain disappeared, never to
return. Later she told me she had previously had an
appendectomy It was absolutely clear that the
disinfectant used for the operation had congealed. The
purifying action that followed had pushed the poison up
through the chest into the roots of the teeth, where it was
discharged. No amount of guessing could have traced
the basic cause of the toothache to a problem in the
region of the appendix.

In another case, a man in his twenties was in the

third stage of tuberculosis, with violent, constant
coughing and expectoration. Johrei was given to his
head, neck, and shoulders, but it did not bring adequate
relief. A more thorough examination disclosed extremely
tender nodules emitting considerable heat in the groin.
Thinking that this must surely be the source of the man's
suffering, I applied Johrei to this area.

I was right, for he was completely healed in about

one month. I jokingly told the patient, "Your lungs must
have been attached to your groin," but in a sense, it was

There was an amusing incident connected with this

case. I was describing it once to a well-established
physician, and noticing how skeptical he was, I

The Birth of the New Civilization

suggested that I might convince him if he would allow me

to examine him. He agreed, and sure enough, I found a
small, feverish nodule near the groin. As soon as I started
administering Johrei to that area, the doctor began
seriously coughing and eliminating phlegm. He was so
dumbfounded that the only word he could manage to
utter was, "Astonishing!"

He is still a university professor of medicine.

Another visitor I once had was a middle-aged man
suffering from gallstones. Upon examining the right
kidney region of his back, I detected a large mass. As this
appeared to be the cause of his trouble, Johrei was given
several times to dissolve the mass, and the gallstones
were completely cured.

Whenever a person suffers from anal prolapse or

hemorrhoids, examination of the groin invariably reveals
the presence of small nodules. In every case, these
lumps are the cause of the ailment, and when they are
dissolved, it disappears. Anal bleeding and dysentery are
caused by toxic blood flowing from the head, and are
almost always cured by applying Johrei to that area. After
Johrei has been channeled, blood is discharged from the
anus and the head feels clear and light. People who
suffer from headaches, heaviness of the head, or poor
concentration are always found to have enlarged lymph
nodes on one side of the neck or lumps around the top of
the spinal column, accompanied by localized fever. When
the lumps are dissolved, the ailment is quickly cured.
When eyesight is weak, lumps of toxin will be found from

The Birth of the New Civilization

the back of the neck extending to the shoulders,

particularly around the medulla oblonqata. Slight fever is
always present in the forehead. Mild eye disorders can
be healed simply by applying Johrei to those areas.

I have known many almost sightless; people who,

after receiving Johrei, completely regained their eyesight.
I am confident that Johrei has the power to cure most eye
diseases, except some for which surgery previously has
been performed. In addition, nearsightedness and
astigmatism can always be corrected by dissolving the
masses around the medulla oblonqata.

Johrei heals appendicitis by dissolving toxins that

have solidified around the right kidney. The locus of
stomach or intestinal disorders lies in certain parts of the
back, and application of Johrei to those areas can effect
a rapid and lasting cure. To completely relieve severe
pain in the stomach, such as gastric cramps, Johrei must
be applied to both the front and back of the body. For the
inflamed swelling on a finger that is sometimes called
whitlow, applying Johrei solely to the local area will not
eliminate all the pain. A total cure is possible only when
Johrei is applied to the hardened lumps of toxin around
the neck.

The various physical disorders that people

experience are only superficial signs of problems that lie
elsewhere, but medical science continues to categorize
diseases by criteria that have nothing to do with toxins,

The Birth of the New Civilization

and to attempt to cure them by treating only the obvious

symptoms. That is not true medicine.

It is the result of failure to recognize the integration

of all parts of the body into a single system. The many
different diseases and the multiplicity of drugs reveal the
same ignorance of how the human body works. True
healing, on the other hand, would require only one
method for all ailments.

I want everyone to know that all illness is caused by

the growth of composite masses of toxins that
accumulate and harden in different parts of the body.
Ailments differ for the most part according to the
particular location in the body of hardened toxic masses.
Only one kind of treatment, Johrei, is necessary and it will
cure any disease when administered to the spot where
toxins have hardened. There is no need for "progress' in
medicine as it is now constituted, for we already have a
perfect cure.

What has so far been considered progress in

medicine is no more than refined analysis of the cause of
external symptoms and better techniques to ameliorate
them. The primary goal, healing illness, has not been
achieved. In the final analysis, medicine has simply been
moving in an endless circle.

The Birth of the New Civilization


As we have seen, illness is the manifestation of

purifying action, Medical treatment does not deal with the
underlying cause, but merely suppresses purification.
Many people appear to be healthy, but virtually all people
retain some toxins in their bodies. The external
appearance of good health is possible simply because
the toxins are so solidly compressed that no purging
action takes place and illness does not, therefore, occur.

Nonetheless, despite having seemingly good

health, a person can experience purification at any time,
without warning. This causes the insecurity of not
knowing what to expect from one's body. An epidemic
can create widening fear of contagion. A slight chill
makes people worry that they have caught a cold, and a
mild bout of coughing, lethargy, or fatigue can cause
great concern if they are taken as the first stage of

The really anxious are certain that pain in the

abdomen means appendicitis or peritonitis; fever and
wheezing mean pneumonia; difficult breathing or
palpitations must surely indicate something wrong with
the heart, and puffy eyes and a heavy feeling in the lower
back suggest kidney trouble.

For women, pain in the lower back or abdomen,

chills or leukorrhea seem to be ominous signs of
something wrong in the uterine area. Listlessness in

The Birth of the New Civilization

children make parents fear some dreadful illness. When

people get sIck, the most common reaction is to visit their
doctors and take medicine, hoping that it will clear up the
symptom and prevent anything worse. Even though no
one is truly cured, everyone continues to have complete
faith in medical science.

In my younger days, I, too, responded the same

way. I remember going to a hot spring resort in the
mountains of central Japan when I was about thirty.
Arriving at an inn, right away I asked the maid if there
was a doctor in town. Assured that there was, I then
asked how well qualified he was. She answered, "I have
heard that he graduated from one of the best universities
this spring." Only then did I feel secure enough to stay for
several days, and I began to relax and enjoy myself.
Later I learned that a great many other people think
exactly as I did then.

I believed that since no one can tell when or where

illness will strike, I should find a kind and dedicated
doctor whom I could call at any time. I did find just such a
doctor, and I worked hard to develop a friendship with
him. Eventually we became very close, and he was our
go-between when my wife and I were married. At that
time, I believed very strongly in medicine, and so I
understand the implicit faith most people have in doctors
and medical treatment.

I was profoundly shaken to learn that medicine

does not cure ailments, but in fact, has just the opposite

The Birth of the New Civilization

effect. Because this truth was revealed by God, we must

simply have faith in it. I understand how hard it is to
abandon trust in the seemingly concrete, scientific
rationality of medicine and rely on faith in my teaching.
But it is necessary, for otherwise people will remain
pitifully unaware that medical science, for which they are
so grateful, is weakening their bodies and shortening
their lives. If humankind is to be saved, people's
prejudices must be overcome. One of the most difficult
tasks ahead is to make them realize that their beliefs
have been mistaken.

Faith in medical science today is as tenacious as

superstition. Many remain unconvinced even after first-
hand observation or successful healing by Johrei. A few
immediately accept the truth when they see it, but for
most, the hold of medical theory is too strong to resist.
You may have a disease that does not respond to any
kind of treatment, and no matter what you do or how
much you invest in cures, your condition continues to
deteriorate. Even if you hear about Johrei at that point,
when you are critically ill, it is still difficult to accept. Even
those desperate enough to be contemplating suicide
seldom open their minds to Johrei. In a final lunge to hold
onto life, a few individuals, still filled with doubt, submit to
this method of healing. The testimonies written by
followers of my teaching often reflect such a state of mind
when these people embarked upon healing with Johrei.

Almost everyone has fear of illness and a deep-

rooted trust in medical science, which is ironic because

The Birth of the New Civilization

the fear is derived from the knowledge that medicine

cannot truly heal. Take a simple cold that is accompanied
by a fairly high fever. You might worry that this very
common ailment is the beginning of some serious illness,
or you might take comfort in the thought that it is a mere
cold and is no reason for concern. Still, deep in your
mind, because you cannot have full confidence in
medical science, it is impossible to totally dismiss the
thought that it could be something serious. Genuinely
effective medical care should easily cure common
ailments like colds or abdominal pains, and correctly
identify any serious disorder. With today's medicine, that
is not yet possible. In contrast, a true science of healing
would clearly reveal the cause of any ailment, what was
wrong with previous treatments, what should be done to
heal the problem, the prognosis, and whether there is any
danger to life.

The patient could confidently rely on the diagnosis.

If such science of healing were known and

practiced, and if everyone placed full trust in it, all of us
would be freed from any worry about illness. If we all
understood that illness is the sign of cleansing of
impurities and improving health, it would be welcomed
rather than feared. This would be true if medical science
were a true science of healing. But it is not.

Johrei is the only genuine method of healing. It has

been revealed and put into practice, and it has yielded
wonderful results. Speaking about that method of healing,

The Birth of the New Civilization

we use the word "purification" to describe physical

distress or disorders, as it indicates more precisely the
nature of the condition without the negative connotations
of `illness" or "disease." Talking about the state where
toxins are present but purifying action is dormant, we use
the term "pseudo-health," for the person appears to be
perfectly healthy. In a state of true health, no illnesses
occur because the body is completely free of toxins.
There is probably no one, however whose body is
completely free from poison, which is why most people
are always anxious about their health, and why there are
so many health insurance programs, among other

Thus, almost everyone lives with pseudo-health,

and most have some ailment, either dormant or active.
For some, just doing a little work causes headaches or
stiff neck and shoulders, while in others, minor exertion
brings on shortness of breath or fever. Some are
susceptible to colds, others are hypersensitive to certain
foods and suffer from abdominal pains or diarrhea.

Illness forces many to stay in bed for long periods

several times a year, and perhaps every few years they
are hospitalized.

Having no confidence in their own bodies, they are

plagued by uneasiness.

Extremely anxious people recklessly subject

themselves to repeated surgery, often permanently

The Birth of the New Civilization

damaging their bodies. This can happen in operations for

breast cancer or in the removal of one or both ovaries,
the appendix or a kidney, and in amputations. These are
only a few of the pointless operations that people
undergo. Doctors seem to think nothing of such drastic
and crippling procedures. They operate because they
know of no other method of treatment. It is the patients,
though, who suffer, more today than ever before. Many
are bedridden, unable to get any assistance from a
culture which otherwise has developed so brilliantly.
The true science of healing will bring about a
change from the state of pseudo-health to true health by
clearing away all of the toxic substances that cause
illness. True medical science can change our lives and
bring us realistic hope for the future.

The Birth of the New Civilization



The Birth of the New Civilization


We have now gained a somewhat detailed

understanding of the errors and misconceptions of
medical science, and we can envisage what medicine
should be. This is, however, only the physical or material
aspect - without a fundamental understanding of the
other side of medicine, it will be impossible to grasp the
entirety of the true science of healing. I have said much
about the spirit, its essence, function and effects, but we
have discussed it primarily in relation to illness. In order
to develop a complete idea of the human body, we must
now examine its inner reality, the spiritual being. Any talk
about spirit, however, is bound to take on religious
overtones, so our discussion here will necessarily involve
the essential aspects of religion, and ultimately, God and
the divinities. I want to stress, however, that our concern
lies not with the dogmatic orthodoxy of an institutional
religion, nor in the encouragement of “blind faith” in a
given deity; I am, rather, concerned with expounding faith
in the Supreme God. There is nothing in this teaching
that is occult or mysterious, as one can find in many other
religions. My testament is grounded in fact. It is
scientifically verifiable and still philosophically profound,
and will help any who make the effort to understand.

Through the Age of Night that has endured until

now no religion or metaphysical system has been able to
capture the reality of the spiritual world, for God willed
that reality be veiled in mystery. Religious teachings have
offered only abstract, obscure conceptualization about

The Birth of the New Civilization

God, and few people have truly understood the entity that
is God. Most have been unable to feel or believe in His
existence. Thwarted, people have turned to materialistic
science, which they made an object of absolute faith.
They have had to take the untrue for the true, and the
wrong for the right. Medical science is the most serious of
their delusions, The myriad and labored inventions and
discoveries, which should be a contribution to human
welfare, have been used by evil spirits. They have
become tools for creating misfortune. Thus, our world is
deluged with disease, impoverishment, and the ravages
of war. To bring liberation from misery and suffering, men
of knowledge and leaders o± all societies must awaken to
the real truth, for it is they who can provide the guidance
for people. Only then can we even begin the struggle to
overcome old beliefs and realize true civilization.

The first thing we have to do is to reject the entire

philosophical basis of medicine as fundamentally wrong.
We must reject the materialistic, godless practices of
medicine as the cause of deep affliction among people. I
have no “grudge” against medicine, but the end of the
age of darkness will come in this time. The Supreme God
will not wait any longer to exercise His Will to save
mankind. The last judgment is impending. God has
pronounced His judgment on medical science, and has
charged me to fulfill the mission of telling all people of the
truth about medicine. Had He not appointed me to this
task, it would nonetheless have been fulfilled, through the
agency of someone else among us. However, this great
task of saving human life, which is the first step toward

The Birth of the New Civilization

the realization of true civilization, has come to me. I

cannot express vehemently enough the seriousness of
the responsibility to bring truth to the world. To the best of
my ability I will offer all that has been revealed to me of
knowledge that has never before been explored.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Possession by spirits or their acts of vengeance

can cause extremely varied and numerous symptoms
and diseases. One of these is cancer. A common form of
the disease, cancer of the stomach is, however, very
difficult to cure.

It should not be confused with pseudo cancer of the

stomach caused by medicinal toxins that we discussed
earlier. The rarer, but true cancer of the stomach is by
spirit possession. In most cases, the spirit is that of an
animal killed either by the possessed in a previous life or
by one of his ancestors, and it now harasses the
individual to work off the grudge which it bears against its
killer. The main symptom is a small mass, which shifts
about all over the abdomen, sometimes in a round form,
at other times stretching out into a long rope, changing
position and slithering here and there. When the mass
changes position the patient has severe pain and he
often loses his appetite and gets other symptoms, Careful
examination will locate its position, but since a spirit is the
cause, the affliction cannot be detected when the
abdomen is opened. Examination may have located a
specific place but the cancer cannot be seen and it is
impossible to trace the shifts in position. That kind of real
stomach cancer, which is caused by possession, is
relatively easy to cure. But there is another kind that is
extremely malignant.

The Birth of the New Civilization

If an individual has been overly jealous, vindictive,

greedy, possessive, or apprehensive, if he has been
sinfully obsessive in some aspect of his life, he descends
to the spiritual world of animals with like characteristics,
and in hi next lifetime he is reincarnated as one of them.
The snake, for example, is an active consumer of all
manner of living creatures, whose vindictive spirits dwell
in its abdomen. Those spirits remain in its abdomen even
when it passes into the spiritual world. When it is
reincarnated as a human being it returns to physical life
with the devoured spirits still in its abdomen. From there
they can take their revenge. The combined force of those
spirits reflects harshly upon the physical body, torturing
and p1aguJng the person Extremely stubborn cases of
cancer come from just this kind of torture by animal
spirits, The symptoms seldom appear until middle age, at
which point the disease advances with rapidly increasing
violence. Initially the victim of stomach cancer feels lack
of appetite, aching, general discomfort, and so on. But as
the disease advances, one or more palpable lumps form
and vomiting occurs. As the malignance progresses still
further, viscous matter forms and accumulates until it fills
the entire stomach. At this stage, the patient loses his
appetite entirely and can do nothing to relieve himself
except vomit. After that, he can swallow only small
amounts of liquid nourishment, he becomes unable to
take almost any food and grows weaker, until he dies.

The viscous matter is a physical expression of

vengefulness held by spirits of living creatures that the
animal swallowed., The more creatures it devoured the

The Birth of the New Civilization

more is produced in the stomach. If this is what one

vomits out, then it is certainly the true cancer of the
second kind. Sometimes, though very rarely, a patient
who is not a victim of stomach cancer regurgitates the
same substance, albeit in a more watery form, making it
possible to determine that he does not have genuine

Turning now to cancer of the rectum, unlike some

kinds of stomach cancer, it does not shift position but
stays in one place The ailment affects the passage for
bodily waste, which cannot then be excreted. Surgery
can remove the afflicted part but that damages the
excretion function and a substitute canal has to be made
in the side of the abdomen. It creates an extremely
uncomfortable situation, as the artificial passage is
always open. Waste passes through as formed and is
expelled immediately, The patient must always wear
something like a diaper. Added to that, certain bodily
movements can cause the intestines to protrude, creating
ignominious and painful discomfort, inconceivable to
anyone who has not experienced it. Most patients say
they would rather be dead. Only a few manage to live
with their grief and discomfort for any extended period of
time, in a sense, the victim of rectal cancer is paying for
wrongs committed in a previous life, for it is from them
that it springs. Somehow he prevented someone else
from purifying himself of sin. Perhaps he condoned
another’s crime or commuted penalties by taking bribes.
Driven by greed, perhaps he encouraged or forced
another to deal in scandalous or underhanded activities.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Although their, pseudo form is more common, the

result of medicinal toxins, cancer of the uterus, vagina,
larynx, tongue or the anus is also caused by spirit
possession or sinful acts. Cancer of the tongue, for
example, occurs in retribution for sins committed by word
of mouth in the individual’s previous life. The spirits of the
victims seek revenge for their suffering, causing the
affliction in a later life of the sinner. Cancer of the tongue
is also caused by propounding treacherous doctrines,
diffusing evil ideologies, propagating false religions or
doing anything that misleads multitudes of people or
society itself. Anything that brings harm to large numbers
of people is a grave sin and will reap serious retribution.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Tuberculosis is very often the result of possession

by spirits. We know, for example, that soon after one dies
from tuberculosis his or her spouse develops the same
dis3 ease and dies in a similar manner. The disease can
also spread from one brother to another or from sister to
sister. When ore sibling dies, the other often develops
identical symptoms and dies the same way. In extreme
cases, as many as five or six siblings have died in
succession, all from the same type of tuberculosis.

Indeed, as medical science has concluded, it

certainly looks as though tuberculosis is a contagious
disease. I do not categorically deny the claim that the
disease spreads, as there have certainly been cases
where bacteria have. Actually passed from one member
of a family to another, carrying TB with them. But in most
cases possession by a spirit is the principal cause. When
a tuberculosis patient passes away into the spiritual
realm, he continues to suffer just as he did in this world.
Anyone who dies from illness, in fact, is alone, in agony,
and there is no one to communicate with in the spiritual
world. To find companionship, the departed spirit turns to
possession. It is a purposeful act on the part of the spirit
of the dead to inflict his closest relation with fatal
tuberculosis, thus seeking in this dreadful outlet an
escape from his loneliness.

Other circumstances when possession may take

place include the failure to properly honor a death or a

The Birth of the New Civilization

desire to be fulfilled posthumously. The departed spirit

then descends on someone whom it feels will help fulfill
the special need and takes possession. The possessed
begins to exhibit all the symptoms of tuberculosis, and,
like his doctors, if he is an ordinary person unaware of
the origin of the symptoms, he himself grows convinced
that he has the disease. He starts taking all sorts of
medical treatment until finally there is no help available
and he dies. I witnessed an example of this sort of
possession more than twenty years ago. I was still a
young man in the process of learning about the ultimate
truth and the wonders of creation.

One day one of my close relations caught a cold

and in no time began coughing violently Phlegm poured
out of her throat, bringing with it periodic splotches of
blood. From all appearances, it was tuberculosis, I, too,
thought it might be a kind of tuberculosis, but at the same
time it seemed strange that the disease had developed
so rapidly. I suspected that she might have been
possessed, so I tried to communicate with the possessing
spirit. Through that communication I learned that she was
possessed by the spirit of a young man who had died
about a year before from tuberculosis. He had come to
me for treatment, but by that time his disease was so
advanced that he died two weeks later. The young man’s
spirit was heavy with grief because his father was very
poor and had not been able to properly honor his son’s
death to console his spirit. With no final resting place, the
spirit had been wandering about until he took possession
of my relation. I understood the desire of the spirit that his

The Birth of the New Civilization

departure be properly acknowledged and honored.

Conceding that, I suggested that since it was so late that
night, I would give him a fullfledged service the following
day. But, I admonished, “As long as you are in
possession of this woman, she will suffer acute pain.
“Why don’t I offer a prayer now and you may leave her
body as soon as I’ve finished?” The spirit of the young
man left her body when I completed the prayer. My
relative returned to normal within moments, as though
nothing had ever happened.

This was a most revealing experience for me, as it

showed, in a way that nothing else can, how tuberculosis
is so often the work of possession by deceased spirits.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Of all spiritual diseases the most typical are mental

illness and epilepsy, Mental illness is a condition that
arises who ]iy from obsession by spirits One can become
mentally disturbed even when the physical body is
apparently healthy.

It means the loss of normal mental balance, when

the consciousness functions in context of a non-ordinary
reality. Types of mental illnesses are many and varied,
and even the same illness may produce rapid, extreme
change in a patient over a very short period of time.
Despite exhaustive studies by medical science, the
causes of mental disease have not been discovered.
Although the legal provisions and medical facilities for the
physical care of the patient have become relatively
sophisticated, effective methods of therapy and cure
have yet to be developed. Mental illness does not often
threaten life, but it creates many problems for the patient
and his family. He usually requires care and attention that
the family cannot give, and he has to be placed in an
institution. Public facilities are not adequate and
treatment in private hospitals is very expensive. The lack
of adequate ways to care for the mentally ill very often
results in tragedy for the family involved. Cerebral
operations are sometimes performed as a method of
curing epilepsy and mental diseases, but they have not
been successful.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Medicine in general as a materialistic science has

naturally come to depend more on surgery as one
method of treatment, but mental disorders do not
originate in the physical body itself. They are the result of
possession by animal spirits. Those spirits belong to the
spiritual realm, of course, and an understanding of that
realm is the only way to free man from possession.
Unlike the physical realm, it is nonmaterial and therefore
beyond the capacity of even the most advanced scientist.
From this nonmaterial realm flows the energy for all
creation. It sends forth the lifeblood for all things on the
earth to exist and grow. It is in the spiritual realm that
man’s spirit originates, while his physical body belongs to
the material realm. When a man dies, only his body
perishes. His soul lives forever.

The same is true of animal spirits; when an animal

dies, its spirit remains in the spiritual realm. Most
commonly, it is the spirit of the fox or the badger, the
snake or certain others that possess human beings. The
possessing spirit that causes mental disorders enters the
front part of the brain. Toxins concentrated in the neck
area have congealed around the medulla and lymphatic
glands. The pressure of the hardened toxins upon the
blood vessels has reduced the flow of blood to the brain,
causing cerebral anemia. Since blood is spirit in physical
form, insufficient blood to the brain means that the
spiritual body weakens in that area, leaving the person
open to possession by animal spirits.

The Birth of the New Civilization

If the spiritual body in that area is in optimum

health, if the flow of blood has been strong and constant,
an outside spirit cannot enter that area. Possession,
however, occurs in degrees, in proportion to the extent of
weakening of the spirit in the brain. The crucial point is
when the spiritual body has lost more than half the full
health of the brain. Then the alien spirit can freely
manipulate the person. It is that degree of possession
that we call mental illness.

The physical condition most conducive to mental

illness is cerebral anemia. When the area around the
medulla oblongata is compressed by congealed toxins,
furthermore, insomnia often results to exhaust the brain.
Insomnia is a secondary cause of mental illness, and for
that reason mental illness is virtually always preceded by
long periods of sleeplessness, cerebral anemia and
cerebral fatigue from insomnia are both physical
symptoms, but from the viewpoint of the spiritual body,
they indicate that the spiritual brain has become seriously
weak. As it grows weaker, evil spirits can enter more
easily and possess a person. If they gain control over the
spiritual brain, the individual then begins to act openly on
animal impulse, obeying the will of the spirit that
possessed him, and he becomes known to others as a
mentally sick or deranged person.

We all have certain images of mental illness, but

few are aware that almost everyone today suffers from
slight mental disturbances caused by the weakening of
the spirit. In the best of mental health a person is

The Birth of the New Civilization

spiritually weakened by ten to twenty percent, but the

average is closer to thirty or forty percent, When ones
spiritual health is down by two-fifths or so, it is serious,
but when it is weakened by more than half, the condition
has reached the danger point, People in that condition
become deranged and are then truly mentally ill. The
possessing spirit, moreover, constantly changes and its
power increases or decreases according to the shifting
spiritual health of the possessed. Of the two kinds of
animal spirits that can possess an individual, one is the
secondary spirit, which enters when a child is one or two
and remains at least until his death, and the other is a
spirit that possesses him only temporarily.

We touched earlier upon the three spirits which

constitute manes spiritual being, the primary, the
guardian, and the secondary spirit, the primary spirit,
man’s soul, enters the individual at the time of
conception. It is an individualized part of God and
becomes the center of a person’s spiritual
consciousness, governing his whole being. Its essence is
divine, giving people a nature that is intrinsically good.
The guardian spirit protects man throughout his lifetime
as a “guardian angel.” It is an ancestral spirit selected
from among those who have completed their “training” in
the spiritual world and are therefore qualified to be a
guardian spirit. When a man encounters danger he is
meeting an event that has already occurred in the
spiritual world and is being reflected on earth. The
guardian spirit is therefore aware of the danger, and it

The Birth of the New Civilization

tries to protect his charge from it. That is what sometimes

gives people premonitions.
The guardian spirit also encourages righteousness
at all times, trying to prevent wrongdoing and avoiding
involvement in evil affairs, Despite its best efforts,
however, sometimes the guardian spirit is overpowered
by a stronger evil spirit, which brings serious misfortune
to the individual possessed by it. The guardian spirit
therefore must always seek the power to resist evil
spirits. Purification of the soul through faith in God is
man’s best protection against evil spirits. Superior faith
can also strengthen the resistance of the guardian spirit.
That is why the guardian spirit tries to guide its ward to
the blessings of the Divine Light of God.

The secondary spirit although it is animal and

therefore evil, controls the physical desires. For that
reason it plays an essential part in human existence. It
incessantly lures-people into, thinking and doing evil,
placing before them temptations to their physical craving.
Everyone has carnal, basically evil, desires that insinuate
themselves into the heart. Everyone covets wealth,
luxury, success, and fame. Desires make one
promiscuous, competitive, and aggressive, wanting all his
wishes to be fulfilled in a never-ending stream of material
successes. Since ancient times people have tried to
suppress carnal desire through religious training and the
power of faith in God, and it is religion in the long run that
has saved human civilization from wanton destruction.
But if there were no such material desires, people would
have no urge to action, the urge that is one of the most

The Birth of the New Civilization

important forces in human life. Desire appears to pose a

very great problem, then, but the solution is actually not
very difficult. If one is completely receptive to his God-
given spiritual conscience, he can restrain the bestial
urges of his animal spirits. There is a limit, however. One
should check those desires with his reason but never try
to crush them completely.

The Chinese ideograph for “man” illustrates how

God created reason and passion to be inseparable. The
stroke slanting left ()) represents descent from heaven,
the individualized spirit of God (the soul). The stroke ( )
slanting right, represents an animal on earth. The left
stroke, therefore, symbolizes control over the right, which
in turn acts to support the left, Man stands between the
divine () ) and the animal (\) , so he is a combination of
both. It is interesting that the ideograph for “man”
combines with that for “between” to mean “human being”
or “humanity.”

As long as the good nature in a man (his soul) is

even slightly stronger than the evil (his secondary, animal
spirit), his life will never deviate far from the will of God.
He may elevate himself to a state of godliness or debase
himself to the level of an animal, He is made so that he
can keep his desires under control. If his desires are left
uncontrolled, he loses his human qualities and falls into a
state of beastliness. If he is incapable of controlling evil
he will be unable to fulfill the wonder of humanity. In order
to realize this objective, he needs power. Only God can
give this power. That is why faith in Him necessary. With

The Birth of the New Civilization

true faith in God, a person is free from care and able to

attain eternal happiness.

The guardian spirit learned these things while

training in the spiritual world and does all it can to lead its
charge to righteousness and goodness. The secondary
spirit, on the other hand, tries to confound the soul and
lead people to evil, The conflict of good and evil produces
a constant struggle of the heart, something everyone
feels at some time when wrestling with certain problems.
The guardian spirit is also ordered by God to help
develop the character and ability that the person was
individually given in accordance with Gods design for the
whole world. Still, the guardian spirit must sometimes
cause him to suffer severely, in order to discipline and
refine his soul. How hard one is disciplined and how great
his affliction depend on the individual mission - if it is
greater, he suffers more. God may at any time command
the guardian spirit to change the individual’s mission in
life, at which point his destiny will be altered.

God conveys his command to the guardian spirit

through a divine spirit, which, like all other divine spirits,
has its own rank and task, just as people all have a
certain rank and individual task. The divine spirit that
directs each of us has a rank corresponding to our own.
There are infinite differences among people in their ability
and character, but each can be classified spiritually as
high, medium or low. Rank is generally manifested in the
position one achieves in the world. Those with the
greatest ability rise to the highest social positions. The

The Birth of the New Civilization

elite in each society is small, and the great number of

people are placed in the lower levels. God has planned a
role for everyone that fits perfectly into His overall design,
in which no position and no individual is either
superfluous or lacking. The distribution of human qualities
and positions is something like the abundance or scarcity
of minerals. Some are rare, like diamonds or platinum or
gold, and some are abundant, like lead or iron. Those
who become leaders of human society are rare, but
everyone, no matter his position, talents or
characteristics, has a role to perform. Each has his
mission, which only God can change. Class warfare has,
therefore, no place nor purpose in.

There is another phase of mental illness that can

afflict anyone, average or superior. It sometimes occurs
when a person rises in society. Among those who
become “great men” in the world some deviate from the
right path. They conceive mistaken ideas or commit evil
acts against God and man. Even the heroes in history
were often captivated by physical temptations brought by
animal spirits. After accomplishing their great ambitions
they submitted to temptation and ended their lives in
disgrace. When the spirit of the brain is about one - or
two - tenths depleted, a possessing spirit cannot take
control. But when people succeed in their work and attain
all that they desire, they often grow proud and selfish,
hastening the spiritual depletion of the brain. A powerful
animal spirit may take advantage of this condition and
possess such a person, or the secondary spirit may
become stronger and take over even one-third of the

The Birth of the New Civilization

brain. Judgment is weakened, and subsequent

undertakings embarked upon with confidence often fail

Thus, even someone considered a fine and strong

human being may be possessed without faith in God, The
animal spirit can then lead him to act upon wrong ideas,
and to fail miserably. When he is motivated by his own
selfish interests his failure is all the more extravagant
because he cannot receive Gods protection guidance.
When he acts out of concern for others, however even if
he fails, he will be given another chance under

The spiritual world is infested with all kinds of evil

spirits. If a man’s spirit is unguarded, it has openings and
those spirits can instantly possess him. They will deceive
man and lead him into evil that will bring only
unhappiness. To protect us from those harmful forces,
God has given each of us a guardian spirit, a spiritual
ally, so to speak. But we have to help our guardian spirit
receive spiritual strength. True faith in God will bring His
blessing and His divine power.

Epilepsy is a disease that only resembles mental

illness. It is caused when the spirit from a person who
has died suddenly or abnormally possesses a living man
or woman. It is a kind of possession that causes the
individual to appear to be dying during an epileptic
seizure. When possessed by the spirit of someone who
drowned, for example, he foams at the mouth and writhes

The Birth of the New Civilization

in agony. Some epileptics have seizures at the mere

sight of water. In their previous lives the possessing
spirits dwelt in people who either fell or were pushed into
water and were drowned; the fear of the last moments is
still with them. “Fire epilepsy” occurs when a person is
possessed by the spirit from one who was burnt to death.
Some epileptics have, morbid fear of snakes, certain
kinds of animals or insects, and they” may have seizures
at the mere sight of them. The possessing spirit comes
from a person who was killed in a previous life by one of
these creatures. Other epileptics have seizures in crowds
of people. In its previous life the host of such a spirit was
trampled to death by a crowd. All the various phobias can
be traced to the experience of the person in whom the
spirit once dwelt. Fear of riding trains, fear when
someone is behind you, and so forth, all stem from the
reincarnation of the spirit.

I experienced a very strange case once. It involved

a man who, whenever he was left alone at grew so afraid
that he would stand and wait outside the gate until other
members of the family returned. His fear can be
attributed to the shock he felt in his previous life when he
realized he was suddenly dying and he was all alone at
home. There are countless other cases of epilepsy or
phobia, all caused by similar situations.

Genuine infantile paralysis occurs primarily when a

child’s grandfather or grandmother died suddenly of
cerebral hemorrhage, without faith in God and the
afterlife. Even after such a person has entered the

The Birth of the New Civilization

spiritual realm, he does not realize he is dead. He thinks

he is still alive, but he does not have a physical body, and
so be seeks desperately for one. A law of the spiritual
world prevents one from possessing a stranger, so the
spirit looks for someone in his own spiritual lineage.
People in a given spiritual lineage are joined together by
the same spiritual cord, and since children are easy to
enter and possess, most of the earthbound spirits
possess their own grandchildren. Children have fever for
several days when infantile paralysis begins, then they
become mentally retarded or physically paralyzed or
both. The symptoms of this disease are similar to those
of a cerebral hemorrhage. We can see in that
resemblance the way lineage and the spiritual cord can
affect the manifestation of possession.

The Birth of the New Civilization


We have seen how destructively wrong medical

science has been in its approach to illness, and we have
talked much about what true healing is. If the basic
principles of that understanding are the guide in our
attempts to restore health in its true sense, the physical
and spiritual state of everyone will begin to improve.

No longer will we be bound by worries of present or

impending illness, no longer will only some of us be
“healthy” while others suffer. As true healing gradually
spreads and the health of more people is restored,
human society will begin to approach a state of perfect
and permanent health. I speak of an ideal that is clearly
within reach of attainment, as proven by actual cases of
healing that stand before us. It is therefore crucial for
human happiness that this teaching be fully understood
and its healing practiced everywhere, for until that day
people will continue to suffer from unnecessary ailments
and waste their lives in vain treatment.

To restore health to man means to give new life

and freedom from affliction, not only to his body but to his
spirit also. It means, therefore, the destruction of two
most fearsome enemies: poverty and war. Man does not
have to suffer. But medical science has become firmly
implanted in human society over the course of many
centuries. It has harmed us the most, but blindly
deceived, and knowing no alternative, people continue to
grip what is almost a religious faith in medicine.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The long tradition of medical theory and practice

and the tenacity of belief in medicine would make the
task of reeducation impossible for an ordinary person. I
must perform this most difficult task, no matter what the
obstacles; I must embark on my mission immediately and
inform the whole of mankind of God’s revelation before it
is too late. For blind devotion to modern medicine and
modern science in general will only intensify suffering and
eventually bring about the demise of all civilized men on

When my efforts finally bear fruit, awakening many

to the meaning of true healing, the world will witness a
revolutionary change in the field of medicine. It will be the
most thorough shakeup that man has experienced, far
larger in scale and more serious in its implications than
any war could ever be. A war is limited in both time and
space; the next major war will be no exception. By
contrast, the medical revolution will sweep over the entire
human race and its consequences will endure for

A world without sickness - something no one has

ever been able to fully conceive even in their most
fanciful dreams - what would it mean for the human

Without affliction people would live much longer,

well over one hundred years, fulfilling one of our most
longed-for ideals. We cannot know the lifespan of

The Birth of the New Civilization

prehistoric man, but for the historical period, there exist

no records of a time when the average lifespan exceeded
a century. People were almost always destroyed too
early by sickness. Sometimes a calamity or external
accident killed them, but even apart from such
circumstances, they died unnatural deaths from illness;
hastened, abnormal death. To die of illness is definitely
an unnatural way to end life. A natural death, therefore,
would clearly mean a longer life. To die in health would
mean to die considerably later than today’s average age.
Death at an age well beyond one hundred would be quite

So we are faced with early, unnatural death, and

we know that the basic cause of that is clouds in the
spiritual body. As described earlier, the clouds form as a
result of two things: human sin and medicinal poisons.
There is, however, another source of clouds in the spirit.
Clouds can be generated from agricultural fertilizers. We
cannot date the first use of fertilizer because the
cultivation of plants is ancient beyond our knowledge, but
we can be certain that its use is very, very old.

Agriculture in Japan has used manure and animal

fertilizers, and more recently chemical or synthetic ones,
which are also used in foreign countries. They, too, had
fertilizers of some sort long before the present chemical
substances were introduced. Artificial matter applied to
plant life is harmful to the human body; but no one knew
that until recently. Fertilizer appears to benefit the entire
plant once it is absorbed. No one has ever worried about

The Birth of the New Civilization

possible aftereffects in the fertilized plants or possible

harm to those people or animals who consume them.

The prevailing attitude has been much like that of

people toward medicine in their bodies. They looked only
for perceptible signs of “progress” --- physical relief never
even imagining that both fertilizer and medicine always
leave toxins behind to accumulate everywhere, including
plants. Divine revelation, however, led me to discover
that the volume of poison actually decreases by the time
the plant bears fruit, but it never really disappears.

Mr. Rodell, the president of a large dairy business

in the United States, recently published the results of
many years of work with dairy cows. If you feed cows on
fodder, he said, that was grown on chemical fertilizer, the
cows will have poor health and give very inferior milk.
Cows kept on feed grown only with compost, on the other
hand, are robust and give rich, abundant milk, according
to his report. Rodell’s unceasing efforts to let others know
what he discovered were rewarded when his theory was
gradually acknowledged and his work finally supported by
the American government.

An article in an American agricultural journal (1951)

reports that the validity of Rodell’s experience has been
substantiated both by theoretical scientists and actual
testing. The public was eventually convinced that he had
hit upon something very important. Rodell went on to say
that seriously debilitating and fatal diseases have
increased since the introduction of synthetic substances

The Birth of the New Civilization

into living organisms. Despite the use of compost, this

interested me greatly, for Rodell’s work seemed to grasp
at least a part of what I have been trying to tell people for
more than twenty years. Some are more receptive than
others, however, and I found that my own countrymen,
even when told that their very lives were being
threatened by medicine and fertilizer, paid not the least
attention. They are even less inclined to listen to a
religious teacher. They think he is simply expounding
some crazy superstition. Such thinking is the most
serious obstacle to positive development of civilization.

These three - sin, medicine and fertilizer - are the

parents of sickness, and it is in their elimination that the
first step toward salvation lies. It would be possible to
stop the use of all medicine, fertilizer and compost almost
at once if there were the will to do so, but to wipe out sin
is far more difficult. We cannot cleanse ourselves of sin
without the help of faith, and no path but belief in God
can offer us a way to salvation.

A great event is about to take place, and all people

should have hope, for with the coming of the Age of Day,
sin will vanish and those with faith will be saved.

The Birth of the New Civilization


Night becomes Day - this is the great change taking

place in the spiritual world - when the Age of Night gives
way to the Age of Day. Completely different from the
dawn bringing a new day out of night in the physical
world, this is a momentous event of the universe. To
understand it is to understand the future of the world and
to grasp the mysteries lying far beyond the intellect. This
world is composed of the three material, atmospheric,
and spiritual realms. The cycle of night and day occurs in
the material and atmospheric worlds. It is perceptible by
the senses and can be measured in physical terms. The
changes of Night and Day in the spiritual world, however,
are subtle and elusive. They are almost completely
imperceptible by the human senses. Without revelation
from God, I, too, would never have become aware of
anything so far away from my physical perceptions, but
my divine mission has brought me the knowledge that
only God can give of the changes of Night and Day in the
spiritual world.

He revealed that just as day and night in the

physical world occur in a twenty-four-hour period, Day
and Night in the spiritual world also occur in periods - in
ten-year, hundred-year, thousand-year and in ten
thousand-year periods. Each change in the spiritual world
takes place with absolute regularity. It is then reflected
later in the world of man, but as an echo, losing its
regularity and reverberating sometimes soon, sometimes
long after the event. Think back about the long history of

The Birth of the New Civilization

the world. Every change, major or minor, is an echo of

the shifting Night-Day cycle in the spiritual world. Of all
the changes reflected in our world, however, one is vitally
important - the great transformation to paradise. Change
in the spiritual world began on June 15, 1931, and this
crucial period in the total change is to last exactly thirty
years, until June 15, 1961. Thirty years may seem a long
time, but it is only a moment in God’s plan for the
universe. If we add the time for preparation and
adjustment before and after the thirty-year period is taken
into account, the whole present phase of the
transformation covers more than sixty years. Before it
began we were living deep in the Age of Night dominated
by the Moon. Then the change began, so gradually that
we noticed nothing different. But the Age of Day has
arrived, and the words of the founders of the great
religions, Jesus Christ, Sakyamuni Buddha and
Mohammed, are being fulfilled.

The Birth of the New Civilization


One of the Buddhist sutras describes Sakyamuni’s

vision of the coming of the Maitreya-bodhisattva in five
billion six hundred and seventy million years. He
predicted that when the bodhisattva descends to this
world one will be able to travel thousands of miles without
himself moving, to hear voices from thousands of miles
away and to receive whatever one wishes from equally
distant places. The world of the Maitreya-bodhisattva was
certainly beyond the imagination of people in
Sakyamuni’s time. But modern civilization, by making
these very things possible at least physically, has already
brought us the world of the Maitreya-bodhisattva.

What has troubled Buddhists is the enormous time

that Sakyamuni said it would take for the bodhisattva to
come down to this world. As I see it, this is no problem at
all. It is simply a mistake to accept the figure literally, for
Sakyamuni could not have seriously prophesied a world
in such a distant future with any intention of exactness. It
is sheer nonsense to talk about what the world will be like
in 5,670,000,000 years when no one knows what will
happen to the earth itself. Rather than taking the figure at
its face value, we should interpret it as a series of
numbers (5), (6) and (7). That gives an orderly pattern to
the world of the Maitreya-bodhisattva based on the series
of numbers, with (5) standing for Sun, (6) for Moon, and
(7) for Earth. Let me elaborate.

The Birth of the New Civilization

The relationship between Sun, Moon and Earth in

the spiritual world is comparable to that in the physical
world. The Age of Night prevails as long as Sun does not
rise. During the night in the physical world the moon is
above illuminating the world, but as it moves around the
earth and finally disappears in the west, the sun rises in
the east to shine in the sky during the day. Similarly, in
the Age of Day in the spiritual world, Sun (Fire) rises up
and shines over Earth (Soil) through Air. Air, or the
atmospheric world, is composed of Water, which is of
course the essence of Moon. The order of -the spiritual
world in the Age of Day will be in perfect harmony with
the Divine Will and will be symbolized by the numbers 5,6
and 7. Sakyamuni called this the world of the Maitreya-

In response to a question from one of his disciples

on the essence of Buddhism, Sakyamuni said, essence is
tathata”. “Tathata” means “reality” or “the true form of
things”, as in the phrase “the moon in its true form”. By
referring to tathata as the essence of Buddhism,
Sakyamuni implied that his teachings have by nature the
attributes of Moon. Sakyamuni Buddhism is thus a
religion of the Age of Night. Sakyamuni described this
world as the impure land, the burning house where
sentient beings live, and also as the world of suffering.
He also classified human suffering into four types: birth,
old age, sickness and death. One of the three laws of
Buddhism is the impermanence of all conditioned things.
The other two are the nonsubstantial nature of all things

The Birth of the New Civilization

of this world and the law that nirvana (extinction) is


All these expressions contained in Sakyamuni’s

teaching reveal the nature of the Age of Night. From the
moment of birth into this world of suffering, man is
destined to suffer, unable to escape his painful burden. In
this world of darkness it is useless to keep great hopes. A
man does not know what fate may befall him at any
moment, and for him there is no peace of mind. Our
provisional world renders everything non-substantial in
the end. Nothing is or can be permanent, no matter how
much we try to create permanence. All human desire is
nothing but an illusion, temporary and relative. Rather
than struggling to escape, man should seek spiritual
enlightenment for ultimate peace. Sakyamuni’s teachings
thus offer a profound grasp of the Age of Night, which
has been in perfect harmony with the Creator’s plan; man
in the Age of Night has no choice but to suffer and wait
for the advent of the Age of Day, the world of ultimate
truth where God’s providence will be finally and fully

The Birth of the New Civilization


Buddhism and Christianity have played important

roles in God’s divine plan and their development is
closely related to the function of good and evil. Buddhism
best represents the vertical development of the divine
plan, while Christianity represents the horizontal
development. God has been carrying out His plan in both
its vertical and horizontal aspects for thousands of years
in order to create the paradise of true civilization on earth.
Underlying the horizontal part of His plan is material
civilization, or science. The progress of our civilization is
the realization which began with Christianity, of the
horizontal aspect of the divine plan.

Let us look at the wider scope of the religions

together with the problem of good and evil. To explain
good and evil has been one of the biggest challenges to
philosophers and priests since the beginning of history.
Practically no one has succeeded. The mystery of good
and evil, is a problem known only to the Lord of the great
universe, the cosmic will. Full knowledge is far beyond
any human power, even any divine being. Only the
Supreme God is omniscient and knows. Attempts to
solve it by individuals have depended on imagination,
and that can stretch no further than the human mind will

My own meditations on good and evil would

otherwise be limited by the -same bounds, but with God’s
revelation, I have understood the true teaching on good

The Birth of the New Civilization

and evil. I express what God Himself has told me, not
what I have gleaned from my imagination. He has
entrusted me with the fulfillment of His will, to carry out
the building of paradise on this earth; I begin my work by
announcing that the time for change has come. It is time
that all people understand good and evil as God revealed
them. I will recount only what God allows, but I will speak
in the way that men might not be overwhelmed by
knowledge that transcends their understanding. Even
then, I shall speak of things of which no one has ever
dreamed, things so broad and far-arranging that many
concepts are simply inexpressible in ordinary terms.

The purpose of God’s eternal providence is a world

of perfect truth, virtue and beauty on earth, He ordained
material civilization to progress just far enough that He
could use it in creating the new, ideal world that is now
imminent. If we look at history and civilization today in
this light, we can see how God’s plan has been steadily
worked out. It embraces everything in the universe,
natural, human and social. But how do the great conflicts
that cause such suffering for mankind fit into the plan?
They are caused by evil. The most profound question is,
then, why God, who is love itself, created evil. This has
posed a problem that man has long struggled vainly to
solve. If we search the past we discover part of the
enigma of evil - the great contribution human conflict has
made to progress in civilization. If mankind had lived only
in peace, abjuring all fighting and conflict, cultural and
social development would have been far less rapid,
perhaps producing nothing that could properly be called

The Birth of the New Civilization

civilization. Certainly the kind of ‘advanced” civilization

that we live in today would never have evolved. Thus,
war and poverty and pain are all functions of evil locked
in a ceaseless struggle to overcome good and fulfilling a
significant historical role. What is important however is
that evil has never been given free rein to range wantonly
boundlessly through the world. Through history re can
see how evil has been limited, but we might wonder why.
The reason is all too clear: if evil had been allowed
limitless power human society would have been doomed,
it would have been impossible to accomplish anything or
work with a sense of security, or even to lead a peaceful
life. The world might have become a world of demons
and orderless destructive chaos.

So it was necessary to control evil. That is why

religions were born. One of the most significant was
Christianity. Whereas Sakyamuni’s teachings are based
on the hope of personal spiritual enlightenment, or
absolute peace of mind through meditation, Jesus
teachings emphasize salvation, which begins with human
love for other men. Christianity is a religion of and in this
world which stresses the physical oneness of men in
human community. Love for humanity, the basic teaching
of Christianity, became a powerful agent in the regulation
and control of evil. Because they had Christian love,
Western societies were saved from becoming abodes of
evil and instead have made the magnificent progress we
know today. This role, which enabled Christians to
withstand the full power of evil, gave the birth of
Christianity its main significance.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Evil, however, was finally destined to be checked

and all its activities brought under tight control. That time
is now here. Consider the development of the modern
instruments of war, for example. The discovery of atomic
fission is a powerful sign of a possibly catastrophic
destiny for the human race. It is a clear warning to us that
the time has come when evil, the source of all strife, must
retreat to a minor role. As Night gives way to Day, evil
must give way to good.

Yet, as evil itself has a function in the divine plan,

then must atheism serve a specific and profound
purpose. If human history had been rooted only in belief
in God, the emergence of the force of evil would have
b9en precluded, also barring the emergence of strife of
any kind. Mankind would have lived contentedly in peace.
Material science, had it even developed at all, would not
have progressed, and it would have been impossible to
create the civilization necessary as preparation for
paradise on earth. As the years and centuries passed,
atheism grew stronger. That tendency embodied the
primary value people placed on the physical aspects of
everything and it stimulated the advent of the brilliant
material civilization of our world. Of course, those who
believe only in the material could not possibly have
understood God’s profound reason for allowing the
spread of atheism.
But God has decided that non-belief, the most basic
of all evils, should no longer be tolerated, for now it only
impedes the progress of the divine plan. It is time for

The Birth of the New Civilization

those who do not believe in God to quickly awaken, for if

they do not, their non-belief will doom them to
destruction. The great change has come when good will
triumph. Those who try to obstruct the divine work during
the period of change will not physically survive God’s
wrath. They have a chance, however, and can take the
way that God has opened to salvation. The method of
awakening them to the existence of God, and to His way,
is what we call Johrei.

Johrei works in many ways. A multitude of people

with serious diseases coming to us for help have been
blessed with complete recovery in a very short period and
through Johrei they have been awakened to the very real
existence of God. Many have repented their lack of belief,
abandoning their atheism at once. The many testimonials
to personal experience with Johrei in our newspapers
and other publications offer heartwarming, joyful proof of
the truth of Johrei. Our goal exists to help those to repent
in whom evil reigns, who are threatened with destruction;
to help them know that God in His great love intends to
save as many of them as possible.

Evil has served a specific purpose up until now, but

from now on it will have only a secondary, significance
and its power will be largely restrained. Many aspects of
the nature we know have already become useless or will
soon disappear from lack of function. The social and
biological history of man and his environment
demonstrate clearly the working of such a principle, It has

The Birth of the New Civilization

been partially described, in fact, by the theory of natural


To outline that process very roughly, after the earth

was formed, its crust remained fragile for a long, long
time. As it gradually hardened, however, soil began to
accumulate. The seed of plants was created, to he sown
and to bear fruit. Many varieties of plants gradually
spread out over the earth. The conditions required for life
were prepared and God created human beings, together
with many other creatures. Early man was probably
constantly threatened by fierce animals of many kinds; he
probably spent most of his life having to cope with these
ferocious creatures. Most of these prehistoric animals,
which we have discovered preserved in fossils9 ancient
skeletons and bones have been eliminated by now
through the process of natural selection, but they
illustrate the interesting fact that when a creature is overly
harmful to man or loses its usefulness, it gradually
becomes more and more rare and then dies out. Many
species dangerous to both humans and domestic animals
seem to have disappeared with a steady regularity that
makes one think that someday the word “animal” will
pertain to domesticated creatures only. As civilization
advanced some things that once served a specific
purpose became superfluous. Just as the process of
natural selection dictated their ultimate extinction,
selection by natural law dictates which creatures will
continue to exist. Human beings are no exception. Man
himself is controlled by natural law. But how are human

The Birth of the New Civilization

beings selected? What determines whether or not an

individual will survive is the evil that he has within himself.

Evil will soon be unnecessary - in fact, detrimental

to plan. Because it will have ceased to serve a purpose, it
will be eliminated - through the process of natural
selection those who are evil will be no longer fit to survive
and they will be selected out. Man was originally a
primitive being, quite like an animal. He developed with
his present human appearance but with the nature of the
beast still inside him. The divine plan has ordained that
the element of bestiality remaining will go, and man will
become a perfect being. Those who cannot obey the will
of God will disappear. Our earthly paradise will come into
existence as evil men are selected out and those
remaining will be good, with purity of spirit.

The Birth of the New Civilization


We come now to the vertical order and the

horizontal order in the spiritual world, not for the first time,
but here to show their importance in understanding the
truth about the universe. I wrote that the essence of Sun
is Fire, which burns vertically, and the essence of Moon
is Water, which flows horizontally. That pattern brings the
prime quality of height to Sun, and space to Moon. Thus,
in the atmospheric world right above our earth we find the
spiritual elements of Fire and Water running together in a
perpendicular pattern of motion, something like the
weaving of an infinitely dense fabric, with burning fire as
the warp and flowing water as the woof. It is possible to
feel the effects of this atmospheric motion. When we lie
down, our bodies are chilled by the element of Water
flowing alongside as the woof; when we stand upright the
warp of Fire warms our bodies.

Fire is spiritual, metaphysical and positive (yang),

while Water is material, physical and negative (yin).
Eastern and Western cultures can be qualified in the
same way if one considers the spiritual orientation of
Eastern culture as comparatively stronger. This is the
warp of world culture which interacts with the more
materialistic, physically oriented Western culture, the
woof, whose modern science and technology have so
affected the world. Among religions as well, the one that
best represents the vertical element in God’s divine plan
is Buddhism, and that which represents the horizontal is
Christianity. The emphasis on veneration of ancestors

The Birth of the New Civilization

and protective care for offspring is in harmony with the

vertical orientation of Buddhism, (it is no coincidence that
the word also has the meaning of vertical, or “warp”) In
contrast, the major religion of the West, Christianity, is
horizontally oriented, centered around the man Jesus and
is expressed by love for all men, marital love and love for
one’s neighbors. The vertical orientation of Buddhism
obviates the necessity to proselytize making it more or
less isolationist, but Christianity’s concern with horizontal
relationships enables expansion through different
cultures and countries, God’s action through both vertical
and horizontal has been sustained through thousands of
years in preparation for the of civilization of paradise on

The advent of Christianity and the growth of

material on were both part of God’s plan for the
horizontal. With the birth of Christ, the divine plan took on
worldwide relevanve, marking the beginning of the
parallel development of material civilization (the age of
science) and Christian culture. What has been most
unfortunate for the world is that both Eastern and
Western cultures have been either excessively spiritual or
overly materialistic. As a result they have become
mutually incompatible. The woof and the warp have failed
to mesh, and mankind has bad to suffer in the seemingly
never-ending chaos of the present world. If a balanced
fusion of the warp (spiritual orientation) and the woof
(material or physical orientation) can be achieved, it will
be possible to build a full and complete culture. Is that
possible? When and how will that fusion take place? I

The Birth of the New Civilization

can say that it will take place in our time. It is my

testament that will spread across cultures to bring
horizontal and vertical together into a perfect harmony
which will change the world.

Central to my teaching is the belief in perfect

harmony and a correlative, infinite flexibility, a balance
between vertical and horizontal as well as limitless
freedom to act in either direction. The principle of a free
and flexible balance between the warp and the woof -
between the spiritual and the physical – should also
govern the emotional and intellectual life of the individual.
Man’s heart should always be in the center of this
balance. To put it another way, man is best advised to
think and behave according to common sense, faithful to
his true emotions. This is precisely the reason why our
teaching attaches such overriding importance to common
sense, moderation, and balanced thinking and behavior.
So often we look down on people of common sense as
simply too ordinary, and possibly dull. More often than
not, we mistake biased judgment as a mark of greatness.
That is regrettable, for history shows that biased
judgment dooms a person to failure, even though he may
achieve temporary fame. He will never achieve true
greatness. Bias in favor of the vertical orientation may be
high but it is narrow, just as a too - pronounced horizontal
orientation tends to produce breadth, but shallowness.
The ideal lies in a balance between the two, although the
law of spiritual predominance over the physical applies to
this as well as to any other relationship.

The Birth of the New Civilization

God’s plan is so completely ordered that as long as

the balance is maintained, to keep the spiritual
predominant over the physical, nothing will go wrong. But
once the balance is broken and the physical gains power
over the spiritual, the divine will is contravened and the
order collapses, producing failure, unhappiness and

The Birth of the New Civilization



The Birth of the New Civilization


As we come to the end of this testimony, I want to

say something about the coming paradise. What follows
is the basic design of the New Age, the True Civilization.
It may appear far removed from anything approaching
reality, but it is a fact, established by God’s plan It will be
a paradise on earth built by the people of the world in
obedience to God’s will, built in the true form of Nature,
Natures universe is governed by Sun, Moon and Earth.
The energies emanating from the essence of these three
- Fire, Water and Soil - sustain all creation and growth in
the infinite development of the world. The spiritual world
has been darkened by the Age of Night, and Sun has
been overshadowed by Moon and Earth. The Age of
Night distorted the natural order of Sun over Moon and
Earth, so that Sun was dominated by Moon and Earth.
The distortion produced chaos in the world and loss of
harmony. It made the place we inhabit truly an earthly
hell. But the chaos of conflict between good and evil has
been necessary ultimately to realize the
incomprehensibly profound law of divine providence.
During the Age of Night great religions emerged to
discourage evil and ease man’s suffering in this world,
The Buddhist idea of “this world of pain” and the Christian
concepts of Atonement and “love thy neighbor” are all
great teachings guided by the will to bring man’s
salvation in the Age of Night.

It will soon become the Age of Day. The distorted

universal order will be righted, and Sun will gain its

The Birth of the New Civilization

ordained place over Moon and Earth. The world will

undergo a transformation whose scale and quality cannot
be imagined. The entire cultural configuration of human
society will also change to reflect the true form of Nature.
All organizations of any kind will be composed of three
levels, each of which will divide into two, making a total of
six in three pairs. From each pair will spring one, which,
together with their “parents,” makes a total of nine. The
coming paradise on earth will have the configuration of
the numerals 3-6-9. Let us look at the implications of this
in a more concrete glimpse of the Age of flay.

International relations will enter a wholly new stage.

National boundaries will remain more or less as they are,
but will lose all practical meaning as the discrepancies of
power between countries disappear. There have been
two types of invasion in history - those unavoidable, if not
justifiable, and those committed out of territorial or other
ambitions. At times a country was compelled to seek
outlets for its excessive population, resorting to military
force if it could find no other way. This produced wars of
aggression. In the Age of Day, no country will perpetrate
wars of aggression against another, as there will be no
need and no reason for invasion. In the coming paradise
no such conflict will arise from overpopulation. For one
thing, peaceful adjustment in the distribution of population
will solve the problems of small and crowded countries
like Japan. A World Assembly will use the most rational
and fair means to reapportion excessive population to
sparsely populated areas. The Assembly will also find
solutions to other problems that may arise. Its

The Birth of the New Civilization

representatives will be unmoved by narrow national or

private interests, but will be guided solely by a perfect
sense of justice. Distinct from the World Assembly, each
country will continue to have some kind of national
parliament whose members will act not on the basis of
personal or partisan interest but on the principle of
universalism and love for humanity. Instead of spending
their time politicking or debating nonsense, or, as we see
sometimes today – fighting – they will work in efficiency
and harmony on matters that are important. The time
they spend on debate will be reduced to a fraction of
what it is in most countries today. A national parliament in
the Age of Day will meet only once every three months
for three half—day sessions. Less meeting time will be
necessary as there will be fewer political problems to
solve and fewer laws to be enacted. Laws are necessary
only to restrain the conduct of evil men, but in a world
free from evil and filled with good people the need for a
system of laws will be minimal. Conflict of interests will
also be far less intense than it is today. A legislature will
function, then, only to make national decisions on matters
that are essential to the working of society. The idea of a
world government, such as we sometimes hear talked
about today, is in itself a step forward toward the earthly
paradise. The World Assembly will choose the chief
executive of the world government, whose term of office
will be three years. Delegates to the Assembly will be
selected from among members of each national
assembly in proportion to tie population of the country.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Finally, the second type of invasion - how will the

problem of aggressive wars for territorial ambitions be
resolved? They will be categorically terminated. No
country will have anything like armed force with which to
invade another. International disputes, if there are any,
will be resolved peacefully, just as population
imbalances, unequal distribution of resources or wealth
and other inequities will be adjusted with fairness and

The Birth of the New Civilization


I wake at six this morning. From my pillow comes

the faint sound of music that gradually becomes so loud
that I cannot go back to sleep, so I get up. I realize that
the music comes from an alarm clock that has been
placed inside my pillow.

I wash my face and have my breakfast, which is

half Japanese and half Western and consists of miso
bean-paste soup, bread made from rice flour, a little fish
and meat, vegetables, a cup of coffee, and some green
tea. I then turn to read the day’s newspaper and find
some interesting news. Featured on the front page is an
article about the coming election of a world president.
Election day is only a few days away. The article includes
the names and photographs of candidates from several
countries—France, Germany, Indochina, Japan,
somewhere in South America, the Soviet Union (by this
time that nation’s name has changed), the United
Kingdom, and the United States of America. The article
says that a p0II indicates that the candidate from the
United States will win the greatest number of votes.

I turn to the human-interest section. Strangely,

there are almost no crime reports. Most of the articles I
see, and they are plentiful, report on artistic activities and
hobbies, such as sports, travel, musical and art events,
plays, and motion pictures. Editorially, the articles are
intelligently compiled and written in a style that is not in
the least tedious. Succinct and to the point, unlike the
The Birth of the New Civilization

convoluted and diffuse stories of long ago, they can be

read quickly. Care has been taken to keep reader interest

Another feature that is so different about today’s

paper is the liberal use of photographs; half the
newspaper is text and half is photographs. Looking at the
advertising section, I find it quite different from that of the
old papers. There are no advertisements for medicines
and very few for cosmetics, but many for books, clothing,
food, and housing. There is also much advertising for
machines and new inventions. These advertisements all
contain more pictures and less text. I am able to read the
entire paper in about fifteen minutes.

I have finished the paper with a very pleasant,

comfortable feeling. No wonder! All my windows are quite
large, and the room is very bright and cheerful. There is
no need for security equipment. I hear later that stories of
burglars breaking into hornes have become tales of the
old days. What a splendid world, I think.

I want to go out. Dressed in handsome clothes, I

get into my car. I am amazed by the beauty of the town.
The entire place looks like a flower garden. Interestingly, I
encounter no vehicles but automobiles. This is natural,
because the trains and streetcars run underground. Only
automobiles use the streets, and they are noiseless.
Finding this curious, I look carefully at the streets and find
that the roadways seem to be paved with cork. I look
more closely and see that the paving material is

The Birth of the New Civilization

something like rubber mixed with sawdust and that it is

elastic and resilient. The windows and other parts of the
rubber-tired automobiles that run on this surface are
assembled so that they create no noise. Moreover, when
it rains, the water is absorbed by the pavement, so there
are no puddles.

The cars are powered by a bit of ore about the size

of a finger tip. This ore is marvelous because it can
propel a car for kilometers and kilometers. It is something
like uranium or plutonium and produces energy through
atomic fission. A chauffeur is not needed because
anyone can drive a vehicle smoothly just by grasping the
control bar lightly with one hand. Of course, extravagant
people can employ a chauffeur if they choose.

The town is beautiful. I am surprised to find fruit

trees planted between the roadways and sidewalks in the
same way that ginkgo and sycamore trees used to line
the streets in the old days. Tall fig, persimmon, and
loquat trees are interspersed among shorter mandarin
orange, peach, and pear trees. Islands still separate the
roadway lanes as in the old days, but the islands are
covered with numerous varieties of flowering bushes and
shrubs bordered by small flowering plants of all kinds. I
sometimes catch the scent of a flower whose name I
don’t know. I think the most beautiful sight is an area of
town where for about a kilometer and a half a river bank
is lined with hydrangeas of various colors in full bloom.

The Birth of the New Civilization

Another beautiful place is a street completely lined

with dahlias in full bloom. Above the footpaths on either
side of the roadway, ripe clusters of grapes hang from
sheltering arbors. In other places I see wisteria arbors,
but the wisteria have finished blooming and the trellises
are covered with rich green leaves. Considerately, cafés
with chairs and tables are placed here and there along
the footpaths so that pedestrians can stop and be served
simple drinks while they enjoy the flowers.

Everywhere are small parks where children play

merrily. Since there are two or three parks in every
district of town, it is a paradise for children, too. Also
attractive are the extensive flower beds in the center of
each park. Among the flower beds are several imitation-
stone ponds in which water lilies float. All the plants in
town are watered at regular intervals throughout the day
by pipes set around the garden beds. These pipes are
square bands of cement pierced with innumerable holes,
and when the valves are opened water spurts out of the
holes onto the plants, like water from a spring.

Another surprise is that fine weather and rain can

be controlled. Rain is scheduled to fall in the morning or
afternoon of a certain day or fine weather is set to last
until a particular time. Pleasant, gentle breezes blow at
intervals of several days, but occasionally a strong wind
is needed so that the roots of certain plants can develop.
There is an ancient saying, “Breeze every five days, rain
every ten.” I think that expression must have been a

The Birth of the New Civilization

prediction of this age. Control of the weather is, of

course, a product of the advance of science.

While driving along the streets of the town I find

something specialty interesting. Here and there are what
look like huge boxes the size of small residences, but
they are covered entirely with glass. I see inside these
boxes a large number of conifers — pine, cedar, cypress,
larch, and many other kinds of evergreens. The
temperature inside the boxes is maintained at a constant
ten degrees Celsius. These air-conditioned structures
have been installed to provide artificial oases for those
who must walk the streets under the burning summer
sun. The equipment for all the gardens is supervised by a
person rich in horticultural knowledge who has been
appointed by the officials of each district. Young
volunteers work in different specialties under this

Next, I drive slowly along streets lined with various

kinds of stores and study them carefully. The symmetry,
beauty, and dignity of the architecture are truly a pleasure
to the eye. Gaudy colors are not used, and there are no
tasteless buildings that look like matchboxes. The stores
have huge, bright windows. The lighting is all pleasant
and soft, and paintings and sculptures are used
effectively. Some of the larger stores give the impression
of being art museums.

During my outing, it has become early evening,

although it does not seem like evening. No wonder! High-

The Birth of the New Civilization

intensity lamps are set above the streets at regular

intervals. Unlike incandescent light, the rays from these
lamps produce a white glow of astonishing brightness.
The light is easily mistaken for that of the noonday sun.
All the town’s colors are clear to my eyes.

I would like readers to imagine a town such as I

have just described. In it hundreds of flowers are in full
bloom, their fragrances permeating the entire area.
Different varieties of trees are bearing fruit. The
community is incredibly quiet, not like a town at all, and
very pleasant to stroll through. Window-shopping is much
like viewing art exhibits. Even in a large store, just one or
two employees are enough to do the necessary work. Ali
merchandise bears price tags. Anyone can pick up items
for inspection. Customers satisfied with the price and the
written description of an item can purchase it by putting
their money and the price tag in a box at the store’s
entrance. A machine automatically wraps merchandise
as small, medium, or large packages, attaching a cord to
make carrying easy. Shopping is indeed simple.

I feel hungry, so I enter a restaurant. I look around

but cannot find any attendants. To one side of the
entrance, I see a display of many delicious-looking dishes
labeled with letters of the alphabet. As I sit down in a
vacant chair, I discover my table has a number. I push
the buttons that I find in a comer of the table, pushing first
my table number and then the letter of the dish I want.
Immediately, the desired dish appears before me. In the
middle of the table is a dish-sized hole through which the

The Birth of the New Civilization

things I order arrive one after another. No explanation is

necessary, and the meal is quick, pleasant, and
satisfying. I had heard such a system existed in the
twentieth century, but I don’t think that system was as
completely developed as this one is. Alcoholic beverages
and other drinks arrive through the same opening, but
only a restricted amount of an alcoholic beverage will be

I find a button that says “account,” and I realize I

should push it. The bill arrives immediately. I put the
correct amount of money on the tray, which goes back
down into the opening. My receipt then appears almost
instantaneously. How simple!

My stomach is satisfied and it is still early, so I

decide to go to a theater. I am surprised to find there are
so many. In any town you find theaters everywhere, and
what surprises me most is that admission fees are so
low. I cannot imagine how the owners manage to make
ends meet, 50 I ask a manager how they can operate
and am told how the system works. All theaters are run
by wealthy patrons as a service to the community, so
there is hardly a need for admission fees. Yet the
magnificent buildings and appointments are exquisitely
beautiful, and spectators are admitted only 50 long as
there are seats for them, so I can watch the program in
perfect comfort.

When I enter, movies are being shown, and I enjoy

them very much. The films are the products of a joint

The Birth of the New Civilization

U.S.-Japan company. Two films are being shown, one

American and one Japanese. The American movie is a
historical account of the period that begins with the
Puritans crossing the Atlantic Ocean to colonize North
America and ends with the American Revolution. The
Japanese movie is about a man who could be called a
scientist of spiritual matters and who struggles to
revolutionize medical science and discovers the solution
to disease. I find both movies very interesting. After the
movies, as added entertainment, there is a television
show. It seems to be a play being performed in another
theater. Since I am tired, I return home and go to bed.

As I lie in bed, I think about all the things I have

experienced this day, and I tell myself that now the
human dream has come true. I am deeply moved to
realize that this world is the utopia, the ideal, that
humankind has so long dreamed of. My curiosity has
been so aroused that I must learn all I can about the
civilization of the new age. I decide that I will study each
facet one by one. Readers are no doubt as curious as I to
know all about this new world, so I will report everything I

It is the next day and a friend of mine who lives in

the neighborhood invites me to go with him to an
interesting place. We travel to a central part of a town
where there is a building so splendid I can hardly believe
it is real. This building includes a theater, a restaurant,
and a fully equipped playground. I ask my friend what this
building is, and he says it is the public center and that

The Birth of the New Civilization

every community has one or two. He goes on to tell me

that the community residents assemble at the public
center once a week to discuss various matters. They talk
about the growth of the town and seek ways to better the
welfare of the townspeople, such as by improving
sanitation and increasing amusements.
First we go to the dining room and eat. The food
tastes exquisite and the beverages are superior.
Everything is beyond compare with what we had a
hundred years earlier. I ask my friend about some of the
other activities at the public center, and he tells me that
once a week there is a “day of happiness,” when
everyone gathers to eat delicious food, listen to good
music, and see some form of entertainment, such as
plays or dances, enjoying themselves to the fullest
degree. On these occasions, young people from the
neighborhood proudly appear on stage to sing, act, or
dance, displaying the skills they have acquired. Amateur
and professional entertainers perform together. All
expenses are met by donations from the wealthy
members of the community, who contribute for the
welfare of society.

Amazingly, travel is popular in this new world.

National parks, high mountains, seashores, and islands
with nice scenery are always vibrant with visitors from
many places. Transportation is so advanced that the
most deluxe of electric cars, cable cars, trains, and ships
are found everywhere, even in remote, secluded areas.
Yet fares are so low that travel is almost free. This is
possible because wealthy individuals contribute funds as

The Birth of the New Civilization

a social service. All these explanations are given me

during the intermission, and I am very impressed.



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