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Settlements with intramural burials and extramural cemeteries

from the KarallOVO 1-V periods

Кrиm вАсу AROV (Sofia)

Неге 1 systematize in ап alphabetical order а11 the sites from modem Bulgaria where burials
from the Кагапоуо 1-V periods ог from contemporaneous cultural developments have Ьееп
found (fig. 1). Only the most detailed publications аге presented in а short mаппег (for fu11
references see Liсhагdus-Ittеп/Liсhагdusin this volume).

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• Flat site
- Tell
_ Cemetery

Fig. 1. Burials of the Karanovo 1 - V periods in Bulgaria (numbers corresponding with the list).

1. Azmak, Stara Zagora district

А te11. Intramural burials in а contracted pOSltlOn, between houses ог under house floors,
from а11 Neolithic layers, mainly from Level 111 (Azmak variant of the Кагапоуо 1 culture);
опе co11ective secondary burial in а clay vessel (Кагапоуо 1); separate sku11s and long bones;
опе infant cremation (?) in а vessel. Only опе formal burial contained grave inventory.

Ref.: Georgiev, Izvestija Arch. InSl Sofia 26, 1963, 174; ders., Кratkie Soob. Inst. Arch. 106, 1966. 10; dcrs.• In:
Actes du Пе Congres lntemational des Etudes du Sud-Est Ещорееп 2 (Athenes 1972) fig. 4; Ivanov, Т., Charak­
ter па pogrebalnite obredi i kult prez neolita i chaJkolita v Balgarija. Avtorefcrat diss. (Sofi<l 1981) 13.

2. Balgarcevo, Blagoevgrad district
А flat site. Опе intramural double inhumation in а contracted position, Kremenik-Anzabe­
govo culture. Without grave inventory.
Ref.: К. Ba~varov, In: Liсhагdus-IttеnlLiсhardus!Nikо!оv (Hrsg.), Beitrage zu jungsteinzeitlichen For­
sсhuпgеп iп Вulgariеп (Вопп 2002) 245-270.

3. Cavdar, Sofia district

А flat site. Опе intramural formal inhumation, Кremikovci group. Traces of red ochre,
without grave inventory.
Ref.: Boev/Colakov, Stud. Praehist. 8,1986,217.

4. Devetaki Cave, Plevell district

А сауе settlement. Опе intramural formal inhumation in а contracted position, without grave
inventory. Gradesnica-Clrcea culture.
Rcf.: Ророу, R., Lovec i Lоvсапskо 1, 1929,57-68; Воеу, Die Rаssепtуреп der Ва!kапhа!Ьiпsе! uпd
dcr ОsШgаisсhеп Inse!wc!t uпd deren Bedeutung flir die Негkuпft ihrer Веvо!kегuпg (Sofia 1972) 43.

s. Dositeevo-Cigallova Mogila, Harmallli district

А tell. Опе formal intramural inhumation (Karanovo 1 culture) in а contracted position, with
two stones, placed from the both sides of the hips.
Ref.: Leshtakov, Iп: Maritsa Project 1 (Sofia 1998) 17.22-25, fig. 4,1-2.5.

6. Durallkulak-Golemija ostrov, Dobric district

Extramural cemetery. Over 1200 burials from the Hamangia and Уаrnа cultures. Inhumations
in extended or contracted position, with grave inventory. Some of the graves were covered
with stone slabs.
Ref.: Bojadziev, In: Niko!ov, У. (Нrsg.), Trakija i sаsеdпite гаjопi prez пеоlita i cha!ko!ita (Sofia 2000) 77-84.

7. Ezero, Slivell district

А tell. Опе infant burial (level IV, Karanovo ПI culture) under а house floor, covered with а
deep bowl. The grave contained inventory.
Ref.: GeorgievlМerpertJKatincarovlDimitrov, Ezero. RалпоЬгопzоvоtо seListe (Sofia 1979) 46.

8. Gradesnica-Malo pole, Vraca district

А flat site. А burial of ап adult and two children in the periphery of the settlement, formal
inhumations in а contracted position, with grave inventory. Gradesnica-Clrcea culture.
Ref.: Niko!ov, В., Gгаdеsпiса (Sofia 1974) 15; ders., Archeo!ogija Sofia 17, 1975, Н. 1,37-38 figs. 16; 17, а-Ь.

9. Karanovo, Sliven district

А tell. Thirty опе intramural burials, between houses or under house floors (two from level 1,

thirteen from level П, nine from level Ш, two from level III-IV, and five from level IV).

Variable orientation of the bodies, formal inhumations and а double inhumation in а

contracted or extended position; collective secondary partial burials. Only two graves, from

level П and IV respectively, contained grave inventory.

Ref.: Georgiev, Arch. Otkтitija v BaJgarija (Sofia 1957) 56-57; ders., Iп: L'Europe а la fin de l'age de 1а
pierre (Praha 1961) 65 Taf. 3, 2; Воеу, Izvestija Еtпоgгаf. Inst. Muz. 6,1963,61; Васуагоу, Gоdisпik De­
part. Arch. NBU 1, 1994,264-265; ders. In: HillerlNikolov, У. (Hrsg.), Кагапоуо. Beitrage zum Neo1ithi­
kum iп Stidosteuropa (Salzburg - Sofia 1999) 137-140.

10. Юiгdzаli, Юiгdzаli district

А Паt site. Five intramural formal inhumations (Кагапоуо 1 culture) in а contracted position
оп the back, between houses ог under а house Поог. Three of the grave pits have Ьееп circled
with stones. Four of the graves contained inventory, including а grinding stone, placed оп
the body.

Ref.: Pejkov, Achrid 1, 1978, 16-17, figs. 41-42; BoevJКavgazova, Rodopski Sbomik 5,1983,187.

11. Kazanlak, Stara Zagora district

А tell. Twenty-five intramural burials, between houses and in the periphery of the tell (six
from the Karanovo 1 layers, three from the Кагапоуо I-III layers, sixteen from the Karanovo
III layers). Variable orientation of the bodies, formal inhumations and а double inhumation
in а contracted position; separate skulls and long bones. Four graves from the Кагапоуо 1
layers and the Кагапоуо III layers contained inventory.

Ref.: К. Васуагоу, In: Liсhагdus-Ittеn!LiсhагduslNikоlоv (Hrsg.), Beitrage zu juпgstеiпzеitliсhеп For­

sсhuпgеп iп Вulgагiеп (Вопп 2002) 245-270.

12. Kovacevo, Blagoevgrad district

А flat site. Six intramural infant and children inhumations (Karanovo 1 culture) in а con­
tracted position, including опе burial in а clay vessel. Without inventory.
Ref.: Тhоuvепоt, S. In: Demoule, J.-Р.lLiсhагdus-Ittеп, М. (edit.), Коуассуо - FouiJles neolithiques franco­
bulgares dans la vallee du Stгуmоп. Univ. Paris 1 1990,25 pl. 14,2; fig. 22; Sellier, Р. Iп: Demou1e, J.­
Р.lLiсhагdus-Ittеп, М. (edit.), Коуасеуо - Fouilles пео1ithiquеs fгапсо-Ьulgагеs dапs la уаllее du Strymоп.
Uпiv. Paris 1 1993, 32-34 pl. 3, 2; fig. 9; ders. Iп: Demoule, J.-Р.lLiсhагdus-lttеп, М. (edit.), КоуаС:суо ­
Fouilles neolithiques fгапсо-Ьulgагеs dапs la уаllее du Strymon. Univ. Paris 1 1994,32-38 fig. 19; р1. 1, 1;
ders. In: Demoule, J.-Р.lLiсhагdus-Ittеп, М. (edit.), Коуасеуо ~ Fouilles neolithiques fшпсо-Ьulgагеs dans
1а vallee du Strymon. Univ. Paris 1 1995,63-67 fig. 58, pl. 12, 1; ders. In: Demoulc, J.-Р.lLiсh:lгdus-Ittеп,
М. (edit.), Коуасеуо - Fouilles neolithiques franco-bulgares dans la уаllее du Strymоп. Uпiv. Paris 1 1998,
69-73, pl. 12, 1-2. For the most гесепtlу discovered buria1s in ,this site see Liсhагdus-Ittеп, M.!Demoule, J.­
P.lPerniceva, L.lGгеЬskа-Кulоvа, M.lKu1ov, In: Liсhагdus-lttепlLiсhагdus/Nikо1оv (Hrsg.), Beitrage zu
juпgstеiпzеitliсhеп Fогsсhuпgеп in Bulgarien (Вопп 2002) 99-158.

13. Kremikovci, Sofia district

А flat site. Ап infant mandible, unkl10wn kontext. Kremikovci group.

Ref.: Boev/Co1akov, Interdisz. Izs1ed. Sofia 5-6, 1980, 51-56.

14. Malak Preslavec-Pompena stancija, Silistra district

А flat site. Twenty intramural burials, in the periphery of the settlement ог under а house
Поог. Starcevo-Kri§ culture. Ten formal inhumations in а contracted position; ten. partial
burials and/or destroyed inhumations. Some of the graves contained shells and/or animal
Ref.: Рапаjо!Оv/G:lсоvlPороvа, Stud. Praehist. 11-12, 1992, 52 figs. 5-6; Jordunov!Dimitrova, Godisnik
Depart. Arch. NBU 2-3,1996,106-118.

15. Ovcarovo-Gorata, Targoviste district
А flat site. Scattered human bones.
Ref.: Angelova, Stud. Praehist. 11-12, 1992,47.

16. Plovdiv-Jasatepe, Plovdiv district

А teH. Two intramural burials from the Кагапоуо III-IV period: а formal inhumation with
grave inventory and а partial burial.
Ref.: Detev, Godisnik Nar. Arch. Muz. Plovdiv 3, 1959, 5.8 fig. 2, 7; Воеу, Godisnik Nar. Arch. Muz.
Plovdiv 3,1959,89.91.

17. Rakitovo, Pazardzik district

А flat site. Ап infant burial in а clay vessel under а house Поог (Кагапоуо 1 culture). The
vessel also contained lumps of red ochre and а flint tool.
Ref.: Macanova!Radunceva, Slaveevi Gori 1, 1995, 124.

18. Samovodene, Veliko Tarnovo district

А flat site. Five formal inhumations in а contracted position, between houses ог under а
house Поог. Lumps of red осЬге in ап infant burial. Ovcaгovo-Samovodeneculture.
Ref.: Stanev, Godisnik Muz. Sеvеша Balgarija 14, 1988, 16.

19. S]atina-Sofia
А flat site. Six intramural [огтаl inhumations in а contracted position between houses; а
separate human mandible under а house Поог; scattered human bones belonging to at least
six persons. Kremikovci group. Three of the formal burials contained grave inventory.
Ref.: Petkov, Archeologija Sofia 3, 1961, Н. 3, 66-67 figs. 3,1; 4,1-3.9; Nikolov, V./Grigorova/Sirakova,
Acta Praehist. Arch. 24, 1992,222-223 АЬЬ. 3.

20. Stara Zagora-Okrazna bo]nica, Stara Zagora district

А teH. Three intramural (?) inhumations fгom the Marica culture.
Ref.: Diшitгоv, Arch. Otkritija Razkopki (Sliven 1985) 25.

21. Vaksevo, KjustendiJ district

А flat site. Articulated skeletal remains of ап old тап, "thгown" in а pit. G~ШiЬпik gгoup.

Ref.: Colakov, Izvestija Istor. Muz. Kjustendil3, 1991,231-232 fig. 1.

22. Vama 11, Vama district

Extramural cemetery, Кагапоуо V culture. Опе formal inhumation in ап extended position
оп the back, two destroyed burials. АН the graves contained inventory.

Ref.: lуапоу, 1., lzvestija Nar. Muz. Уаrnа 14, 1978,81-93; ]огdапоv!Магiпоv, Izvestija Nar. Muz. Уагпа
14, 1978,94-103.


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