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Introduction 5
Prologue: The State of the Galaxy 6
Chapter One: The New Republic 8
Chapter Two: The Force 26

Chapter Three: Remnants of the Empire .40

Chapter Four: The Fringe 55

Chapter Five: Planets 70

Chapter Six: Aliens 84

Chapter Seven: Droids 99

Chapter Eight: Equipment 106

Chapter Nine: Vehicles 113

Chapter Ten: Starships 123

4 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook



Dark Force Rising The Dark Force Rising

Let's talk about sequels. They have long held Sourcebook
a place in the heart of audiences. Episodic tele- West End Games continues to chronicle the
vision was built upon the premise that the audi- people, places, items and events depicted in Timo-·
encewould come back time and again towitness thy Zahn's novels with the same dedication and
the adventures of heroes and comedic charac- attention to detail that have been the hallmark of
ters.ln the book trade, "trilogies" that go on for its entire Star Wars line of books and game prod-
five or six novels have become the rage. Even in ucts. This book is a sequel as well, picking up
the movies, sequels have become entrenched in where the Heir to the Empire Sourcebook left orf-
the marketplace. it is a guide to the characters, worlds and items of
Still, sequels are approached by audiences Zahn's fascinating story.
with a host of mixed feelings. They can't wait to If you have not yet read Dark Force Rising, do
rejoin the characters and settings they loved, so now. Then come back to this book to im-
but there is fear that to continue the story will merse yourself in the rich texture and exciting
lead to some kind of massive mistake. What if detail of the expanding Star Wars galaxy. Note
the magic of the original is somehow missing" that this sourcebook attempts to maintain all of
What if the story is bad? What if ... well, you fill the suspense and surprises of the novel trilogy.
in the blank. However. because of the nature of its descrip-
The Empire Strikes Back, the sequel to Star tive entries, sometimes a vital plot point may
Wars, was in a similar situation when it was re- slip out. This should be no problem if you've
leased in the spring of 1980. Star Wars had set box already read the novel, but if you haven't, be
office records around the world and was almost warned that you may spoil the story foryourself
universally loved by the audiences that flocked to by reading this sourcebook first.
see it over and over again. It has been said that no The Darl? Force Rising Sourcebonl? is a col-
film since Gone with the Wind had been as eagerly lection of entries on many subjects presented in
awaited as The Empire Strikes Back. the novel, and details all of the characters, ships
When it finally reached the big screens, the and worlds that move through the tale at light-
crowds were not disappointed. All the main speed. Consider it a score card for the galaxy of
characters were back, along with new things to the New Republic.
marvel at, new heroes to admire, and new vil- For fans of the movies and readers who en-
lains to hate. The Star Wars saga had been taken joyed the novel and want to know more, this
in an exciting and dramatic new direction. When sourcebook provides many of the answers. For
the credits rolled, the crowds wanted more. game enthusiasts. each entry features complete
The same can be said of Timothy Zahn's Dark statistics for use with Star War.,: The Roleplaying
Force Rising. Its predecessor, Heir to the Empire. Game.
spent over six months on the best-seller lists. This sourcebook is the first major Sial' Wa",
Dark Force Rising is a much-anticipated second reference book completely compatible with Star
part of a projected trilogy. And it delivers on all Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition.
counts. The statistics found in this book reflect the new
Fascinating characters, an intricate storyline, abilities and skills open to characters, and the
and just like The Empire Strikes Back, a cliff- major changes in rules systems.
hanger ending that promises a fantastic conclu- Aod now, with appropriate fanfare, the Star
sion in the final novel, The Last Command. Vllars saga continues

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 5



From the data pad journal of Voren No '01 complete. My critics have often scoffed that I
Director ofNew Republic Council Research. ' cannot see the galaxy for the systems, for I tend
to get bogged down on individual personalities.
The State of the Galaxy I believe the smallest pieces are as important as
When everything seems to be going along the whole they help make, which is why I ap-
well, that's the perfect time to panic. Take the proach history - even current history - from
situation currently facing the New Republic. the individuals who help create it.
Only a few months ago it looked like the new This particular period in New Republic his-
government was well on its way to stability. The tory began with a series of seemingly unrelated
EmpIre was slowly dying, being pushed back by Imperial raids along the Borderland Regions.
New Republic warriors. Republic territory was FIrst, an Elomm task force disappeared while in
expanding, as planet after planet accepted the pursuit of Imperial scout ships fleeing the li-
invitation to join the galactic government. The brary world of Obroa-skai. Then a number of
seat of free government had been returned to attacks were directed at Princess Leia Organa
Coruscant, and progress was being made on the Solo - on Bimmisaari, Bpfassh, and Kashyyyk.
massive job of establishing standardized galac- At the same time, Imperial ships raided Nkllon,
tic laws and governmental procedures. Then, and three systems in the Sluis Sector. These
without warning, the forward momentum be- raids turned out to be part of an elaborate trap
gun five years before with the victory at Endor designed to call in the forces of the New Repub-
was slowed by a series of terrible blows. Blows, lic, despite the fact that our government was
some say, that have mortally wounded our fledg- understaffed and poorly equipped (or more
ling Republic. accurately, as far as the Empire was concerned,
I am Voren Na'al, Director of Council Re- because of it).
search for the New Republic. I have been serving The Empire, believed to be a dying shadow of
m some research capacity since the days of the its former sell, showed signs of revitalization
Rebellion. My initial assignment back then, when when it used hit-and-fade tactics to cause horri-
Mon Mothma first ordered that a running his- fying amounts of damage to three Sluis sector
tory be compiled to show the galaxy why the systems. The New Republic responded, as pre-
AllIance rebelled, was to record the actions of dIcted by the Empire, with a relief effort. It
the group known as the Heroes of Yavin - a gathered over one hundred capital ships at the
group which included Princess Leia Organa, Sluis Van shipyards. Everything the Republic
Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the had available, including top-of-the-linewarships,
Droids R2-D2 and C-3PO. I have followed their was stripped to skeleton crews and pressed into
exploits ever since, and do not find it the least cargo hauling duty.
bit surprising that they are at the heart of these The systems needed supplies to treat their
newest occurrences.
wounded and to rebuild. They needed emer-
. Trying to make sense of history as it happens gency rations of food and water. If the New
IS not an easy undertaking. Without the distance
Republic was to be considered a viable govern-
of time and the knowledge of outcome to draw ment, it had to respond with aid as quickly as
possIble. We had fallen for a most primitive type
upon, current events can be confusing, even
unfathomable. There are too many missing of trap, the Empire taking advantage of the New
Republic's compassion and concern for the well-
pIeces to see thewhole picture. Still, this is what
I do, and I will attempt to be accurate and being of its citizens.

6 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


At the time, the increase in Imperial attacks better than letting the Empire fly off with fifty
did not seem ominous. The Republic's best Republic warships.
strategists were surprised when the Empire All of which brings me to the current situation.
made its bold move. Using TIE fighters and The Republic could be on the verge of civil war.
personal boarding craft hidden within a dis- One of the members of the Provisional Council,
guised freighter, the Imperials infiltrated the the Bothan representative Borsk Fey'lya, has had
Sluis Van shipyards, and came very close to Admiral Ackbar arrested on charges of treason
stealingthewarships-turned-cargo-haulers. The and removed from his position as Commander-in-
Imperials somehow managed to foil Sluis Van Chief of all military operations. Fey'lya has some-
and Republic sensors, allowing the boarding how implicated Ackbar in the Sluis Van attack,
craft to get past the shipyard's perimeter de- charging that Ackbar was aiding the Imperials.
fenses. Then, while an Imperial task force (which This seems unlikelyconsideringAckbar's remark-
included several Star Destroyers) kept the pe- able record, but it is a very serious matter that
rimeter battle stations busy, boarding craft at- must be resolved through official government
tached themselves to the undermanned, under- channels.
defended Republic warships. With TiEs and zero- Then there are the rumors. As the Director of
geestormtroopers providing back-up, the board- Council Research, Iam checking into pastlmpe-
ing craft moved into position with little trouble. rial records. We have heard so many outlandish
The Battle of Sluis Van almost ended in vic- stories over the years that we never knew what
tory for the Empire. Luckily for the Republic, the to believe. Even now, rumors are surfacing that
Millennium Falcon chose that moment to visit some kind of "Imperial Ruling Council" is ac-
the shipyards. Han Solo wanted to get medical tively preparing for war, although our best re-
assistance for a wounded Lando Calrissian, and search indicates this to be improbable.
he hoped the Sluissi techs would be able to Still, the most recent rumors are particularly
repairLukeSkywalker'sX-wingstarfighter, which disturbing, especially considering that they
the Falcon had in tow. Instead, theSluissi needed come from reliable sources. It is believed that a
Solo's aid - as did the New Republic vessels. Grand Admiral has returned to take control of
While I am still gathering data, it seems that the Imperial remnants. We believed that we had
the personal boarding craft used by the Empire accounted for all of the Emperor's warlords, but
were mole miners stolen from Nkllon - stolen, what if we were wrong?
in fact, from Lando Calrissian's mining opera- If there indeed were such a disciplined mili-
tion. Calrissian knew the radio remote com- tary mind at the helm, it would certainly explain
mand codes which controlled the mole miners. the sudden rash of successes the Empire has
Under the Empire's control, the miners sim- been experiencing. Could a Grand Admiral have
ply cut their way through the hull and deposited taken command of the shattered Imperial fleet?
the armed troops into the Republic ships: the Could he be behind this new campaign to de-
undermanned Republic soldiers had little choice stroy the fragile government we have worked so
but to surrender or die fighting. The Imperials hard to establish? Could there really be an heir
quickly gained control of the Republic vessels to the dark evil of the Empire out there, readying
that they had invaded. the Imperial fleet for another war?
With the remote codes, however, Calrissian If the Battle of Sluis Van was the first shot in a
was able to take control of the craft. He forced new war, then Ackbar was the first casualty.
the miners to cut their way entirely through the Without him to match the wit and tactics of an
ships until they took out enough wiring and Imperial Grand Admiral, the New Republic may be
communication systems to disable the vessels. doomed! Of course, our own internal bickering
With these vital systems knocked out, the ves- may destroy us before the weapons of the Empire
sels were helpless in space - unable to be used can be brought to bear. What a dark time this is!
by the Republic in defense of Sluis Van, but more But there have been dark times before. Through
important, they couldn't be stolen by the Em- them all, the Republic has found a way to survive.
pire. It was an expensive solution, but it was I hope this is another one of those times.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 7


_Chapter One
The New Republic

History Lesson tyranny and enslavement reached them from

the Rim Territories, the Rebellion had already
From rhe data padjournal of Voren No '01, Direc-
started. It was up to them and others to turn the
lor uf Council Researcll for ti,e New Republic.
disorganized few into a force worthy to chal-
lenge the Empire. Mon Mothma vowed to bring
The history of our galaxy extends back be-
the", together into an alliance to restore free-
yond the walls of memory, to an ancient time
dom to the galilA)'. She had her work cut out for
when every world was alone in the sea of stars.
Modern history, however, must start some-
The Empire was better organized, better
where. and I have chosen to begin with the
trained, better equipped, and possessed nearly
creatiun of the Old Republic. No. I won't bore
limitless resources with which to enslave the
you with ancient history. for the dawn of the Old
galaxy. But the Rebels had spirit and a cause
Rep~blic goe~ back more than a thousand gen-
worth fighting for. And they had individuals
erations. Suffice to say that it was a Republic of
who actually made a difference in light of the
awesome power, bringing together all of those
Emperor's faceless, nameless hordes. Foryears,
solitary worlds into a union that spanned the
the Rebellion was little more than a nuisance to
reaches of known space.
the Emperor. He paid little attention to it for he
Under the wise rule of the Senate and the
believed that nothing could threaten hi; rule.
protection of the Jedi Knights. the galaxy en-
The Emperor was wrong. The Alliance could
Joyed a penod of growth and prosperity that no
threaten his hold on the gala;,)' - provided it
one believed would ever end. But it did end, as
could find an event to sway the galactic masses
the gre..~t civilization began to rot and decay. It
into action. The Battle of Yavin was that event
started III thecore, as corruption filled the ranks
and it rocketed the galaxy into full-scale civil
uf the Senate, and then it spread outward af-
fecting leaders. politicians and businessme~ on
war. The key players in the events leading up to
the Battle of Yavin were Princess Leia Organa
all levels of society. As the corruption spread,
Senator from Alderaan and secret member oi
the galaxy became restless.
the Alliance; Luke Skywalker, farm boy from
A solution seemed to appear in the cruise of
Tatooine and Jedi Knight in training; Han Solo,
Senator Pal patine. He promised an end to the
smuggler and captain of the JlIlillennium Falcon:
corruption with a program of sweepingchanges.
his co-pilot, Chewbacca the Wookiee; and the
When he declared the Old Republic dead and
Droids. See-Threepio and Artoo-Detoo (who car-
named the Empire to replace it. the first cries of
ried the technical plans for the Death Star Battle
rebellion were heard in the galaxy. These cries
Station in his memory banks). At Yavin, the
were drowned out by the cheers of the Core
Alliance fought to protect its base from the
Worlds. however, who were taken in by
approaching Death Star, but it was Luke
Palpatine's promises of glory. power and riches
Skywalker who fired the proton torpedo that
undreamed of even in the best times of the Old
won the battle. The Alliance had won its first
major victory, and the Rebellion took on a new
There were still those with vision and honor.
however, and these few saw beyond the fancy
For three years. the Alliance struck at the
words of the new Emperor. Bail Organa. Man
Empire from hiding, all the while trying to stay
1\11othl11a, Garm Bel Iblis and others began to
one step ahead of Darth Vader and the Imperial
form secret plans in case the dark times they
fleet. More and more worlds joined in the
foresaw came to pass. When the first hints of

8 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook



struggle, and the Emperor demanded an end to forest moon of Endor, Han Solo and his com-
what he termed "the pitiful Rebellion." Count- mandos fought Imperial troops for control of
less probe Droids, mercenaries and bounty hunt- the Death Star's shield projector. And in the
ers scoured the galaxy, looking for telltale signs Death Star, Luke Skywalker waged a war of wills
which would give away the Alliance's bases. with the Emperor and Darth Vader.
Finally, one probe Droid hit pay dirt on the The end result was the death of Palpatine and
isolated frozen world of Hath, and the Alliance the defeat of the massive Imperial fleet. While
was quickly thrust into a battle it was ill-pre- many of the famed warships escaped from Rebel
pared for. guns, the Empire had seen its fate in that battle
As Imperial ground forces made planetfall - destruction, loss and retreat.
and Star Destroyers took up orbital positions, it When the second Death Star exploded in a
was all the Alliance could do to hold them off blaze of brilliant colors, the Imperial forces lost
long enough for High Command to get away. direction and purpose. The Alliance even cap-
This was the start of a bleak period in Alliance tured several Star Destroyers in the chaos, al-
history. though the damage they suffered keeps them in
Over the next few months, the Empire threw repair docks to this day.
everything it had at the Alliance. In the end, One by one the Star Destroyers fell, until one
many of its brightest stars had been wounded or lone captain seemed to come to his senses and
killed in the fighting. It was a dark time, but Mon ordered a hasty retreat. The Empire has been
Mothma pulled the Alliance through it. retreating steadily since then, pulling back and
Man Mothma rallied her forces, gathering a givingup system after system to the New Repub-
massive fleet in theSullust system. The Imperial lic.
strikes had spurred her to drastic action, as had The New Republic emerged from the fires
the news which Bothan spies had brought her over Endor, rising Iikea phoenix from the ffames
- there was another Death Star under con- of Rebellion. The new government, barely five
struction around the forest moon of Endor. years old, still has much to do before peace
The Battle of Endor, which came to be known again settles over the galaxy. There are laws to
as the most decisive and important battle of the write, procedures and constitutions to ratify,
galactic civil war, was fought on three fronts. In and there are wars to win.
space, the Alliance armada clashed with the The war of vigilance, the fight for freedom, is
Imperial fleet and the second Death Star. On the not over. The Empire is not dead. It is but a

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 9

- WAIU""""

quarter of its former size, but it has shown group include Chief Councilor Mon Mothma,
recent signs of resurrection and rebirth. Ru- Commander-in-Chief Admiral Ackbar, Bothan
mors persist that a Grand Admiral leads the Councilor Borsk Fey'lya, and Alderaan Coun-
remnants of the Empire, and tales of a Dark Jedi cilor Leia Organa Solo. Of course, the recent
at his side grow more ominous with each telling. accusations leveled at Ackbar have caused him
Can we learn anything from history? I hope to be suspended and relieved of his duties,
so. But can we learn it fast enough? May the setting off an internal power struggle among
Force be with us ... some of the more ambitious members of the
Structure of the New This is unfortunate, for it is with this small
group of individuals from different worlds that
Republic the true fate of the New Republic lies. In many
The Alliance was structured to wage war, not cases, these people were the architects of rebel-
to rule in peace. It was a benign dictatorship lion, and through heated debate and compro-
empowered to lead a Rebellion, not govern a mise they are striving to be architects of govern-
galaxy. With news that the Emperor was dead, ment, building a system of laws upon the foun-
Alliance High Command convened a Constitu- dation of the Old Republic's ideals concerning
tional Convention to establish the Second Ga- liberty, equality and freedom. This is no time for
lactic Republic. The Convention went on for petty conflict.
months as the representatives of the member
worlds debated, proposed, set forth, and held New Characters
Everyone had a chance to speak. Dark Force Risingintroduces a number of new
Nothing was resolved. characters from the ranks of the New Republic
It became clear that a new galactic constitu- who did not appear in Heir to the Empire. They
tional government could not be formed quickly. are presented here for the first time.
They established a provisional government to
General Madine
handle the everyday work of the New Republic
while the formal details were ratified. Crix Madine joined the Alliance after the Battle
Now, five years later, the Provisional Council of Yavin, coming to the Rebellion from Imperial
is working toward the formal reestablishment of ranks. His career with the Empire was distin-
the principles and laws of the Old Republic. guished by bravery and a remarkable success
"That is our primary task," Chief Councilor Mon record. He rose through the ranks with valor
Mothma has declared, "to become the New and determination, finally receiving command
Republic in fact as well as in name." The task has of an elite army commando unit. Although he
not been easy, and horrendous strain is evident has never spoken of it, rumors persist that his
in all the members of the Council. last mission for the Empire - under orders
The Provisional Council divides its time be- which came directly from the Emperor - was
tween constitutional conferences, diplomatic so criminal in nature that Madine left in the
relations, governmental administration, plan- middle of it. Whatever the circumstances
etary aid, and military actions. It works to keep Madine defected to the Alliance at a time whe~
the wheels of government turning while a per- his Imperial career was on the rise.
manent structure is being built. Until a full con- Other Imperials had defected before Madine,
stitution and complete set of laws has been and it was those men who vouched for his char-
ratified, many of the member worlds will con- acter and brilliance. General Rieekan in particular,
tinue to govern themselves using local laws and the commander of many Rebel bases including
customs. The Provisional Council hopes to end the ill-fated Echo Base on Hoth, convinced Mon
this soon by introducing laws which can be Mothma that Madine was a man the Alliance
applied equally to all member worlds, thus mak- desperately needed in its ranks. Man Mothma
ing the New Republic more unified. In a galaxy agreed and assigned Madine to the High Com-
weary of war, the people are ready for peace and mand Advisory Council. She wanted his fresh
freedom of choice. The Republic aims to give perspective and knowledge of Imperial ground
them those ideals soon, but not at the expense tactics to help develop strategies and battle plans
of stability. best suited for the Alliance's capabilities.
The Provisional Council is headed by an In- He quickly demonstrated his trustworthiness
ner Council of executive officers. Many of these and expertise, becoming one of Mon Mothma's
are the same people who served as the leaders most important military advisors. While Admi-
of the Alliance. The most well known of the ral Ackbar plotted the course of the space war,
it fell to General Madine to develop effective

10 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


ground defenses and strike teams for planetary many other battles to worry about without tak-
assaults. ing on a political squabble. He'll wait for word
The Corellian-born Madine placed top prior- from Mon Mothma - and will abide by what-
ity on getting things done right, as opposed to ever decision she makes.
making friends. Because of his aggressive na- General Madine
ture, he was considered cocky and arrogant by
some, but most respected his confidence in
Roleplaying Game Statistics
those under his command and in himself. Template Type: New Republic General
Madine's dedication to strict military disci- Loyalty: To the New Republic
pline and strong work ethic filtered down to his Height: 1. 7 meters
officers and soldiers. He formed the Alliance Species: Human
special forces division, establishing crack com- Sex: Male
mando squads and strike teams to take on the Homeworld: Corellia
toughest assignments. He even performed field Age: 40+
work when he could get away with it (and Mon Quote: "I've been a warrior all my life.
Mothma wasn't around to forbid it). It's what I do, what I am."
Madine's strategies have helped the Alliance DEXTERITY 2D+2
when it needed success above all else. Before Blaster 60+2, blaster artillery 50+2,
the Battle of Endor, when theAllianceneeded an blaster artillery: anti-infantry 80+2,
Imperial shuttle, Madine and his team went out blaster artillery: anti-vehicle 7D, brawl-
and got one. He devised the plans for the com- ing parry 40+2, dodge 60+2, grenade
mando raid on the shield generators situated on 50+2, melee combat 40+2, melee com-
the forest moon, putting together a daring, al- bat: force pike 60+2, melee parry 30+2
most reckless, assault scenario. If General Han KNOWLEDGE 3D
Solo hadn't volunteered to lead the command Alien species 40, bureaucracy 60,
crew, Madine would have even gone on the languages 4D, military history IID+ I,
mission. As it was, Mon Mothma asked him to planetary systems 70, streetwise 5D,
remain at her side to serve as advisor during the survival 50, tactics: ground assault
massive battle to come. 100+2, tactics: squads 130+2, willpower
General Madine still holds a high post in the 5D+I
New Republic, but he decided against accepting MECHANICAL 30+2
a position in the Provisional Council. "l'm a Beast riding 50+2, beast riding: cracian
warrior, not a politician," he said. "Leave that thumper 60+2, capital ship gunnery
work to those with more knowledge and experi- 4D+2, ground vehicle operation 5D+2,
ence." Instead, he opted for the position of field powersuit operation 50, repulsorlift
commander of New Republic forces, taking the operation 40+2, starship gunnery 40+2
battle to the disintegrating Imperial forces. How- PERCEPTION 3D+l
ever, even Madine's genius can accomplish only Bargain 50+1, command 10D, hide 60+1,
so much when faced with such limited resources. persuasion 50, search 70, sneak 60+1,
In five years there have been many victories, sneak: forest 60+2
butthe battles haven't gotten any easier. In fact, STRENGTH 2D+l
the most current reports indicate that the war is Brawling 60, climbing/jumping 4D+ I,
intensifying. Madine hopes that there really isn't stamina 60+ I, swimming 3D+ I
a Grand Admiral out there leading the Empire, TECHNICAL 3D
because if there is, his job is going to get a whole Computer programming/repair 40,
lot harder in the coming months. demolition 60, Droid repair 40+2, first
Currently, Madine is torn between two aid 4D+I, ground vehicle repair 4D+2,
courses of action. If there is a Grand Admiral security 70+2, space transports repair
controlling the Empire, then he is needed at the 6D, starfighter repair 4D+2
forefront of the war, directing field operations Special Abilities: None
as a counter to the Imperial warlord. However, Force Sensitive?: No
with Admiral Ackbar no longer in charge of the Force Points: 3
overall military picture, it might be necessary Dark Side Points: 0
for him to return to the Provisional Council and Character Points: 18
assume the role of commander-in-<:hief before
some bureaucrat like Borsk Fey'lya takes the
Admiral Drayson
job. He doesn't believe that Ackbar is guilty of Admiral Orayson is one of the rare high-ranking
the charges leveled against him, but he has too New Republic officers who did not come from the

Oark Force Rising Sourcebook 11

- WAU-

ranks of either the Old Republic military or the rest can be scrambled at a moment's notice.
Imperial fleet. He attended the Academy, training Recently, Admiral Drayson was forced to stretch
to be an officer in the galactic military, but he did his limited resources in order to provide ships for
not complete his education. Instead, hewascalled the Bpfassh relief effort. Now he must keep
back to his home world, Chandrila, when his Coruscant and the Provisional Council sale with a
father became ill. Drayson had to take over the much reduced force while he waits for the me-
family business, a space barge fleet which ferried chanics and techs at Sluis Van to finish repairing
cargo and passengers from outer-system docks to the vessels that were damaged in the Imperial raid
orbit-locked space ports or Chandrila's surface. on the space yards. In the meantime, with the
Drayson missed his chance to serve in the mili- internal problems plagUing the fledgling govern-
tary, but he turned his attention to his family's ment, Drayson concerns himself with planning
business and made it the most profitable ferry howto defend Coruscant from the Imperial attack
company in the system. that must inevitably come.
After years of business success, Chandrila's Admiral Drayson
ruling council approached him and asked him to
take command of the system's defense force.
Roleplaying Game Statistics
They believed that his Academy training, mini- Template Type: New Republic Admiral
mal as it was, combined with his pragmatic Loyalty: To the New Republic
ability to make a company successful no matter Height: 1.8 meters
what the circumstances, was a combination Species: Human
that would serveChandriia well. Draysonagreed. Sex: Male
It was in this capacity, as admiral of the Homeworld: Chandrila
Chandrila Defense Fleet, that Drayson became Age: 46
acquainted with Senator Mon Mothma. While he Quote: "The fleet is the most important
didn't consider himself a friend of the senator, tool for galactic peace. It must be kept
he did admire her work and positions in the primed, at the ready. If it is cared [or, it
Senate. She, in turn, was impressed with the job will care for us."
he was doing with the star system's defenses. DEXTERITY 3D+2
She never realized how many holes existed in Blaster 4D+2, blaster: blaster rifle 6D,
the protection network, from customs inspec- blaster artillery 4D+2, dodge 5D+ 1
tions to perimeter patrol ships. Drayson evalu- KNOWLEDGE 3D+I
ated all of the various elements, demonstrated Alien species 4D+ I, bureaucracy 6D+ I,
where the problems existed, then set out to business 5D+I, business administration
restructure the entire network. Within months 7D+I, languages 4D+I, planetary systems
of his restructuring program, smuggling and 6D+I, planetary systems: Chandrila
piracy in the system dropped off dramatically. 8D+ I, planetary systems: Coruscant
Years later, when the Alliance was formed, 7D+2, survivaI4D+I, tactics: capital ships
Mon Mothma asked Drayson to come aboard. 8D, tactics: fleets 4D
She put him in charge of her command ship, and MECHANICAL 3D
he set about designing the defenses needed to Astrogation 6D, capital ship gunnery
keep it safe. Whenever the command ship was in 4D+2, capital ship piloting 6D, capital
motion (and it was always in motion), no less ship shields 6D, communications 6D+I,
than a dozen smaller ships were in picket line repulsorlift operation 5D, sensors 4D+2,
patrols around the vessel. As before, Drayson space transports 6D+2, starfighter
did his job with quiet efficiency and dedication. piloting 3D+2, starship gunnery 4D,
He demonstrated no ambitions and did not push starship shields 4D
for rank or power. He just did his job, and for PERCEPTION 2D+2
that Mon Mothma was grateful. Bargain 4D+2, command 7D+2, con 4D+2,
When the New Republic was established, gambling 3D+2, hide 3D+2, persuasion
Drayson was granted the rank of admiral. He 5D+I, search 4D+2
was given command of the fleet attached to the STRENGTH 2D+ I
Provisional Council and thecapital system, con- Brawling 3D+I, lifting 3D+I, stamina
taining the planet of Coruscant. Now he over- 4D+ I, swimming 3D+ 1
sees the space port and fleet facilities, making TECHNICAL 3D
sure the system is secure from attack. The ves- Capital ship repair 5D, capital ship
sels under his command constantly patrol the weapon repair 4D+I, computer program-
star system, and at least half of the defensive ming/repair 5D, Droid programming
fleet is in orbit or system space at all times. The 4D+2, Droid repair 3D+2, first aid 4D+2,

12 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


security 5D. space transports repair aboard. and she was none too happy about the
7D+2 situation. Fey'lya even gave commands to
Special Abilities: None Virgilio. Organa Solo thought this strange. as
Force Sensitive?: No most warship captains would be highly annoyed
Force Points: ! at the prospect of taking line orders from a
Dark Side Points: 0 civilian with negligible military experience. But
Character Points: 9 she didn't know about Virgilio's past, or his
admiration for the Bothan people.
Captain Virgilio They found Captain Solo aboard a derelict
Captain Sarin Virgilio was a young Alliance Dreadnaught which turned out to be the legend-
officer when the Bothan spies carrying the plans ary Katana. Alter a tense exchange. Virgilio had to
to the second Death Star battle station came pull rank on Commander Wedge Antilles, whose
aboard his ship. He was third officer on a beat- X-wing squadron was working with Solo. That's
up old Corellian Gunship which had seen a lot of when the Star Destroyer showed up. Things may
action since the Imperial push that began with have gone terribly wrong had Leia Organa Solo
Hoth. He saw the ship the Bothans came in on- not been able to trickFey'lya into showing his true
a flaming wreck that was disintegrating around loyalties. When the captain discovered that he
their furry ears. In the last few moments before was being used as a pawn in some game of politics,
catastrophe, his vessel picked up the Bothans' he quickly moved to rectify the situation. No
emergency call. matter what he thinks of the Bothans. Virgilio is a
Of a large intelligence team that had been New Republicolficer-when the truth was shown,
working in the outer regions. only the six stand- his loyalty to the cause he has defended so long
ing on Virgilio's bridge remained. But they was never in doubt.
brought with them the plans and location of the Captain Virgilio
new Death Star, as well as the Emperor's per-
sonal schedule for visiting the hidden con-
Roleplaying Game Statistics
struction site. Virgilio was impressed with the Template Type: New Republic Captain
bravery these Bothans demonstrated, and over Loyalty: To the New Republic
the years that have passed since that fateful Height: 1.9 meters
day, he has been a staunch supporter of the Species: Human
Bothans and their appointed leader. Borsk Sex: Male
Fey'lya (though it should be noted that Fey'lya Homeworld: Masterra
was not among the handful of spies Virgilio's Age: 36
ship picked up that day). Quote: "You see. Councilor, some of us
Two promotions and live years later, Virgilio don't consider loyalty to be outmoded."
is now captain of the escort frigate Quenfis, one DEXTERITY 2D+2
of the ships of the line in Admiral Drayson's Blaster 5D+2. blaster artillery 5D+2,
Home Guard Fleet assigned to protect Coruscant brawling parry 3D+2. dodge 5D+2,
and the Provisional Council. Virgilio has a pro- grenade 3D+2, melee combat 3D+2,
found respect for Admiral Ackbar and his abili- melee parry 3D+2. running 3D+2
ties, but until recently he found himself siding KNOWLEDGE 3D
with Fey'lya. The Bothan seemed more inter- Alien species 5D+ I, bureaucracy SD+ I,
ested in the big picture. while Ackbar always intimidation 4D+ I, planetary systems
appeared to be focused only on the task at hand. SD+2, tactics: capital ships SD, street-
Fey'lya had vision and respect for the average wise 4D, survival SD. willpower 4D+2
warrior - at least that's what Virgilio believed. MECHANICAL :lD+2
Add to that his memories of those six Bothan Astrogation SD+2, capital ship gunnery
spies lighting every parsec of the way in order to SD+2, capital ship piloting SD+2, capital
get the knowledge they had to Alliance High ship piloting: Corellian Gunship 6D+2.
Command, and you can understand why he felt capital ship piloting: escort frigate 7D+2.
a special kinship to Fey'lya and his people. repulsorlilt operation SD+2, sensors
All of that changed, however. as events un- SD+2, space transports 4D+2
folded during the Quenfis' most recent mission. PERCEPTION 3D+ I
Virgilio's ship had been ordered to track down Bargain 4D+I. command 6D+!, con 4D+2,
Han Solo and his party and place them under gambling 4D+2, hide 4D+!. persuasion
arrest for disobeying orders. Councilor Fey'lya SD+I. search SD+I, sneak 4D+!
was aboard and in command of the overall STRENGTH 2D+I
operation. Councilor Organa Solo was also Brawling 4D+ I. brawling: boxing SD+ I.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 13


climbing/jumping 40+1, lifting 40+2, New COy to meet with Garm Bel Iblis. It was
stamina 50+ 1 Breil'lya's job to keep working on Bel Iblis, to
TECHNICAL 3D persuade him to join the Republic by allying
Capital ship repair 50, computer with Fey'lya's faction; Breil'lya had met with
programming/repair 30+2, first aid 40, little success. Fey'lya especially wants Bel Iblis'
security 40+2 help to take away some of Mon Mothma's con-
Special Abilities: None siderable power - and shilt it over to himself.
Force Sensitive?: No Now, with Councilor Fey'lya in significant
Force Points: 0 trouble, Council-Aide Breil'lya stands to lose his
Dark Side Points: 0 own position. While he is nervous over this
Character Points: 8 prospect, he still believes that Fey'lya will figure
out a way to win the game-after all, that's what
Tav Bn!iI'lya Bothans do best.
Tav Breil'lyaserves as one of Councilor Borsk Tav Breil'lya
Fey'lya's top aides. He can be distinguished
from other Bothans by the ornate neckpiece he Roleplaying Game Statistics
wears. It is his family's crest, showing his im- Template Type: Bothan Aide
pressive lineage to all with the culture and Loyalty: To Borsk Fey'lya
background to appreciate such things. The Coun- Height: 1.4 meters
cil-Aide is extremely loyal to Borsk, and often Species: Bothan
goes on fact-finding missions for the Councilor. Sex: Male
Like all Bothans, he plays the games of politics Homeworld: Kothlis
to the exclusion of all else, believing the game to Age: 34
be more important than the outcome. Quote: "It doesn't matter who he is. He's
Unfortunately, Breil'lya is not as subtle or seen you, and he must certainly know
clever as his boss, and he often plays the game that we have some kind of arrangement."
with a heavy, obvious hand. But it is not an equal OEXTERIlY 30+1
that Fey'lya requires of Breil'lya, but a subordi- Blaster 40+1, dodge 40+ I, melee combat
nate who is loyal and unquestioning. Tav Breil'lya 40+1, melee parry 40+1, pick pocket
fits that bill nicely. 40+1
One of Breil'lya's regular tasks was to go to KNOWLEDGE 3D

14 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Alien species 40, bureaucracy 50+2, thestarfighters and starships in the Alliance Fleet.
bureaucracy: Bothan clans 70+ I, bu- Even when assigned to bases where combat
reaucracy: New Republic Provisional was imminent, Anselm refused to carry a blaster
Council 60+2, business 40+2, cultures unless directly ordered to do so - and even
40+2, cultures: Bothans 60+1, languages then he often left it lying in some forgotten
40, planetary systems 30+ I, streetwise corner while he worked. He first met Luke
40+ I, survival 40, value 40+ I Skywalker in the Yavin base, as he was assigned
MECHANICAL 2D to prep Skywalker's X-wing for battle. He re-
Astrogation 30, repulsorlift operation members thinking that the kid was going to get
30, space transports 30+2 himself killed, for it was obvious he had no more
PERCEPTION 4D military training than Anselm did. Of course,
Bargain 50, con 50, gambling 50+1, hide Skywalker soon showed his natural abilities.
50+1, investigation 40+2, search 40+1, When Princess Leia asked him to head a tech
sneak 50+1 team to accompany Han Solo and Skywalker on a
STRENGTH 2D+2 special mission, he leapt at the chance. When Solo
Climbing/jumping 30, lifting 30+2, handed him a blaster, he realized just what sort of
swimming 30+2 mission this was going to be. Still, he reluctantly
TECHNICAL 3D strapped the weapon to his waist, grabbed his
Computer programming/repair 40, first tool kit, and assembled a team of techs with
aid 40, first aid: Bothans 50, security 40+ I starship repair skills. He was sure to include some
Special Abilities: None of his newest and brightest technicians, including
Story Factors: Tomrus, Shen and Kline - together, they were
Opportunist: Bothans, as a species, are some of the best in the New Republic!
very opportunistic and predatory. They When he learned that they were going to
try to take advantage whenever possible, examine the Katana fleet, he forgot all about his
and also think that everyone who isn't nerVousness and the danger. Two decades of
allied with them is actively plotting experience seemed to disappear in a sudden
against them. As a result, they seem rush of excitement. To actually be the first tech
greedy, selfish and paranoid to many to step aboard one of those legendary
other species. Oreadnaughts was an honor and opportunity he
Communication: Bothans can manipulate could not pass up! .
their fur to express emotions and further Anselm
clarify any statements they make. In
Roleplaying Game Statistics
Bothan society, this ability is as impor-
tant to communication as speech - the Template Type: Engineer
rippling conveys subtleties that mere Loyalty: To the New Republic
words cannot express (or so Bothans Height: 1.6 meters
believe). Control requires practice and Species: Human
can be affected by strong emotion, just Sex: Male
as it is often easy to tell if a Human is Homeworld: Baffop
angry by the tone of his voice. Age: 41
Force Sensitive?: No Quote: "It looks fine. Better than it
Force Points: a should after all these years. Must still be
Dark Side Points: a some Oroids on housekeeping duty."
Character Points: 6 DEXTERITY 2D+ I
Brawling parry 30+ I, dodge 30+ I
Anselm is an engineer working for the New Bureaucracy 50, value 70
Republic military. His rank of lieutenant was not MECHANICAL 2D+2
gained due to combat heroics, but for his techni- Repulsorlift operation 30+2, starship
cal expertise. Even before the famous Battle of piloting 30+2, starship shields 30+2
Yavin, he had been a fleet tech for the Alliance. PERCEPTION 2D+I
He joined the Rebels after he saw his homeworld Bargain 30+ I, command 30+ I, com-
ravaged by Imperial forces. mand: New Republic engineer corps
He had no military training or combat experi- 40+2, search 40+ I
ence, but he had heart, courage, and a skill with STRENGTH 2D+2
machinery of all types, especially starships. His Brawling 30+2, climbing/jumping 30+2,
skills were put to use maintaining and repairing lifting 30+2, stamina 40+2

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 15


TECHNICAL 4D trator Calrissian ordered everyone to evacuate

Capital ship repair 100+2, capital ship Cloud City. His mother died in that frenzied es-
weapon repair 70+ I, computer program- cape, and he vowed to have his revenge on the
ming/repair 60, repulsorlift repair 60+1, Empire no matter what happened.
space transports repair 90+1, starfighter While his father retired back to the Outer Rim
repair 80+2, starship weapon repair 70 colony he was born on, Tomrus sought out the
Special Abilities: None Rebel Alliance. He offered his technical skills to
Force Sensitive?: No use against the Empire, and he soon found a
Force Points: 0 place as an Alliance tech.
Dark Side Points: 0 He has worked under the supervision of Lieu-
Character Points: 3 tenant Anselm for three years now, and he is still
considered "the kid." But Anselm respects his
Tomrus abilities, and often assigns hIm to the head
Tomrus was a young lad of sixteen when he tech's own team. Hewas selected to accompany
saw the Imperials come to Cloud City. His par- Anselm to the Katana fleet, which Anselm made
ents had been citizens of the floating city for a big deal about. Tomrus was more excited to be
decades. Tomrus himself had been born there, working with Lando Calrissian, whom he ad-
and he grew up learning to gamble, to run a con, mired since his days growing up in Cloud City.
and to sneak around where he wasn't supposed He had never even heard of the Katana fleet, so
to be, He also learned to tinker with computers he couldn't get as worked up about it as Anselm.
and Oroids, and by the time he was fifteen he Still, there was something ... unusual about it-
could take a cloud car apart and put it back even a skeptical young man could sense the
together again. This was a natural progression, history and ghosts of that fleet.
as both of his parents worked for Bespin Motors Tomrus
as engineers and designers.
His happy adolescence ended abruptly with Roleplaying Game Statistics
the arrival of Oarth Vader and his stormtroopers. Template Type: Engineer
When he saw those armor-dad soldiers marching Loyalty: To the New Republic
through the airy corridors he loved, he learned to Height: 1.8 meters
hate them and everything they stood for. Things Species: Human
turned bad a few days later, and Baron Adminis- Sex: Male

16 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


HomeworId: Bespin tors, for she always looked more the part than
Age: 21 the rough-and-tumble Leia. As the two girls
Quote: "Six of the eight power convert- grew into adulthood, their friendship deepened
ers have been knocked out of alignment. and the bond between them became a thing of
This ship's not going anywhere without iron. They were inseparable. When Leia began
a complete overhaul." to take on royal duties and later became a
DEXTERITY 2D+ I Senator, Winter remained at her side as her
Blaster 30+1, dodge 30+1, melee combat royal aide and executive assistant.
40+1, melee parry 40+ I, pick pocket Winter's organizational abilities are aug-
40+1 mented by the young woman's perlect memory.
KNOWLEDGE4D She can remember whole conversations verba-
Cultures 40+1, languages' 50, planetary tim, as well as events, times, places, dates,
systems 40+2, streetwise 50, value 50+2 faces, bits of trivia, and anything else that passes
MECHANICAL 2D+2 before her senses. To her, these memories are
Capital ship shields 30+2, repulsorlilt like halo-recordings that can be recalled in-
operation 40+2, sensors 30+2, space stantlyand in total detail. II she experienced it,
transports 40, starfighter piloting 40+1, she can remember it - with every sound, smell,
starship shields 30+2 sight, taste and touch intact. Currently, as Leia's
PERCEPTION 2D+ I aide in the Provisional Council, Winter sits si-
Bargain 40+ I, can 40+ I, gambling 50+ I, lently beside her Princess and ellectively records
gambling: tregald 60+1, hide 40+1, every word said.
search 30+ I, sneak 40 Like the other survivors of the destruction of
STRENGTH 2D+2 Alderaan, Winter was off-planet when the Death
Climbing/jumping 30+2, stamina 40+2 Star used its devastating Super Laser on the
TECHNICAL 4D peaceful and helpless world. She had just begun
Armor repair 40+ 1, blaster repair 40+ 1, work for Viceroy Bail Organa that had sent her
capital ship repair 70+2, capital ship away from Leia's side. She was sent to assist
weapon repair 50+2, computer program- Alliance agents with a supply run. That is, she
ming/repair 50, Oroid repair 60, helped them find and acquire supplies from a
repulsorlilt repair 50, repulsorlilt repair: variety of sources that were less than legal, but
cloud cars 70, security 60, space trans- fundamentally necessary for the fledgling Alli-
ports repair 70+2, starlighter repair ance. Her talents in this regard were so strong
60+ I, starship weapon repair 50 that for most of the period from the Battle of
Special Abilities: None Yavin to the Battle of Endor, Winter was as-
Force Sensitive?: No signed to Alliance Procurement and Supply.
Force Points: 0 Because of her perfect memory, she was able
Dark Side Points: 0 to enter Imperial or private supply caches and
Character Points: 2 memorize every detail of the location. In this
way, she was able to provide strike teams with
Winter perlectlydetailed maps and information regard-
Tall, beautiful, regal. All of these words and ing stock, defenses and personnel, thus making
more describe the woman named Winter. To supply raids less dangerous and more likely to
those who do not know her except as Princess succeed. She became so important to the Alli-
Leia's aide and companion, she often seems as ance in this capacity that she earned a place on
cold as the season she is named after, but there the Empire's most-wanted lists. Of course, the
is a fire burning beneath the outer appearances Imperials never learned anything more than her
that warms those she calls friends. She glides code-name, or at least, one of the code-names
with ease and grace, moving as though on a she used. By the time of the Battle of Endor, the
pillow of repulsor energy instead of her two Empire's escort ships and supply station offic-
shapely legs. Her well-formed face is framed by ers had come to dread the name of "Targeter."
a mane of silky white hair. At her worst, she Perhaps nothing rattles Winter's rigid control
gives all a confident aura and a regal presence. like her memories ofA1deraan's destruction. Side-
At her best, she is royally dazzling. by-side with her memories of friends, family and
Winter grew up on the planet A1deraan. As a good times, the pain of loss remains a constantly
member of the Royal Family, she lived in the burning ache that will never subside. Unlike Leia
palace and was a constant companion and play- and the other survivors of A1deraan, Winter does
mate of Princess Leia Organa. As children, Win- not have the numbing benefit of fading memory to
ter was often mistaken for the Princess by visi- look forward to. Alter eight years, every memory

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook .17

- WAU-

remains fresh and vivid, accompanied byall of the Character Updates

original pain and sorrow. She can push it back to The characters which follow were detailed in
the recesses of her mind, but Winter can never the previous volume, the Heir to the Empire
forget. She has learned that any gift can be a curse. Sourcebook. As they continue to play important
Winter roles in Dark Force Rising, their profiles are
Roleplaying Game Statistics updated here in a much briefer format.
Template Type: Councilor Aide
Loyalty: To the New Republic
Mon Mothma
Height: 1.7 meters Mon Mothma has seen much tragedy in her
Species: Human lifetime. As a young woman, she served the Old
Sex: Female Republic as an outspoken and aggressive Sena-
Homeworld: Alderaan tor. She knew that if the old values, ideals and
Age: 28 morals weren't reclaimed, then the government
Quote: "Princess Leia would like to see was doomed. She knew her struggle was lost
you whenever you're finished here." when Senator Palpatine was elected president of
DEXTERITY 3D+I the Old Republic. Her fears proved true when he
Blaster 50+2, blaster: hold-out blaster abolished the Republic and instituted the Empire
60+ I, brawling parry 40+ I, dodge 6D+ I, and his New Order. While she visibly fought to
grenade 40+ 1 oppose Palpatine through the law, she secretly
KNOWLEDGE 4D formed the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Alien species 60, bureaucracy 60, The Alliance, under Mon Mothma's wise and
bureaucracy: New Republic Provisional farsighted guidance, waged a galactic civil war
Council 70+2, cultures 50, cultures: against the Empire. With the Battle of Endor and
Alderaan royalty 90, Imperial supplies the death of the Emperor, the Alliance had
60, languages 70, planetary systems achieved its main objective. On that day, the
60+2, streetwise 50, value 70+1, will- New Republic was born. She now holds the
power 60 position of Chief Councilor of the Provisional
MECHANICAL 2D Council as she works to build a true and working
Beast riding 40, communications 50, government out of ideals and good intentions.
repulsorlift operation 3D, sensors 30+2, While Mon Mothma's appearance evidences
space transports 30+2, starfighter the struggles of the years, it belies her fervor
piloting 30+1, starship shields 3D and commitment to freedom. She has never lost
PERCEPTION 3D+1 her commitment, never lost sight of her goal.
Bargain 60+1, bargain: military supplies She can be swayed at times, though, and she has
80+2, command 40+1, con 70+1, forgery slowed her pace in recent years. She relies more
50+2, hide 60+2, persuasion 50+1, and more on Princess Leia to be her hands and
search 40+2, sneak 50+ I voice around the gpluy, as she rarely leaves
STRENGTH 2D+2 Coruscant anymorL Jut Mon Mothma is still
Brawling 3D, stamina 40+2, swimming the New Republic's leader, and her words re-
40+2 main inspirational'to all those who believe in
TECHNICAL 2D+2 freedom and liberty.
Computer programming/repair 40+2, Mon Mothma
Oroid programming 30+2, first aid 40+2, Roleplaying Game Statistics
security 60+2 Template Type: Chief Councilor
Special Abilities: Loyalty: To the New Republic
Perfect memory: Winter has a "photo- Height: 1.6 meters
graphic memory" - she can always Species: Human
remember minute details about anything Sex: Female
she has seen, heard or otherwise experi- Homeworld: Chandrila
enced. She can recall details of any event Age: 50+
she has witnessed or any information Quote: "There seems little value in
she has researched. holding a debate in a vacuum. Council
Force Sensitive?: No Research is hereby directed to look into
Force Points: 2 the possibility that a Grand Admirai
Dark Side Points: 0 might still be alive."
Character Points: 15 DEXTERITY 3D
Blaster 30+ I *, dodge 40+ I *

18 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Alien species 9D+I, bureaucracy IID+I,
bureaucracy: New Republic Provisional
Council 12D+I, cultures IOD+I, intimida-
tion 7D, languages 8D, planetary systems
9D, survival 7D, value 6D, willpower 8D
Astrogation 5D, beast riding 3D+2,
communications 5D+2, repulsorlift
operation 4D+I, spase transports 4D,
starfighter piloting 4D
Bargain llD, command IOD, command:
New Republic bureaucrats IOD+ I,
command: New Republic soldiers llD+ I,
con 9D, gambling 6D, hide 6D+2, persua-
sion 8D, persuasion: debate IOD+ I,
persuasion: oration llD, search 7D,
Stamina 4D*, swimming 3D*
Computer programming/repair 6D, Droid
programming 5D, Droid repair 4D, first
aid 7D, security 5D+I, starfighter repair Sluis Van as part of a deal with the Empire.
2D+I Councilor Fey'lya has been the most vocal pro-
Special Abilities: None ponent of this theory, claiming that all those
Force Sensitive?: No ships would never have been launched without
Force Points: 4 proper defenses and crews unless Ackbar
Dark Side Points: 0 wanted them to fall into the hands of the enemy.
Character Points: 34 While Ackbar faces political troubles, his sup-
* Note: Some skills have been lowered from porters are still in contact with him. Ackbar has
previous listings to reflect aging and lack of use met with Han Solo and Princ'ess Leia. He pointed
(see The Star Wars Sourcebook for more in- out that the presence of an Imperial Grand Admi-
formation). ral would explain a great many of the problems
Admiral Ackbar the Republic had been experiencing. He told them
that Council Research wouldn't find anything on
Admiral Ackbar, a Mon Calamarian with a the GrandAdmiral in the computers. He had made
high-domed head and huge, sad-looking eyes, a thorough search of the records when they came
has been a member of the Alliance since his to Coruscant, but there was little more than a list
homeworld was enslaved by the Empire. He of names and assignments.
himself was enslaved to Grand Moff Tarkin be- He carefully listened to what Solo knew of
fore finding escape and refuge with the Alliance. Commander Antilles' report about the Sluis Van
He eventually became commander of the Alli- attack. He is most concerned about the report
ance fleet. Until recently, he served as com- that TIE fighters were smuggled insidea freighter
mander-in-chief of New Republic military opera- whose hold registered empty. If that was true,
tions. But that was before his duties were sus- Ackbar reasoned, then the Empire has finally
pended and he was placed under house arrest developed a workable cloaking shield. "They
on suspicion of treason. cannot cloak an entire task force," he explained.
The circumstances of his arrest are curious "By its very nature, a cloaking shield would be
indeed. The morning of the Sluis Van attack, there more danger to the user than it was worth. A
. was a sophisticated electronic break-in at the cloaked warship's own sensor beams would be
central clearing bank on COlUscant. Investiga- as useless as those of its enemies, leaving it to
tions revealed that a large transfer of credits was flail about totally blind. n
made into Ackbar's accountfrom the central bank Hewarned, however, !hatforall its weaknesses,
on Palanhi. The investigators are still trying to a cloaking shield in the hands of a Grand Admiral
trace the origin of the transfer, but some feel that can still be a dangerous weapon. "He would find
these events surely implicate the Admiral. ways to use it against us," Ackbar said.
Some people are claiming he sent the ships to

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 19

£,apter One: The New Republic WA~

Sex: Male
Building the B-wing Starfighter Homeworld: Calamari
Age: 50+
As told to Voren No '01 by Admiral Ackbar while he was Quote: "You must get me cleared of this
under house arrest on Coruscant ... ridiculous charge, Councilor. As soon as
"The B-wing starfighter? You want to know about that? possible. For all his ambition and self-
It's ancient history, young man. It seems like that whole confidence, Councilor Fey'lya hasn't the
event happened a life time ago. Oh, very well. I have tactical skills we need against a threat of
nothing else to do at this moment - if my guard Oroid this magnitude."
doesn't object. No? Then, where shall I begin? DEXTERITY 3D
"The Empire was using escort frigates with alarming Blaster 50+ I, blaster artillery 40+1,
regularity after the Battle of Yavin. While the fleet was dodge 40, melee combat 50+1, missile
relentlessly hunting for the hidden Alliance bases, the weapons 40+ I, missile weapons: power
Empire introduced a new frigate to guard its supply harpoon 50+ I
convoys - the Nebulon B. Of course, as you know, the KNOWLEDGE 3D
Empire was one of our greatest suppliers --: without the Alien species 70+ I, bureaucracy 80,
ability to hijack Imperial convoys, the Alliance would intimidation 50+ I, languages 60, plan-
have been crippled for lack of material. This new Nebulon- etary systems 80, survival 40, survival:
B frigate was more than a match for our starfighters, and ocean/undersea 60, tactics: capital ships
it threatened to cut off our ability to capture Impenal 80, tactics: fleets 90, tactics: starfighters
ships. We couldn't get at the Imperial convoys without 70+ 1, value 50+2, willpower 60
suffering excessive damage. MECHANICAL 3D+ I
"I knew our only course was to throw capital ships at Astrogation 80, capital ship gunnery
it of which we had precious few at the time, or come up 70+2, capital ship piloting 80+1, capital
w'ith a specially-equipped starfighter to use against it. My ship piloting: Mon Calamari battle
plan called for the construction of a new starfighter, but cruiser 90+1, capital ship shields 60+1,
it hinged on my being able to enlist the aid of the Verpme, repulsorlift operation 50+ I, sensors
the renowned ship builders from Roche system. 50+1, space transports 50+2, starfighter
"While I could not convince the insectoids to join the piloting 60+ I
Alliance, I was able to get them to commit to the project. I PERCEPTION 2D+ I
described what type of ship I needed, and they used their Bargain 70, command 90, command:
unique design skills to make it a reality. They bUilt two Mon Calamari crewmen 110+2, hide
prototypes for us; and showed my team of engmeers how to 40+1, persuasion 60, search 50+1, sneak
build more. They applied their ship stabilization system to 40+2
the B-wing, creating a secure weapons platform, containing STRENGTH 3D
the cockpit, that the rest of the ship rotates around. It 's Lifting 40, stamina 60, swimming 80+2
capable of a wide variety of maneuvers, while still packed TECHNICAL 3D+ I
with enough firepower to deal with a Nebulon B. . Capital ship repair 50+ I, capital ship
"Of course, the Empire found out about the operatIon weapon repair 40+2, computer program-
when one of my own men turned out to be a traitor. If not ming/repair 40+ 1, Oroid programming
for the efforts of a daring Rebel strike team, we might not 40+ 1 first aid 40+ 1, first aid: Mon
have escaped Roche system with the starfighters, let Cala';'ari 50+1, repulsorlift repair 50+1,
alone our lives and the lives of the Verpine." security 70+ 1
Special Abilities:
Moist Environments: When in moist
Currently, between Councilor Fey'lya's blun-
environments, Mon Calamari receive a
der concerning the Katana fleet incident and
+10 bonus to all Dexterity, Perception and
Talon Karrde's promise to provide a skilled
Strength attribute and skill checks.
slice'r to check the computers, it looks as if
DIy Environments: When in very dry
Admiral Ackbar will soon be back at the helm of
environments, Mon Calamari seem
the New Republic's military forces. With luck, it
depressed and withdrawn. They suffer a
will be in time to make a difference.
-10 penalty to all Dexterity, Perception
Admiral Ackbar and Strength attribute and skill checks.
Roleplaying Game Statistics Force Sensitive?: No
Template Type: Mon Calamari Admiral Force Points: 4
Loyalty: To the New Republic Dark Side Points: 0
Height: 1.8 meters Character Points: 28
Species: Mon Calamari

20 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Borsk Fey'Iya end, he pointed out that the whole Sluis Van
Councilor Borsk Fey'lya is the m'ain Bothan incident showed signs of serious military mis-
leader in the New Republic government, and is management - or even treason.
suspected of orchestrating a campaign to have With Ackbar safely discredited, Fey'lya de-
Admiral Ackbar convicted of treason. In truth, cided to be less aggressive in the hopes of
Fey'lya is not so much a greedy, self-serving gaining more power in the long run. Still, his
politician as he is a typical Bothan. efforts to take the Katana fleet have revealed his
Fey'lya serves on the Provisional and Inner true nature. Now that his motives and perspec-
Councils of the New Republic. He is a master tive - seeing all others as pawns to be manipu-
diplomat, and he plays the games of politics with lated at will-are out in the open, his power and
the same skill and zest as Lando Calrissian plays prestige is likely to dwindle quickly.
sabacc. He has had himself placed in a prominent Fey'lya, from all accounts, had a distinguished
position as one of Mon Mothma's advisors both rise to power. Hegrew' up on the Bothan colony
through his considerable skills and the fact that it world of Kothlis, instead of on Bothawui proper.
was his people who uncovered the plans for the He joined the Rebel Alliance right after the Battle
second Death Star, securing the Rebel Alliance's ofYavin, bringing a good-sized group of his fellow
final victory over the Empire. Bothans in with him. His people served mainly in .
Fey'lya exhibits the typical Bothan greed and support and reconnaissance, though they saw
lust for power. He has always considered him- occasional action as the war intensified.
self a rival to Admiral Ackbar and the Mon Fey'lya has also been involved in a few wide-
Calamari - he feels that the contributions of his ranging intergalactic business activities - ship-
people (and himselQ have been down-played, ping, merchandising, mining, and assorted ven-
while the Mon Cals have been undeservedly tures. He continues to administer some of these
elevated to a position of prominence. businesses, even though he has a firm position
Due to this jealousy, the Councilor is master in the New Republic.
of an anti-Ackbar scheme, and is pushing to gain Secretly, Fey'lya provided support to Corellian
more power. Fey'lya also believes that Mon Senator Garm Bel Iblis throughout the war, who
Mothma wields too much personal power - he had gone rogue and was waging his own war
has some ideas about how that power should be upon the Empire. The Bothan helped set up a
reappointed. supply line through New Cov, shifted funds for
Recent events have played perfectly to Bellblis, and even helped him defend his base
Fey'lya's greed and strong points, although like against a Victory·dass Star Destroyer. He be-
anyone blinded by the pursuit of power, he has lieves that Bellblis should be more grateful than
exceeded his capabilities. he has been.
When the first discrepancies were revealed Fey'lya's goals and objectives are predict-
regarding Admiral Ackbar's involvement at the able. Fey'lya thinks in terms of political and
Battle of Sluis Van, Fey'lya went on the attack. persuasive influence, not military power. His
Leading the charge to have Ackbar imprisoned goal is to go through life getting more and more
and accused of treason, he talked the Council people to listen to what he has to say. As a rule,
into letting him take over some of Ackbar's he won't stick his own neck out far enough to
internal security duties, but he has behaved concoct elaborate plots of his own, but he has
more like a caretaker than a new administrator. no hesitation taking advantage of the plots of
He is not above dropping hints that he's avail- others - even if those others happen to be
able to take over supreme command, but he Imperials.
hasn't pushed for the appointment yet, either. That's what happened between Fey'lya and
He needs to walk a careful line between compe- Ackbar. In Bothan society, when another leader
tent politician and greedy opportunist - he stumbles, he is invariably jumped on by all those
cannot afford to appear as the latter because he who want to take over his position. But Bothans
knows he needs broad support to succeed. are more scavengers than hunters. He believes
Make no mistake - although Fey'lya is glad that Solo and the others want to use the Katana
toseeAckbar foiled, he isn't a traitor and doesn't fleet to force his downfall and reinstateAckbar. He
want to see the Empire succeed. In fact, Fey'lya believes everyone plays the same games that he
was quite relieved that Han Solo and Lando does, basing decisions on prestige.
Calrissian foiled the Empire's attempt at grand This became evident when he ordered the
larceny at Sluis Van, even if the method was Quenfis to desert RogueSquadron and Han Solo's
costly. But if he gains power through weakness tech team aboard the Katana. Luckily, through
or faulty judgement on the part of other Repub- the manipulations of Talon Karrde and Princess
lic officials, so much the better for him. To this Leia, Fey'lya was fooled into revealing his greed.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 21

- WARS""""

Blaster 50+1, dodge 70, melee combat
40+ 1, melee parry 40+ I, running 50+ I
Alien species 60, bureaucracy 80+1,
bureaucracy: New Republic Provisional
Council 90+2, business 50+2, cultures
40+1, cultures: Bothan 70+2, intimida-
tion 40+1, languages 30+2, planetary
systems 40, streetwise 70, survival 40,
value 40
Astrogation 30, beast riding 30+1,
communications 30+1, repulsorlift
operation 40+1, space transports 30+1,
starfighter piloting 30
Bargain 90, command 60, con 100,
forgery 60, gambling 80, hide 90+2,
search 80, sneak 70
Climbing/jumping 50+2, stamina 40+2
Computer programming/repair 70,
demolition 40+ 1, Oroid programming 5D,
repulsorlift repair 40+2, security 8D+ I
Special Abilities: None
Story Factors:
Opportunist: Bothans, as a species, are
very opportunistic and predatory. They
try to take advantage whenever possible,
and also think that everyone who isn't
allied with them is actively plotting
against them. As a result, they seem
greedy, selfish and paranoid to many
other species.
Communication: Bothans can manipulate
their fur to express emotions and further
ciarify any statements they make. In
Bothan society, this ability is as impor-
Councilor Borsk Fey'lya has been placed under tant to communication as speech - the
military arrest pending his return to the Provi- rippling conveys subtleties that mere
sional Council on Coruscant. words cannot express (or so Bothans
believe). Control requires practice and
Borsk Fey'lya can be affected by strong emotion, just
Roleplaying Game Statistics as it is often easy to tell if a Human is
Template Type: Bothan Councilor angry by the tone of his voice.
Loyalty: To himself, then the Bothan Force Sensitive?: No
people Force Points: 2
Height: 1.4 meters Dark Side Points: 0
Species: Bothan Character Points: 13
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Kothlis Leia Organa Solo
Age: 40+ Leia Organa Solo has been many things in her
Quote: "No one cares if their enemies young life - princess, senator, hero, diplomat,
die. And all those who are not on my councilor, daughter, sister and wife. Soon she
side are my enemies. I trust that I need will add one more title to that impressive list-
not say more." mother - fOT she carries unborn twins inside

22 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


her, twins who are already strong with the Force.

Since the beginning ofthe current crisis, she has
had barely a moment's rest. She has spent much
of her time with Chewbacca and C-3PO, running,
hiding, and working to promote the cause of the
New Republic.
Her love for her husband, Han Solo, is strong,
but she wishes she had more time to spend with
him. It seems that they have been lighting non-
stop since the plans for the original Death Star
came into her possession. She knows him well,
though there are times when even she cannot
see through his unreadable sabacc face. She has
an equal but different kind of love for her brother,
Luke Skywalker, and even for Chewbacca and
the Droids, Artoo and Threepio.
Leia, when not busy handling a dozen Council
assignments at once, tries to find time to meet
with Luke for her Jedi training. Unfortunately,
her time is very limited right now. The threat of
the Empire against her and her unborn children
cannot be ignored, and Leia has worked to
eliminate one major source of danger.
With Chewbacca and C-3PO beside her, she
accompanied the Noghri Khabarakh to his KNOWLEDGE 4D
homeworld to meet with the Noghri leaders. To Alien species 8D, bureaucracy 9D+2,
the Noghri, Leia is both prey and prophet, wanted bureaucracy: New Republic Provisional
by the Empire and daughter of Darth Vader. Leia Council 9D+ 1, cultures 9D+ 1, languages
sees two solutions to the threats against her and 7D+2, law enforcement 7D+I, planetary
her children - head-on confrontation or a forti- systems 9D, streetwise 6D+2, survival
lied tower guarded by a Wookiee army. She has 8D, value 6D, willpower 7D
never been one to need protection, and high MECHANICAL 2D+2
towers leave litUe room for a normal life, so she Astrogation 5D, beast riding 4D+l,
has opted for the direct approach. communications 5D+2, hover vehicle
With Chewbacca's help, shewas able to show operation 3D+2, repulsorlift operation
the Noghri that the Empire had lied to them and 5D+l, sensors 4D+2, starlighter piloting
forced them into slavery for no good reason. 6D, starship gunnery 5D+2, starship
What they do with that information is up to shields 5D+ 1
them, but she believes they will stop hunting PERCEPTION 3D+ I
her. Now all she has to do is find a way to stop Bargain 7D, command liD, con 6D,
the rest of the Empire from coming after her. gambling 5D, hide 7D, persuasion 9D,
leia Organa Solo persuasion: debate lOD+l, persuasion:
oration IID+2, search 6D, sneak 6D+ 1
Roleplaying Game Statistics STRENGTH 3D
Template Type: Young Councilor Brawling 4D+2, climbing/jumping 5D,
Height: 1.5 meters stamina 7D, swimming 5D+l
Species: Human TECHNICAL 2D
Sex: Female Computer programming/repair 4D+2,
Homeworld: Alderaan (by adoption) demolition 3D, Oroid programming 50,
Age: 28 lirst aid 70, security 50+ 1, starship
Quote: "The Empire once destroyed an repair 40
entire world because of me. I don't ever Special Abilities:
want that to happen again." Force skills: Control 3D, sense 3D, alter JD.
DEXTERITY 3D Force powers (these are only some of the
Blaster 8D+2, blaster artillery 4D+ I, powers which Leia has so for demon-
brawling parry 5D, dodge 8D, grenade strated):
4D+ 1, melee combat 6D, melee parry 6D, Control: Absorb/dissipate energy,
running 5D, vehicle blaster 4D control pain, resist stun

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 23

- WAIU""""

Sense: Danger sense, life detection, life Species: Human

sense, magnify senses, receptive telepathy Sex: Male
Alter: telekinesis Homeworld: Corellia
Force Sensitive?: Yes Age: 40+
Force Points: 8 Quote: "I understand. I won't let you
Dark Side Points: 0 down."
Character Points: 35 DEXTERITY 3D+ 1
Blaster 8D+ 1, blaster: blaster rifle 5D+ I,
Han Solo blaster: heavy blaster pistol IOD+ 1,
When Han Solo lirst agreed to take two pas- blaster artillery 6D+l, brawling parry 8D,
sengers and two Droids from Tatooine to dodge 8D, dodge: energy weapons 9D,
Alderaan, he never imagined where the ride grenade 6D+l, melee combat 6D+l,
would actually lead. He has left his old life melee parry 5D+I, missile weapons 6D+I,
behind, giving up smuggling and piracy to take pick pocket 5D+2, running 5D+2, thrown
on the robes of responsibility and the cause of weapons 5D+ 1, vehicle blasters 6D+ 1
freedom. From helping the Alliance overthrow KNOWLEDGE2D
the Empire to lighting to keep the New Republic Alien species 7D, bureaucracy 6D,
alive, the self-proclaimed scoundrel has ma- business 6D, business: smugglers 7D,
tured greatly over the years. cultures 6D, intimidation 8D, languages
His friendship with Luke Skywalker has taken 6D, law enforcement 6D, planetary
on an almost brotherly affection, and his love systems 8D, streetwise 9D, streetwise:
for 'his wife, Princess Leia, knows no bounds. labba the Hutt's organization 10D+1,
Add to that his special relationship with the survival 8D, value 6D, willpower 6D+2
Wookiee Chewbacca and the imminent arrival MECHANICAL 30+2
of his twin children, and it can be said that Han Astrogation 9D, beast riding 5D+2, beast
Solo is a happy man. But he is not content, for his riding: tauntaun 6D, capital ship gunnery
life is far from normal. It is filled with adventure 6D+2, capital ship piloting 8D+2, capital
and danger, and sometimes he gets tired of ship shields 6D+2, communications
taking on the troubles of the galaxy just because 5D+2, ground vehicle operation 5D+2,
he has the skills and luck to get the job done. repulsorlift operation 8D, sensors 6D,
He has been attacked by bounty hunters and space transports 8D, space transports:
interstellar criminals. He has dodged asteroids YT-1300 transports 12D, starlighter
and Star Destroyers. He has been shot at by piloting 7D+2, starship gunnery 9D,
stormtroopers and tortured by Darth Vader. starship shields 7D+l, swoop operation
Alter all that, it would seem that nothing could 8D+2
frighten Han Solo. But he is frightened never- PERCEPTION 3D
theless, scared to death over the safety of the Bargain 8D+I, command 7D+2, con 8D+I,
woman he loves and the children she carries. forgery 5D, forgery: ship IDs 7D, gam-
Her determination, her strong, caring voice, bling 8D+ I, hide 8D+2, persuasion 6D+ 1,
and her cool skill are but a few of Leia's qualities search 6D+ 1, sneak 6D
which Han loves. He knows that no matter how STRENGTH 3D
much he tries, he will never be able to protect Brawling 70+2, climbing/jumping 6D,
her from the dangers of the galaxy. No matter lifting 5D+2, stamina 8D, swimming 4D+2
how much he loves her, no matter how much of TECHNICAL 2D+2
himself he might give to her, she can never be Blaster repair 5D, computer program-
content with that alone. There will always be a ming/repair 7D+1, demolition 6D+2,
place in her heart for him, but her vision extends Droid programming 6D+I, first aid 3D+2,
beyond husband and wife, taking in all beings in ground vehicle repair 5D+2, repulsorlift
the· galaxy. To try to take that away from her repair 7D, security 7D+I, space trans-
would be to diminish the soul he has fallen in ports repair 7D+2, space transports
love with. He only wishes they can lind some repair: YT-1300 transports 9D+2, starship
time for themselves in the middle of saving the weapons repair 5D
galaxy again. Speciaf Abilities: None
Han Solo Force Sensitive?: No
Force Points: 5
Roleplaying Game Statistics Dark Side Points: 0
Template Type: Smuggler Character Points: 40
Height: 1.8 meters

24 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

Chapter On e'. The New Republic

Dark Force RISing Sourcebook

_Chapter Two
The Force

The Force binds the galaxy together, though vant, Darth Vader, both made use of the Force.
there was a time not so long ago when its belief However, they treaded the shadowy paths of the
was reduced to legend and half-remembered Dark Side, filled with anger, fear and aggression.
tales. The Force gives Jedi Knights their power, The Emperor hid it well, only revealing his foul
but the mighty fire of justice that once burned powers in the end, though it was those powers
so brightly was all but extinguished by the Em- which helped him forge and hold his Empire.
peror and his New Order. Once the Force and Vader made no attempt to hide his powers or
those who wielded its Light Side were the pro- beliefs, but the Imperials around him saw him as
tectors of the galaxy. There is evidence that the the last of a dying breed, a strange and mysterious
fire of justice has already been rekindled, burn- sorcerer with dark, even foolish ways.
ing through the evil that has held the galaxy in Though everything the Old Republic stood
fear and tyranny for so long. for was banished and the use of the Force out-
From the earliest days of the Old Republic, lawed, the Alliance turned to its ideals for
the Jedi Knights used the power of the Force to strength and guidance. Perhaps it was because
defend the galaxy. The Force, an energy field the Emperor had tried so hard to eliminate the
created by all living things, affirms life, and the Light Side of the Force that the Alliance rallied
Knights who drew power from it followed the behind its long-neglected affirmation. Perhaps
paths of light and goodness. When Emperor it was because the leaders of the Rebellion still
Palpatine established his New Order, he wiped remembered those times of honor and justice.
out the Jedi and drove the memory of the Force Maybe it was both of these things, or maybe it
into the far, forgotten corners. By command of was simply that the Force could not be denied.
the Emperor and his New Order, the Force be- For whatever reason, the words echoed in the
came a fairy tale - to be ignored, ridiculed, hidden bases, imbuing the freedom fighters with
outlawed, and finally destroyed by his dark a binding power that gave them strength against
agents. Perhaps that's why the Alliance em- the superior numbers of the Empire.
braced its memory. "May the Force be with you."
The galaxy witnessed the death of the Jedi as A simple rallying cry that explained all the
the Emperor and Darth Vader hunted them Alliance believed in, all it stood for. The slogan
down and destroyed them. For a time, the Jedi called forth the echoes of the past to inspire
and the Force were blamed for the galaxy's hope for the future. For a time, the words held
troubles. In this Empire-sanctioned hysteria, little meaning to many of the young beings
those who demonstrated even the least bit of joining the Rebellion. Slowly, then with a mo-
ability in the Force learned to deny their talents, mentum that shook the Empire, the meaning
to hide, and to run. When the hysteria died became bright and clear.
down, the Force and the Jedi were all but forgot- When Luke Skywalker appeared on the scene,
ten. Ancient, outdated charlatans, some called his heroics helped wipe away the doubt and
them. Dangerous fools, said others. Then no one uncertainty. Belief in, and respect for, the Force
said anything at all. The Emperor replaced Old was returning. With the defeat of the Emperor and
Republic, Jedi and the Force with Empire, the return of Darth Vader to the Light, Luke
stormtroopers and the New Order. He gave the Skywalker fulfilled the first part of his destiny-
galaxy something new to believe in, but the he demonstrated the power of hope. Now, five
belief was bitter, and the doctrine foul and dark. years after the Battle of Endor, Luke has returned
The irony was that the Emperor and his ser- the Jedi Knights to the galaxy. He has already

26 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 27


begun teaching his sister the ways of the Force, the decisive Battle of Endor. I saw him mature
and soon others will come to him to learn. into a Jedi Knight. I recorded the day he re-
The Light Side was denied for a time, forgot- signed his commission, the day he was nearly
ten, hidden away, ignored. Already those who killed by Darth Vader, when he learned that
once turned away from the call of the Force are Princess Leia was his sister. In my own way, I
beginning to listen to its binding, penetrating shared in his joys, his sorrows, his great ac-
song. When they are ready - when Luke complishments, and his rare failures.
Skywalker is ready - they will come to learn, I met the young dreamer. Iknow the man that
and the Jedi Knights will once again take their grew to replace him. For all his power, he dis-
rightful place as defenders of the galaxy and plays no bravado. He is wiser from his experi-
protectors of the Republic. ences, older more from loss than from years. He
has lost his childhood illusions, and his depen-
Luke Skywalker dency on mentors. He has lost friends to war. He
From the data pad journal of Voren No 'al lost his right hand. He has also gained many
Director of New Republic Council Research. ' things, including knowledge. In some ways, there
I met Luke Skywalker on the planet Thila, are things he knows now that he wishes he
shortly after the Battle of Yavin. The Alliance could forget.
was setting up one of its bases, and I had just Since the rise of the New Republic, Luke
been assigned to compile a history of the Rebel- Skywalker has become a symbol of all the new
g~lactic union stands for. One of his principal
lion. My assignment was to record the actions of
missIOns calls for him to visit member worlds
a particular group of Alliance soldiers - the
Heroes of Yavin. That was what they were call- and those worlds being courted to join the
ing Princess Leia Organa and her companions. Republic. His role in the success of the Rebellion
They had just helped destroy the Death Star has become legend and, along with his station
battle station, saving the Alliance High Com- as Jedi Knight, make him a sought after guest
mand which was hiding in a base on Yavin's and a living testament for the New Republic.
fourth moon. Leia's companions hold a speciai This type of attention continues to make him
interest for me - Han Solo, Chewbacca, the uncomfortable, even after five years as a recog-
Droids Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio - but nized object of hero worship, but he goes along
none as much as Luke Skywalker. With It for the good of the fledgling government
To me, Luke Skywalker represented the heart and because Mon Mothma requests it.
and soul ofthe Alliance soldier. He was a dreamer He has also started to train his first appren-
from an out-of-the-way world called Tatooine. tice - his sister, the Princess Leia Organa Solo.
He did not believe he was special or important. Of all the things he has seen, done and accom-
He simply set his mind on the task at hand - plished since leaving the desert world of
first saving Princess Leia from the Death Star Tatooine, I believe that nothing causes him
and then joining the starfighter run against the more worry than his role as a teacher. He re-
~embers the lesson Obi-Wan Kenobi taught
battle station - and did whatever he could to
complete it. Even when he fired the shot which him, a lesson about how good intentions can
actually destroyed the Death Star, he played it turn to evil. Obi-Wan failed as a teacher once
down. He pointed to the spies who had given and his student became a champion of the Dark
their lives to find the weakness which he ex- Side - Lord Darth Vader. Luke does not want to
ploited. He reminded everyone of Leia's contri- repeat the mistakes of the past, especially since
bution, and Han Solo's, and the other starfighter it will also fall upon Luke's shoulders to train
pilots. It didn't matter. He was a hero, and his Leia's unborn twins.
protests only helped solidify that view in the Through all of this, Luke Skywalker continues
minds of the Alliance soldiers. to take an active hand in the galactic situation.
Over time, I learned that he was a great many Luke often leaps into the middle of situations
things. Pilot, warrior, brother, son, friend and others would run from, or at least approach
Jedi Knight, to name a few. He had a simple slowly and with great caution. Perhaps it's aJedi
philosophy that permeated everything he did: trait, or a result of the training he received. I
Luke Skywalker cared. When I first met him he tend to think he would be a hero even without
had just received the rank of Commander ~nd the awesome powers that are his to command.
was given control of Rogue Squadron. Iwatched It goes deeper than Jedi techniques and
him serve the Alliance well, through the many Iightsabers. It resides in the heart, and Luke's
campaigns leading up to the Battle of Hoth and heart is as large and as good as they come.

28 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

-WARS Chapter Two: The Force

\ .
.' ,.
. \


Luke Skywalker persuasion 50+ I, search 60, sneak 70

Roleplaying Game Statistics STRENGTH 3D+2
Template Type: Jedi Knight Brawling 60+2, climbing/jumping 70+2,
Loyalty: To the New Republic lifting 50+2, stamina 80.+2
Height: I. 72 meters TECHNICAL 2D+ 1
Species: Human Computer programming/repair 50+1,
Sex: Male Oroid programming 60+1, Oroid repair
Homeworld: Tatooine (by adoption) 60+1, Oroid repair: astromech 70+1, first
Age: 28 aid 50+1, lightsaber repair 90,
Quote: "I can't just leave him, Artoo. Not repulsorlift repair 70+1, security 50+1,
with him like this. Not when there's a starfighter repair 60+ I
chance I can help him." Special Abilities:
DEXTERITY 3D+2 Force skills: Control13D, sense lID, alter
Blaster 60+2, brawling parry 60+2, lOD
dodge 80+2, melee combat 50+2, melee Force powers (these are only some of the
parry 100+2, lightsaber 100+2 powers which Luke has so for demon-
KNOWLEDGE 3D strated):
Alien species 50, bureaucracy 50+2, Control: Absorb/dissipate energy,
languages 40, planetary systems 50, accelerate healing, control pain, detoxify
scholar 40+2, streetwise 60+1, survival poison, emptiness, enhance attribute,
70+2, value 50, willpower 80 hibernation trance, reduce injury,
MECHANICAL 2D+l remain conscious, resist stun, short-term
Astrogation 70, beast riding 50+ I, beast memory enhancement
riding: tauntaun 60+ I, communications Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, life
30+1, repulsorlift operation 80+1, detection, life sense, magnify senses,
repulsorlift operation: airspeeder 80+ I, receptive telepathy, sense force
sensors 40+ I, starfighter piloting 80+ I, Alter: Injure/kill, telekinesis
starfighter piloting: X-wing 100+ I, starship Control and Sense: Farseeing, lightsaber
gunnery 80+ I, starship shields 70+ I combat, projective telepathy
PERCEPTION 3D Control and Alter: Control another's pain,
Bargain 50, command 80, con 40, hide 70, inflict pain

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 29


Control, Sense and Alter: Affect mind, could never be a threat to his new Empire.
telekinetic kill Thrawn acknowledges that it is true that C'baoth
Sense and Alter.' Dim other's senses has a great deal of power and could certainly do
Force Sensitive?: Yes conSIderable damage to Imperial personnel and
Force Points: 30 equipment, but his instability makes him weak.
Dark Side Points: 0 Concentration, focus and long-term planning
Character Points: 65 are the qualities that separate a warrior from a
flailing fighter. C'baoth is a flailing fighter, and
Joruus C'baoth therefore not a true threat, or so Thrawn has
Joruus C'baoth, Dark Jedi and Jedi Master, convinced himself.
has been working with Grand Admiral Thrawn Joruus C'baoth is old. His gray-white hair,long
since being discovered on the planet Wayland. beard and deeply-lined face are evidence of that.
This partnership has been strained at best - in His eyes, however, are usually keen and alert, his
fact, both are beginning to play out the schemes posture straight and tall. He wears a brown robe
and traps they have set for each other. over his strongly-muscled frame. Only when you
For now, the alliance holds, no matter how talk to him do you notice that something is terri-
tenuously. C'baoth's Jedi powers serve Thrawn bly wrong. His mood shifts constantly, and he
Jumps from conversation to conversation, some-
well, providing the combat coordination that the
times picking up the ancient strands of discussion
Empire has been missing since the Emperor's
death over Endor's forest moon. In turn, C'baoth with a companion who is long gone. He is mercu-
has been promised new Jedi to mold and train. rial. He is mad.
Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, and Leia's un- Joruus believes that a culture is not defined
born twins have been pledged to C'baoth's care by its social laws and technological break-
by Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Jedi Master, how- throughs, but by its understanding and use of
ever, has aiready begun to put his own plans into the Force. He remembers a half-glimpsed image
motion, as Thrawn has so far been unable to of the Old Republic. It was a shining and vast
produce either Skywalker or his sister. example of the heights all could aspire to, he
remembers. And for a thousand generations,
Joruus C'baoth is not the good Jedi named
Jorus C'baoth who once defended the galaxy theJedi stood tall among the lesser beings of the
galaxy, guardians of justice and order. The Jedi,
alongsIde hIS fellow Knights. He is a clone of the
original Jorus, a clone who was corrupted and his twisted memories tell him, were the true
turned to the Dark Side to defend the Emperor's creators of civilization. The Senate debated and
personal storehouse on Wayland. Unfortunately, passed laws, but the Jedi made those laws into
theclonmgprocess was not perfect, and C'baoth's reality. And in return, his twisted memories
mind is deteriorating rapidly. The threads of his remind him, the galaxy destroyed them. He
believes that all lesser beings hate the Jed!.
past are hard for his mind to follow, easily lost in
the activity of the present. What he remembers They hate the power, the knowledge and the
maturity that is aJedi birthright. The hatred still
are only glimpses of memory, like scenes from a
history record. . exists, he believes, waiting for the Jedi to return
before it flares up again.
Memory isn't important to Joruus C'baoth
however. Or concentration, which is harder and There is madness in the Jedi Master, but
harder for him to manage. Even his own past is there is something more. He has hard steel at his
center, and a ruthless, calculating nature that
The Force is the only thing of importance. goes beyond insanity. He has a sense of su-
The Force is his to call upon whenever he needs preme power and supreme confidence and that
it. As long as the Force is with him, he believes just serves to make him more dangero~s.As for
himself safe from those who would harm him or Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, Joruus believes
try to take away all that he has. that the future is fixed. He has foreseen Mara
Although all evidence points to the fact that kneeling before him and believes once she is his
Joruus C'baoth was the Emperor's guardian at Skywalkerwill follow, and he believes that noth:
Mount Tantiss on Wayland, the Jedi Master ing can change that destiny from occurring.
believes that he defeated the guardian long ago. Luke Skywalker found C'baoth on the planet
He remembers that it was a grand battle, but the Jomark, but soon discovered that the teacher
details are lost to him. Grand Admiral Thrawn he had longed for did not exist. Instead, he
recognizes Joruus for what he is, but he may be found a Jedi Master who had gone mad and was
underestimating the Jedi Master's true powers. far along the path to the Dark Side. Luke did
learn that C'baoth wants him and his sister, as
Thrawn believes that a man with Joruus
C'baoth's mental and emotional instabilities well as Leia's unborn children. But C'baoth re-

30 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 31


lies on deceit and coercion, and Luke wants Joruus Cbaoth

none of that for his niece and nephew. He left the Roleplaying Game Statistics
Jedi Master in order to help Mara Jade rescue Template Type: Jedi Master
Talon Karrde from the Empire, but he has prom- Loyalty: To himself
ised himself that he would return to try to help Height: 1.9 meters
Joruus C'baoth. Though he isn't a healer, Luke Species: Human
hopes that he can bring Joruus back from the Homeworld: Bortras
Dark Side, as he did his father. Age: 120+
C'baoth, however, has other plans. Now he Quote: "Come now, Jedi Skywalker. 00
has joined Grand Admiral Thrawn aboard the you really believe that Joruus C'baoth -
Star Destroyer Chimaera, no longer content to .foruus C'baoth - would ever turn to the
wait on some backwater world for Skywalker to Oark Side?"
return to him. The Grand Admiral has made OEXTERITY 30+2
many promises to C'baoth since the two met on Archaic guns 50+2, bows 50+2, brawling
Wayland, and Joruus has decided to make sure parry 90+2, dodge 90+2, lightsaber 9D+2,
those promises are kepr. He has decided to take melee combat8D+I, melee parry 8D+I,
command of the Mount Tantiss project - a thrown weapons 60+2
project that holds the key to Thrawn's current KNOWLEDGE 20+ I
campaign against the New Republic. "The Jedi Alien species 40+2, cultures 40+ I, intimi-
will rule again," C'baoth has proclaimed. In his dation 70+ I, languages 50+2, streetwise
mind, it is now no longer Thrawn's Empire, but 60, survival 70, willpower 70+ I .
our Empire - his and the Grand Admiral's. Who MECHANICAL 20+2
knows how long before the Grand Admiral be- Astrogation 4D+2, beast riding 40+1,
comes expendable in C'baoth's twisted mind? repulsorlift operation 50+ I
Bargain 80, command I \D, can 100, hide
The Teachings of 90, persuasion 70, search 90, sneak 8D
Joruus Cbaoth . STRENGTH 30
loruu", ' teachings are distinctly different Brawling 60, climbing/jumping 80+2,
than those Luke received from Yoda, the stamina 80
.fedi Master. To the young ledi, .foruus' be- TECHNICAL 20+ I
lier., are dangerously misguided. Lightsaber repair 100, first aid 50+1,
security 50+ I
"To be a Jedi is to be a servant of the Special Abilities:
Force. I called you through the Force; and Force skills: Control l3D, sense l2D, alter
when the Force calls, you must obey." liD
"We are the true justice of the galaxy. Force powers (these are only some of the
We two, and the new legacy of Jedi that we powers which .foruus has so far demonstrated):
will forge to follow us. Leave the petty Control: Absorb/dissipate energy,
battles to others, and prepare yourself for accelerate healing, control pain, detoxify
the future." poison, emptiness, enhance attribute,
"Droids are an abomination - creations hibernation trance, reduce injury,
remain conscious, resist stun, short-term
that reason, but yet are not genuinely pari
memory enhancement
of the Force."
Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, life
"He required a lesson, and pain is the detection, life sense, magnify senses,
one teacher no one will ignore." receptive telepathy, sense force
"If you allow your justice to be forgot- Alter: Injure/kill, telekinesis
ten, you will be forced to repeat the same Control and Sense: Farseeing, lightsaber
lessons again and again." combat, projective telepathy
Control and Alter: Force lightning, inflict
"Maturity is defined solely by the under- pain
standing and use of the Force."
Control, Sense and Alter: Affect mind,
"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge control mind, enhanced coordination,
and defense, never for attack? A platitude telekinetic kill .
for the simpleminded. Or for those with Force Sensitive?: Yes
insufficient wisdom to make their own de- Force Points: 22
cisions. I am beyond such things." Oark Side Points: 25
Character Points: 21

32 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Jorus C'baoth was born of human parents on the planet

Bortras, in the Reithcas Sector. When he was seventeen, he
began studies at Mimic University. His interests and an innate
ability in the Force led him to ihe Jedi Training Center on
Kamparas after he graduated from Mimic. Two years later, he
began private Jedi training with an unknown master. Another
two years passed, and Jorus was granted the title of Jedi
Knight. After twelve years of service to the galaxy, he officially
assumed the title of Jedi Master.
As aJedi Knight, Jorus C'baoth participated in many impor-
tant happenings. He was part of the demilitarization observa-
tion group that went to Ando on behalf of the Old Republic. He
served as a member of the Senate Interspecies Advisory
Committee. He was even the personal Jedi advisor to Senator
Palpatine, although the details of that service are no longer
available in the Old Senate Library Records.
When a Jedi task force was assembled to oppose the Dark
Jedi insurrection on Bpfassh, Jorus C'baoth was a part of it. He
helped battIe, hunt down, and eventually defeat the Dark Jedi
who had wreaked havoc throughout the sector. When Afderaan
had an ascendancy contention, Jorus was among the delega-
tion sent to resolve the problem. When Alderaan's ruling
council had deadlocked three times trying to decide which
family line should receive the Viceroy title, they appealed to
the Senate to mediate the contention. In less than one month,
Jorus C'baoth and his delegation decided that the Organa
family had the proper claim.
His record doesn't end there. Jorus assisted the Jedi Master
Tra's M'ins in the mediation of the Duinuogwuin-Gotal con-
flict. He was named ambassador-at-large to Xappyh Sector.
And it was his influence and convincing argument that al-
lowed the Senate to authorize and fund the Outbound Flight
Project. The project was an attempt by the Old Republic !o
search for life outside the galaxy proper. Jorus was one of six
Jedi Masters attached to the project. The project launched
from Yaga Minor, but no further record exists of what it may
have found - or even if it ever returned.

Force Powers in the Control Powers

Roleplaying Game
The following Force powers appear in Dark Detoxify Poison
Force Rising or Heirto the Empire. Some of these Control Difficulty: Very easy for a very mild
powers are described here for the first time, poison (alcohol); Easy for a mild poison; Moder-
others are updated from other Star Wars: The ate for an average poison; Difficult for a virulent
Roleplaying Game products. Note that these poison; Very Difficult to Heroic for a neurotoxin.
descriptions are complete, but you need the Time To Use: Five minutes
rules given in the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Effect: This power allows a Jedi to detoxify or
Game, Second Edition rulebook to make full use eject poisons that have entered his body. If the
of them. Jedi makes the power roll, the poison doesn't
If a Force-using Jedi has a power not listed affect him.
here, it can be found in the Force section of Star
Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition.
Enhance Attribute
"And suddenly Luke was gone, a single leap
taking him to the top of the X-wing ... "

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 33

- WARS""""

pictures flowed swiftly backward in time: his walk

to the medical wing, his conversation with Wedge,
his hunt for a public comm desk ... "

Control Difficulty: Difficult.

Required Powers: Hibernation trance
Effect: When a Jedi uses this power, he or she
can replay recent events in order to more care-
fully examine images and peripheral oc-
currences. Using the power, a Jedi can freeze
images and even scan memory tracks to recall
details that were seen but did not register con-
sciously at the time of observation.
In game terms, this power can be used to alert
a Jedi to information, items, other characters,
or anything else that passed before his or her
senses within a specific span of time. In addi-
tion, if a gamemaster provided clues or leads to
clues that the players originally missed or ig-
nored, this power can be used to recall them.
When players get stuck on a puzzle or mystery
within an adventure, this power can alert them
to possible solutions, if those solutions were
observed earlier in the adventure.
How far back a Jedi can remember with this
Control Difficulty: Moderate. power is determined by the success of his con-
Effect: A Jedi uses this power to increase a trol skill roll.
single attribute for a limited amount of time. An
increased attribute can help a Jedi jump higher, Skill Roll Beals Memory
dodge quicker, see better, and run faster. All Difficulty By Extends Back ...
skills controlled by the enhanced attribute are 0-8 Through Current Episode
.increased by the appropriate amount for as long 9-20 Through Last Episode
as the power is in effect. 21+ Through Last Two Episodes
An attribute increased by this power re-
mains enhanced for the duration listed below. Sense Powers
Duration and attribute increase is determined
by how much a character's control skill roll Combat Sense
beats the difficulty number. Duration can be
extended through the use of character points "Luke held his ground, feeling the Force flowing
- for every character point a Jedi spends after into him and outthrough his arms, evokingan odd
invoking this power, the duration is extended sort of tunnel vision effect that turned mental
by one combat round. The points can be spent spotlights on the attack itself and relative dark-
at any time before the power fades. ness on everything else ... "
AJedi can only increase one attribute at a time.
If a character invokes the power to enhance a Sense Difficulty: Moderate for one opponent,
second attribute while the first attribute is still modified by +3 for every additional opponent a
enhanced, then the first enhancement fades and Jedi wants to defend against.
the second attribute receives the benefit. Required Powers: Danger sense, life detectian
Skill Roll Beals Attribute Effect: Combat sense helps aJedi focus on the
Difficulty By Increase Duration battle at hand. Everything else becomes dulled
and muted as the Jed!'s senses are all turned to
0-13 +10 3 Rounds the combat happening around him. All targets
14-25 +20 2 Rounds become mentally highlighted in theJedi's mind,
26+ +30 I Round aiding him in attack and defense. In game terms,
by focusing his attention on his opponents, a
Short-Term Memory Enhancement Jedi gains certain important advantages.
"Luke closed his eyes, reaching inward with the First, he gets to decide when he wants to act
Force. Short-term memory enhancement was one during a round - no initiative rolls are needed
of the Jedi skills he'd learned from Yoda. The

34 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


while the power is in effect. If more than oneJedi .immediate surroundings, and so can know, for
is using this power, whichever Jedi rolled high- example, when a friend is in danger, or what has
est when invoking the power gets to determine happened to his home planet in his absence.
exactly when they are acting in the round. Farseeing requires calm conditions and at
Second, his attack and defense rolls are in- least one minute, but often takes a few minutes.
creased by+2D. Combatsense lasts forten combat Farseeing cannot be done in the face of danger.
rounds and doesn't count as a "skill use" for The Jed!'s visions may not be entirely accurate:
determining die code penalties. Power roll ;0, Past/
Danger Sense Sense difficulty Present Future
"It came asa flickerofmovement from one ofthe 0-10 50% 10%
doorways, and an abrupt ripple in the Force. 'Duck" 11-20 75% 25%
Luke barked, igniting his Iightsaber. With a snap- 21-30 90% SOW,
hiss the brilliantgreen-white blade appeared-and 31+ 100% 75%
moved almost ofits own accard to neatly block the The past amf present are set and it is merely
blaster bait that shot toward them ... " a matter of the Jedi having correct perceptions.
NEW POWER However, the future is always fluid, always in
Sense Difficulty: Moderate or attacker's con- motion, never set until it becomes the present
trol roll. - therefore it is much harder to predict. The
Required Power: Life detection percentages on the chart are a rough measure of
This power can be kept up. how much correct information the character
Effect: Danger sense allows a Jedi to extend receives in their vision.
his senses around himself like protective sen- For example, 10% means that the character
sors, creating an early warning system for as will only be able to make out the most basic
long as the power is in effect. details of a situation, such as "My friends are in
When this power is used, the Jedi detects any danger." 25% means that the Jedi gets a some--
attacks the round before they are made. This what accurate vision of what will transpire, but
gives the Jedi a round to decide how to react to most major details will be missing from the
the danger. vision. 50% means that the character's vision
In game terms, if any character is going to was about half right. 75% means that the charac-
attack a Jedi on the next round, they must ter has an understanding of the critical happen-
declare their action the round before it hap- ings, but the character still has missed a major
pens. Characters who are going to attack the detail or two, which, of course, can complicate
Jedi may roll their control skill to increase the things. 90% means that the character has a very
difficulty of using the power. accurate and very detailed vision of what has or
will transpired. 100% means that thecharacter's
Control + Sense Powers vision is even more accurate and detailed, com-
plete with minor, almost trivial details.
When a character farsees into the future, the
Farseeing gamemaster has to make an honest effort to
'''1 wouldn't trustledi farseeing all that much if! correctly represent what will happen: if the
were you, ' Mara retorted. The Emperor did a lot of characters get a 75% result, the gamemaster
that, too. It didn't help him much in the end ... '" must try to predict what he thinks the charac-
Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by ters will do and what the outcome will be. Of
proximity. Add +5 to +20 to the difficulty if the course, since the future is so fluid, things are
character wishes to see into the past. Add +I0 to always subject to change. Farseeing is a great
+30 or more if the character wishes to see into mechanic for the gamemaster to reveal part of
the future. the story - enough to tantalize the players,
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy if the target is without ruining the story.
friendly and doesn't resist. If the target resists,
make a cantrol or Perception total for the diffi- Control + Alter Powers
culty. Modified by relationship.
Required Power: Life sense Control Another's Pain
Time To Use: At least one minute "Laying his hand gently on the worst of the
Effect: The user sees the person or place he bums, Luke reached out with the Force, doing
wishes to see in his mind as the situation cur- what he could to alleviate the other's pain ... "
rently exists. The power can also be us~d to see
the past or the future. The Jedi also sees the Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 35


proximity and relationship. victim resists damage with their Strength; armor
AlterDifficulty: Easy for woundedcharacters; is useless against force lightning. Force lightning
Moderate for incapacitated characters; Difficult courses over and into its target, convulsing him
for mortally wounded characters. with pain, siphoning off his energies and eventu-
Required Power: Control pain ally killing him. If this power stuns, wounds or
This power can be kept "up." If the power is causes any other injury to a character, he is so
dropped, the characters suffers pain and penalties convulsed with pain that he is incapable of
normally. performing any actions for the rest of the round
Effect: A Jedi can use this power to ease the and the next round.
pain of another and functions in the same man-
ner as the control pain power in Star Wars: The Inflict Pain
Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. Control Difficulty: Very Easy. Modified by
A wounded character who has his pain con- proximity.
trolled can act as if he has taken no wounds Alter Difficulty: Target's control or Percep-
starting with the round after the power roll is tion roll. Modified by proximity.
made. The wounds are not healed, but the char- Required Power: Control pain, life sense
acter suffers no pain from his injuries and doesn't Warning: A character who uses this power
suffer from the penalties of being wounded (-1D immediately receives a Dark Side Point.
to all actions, for example). Effect: The target experiences great agony.
However, the character is still injured and The user causes damage by rolling their alter
will suffer additional injuries normally. When a skill, while the target resists damage with their
character who has had his pain controlled in control, Perception or willpower. Damage is fig-
injured again, a new power roll must be made at ured as if the attack was a stun attack, aft hough
the higher difficulty to see if the pain can be if the target suffers any damage at all, they are so
controlled. crippled by pain that they are incapable of
acting for the rest of the round and the next
Force lightning round.
Control Difficulty: Difficult. Modified by prox-
imity, but limited to line of sight. Control + Sense +
Alter Difficulty: Perception or control roll of Alter Powers
Required Power: Absorb/dissipate energy, Affect Mind
injure/kill, inflict pain
Warniug: A Jedi who uses this power for any "Clenching his teeth, Han raised his blaster. But
reason immediately gets a Dark Side Point. euen as he did so, his peripheral vision caught
Effect: This power is a corruption of the Luke's hand making some sort of gesture; and
Force, harnessing pure hatred and evil from the suddenly the Imperial spun around in the opposite
user and the Dark Side. When used, it produces direction, pointing his blaster rifle toward a patch
bolts of white or blue energy which fly from the ofempty floor. 'He thinks he heard a noise, 'Luke
user's fingertips, like sorcerous lightning. These whispered. 'Let's go ... '"
bolts tear through the target, causing intense Control Difficulty: Very Easy for perceptions;
pain and injury. Easy for memories; Moderate for conclusions.
The user must make a control roll to summon Modified by proximity.
the energy for these bolts. These lightning bolts Sense Difficulty: The target's control or Per-
cannot be parried or dodged. Once the lightning ception roll.
bolts are called forth, the victim's only hope is Alter Difficulty: Very Easy for slight, momen-
to roll higher with his Perception or control. If the tary misperceptions, minor changes to distant
victim does roll higher, the lightning bolts reach memories, or if the target doesn't care one way
out toward the victim, but are deflected or go or the other. Easy for brief, visible phenomena,
around. A Jedi armed with a lightsaber can use for memories Jess than a year old, or if the target
the lightsaber combat power to block force light- feels some emotion about the conclusion he is
ning by rolling a higher control total, but force reaching. Moderate for short hallucinations, for
lightning cannot be deflected to other targets. memories less than a day old, or if the target has
This power can be dissipated with the absorb/ strict orders about the conclusion. Difficult for
dissipate energy power - the intended victim slight disguises to facial features or hallucina-
simply absorbs the bolts. tions which can be sensed by two senses, or for
When someone uses force lightning, the dam- memories less than a minute old, or if the matter
age is I D for each ID of alter the user has. The involving the conclusion is extremely important

36 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


to the target. Very Difficult for hallucinations

which can be sensed by all senses, ilthe memory
change is a major one, or if the logic is abso-
lutely clear and coming to the wrong conclusion
is virtually impossible.
Effect: This power is used to alter a char-
acter's perception so that he senses an illusion
or fails to see what the user of the power does
not want him to see. This power is used to
permanently alter a character's memories so
that he remembers things incorrectly or fails to
remember something. This power can also be
used to alter a character's conclusions so that
he comes to an incorrect conclusion.
Before making skill rolls, the character must
describe exactly the effect he is looking for. The
power is normally used on only one target; two
or more targets can only be affected if the power
is used two or more times.
A character believes he is affected by any
successful illusions - a character who thinks
he is struck by an illusory object would feel the
blow. If he thought hewas injured, hewould feel
pain, or if he thought he had been killed, he
would fall unconscious. However, the character switches targets.
suffers no true injury. Effect: The use of this power allows Jedi to
This power cannot affect Droids or recording take control of other people, turning them into
devices. puppets who must obey the Jedi's will - they
mustservetheJedi like automatons. This power
Control Mind may not be used on Droids or computers.
Control Difficulty: Easy for a Jedi who has Controlled characters may attempt a new roll
turned to the Dark Side. Moderate for a Jedi who to escape versus the Jedi's sense roll whenever
is of the Light Side. the Jedi adds new characters to his control.
Sense Difficulty: Target's Perception or con-
tra/ roll. Modified by relationship. Enhanced Coordination
Alter Difficulty: Variable, depending upon Control Difficulty: Moderate.
number of targets and whether the Jed! is of the Sense Difficulty: Difficult.
Dark Side or Light Side. See chart below. Modi- Alter Difficulty: Variable, depending upon
fied by proximity. number of targets. Modified by proximity.
Number of Dark Ught Number of individuals
Targets: Side: Side: to be affected: Difficulty:
I Very Easy Moderate 1-10 Very Easy
2 Easy Difficult 11-100 Easy
3 Moderate Very Difficult 101-500 Moderate
4-5 Difficult Heroic 501-5,000 Difficult
6-8 Very Difficult 5,001-50,000 Very Difficult
9-15 Heroic 51,000-500,000 Heroic
Required Power: Receptive telepathy, teleki- Required Power: Life sense, affect mind
nesis, affect mind This power may be kept "up, "but a new power
Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a roll must be made whenever the Jedi wishes to
Dark Side Point. AJedi who has not turned to the coordinate new troops orskills are to be changed.
Dark Side gains a Dark Side Point for each evil Effect: The use of this power allows a Jedi to
action he forces a person under his power to coordinate the activities of a group in order to
perform, but a Jedi who has turned to the Dark increase the group's effectiveness at a given
Side does not. task. This power was often used by Emperor
This power may be kept "up," but the Jedi must Palpatine to increase the fighting ability of his
make a new power roll whenever he adds or troops, mentally driving them on and supple-

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 37


menting their will to fight; Joruus C'baoth cur- fingers moving across lIis neck as iftrying 10 brusll
rently uses the power to increase the abiiities of away an in/angible cobweb. Mara leaned into lIer
Grand Admiral Thrawn's troops. tenuous grip on his tllroal; and he brushed again
This power may only be used on targets who aillis neck before underslanding came ... "
are in agreement with the intent of the Jedi Control Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proxim-
(such as, "to defeat the Rebellion"). It does not ity.
grant the Jedi mental control over the affected Sense Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity.
troops. Alter Difficulty: The target's control. or Per-
instead, this power iinks all of the troops on ceplion roll.
a subconscious level, allowing them to fight Required Power: Conlrol pain, inflict pain,
more proficiently and with better organization. injure/kill, life sense
If the power is successfully called upon, theJedi Warning: A character who uses this power
picks three specific Dexterity, Mechanical, or automatically receives a Dark Side Point.
Strength skills. Ali troops receive a bonus of 1D Effect: This power is used to telekinetically
for every 3D (rounded down) that they have in injure or kill a target. When the user makes his
the given skilis. alter roll against the character's control or Per-
Example: Joruus is using enhanced coordina- ception total to determine damage. The exact
tion. He picks capital ship gunnery, capital ship method used to kill the target varies: collapse
piloting, and capital ship shieids as the three the trachea, stir the brain, squeeze the heart, or
skills. If tile troops have 2D+2 ar less in tile skill, any number of other methods.
tlley receive no bonus. If Illey lIave 3D to SD+2 in
tile skill, Illey receive + I D 10 Illeir skill wllile Ille Sense And Alter Powers
power is in effeci. If tlley lIave (jD 10 8D+2 in Ihe
skill, Illey receive +2D to tile skill wllile il is in Dim Other's Senses
effect. Sense Difficulty: Easy. Modified by proximity.
Telekinetic J<ill Alter Difficulty: Target's cOn/rol or Percep-
lion roil.
"1\4ora glared at him and lashed out again, this
Tile allribute and skills are reduced as long as
time with the Force. Thrown frowned slightly,
tile power is kept "up. "

38 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Effect: This power greatly reduces the Per- The power may be used on more than one
ception of the target character. If successful, target at a time, with an increase of +3 to the
reduce the character's Perception and all Per- sense difficulty for each additional target; the
ception skills, depending upon the result: target with the highest control orPerception rolls
Alter roll <: control or Reduce for the entire group.
Perception roll by Perception
0-5 -I pips
6-10 -2 pips
11-15 -ID
16-20 -2D
21+ -3D

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 39


_Chapter Three
Remnants of the
Dark History Over the years, rebellion slowly simmered,
From the data padjaumal of Voren Na 'ai, Direc-
finally boiling over as the Alliance to Restore the
tor of Council Research for the New Republic.
Republic. The galaxy erupted in the fires of civil
war. The war raged on for years, finally coming
The rise of the Empire is as much the fault of to an end, of sorts, with the death of the Em-
the people of the Republic as the Emperor him- peror at the Battle of Endor.
self. After all, it was they who allowed Palpatine For five years, the New Republic has con-
to seize power. tinued a smaller war, pushing the remnants of
We know that the Old Republic became cor- the Empire closer and closer to complete de-
rupt as time went by. At its height, the galactic struction. The Empire has been reduced to a
union was invulnerable to external threats. But, quarter of its original size.
the Old Republic was destroyed from the inside Recently, however, the tide has taken an omi-
by those who were charged with sustaining it. nous turn. The Imperial remnants have suddenly
This corruption led to anger, outrage and a lack turned and struck back. The Empire has success-
of faith in the member worlds. fully raided the library banks of Obroa-skai, nei-
In a last ditch effort to preserve the union, the ther taking goods nor destroying facilities, but
Senate voted to install a compromise candidate stealing raw data. Republic sources have learned
as Hs head. That candidate was Senator that the Empire seeks capital ships to replace
Pal patine, but hehad his own secret plan for the those lost in the Battle of Endor and in the years
galaxy, his own dark agenda. since. The Empire has also engaged in a number
For a time, President Pal patine seemed to be of assaults on Princess Leia Organa Solo in an
the answer to the Old Republic's problems. His effort to capture her and her unborn children.
flowery speeches and drastic policies cut Then there are the rumors. Talk of a Grand
through much of the red tape. Even his most Admiral leading the Imperial fleet has spread
vocal opponents, who seemed to suspect his throughout the Borderland Regions, and Cap-
ultimate intentions, had to admit that he had tain Solo even claims to have seen the white-
succeeded in revitalizing a government that had uniformed leader.
been stagnant for far too long. The president ft is difficult to verify the truth of this rumor.
reached out to trade guilds and corpo(ations, The records at Coruscant are incomplete, sto-
building bonds of unity and cooperation. He len or erased during the panicked fmperial evacu-
developed a strong military, ostensibly for de- ation of the capital planet, so it is impossible to
fense from any external threats. Then, his true piece together a complete, fully detailed image.
motives began bubbling to the surface. Manyof the current New Republic strategies are
For glory, he established the Empire, casting based on supposition and intuition.
aside the last vestiges of the Old Republic. For The role ofthe Grand Admirals in the Empire is
convenience, he declared himself Emperor, known. As Palpatine sought greater control over
eliminating all but the weakest powers of the the galaxy and his own military, the Grand Admi-
Senate. For ultimate power, he created the fleet, rals were key to his objectives. The Grand Admi-
stormtroopers, and the rest of the Imperial war rals were the greatest military strategists in the
machine. By the time his plans of dark domina- Empire, and all were reputed to be fanatically
tion were evident to all, it was too late - the loyal to Palpatine. Theywere being primed to take
galaxy was firmly locked in the Emperor's grip of control of different galactic regions, perhaps as
tyranny and fear. replacements for the Moffs and Grand Moffs.

40 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


The other rumor concerns the emergence of vivid memories of Lord Darth Vader's punish-
another Jedi. Some tales call this being a Jedi menttechniques).
Master. Others refer to him as a Dark Jedi. A few Covell was fresh out of the Academy when he
name him as Jorus C'baoth, a prominent Jedi was assigned as ajuniorofficerto Colonel Veers'
Master of the Old Republic. The return of both regiment. Under Veers' tutelage, Covell learned
a Grand Admiral and a Dark Jedi seems like too the intricacies of commanding ground forces
much of a coincidence to be merely a random and grew to love the AT-AT walker divisions as
act of fate. much as Veers himself. Like Veers, he under-
Clearly, these events and rumors indicate a stood the power of the massive walkers, and he
master plan yet unrevealed. The Empire seems respected the fear they were able to generate in
to have been revitalized, given new purpose and opposing forces. Nothing satisfied him like sit-
direction. I fear, as do many on the Inner Coun- ting in the pilot's seat of a walker, high over the
cil, that these incidents are only a prelude to field of battle, feeling the unstoppable power
darker, more dangerous times. rumbling through the metal beast. Veers recog-
nized himself in the younger man, and when the
New Characters colonel received his promotion to general in
Dark Force Rising introduces a number of
charge of Lord Vader's ground troops, he took
new characters from the ranks of the Empire Covell with him.
who did not appear in Heir to the Empire. They Covell excelled in his work, soon earning the
are presented here for the first time. rank of high colonel in charge of one of General
Veers' battlegroups. He was chosen to serve as
General Cove" Veers' first officer in the Battle of Hoth, per-
General Covell is somewhat young to hold sonally commanding one of the AT-AT walkers
such a high rank in the Empire, but his back- assigned to the battle. Though his walker was
ground and experience made him the perfect taken down by the Rebels' tactics, he neverthe-
choice for the position considering who else less made a good showing of himself and his
there was to choose from among the Imperial command abilities. Even though he had been
remnants. He has contempt for his naval coun- wounded in the destruction of his walker, he
terparts, for they never get dirty, never sweat, was able to get to safety and take charge of a
never leave the safety of their clean, pristine group of snowtroopers. Under his command,
the snowtroopers were able to rout a superior
ships. Of course, he tries not to let this con-
tempt show, for even the unusually patient Grand number of Rebels before they could dig into
Admiral has been known to punish subordi- defensive positions.
nates from time to time (and Covell still has After Endor, with so many of the older, more

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 41

£laprer Three: Remnants of the Empire

experienced officers eliminated, Captain General Covell

Pellaeon promoted Covell to major general in Roleplaying Game Statistics
charge of the Chimaera's ground troops. In the Template Type: Young Imperial General
years since, Covell has done his best to prepare Loyalty: To the Empire
tho.se soldiers assigned to him, but ground forces Height: 1.8 meters
have had little place in a fleet that was more Species: Human
concerned with staying alive than taking back Sex: Male
planets. With the return of Grand Admiral Homeworld: Coruiag
Thrawn, all that has changed. The Empire has Age: 38
again begun planning for the eventual taking of Quote: "General Covell to all units: we've
planets, and Covell, now a general, has been got the light. Let's go."
ordered to prepare his forces for the action that DEXTERITY 20
is to come. . Blaster 5D, blaster: repeating blaster
General Covell has relished the assignment, 5D+I, blaster artillery 3D+2, blaster
calling on everything he learned in the Acad- artillery: anti-vehicle 5D+2, brawling
emy, in the field, and from his mentor, General parry 4D, dodge 5D, grenade 4D, vehicle
Veers, in order to train his troops. He has taken blasters 5D, vehicle blasters: heavy laser
them as far as he can without getting the oppor- cannon 8D+I
tunity for field exercises. The attack on Myrkr KNOWLEDGE 30+ I
was a start, but more such exercises will be Bureaucracy 6D+I, intimidation 5D+2,
needed before his young and inexperienced languages 4D+I, law enforcement 4D+I,
troops are ready to take on real Rebel outposts. law enforcement: Imperial law 6D+I,
He, of course, cannot wait to reclaim the Core streetwise 5D+I, survivaI6D+I, tactics:
Worlds - especially the Imperial capital of ground assault IOD+ I, tactics: squads
Coruscant. That is a battle he dreams about. 7D+2, value 4D+I, willpower 5D+I
When the opportunity comes, he vows that his MECHANICAL 30+2
troops will be ready to meet the challenge - Ground vehicle operation 4D+2, hover
and win the day. vehicle operation 5D+2, repulsorlift
operation 4D+2, sensors 4D+2, walker
operation 6D+2, walker operation: AT-AT

42 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


PERCEPTION 30 them in the thick of battle. That is only one of the

Bargain 50, command 70, con 40, reasons that Imperials are far superior to Rebels,
investigation 50, persuasion 40+2, for the Imperial will sacrifice any number of lesser
search 60 beings to ensure victory. What are a handful of
STRENGTH 30 deaths compared to the winning of a war? The
Brawling 50, stamina 50 Rebels fight like crazed animals when they have
TECHNICAL 30 nothing to lose and their backs are against the
Armor repair 40, demolition 40, hover wall, but they grow soft alter a taste of victory.
vehicle repair 40+1, security 40, walker Allow them time to enjoy the spoils of success,
repair 50 . and the Rebels lose the will to risk their lives. That,
Special Abilities: None Brandei believes, is why the Empire will ulti-
Force Sensitive?: No mately defeat them.
Force Points: I For all his confidence and daring, Captain
Oark Side Points: 2 Brandei is not reckless. He will press the attack
Character Points: 17 when the odds are with him, but he will not
sacrifice himself and his ship in a meaningless
Captain Brande; gesture. To live and fight another day is much
Captain Brandei commands the Imperial Star more important than dying spectacularly in a
Destroyer Judicator, one of the ships in Grand lost cause. Losing a battle is not significant
Admiral Thrawn's personal armada. Like Cap- compared to winning the war. And the war,
tain Pellaeon, Brandei was a senior officer who Brandei knows, will be the Empire's to win. For
survived the Battle of Endor. His survival guar- the Empire has men like himself, ships like Star
anteed his promotion, and the Judicator has Destroyers and the Dark Force fleet, and the
been his ever since. genius of Grand Admiral Thrawn to command it.
Brandei has made a study of the Rebels and Captain Brandei
Rebel tactics, working to understand the moti-
vations and possible responses of the enemy he
Roleplaying Game Statistics
has dedicated his life to destroying. Perhaps this Template Type: Imperial Captain
obsession to be the best at what he does stems Loyalty: To the Empire
from his background, for Brandei does not come Height: 1.75 meters
from the Core Worlds like most of his contem- Species: Human
poraries. He was born in the Outer Rim colony of Sex: Male
Mantooine, and he had to fight to be accepted into Homeworld: Mantooine
the Academy. Once there, he had to struggle past Age: 54
prejudice and discrimination to advance, and his Quote: "Send a message to the Chimaera.
work had to be exemplary to gain him even mar- Inform the Grand Admiral that we have
ginal notice from professors and superior offic- engaged the enemy."
ers. Important posts rarely went to aliens or Hu- OEXTERITY 2D+2
mans from beyond the Core Worlds while he was Blaster 40+2, dodge 40+2, melee combat
a student. Still, Brandei showed that he was more 30+2, melee parry 50+2, thrown weapons
than capable, and he made his mark despite the 30+2
discrimination facing him. KNOWLEDGE 30
Some believe that his contempt for the Rebel- Alien species 40, bureaucracy 50,
lion relates to the fact that most of its members cultures 30+2, intimidation 60+ I, lan-
were drawn from the type of world that spawned guages 40, law enforcement 60, law
him. He refuses to say, for his past is something enforcement: Imperial law 70, planetary
he wishes to put behind him. He is an Imperial systems 60, scholar 50, streetwise 50,
officer now, and that is enough. He has total survival 50, tactics: capital ships 70,
faith in his ship, for he believes that the Imperial- tactics: starfighters 60, willpower 50+ I
class Star Destroyer is the mightiest vessel cur- MECHANICAL 30+2
rently flying the space lanes. And theJudicator, Astrogation 70+2, capital ship gunnery
he firmly believes, is among the best of that 40+2, capital ship gunnery: turbolasers
regal, unstoppable class. 50+2, capital ship piloting 50+2, capital
Brandei knows that the Rebels have an un- ship piloting: Imperial Star Oestroyer 70,
common and unrealistic view of life in all its forms. capital ship shields 40+2, space trans-
They will go to great lengths - even so far as to ports 40+2
endanger their mission - to preserve the lives of PERCEPTION 30+1
their fellows, and that can often be used against Command 60+1, command: Imperial

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 43

• WA~

Navy officers 80+1, investigation 50, oversight as a slight against him. What's worse,
persuasion 60+ 1, search 50+ 1 Thrawn is obviously not Human. To have a non-
STRENGTH 2D+1 Human in charge of the Empire seems unthink-
Stamina 50+ 1 able to Dorja, who holds the tenets of the New
TECHNICAL 3D Order firmly in his heart. He does his best not to
Capital ship repair 40+1, computer let his dislike of the Grand Admiral show, for
programming/repair 60, first aid 40, Thrawn has shown himself to be as unforgiving as
security 50 either the Emperor or Lord Vader ever were. And
Special Abilities: None Dorja's recent failure to capture Han Solo and
Force Sensitive?: No Luke Skywalker at New Cov has not gone unno-
Force Points: 1 ticed. So the captain keeps his head low and his
Dark Side Points: 2 opinions to himself, waiting for an opportunity to
Character Points: 14 make his own move. On that day, he promises, the
New Order - in all its undiluted glory - will be
Captain Dorja reinstated, and Dorja will replace Pellaeon and
Captain Oorja commands the Imperial Star Thrawn as the head of the Empire.
Destroyer Relentless. He has been in command It is, Dorja believes, the way the Emperor
of the Star Destroyer since before the Battle of would have wanted it.
Endor, and his ship has the distinction of not
Captain Dorja
suffering any casualties during that infamous
conflict. Of course, some say that his cautious
Roleplaying Game Statistics
command style and reluctance to engage the Template Type: Imperial Captain
enemy in direct combat resulted in his ship Loyalty: To the Empire
being somewhat removed from the main battle Height: 1.8 meters
lines during the Endor incident. He dismisses Species: Human
that notion with a nervous wave of his hand, and Sex: Male
records do indicate that his prudence is not Homeworld: Coruscant
misplaced. However, one wonders if his hold- Age: 75+
back tactics would be rewarded or even toler- Quote: "Aliens have no place in the
ated by the Emperor or Lord Vader if they were Empire. The Grand Admiral is an unfor-
still alive. tunate, but necessary, exception. At
Dorja comes from a family that has a rich least for the time being."
tradition in Imperial and Old Republic military DEXTERITY 2D+2
life. His father, his grandfather, and back four Blaster 50+2, blaster artillery 3D+2,
more generations were all naval officers. More blaster artillery: surface to space 4D+2,
than one commanded a ship of the line, and at brawling parry 40+2, dodge 3D+2,
least one of his ancestors was an admiral. Dorja vehicle blasters 3D+2
has followed the family tradition, embracing the KNOWLEDGE 3D
call of space, the thrill of command, and the Bureaucracy 4D+2, intimidation 50, law
tenets of the New Order.· enforcement 30+ I, law enforcement:
He almost refused to follow Captain Pellaeon Imperial law 4D+ I, planetary systems
when the junior officer announced that he was 50+1, scholar 3D+I, survival4D, tactics:
now in command of the Chimaera and was taking capital ships 70+2, willpower 4D+2
command of the fleet. However, he could not MECHANICAL 3D+2
disagree with Pellaeon's evaluation of the situa- Astrogation 5D+2, capital ship gunnery
tion and orders to retreat. After that, it became 60+2, capital ship gunnery: tractor beams
increasingly hard to wrest power from the man, 6D+2, capital ship piloting 5D+2, capital
even though Dorja had seniority over him. The ship piloting: Imperial Star Destroyer
rest of the fleet officers respected him and be- 8D+2, capital ship shields 5D+2
lieved he was worth following. More than once in PERCEPTION 3D+1
the intervening five years, though, Captain Doria Command 7D+1, gambling 5D+I, hide
has come very close to taking command of the 4D+2, persuasion 4D+ 1, search 4D+ I,
Empire himself. In fact, he was about to make his sneak 4D+1
move when Grand Admiral Thrawn returned. STRENGTH 2D+1
Captain Doria does not like the Grand Admiral. Brawling 40+1, lifting 3D+1, stamina 6D+I
His return marked an end to Dorja's plots to take TECHNICAL 3D
power for himself. When the Relentless was left Demolition 4D, Oroid programming 4D+1,
out of Thrawn's personal armada, Doria saw the security 4D

44 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

-WARS Chapter Three: Remnants of the Empire

Special Abilities: None least some Academy training, though this is

Force Sensitive?: No becoming harder to do as time goes on. Once
Force Points: 2 they were taught duty and how to maintain order.
Dark Side Points: 5 Now they are drilled to fight a conquering war, for
Character Points: 11 that is the ultimate planof the Grand Admiral- to
retake the galaxy from the upstart Rebellion.
Imperial Forces Ships which have more than a single pilot
also carry gunners. These weapons masters are
Naval Personnel trained to use the high-tech armament found in
Naval personnel man the ships which make capital ships. In perfect times, gunners must
up the Imperial fleet. Perhaps the most impor- have keen eyes, superior reflexes, and a rapport
tant of these are the pilots, for they fly every- with specialized equipment. More and more,
however, gunners are culled from conscripts
thmg from the huge capital ships to the small
starfighters. At one time, almost all of the top who cannot be used in other posts. Thus, fire
pilots in the galaxy were found in the Imperial accuracy is not as great as it was in the Empire's
navy. Even in this period of decline, the Empire glory days, when gunners were considered a
still has enough good pilots to give the New breed apart. True, some of the old-timers are
Republic trouble, and Grand Admiral Thrawn is still serving, but increasingly the ranks are be-
doing his best to reinstate a training program ing filled with those who do not have the dedi-
for the new pilots he has ordered to be con- cation or ability of old-style Imperial gunnery
crews. Some of these inadequacies can be com-
scripted into service.
TIE pilots still form an elite corps within the pensated for by the gunner's specialized com-
navy, though their current training is much less puter helmets - which are filled with sensor
arrays, fast-target compensators and mac-
rigorous than before the Battle of Endor. The
best ship pilots have been reassigned to the robinocular viewplates - but not all.
Chimaera, Thrawn's personal Star Destroyer. Naval troopers protect capital ships, serving
He demands that the best pilots serve on his as onboard guards and soldiers. Once naval
ship, and on the other ships currently in his troopers wore the distinct uniform and helmet
hand-picked armada. New pilots are often of the legendary Death Star troopers, but now
teamed with older pilots and officers who had at they wear outfits similar to ground troops ex-
cept they are black in color as opposed io gray.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 45

- WAIU""""

Those troopers assigned to special details or to MECHANICAL 40

the Grand Admiral personally continue to wear Communications 40+ I, starfighter
the Oeath Star uniforms. Other naval troopers piloting 60, starship gunnery 50
serve as military police. hangar traffic control- PERCEPTION 3D
lers, and even sensor array monitors when not Command 40, hide 40, search 40, sneak
needed for combat duties. 30+2
Standard Imperial Pilot STRENGTH 3D
Climbing/jumping 40, stamina 40
Roleplaying Game Statistics TECHNICAL 20
Template Type: Imperial Pilot Computer programming/repair 30+ I,
Loyalty: To the Empire starfighter repair 50
Height: 1.7 meters Special Abilities: None
Species: Human Force Sensitive?: No
Sex: Male Force Points: 0
Homeworld: Any Human Dark Side Points: 0
Age: 20+ Character Points: 0-4
Quote: "The ship is drifting to starboard!
Activate the aft compensators and bring Standard Imperial Gunner
us around two degrees!" Roleplaying Game Statistics
OEXTERITY 20+1 Template Type: Imperial Gunner
Blaster 30+ I, dodge 30+ 1 Loyalty: To the Empire
KNOWLEDGE 10+1 Species: Human
Planetary systems 20+ I, survival 20+ I, Sex: Male
value 20+1 Homeworld: Any Human
Astrogation 40, capital ship gunnery 40, Quote: "Keep firing those turbolaser
capital ship piloting 50, capital ship batteries while I calculate the targeting
shields 40, communications 30+1, for the proton torpedo barrage."
sensors 30+1, space transports 40 DEXTERITY 20+2
PERCEPTION 20 Blaster 30+2, blaster artillery 40+2,
Hide 30, investigation 30, sneak 30 dodge 30+2, thrown weapons 30+2,
STRENGTH 2D vehicle blasters 40+2
Climbing/jumping 30, stamina 30+ 1 KNOWLEDGE 10+ I
TECHNICAL 10+1 Value 20+1
Capital ship repair 30+1, capital ship MECHANICAL 30
weapon repair 20+ I, computer program- Capital ship gunnery 50, capital ship
ming/repair 20+ 1 shields 40, communications 40, sensors
Special Abilities: None 40, starship gunnery 40, starship shields
Force Sensitive?: No 30+2
Force Points: 0 PERCEPTION 10+1
Oark Side Points: 0 Bargain 20+1, con 20+2
Character Points: 0-3 STRENGTH 10+1
Standard TIE Fighter Pilot Climbing/jumping 20+I,lifting 30+1,
stamina 20+ 1
Roleplaying Game Statistics TECHNICAL 20+1
Template Type: TIE Fighter Pilot Capital starship weapon repair 40+ I,
Loyalty: To the Empire computer programming/repair 30+ I,
Height: 1.8 meters starship weapon repair 40+ I
Species: Human Special Equipment: Computerized
Sex: Male gunnery helmet (+1D to capital ship
Homeworld: Any Human gunnery or starship gunnery; tongue
Age: 20+ operated comlink, +10 to sensors)
Quote: "I have the Rebel scum in my Special Abilities: None
sights! Firing now!" Force Sensitive?: No
DEXTERITY 3D+l Force Points: 0
B!aster 40+1, dodge 40+1 Oark Side Points: 0
KNOWLEOGE2D Character Points: 0-2
Planetary systems 30, survival 30, value
30 .

46 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


lieutenant Creb: TIE Fighter Pilot

When the orders blare through thecomm unit in the Sex: Male
pilots' ready room of the Star Oestroyer Chimaera, Lt. Homeworld: Bettok
Creb is among the first to strap into the cockpit of his. Age: 29
TIE fighter. Creb was a rarity in the days of the Em- Quote: "f had to take it easy before they gave
peror, for he was a TIE fighter pilot who had survived us combat shields. Now J don't have to hold
more than ten missions. In fact, when his TIE landed back."
back in its bay aboard the Chimaera after the Battle of DEXTERITY 3D+ I
Endor, he had finished his sixteenth combat engage- Blaster 60+ 1, brawling parry 50+ I, dodge
ment in less than two years. 70+ I, missile weapons 40+ J
Creb has turned down numerous promotions in KNOWLEOGE 2D
order to remain at the controls of his TIE. He loves fntimidation 60, planetary systems 60,
the speed and excitement that his job entails. He survival 60, tactics: starfighter 50+2, value
craves the glory and honor of battle, and hopes to 40, willpower 50
one day test his skill and courage against the pilots MECHANICAL 4D
of the infamous Republic's Rogue Squadron. He has Astrogation 60, communications 50,
modeled his own squadron after the Rebel model, starfighter piloting 80, starship gunnery 70,
though he would never admit it. Grand Admiral starship shields 50+ I
Thrawn would be especially upset to find that one of PERCEPTION 3D
his squadron commanders had an inflated respect Command 50, command: Black Wing Squad-
for anything of the Rebellion. ron 60, hide 50, persuasion 40+2, search 50,
Creb and his Black Wing Squadron have become search: tracking 50+1, sneak 60
something of a legend throughout the Imperial Fleet. STRENGTH 30
While the squadron commander has been reprimanded Brawling 50, climbing/jumping 50, stamina 60
for taking too many risks, his success record cannot be TECHNICAL 2D
denied. He hopes to add to the legend as part of Computer programming/repair 40, first aid
Thrawn's Mount Tantiss campaign. 50, security 30+2, starfighter repair 60,
lieutenant Creb starship weapon repair 40
Special Abilities: None
Roleplaying Game Statistics Force Sensitive?: No
Template Type: TfE Fighter Pilot Force Points: I
Loyalty: To the Empire Dark Side Points: 5
Height: 1.8 meters Character Points: II
Species: Human

Standard Imperial Navy Trooper Repulsorlilt operation 20+2, capital ship

Roleplaying Game Statistics shields 20+2
Template Type: Imperial Navy Trooper PERCEPTION 3D
Loyalty: To the Empire Command 40, search 40
Height: 1.8 meters STRENGTH 2D+2
Species: Human Brawling 40+2, stamina 30+2
Sex: Male TECHNICAL 10
Homeworld: Any Human Security 20
Age: 20+ Special Abilities: None
Quote: "No one can enter this corridor. Force Sensitive?: No
Grand Admiral's orders. 00 you have a Force Points: 0
probiem with that?" Dark Side Points: 0
OEXTERITY 2D+ 1 Character Points: 0-3
Blaster 30+1, blaster: blaster rifle 40+2, Army Personnel
brawling parry 30+1, dodge 30+1,
grenade 30+1, melee combat 30+1, The Imperial army lost much of its prestige
melee parry 30+ J, running 30+2 after the Battle of Endor. The reason was simple:
KNOWLEDGE 10+ 1 with the Empire retreating from the forces of the
Intimidation 20+ I, streetwise 20+ J New Republic, there was little use for ground
MECHANICAL 10+2 troops. All of the rigorous training and high-
profile recruitment programs were forgotten as

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 47


the Empire gave up system after system to the vehicle operation 20+ I. repulsorlift
advancing forces of the New Republic. The army operation 20+ I
units which had been mated to naval vessels PERCEPTION 2D
after the Battle of Yavin in order to form more Command 3D, hide 2D+2, search 3D,
complete combat units remained in place, but sneak 20+2
they found little to do in the remnant fleet. STRENGTH 3D+I
Grand Admiral Thrawn changed all that when Brawling 40+ I, stamina 40+ I
he returned to take command of the Empire, TECHNICAL 10
instituting a revitalization program aimed at Blaster repair 2D, first aid 2D
getting the army back in fighting shape. Com- Special Abilities: None
manders were ordered to recruit whole battal- Force Sensitive?: No
ions of troopers in anticipation of a new. aggres- Force Points: 0
sive campaign against the New Republic. To Dark Side Points: 0
take back planets, Thrawn required a well- Character Points: 0-3
trained and well-armed assault force. Officers Standard Imperial Assault Trooper
like General Covell and General Rekis are cur-
rently working around the chrono to prepare Roleplaying Game Statistics
their troops. Template Type: Imperial Army Assault
Army troopers make up the vast majority of Trooper
the Empire's ground soldiers, especially in light Loyalty: To the Empire
of the dwindling num ber of stormtroopers. Army Height: 1.8 meters
troopers wear gray uniforms. protective hel- Species: Human
mets and partial body armor. They are drilled in Sex: Male
a number of combat techniques, including Homeworld: Any Human
blaster weapons, grenades, hand-ta-hand com- Age: 20+
bat. heavy weapons and even melee weapons. Quote: "Take that hill? No problem, sir."
In addition, the army employs many special- DEXTERITY 2D+2
ized units and soldiers. Assault troopers, for Blaster 5D+2, blaster: blaster rifle 7D+I.
example, are trained to work in tandem with blaster: repeating blaster 6D+2, blaster
assault vehicles such as walkers and hover craft. artillery 40+2, brawling parry 30+2,
Like the vehicles they fight with, these troopers dodge 4D+2, grenade 40+2, melee
are heavily-armed and armored, carrying maxi- combat 3D+2, melee parry 30+2, running
mum fire power into battle with them. Many also 30+2, vehicle blasters 50+2
train to handle the controls of the support ve- KNOWLEDGE 10
hicles. doubling as pilots, gunners and crew Intimidation 3D, streetwise 2D, survival 3D
when the need arises. MECHANICAL 3D+2
Communications 40+2, ground vehicle
Standard Imperial Army Trooper operation 5D+2, hover vehicle operation
Roleplaying Game Statistics 40+2, repulsorlift operation 40+2
Template Type: Imperial Army Trooper PERCEPTION 2D+I
Loyafty: To the Empire Command 30+1, hide 30+1, search 30+1.
Height: 1.8 meters sneak 3D+1
Species: Human STRENGTH 10+ 1
Sex: Male Brawling 30+1, climbing/jumping 2D+I,
Homeworld: Any Human stamina 30+ I
Age: 20+ TECHNICAL 10
Quote: "I have my orders." Armor repair 20, blaster repair 2D, first
DEXTERITY 3D aid 2D+2, ground vehicle-repair 20,
Blaster 4D+I, blaster: heavy blaster hover vehicle repair 2D, repulsorlift
pistoI5D+I, blaster artillery 30+2. repair 2D
brawling parry 3D+I, dodge 40. grenade Special Abilities: None
30+2. melee combat 40, melee parry Force Sensitive?: No
3D+2. missile weapons 40 Force Points: 0
KNOWLEDGE 10+1 Dark Side Points: 0
Intimidation 20+ I, law enforcement Character Points: 0-5
2D+I, law enforcement: Imperial law
30+2. streetwise 20+ I Imperial Intelligence
MECHANICAL 10+1 Imperial Intelligence is an integral portion of
Ground vehicle operation 2D+I. hover the Imperial military; its civilian counterpart is

48 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Corporal Terkuss: Assault Trooper

He rides in the back of a noverscout, waiting for Corporal Terkuss
the order to disembark. He has memorized the Roleplaying Game Statistics
battle plan and gone over it a dozen times in his Template Type: Imperial Army Assault
head. Now he checks his blaster rifle, secures his Trooper
body armor, and prepares himself for the coming Loyalty: To the Empire
battle. He is Corporal Terkuss, one of the assault Height: 1.8 meters
troopers under the command of General Covell. Species: Human
Terkuss remembers when the Imperials conscripted Sex: Male
him into the ranks. He tried to refuse at first, but they Homeworld: Pless til
threatened to destroy his homeworld ifheand the rest Age: 23
of the new recruits didn't cooperate. Quote: "I love the smell of corpses on the
After the training began, he learned what the battlefield."
Empire stood for and he dedicated himself to the OEXTERITY 30+2
Imperial cause. He has learned that the Empire is Blaster 60+2, blaster: blaster rifle 90, blaster:
right, and that it is the legitimate force for order in repeating blaster 70+2, blaster artillery 50+2,
the galaxy. Before hewas so very unclear about this, brawling parry 50+2, dodge 60+2, grenade
but now, with all of the training and education he has 40+2, melee combat 50+2, melee parry 50+2,
received in the Empire, he is eagerly, unquestion- running 40+2, vehicle blasters 60+2
ingly serving the Empire. KNOWLEDGE 20
In the two years since being assigned to General Intimidation 50, streetwise 40, survival 50
Covell's command, Terkuss has become one of the MECHANICAL 40+2
general's best soldiers. Once the general even Communications 50+2, ground vehicle
complimented him on his change of heart. operation 60+2, hover vehicle operation
What made Terkuss convert to the Imperial doc- 70+2, repulsorlift operation 50+2
trine? The fact that they were teaching him to fight PERCEPTION 30+ 1
and that they were encouraging him to hurt others Command 50+ I, search 60+ I, sneak 40+ 1
was all that it took. Terkuss had always been a rough STRENGTH 20+1
sort, a bully, a thug. He enjoyed using his strength to Brawling 50+ I, climbing/jumping 40+ I,
hurt those weaker than himself. Now he has discov- stamina 50+ 1
ered that he also enjoys testing himself against TECHNICAL 20
those who could defeat him. This, he knows, only Armor repair 30, blaster repair 3D, first aid
serves to make him a stronger, better soldier - a 30+2, repulsorlift repair 3D
worthy weapon in the Imperial arsenal. Special Abilities: None
Force Sensitive?: No
Force Points: 2
Oark Side Points: 6
Character Points: 8

the Imperial Security Bureau OSB). While ISB's Imperial Intelligence at the highest levels. It
activities remain shadowy, Imperial Intelligence formulates strategies and presents the other
has rallied to the cause of Grand Admiral Thrawn divisions with goals and very broad grand strat-
due to his background as a career military man. egies. Ubiqtorate members are anonymous, of-
Imperial Intelligence is made up of four distinct ten unknown to their subordinates. In recent
divisions, each of which has specific functions to events, they have been dealing directly with
handle. These functions have been greatly re- Grand Admiral Thrawn and his selected agents,
duced in light of the limited resources available to although they are undoubtedly undertaking c1an-
the remnants of the Empire, but each division destine activities beyond thescopeofthe Grand
remains among the best trained and professional Admiral's plans.
portions of the Empire to survive.
Internal Organization Bureau
Ubiqtorate The Internal Organization Bureau, or IntOrg,
The Ubiqtorate is considered the true center protects Imperial Intelligence lrom all threats-
of Imperial Intelligence by many of its agents. both internal and external in nature. These
This division oversees all of the activities of agents are responsible for policing other intelli-

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 49

,Shapter Three: Remnants of the Empire WAA.I""""

.. ,41£1%1"J.


50 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


gence agencies to verify loyalty and reliability. ner Council, providing Grand Admiral Thrawn
The agents, rather than relying upon secrecy, with sensitive and highly-classified information.
appear highly civilized and have an air of polit- This information goes directly to Thrawn,
ical etiquette about them. However, they can be without being handled by any subordinates. It
completely ruthless when the situation calls for feeds him clear and precise information from
it. There are also a smaller number of covert the very heart of the Imperial Palace. Whatever
agents who operate in anonymity. This bureau Delta Source is, it is firmly established and the
is divided into two distinct divisions, Internal information it passes along is absolutely reli-
Security (lntSec) and Internal Counterintelli- able. Intelligence has tried to find out who or
gence (lntCon). what Delta Source is, butthey have been unable
IntSec provides for the physical safety of to determine if it is a person, Droid or some
Intelligence personnel, material and facilities. exotic recording system.
They regularly engage in bold attacks against
the New Republic, seeking to identify and neu- Character Updates
tralize trouble before it becomes a problem. The Characters which follow were detailed in
IntCon searches out enemy agents operating the previous volume, Heir to the Empire
within the Empire. This division also works to Sourcebook. As they continue to play important
root out enemies of the Empire who pretend to roles in Dark Force Rising, their profiles are
be loyal to the Imperial way. Moffs who seek to updated here in a much briefer format.
take control of the remnant worlds or captains
who go rogue have been a particular problem Grand Admiral Thrawn
since the fall of the Emperor. He sits in his command station aboard the Star
Analysis Bureau Destroyer Chimaera, his blue-skinned face ex-
pressionless, his glowing red eyes always focused
Analysis Bureau handles the data gathered on the status readouts, his white uniform spotless
by the other bureaus and sifts through it to and pristine. The rest of the command crew has
detect patterns and other relevant information. stopped trying to figure out Grand Admiral Thrawn,
At one time this division also examined trends to second-guess what his next ingenious move
in social data, but the Empire has turned away will be. They know that the late Emperor saw fit to
from such mundane tasks. It contioues to sample make Thrawn one of his twelve Grand Admirals,
and check carrierwave codes to see if hidden and if the Emperor had utmost confidence in him,
messages are being sent between comm broad- how could the rest of the Empire have less? The
casts. In this way, it looks at communications amazing thing about Thrawn is his not-quite-Hu-
the New Republic doesn't want anyone else to man heritage, which the Emperor apparently saw
know about. It also regularly decrypts coded fit to ignore despite his well-known prejudices in
communications. such matters.
In the year since Grand Admiral Thrawn has
Bureau of Operations
taken command of the Chimaera and begun to
The Bureau of Operatioos handles the covert rebuild the Imperial Fleet, he has demonstrated
operations which are beyond the scope or re- his military genius time and again. He likes to play
sources of the other bureaus. It participates in hunches, often reachingconclusions through leaps
surveillance and infiltration operations, coun- of logic that totally surprise his subordinates and
terintelligence. and assassination missions. opponents alike. He has an uncommon knack for
predicting his enemies' strategy.
Other Operations He has started a campaign against the New
No matter how dedicated the personnel of Republic, which he refuses to refer to as anything
Imperial Intelligence, the fact remains that the butthe Rebellion. He planted the evidence against
organization can't handle every conceivable AdmiralAckbar,strikingwithasubtieallackaimed
task. The chaos and instability of the past five at neutralizing the Man Calamari while sending
years have dealt Imperial Intelligence many strik- ripples of uncertainty and confusion through the
ing blows, greatly diminishing the quality of entire political structure. He hopes this will weaken
information from various agents. them at the moment he launches his Mount Tantiss
One of the most important intelligence oper- campaign. Perhaps it will even be enough to split
ations currently in progress is a program code- the Rebellion apart.
named "Delta Source." Delta Source is not being Thrawn is a Grand Admiral, with all the cun-
handled by Imperial Intelligence, however, and ning, subtlety and tactical genius the title im-
it bothers the organization to no end. Delta plies. He wears the mythos of infallibility like a
Source operates within the New Republic's In- cloak, though he has made a mistake or two

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 51

- WAIU""""

In the Unknown Regions

The Victory-class Star Destroyer Iron Fist orbited tain had come to know so well since heading into the
high above the planet designated UR41-284. Like so Unknown Regions with Thrawn. "I am providing you
many of the worlds in the Unknown Regions, the with the coordinates of a portion of the major village
small red planet had no official name. in the Imperial cluster. Begin bombardments on my mark. I want
charts. If the inhabitants of the world.had a name for you to level everything within a seventy-kilometer
their planet, it was not recorded on Captain Ferob's radius of those coordinates without touching the
datapad. In fact, little more than the raw planet coordinates themselves. I want that portion of land
specifications appeared on the Captain's glowing to remain intact."
data pad screen. He knew its orbital path, its gravity, "Understood, Grand Admiral," Ferob responded,
its atmosphere content. He knew where the primitive entering the orders into his datapad. He ejected the
centers of civilization were, what kind of technology data card and handed it to his first officer, who
level the inhabitants possessed. But he knew nothing would pass along the orders to the gunners and
of a personal nature. To him, the planet was just make sure they were carried out to the letter.
another sphere to be charted as his ship continued "A question, Captain Ferob?" the Grand Admiral
its five year mission through the Unknown Regions. asked through the still open comm channel.
The comm unit beeped once, calling for Captain Perceptive as always, Ferob thought. "If I may,
Ferob's attention. It was the command frequency, sir," he started tentatively. "What's so important
which meant that Grand Admiral Thrawn was calling about those coordinates?"
from the planet's surface. Ferob reached for the "Art, Captain," Thrawn said, a touch of excite-
toggle switch without hesitation. To delay, to keep ment creeping through his command voice. "The
the Grand Admiral waiting, would be to risk the coordinates bound the village cluster's museum
Grand Admiral's wrath. After serving under Thrawn district."
for almost three years, he knew how terrible that "Of course, sir," Ferob said, remembering the
wrath could be. Grand Admiral's peculiar obsession. "Should I pre-
"Ferob here, sir" the Captain said into the comm pare your pick-up team?"
unit, trying to keep his voice steady. He respected "In good time," Thrawn responded. "For now,
Thrawn, he even feared him, but he still had trouble let's teach this world what it means to deny the
keeping his revulsion to himself. How could the Empire. You may begin the bombardment, Captain
Emperor make this ... this alien ... a Grand Admiral? Ferob."
"The inhabitants of this world refuse to submit to "And then the art, sir?"
the Emperor's will, Captain Ferob,"Thrawn informed "And then the art."
him, his voice full of the calm ruthlessness the Cap- The bombardment began ...

since this campaign started. But make no mis- Age: Unknown

take - Thrawn rules the Empire now; not some Quote: "Economics and psychology,
long-dead Emperor, not Captain Pellaeon, not Captain. For now, the more civilian
some unseen Moff or General. His Empire isn't in survivors there are to spread the tale of
the habit of wasting its resources, but he is not Imperial power, the better. There'll be
above teaching his subordinates valuable - time enough for destruction later."
and sometimes permanent - lessons. DEXTERITY 20+ I
With the items Thrawn uncovered at Mount Blaster 90+ I, blaster artillery 80+ I, bows
Tantiss, a working cloaking shield and Spaarti 50+1, brawling parry 60, dodge 90,
cloning cylinders, and the Dark Force grenade 70+1, melee combat 80+2,
Oreadnaughts to empower his fleet, he is about melee parry 80+ I
to set the last phase of his campaign against the KNOWLEDGE 30+1
Rebellion into motion. Alien species 110+1, art 120, bureau-
Grand Admiral Thrawn cracy 120+ I, business I 10+ I, cultures
I 1O+l, intimidation 100, languages 120,
Roleplaying Game Statistics planetary systems 110, streetwise 80,
Template Type: Imperial Grand Admiral survival 80, tactics: capital ships 110,
Loyalty: To the Empire tactics: fleets 120+1, tactics: ground
Height: 1.8 meters assault tactics 70, tactics: starfighters
Species: Unknown 80+2, value 70, willpower 80+2
Sex: Male MECHANICAL 30+2
Homeworld:Unknown Astrogation 70+2, beast riding 70+2,

52 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


capital ship gunnery 90+2, capital ship

piloting 100+2, capital ship shields 90+ I,
communication 70+2, repulsorlift opera-
tion 60+2, sensors 80+ I, space transports
60, starfighter piloting 50+2, starship
gunnery 60+2, starship shields 50+2
Bargain 120+1, command 120+1, com-
mand: Imperial Navy officers 130, con
100+ I, forgery 90, gambling 90+ I, hide
70, investigation 90, persuasion 80+2,
search 110+ I, sneak 70+ I
Brawling 60+1, stamina 90+1, swimming
Computer programming/repair 80,
demolition 60+2, Oroid programming 60,
first aid 70, security 90+1
Special Abilities: None known
Force Sensitive?: No
Force Points: 5
Dark Side Points: 21
Character Points: 45
Captain Pel/aeon
Captain Pellaeon never wanted to rule the
Empire. When he was forced to take command
after the Emperor and many of the senior officers
died in the Battle of Endor, he saw himself as
simply a caretaker. From the bridge of the Star
Oestroyer Chimaera, he struggled for five years to
hold the shattered remnants of the once-great
Empire together. He ordered retreat after retreat
in the face of the Rebels, though it went against all
of his training and pride to do so. He kept ambi-
tious Mons and greedy officers in line. Though it
was reduced to barely a fourth of its original size,
at least the Empire has survived.
Without the Academy to draw crew from, he
had to order his ships to raid worlds for con- Captain Pel/aeon
scripts. These subjugated crewers and the new
volunteers that complement them must train on Roleplaying Game Statistics
the job, which is a situation that Pellaeon finds Template Type: Imperial Captain
distasteful but necessary due to the current Loyalty: To the Empire
situation. Height: 1. 7 meters
As a caretaker, Captain Pellaeon was more Species: Human
than happy to turn command of the Empire over Sex: Male
to Grand Admiral Thrawn when he returned HomeworId: Coruscant
from the Unknown Regions about a year ago. Of Age: 70+
course, it took a bit of getting used to seeing a Qnote: "I have the feeling, Admiral, that
non-Human wearing the uniform of a Grand our final offensive against the Rebellion
Admiral. Now he works closely with Thrawn, may be ready to launch a bit ahead of
admiring the Grand Admiral's tactical mind and schedule."
complex plans which he unfolds with calculat- DEXTERITY 2D+2
ing precision. He doesn't always understand Blaster 70+2, blaster: blaster pistol 80+2,
how the Grand Admiral comes to his conclu- dodge 70+2, grenade 70+2, melee
sions, but he rarely questions where they lead. combat 60+2, melee parry 60+2, missile

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 53

- WARS""""

weapons 60+2 Bargain 70+ 1, command 80+ 1, com-

KNOWLEDGE 3D mand: Imperial Navy officers 90+ 1, con
Alien species 60, bureaucracy 90, 70+1, gambling 60+1, hide 70+1, investi-
business 50, cultures 50, intimidation gation 70+2, persuasion 60+ 1, search
70, languages 60, law enforcement 60, 80+ 1, sneak 70+ 1
law enforcement: Imperial law 80+ 1, STRENGTH 20+ 1
planetary systems 100, tactics: capital Brawling 30+ 1, stamina 70+ I
ships 90, value 60+ 1, willpower 70 TECHNICAL 3D
MECHANICAL 30+2 Capital ship repair 60+ 1, capital ship
Astrogation 80, capital ship gunnery weapon repair 50, computer program-
60+2, capital ship gunnery: concussion ming/repair 60, demolition 50, Oroid
missiles 70+2, capital ship piloting 80+2, programming 50, Oroid repair 40, first
capital ship piloting: Imperial Star aid 60, repulsorlift repair 50, security 80
Oestroyer 90+2, capital ship shields Special Abilities: None
70+2, communications 60+2, repulsorlift Force Sensitive?: No
operation 60+2, sensors 60+2, space Force Points: 4
transports 70+2 Dark Side Points: 12
PERCEPTION 30+1 Character Points: 26

54 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


_ Chapter Four
The Fringe

There is more to the galaxy than just the New New Characters
Republic and the Empire. For every person co~­ DarkForceRisingintroducesanumberofnew
pletely dedicated to the cause of the RepublIc,
characters from the fringe society who did not
there is a person who couldn't care less about
appear inHeirto the Empire. They are presented
the political situation as long as there is money
here for the first time.
to be made. Thes·e people are part of "the fringe."
The fringe is a separate society with its own· Niles Ferrier
rules and hierarchy of authority. It exists within
Niles Ferrier is a large Human, big and thickly
society's cracks, in the shadowy places, outside
built. He has dark hair, usually wears a beard,
the scope of law and order. All manner ofloners, dresses in ornate tunics, and always smokes a
individualists, criminals, rebels, scoundrels, free
long thin cigarra whose distinctive aroma.of
agents and galactic scum inhabit this fringe
carababba tabac and armudu spice follows him
society. Smugglers, crime lords, rogues, bo~nt.Y wherever he goes. He is a jack of all trades, but
hunters, pirates and black marketeers claIm It
is considered one of the best spaceship thieves
as their domain.
in the galaxy. It is said that Niles Ferrier can palm
Not everyone occupying the fringe is a crimi-
a Corellian Gunship while the Corellians are still
nal, however. Some choose to operate outside
the more conventional channels of authority for Ferrier's typical method of operation involves
their own reasons. These can be as varied as the
breaking into a space station's computer and
individuals themselves, ranging from distrust of
comm systems to monitor security and look for
established authority to a need to provide an
ships ripe to pluck [rom desolate hangar areas.
alternative to societal norms. At one time, the
Using his computer hook-up, he alters work
Alliance was considered a fringe group, because
orders to route everyone out of the area. Then
the Empire was the only mainstream authority
he picks up the ship and takes off at his leisure,
in place - as is usually the case with tyrannical
one ship richer, and ready to move on to hiS next
dictatorships. Some other fringe operatives
come close to joining the establishment, such
Ferrier became involved in the current
as Lando Calrissian. Others fight to keep their
struggle between the Empire and the New Re-
autonomy, like Talon Karrde.
public when Grand Admiral Thrawn put out a
The fringe will always exist, for it provides a
call for capital ships. The current bounty of
place for society's rejects and castaways. It
twenty percent above market value for any ship
provides an alternative to established practices,
over one hundred thousand tons that can fight
a method for making quick credits without us-
was too good to pass up. He assembled his usual
ing proper channels. It has always played an
gang of assistants -five Humans, a Verpine and
important role in the course of galactic eve~ts,
a Defel (or wraith). . ... .
and this will continue as well. The current Situ- . His first attempt to acquire ships - at the
ation, for example, has attracted the attention of
SluisVan shipyards after the Imperial attack-
various members of the fringe. Some will work
was spoiled by the untimely arrival of Luke
with the New Republic, others against it, but
Skywalker and Lando Calrissian. The Jedi, his
make no mistake, the fringe will playa big part
reputation for eliminating Jabba the Hu~' pre-
in determining the outcome of current events.
ceding him, convinced Ferrier's men not to light.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 55

- WAIU""""

more than one occasion, and he recently deliv-

ered three Sienar patrol ships to the Empire.
The patrol ships were part of his deal with
Calrissian for leaving the Republic ships at Sluis
Van alone. Calrissian gave him a tip on where
the Cavrilhu pirate gang was storing them, and
Ferrier and his team did the rest.
Dealing with the Empire, especially with the
Grand Admiral himself, does not always go as
planned. Ferrier was contracted to locate the
precise location of a group of old Rendili
StarDrive Dreadnaughts that had attacked Im-
perial ships over the planet New Cov. The con-
tract gave Ferrier three standard months to
deliver. In case Ferrier felt compelled to aban-
don the assignment and run, his freighter had
been equipped with an unbreakable doomsday
mechanism set to detonate in exactly three
months time. Ferrier was unhappy about the
arrangement, but he couldn't directly challenge
the might of Grand Admiral Thrawn's armada.
In the course of his search for the
Dreadnaughts, Ferrier realized the true nature
·of the prize he was after. Thrawn wanted noth-
ing less than the Katana fleet. With only a name
to go on, a Captain Hoffner, Ferrier decided to go
to Lando Calrissian for some more "help." His
scam slipped slightly when he revealed Thrawn's
name to Calrissian and Han Solo, but two hom-
ing beacons he planted on Calrissian's Lady
Luck made their cooperation inevitable. The
fortune the Empire offered was one prize; taking
out the smart-mouthed gambler could be an
added bonus.
Ferrier and his gang trailed Calrissian to the
Coral Vanda, then he called in Imperial support
to make sure Hoffner was going to fall into his
hands and not the gambler's. It was a simple
matter to find the man and lock him in a suite
until after the shooting was done. Although he
Ferrier himself knew Calrissian from the failed was not able to eliminate the troublesome
Phraetiss operation about ten years ago. He also Calrissian, he did manage to give the Grand
knew of Calrissian's reputation, which had grown Admiral what he wanted - the location of the
much greater in the intervening years, so he legendary Dark Force.
decided to cut his losses and fold to the gambler Niles Ferrier
and the Jedi - this time. Roleplaying Game Statistics
As a businessman, Ferrier prefers not to fight Template Type: Spaceship Thief
if he can at all avoid it. He defines everything in Loyalty: To himself
terms of credits, but he doesn't take well to Height: 1.84 meters
threats or others trying to cut into his territory Species: Human
While he prefers to deal in ships, he also dabbles Sex: Male
in other trade when necessary. While watching Homeworld: Unknown
for ship opportunities or planning for a job, Age: 40+
Ferrier takes on shipping contracts. Quote: "They didn't say, and I didn't ask.
While Ferrier tends to stay out of the galactic I'm a businessman; I give the customer
struggle, he has taken on Imperial jobs from what he wants. You here to deal, or just
time to time. He has smuggled contraband from talk?"
the New Republic into Imperial territory on

56 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


DEXTERITY 3D Corellian people that even Han Solo calls him

Blaster 5D, blaster: hold-out blaster 6D, "sir," a title he reserves for only a handful 01
brawling parry 6D, dodge 7D, melee individuals. It is commonly believed that Bel
combat 5D, melee parry 5D+2, pick Iblis died on Anchoron, but the Empire failed. It
pocket 7D, running 6D, thrown weapons did take everything else from the Senator - his
5D+1 family, his profession, and his contacts with
KNOWLEDGE 2D+1 mainstream Corellian society. It forced Bel Iblis
Alien species 4D+1, bureaucracy 4D+I, to become a rebel.
business 5D+1, intimidation 5D+1, Now the Senator's face is lined with age and
languages 5D+I, law enforcement 6D+2; stress, and he commands a private army from a
planetary systems 5D+ 1, streetwise hidden location known as Peregrine's Nest.
70+1, survival 40+1, value 50+1, value: There are times when the legendary charm of
starships 100+2 the man comes through, breaking past the stress
MECHANICAL 3D+2 and weight of age that presses down on him.
Astrogation 40+2, capital ship piloting He first met Han Solo when he was a lad of
60+2, communications 6D+2, ground eleven. The Senator was visiting Solo's school,
vehicle operation 50+2, hover vehicle and the lad asked two irreverently phrased yet
operation 50+2, repulsorlift operation highly pointed questions. The first concerned
50+2, sensors 40+2, space transports the ethics of the anti-alien bias creeping into the
70+2, starfighter piloting 60+2, starship Republic's legal structure. The second involved
gunnery 60+2, starship shields 40+2, some very specific instances of corruption in
swoop operation 40+2 the Senate. Bel Iblis made a note of the young
PERCEPTION 2D+l man's name, and watched him from time to time
Bargain 70+ 1, command 40+ 1, con 70+ 1, as he grew into adulthood. The Senator was
gambling 60+ 1, hide 60+1, investigation extremely disappointed when Solo was dis-
70+ 1, persuasion 50+ 1, search 6D+ 1, missed from the Imperial Academy, and even
sneak 6D+2 moreso when he was thrown out of the Navy
STRENGTH 3D itself. The Senator felt that a loyal officer corps
Brawling 6D, climbing/jumping 50, lifting was the best defense against the emerging intol-
50, stamina 60 erance of the Empire, but in retrospect he be-
TECHNICAL 3D+2 lieves it was fortunate Solo left when he did.
Capital starship repair 60+2, computer Those with an obvious disdain for authority
programming/repair 70+2, computer were quietly eliminated in the Emperor's purges.
programming/repair: spaceport security For a time, Peregrine's Nest did not stay in
systems 100, demolition 4D+2, Oroid one place for too long. That time has passed. His
programming 50+2, Oroid repair 40+2, chief advisor and unofficial ambassador-at-Iarge
first aid 40+2, repulsorlift repair 50+2, is Sena Leikvold Midanyl, and one of her main
security 80+2, starship repair 7D+2 aides is the soldier/pilot Irenez.
Special Abilities: None Bel Iblis' crowning achievement since form-
Force Sensitive?: No ing his private army was the incident at Tangrene.
Force Points: 1 They had been sniping at the Imperials for three
Dark Side Points: 4 years, hitting small bases and military supply
Character Points: 15 shipments, but the Empire had not been paying
much attention to them. At Tangrene, the war-
Garm Bel Iblis riors of Peregrine's Nest blasted a major
Senator Garm Bellblis of the Corellian system Ubiqtorate center into fine dust, even though
was part of the faction that gave birth to the three Star Destroyers were in orbit guarding the
Rebellion. But he did not join the Alliance when facility. After that mission, mobility became a
it emerged to fight the galactic civil war. Instead, top priority.
Bel Iblis decided to fight his own war. It was a Though he pretends to still be at war with the
secret war against the Empire, fought with a Empire, Bel Iblis and his army have not launched
private army and dreams of triumph. Years after a major attack in quite some time. Peregrine's
the civil war had ended, Bel Iblis and his army Nest cannot pack up and move on a moment's
remained in hiding, waiting for a threat that will notice anymore, and the warriors have grown
never surface. - soft and comfortable in their surroundings. The
Few Corellians could ever forget the famous base had been sitting in the same spot for more
Senator Bellblis who disappeared long ago. So than three years.
great is the respect and admiration of the Bel Iblis' army includes six Dreadnaughts

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 57


not trust his one-time colleague, Man Mothma.

He believed she was up to something. It was
because of her that he had chosen to run his
own private war against the Empire and not join
the Alliance. There were a number of reasons he
felt it better to remain independent. Security,
for one, as many Rebel cells were lost during the
war due to security sloppiness, and even now
Imperial communiques speak of a leak called
Delta Source which is reporting directly to the
Imperial Grand Admiral. Bellblis also believed
Mon Mothma was setting herself up as a new
Bel Iblis and Man Mothma had a running
conflict whose origins laid with the creation of
the Alliance itself. Once, he was a part of the
Alliance, working with Man Mothma and Bail
Organa to convince three of the biggest resis-
tance groups to join forces and form the Alli-
ance. The agreement was called the Corellian
Treaty because Senator Bellblis convinced the
three to come to the meeting, and he personally
guaranteed their safety. Senator Bellblis was far
better at strategy and tactics than Mon Mothma
or many of the other generals and admirals in
those early days, but Mon Mothma had the gift
of inspiration. She took over the meeting, using
her abilities to bring diverse groups and species
together. She became the visible symbol of the
Rebellion, with Organa and Bellblis relegated to
background roles.
Bail Organa had been a strong moderating
influence on Mon Mothma. He was one of the few
people she respected and trusted enough to pay
serious attention to. When he died in the de-
struction of Alderaan, no one remained with
status enough to stand up to her. She took more
and more power for herself, and Bel Iblis sus-
pected she planned to overthrow the Emperor
and set herself up in his place.
from the Katana fleet, including his flagship, the In recent years, Bel Iblis had cut back his
Peregrine. His base features bi-state memory raids against the Empire so that his army would
plastic buildings for quick break down and set be ready to move against Mon Mothma the
up, as well as anti-infantry, anti-vehicle and anti- moment she turned the New Republic into a
orbit artillery, assault vehicles, and ahuge cache dictatorship. Peregrine's Nest was set up three
of personal armaments. years ago to be close to New Republic space,
A month after the Tangrene mission, Bellblis and all raids except those for materials and
met BorskFey'lya. The Bothan helped theSenator supplies were suspended. Bel Iblis worked up
set up a supply line through New Cov, then called tactical contingency plans, and the army settled
up some Alliance Star Cruisers to draw away in to wait for the moment of the Senator's vin-
Imperial ships that got too close at an awkward dication. They have been waiting ever since, for
moment. In addition, he and some other Bothans the event that will trigger that return will never
shifted various funds to Bellblis so that he could happen.
buy equipment. Of course, Fey'lya believed Bel As time went by and he realized his mistake,
Iblis would be more grateful than he has been, but Bel lblis refused to go to Mon Mothma like a
the Senator refused to be drawn into the internal beggar pleading to be let in. He did not want to
politics of the New Republic. look like an old fool. Once he dreamed of build-
The reason was, Senator Garm Bel Iblis did ing a fleet to rival the best the New Republic had

58 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


and of gaining decisive victories over the Em- Brawling 60, climbing/jumping 30, lifting
pire. With those things, he could have returned 30, stamina 50, swimming 40
with dignity and respect, but all he had created TECHNICAL 2D
was a strike force. Capital ship repair 30+2, capital ship
Still, Bel Iblis has found a way to return. His weapon repair 30+2, computer program-
strike force arrived at the site of the Katana fleet ming/repair 30, demolition 30, Oroid
in time to offer badly needed assistance to the programming 30, Oroid repair 30, first
New Republic. Han Solo sent the coordinates of aid 50, ground vehicle repair 40, re-
the battle to Sena, asking for assistance. Princess pulsorlift repair 40, security 50, starship
Leia quickly made the request an official New repair 40
Republic invitation to save the Senator's pride. Special Abilities: None
Now all that remains is for his reunion with Mon Force Sensitive?: No
Mothma to go as smoothly as the battle. Force Points: 3
Garm Bel Iblis Dark Side Points: 0
Character Points: 32
Roleplaying Game Statistics
Template Type: Old Senatorial Peregrines Nest
Loyalty: To the Old Republic
Height: 1. 75 meters This textdoc describes specific areas shown on
Species: Human the Nest map. Note that all buildings are covered
Sex: Male in como-netting and sensor-diffusing materials.
Homeworld: Corellia The whole base is considered to have a sensor
Age: 60+ mask of +2D (increases difficulty to detect with
Quote: "This is Senator Garm Bel Iblis sensors).
aboard the warship Peregrine. May I offer Uving Quarters. Between twelve and twenty-
our assistance?" four soldiers share each standard cabin. While
DEXTERJTY 3D furnishings are spartan and functional, the sol-
Blaster 80, blaster artillery 70, brawling diers often add touches to give the space a
parry 60, dodge 70, grenade 50, melee comfortable feeling. Everyspare locker and open
combat 50, melee parry 50, missile space is filled with emergency supplies -
weapons 50+2, thrown weapons 40+2, medpacs, food and water, glowrods, comlinks
vehicle blasters 60 and weaponry.
KNOWLEDGE4D Officer Quarters. Six to ten officers share the
Alien species 80, bureaucracy 80, "deluxe" cabins. While they have a little more
business 80, cultures 70+2, intimidation privacy and a little more room than the soldier
60+2, languages 70, law enforcement 60, cabins, these quarters also stockpile more equip-
law enforcement: Old Republic law 70+2, ment and supplies for emergency situations.
planetary systems 70, streetwise 60,
survival 60, tactics: ground assault 9D, Admin Buildings. The daily workings of the
tactics: capital ship 80+2, tactics: base and its personnel occur in these offices.
starfighters 80+1, value 50, willpower 70 The Nest's intelligence units, long-range plan-
MECHANICAL 3D ning teams, supply and procurement details,
Astrogation 50, beast riding 50, capital and other vital services are performed here.
ship gunnery 50+ I, capital ship piloting Supply Sheds. Supplies, parts and equipment
70, capital ship shields 50+2, communi- fill these designated storage areas. Special vaults
cations 50, ground vehicle operation 60, keep perishables at a constant temperature,
repulsorlift operation 60, sensors 50+2, pressure and humidity. Only supply officers or
space transports 50+ I, starfighter the command personnel can open supply sheds.
piloting 60, starship gunnery 60,
starship shields 60 Maintenance Buildings. Each of these areas
PERCEPTION 4D are designed to handle a variety of tasks, from
Bargain 90, command 90, command: keeping shuttles and other small starships in
Peregrine's Nest troops IOO, con 60, top shape to repairing ground and repulsorlift
gambling 70, hide 70, investigation 60, vehicles. Maintenance teams serve as jacks-of-
persuasion 70, persuasion: debate 80+1, all-trades, learning to service vehicles and
persuasion: oration 80+ I, search 50, starships as well as Oroids, weapons, comput-
sneak 70 ers and other vital gear.
STRENGTH 2D Tool Storage Sheds. Extra tools for the base

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 59


'. Supply Tool

Officers Sheds Sheds

Landing sensor---@
I, -;

[ l / a g e s " ;dmin Buildings
Hangars DOD

./~~ , . D
MeetIng Hall~

~ Living Building Armory

Fuel Quarters Ami-Vehicle
Swrage Cannon q}.

« ~~
« ~ /
Peregrines Nest

are stored here, including power tools such as within. Various ground, hover and repulsorlift
cutters, shoveis and drivers. vehicles are stored here, from unarmed trans-
Refurbishing Hangars. The reinforced han- ports to heavily-armed combat vehicles. Each is
gars can shelter small transports and shuttles, equipped with cold enginestarlers, external power
and contain everything needed to strip and sources, and maintenance lifts.
rebuild damaged ships. The hangars include Armory. Weapons and ammunitionarestored
computer and navigation links, cold engine start- in this heavily-armored vault. Everything from
ers, external power sources, overhead winches personal weapons and grenades, to blaster ar-
and lifts, repulsor tractors, and emergency crash tillery, to ship and vehicles weapons can be
wagons. found here, depending on the supply status of
Anti-Infantry Batteries. Perimeter defense the Nest.
towers provide protection against approaching Medical Building. This field-tested medical
ground assault troops. Each has its own crew, facility can treat up to one hundred wounded at a
power source, and ammunition supply. The tow- time. It features a full range of diagnostic sensors,
ers are constantly crewed. medical computers, two surgical theaters, and
twelve bacta tanks. Six doctors, twelve medical
Anti-Vehicle Cannons. Perimeter defense
towers provide protection against approaching aides, and six medicai Droids crew this facility.
ground assault vehicles. Each has its own crew, Command Center. Duty officers constantly
power source, and ammunition supply. The tow- monitor communications and sensor readings
ers are crewed around the chrono. from this building. A variety of sensors, includ-
Anti-orbit Cannons. Two types of anti-Drbit ing the Nest's above ground array, secret re-
mote units, and ship board arrays feed into the
weapon towers protect the Nest: capital ship
command center for evaluation. All missions
defenders and anti-starfighter turbolasers. Each
are monitored from here, and Bellblis maintains
has its own crew, power source, and ammunition
an office here and in the main administration
supply, and all are crewed around the chrono.
building. All primary base systems are con-
Vehicle Garages. Camo-net protected and sen- trolled from here.
sor defusing jammers hide these garages from
prying eyes. Each can store a number of vehicles, Galley/Mess/Meeting Hall. The galley fea-
depending upon what type of vehicles are parked tures a full kitchen, walk-in freezers, and dry-

60 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

food lockers. The adjoining room serves as a found that Bellblis was still waiting.
mess hall and meeting hall, as it is large enough Sena had come to realize that Bel Iblis was
to handle a quarter of the Nest's personnel at wrong about Man Mothma. But she has great
one time. love and respect for the man, and she will do
Sentry Towers, These concealed and open everything in her power to help him keep his
towers are crewed around the chrono to watch pride and honor. Still, she was not blind to the
for approaching targets. The sentries use fact that Peregrine's Nest had to join up with the
macrobinoculars and portablesensor arrays, and New Republic or die on its own. It was her idea
they stay in constant contact with roving patrols, to have Han Solo invite Bel Iblis back into the
the command center, and other sentries. fold of the Republic. It was an idea that Han
wholeheartedly agreed with.
Fuel Storage, High energy capacitors store
power for recharging vehicle and ship power Sena Leikvo/d Midanyl
cells. The Nest's hidden generators constantly Roleplaying Game Statistics
charge these cells so that power is available Template Type: Chief Advisor
whenever needed. These capacitors can also be Loyalty: To Garm Bellblis
routed to provide energy to vital base systems Height: I. 7 meters
and even the protective shields should the main Species: Human
generators fail. Sex: Female
Hoineworld: Corellia
Sena Leikvold Midanyl Age: 56
Sena Leikvold Midanyl is a tall woman with an Quote: "A properly brought up guest
unmistakable air ofauthorityabout her. She serves should know better than to wander
as chief advisor to Garm Bel Iblis and unofficial unescorted around sensitive areas."
ambassador-at-Iarge for Peregrine's Nest. DEXTERITY 2D+2
She first went to work for Bel Iblis while he Blaster 60+2, blaster artillery 50, brawl-
was a Senator of Corellia, rising through the ing parry 50, dodge 60+2, grenade 50,
ranks until she became his chief aide. Sena melee combat 40, melee parry 40,
worked beside the Senator as he battled the missile weapons 40, thrown weapons
Emperor's policies on the floor of the Senate. 40, vehicle blasters 50+2
She helped him draft bills and proclamations KNOWLEDGE 4D
that were either ignored or buried by the cor- Alien species 60, bureaucracy 60+2,
rupt members of the Imperial Senate. She was at business 60+2, cultures 60, intimidation
his side when he met with Mon Mothma and Bail 50, languages 80, planetary systems 50,
Organa to plan the Rebellion. streetwise 70, survival 60+2 value 70
She was also with him when the Corell ian willpower 60 "
Treaty meeting became Mon Mothma's show. MECHANICAL 3D
The Senator had been so proud of his work to Astrogation 70, beast riding 40, capital
bring the members of that gathering together. A ship gunnery 60, capital ship piloting 60,
part of him died when attention turned from him capital ship shields 60, communications
to the charismatic woman from Chandrila. When 70, ground vehicle operation 60, hover
Bel Iblis decided to leave, Sena went with him. vehicle operation 40, repulsorlift opera-
In the early years of the fledgling Alliance, tion 50, sensors 70, space transports 60,
Sena helped Bellblis plan his own war against starfighter piloting 40, starship gunnery
the Empire. She listened to his fears concerning 40, starship shields 40
Mon Mothma and believed them, as she be- PERCEPTION 4D
lieved everything the man said. After the failed Bargain 80, command 70, command:
assassination attempt at Anchoron, Sena helped Peregrine's Nest 80, can 60, gambling
the Senator get over his loss and his grief. Then 50, hide 60, investigation 70, persuasion
she helped him put his plan into action, and 60, search 60, sneak 60
Peregrine's Nest was born. STRENGTH 2D+ I
Though there were victories at first, Bel Iblis Brawling 40+1, climbing/jumping 30+1,
was more interested in protecting the galaxy from lifting 30+ I, stamina 40+ I, swimming
the imagined threat of Mon Mothma. When the 40+1
Empire lost the Battle of Endor, Peregrine's Nest TECHNICAL 2D
dug in to wait for Mon Mothma's move to declare Capital ship repair 40, capital ship
herself dictator. When Han Solo stumbled upon weapon repair 40, computer program-
Peregrine's Nest during a mission on New Cov, he ming/repair 60, demolition 30, Droid

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 61


programming 60, Oroid repair 50, lirst against the hated Empire.The battle fortheKatana
aid 60, ground vehicle repair 30, re- fleet has simply made her anxious lor the battles
pulsorlilt repair 30, security 70, starship ahead. With a full army to back them up, [renez
repair 40 and the soldiers of Peregrine's Nest know they
Special Abilities: None can deal a deadly blow against the fmperials.
Force Sensitive?: No Irenez
Force Points: I
Dark Side Points: 0
Roleplaying Game Statistics
Character Points: II Template Type: Private Mercenary
Loyalty: To Garm Bellblis
Irenez Height: 1.55 meters
Irenez is Senator Garm Bellblis' chiel 01 secu- Species: Human
rity. Physically, she is short and slender. She Sex: Female
has c1ose-cut graying hair and a thin, friendly Homeworld: Corellia
face. She is in excellent shape, a fully-trained Age: 53
and battle-hardened warrior of the linest de- Quote: "I think I'm insulted. That has to
gree. When the circumstances allow, she can be be the oldest trick on the list."
cheerful and full of humor. When she is working, DEXTERITY 3D+2
she is all business-and her business is deadly. Blaster 70+2, blaster: blaster pistol 80+2,
Her activities as chief of security keep her busy blaster artillery 50+2, brawling parry
at all times. She sometimes undertakes missions 60+2, dodge 70+2, grenade 60+2, melee
of extreme delicacyand importance. She received combat 60+2, melee parry 60+2, missile
her initial training in the Old Republic Military weapons 50+2, pick pocket 50+2, run-
Academy on Corellia, but lost her commission as ning 50+2, thrown weapons 50+2,
the Empire gained more influence. Her tendency vehicle blasters 60+2
to question authority raised the hackles of her KNOWLEDGE 20+2
immediate superiors, and with the change in Alien species 30+2, bureaucracy 40+2,
power, they had the perfect opportunity to re- cultures 30+2, intimidation 70+2, lan-
move the troublemaker from the military. guages 50+2, planetary systems 50+2,
She worked as a mercenary and soldier-for- streetwise 60+2, survival 70+2, tactics:
hire for a few years, eventually forming her own ground assault 60+2, tactics: starfighters
"platoon for hire. lrenez and her soldiers were 50+2, value 40+2, willpower 50+2
extremely successful and in high demand among MECHANICAL 2D+2
the trade worlds along the edge of the Core, as Astrogation 60+2, beast riding 50+2,
Imperial protection against crime lords and pi- capital ship gunnery 60+2, capital ship
rates was not always available. Her association piloting 50+2, capital ship shields 50+2,
with Senator Garm Bel Iblis went back to her communications 60+2, ground vehicle
adolescence, and it was the Senator who spon- operation 60+2, hover vehicle operation
sored he"r admission to the Academy. When he 50+2, repulsorlift operation 70+2,
quietly put out a call lor soldiers, she did not sensors 60+2, space transports 70+2,
hesitate to answer it. She brought her platoon starfighter piloting 80+2, starship
with her, and soon lrenez proved her worth to gunnery 60+2, starship shields 60+2
Peregrine's Nest. PERCEPTION 2D+1
lrenez longed to prove herself against the Bargain 50+1, command 60+1, con 70+1,
Empire and its combat forces. As a commander gambling 50+ I, hide 60+ I, investigation
in Bel Iblis's army, she has been given that 60+ I, persuasion 50+ I, search 70+ I,
chance on more than one occasion. For ex- sneak 80+1
"ample, she played a pivotal part in the raids on STRENGTH 30+2
Tangrene and Gestron, using her commando Brawling 70+2, climbing/jumping 50+2,
skills for one and her piloting skills for the other. lifting 40+2, stamina 70+2, swimming 40+2
When Peregrine's Nest settled in to wait for Mon TECHNICAL 3D
Mothma's long-anticipated and feared move, Armor repair 50, blaster repair 60,
Irenez was assigned to Chief Advisor Sena capital ship repair 40, capital ship
Midanyl's staff. There she served as chief of weapon repair 40, computer program-
security, intelligence coordinator, pilot and body ming/repair 50, demolition 70, Oroid
guard for Sena and Bellblis. programming 40, Oroid repair 40, first
Now that Peregrine's Nest has joined the New aid 60, ground vehicle repair 50, hover
Republic, lrenez longs for one last campaign vehicle repair 50, repulsorlift repair 60,

62 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


security 3D, starship repair 6D He glanced at the report with cold, hard eyes.
Special Abilities: None They were the eyes of vacuum, the eyes of a
Force Sensitive?: No twisted leader, the eyes of a killer. The first mate
Force Points: 0 liked those eyes. "I know what we lost, Keta,"
Dark Side Points: 0 Zothip growled. "What I want to know is who
Character Points: II took our three patrol ships!"
Keta nodded her head slightly, never taking
The Cavrilhu Pirates her cat eyes off her master. "Keep reading,
Captain Zothip stood .before the full-wall Captain. The data you seek is there."
viewport in his private quarters aboard the He scanned the rest of the textdoc, then let
gunship Void Cutter. Anger shimmered around his anger explode. "Ferrier? Niles Ferrier was at
him like heat and light around a sun. He was the our base? Why wasn't I informed?"
captain of the Cavrilhu Pirates, the scourge of "We were raiding a New Republic convoy at
the Amorris star system. Passing freighters cow- the time," Keta said evenly. "The patrol ships
ered before him. Supply ships went out of their were being refurbished at our base on Morr
way to avoid him. Even military shipswere loath Three. Ferrier arrived with a shipment of power
to get in his way. It had been that way for almost· converters that he claimed you requested. Fudot
ten years, and Zothip was not going to let any- had no reason to doubt him, as he had asked for
thing change that. the parts to finish the refurbishing work."
"We plunder, we raid, we take: Zothip "Ferrier is nothing more than acommon thief!"
growled, staring past his own reflection to the Zothip shouted. "Common thieves do not steal
stars and blue-black space beyond. "We do not from the Cavrilhu Pirates! He knows that, but it
get taken!" seems he has forgotten. We must remind him,
The door chime sounded, daring to interrupt Keta. We must make an example of the foolish
the pirate captain's brooding. Without turning Niles Ferrier."
away from the viewport, Zothip called, "Come, "I understand, sir," the first mate purred. ''I'll
and you better have the information Irequested." have the scouts watch for him."
The first mate entered, carrying a datapad. "And his crew," Zothip added. "He normally
She was a Togorian, a tall feline biped covered travels with a wraith and a Verpine.1 want them
with soft fur. Her powerful muscles flexed as she all." With his orders made clear, Captain Zothip
padded toward Captain Zothip, displaying both turned back to the viewport and the stars, con-
fearlessness and respect to her superior. With a templating the punishments he would inflict
flick of clawed fingers, she handed the datapad upon the wayward starship thief that had dared
to Zothip. steal from him.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 63

- WAIU""""

Captain Zothip lando Calrissian

Roleplaying Game Statistics Lando Calrissian got involved with the Alli-
Template Type: Pirate ance when his old friend and partner Han Solo
Loyalty: To himself showed up at his mining operation at Cloud
Height: 1.85 meters City. After "a few initial problems" (as he would
Species: Human put it), Lando joined the Alliance. He served
Sex: Male with Han, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker
Homeworld: Bestine until after the Battle of Endor.
Age: 46 Then, with Man Mothma's help, he set up a
Quote: "Put them in the airlock. Maybe a new mining operation on the planet Nkllon. But
few minutes in hard vacuum will con- the Empire has again reared its terrible head,
vince them we mean business." pulling Calrissian back into the galactic struggle.
DEXTERITY 3D+2 Calrissian is a gambler, a rogue, a scoundrel,
Blaster 70+2, brawling parry 70+2, and a businessman. Circumstances have also
dodge 70+2, melee combat 60+2, melee forced him to be a warrior at various times
parry 60+2, missile weapons 60+2, pick during his life, and he has learned to excel at
pocket 60+2, thrown weapons 50+2 even that deadly occupation. After all, Calrissian
KNOWLEOGE 20 figures, if you're going to do something, you
Alien species 40, business 60, cultures might as well do it right.
30+ I, intimidation 80, languages 40, After receiving some light wounds on Myrkr
planetary systems 60, planetary sys- and participating in the defense of the Sluis Van
tems: Amorris 70, streetwise 70, survival shipyards (some say he and Han Solo saved the
60, value 50, willpower 50 day), Calrissian was set to return to Nkllon. He
MECHANICAL 3D+2 had a business to repair, especially since the
Astrogation 80+2, capital ship gunnery Empire had stolen his mole miners to use in the
60+2, capital ship piloting 60+2, capital Sluis attack. But fate would not let him out of the
ship piloting: Carellian Gunship 70+2, current struggle so easily.
capital ship shields 60+2, communications Han Solo told him he could leave for Nkllon
50+2, sensors 50+2, space transports whenever he wanted, but if he hung around and
60+2, starfighter piloting 40+2, starship helped for a little longer, Han would help him
gunnery 50+2, starship shields 40+2 swing a deal to unload a stockpile of hfredium.
PERCEPTION 3D "All you have to do is listen and dig out a lead or
Bargain 60, command 60, command: two, then we'll never bother you again," Han
Cavrilhu Pirates 80, can 70, gambling declared. Lando Calrissian had heard that one
70, hide 60, persuasion 60, search 70, before, but he also decided to lend a hand.
sneak 80 When the possibility of finding the Katana
STRENGTH 2D+2 fleet surfaced, Lando knew he was in this game
Brawling 80+2, climbing/jumping 40+2, to stay. He once searched for the legendary Oark
lifting 50+2, stamina 60+2 Force himself, but he couldn't find so much as a
TECHNICAL 3D seat cushion from one of the Oreadnaughts.
Blaster repair 40, capital ship repair 50, From New Cov, to the casino ship Coral Yanda,
capital ship weapon repair 50, computer to the bridge of the Katana itself, Lando Calrissian
programming/repair 40, security 60, has been an invaluable part of the top New
starship repair 40 Republic strike team of Han Solo and Luke
Special Abilities: None Skywalker.
Force Sensitive?: No Today, Lando Calrissian is a respectable busi-
Force Points: I nessman who happens to aid the New Republic
Dark Side Points: 4 every so often. Well, almost respectable. He has
Character Points: 14 come a long way from his earlier days, when he
used to hop around at the helm of the Millennium
Character Updates Falcon. Now he flies the very elegant and proper
Lady Luck, a modified space yacht with a few
The characters which follow were detailed in
hidden extras. In his recent adventures with Han
the previous volume, Heir to the Empire
and Luke Skywalker, he has made a new enemy.
Sourcebook. As they continue to play important
The spaceship thief, Niles Ferrier, has decided to
roles in Dark Force Rising, their profiles are
eliminate Calrissian at the first opportunity. Lando,
updated here.
of course, has faced such threats before. He's still
around to laugh about them.

64 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


§~l)t ,
lS@X;Il);ID!ID@L;/ 13

Lando Ca/rissian PERCEPTION 40

Roleplaying Game Statistics Bargain 90, bargain: minerals IOD+2,
Template Type: Gambler bargain: tibanna gas 110+2, command
Loyalty: To himself and the New Republic 80, con 100, forgery 70, gambling 100+1,
Height: I. 77 meters hide 7D+2, persuasion 7D+ I, search 5D,
Species: Human sneak 70+2
Sex: Male STRENGTH 20+2
Homeworld: Unknown Brawling 60+2, climbing/jumping 5D+2,
Age: 40+ lifting 40+2, stamina 60+2, swimming
Quote: "Trust me. We're going to win 4D+2
this one." TECHNICAL 20+ 1
DEXTERITY 30+2 Computer programming/repair 50+ I,
Blaster 8D+2, blaster: hold-out blaster demolition 30+ I, Oroid programming
7D+2, brawling parry 6D+ I, dodge 70, 40+ I, Oroid repair 40+ I, first aid 40+ I,
grenade 5D, melee combat 50+ I, melee repulsorlift repair 50+ I, security 70+ I.
parry 5D+2 starship repair 70+ I, starship weapon
KNOWLEDGE 3D repair 60+1
Alien species 5D+ I, bureaucracy 8D, Special Abilities: None
business 80+ I, business: mining 110+2, Force Sensitive?: No
business administration 80, languages Force Points: 5
6D, planetary systems 50+2, streetwise Dark Side Points: 0
90, survival 60, value 70, willpower 60 Character Points: 34
Archaic starship piloting 5D+ 1, Talon Karrde
astrogation 70, communications 5D+ I, Talon Karrde has replaced the crime lord
ground vehicle operation 50+1, hover Jabba the Hull as the prime actor on the un-
vehicle operation 50+ I, repulsorllft derworld stage. When a recent deal with the
operation 50+ I, sensors 50+ I, space Empire went sour, Karrde was forced to aban-
transports 90, starfighter piloting 90, cion his base on Myrkr. Karrde and his group
starship gunnery 8D, stars hip shields have been running ever since.
80+ I, swoop operation 50+ 1

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 6S


ternal lighting was on, and a standby sensor

scan was active. Karrde and his captain as-
sumed that it was part of the force they had fled
from, so they made another emergency jump to
get away. This rushed jump almost proved fatal,
for the ship hit the mass shadow of a large
comet, causing massive damage to the ship and
crew. Five died instantly, and three more of
injuries before the ship could limp back to civi-
Karrde realized what they had found after he
checked the sensor readings. He memorized the
coordinates and erased the information from
the nav computer. Of the six members of the
crew who survived, he thought that only he
knew the value of what they had stumbled into.
He didn't realize that his captain, Hoffner, also
checked the computer. Karrde always planned
to go back and salvage the Dreadnaughts, but he
never seemed to find the time to do it properly
- or had buyers for two hundred capital ships.
With the Empire swift to exact vengeance and
the New Republic likely to win in the end, Karrde
decided not to take the Grand Admiral up on his
offer to buy warships.
Grand Admiral Thrawn has placed a twenty
thousand credit bounty on Karrde's head, and
there are similar bounties on the rest of his
organization. His second in command, Mara
Jade, attempted to have the bounties removed,
but all she accomplished was to lead the Empire
to Karrde's new base.
Jade, desperate, asked Luke Skywalker for
help, and the Jedi was quick to participate in a
rescue ofKarrde.lmagine Karrde's surprise when
Skywalker entered his detention cell on the Star
Destroyer Chimaera. He was even more sur-
prised to see Mara, and quite relieved that they
were able to escape before he was forced to
reveal the location of the Dark Force to Thrawn.
Talon Karrde is not merely asmuggler, though With all that has happened, Karrde decided
that is how he earns his living. His real love is not to give the location to the New Republic. They
for goods or credits, but for information. More arrived too late to beat the Empire, who had
than anything else in the galaxy, he craves knowl- found Captain Hoffner and pulled the coordi-
edge. In short, he is the most elite information nates from him. The Empire got away with al-
broker in the galaxy. most one hundred and eighty of the
One bit of knowledge that has remained with Dreadnaughts - leaving the New Republic a
him for over fifteen years is the location of the mere fifteen. For the time being, though, Karrde
KalwlU fleet. He was a navigator/sensor special- has thrown his lot in with the New Republic. He
ist for a small, independent smuggling group. has provided his slicer, Ghent, to help prove
When the group botched a pickup, they had to Admiral Ackbar's innocence. After that, who
make a run past a pair of Carrack cruisers. knows where the vapor trails will lead the smug-
Karrde didn't have time to do a complete gler chief and his loyal associates?
astrogation calculation, so he jumped the ship a Talon Karrde
half light yearout to buy time to recalculate. The Roleplaying Game Statistics
ship emerged into the middle of a fleet of Template Type: Smuggler
Dreadnaughts. From all appearances, the ships Loyalty: To himself
appeared to be functioning - external and in- Height: I. 7 meters

66 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Species: Human direct manipulation of the Force, as well as long-

Sex: Male range communication techniques that served in
Homeworld: Unknown her primary function. Mara believed her abili-
Age: 40+ ties had died with the Emperor, for they van-
Quote: ''I'm authorizing it, Councilor. The ished at the moment of his death. They reap-
Katana fleet is still mine, and it will remain peared briefly and erratically in the years since,
so until the New Republic takes posses- but never in full. Recently the old feelings have
sion of it. Until then, I make the rules." . begun to return, the tingling hunches, the inner
DEXTERITY 3D+ 1 feelings. The feelings make her try to do things
Blaster 50+1, brawling parry 50+1, dodge she knows she cannot do - and many times
60+1, melee combat 40+1, melee parry they help her succeed. It was all coming back to
40+1, pick pocket 60+1, running 50+1 her, the hunches and sensory flickers from out
KNOWLEDGE 2D+ 1 of nowhere, urges and compulsions she had
Alien species 70+1, bureaucracy 70+2, little control over. Soon, she knows, the dreams
business 80+1, cultures 70+1, intimida- will start again, compelling her to kill Luke'
tion 60+ I, languages 70+ I, law enforce- Skywalker, for with his death she believes the
ment 70+ I, planetary systems 50+2, voices will finally go away.
streetwise 80+ I, survival 40+ I, value Once she was the Emperor's Hand, but no
50+ I, willpower 60+! one else in the Empire knows who she is. When
MECHANICAL 3D+2 the Emperor died, her old life ended. In the five
Astrogation 70+2, beast riding 40+2, years since, she has held a number of different
communications 60+2, repulsorlift positions. She was a serving girl in a Phorliss
operation 50+ I, sensors 70+2, space cantina, a come-up flector for a Caprioril swoop
transports 80+2, starship gunnery 50+2, gang, and even a hyperdrive mechanic in the
starship shields 60 backwater of the Ison Corridor. Her previous
PERCEPTION 3D employers had reacted to her strange hunches
Bargain 80, command 90, con 70+ I, with fear, or anger, or hatred when they mani-
forgery 60, gambling 60+2, hide 60+2, fested. Karrde showed none of these things. At
investigation 80, persuasion 70, sneak best, he seemed to be going for polite exploita-
60+2 tion. However, Mara cannot turn it on and off
STRENGTH 3D like a sensor pack - at least not anymore.
Brawling 40+2, stamina 60 The Empire had placed a bounty on Karrde's
TECHNICAL 2D+2 head because he helped Luke Skywalker escape
Computer programming/repair 40+2, on Myrkr. The bounty extended to the other key
first aid 40+2, security 60+2 members of Karrde's organization, including
Special Abilities: None Mara.
Force Sensitive?: No In thefaceof imminent capture by an Imperial
Force Points: 2 Star Oestroyer, she decided to play an old card.
Dark Side Points: 2 She sent a message to Grand Admiral Thrawn. It
Character Points: 26 was the old recognition code that she had car-
ried in her memory- Hapspir, Barrini, Corbolan,
Mara Jade Triaxis; the Emperor's Hand has returned. She
Mara Jade is a slender woman with green quickly told Thrawn that they had met at his
secret promotion to Grand Admiral. She had
eyes and a dancer's figure. She moves with a
catlike athlete's grace. Her spectacular green been introduced as the Emperor's favorite
dancer, Lianna. She explained that she stayed
eyes are cool, measuring. They take in every-
thing all the time. Her shimmering red-gold hair away for five years because there was nothing in
adds to her beauty, but few ever try to get close the Empire for her-at least not until the return
of a Grand Admiral. She made a deal to have the
to the woman. She reeks of loss and deep ha-
tred, and few fail to recognize the fact that she is Empire lift Karrde's death mark in exchange for
very dangerous. She has served as part of Talon the Katana fleet.
Karrde's smuggling operation for six months, Thrawn, of course, decided to change the
turning her luck and raw talent into a position as deal to his own advantage. He followed her back
second in command. .
to Karrde's base and captured the smuggler
Before the Emperor died, Mara Jade served chief. Now came the hard part for Mara, for she
as his Hand, one of his personal assassins and wasn't the kind who gave her loyalty easily. And
spies. She was trained in the Oark Side of the her loyalty, for the time being, was to Talon
Force. The Emperor's intensivetrainingincluded Karrde. She even tried to use the Force to kill

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 67


Thrawn, but her powers were not that great, her she was trying, but she wasn't sure if that was
control not that complete. For her trouble, he still true.
promised to deliver her to Joruus C'baoth for The danger to Karrde and herself was gone
proper training. This only served to enforce her and she was out of excuses, yet S~alker was
previous conclusion: the Empire she had once still alive. Mara Jade has no idea why. S~alker
served proudly was gone forever. even saved her from death during the battle for
MaraJade had other resources to call upon. As the Katana fleet. He should have let her die. At
Emperor's Hand, she knew about the private back least then she wouldn't be faced with the deci-
door the Emperor had installed in the main com- sion that now hangs over her - what to do
puters of every Star Destroyer in the fleet. She about her dark dreams.
could not be locked out of one of the Emperor's Mara Jade
ships. She discovered the location of Karrde's cell
aboard the Chimaera, then went in search of Luke
Roleplaying Game Statistics
S~alker. She would ask the man she hated Template Type: Mere
above all else to help her, because only he could. Loyalty: To the Emperor and Talon
What surprised her was that he readily agreed, Karrde
without threat or force or coercion. Height: 1.6 meters
Someday she will still kill S~alker, but fate Species: Human
seems to keep turning them into allies at the Sex: Female
most inopportune moments. He helped her res- Homeworld: Unknown
cue Karrde, then went with Karrde to Coruscant Age: 28
as guests of the New Republic. Entering the Quote: "I wouldn't trust Jedi farseeing all
Imperial Palace brought back a flood of memo- that much if I were you. The Emperor did
ries. It was here that her life had effectively a lot of that, too. It didn't help him much
begun. And it was here, five years ago, that it had in the end."
ended while she waited for the Emperor to come DEXTERITY 3D+2
back from a trip that ended in his death. She saw . Blaster 9D+I, blaster: hold-out blaster
the Emperor's frowning, wrinkled face in every IOD+2, brawling parry 7D+2, dodge 8D+2,
palace window. She felt his overwhelming pres- melee combat 8D+ I, melee parry 7D+2,
ence still commanding her: YOU WILL KILL LUKE missile weapons 6D+2, pick pocket 8D+2,
SKYWALKER. She told the memory voice that running 6D+2, thrown weapons 6D+2

68 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


KNOWLEDGE 20+2 programming 30+2, Oroid repair 30+2,

Alien species 80+2, bureaucracy 70+2, first aid 50, ground vehicle repair 60,
business 50+2, intimidation 70+2, repulsorlift repair 50, security 80,
languages 80+2, planetary systems 50+2, starship repair 60+ I, starship weapon
streetwise 60, streetwise: Talon Karrde's repair 50+1
organization 70+2, survival 70, value Special Abilities:
40+2, willpower 60+2 Force skills: Control2D, sense 2D+2, alter
Astrogation 80+2, beast riding 50+2, Force powers (these are only powers
communications 60+2, ground vehicle which Mara has demonstrated to this
operation 60+2, repulsorlift operation point):
50+2, sensors 50+2, space transports Control: Absorb/dissipate energy,
90+2, starfighter piloting 90+2, starship accelerate healing, control pain, empti-
gunnery 90+2, starship shields 80, ness, enhance attribute, hibernation
swoop operation 70+2 trance, remain conscious. resist stun
PERCEPTION 20+1 Sense: Oanger sense, life detection, life
Bargain 50+ I, command 70+1, con 60+ I, sense, magnify senses, receptive telepa-
gambling 40+ I, hide 80+ I, investigation thy, sense force
40+1, persuasion 50+1, search 70+1, Alier: Injure/kill, telekinesis
sneak 80+1 Control and Sense: Projective telepathy
STRENGTH 30+2 Control and Alter: Inflict pain
Brawling 60+2, climbing/jumping 70+2, Control, Sense and Alter: Telekinetic kill
lifting 50+2, stamina 80+2, swimming Force Sensitive?: Yes
60+2 Force Points: 4
TECHNICAL 3D Dark Side Points: 5
Blaster repair 60, computer program- Character Points: 21
ming/repair 70, demolition 40, Oroid

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 69


_Chapter Five

The galaxy is a big, big place. It stretches eight worlds orbiting the sun, only the first
beyond the imagination, encompassing count- planet, Barhu, a high-temperature ball of rock,
less billions 01 stars, planets, and species. Even and the distant cold world of Hurcha, the eighth
the Known Galaxy - that area of space that planet, do not serve some civilized purpose.
once fell under the control of the Empire - is so The most important planets in the system are
huge as to make luJI understanding almost im- Churba, the fourth planet which gave the sys-
possible. Because hyperdrives are taken lor tem its name, and New Cov, the third world
granted and make travel Irom one end 01 the orbiting the sun.
Known Galaxy to the other as easy as (or easier Churba is a high-tech world of Humans and
than) traveling across the lace 01 a single world, assorted alien species, metropolitan and cos-
its true size is rarely realized by the average mopolitan, although on a smaller scale than
galactic citizen. Only in the void 01 space, as Corellia and Coruscant.
vessels move under the slower power of sublight New Cov has no indigenous intelligent species,
drives, does the lull scope of the galaxy take but its jungles and vast amounts of natural re-
shape in the minds 01 restless crewers. sources have made it an ideal corporate colony.
Out 01 this endless swirl of stars and void, the
boundaries 01 the Known Galaxy have been estab- New COy
lished. But the borders are not set, for expansion The great walled city of llic is but one of eight
is possible in an endless number of directions. that have been built in the jungles of New Cov.
From the Core Worlds to Wild Space, from the Rim The tops of the cities poke through the clutch-
Territories to the Borderland Regions, the galaxy's ing trees of the tight-pressed jungle, looking like
stars and planets engage in an eternal dance of the silver-skinned domes 01 Droids that have
orbits and gravitational fluctuations. As members been dropped into green quicksand. Visiting
of this galactic dance, thesapient beings of the ships must enter the cities through vents near
galaxy seem almost insignificant. They are easily the top, which are large enough to admit any-
dwarfed by the size and scope of the galaxy thing up to the size of a W-class space barge.
around them. They have divided and defined New Cov is a planet where the dangers of the
portions of the galaxy in ways their minds can environment are the source of its economic value.
understand, slicing known space into sectors and New Cov is home to numerous sentient exotic
star systems for ease of reference. Three quarters plants that produce biomolecules. However, the
of these known systems fall under the marginal plants seem to take great exception to the har-
control of the New Republic. The Empire main- vesting of the molecules - they have been known
tains. control of barely one fourth of its original to eat the occasional careless molecule harvester,
member systems. and the reason the cities are armored and domed
The systems and planets described below is to prevent the plants from infiltrating or casting
are far from the total number of worlds known in spores into the cities. However, despite the dan-
the Star Wars galaxy. These have been selected ger, economics rule out, and the Covies are even
for inclusion because of the signilicant roles building two more cities to increase living space
they play in Dark Force Rising. and processing facilities.
Biomolecules cannot be synthesized, so
Churba System sources of these important manufacturing com-
The star system Churba is full of life and ponents are highly sought after and jealously
planets with enterprising operations. Of the guarded; they are needed for synthesized medi-

70 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


cines and some partially organic industrial pro- New COy

cesses. Harvested biomolecules are processed Type: Terrestrial
for their variety of uses (many of them military), Temperature: Hot
and prepared for shipment to heavy-industry Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
planets. Hydrosphere: Moist
While the dangers of New Cov are numerous, Gravity: Standard
the residents, all employees of the New Cov Terrain: Jungle
Biomolecule Company, earn high pay for their Length of Day: 27 Standard Hours
efforts. All manner of alien species can be found in Length of Year: 301 Local Days
the armored cities, though the majority of citizens Sapient Races: Humans, assorted aliens
are of Human origin (many coming from Churba Starport: Imperial Class
itself). The planet is allied with the New Republic, Population: 90 million
but the cities make periodic tributes tothe Empire Planet Function: Natural resources,
in the form of sanctioned Imperial raids. The biomolecule harvesting
Empire takes whatever refined biomolecules it Government: Corporate Owned (New Repu b-
needs, leaves, and New COy remains in the good lie allied)
graces of both governments. Tech Level: Space
Ships enter the cities through the top vents, Major Exports: Biomolecules
following the curved pipes down and inward to Major Imports: High tech, workers
a bright landing area beneath a transparisteel
dome. Inbound customs are a mere formality,
for the inhabitants depend on these same ships Endor
to export their goods. Outbound scrutiny, of The Endor system was nothing more than a
course, is much tighter. footnote in the Old Republic astrogation logs
Professional greeters welcome visitors. pro- before it became the most famous location in
viding data card maps of the city and surround- history. It was an insignificant, out-{)f-the-way sys-
ing area. From there, visitors are free to go to the tem, with few planets and only one sphere ca-
market, administrative, living and processing pable of supporting life. An Imperial outpost had
areas of the city. been established on the sphere, and from there
the necessary preparations were begun so that

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 71

- WARS""""

the second Death Star battle station could be a major role, the people of the New Republic
constructed in the sphere's protective orbit. have been made leaf-brothers and members of
The system was named for its main planet, the Ewok tribes. The Ewoks continue to have
which had faded away at some time in the distant sporadic contact with their Republic friends,
past. All that remained in the planet's orbit was a welcoming the occasional freighter with awe
small, nameless moon of the previous world. For and friendship. The Ewoks gladly provide plants
ease of reference, some refer to it as Endor, but it for medicine and food to the Republic, but have
is really only Endor's moon. asked for little in return. They accept teachers
Three other planets orbit the system's an- and the occasional technological trinket, but
cient sun. They float too far from the warm rays they remain tribal and primitive.
to support life, but they contain a wide variety of A curiosity over Endor is a "psychic blood-
minerals and rare ores. The Imperials set up stain" of sorts. This spot is dark and brooding
mining operations on these three worlds to and marks the area where the second Death Star
provide materials for the second Death Star burst into a thousand colors and then cooled to
project, but only one of these remains in opera- unrecognizable wreckage. Here is where the
tion. On the nearest world to Endor's Moon, a Emperor died, and those who are sensitive to
large, dark orb designated Eloggi, the mining the Force can feel his presence when they pass
operation continues to churn out ore. The New through the spot. It is a malign, hateful pres-
Republic granted the rights to the facility to an ence, chilling to all Force-wielders who pass
enterprising company from Sullust in recogni- through it.
tion of the support and assistance it provided
the Alliance throughout the civil war. Bright Tree Village
Buill among the wide trunks of the tall trees
Endor's Moon of Endor's moon, Bright Tree Village is a typical
Endor is appropriately labeled "the forest Ewok settlement, located near the ruins of the
moon." Vast forests cover most of the moon, full Imperial outpost. Named for the tall central tree
of trees that reach over three hundred meters that catches the rays of the sun throughout
into the air. The trunks are covered with shaggy, most of the day, Bright Tree houses nearly two
rust-colored bark. They rise as straight as col- hundred of the Ewoks. The healthy cluster of
umns, some extremely wide, others seemingly trees in which they live, the good hunting, and
impossibly thin. Spindly foliage of lush colors the abundant supplies of food and fresh water
fill the upper branches of these living giants, make these Ewoks feel particularly blessed
scattering the bright sunlight in delicate blue- among the children of the trees.
green patterns across the forest floor. The village hangs fifty meters over the forest
A wide array of flora grows among these floor. The main platform features a wide, open
ancient giants, including pines and leafy decidu- work and meeting area buill around a central
ous varieties. Ferns cover the ground like a hunters' hall. Other, smaller platforms rise above
rippling sea of green. The entire moon follows and hang below the main platform.
this verdant, primeval pattern. Even the air The lowest levels of the village feature the
seems full of life, alternating between warm and sentry posts. Here the most experienced Ewok
cool as day gives way to night. warriors team with young novices to guard the
The day on Endor's moon belongs to the approach to the village and teach the novices
Ewoks, a small, furred hunter/gatherer species what they know. Sentries watch for approach-
that lives in the giant trees. They build villages ing dangers, greet and announce visitors, and
in the trees, and live in close-knit tribal units. raise and lower the climbing vines needed to
The night, however, belongs to a thousand reach the forest floor. Sentry posts, like all of the
different predators. While Ewoks are certainly lower portions of the village, are camouflaged to
the most intelligent species native to Endor, the hide the platforms above from unwanted guests.
cunning and physical strength of many less- The main platform features the chief's hut,
intelligent predators forces the Ewoks into their the shaman's hut, the hall of elders, and the
elevated villages at night. hunters' meeting place. Other huts on this plat-
The Ewoks worship the trees as life-givers form and the smaller platforms that cling to the
and great, ancient spirits. They understand the trees above include storage areas, family dwell-
concept of the Force, but do not call it by such ings, huts for unmated females and unmated
a name. Prior to the Battle of Endor, Ewoks had males, visitor huts, and the place of sickness
minor contact with scouts and traders, but they where ills and wounds are treated.
developed no lasting galactic ties. Since the The highest platforms house additional sen-
defeat of the Empire, in which the Ewoks played tries. These watchers constantly observe the

72 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

horizon, looking for anything which might Once the poison takes effect, the divto drags its
threaten the safety of the village or the hunters prey into the deep woods where it can consume
and gatherers in the forest below. Additionally, it at its leisure.
special platforms serve as launching pads for Divto
Ewok gliders. Gliders are used as both offensive
weapons and to quickly get news to those out- Roleplaying Game Statistics
side the village. DEXTERITY 30+2
Salfur's Trading Post Sneak 50+2, sneak: forest 60+2
The New Republic has set up a number of STRENGTH 40
semi-permanent trading posts and landing plat- Brawling 50, stamina 50
forms near the Ewok villages. One of these is Move: 7
Sallur's Trading Post, taking up a significant Size: 3 meters long
portion of a clearing near Bright Tree Village. Scale: Creature
Following the pattern established by the Ewoks, Attacks:
Sallur's Post rises above the forest floor on ten Teeth: 50 damage
meter columns. These columns serve the same Special Abilities:
function as the Ewoks' trees (which the Repub- Multiple Attacks: The divto can make
lic decided not to use for fear of offending the three attacks per round (one per head)
religious Ewoks), holding the post up above the without suffering any multi-action
reach of most predators. Four of the columns penalties. Additional attacks incur
contain lift tubes to ferry people and supplies normal penalties.
from the post to ground level. Poison: Once every round (up to three
When night falls, the darkness activates the consecutive rounds), the divto can
boundary field which surrounds the post and its deliver a powerful poison to its prey
nearby landing platform. The force field serves with a successful bite attack. The poison
as an additional level of protection during the causes stun damage of 6D+2.
hostile nights of Endor's moon. Of course, this Combat: These predators lie in wait in
field can be raised and lowered manually when the tall grass, springing at the last
the need arises. minute when prey passes by. They seek
The landing platform can accommodate to strike three times in quick succession
shuttles and small freighters, but maintains few with their three heads, trying to deliver
other services. There are no maintenance han- poison to their intended prey.
gars, no refitting stations, and no cargo han-
dlers. There is only a landing beacon, direc- Preducor
tional lights, a flat place to touch down, and a The predueoT is a true monster. It stands on
power recharging hook-up. four powerful, clawed legs, has a terrible head
The post itsell contains a living area, storage surrounded by a mane of razor-sharp hair, and
rooms, and a limited entertainment center - all a long, spiked tail. The preducor's protruding
that a few traders and perhaps a diplomat, maw is filled with fearsome teeth, and its eyes
medic and teacher need for a short stay on glow malignantly in the night which is its hunt-
Endor's forest moon. The post is not staffed ing grounds. The preducor grows to a height of
throughout the year. Instead, it serves as a base four meters and its body stretches as much as
of operations when Sallur and his New Republic five meters from nose to tail. Great folds of skin
associates come for one of their periodic visits. protrude from its back, the vestiges of wings
that no longer work.
Deadly Predators The preducor makes its home anywhere in
Two of the more lethal predators which hunt the forest; it roams, without even making so
the forest nights are the divlo and the preducor. much as a temporary lair. They are normally
Both names cause even the mightiest Ewok docile during the day, but as soon as darkness
hunters to shiver, and few dare challenge their comes to Endor, they begin prowling for any
mastery of the night. large creature that would make a suitable meal.
Roleplaying Game Statistics
The divto is a fearsome three-headed snake
that grows to a length of three meters. Each
head can strike the same target, delivering a
Sneak: forest 40
numbing poison which renders prey helpless.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 73

- WAIU""""

Stamina SO are also a number of smaller villages spread

Move:S throughout the Clean Land.
Size: 4 meters tall, 5 meters long From high orbit, visitors can see the results
Scale: Creature of the cataclysm that devastated the Noghri
Attacks: homeworld. The surface of the world is almost
Teeth: 70 damage uniformly brown with a few deep blue lakes and
Claws: 60 damage small oceans. There are no greens or yellows, no
Tail: 50+ I damage signs of plant life. From above, Honoghr looks
Special Abilities: None. dead. Only on closer examination does any evi-
Combat: These predators are not subtle. dence of life appear in the middle of the brown
When they detect prey, they go after it. landscape. A small, irregularly-shaped patch of
Little can throw off the attention of a pale green sits lonely vigil on the world of dusty
hungry preducor once it has captured browns. This is the Clean Land - Honoghr's
the scent of prey. When it closes with its only hope for life.
target, it attacks savagely with its front What happened to the world? Long ago
claws and its terrible rending teeth. It Honoghr was caught between two combating
uses its tail as a secondary attack and to warships. When the battle was over, the planet
keep others away while it feeds. was left for dead, an innocent bystander hit by
the stray shots of high-tech war.
Endor's Moon Life on Honoghr has always been hard, but it
Type: Terrestrial became impossibleafterthe battle in the sky. To
Temperature: Temperate the Noghri, it was like a war between gods. The
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable) warships shot bolts of lightning across the sky
Hydrosphere: Moderate all through the night and into the next day. The
Gravity: Standard distant mountains flashed with their fury. The
Terrain: Forest Noghri were more frightened by the silence
Length of Day: IS Standard Hours than by the light, for there was no thunder to
Length of Year: 402 Local Days accompany the great flashes. When the light-
Sapient Races: Ewoks ning finally stopped, the Noghri hoped the gods
Starport: Limited services (landing port; sea- had gone and taken their war with them. Then
sonally staffed) the grounds hake started.
Population: 10 million Whole cities vanished in the earthquakes
Planet Fnnction: Homeworld, trade which shook the world. Forests and fields
Government: Tribal (New Republic allied; burned, as did villages and cities which sur-
non-participating member) vived the quakes. This was followed by terrible
Tech Level: Stone sickness, and more people died. Then the
Major Exports: Foodstuffs, medicinal goods strange-smelling rain began to fall.
Major Imports: None In more civilized terms, one of the great war-
ships crashed into the planet, triggering mas-
Honoghr sive earthquakes and releasing toxic chemicals
into the air. Older starships carried such potent
Seven planets orbit the Honoghr sun, from
toxins, like the ships of the Old Republic.
tiny Logru with its oceans of boiling lava, to
A twist of fate left only one portion of the
distant Kuthul, the frozen giant. Of these seven
planet habitable, and that was the ancient truce
worlds, it was the fourth planet that was blessed
ground that the clans had long used as a neutral
with life. Honoghr was the paradise in this tur-
site. All the surviving clans migrated to the truce
bulent system, though its hold on life was tenu-
ground in search of a way to live in the dying
ous at best. It was not a world of abundance, like
world. It was here, in the Clean Land, that Lord
Alderaan, but it was the best this system had to
Vader found the Noghri.
offer. That changed drastically after the vio-
The Noghri feared him as a god, butthey were
lence of the galaxy intruded on the world.
also angry with the gods for what they had done.
The Planet Honoghr Some of the Noghri attacked, killing many of
Vader's attendants despite their blasters and
The Noghri, the species of savage hunters
armor. Only three of the twenty Noghri fell
turned into killing machines by the Empire, hail
before Lord Vader stopped the battle. He of-
from the distant and nearly unknown world of
fered peace and the aid of the Emperor. Vader
Honoghr. Little of the world is fit for habitation.
provided food, medicine and tools at first, and
The area that can still support life is called the
later he brought decon Oroids to clean the land.
Clean Land, and its major city is Nystao. There

74 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Vader, who the Noghri believed was the only ral would be their lord and commander. Sad-
being in the galaxy that cared for them, became ness spread, for the Lord Vader had been the
their master. only one other than the Emperor who cared for
Once the Noghri clans were many, full of the well-being of the Noghri. He had given them
discord and death. The history carved into the hope and purpose. It took time for the Grand
walls of each dukha show the terrible destruc- Admiral to give them such things as well.
tion of life created by the conflicts of old. Clan
battled clan, and war was a way of life. This The Dukhas
changed after the destruction on Honoghr. Now Noghri culture is clan-oriented, made up of
the clans are one, serving the Empire. close-knit family groups that engage in many
Outside the Clean Land, the only plant that customs and rituals. It has all of the social
continued to grow on the world was the kholm customs of primitive pre-spaceflight cultures,
grass, and the few animals that have managed to though the Empire has provided spaceships
survive are those that can eat it. To this day, the and high-tech machinery to Noghri.
Noghri depend on supplies brought from other Every clan has a dynast, or clan leader, and a
worlds by their Imperial masters, or they will village it calls home. Each clan village has a
perish as a species. dukha at its center, and all village life revolves
The Noghri leaders, called the dynasts, have around it. A dukha is a large cylindrical building
been Imperial vassals since Lord Darth Vader with a flat cone-shaped roof. The circular wall is
arrived. For many years they faithfully served composed of massive vertical wooden pillars
Vader and his Emperor, gladly giving their sons alternating with a lighter wood. Just beneath the
and daughters over as commandos in exchange eaves, a metal band circles the entire building.
for the help their planet needed. The pillars of the elaborate structure are made
The current Imperial lord of the Noghri is of whole sections of tree trunk which have been
Grand Admiral Thrawn. The day Lord Vader stripped of bark and smoothed to a black marble
presented him to the dynasts has been etched finish. The lighter wood is covered with in-
in Noghri memory, for it was asad day. The Lord tricatecarvings, as is the reinforcing metal band,
Vader, who had saved the Noghri from total showing both function and art.
destruction, explained that his duties against Each dukha is twenty meters across and four
the Emperor's enemies would require his full meters high, plus an additional four meters for
attention. From that day forth, the Grand Admi- the conical roof. The interior is a single open

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 75




! ~
Ii .
;.'> ! ,. ~,,;.'

J,- .'
room with a throne-like chair two-thirds of the enough to free the Noghri from their dependence
way toward the back - the clan High Seat. upon the "generosity" of the Empire.
There are no internal support pillars. Instead, Princess Leia, going before the Grand Dukha
great chains are strung from the top of each wall as the daughter of Lord Vader, convinced the
pillar to the edge of a large concave dish hanging Noghri that the Empire had not been helping
over the center of the room. The weight of the them. The Empire had been poisoning their
dish keeps the pillars upright and as stable as world. She proved that the Empire could have
any other support structure could. Hidden lights repaired the damage to Honoghr in a few short
in the dish's rim glow upward, providing soft, years, not over the course of half a century.
diffused illumination. "The Noghri are a free people," Leia told them,
"I came only to try to restore that freedom toyou."
The Empire's Deception She also told them not to openly throw off the
Of course, the Empire has used the situation shackles of the Empire just yet, for to do so would
to its own advantage, binding the Noghri into a bring swift retribution and death. She has prom-
debt of honor in order to make full use of their ised to return with more fresh, living seed so that
natural fighting skills. Princess Leia learned that they can restore their croplands. What happens
the disaster took place forty-eight Noghri years next to Honoghr is up to the Noghri.
ago, which the maitrakh of clan Kihm'bar told
her was the same as forty-four Imperial years. Nystao
The disaster did not take place during the Rebel- In the city of Nystao sits the Common Room of
lion, as she had assumed, but during an earlier Honoghr, in the Grand Dukha. Within rests the
conflict, perhaps even during the Clone Wars. gleaming High Seat, from which the Grand Admi-
By lies, the Empire has held the Noghri in ral holds his convocates of dynasts. Each dynast
bondage for too long. They have not been clean- comes to present himself before the Grand Admi-
ing the soil, but contaminating itto perpetuate the ral, affirming his loyalty to Thrawn and Empire.
lie. The Empire actually infested the world with a There is also an Imperial spaceport in the city,
hybrid strain of kholm grass which killed all other primitive by Core standards but a paradise com-
forms of plant life; the decon Droids slowly elimi- pared to the rest of the backwater world.
nated patches of this dangerous kholm grass - The spaceport is maintained by Noghri who
only enough to make it appear as though the have been specially trained by the Empire. They
Empire was trying to save the world, but never can service and repair transports and small

76 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

~~==============================::.~C;:;h~a:!;p:;:te;:r";F~I'::;v:,;e;.:::.P:.:'a:.:n.: e~t~s

starships, though they have little understand- Jomark

Ing of the skills they have been provided with. . The planet Jomark is the second of six worlds
The·spaceport maintains a control tower and
orbiting a medium-sized sun. It is the only world
sensor station for monitoring near-space traffic
in the system capable of supporting life, and the
and remains the most technologically-advanced
only planet which has been colonized. There is
area on the planet.
not even so much as a transmission relay sta-
As the capital of the Clean Land and the seat of
tion on any of the other worlds.
Imperial power, Nystao houses the supply ware-
houses. The Empire periodically fills these ware- The Planet
houses with food and water, and the dynast of
Jomark is a colony world that has not had
Nystao distributes the supplies to the outer clan
much contact with the galaxy (even its last star
villages as needed. Though all dynasts are consid-
chart update, over fifteen years ago, was little
ered equal, the dynast of Nystao remains slightly
more than a cursory fact check). It was the
superior than the rest because of hIS more promI-
perfect place for Joruus C'baoth to set his trap
nent contact with Thrawn and the EmpIre.
for Luke Skywalker, for it is just the sort of world
Nystao is larger than the other clan villages,
a Jedi Master would choose to hide on. The
with more Noghri living within its confines. It
planet is mostly ocean, with one small continent
addition to the Grand DUkha, there are all of the
and an endless number of smaller islands.
other features of smaller villages on a larger
TheJedi Master ruled the world from the "High
scale. Huge bakehouses prepare food for the
Castle," though he did not believe it deserved its
families. Large areas are set aside for the train-
name. It was a short, dirty castle, as alien as the
ing of the young and for the daily practices
long-gone species that had built it before the·
which the Noghri warriors engage m. FamIly
Human colonists had arrived; its intended pur-
huts are everywhere, using the limited space of
pose remains a mystery. The castle was nestled
the Clean Land to best advantage.
uneasily between two large crags on an anCIent
The city isn't open to visitation from outsid-
volcanic rim. He appreciated the location, for the
ers - the Empire intentionally keeps the rav-
rim provided a good view of the brilliant blue
aged world isolated, and there are no ~odern
waters of the Rim Lake four hundred meters
trading center or luxury accommodatIOns for
below. He moved into the castle because the
visitors. In fact, only Imperial officials are wel-
come on this world. There are few places for colonists held the place in awe. The dark island in
the center of the crater also made a well-hidden
non-Noghri to hide. If one member of a clan
landing site forthe Imperial shuttles continuously
knows something, it isn't long before the entIre
sent by Grand Admiral Thrawn.
clan knows it. Princess Leia's presence on
The bulk of Jomark's land area is taken up by
Honoghr was almost revealed to Grand Admiral
the small continent of Kalish. There are thou-
Thrawn - only Leia's lineage, the Mal'ary'ush,
sands of even smaller islands scattered in clus-
or daughter and heir of Lord Darth Vader, pro-
ters around the ocean world. Most of the popu-
tected her.
lation of the main continent lives along the
Honoghr coast, but there are a few smaller settlements in
the interior. One such settlement lies on the
Type: Terrestrial (Toxic)
Temperature: Temperate southern shore of the almost perfectly ring-
shaped Rim Lake. The lake itself had formed
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Dry inside the remains of a cone-shaped volcano,
Gravity: Standard and a smaller cone formed an island in its cen-
ter. This wilderness region, thick with moun-
Terrain: Toxic plains, some clean land
tains, provided isolation and secrecy for Joruus.
Length of Day: 23 Standard Hours
The colonists came to Jomark during one of the
Length of Year: 352 Local Days
Sapient Races: Noghri Old Republic expansions a few thousand years
Starport: Imperial Class (for Imperial ships ago. Like many colonies of the period, it was
only) quickly forgotten about, precipitating the slide
Population: 10 million into a state of primitive technology and superstI-
tion. The Human colonists found a rich world full
Planet Function: Homeworld
Government: Clan (Empire allied) of paradise islands and crystal water. The colo-
nists stay away from those relics the aliens left
Tech Level: Stone, with space components
Major Exports: None behind; they consider these places haunted, and
do not wish to disturb whatever alien spirits may
Major Imports: Food, water, medicine, tech
still reside within the strange constructs.
The colonists have had only minor contact

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 77


- .' ~ ~'-':--._"~-- ..

with the galactic community, but that suits them a rescue mission. Now Joruus has also aban-
fine. Even after all these generations, they still doned the world, leaving it the way he found it
call themselves colonists, though few under- so that he can set his own plans into motion -
stand exactly what the term means. To them, it whether the Grand Admiral approves of them or
identifies who they are - the second intelligent not. The colonists were more than glad to see
species to make its home on Jomark. They have him leave.
an industrial level of technology, and many turn
to the sea for sustenance. The Jomark colonists Cracian Thumpers
are excellent fishermen, sea farmers, and sail- Cracian Thumpers have long been used as
ors. They have no spaceport facilities other workbeasts by the natives of their world of origin.
than the temporary one set up in the Rim Lake When the Cracians decided to market them to the
for Joruus C'baoth. Few'visitors come to their galaxy, Thumpers became indispensable for use
world, and most colonists do not believe in as both riding and pack animals. The original
starships and other worlds (though all of their Jomark colonists brought a few of these animals
legends and histories tell them they came from with them, and now the main continent and a few
space sometime in the past). of the larger islands have herds of wild Thumpers
The Jomark colonists are content with their living in the wilderness, in addition to the stocks
world. They care nothing about the far-away of domestic Thumpers the colonists use for a
events of the galaxy, for the concerns of their variety of tasks.
island paradises are enough for them. They lack The Thumper got its name from the sound it
the knowledge to develop beyond their current should make when it runs. However, the remark-
tech level, looking upon the magical wonders of ably agile creatures have such a light touch that
Joruus and his Imperial visitors with awe and they hardly make any sound at all. They are
fear. They are a superstitious lot, eager to ex- extremely loyal and obedient animals. They can
plore the islands that dot their seas but afraid to be taught to follow verbal or touch commands,
sail too far into unknown waters. To date, they and can even distinguish between friends and
have settled only a quarter of the world's land enemies if their masters train them. Some can
mass, and only those areas closest to the conti- be taught to attack on command.
nent of Kalish. Sharp foreclaws and a whipping tail provide
After a short visit to the world, Luke Skywalker these creatures with remarkable offensive ca-
left Joruus C'baoth to accompany Mara Jade on pabilities.

78 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Cracian Thumper This entire system has been established as a

Roleplaying Game Statistics resort. From the tropical climes of Pantolomin
DEXTERITY 3D to the wintery wonderland of Toloran, from the
PERCEPTION 30+2 zero-gee camp grounds of Atloran to the deep
Sneak 40+2 space station Panto Prime, the system features
STRENGTH 3D vacation packages for all tastes and species.
Orneriness: 1D Pantolomin features a tropical and semi-tropi-
Move: 12 cal climate. It is an ocean world, with eighty
Size: Adults stand I to 1.8 meters at the percent of the planet covered in deep blue
shoulder water. The land masses, from the three large
Scale: Creature continents to the five major islands to the hun-
Attacks: dreds of small islands, are jungle paradises of
Claws: 3D+ I damage thick rain forests. The underwater coral reefs
Tail: 4D+2 damage . are renowned throughout the galaxy for their
Special Abilities: unique beauty.
Silent movement: Thumpers can move Toloran is a cold world of snow and moun-
very silently, adding 10+2 to sneak tains. Mountain top resorts provide a variety of
attempts if they make only two moves or winter activities, including repulsor skiing, hover
less per round. They can carry up to 100 sledding, wilderness survival camps, and even
kilos of cargo, or a rider and up to 50 kilos. mundane single and double snow-contact ski-
Combat: These animals are not aggres- ing. Perhaps the highlight of the world is the
sive, but will attack if threatened or great Snow Nara ice barge. The ice barge sails
trained for combat. They fight with across the great ice floes of the northern reaches,
sharp foreclaws and by striking with taking its passengers to the most isolated areas
their tail, using it like a whip. Because for sightseeing, ice skiing, and hunting of the
Thumpers are herbivores, they have terrible ice dragons of Toloran.
hard, flat teeth which are not useful as The lifeless sphere called Altoran has even
biting weapons. been colonized for recreational activities. Seven
zero-gee space camps surround a modern space-
Jomark port facility. Alien species which have special
Type: Terrestrial gravitational needs find these camps great fun,
Temperature: Temperate and more humanoid species come for the chal-
Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable) lenges and benefits of a limited stay in weight-
Hydrosphere: Moist less conditions.
Gravity: Standard Panto Prime, a deep space station orbiting
Terrain: Ocean, island (varied terrain) between Pantolomin and Toloran, is a luxury
Length of Day: 23 Standard Hours facility that doubles as a functional spaceport
Length of Year. 312 Local Days and a deluxe resort and casino. Panto Prime is a
Sapient Races: Humans popular gambling resort, but always is playing'
Starport: Limited Services second-best to those of Pantolomin.
Population: 2.8 million Pantolomin
Planet Function: Colony, subsistence
Government: Cooperative communities Pantolomin is a wonder to behold. From the
Tech Level: Industrial clear blue oceans to the colorful rain forests,
Major Exports: None from the blue-sand beaches to the intricate
Major Imports: None coral reefs, Pantolomin is a galactic paradise.
Tourists come from all over to bask in the
Pantolomin sun, dance beneath the triple moons, swim in
the green-blue waters, frolic on the vast beaches,
Three planets orbit the Panto sun. The planet and explore the scenic tropicallorests. Forthose
closest to the sun is Pantolomin, but it orbits at who prefer even more amazing sights, there are
a comfortable distance and supports a huge always the luxury cruises atop the waves and
number of life forms. This is the paradise of the beneath them, which wind through the fabulous
system, a diamond among the jewels. The sec- coral jungles that fill the ocean depths.
ond planet, Toloran, also supports life, but it is One of the more popular subocean cruise shi ps
a colder, harsher world. The distant Atloran is the luxury casino Coral Vanda. Thesubmersible
does not have a life-sustaining atmosphere, but makes three and seven day excursions through
has been utilized nonetheless. the huge network of reefs off the coast of

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 79


Pantolomin's northern continent of Tralla. on tourism. They produce all types of luxury
The planet's Board 01 Tourism bills this ship as goods to go with the exotic locales,and Pantolomin
the most impressive and luxurious casino in the items sell for exorbitant prices throughout the
galaxy, and no one has ever challenged that claim. galaxy. Though a large number of Humans have
It has eight gambling rooms, each one as huge and settled on the world because of its beauty or to
ornate as the next. These rooms are filled with make money, most businesses and the govern-
sabacc tables, lugjack bars, tregald booths, holo- ment itself are owned and operated by the LO!'1ins,
game tables, warp-top booths, and other games of who share the system's tourist board governing
skill and chance. A multi-species bar bisects each duties with the Tolos of Toloran.
room, and there are even serving windows which The three continents of Tralla, Kossi and
can provide an assortment of snack foods. From Brint have modern cities which have been de-
the Tralla Room to the Safkin Room, the Coral signed to blend into the natural beauty of the
Vanda contains eight of the finest casinos in the land. Wherever possible, beaches and deep for-
galaxy - all in one location. est have been left in a natural state, only being
When passengers tire of the games, they can intruded upon in the environmentally safe tour
step over to the full-wall transparisteel hulls barges. Cities tend to be coastal, for the am-
that separate each casino room from the ocean phibious Lomins prefer to be near the sea.
beyond. The sights beyond the clear walls are
breathtaking. Rippling blue-green water sparkles rantalamin
in the ship's running lights, revealing huge Type: Terrestrial
schools of brilliantly-colored fish. Small sea Temperature: Hot
mammals swim and play among the fish, pulling Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
on grand shows for those who care to watch. Gravity: Standard
And then there are the reefs. The Coral Vanda Hydrosphere: Moist
moves around, over, under and through the Terrain: Ocean, tropical jungle
winding forests of coral that grow in this part of Length of Day: 24 Standard Hours
the ocean. The coral reefs grow in wondrous Length of Year: 349 Local Days
patterns of loops and fans, and the colors are as Sapient Races: Humans, Lomins, assorted
varied as those of the fish that live among them. aliens
Pantolomin's native race, the amphibious Starport: Imperial Class
Lomins, have created a luxury world that thrives Population: 1 billion

80 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Coral Yanda

Side View - Interior

Upper Casino levels

Passenger eve
f--------------1 Turbolifts t-""':'~~~~~~~~----_t
Crew/Maintenance Level

Lower Casino Levels

Upper Casino Levels

Kosse Room
~ \ " " TrallaRoom ~
~=============~===~~Turbolifts ;::=::====~=============~

Oestcm Room

life Pods

Passenger Level

( Cabins I ~:~~I

Cabins Suites
Recreation Area

Lower Casino Levels

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 81


Planet Function: Service/tourism forbid the use of repulsorlifts before the hour of
Government: Hepresentative Democracy the first meal and after the hour of last prayer.
(New Republic allied) These, and other laws and standards, as well as
Tech Level: Space information about joining the H'kig sect, are
Major Exports: Luxury Goods provided on data cards when visitors land in the
Major Imports: Tourists spaceports. The colonists chose Rishi as a ha-
ven of religious freedom, and for the natural
Rishi resources the planet provided. Those who don't
The hot sun of Rish has four planets orbiting belong to the H'kig may come and go as they
around it. Only one supports life, the third planet please, as long as they do not disturb the perma-
of Rishi. The others have potential for corporate nent colonists or break any of the religious laws.
uses, but have yet to be exploited. Small Risha is Each city-vale is composed of cream-white
a hot planet with molten rivers and steaming stone buildings. Some buildings are also con-
lakes of chemical soups. Rishal, the second structed in the craggy mountains, but the tops
planet in orbit, is a barren, lifeless world rich in of the mountains are left alone. Far up in the
metals and ores. The far planet of Rishos is a gas mountain peaks live the loose avian tribes of
gIant that has a promising store of gases waiting native Rishii. These avians have a peaceful rela-
to be harvested by enterprising companies. tionship with the colonists, but they do not
understand why the wingless ones want to live
The Planet Rishi in the most uncomfortably hot and humid spots
The only viable places to live on the planet on the planet. Some of the colonists have tried
Rishi - at least as far as the Human and alien to convert and civilize the Rishii, but these
colonists are concerned - are a handful of deep attempts have been to no avail. The avians look
valleys. As such, the living conditions are quite on with bemusement at their strange wingless
crowded. The colonists live in low-lying swamps, neIghbors, then fly back to their mountaintop
whIle the native Rishii live among the high moun- nests to go about their regular business.
tam peaks. The colonists have decided to remain neutral
The colonists who settled Rishi belong to the as far as the conflict between the Empireand the
fundamentalist H'kig religion. They follow strict New Republic are concerned. They do not be-
standards of propriety concerning clothing, lieve in violence, though visitors are not forbid-
length of hair, and social mores. Specific laws den from carrying weapons while on the planet.

82 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


They allow anyone to come to the city-vales, nists do not break any of the laws provided on
and trade with any who deal fairly with them. data cards when they arrive, they are free to
Many underworld organizations have estab- worship or behave as they see fit. This tolerance
lished bases on Rishi because of the colonists' comes from the years of intolerance the H'kig's
tolerance. Talon Karrde even maintains a base had to endure on Galand.
on the planet, and he was forced to make use of The rules which cannot be broken concern
it after his Myrkr base was no longer open to the use of repulsorlifts and other high-tech
him. A number of bounty hunters followed machinery. There are set times when these
Karrde to Rishi, in search of a huge bounty items cannot be used, no matter the religion of
decreed by Grand Admiral Thrawn; most of the the user. There are also community standards
hunters left Rishi empty-handed. concerning the length of hair and the manner of
Rishi colonists export a number of different dress. What a person wears in the privacy of his
types of minerals and ores which they extract own dwelling is his business - what he wears in
from the lower portions of the craggy mountains public is the business of the community. The
surrounding their swamps. They also extract and tolerance of the H'kig's is shown in the way they
process a few different types of primitive fuels enforce their laws.
which they sell or trade to nearby Rim Territory First offenses of community standard laws are
colonies. Perhaps their most well known export handled with a warning and a small fine. Further
are the H'kig missionaries. These followers of the offenses meet with more serious punishments,
faith often setup ministries in spaceports, spread- and multiple offenders may be banished from the
ing the tenets of their faith and seeking donations planet. Of course, the H'kig government has little
from the heathens of the galaxy. tolerance for capital crimes. Murder, kidnapping
and grand theft meet with punishments that fit the
The H'kig Religion crime - including death sentences for those
H'kig was a religious leader on the Core World found guilty by the court of elders.
of Galand. He preached a message that went
against the opinions of the day and even referred Rishi
to the Galand leaders as devoid of morals and Type: Terrestrial
spiritually evil. When he insulted the Viceroy of Temperature: Hot
Galand, H'kig was put to death. However, his Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
death did not destroy his teachings. Instead, H'kig Hydrosphere: Moist
became a martyr and his followers established a Gravity: Standard
full religion around the memory of their leader. Terrain: Mountains, swamps
Over the centuries since, the followers of Length of Day: 20 Standard Hours
H'kig continued to preach against the excesses Length of Year: 268 Local Days
of Galand's "decadent" society. In return, they Sapient Races: Humans, Rishii
faced religious persecution, prejudice and open Starport: Standard Class
hatred. Seventy years ago, during one ofthe Old Population: 2 billion
Republic's colonization pushes, the followers of Planet Function: Mining, natural resources,
H'kig purchased two colony ships and went in homeworld
search of asuitable Rim World to settieon. They Government: Theocratic colony
found Rishi. Tech Level: Space, primitive
Though the theocratic government has es- Major Exports: Minerals, ores, fuel sources,
tablished a number of laws based on their reli- missionaries
gious beliefs, the world is extremely tolerant of Major Imports: High tech, mid tech, low tech
other faiths. As long as visitors and other colo-

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 83

- WARS""""

_ Chapter Six

The galaxy is full of diverse intelligent species. Barab f, which orbits the red-dwarf star called
Many have joined the galactic community, travel- Barab. The world has long been the refuge of
ing the space lanes as traders, explorers and spice smugglers and other criminals, and it
diplomats. Many more have yet to discover the occasionally serves as a hunting ground for
means to achieve space travel, and so remain sport hunters, but otherwise it rarely receives
mysterious and unknown to the galaxy at large. galactic traffic. For this reason, few Barabels
The Empire has no respect for the non-Hu- have made their way off-planet, and the species
mans of the galaxy. To the Imperial mindset, is not widely known.
non-Human intelligents were meant to be ex- Barabels have a complex and unusual physiol-
ploited, persecuted and enslaved. At the ogy, due to the harsh nature of their homeworld,
Empire's height, Man Calamarians, Wookiees, Barab f. The planet orbits close to its red-dwarf
and dozens of other alien civilizations were sun, which bathes it with intense radiation
forced to labor for the Imperial war machine. throughout the daylight hours. The heat and
Today, the New Republic has sought to re- radiation cause most of the free-standing water
build the spirit of unity and cooperation that on the planet to evaporate, ieaving Barab a
once filled the Old Republic. The process of humid, hazy world.
mending the shattered bonds of trust is a slow, Because of ihe intense radiation, Barabels,
meticulous one, but the effort is worth it. The animals, and even some mobile plants, take refuge
galaxy must again learn to celebrate the differ- in caves, deep crevices, and other natural shel-
ences of its peoples and live in peace. A large ters. Other plants have survived by wrapping
part of the process was started during the Re- themselves in reflective cocoons, taking on the
bellion, for the Alliance drew many of its mem- appearance of mirror-like bulbs, stalks and pods.
bers from the persecuted alien species. While When darkness falls, the world becomes a
the memory of the Empire has not been forgot- different place. The plants open, the animals
ten, neither has the memory of,the Alliance and emerge from their hiding places, and rain falls as
the effort it undertook to banish the tyranny and the world cools. In this arena of nocturnal life,
restore freedom to the galaxy. Barabels rule supreme. They evolved as hunt-
Dark Force Rising, like Heir to the Empire ers, and they have made an art out of finding
before it, introduces a number of aliens on both prey and bringing it down.
sides of the continuing galactic conflict. The Physically, Barabels haveslit-like pupils which
entries below describe some of the more inter- collect energy from the infrared to yellow spec-
esting and important ones in depth, providing trums, allowing them to see in darkness as well
background information as well as statistics for as normal daylight conditions. The black scales
use in the roleplaying game. which cover their bodies are made of sturdy,
protein-based keratin. ft provides the hunters
Barabels with natural body armor which is resistant to
Barabels are vicious, bipedal reptiloids. They punctures and blows. They have even been
stand from 1.75 to 2.5 meters tall. The horny known to shrug off light blaster bolt hits.
black keratin scales that cover their bodies, as The major Barabel city is Alater-ka, an in-
well as the long, needle-like teeth which fill their terlocking network of caverns surrounding an
huge mouths, give them a fierce, frightening underground spaceport. The spaceport's facili-
ties are crude, but sporting hunters fill the
Barabels inhabit the dark, humid world of tourist lodges as they come from all over the

84 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


galaxy to hunt the terrible beasts which roam PERCEPTION 10+1/40+2

Barab I's nights. Barabels serve as porters and STRENGTH 3D/50
guides, and a few have accepted commissions TECHNICAL 10/20+1
as bounty hunters in other parts of the galaxy. Move: 11/14
However, the majority of the species remains Height: 1.9-2.2 meters
untamed and uncivilized, living as they have for Quote: "You lie. You cheat. I know."
thousands of years despite the advanced tech- Special Abilities:
nology that has been brought to their world. Natural Body Armor: Gives the Barabel
Barabels have a deep respect for the Jedi +20 against physical attacks and +10
Knights of old, and a few have even tried to against energy attacks.
emulate the Jedi tradition - despite little apti- Radiation Resistance: Barabels have
tude in the Force. Even in the face of Imperial natural resistance to most forms of
persecution, many Barabels refused to denounce radiation. They receive a +20 when
the Jedi or the Force. They point to the legend of defending against the effects of radiation.
the Barabel War. When the vicious hunters split Vision: Barabels can see in the infrared
into two warring factions over access to choice spectrum, allowing them to see in
hunting grounds, it seemed the entire species complete darkness provided that there
was destined to join the coming battle. But Jedi are heat sources.
Knights passing through the system intervened. Story Factors:
They listened to both sides and passed fair Jedi Respect: Barabels have a deep
judgment, stopping a warthat would have killed respect for Jedi Knights, though they
many Barabels and restoring peace to the world. have little ability in the Force. They
Barabel almost always yield to the commands of
a Jedi Knight.
Roleplaying Game Statistics Reputation: Barabels have a reputation
Attribute Dice: 120 as fierce warriors and great hunters.
Attribute Minimum/Maximums: They are often feared, and always given
DEXTERITY 20/40 a wide berth except by the most fierce
KNOWLEDGE 10/20+1 individuals.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 85

; C;:,h:; a:l;p:l:te;:r;';S~i~x.;,;·A~li,;e~n~s================================:;f"'AR...


Defel, or wraiths, look like bipedal shadows Move: 10/13
with red eyes and long, white fangs. In ultravio- Height: 1.1-1.5 meters
let light, they can be seen in all their glory. Defel Quote: "There was no danger. Humans
have stocky, fur-covered bodies. Their long, need movement to see. Not-moving
triple-Jointed hngers end in vicious claws. They shadows are of no concern."
have protruding snouts, and gill-like slits at the Special Skills:
base oftheir jaws. These beings stand about 1.3 Dexterity skills:
meters in height, and usually have shoulder Blind Fighting. Time to use: One round.
widths of 1.2 meters. Defel can apply dice to this skill, which
Defe! originated on the planet of Af'El, which allows them to fight using melee weap-
orbits the ultraviolet super giant sun ofKa'Dedus. ons or hand-to-hand combat when
The chemical makeup of Af'El's atmosphere deprived of their special sight visors or
blocks all forms of light except for ultraviolet when otherwise rendered blind.
forcing life on the world to evolve visual sense; A Defel may ignore all blindness penal-
which could respond to the ultraviolet rays. ties when using this skill, since this skill
Defel and other life forms on AI'EI are com- trains the Defel to use their sense of
pletely blind to other wavelengths. smell and hearing to aid them in combat.
Defel have an additional adaptation which Special Abilities:
cause the beings to absorb other wavelengths Invisibility: Gives the Delel a +3D when
of light. This gives the Defel the appearance of using the sneak skill.
shadows. Some speculate that this adaptation Claws: Defels have natural claws which
was In response toa now-extinct predator which they can use in hand-to-hand combat.
was able to produce light in ranges below ultra- Claws cause damage of Strength +2D.
violet in order to locate prey. Light Blind: Defels can only see in ultravio-
Defel live in great underground cities. The let wavelengths. In any other type of light,
terrible storms spawned by AI'El's churning they are completely blind. To rectify this
atmosphere make surface living difficult at Defel problem, Defels wear special sight visors
society's level of technology. The major indus- which allow them to "see" by blocking out
tries on the planet are mining and metallurgy. all light waves except ultraviolet.
Because of the world's climate, agriculture has However, if the Defelloses his visor and
never been developed and the planet's inhabit- must make any skill checks requiring
ants survived by simple hunting and foraging. sight (such as combat, search or sneak
The planet is rarely visited. A freighter from attempts), the difficulty is increased by
Vulca Minerals Corporation braves the heavy one level.
gravIty once every standard year in order to Story Factors:
pick up cargo and bring trade goods. Repvtation: Defels are considered nothing
The Defel people are tough, independent be- more than a frightening myth by the
ings who hold their words above all else. A Defel majority of the galaxy. Therefore, when
who makes a promise will do his best to keep they are encountered, they are considered
that promise. Because of this, they will have to be supernatural beings to many,
nothing to do with beings who break promises especially unsophisticated individuals.
made to them. Even the least superstitious beings are
When they leave their planet, Defel wear unsettled by these "invisible" aliens.
special visors which allow them to "see" light
wavelengths other than ultraviolet. They often Duinuogwuins
find employment as hired muscle, spies and Duinuogwuins, orStar Dragons, areasad, noble
even assassins because of their shadowy forms. species given to championing lost causes. They
Defel are huge, snake-like multipeds with gossamer
wings and expressive, intelligent eyes. Star Drag-
Roleplaying Game Statistics ons average about ten meters in length, but leg-
Attribute Dice: 12D ends persIst that a few ancient Duinuogwuins
Attribute Minimum/Maximums: have reached sizes of over one hundred meters.
DEXTERITY 2D/4D Large scales cover their bodies, giving them a
KNOWLEDGE lD/3D reptilian appearance. They also have floppy, ex-
MECHANICAL lD/3D ternal ears which are characteristic of mamma-
PERCEPTION 2D/4D lian life forms. Their sharply keeled sternums and
STRENGTH 3D/4D+I overdeveloped pectoral muscles hearken toavian

86 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


design, yet they also have segmented bodies, like ons being directly involved in the affairs of the
many varieties of insects. Old Republic. However, the myths seem to di-
Star Dragons have one pair of legs for every rectly contradict each other regarding the de-
body segment. Their diaphanous wings are at- tails of the stories, and thus it is impossible, at
tached to the upper portion of the body and this time, to learn the facts behind the assis-
spread out one and a half times their body tance of the Star Dragons. The few members of
length. They hold the upper segments of their this species still known to exist remain secre-
bodies erect, and the limbs in this area have tive and alone, perhaps waiting to see how the
evolved into arms and hands. galactic conflict finally ends before rejoining the
The scales that cover a Duinuogwuin's body galactic community.
are gray, dirty white, silver, pale blue or black. Legends persist that this self-imposed isola-
This coloration remains constant throughout a tion has to do with a genetic flaw which exists in
Star Dragon's life- those born pale blue remain the species. When Duinuogwuins mate, legends
pale blue until their dying day. report that they often give birth to offspring
Duinuogwuins are an ancient species. They who are unintelligent and extremely violent.
are so old that the location of their homeworld While fully intelligent Duinouog",uins are the
is unknown. They guard the secret carefully, norm, the unintelligent forms are purported to
and have learned to treat questions about their be quite common. Such offspring are ravaging
natures, their pasts, and their origins with polite monsters which the parents are forced to de-
indifference. Duinuogwuins have adapted to a stroy rather than risk their being loosed upon
variety of environments. They have been en- the galaxy. Perhaps this trait is a result of their
countered on diverse worlds and even in deep flexible genetic code.
space without apparent protection from vacuum Duinuogwuin
and void, thus earning the name Star Dragons.
They are secretive about their physical na-
Roleplaying Game Statistics
tures: they always refuse medical treatment and Attribute Dice: 180
never die in public places. Legends speak of Attribute Minimum/Maximums:
planets known as Dragon Graveyards, though DEXTERITY 20/50
no one has ever reported. finding such a place. KNOWLEDGE 20/50
They are unusual, to say the least, in light of MECHANICAL 10/40
their biological adaptions. Normally, when a PERCEPTION 20/50
species evolves, the process is gradual, each STRENGTH 30/60
new adaption occurring over countless genera- TECHNICAL 20/40
tions. Star Dragons seem to evolve with each Move: 18/25
succeeding generation - a Duinuogwuin Length: 10-100+ meters
dragonling can emerge with new physicai char- Quote: "My race is old, my memory
acteristics that are not even hinted at in prior ancient. I have seen much, and remem-
generations. The creatures obviously have a ber even more."
highly evolved and readily adaptable genetic Special Abilities:
code, probably ensuring their ability to survive Flight: Duinuogwuin can fly in both space
climatological or environmental changes that and atmosphere. They have the follow-
would surely exterminate a less hardy species. ing speeds, which may not be improved
Duinuogwuin have a mysterious society, of- over time:
ten choosing to be solitary beings. They have a Space: 5. Atmosphere: 210; 600 kmh
deep-rooted sense of morality, and an almost Space Survival: Duinuogwuin can survive
genetic predisposition toward the Force. Dur- in deep space without artificial protec-
ing the height of the Empire (and even now in tion for long periods of time; they must
many places in the galaxy), Duinuogwuin de- make an Easy stamina roll after one
nied any sensitivity toward the Force. If pressed, month, increasing the difficulty by one
they claimed that if any Star Dragons ever made level per additional month continuously
use of the Force, they died out long ago. Tales in space.
that Duinuogwuin once served as Jedi Knights Force skills: Control2D, sense 2D, aiter ID.
remain nothing more than stories and rumors, It is believed that approximately one in
since much of the Jedi history records were three Star Dragons possess Force skills,
destroyed during the reign of Emperor Palpatine. although the true number is unknown.
The Star Dragons may not always have been Force powers: Varies by individual.
so secretive. There are numerous myths, whose Story Factors:
origins go back thousands of years, of Star Drag- Isolation: Duinuogwuin live in self-

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 87


imposed isolation. They are mysterious inhabitants know that appearances can be de-
beings who will only be encountered in ceiving. Days are spent foraging forfood along the
very rare circumstances. forest floor, but the night belongs to larger preda-
Note: It is strongly suggested that players tors than the Ewoks. At night, the forest takes on
not be allowed to play Star Dragons. a darker, more dangerous air, and few Ewoks
leave the salety of the trees once the sun has set.
Ewoks Village clusters are built around the wide
Ewoks are curious, good-natured, furred bi- trunks of the massive trees. Where trees crowd
peds that stand about one meter tall. They have together, public squares are constructed of open
a primitive, tribal culture that has not yet ad- platforms spread between the closely-spaced
~ance.d beyond spears, bows and arrows. They
trunks. Huts are made of mud, thatch, wood and
mhabltthe forest moon of Endor, living in tree- cloth, often using the tree trunks as inner walls.
top village clusters high above the forest's floor. The villages are suspended high above the for-
Ewoks communicate in a liquid, expressive est floor, connected one to another by wooden
language that can be learned and spoken by Hu- walkways, stairs, ladders, and swinging vines.
mans. They have developed a trade language that Ewok religion is complex and highly spiritual,
combines simple Basic with the Ewok tongue. centered around nature and the giant trees.
Smce the Battle of Endor, this Basic-Ewok combi- Legends refer to the trees as guardian spirits,
nation has served to solidify their friendship with and the name Ewok actually means "people of
the New Republic. The Ewoks are clearly intelli- the trees." The trees are believed to be intelli-
gent and are quick learners, showing both fear of gent, long-lived beings who care for and protect
and fascination with technology. the Ewoks. Village shamans interpret the many
The giant trees of the forest moon, many of signs and portents that fill the superstitious
which grow taller than three hundred meters lives of the Ewoks. The Ewoks have a strong
are home to the Ewok people, and much of th~ belief m the supernatural, and it is believed that
Ewok culture is tied into these majestic giants. many of the shamans can call upon miraculous
While Ewoks tend to be easily startled by the powers - a clear indication of some aptitude
new and unexpected, they are also fierce war- with the Force, although the Ewoks don't recog-
riors, expert hunters and remarkable trackers. nize the Force as such.
Life in their predator-filled forest has made them The Ewoks have a rich musical culture. Music
cautious and suspicious by nature, but they are plays a major part in religious ceremonies, cel-
also brave, alert, exceedingly curious and ex- ebrations and storytelling. It is also used as a
tremely loyal once their trust has been earned. means for long-range communications. Visitors
The forest moon appears peaceful, but the can often hear moving, haunting religious bal-
lads echoing through the forest, many of which
hearken back to the earliest period in Ewok
culture. Drums resound among the massive
trees, relaying information and warnings from
one village cluster to the next. Ewok dance and
celebratory music shows the true nature of
these tree-dwelling people - it expresses a
wide range of emotions, but is often happy and
full of joy. Though their instruments are primi-
tive, a talented Ewok musician can coax the most
expressive and beautiful sounds out of them.
Ewoks are totally loyal to their tribes, pledging
their very lives to the defense of their people,
communities and trees. They have a natural sense
of community, and this has shown itself even
among those Ewoks who have chosen to join the
New Republic. Ewoks adopt whatever compan-
ions they are with, creating surrogate tribal clus-
ters when they are away from their homes.
While they are technologically primitive by
galactic standards, Ewoks are nevertheless in-
ventive. They are experts at crafting tools, weap-
ons and simple traps, and more challenging
deVices have been made using wood, stone,

88 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


cloth and vines. Ewoks have even designed and bridges, and rock-hurling catapults
built crude gliders for traveling between the (damage value: 20, Speeder scale).
trees. Advanced machinery often makes Ewoks Special Abilities:
nervous and wary - at first. Once their natural Skill bonus: At the time the character is
fear wears off, their curiosity sets in. Then a created only, the character receives 20
child-like desire to play forces them to experi- for every ID placed in the hide, or search
ment with the unfamiliar items. Many Ewoks skills.
have learned to operate repulsorlift vehicles Skill limits: Beginning characters may not
and blasters, but they remain committed to place any skill dice in any vehicle (other
their traditional bows, slings and spears. than glider) or other high tech opera-
Ewoks have poor vision, but a heightened tions or repair skills.
sense of smell has been developed to compen- Smell: Ewoks have a highly developed
sate for this deficiency. They can track by scent sense of smell, receiving a + 10 to their
alone and can use this sense of smell to detect search skill when tracking by scent. This
predators and prey. ability may not be improved.
Endor's forest moon has had little contact Story Factors:
with the Empire since the Imperial defeat at the Protectiveness: Most Human adults will
Battle of Endor. The New Republic has set up a feel unusually protective of Ewoks,
trading post, but the absence of a central Ewok wanting to protect them like young
government has made further diplomatic mis- children. Because of this, Humans can
sions impractical. The tales of Luke Skywalker, also be very condescending to Ewoks.
the golden Oroid See-Threepio, and Princess Ewoks, however, are mature and inquisi-
Leia have spread throughout the village clus- tive - and unusually tolerant of the
ters, however, and they and their New Republic Human attitude.
companions are considered trusted friends of
the people of the trees. Gotals
Ewok Gotals are large bipeds who are easily recog-
Roleplaying Game Statistics nized by the two cone-shaped growths which
Atbibute Dice: 120 rise from the tops of their heads. Gray-brown
Atbibute Minimum/Maximums: skin, flat noses and protruding brows highlight
DEXTERITY lD+2/4D+2 their faces. The rest of their bodies are covered
KNOWLEDGE lD/3D in shaggy gray fur.
MECHANICAL lD+2/3D+2 These beings hail from the fourth moon or-
PERCEPTION 2D/4D+2 biting the gas giant world of Antar. Gotals have
STRENGTH lD/3D developed the ability to sense emanations which
TECHNICAL lD/2D+2 are invisible and undetectable to most other
Move: 7/9 species. The cones atop their heads are filled
Height: 1 meter with sensitive nerve endings and receptor cells
Quote: "Eee chu wawa." which have adapted to the fluctuations in mag-
Special Skills: netic fields and other energy waves. Infrared
Dexterity skills: emanations, radio waves, and most other forms
Thrown weapons: bow, rocks, sling, spear. of energy can be detected and distinguished by
Time to use: One round. The character the nerves and cells in the Gotals' cones.
may take the base skill and/or any of the The typical Gotal's eyes and ears are primi-
specializations. tive compared to the sensory organs in his head
Mechanical skills: cones. These cones can detect and analyze en-
Glider. Time to use: One round. This ergy waves which most other beings are not
ability allows characters to pilot gliders. even aware of. A Gotal also has a sense of touch
Technical skills: and taste, but he lacks the ability to smell.
Primitive construction. Time to use: One Gotal hunters on their homeworld have
hour for gliders and rope bridges; learned to sense prey as far away as ten kilome-
several hours for small structures, ters. Without visual confirmation, a Gotal can
catapults, and similar constructs. This is determine the number of animals in a particular
the ability to build structures out of area, what types are present, and which ones
wood, vines and other natural materials are healthy or ill. When a Gotal gets closer to its
with only primitive tools. This skill is intended target, he can sense the animal's elec-
used to build sturdy houses, vine tromagnetic aura. This provides him with in-
formation concerning the prey's mood, aware-

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 89


ness, and state of mind. These same sensory Because Gotals can practically read the minds
abilities have made Gotal some of the most of other species, they are usually diplomatic
sought after hunters in the galaxy. and polite - unless they sense evil intentions in
In Gatal communities, sensory cones are used those they are interacting with. They speak in
to monitor the moods, desires and thoughts of monotones, and many species mistrust them.
community members. This allows them to avoid Gotal
angry Gotals, to share in the joy of happy Gotals,
and to seek out depressed Gotals in order to
Roleplaying Game Statistics
cheer them up. They converse to convey ab- Attribute Dice: 120
stract ideas and specific information, but never Attribute Minimum/Maximums:
to express emotion or feelings. For these rea- OEXTERITY 10+2/40+2
sons, Gotal communities are among the most KNOWLEOGE 10/30
harmonious civilizations in the galaxy. MECHANICAL 10/20
In mating and rearing young, Gotals have PERCEPTION 20/50
avoided the elaborate courting rituals favored STRENGTH 20+1/40+1
by so many other species. These beings sense TECHNICAL 10/30
love as soon as it occurs, and act accordingly. Height: 1.8-2.1 meters
They mate for life and bear young as soon as Move: 10/15
their life styles permit. Quote: "Your aura appears dark. What
The Gotal civilization is technologically on troubles you, my friend?"
par with the more-advanced non-human societ- Special Abilities:
ies. Like the Man Calamarians, they have suc- Energy Sensitivity: Because Gotals are
ceeded in reaching the stars, but it wasn't until unusually sensitive to radiation emis-
the Old Republic arrived with hyperdrives that sions, they receive a +30 to their search
they truly joined the galactic community. Even skill when hunting targets in wide open
so, many species are uncomfortable around areas of up to 10 kilometers around
Gotals. They consider themselves to be at a them. In crowded areas, such as towns
disadvantage when dealing with the overly sen- and cities, the bonus drops to +10, and
sitive Gotals, who sometimes appear to have the range drops to less than one kilome-
supernatural powers to the more-superstitious ter. In areas with intense radiation, they
species. Because of their ability to sense in a suffer a -10 penalty to search because
wide variety of spectrums and to analyze this their senses are overwhelmed by radia-
data logically, Gotals make shrewd competitors tion static.
in the business, political and gambling arenas. Mood Detection: By reading the auras and
Gotals do not like Droids. for the high-energy moods of others, Gotals receive a positive
output from Droid brains overloads their senses. or negative bonus when engaging in
This also occurs with some other forms of tech- interactive skills with other characters.
nology, especially those machines which com- The Gotal makes a Moderate Perception
bine or produce different forms of energy at the check and adds the following bonus to his
same time. Perception skills when making opposed
The species also has a' hard time interpreting rolls for the rest of that encounter.
the emotions of alien races. Affection is often Roll Misses Difficulty By: Penalty
mistaken for love, anger for imminent violence, 6 or more -3D
envy for murderous intent. With sufficient ex- 2-5 -20
posure to alien species, most Gotals learn to 1 -10
overcome this difficulty. It is rumored that the
Duinuogwuin-Gotal conflict had its roots in this Roll Beals Difficulty By: Bonus
problem, and only the intervention of Jedi me- o to 7 10
diators were able to stave off full-scale war. 8 to 14 20
Antar Four has yet to respond to the over- 15+ 3D
tures of the New Republic. It remains neutral,
Fast Initiative: Gotals who are not suffer-
sending its people out to act as scouts, trackers,
ing from radiation static receive a + 10
mercenaries and even bounty hunters for the
when rolling initiative against non-Gotal
other unaligned societies. While they are con-
opponents. This is due to their ability to
sidering the offer to join the New Republic, the
read the emotions and intentions of
Gotals have made it clear that they want nothing
to do with the Empire, for they sense nothing others.
but evil in the emotions of the Empire's agents. Story Factors:
Droid Hate: Gotals dislike Droids because

90 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

-WARS Chapter Six: Aliens

the emissions produced by Droids over-

wheim their speciai senses. They receive a
-I D to all Perception-based skill rolls when
within three meters of a Droid.
Reputation: Because of the Gotai's reputa-
tion as being overly sensitive to moods
and feelings, other species are uncomfort-
able dealing with them. This often hurts
them in matters of haggling, as any
species who knows their reputation will
not put themselves into a situation where
any dealing must take place. Assign
modifiers as appropriate.

The planet Giju has a wide variety of life
forms, but it is the Herglics who rule the world.
Herglics are huge bipeds who seem to have
evolved from water-dwelling mammals. They
are tall, extremely wide, and fairly strong, with
smooth, hairless skin that ranges in color from
hght blue to nearly black. Most evidence of a
water origin has been bred out of the species
Fins and flukes, for example, have been replaced
bored for the Imperial war machine. For this
by arms and legs. They still breathe through a
reason, once the Empi re (Jed from their sector of
blow hole on top of their heads, however.
space. the Herglics were left with a largely intact
~er?lics became traders and explorers early in
manufacturing infrastructure, which has allowed
histOry, reaching the stars of their nei"hbor-
a them to get back into the competition of galactic
109 systems about the sallle time as the Corellians
trade much faster than worlds such as Kashyyyk
were reaching theirs. Because of their size. Herglics
and Mon Calamari.
built everything slightly larger than Human scale.
Herglics can be encountered throughout the
This is easy to understand. as the average Herglic
galaxy. though they are more likely to be seen
h.as a width span slightly larger than two good-
on technologically-advanct:'d worlds or in spact:'-
Sized Humans standing side by side. Their box-
ports or recreation ct:'nters. Thereare two things
like. fUllctionally-designed freighters became com~
that can disturb tilt:' otht:'rwise dol'ilt:'. prat.'til~al
mon throughout their neighboring regions once
natures of these gentle giants.
they were admitted into the Old Republic. Their
The first is gambling. Once introdllt'ed to
inquisitive but practical natures made them wel-
some type of game of chance. a fever st:'ems to
come members of the galactic community. and
come over a Ht.>rglic. He spends his free tilllt'-
their even tempers helped them get along with
and his credits - trying to develop a "system"
other species.
which will make him rich. Before the Imperial
Giju was hit hard by the Empire. for its manu-
takeover of Giju. Herglics were regularly Pll-
facturing centers were among the first to be
cOllntered in placps likp Cloud City. Now tlwy
commandeering by the Emperor's New Order.
can be found in the gambling halls of the Coral
The otherwise docile species tried to light back,
Vanda and the Kliari Princess. anlOllg otlwrs.
but the endless slaughter which foilowed quickly
placing bets and losing credits.
convinced them to be pragmatic about the situ-
The second is llwir size. Living ill a galaxy
a.tion. It was not practical to die fighting a supt:'-
with beings who are mostly smaller tlla;} tllPY
nor enemy, the Herglics decided. When the
are has made Ht'rglics somewhat st'lf-nmsl'iolls
smoke cleared and the dead were buried. they
of their size. As Illost galactic facilities are built
submitted completely to the Empire's will.
to accommodate Human dimensions, tilt"'
This submission has made them a less-than-
Herglics feel uncomfortable. crowded and Ollt
trusted member of the currently neutral worlds.
of place when away from their hOllleworkl or
Many in the New Republic feel that the Herglic
out of their ships. They lllust take up two seats
betrayed the rest of the non-Human worlds
ill restaurants and cantinas because of their
when they openly joined the Empire: Though
bulk. They liil corridors designed for thinner
they did not enjoy freedom and the rights of
beings. And doorways require a good deal of
Humans. they did live comfortably as they la-

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 91


effort to push through. Story Factors:

Because of the distrust much of the member Distrust: Because the Herglics openly
worlds still feel toward the Herglics, the New joined the Empire in order to survive,
Republic has yet to ask them into the new gov- they have come to be seen as less than
ernment. This has not stopped them from set- worthy of trust. Many still believe that
ti;;g up diplomatic relations, but some believe the neutral Herglics are still working
this was done to keep an eye of them. If any with the Empire, which gives others a
evidence exists that the Herglics are still work- + 1D when making opposed Perception
ing with the Empire, these diplomats will find it. checks against the Herglics.
Herglic Gambling Frenzy: Herglics, when ex-
posed to games of chance, find them-
Roleplaying Game Statistics selves irresistibly drawn to them. A
Attribute Dice: 12D Herglic who passes by a gambling game
Attribute Minimum/Maximums: must make a Moderate willpower check
DEXTERITY lD/3D not to feel compelled to play, although
KNOWLEDGE 1D/3D they may be granted a bonus to their roll
MECHANICAL 1D/4D if it is critical or life-threatening for them
PERCEPTION 1D+2/3D+2 not to play.
Height: 1.7-1.9 meters
Move: 6/8 The Noghri are servants of the Empire. More
Quote: "You want to get past me? Just to the point, they are servants of Grand Admiral
what are you trying to imply with that Thrawn. They have served the Empire since the
remark?" species was discovered by Darth Vader, becom-
Special Abilities: ing the Emperor's private death commandos
Natural Armor: The thick layer of blubber under the dark lord's tutelage. Now they kill and
beneath the outer skin of a Herglic gives die for the ambitions of Grand Admiral Thrawn,
+ 1D to resist damage from physical though a few seeds of doubt have been spread
attacks. It gives no bonus to energy among their ranks.
attacks. The Noghri are amazingly developed physi-

92 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 93


cal specimens, but they also evolved a high cently shown the Noghri that the Empire has
intellect. Noghri are perfect compact killing ma- been deceiving them all these years. Instead of
chines, small in size but large in ability and skill. cleaning the land as they promised, the Imperi-
Their abilities and physical appearance are night- als have been maintaining the level of contami-
marish to many other species; their large eyes, nation in order to keep the Noghri in their debt.
protruding, teeth-filled jaws, gray skin, and thin, How this will effect the Noghri and their rela-
powerful muscles not only aid them in their tionship with Grand Admiral Thrawn has yet to
natural role of hunters, but are also intimidating be revealed. .
to other intelligent species.
The Noghri have a primitive, tribal culture
dominated by customs and rituals. Though they Roleplaying Game Statistics
make use of space vessels and modern technol- Attribute Dice: 160
ogy, it is evident that they have only been intro- Attribute Minimum/Maximums:
duced to such things recently in their history. OEXTERITY 20+1/50+2
They have a code of honor which has similari- KNOWLEDGE lD+I/30+2
ties to that of the Wookiees of Kashyyyk, and MECHANICAL lD/30+2
they take a personal pride in whatever work PERCEPTION 20+2/40+2
they set out to do. They are an honorable people, STRENGTH 20+2/50+2
in their own way, who have pledged themselves TECHNICAL lD/30+2
to the Empire as payment of what they perceive Height: 1.3 meters
to be a life debt. Move: 11/18
Before pledging themselves into the service Quote: "I1yr'ush mir lakh svoril'lae.
of the Empire, the Noghri experienced the ter- Mir'lae karah siv Mal'ary'ush vir'ae
rible destruction of life in conflicts between the Vader'ush."
clans. Now they are one clan, in service to the Special Skills:
Empire. Life on their world of Honoghr has Strength skills:
always been a struggle. The land required hard Brawling: martial arts. Time to use: one
labor to tame, and great amounts of sweat were round. This specialized form of brawling
needed to coax food from its poor soil. combat employs techniques that the
Then, the battle in the sky made things much Noghri are taught at an early age. Because
worse. At the time, the Noghri knew nothing of of the deceptively fast nature of this
starships and blasters. To them, it was a war combat, Noghri receive +20 to their skill
between the gods, fought with flashes of brilliant when engaged in brawling with someone
lightning. When one of those ships was severely who doesn't have brawling: martial arts.
damaged, it crashed into the world. This set off Also, when fighting someone without this
massive earthquakes and released toxic chemi- skill, they also receive a +lD+2 bonus to
cals into the air. When it was over, the Noghri who the damage they do in combat.
survived put aside their differences and gathered Special Abilities:
in what little land was still inhabitable. That was Claws: Noghri have powerful claws (add
where Oarth Vader found them. +10 to damage in brawling combat) and
Most non-Human primitives were ignored by sharp teeth (add +20 to damage in
the Empire, but the Noghri displayed natural brawling combat).
fighting skills which could be exploited for the Stealth: Noghri have such a natural ability
cause of the New Order. The Empire supplied to be stealthy that they receive a +20
food, medicine, tools and Oroids to clean the when using their hide or sneak skills.
land. They taught the Noghri Imperial ways, and Enhanced Senses: Because the Noghri
gave them a mission that suited the hunters. have a combination of highly-specialized
The service they provide is a debt of honor to senses, they receive a +20 when using
their saviors. their search skill.
Noghri have great knowledge of the subtlety Ignorance: Noghri are almost completely
of combat. They do not seem to mind that they ignorant of galactic affairs. Noghri may
are stuck in a permanent debt relationship, not place any beginning skill dice in any
which is closer to slavery than a debt to be Knowledge skills except for intimidation,
repaid. They have always loved the stars, and survival or willpower.
the Empire allows them to travel among them as Story Factors:
part of the service they must provide. Enslavement: Noghri are indebted to
Princess Leia, who the Noghri see as Lady Lord Oarth Vader and the Empire; all
Vader, heir to the Lord Oarth Vader, has re- Noghri are obligated to serve the Empire

94 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


as assassins. Any Noghri who refuse to

share in their role are executed.
Strict Culture: The Noghri have a very
strict tribal culture. Noghri who don't
heed the commands of their dynasts
(tribal leaders) are severely punished or

Rishii are small avians who live in primitive
tribal clusters high in the mountains of their
homeworld, Rishi. The feathered wings which
spread from a Rishii's body gives him the ability
of true flight. Their Human-like hands have made
them tool users, but they have not advanced
much beyond working with stone and wood. In
many ways, the Rishii are more primitive than
the Ewoks of Endor's forest moon.
The loose tribal clusters of the Rishii, or
nests, are made up of a small number of family
groups. Neighboring nests live in peaceful har-
mony, respecting the territory of other Rishii
tribes. Their peaceful coexistence has been ex-
tended to the Humans and aliens who have set
up cities and a spaceport in Rishi's lowlands. Rishii
Though the Rishii do not understand why these Roleplaying Game Statistics
strangers want to live in the most undesirable Attribute Dice: lID
parts of the planet, they do not object to their Attribute Minimum/Maximums:
presence. fn fact, a few of the nests have started DEXTERITY 2D/4D
to trade with the strange, wingless ones. They KNOWLEDGE ID/3D+2
are most interested in the shiny rocks which MECHANICAL ID/3D
allow the wingless ones to fly. PERCEPTION 2D/4D+l
Rishii have an uncanny knack for languages. STRENGTH ID/3D+2
They can learn new languages quickly, though TECHNICAL ID/3D
their methods are sometimes misunderstood Height: 1.6 meters
by the Human colonists. The Rishii learn by Move: 7/9 (walking), 13/18 (flight)
mimicking the sounds made by newcomers. Quote: "Why you want to live in hot,
They can produce the words perfectly, sound- humid lowlands? Mountains are much
ing exactly like the person they are mimicking. better."
To the Rishii, this is learning. To the person Special Skills:
being mimicked, it sometimes appears as if the Dexterity skills:
primitive avians are making fun of them. This Thrown weapons: sling: This skill allows a
caused a few problems when the two species Rishii to use their individually built
first were introduced, but has since been seen slings (STR +ID; ranges: 3-5/10/15).
for what it is. Strength skills:
The Rishii hunting weapon of choice is a sling Flight: Rishii characters use this skill to
which can be used while perched or in flight. fly, much like Humans and other land-
Rishii senses are extremely good, especially based creatures use running. Their
sight and hearing. Their nests are open air living speed is 13/18, or 37/52 kmh and may be
perches, either natural, or constructed when no improved in the same manner as ground
suitable formations are available. They have no movement (see page 15 of Star Wars, Tile
interest or understanding of modern technol- Roleplaying Game: Second Edition).
ogy, and those items which have been traded to Special Abilities:
them have become nest liners and perch deco- Learn Languages: Rishii receive a +20
rations-whether they be blasters, creditvouch- when checking to see if they understand
ers, or power generators. a new language; they need only make 5
Very Difficult languages checks to learn a
new language.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 95

- WAIU""""

Sluis Van, where they are renowned for their

ability to repair and maintain starships.
Sluissi joined the Old Republic when it was
still new and young. An advanced people, they
established a number of major space yards
throughout the Sluis Sector, including the ex-
tensive Sluis Van space facility. They run ef-
ficient, respectable operations where ship cap-
tains can find the service and expertise they
need after a long haul or before setting out onto
the space lanes. Today, the Sluissi are valued
and respected members of the New Republic.
In general, Sluissi are methodical and, to
some, plodding. They take their time with ev-
erything they do. This often means a job takes
longer than expected, but it is always done well.
They can try the patience of many species with
their own patient, easy-going mannerisms. Noth-
ing ever seems to excite them, including the
recent Imperial raid on theSluis Van ship yards.
They are even tempered, industrious, and very
calm, even in the face of adversity.
Due to their love of tinkering, Sluissi can often
improve upon engine efficiency, power output,
and system response in even the oldest, most
worn-out craft. Of course, this type of tinkering
takes time, and captains who are in a hurry should
not even consider asking for assistance. Sluissi
consider themselves mechanical artists of the
highest order, and high art cannot be rushed.
Roleplaying Game Statistics
Attribute Dice: 13D
Attribute Minimum/Maximums:
PERCEPTION 10+1/30+2
STRENGTH 10+2/30+2
Enhanced Senses: Because of their keen Height: 1.5-1.8 meters
eyesight and hearing, Rishii receive a Move: 8/10
+ I D when using the search skill.
Quote: "This hyperspace motivator is
Ignarance: Rishii can only place beginning shot. I can try to rebuild it - which
skill dice in the following Knowledge, would be an interesting challenge - but
Mechanical or Technical skills: Knowledge: it would be easier to just replace it with
languages, suruival; Mechanical: beast a new one."
riding; Technical: first aid. They may not Special Abilities:
place any beginning skill dice in the Technical Aptitude: Sluissi receive an
following Dexterity skills: blaster, lireanns, extra 4D beginning skill dice, all of which
grenade, lightsaber, or vehicle blasters. must be placed in Technical. They may
place up to 4D in beginning Technical
Sluissi skills. Unfortunately, whenever a Sluissi
Sluissi are Humanoids from the waist up, but uses a Technical skill, the action always
from the waist down they have a snake-like body takes twice as long as for other species.
that ends in a slithering tail. The technologi- Story Factors:
cally-advanced Sluissi inhabit the star system of Relaxed: Sluissi, in general, are a very

96 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


calm bunch. Nothing excites them. Their ites to large planetoids. The asteroids maintain
patience and seeming inability to get an orbit pattern that is almost regular. and a
genuinely upset or excited sometimes large number of space slugs and mynocks also
infuriates other species. make their home among the swirling rocks.
While it is almost certain that the Verpine did
.Verpine not evolve on the lifeless asteroids, they have
Tall, bipedal insectoids, Verpine are an ad- gone to considerable trouble to establish homes
within the drifting chunks of frozen rock. Some
vanced species well known for their technologi-
cal accomplishments. They have thin, stick-like speculate that the Verpine were wandering no-
mads who decided to settle in among the aster-
bodies with awkwardly-articulated joints. Flex-
oids for some unknown reason. A second theory
ible plate of chitinous material covers their
bodies. They have two huge black eyes, short states that the Verpine inhabited a planet in the
snouts, and small, toothless mouths. Two an- same orbit as the asteroid field, and as the
planet slowly disintegrated into space debris
tennae jut from the sides of their heads.
The species lives in the RocheAsteroid Field, they found ways to live on the asteroid which
remained. The Verpine themselves have leg-
an old and orderly collection of space'debris
with asteroids ranging in size from tiny meteor- ends that speak of a catastrophic civil war.
believing that the asteroid field is all that re-

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 97


mains of their aggressive foolishness. lic, and many Verpine joined the efforts of the
Verpine have evolved from especially hardy Rebellion during the galactic civil war. Today
insects. Their large black eyes are adaptations they remain members of the New Republic,
of insectoid compound eyes, giving them the though Verpine can be found securely estab-
ability to see nearly microscopic detail with lished in private and fringe society.
clarity and precision. Their antennae contain All Verpine colonies are unified in a single
tympanic nerves which detect sound wave vi- hive. They have developed a limited form of
brations and relay them to the brain. They also communal consciousness due to their organic
pick up radio waves, and Verpine can generate telecommunications abilities. Every member of
their own radio emissions by controlling their the hive takes part in the decision-making pro-
biological frequency modulation. Their nervous cess, and a single Verpine in contact with the
system has an unusually Rowerful electromag- communal consciousness can speak with com-
netic aura, and the Verpine can communicate plete authority for the entire hive.
through these emissions with other members of Verpine
their species.
This biological radio network spans the as-
Roleplaying Game Statistics
teroid field, allowing each member of the colony Attribute Dice: 120
to remain in nearly constant contact with the Attribute Minimum/Maximums:
others. Some species see this as a form of telepa- OEXTERITY 10+1/30
thy, but it is simply a mode of organic telecom- KNOWLEOGE 10+1/30
munication. MECHANICAL 10+2/30+2
The Verpine are innate experts in most fields PERCEPTION 10+1/40
of technology. They have a child-like sense of STRENGTH 10+1/30
wonder as far as machinery is concerned. This TECHNICAL 20/50
expertise and wonder has been put to good use Height: 1.9 meters
in the asteroid field, where they have hollowed Move: 10/13
out rocks to use as colonies. The asteroids are Quote: "What a wonderful gadget! Still, I
sealed against vacuum and the cold of space, think I can make it work even better!"
creating living and working space for twenty to Special Abilities:
one hundred inhabitants, depending on the size Body Armor: The Verpine's natural
of the asteroid: Some of the larger planetoids chitinous plate armor gives them a + 10
near the center of the field contain cities of one against physical attacks.
thousand Verpine or more. Microscopic Sight: The enhanced and
Each colony is self-sufficient, producing all of specialized sight of the Verpine gives
the energy, food, air and water the inhabitants them a + I0 to their search skill when
need to survive. Repulsor field shells envelop looking for small details.
inhabited asteroids, creating bubbles which Organic Telecommunication: Because
harmlessly reflect debris and other asteroids. Verpine can send and receive radio
Because their lives depel1d on it, the Verpine waves through their antenna, they have
have a great respect and understanding of tech- the ability to communicate with other
nology and machinery. members of their species and with
Starship building has been one area the specially-tuned comlinks. The range is
Verpine have excelled at, and they have earned very limited when they are acting
their reputation over and over again with their individually (1 km) but greatly increases
unique and functional designs. The Slayn & when in the hive (covers the entire
Korpil Corporation, named for two neighboring Roche asteroid field).
Verpine colonies, has been a respected name in Technical Bonus: All Verpine receive a
starship design since the days of the Old Repub- +20 bonus when using their Technical

98 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


_ Chapter Seven

Droids are sophisticated robots, automatons dling duties ranging from translation and proto-
designed to handle tasks too menial, repetitive col to spaceport control, teaching and even
or dangerous to force upon living beings. Some diplomatic assistance.
are molded in the image of their creators, while • Fourth-degree Droids are designed and pro-
others are purely utilitarian in form. All have grammed for security and military applications.
some semblance of artificial intelligence, and
most develop or are programmed with a spe- • Fifth-degree Droids are designed to serve as
cific personality. Droids can experience per- menial laborers and in other functions where
sonal growth and development over time, pro- wide-ranging intelligence is not an important
vided they are not subjected to the common asset. These Droids usually do one thing very
practice of periodic memory wipes and repro- well, but are incapable of the most rudimentary
gramming. or other tasks; they work in such areas as min-
Large numbers of Droids must function in ing, salvage, transportation, and sanitation.
hostile environments, including hard vacuum, In Imperial, Republic, and non-aligned re-
areas of extreme heat or cold, watery depths, gions, Droids provide invaluable if not always
and irradiated power cores. appreciated service, freeing living beings for
All Droids have some means of communica- more important tasks. Duties range from navi-
tion, at least having a comm port to link up with gational assistance and starship repair to in-
other Droids and computers. Many "speak" one terpreting between different species. They heal
of a variety of information-dense electronic lan- the sick and wounded, explore hostile worlds,
guages, completing entire conversations in a and function as the eyes and ears of their mas-
few electronic beeps and whistles. Most are ters wherever they go.
programmed to understand at least one non- Prior to the galactic civil war, the Droid in-
mechanical language - usually that of their dustrywas dominated by two firms-Industrial
current masters. After long associations with Automaton and Cybot Galactica. Many smaller
particular Droids, some living beings have fringe companies such as Arakyd and Geentech
learned to understand a Droid language. Some held a share of the market by selling cheaper
Droids can speak many common languages, and more-specialized Droids, but the myriad of
ranging from Basic to Wookiee, and can repro- companies couldn't significantly affect the mar-
duce any sound that they hear. ket unless they worked as a group to challenge
Internal power cells provide Droids with op- the two major manufacturers. When the Rebel-
erating energy. Droids voluntarily shut down lion became significant enough to disrupt nor-
during slow periods to conserve energy and mal trade and commerce throughout the gal-
make internal memory repairs. axy, most of the smaller companies were forced
Droids are classified by their function and to close down, leaving the two major compa-
assigned to one of five different categories: nies, both part of the Corporate Sector Author-
• First-degree Droids include those skilled in ity, to control the market. As both of these giant
physical, mathematical or medical sciences. firms had long-standing contracts with the Em-
pire, the Alliance was forced to find the Droids
• Second-degree Droids are versed in e(lgineer- it needed in other places.
ing and the technical sciences. One solution the Alliance came up with was
• Third-degree Droids are equipped with social to purchase the manufacturing equipment from
sciences and service area programming, hall- many of the closing Droid companies. While this

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 99

- WAAS"'""

did not help the Alliance initially, as they had sensors

few trained workers to staff such an operation, • Heavy scooper (+ 10 to lifting)
today one of the New Republic's largest and • Treads
most prosperous manufacturing companies is • Retractable arm
Republic Droids.
While new Droids can be purchased fairly Espionage Droids
easily, the used Droid market thrives. Beaten,
Espionage Droids are automatons pro-
dented, broken Droids are readily available for
grammed to covertly gather information from
a fraction of their original cost, and most of
one organization for another's use. The easiest
these Droids can be put back into working order
way to insure reliable performance is to pro-
with a minimum of time and effort.
gram an espionage Droid with two primary func-
tion modules.
Decon Droids The first module handles outward-ap-
Some worlds, before they can be colonized or pearance functions - in other words, the pro-
used as a base, must be made suitable for living gramming that allows the Droid to do what it is
beings. Other worlds, which have suffered the "supposed" to do. For example, as espionage
calamity of war or the ravages of industrial Droid disguised as a protocol Droid would have
accidents, must be cleaned of toxic elements protocol programming as its first module.
before life can thrive again. Decon Droids per- To all outward appearances, espionage Droids
form these necessary tasks. look like common Droid models - protocol
The basic decon Droid is squat and box shaped, Droids, astromech Droids, or laborer Droids,
full of internal decontamination chambers. It for example.
scoops up contaminated material, such as irradi- The second module controls the Droid's true
ated soil, runs it through a series of catalytic function - to watch, record, and transmit rel-
processors, then dumps out the cleansed mate- evant data back to its master. In most cases the
rial after the process has run its course. second function module takes the form of "hid-
Decon Droids are also called upon to decon- den programming" and even the Droid is un-
taminate radiation-filled ship interiors. These aware of its underlying mission.
Droids have chemical spray appendages for With the second module, the Droid records
spreading radiation-absorbing foam through- everything that happens around it. With sophis-
out a contaminated area. It then scoops up the ticated flag programs, espionage Droids can
foam, rendering it inert within its interior decon- even be subconsciously programmed to watch
tamination chambers. for particular events. Then, either at a set time
During the days of exploration and coloniza- or in response to a high-frequency coded signal,
tion of the Old Republic, decon Droids were the Droid transmits its stored data or returns to
used to process alien soil filled with hazardous its master to make a data dump. It remembers
chemicals and minerals. none of this, returning to its surface-programmed
duties as though nothing occurred.
Decon Droid
An espionage Droid's hidden programming
Model: Industrial Automaton Decon III
will survive standard memory wipes and repro-
Height: 1.3 meters
gramming. To remove the hidden programming,
Move: 6
the Droid must be taken apart and the program
modules must be physically pulled.
The Empire's Intelligence divisions use es-
Decontamination processes 3D
pionage Droids for a variety of missions; the
New Republic uses the units sparingly. Crime
lords, other fringe groups, and even some cor-
Search 3D, search: contaminants 50
porations are rumored to use espionage Droids
as well.
Lifting 20+ I
TECHNICAL 2D Espionage Droid
Standard Equipment: Model: MerenData Espionage Droid in
• Internal four-stage decontamination Protocol Droid shell
processor; uses decontamination pro- Height: 1.7 meters
cesses skill. Can process three kilograms Move:S
per hour; difficulty depends upon level DEXTERITY 2D
of contamination. Dodge 20+2, pick pocket 3D
• Visual, infrared, and analyzation KNOWLEDGE 3D

100 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


The Slave Circuit/Droid Debate

When thelirst capitalstarshipswereconstructed, The opposing group of experts believed the solu-
they required huge crews to operate and maintain. tion rested with Oroid technology. Oroids had been
Early on, engineers and government officials real- developed to assist living beings. To them, the logical
ized that if the huge ships were to be practical and use for Oroids was to plug them into a starship's vast
effective in the long run, they would have to be number of systems. Living beings were not to be
designed to be handled by smaller crews. Thus replaced, just augmented and assisted. Crucial deci-
began what the holomedia dubbed "the slave cir- sions could not be left to the logic pathways of me--
cuit/Oroid debate." chanical brains, for sometimes inspiration and imagi-
One group of experts proposed slaving all ship nation were needed to solve a pressing problem.
systems to a master computer, thus turning the The debate came to a head around the time of the
majority of work over to a single mechanical brain. commissioning of the Katana fleet. The Katana fleet
By consolidating control, it was argued, the ship of dread naught warships was the ultimate test of the
would run more efficiently and with reduced re-- slave circuit solution. It reduced each vessel"s crew
sponsetime. Crews would be considerably reduced, by fourteen thousand, tying the now vacant work
perhaps even to nothing more than a skeleton shift. stations into the ship's intelligent computer. When
Asinglesupercomputercould regulate and monitor the fleet disappeared with the help of those same-
every shipboard system, make instant decisions slave circuits, the last proponents of the master
based upon the data, and even carry out those computer solution were silenced. Today, starships
decisions without worrying about the random fac- use a combination of computers, Oroids and living
tors that biological crews inevitably add to the crewers to operate shipboard systems and work
equation. Fully automated ships, they said, were not stations.
out of the question.

Culture 40, languages 80, value 60 force if necessary, unlike most '·civilian" Oroids.
MECHANICAL 20+ I While guard Oroids are not as tough as com-
Communications 50+ 1, sensors 50+ 1 bat Oroids or the outlawed assassin Oroids,
PERCEPTION 40 they are more than equipped to handle the tasks
Con 60, hide 60+ I, investigation 60, assigned to them. In most cases, simply having
search 60, sneak 60+ I a guard Oroid around will deter all but the most
STRENGTH 20 desperate or powerful antagonizers.
Guard Droid
Computer programming 50, security 60
Model: Arakyd G-2RO Guard Oroid
Standard Equipment:
Height: 1.2 meters
• Humanoid body (head, two arms, two
Move: 10
• Information recording and coded
Blaster 50, dodge 40, melee combat
retrieval/broadcast system
40+ I, running 40
• Vocabulator speech/sound system
• Broad-band antenna receiver
Bureaucracy 30, intimidation 40, intimi-
• M-I VerboBrain processor
dation: interrogation 5D, languages 3D.
• TranLang III communication/protocol
law enforcement 30+2
• Espionage hard-Wired module
Repulsorlift operation 40, sensors 50
Guard Droids Command SO, investigation 50, search
Security departments and law enforcement 70
agencies throughout the galaxy use guard Oroids STRENGTH 40+1
to augment security systems and watch over TECHNICAL 20
sensitive locations or persons. They serve as First aid 30, security 50
body guards, protectors, installation sentries, Standard Equipment:
area watchdogs, and even prison wardens. • Repulsorlift engine (move: 10)
Guard Oroid personality modules tend toward • Visual/sound sensor package
demanding, almost abusive behavior, and many • Vocabulator speech/sound system
are allowed by their programming to use deadly • Broad-band antenna receiver

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 101


• Stun appendage (stun damage 6D) techs have given the job over to other mouse
• Blaster appendage (damage 5D, ranges Droids.
3-7/25/50) General Purpose Droid
• Grasping claw (+ 1D to lifting) Model: Rebaxan Colmuni MSE-6
Height: .3 meters
General Purpose Droids Move: 5
The Rebaxan Colmuni MSE-6 General Pur- DEXTERITY 2D
pose Droid was introduc.ed as a low-cost KNOWLEDGE 1D
commercial Droid by the now-defunct Chadra MECHANICAL 1D
Fan company. The Chadra Fan modeled the PERCEPTION 1D
Droid after a common pet animal from their STRENGTH ID
home world; unfortunately, the MSE-6 was an TECHNICAL 1D
utter failure on the open' market because it Standard Equipment:
reminded an inordinate number of intelligent • Electro-photoreceptor
species of pest creatures. • Auditory sensor
The Empire offered to purchase the entire • Holocam
production run - at a greatly reduced price. • Treads
The Droids, almost universally disliked by Army • Retractable heavy manipulator (+2D to
and Naval personnel, have found permanent lifting)
employment aboard Imperial starships and in • Retractable fine manipulator (+ 1D to
Imperial installations. It has also earned the lifting)
nickname mouse Droid. • One skill matrix programmed with one
Mouse Droids are third degree Droids with of the following skills: bureaucracy 3D,
modular knowledge circuit matrices. Each Droid sensors 3D, hide 3D, search 4D, armor
is equipped with one matrix, each programmed repair 3D, blaster repair 3D, capital ship
with one skill at a time. The matrices are cheap, repair 4D, capital ship weapon repair 3D,
compact, and easy to install, allowing MSE-6 computer programming/repair 3D, Droid
Droids to perform one job, change matrices, programming 3D, Droid repair 3D,
and head off to perform a different job. It is so security 3D, starfighter repair 3D
easy to reprogram these Droids that Imperial

102 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

-WARS Chapter Seven: Droids

Interrogator Droids Interrogator Droid

Programmed to retrieve information from Model: ImperiallT-O Interrogator Oroid
living beings by whatever means possible, inter- Height: 1 meter
rogator Oroids are technological atrocities of Move: 3
the highest order. They combine sophisticated DEXTERITY lD
medical science and psychiatric modules with Oodge 30, melee combat 30, melee
interrogation and torture programs, producing combat: interrogation tools 40+ 1
a calculating, cold, and darkly efficient personal- KNOWLEDGE 3D
ity. Most interrogator Oroid models accomplish Alien species 40, humanoid biology 50,
locomotion with the use of repulsorlifts, elimi- intimidation 60, intimidation: interroga-
nating superfluous mechanisms and software. tion 70
The glossy black globe of the IT-O is covered MECHANICAL 2D
with probes, needles, sensors, and other pain- Sensors 30
producing equipment. Some of the equipment PERCEPTION 4D
and program modules are retooled assassin Investigation 50, search 50
Oroid parts, linked to medical Oroid diagnostic STRENGTH 3D
and operating modules. It monitors all bodily TECHNICAL 2D
functions, but for a different purpose than medi- First aid 50, medicine 50, security 40
cal diagnostics. IT-Os watch vital signs in order Standard Equipment:
to appiy maximum pain with minimal damage. • Repulsorlift engine (move: 3)
The IT series comes equipped with a variety • Visual/sound sensor package
of microsurgical instruments and chemical injec- • Vocabulator speech/sound system
tors. Interior reservoirs hold a mix of drugs, • Laser scalpel (20 damage)
from mind altering to lethal dosages. From the • Hypodermic injectors (40 stun dam-
IT-0 to the IT-3, interrogator Oroids are simply age)
another information-gathering tool in the • Power shears (50 damage)
Empire's arsenal. It has been observed that • Grasping claw (+ 10 to lifting)
even the security wardens that regularly work
with interrogator Oroids find them uncomfort- Medical Droids
able to be around for long periods of time, for . Making full use of extremely precise sensory
they take a bit too much pleasure in the pursuit mputs, articulated limbs, and large analytical
of their assigned jobs. capacitors, medical Oroids make excellent medi-
cal diagnosticians, nurses and even full-fledged

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 103


doctors, assisting, and in some cases replacing,

biological physicians. Most clinics and hospi-
Probe Droids
Imperial probe Droids explore distant, inacces-
tals utilize medical Droids, and they are often
sible, and dangerous areas of the galaxy. Some-
found aboard starships which cannot afford to times called probots, probe Droids are much
carry medical staffs.
more capable and reliable than simple remotes
Because medical Droids must be in constant and sensor relays. Likeothertypes of Droids, they
contact with diagnostic computers, most are are capable of a wide range of intelligent re-
not mobile beyond the range of their medical sponses to unexpected occurrences.
bay. Those which do move beyond the interface All probots are equipped with a vast array of
tethers must make do with whatever programs
sensors for examining and drawing conclusions
their memories can store; .such Droids are nor-
about their surroundings. They are programmed
mally limited to first aid and emergency care. to monitor acoustic, electromagnetic, motive,
The computers which medical Droids inter- seismic and olfactory events, constantly scan-
face with contain vast sums of knowledge con- ning thousands of frequencies across the spec-
cerning human and alien anatomies, symptoms,
trum. Optical cameras, zoom magnifiers, infra-
medical techniques, and procedures. By analyz- red scopes, magnetic imagers, radar, sonar and
ing symptoms and cross-referencing vast data
radiation meters are standard gear.
banks, medical Droids can quickly diagnose and The fmperial model is a feared searcher, an-
treat most known maladies.
alyzing incoming data and comparing it with
Medical Droids follow strict codes of conduct stored memories to seek out patterns and anoma-
requiring them to treat all injuries and illnesses lies that will alert it to possible targets, or "prey,"
they encounter. These codes cannot be altered as the Viper probot views things.
without severely damaging or even destroyinga The Viper military probe Droid is an oval
Droid's behavioral matrix. spheroid designed to re-direct sensor sweeps.
Industrial Automaton's MD series medical Its lower body virtually drips with powerfully
Droids were the first true Droid doctors to hit articulated limbs. These limbs can retrievespeci-
the market. The earlier FX medical assistant mens, collect samples, expose and examine
series were, at best, glorified nurses and para-
equipment, and manipulate tools and devices.
medics, but they opened the door for greater These Droids can operate for several years with-
acceptance of Droids in the medical sciences.
out recharging.
The most common MD models, which are still in The Imperial probe Droid is launched from
use today, include MD-O diagnostic Droids, MD- starships in small pods. In most cases, the pods
3 pharmaceutical Droids, and MD-5 general prac- do not have return trip capabilities. Once a pod
titioner Droids, as well as 2-IB surgical Droids. reaches its target destination, it crash lands,
Medical Droid splitting open to release its passenger. The probe
Model: Industrial Automaton MD-5 Droid is then on its own, responsible to com-
General Practitioner Medical Droid plete its mission, transmit its findings, then
Height: 1.6 meters continue with any standing orders or new or-
Move: 7 (within confines of its medical ders it receives. In many cases, these standing
bay) orders require a probe Droid to self-destruct so
DEXTERITY 2D that it cannot be traced or examined.
KNOWLEDGE 4D Viper hunters are sometimes encased in hy-
Alien species 5D, humanoid biology 5D perdrive pods, including a sensor array and nav
MECHANICAL 2D+2 computer. It can scan ships as they make the
Sensors 3D+2 jump to lightspeed, calculate probable trajecto-
PERCEPTION 3D ries, and follow after its quarry. With luck, the
Bargain 40, investigation 40+1, search Viper will emerge from hyperspace right behind
4D+1 its target. The pods are designed forthreejumps
STRENGTH 2D+ I before their energy and astrogation modules
TECHNICAL 3D are exhausted.
First aid 6D, medicine 8D Imperial probots operate in secret, going to
Standard Equipment: great lengths to keep their presence undetec-
• Computer interface tether ted. They transmit and communicate in a com-
• Medical diagnostic computer plicated code that even protocol Droids have
• Analytical computer trouble deciphering. They carry powerful blast-
• Surgical attachments ers for offensive and defensive purposes, and
• Hypodermic injectors (4D stun damage) can be outfitted with additional weaponry when
• Medicine dispensers a mission demands it.

104 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Even with the recent shortages in Imperial Maneuverability: ID+2

resources, probe Oroids continue to be used at Space: 3
an alarming rate. They are just too good at what Atmosphere: 225; 750 kmh
they do to be kept in storage. When fleet ships Hull: 3D
are in realspace, probots are deployed to work Shields: ID
in tandem with TIE fighter picket patrols. The Sensors:
probots monitor traffic and provide early warn- Passive: 1O/0D
ings of unauthorized vessels entering the area. Scan: 25/1D
Since the Battle of Endor, probe Oroids are Search: 40/2D
frequently sent into New Republic territory to Focus: 5/2D
serve as spies for the Empire. Weapons: None
Probe Droid
Model: Arakyd Viper Probe Oroid Servant Droids
Height: 1.5 meters Servant Droids are the ultimate in domestic
Move: 12 assistance and are often designed to resemble
DEXTERITY 3D the beings they will be most closely serving.
Blaster 50, dodge 50 Perhaps the most widely used model is the
KNOWLEDGE 2D+2 SE4, which resembles a humanoid protocol
Intimidation 70+2, planetary systems Droid. These Droids oversee the preparation of
40+2 large meals and banquets, handle housekeep-
MECHANICAL 3D ing chores, and even engage in light mainte-
Astrogation 50, communications 60, nance. These Droids can be programmed with
sensors 60, space transports: personality modules to expedite their accep-
hyperdrive pod 50 tance in working environments. Its memory
PERCEPTION 3D stores are full of recipes, dining etiquette, and
Con 40, hide 50, investigation 60, search other information a domestic servant needs.
60, sneak 50 In fringe society, the more well-to-do crime
STRENGTH 4D lords are serviced by large domestic armies of
TECHNICAL 2D+ 1 servant Droids. Even small-time smugglers and
Standard Equipment: pirates will sometimes make use of a servant
• Multi-purpose appendages Droid's skills.
• Repulsorlift engine Servant Droid
• Investigation and analytical computer Model: Industrial Automaton SE4 Ser-
• Planetary sensor array with wide-range vant Droid
sensors: Height: 1.6 meters
Passive: 10 meters/OO Move: 8
Scan: 100 meters/l 0 DEXTERITY 2D
Search: 500 meters/20 KNOWLEDGE 2D
Focus: 10 meters/3D Culinary arts 4D, culture 3D, home
• Recording devices economics 40, languages 3D
• Broad-band broadcast antenna MECHANICAL 2D
• Blaster (damage 40+2, ranges 3-10/30/ Communications 3D, repulsorlift opera-
120) tion 3D
Probot Hyperdrive Pod PERCEPTION 2D
Craft: Arakyd Predator [ Bargain 3D
Type: Hyperdrive Jump Pod STRENGTH 2D
Scale: Starlighter Lifting 3D
Length: 4 meters TECHNICAL 2D
Skill: Space transports: hyperdrive pod First aid 3D
Crew: One probe Oroid Standard Equipment:
Passengers: None • Humanoid body (head, two arms, two
Cargo Capacity: None legs)
Consumables: None • Vocabulator speech system
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 • Photoreceptors
Hyperdrive Backup: None • Auditory sensors
Nav Computer: None

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 105


_ Chapter Eight

Technology is the life blood of the Star Wars The technology of the HoloNet was amazingly
galaxy, providing weapons, transportation and complex. Hundreds of thousands of non-mass
survival gear, as well as allowing the develop- transceivers were connected through a vast ma-
ment of devices of convenience. trix ofcoordinated hyperspace s-threads, or simu-
tunnels to form the HoloNet. These, in turn, were
Holo Transmissions connected to massive computers which sorted
The imaging communications medium that and decoded all of the information.
While in wide service, the HoloNet system was
changed the galaxy was the hologram signal relay
expensive to maintain. The expense was consid-
system. Holographs are three-dimensional im-
ered a necessary debit, for the HoloNet gave the
ages created by focused beams of coherent light.
Holograph technology was perfected during the Republic a sophisticated, flexible and almost in-
stantaneous method of communication.
days of the Old Republic, followed by hologram
However, the HoloNet's incredible cost al-
technology which allows full images, with sound,
movement and an incredible number of recording lowed only governments and the wealthiest of
corporations to exchange communications;
techmques; holograms are merely one step re-
hyperspace travel or subspace remained the
moved from being actually present at an event.
Holoprojectors can project three-dimensional only viable method of communication for the
average citizen. Still, the HoloNet gave the aver-
images wherever they point their lens.
age citizen a sense of belonging to the Republic.
Coruscant was the first world to receive a
When Emperor Palpatine took control of the
hologram network, providing instantaneous
Old Republic, he closed down large portions of
three-dimensional communications between
the HoloNet. He retained it for direct communi-
various points on the planet. The next step was
cations with his fleet of Star Destroyers, and he
to connect the entire Republic in the same way.
allowed it to remain in use within the Core
The Old Republic's Senate commissioned the
construction of a galaxy-wide HoloNet to provide Worlds. The outer systems were cut off, how-
ever, so that knowledge of the Emperor's atroci-
a free flow of information between the member
ties would be slow to reach the public.
worlds. Prior to the HoloNet, communications
were handled face-ta-face (as hyperspace travel While the Empire continues to make use of a
portion of the HoloNet, the New Republic is
was usually faster than subspace comm units) or
by subspace planetary relays. These deep space busy opening up the rest of the system in order
to give the member worlds a sense of belonging
communications stations received, amplified, and
retransmitted comm transmissions toward their
once again. In addition, many Republic ships-
even those without holoprojector systems -
desired destination. Subspace camms continue
are relaying their comm transmissions through
to be the main short-range, inexpensive commu-
the hyperspace matrix to provide near-instanta-
nications medium.
neous communications. To the vast majority of
The faster HoloNet system opened the Old
the New Republic, this real-time exchange of
Republic to an unprecedented exchange of ideas
information is new and exciting; a promise of
and cultures, promoting rapid growth in all
advances to come.
facets of the Republic. Unfortunately, this rapid
exchange of news also hastened the end of the Holocomms
Old Republic, as the corruption of the Senate
To receive HoloNet transmissions the re-
was exposed as it occurred, revealed for all in
ceiver must have a HoloNet comm 'unit (as
the galaxy to see.

106 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


distinguished from a standard holocomm unit). often recessed below floor level. Observers stand
This unit is responsible for receiving and seml- upon a balcony built around the tank's periph-
ing all hyperspace HoloNet communications; eryto observe whatever scene is unfoldingwithin
once the communications are deciphered by the tank. Military applications include tactical
the HoloNet comm unit, they can be relayed to movements and battle plans.
any holocomms on the ship or planet. Finally, from the days of the Old Republic to
Standard holocomms are common throughout today, holotheaters have served as the eyes of the
the galaxy. Most are able to receive and send general public. Crowds regularly fill these three-
short range broadcasts, either on a planet or dimensional imaging theaters to see holo news
within a fleet of ships. Almost all of these devices reels, holofeatures, and to receive holo reports
are also able to record or play hologram disks. from their elected or appointed leaders. Some
Some more basic holocomms, like those found on holotheaters, especially on Core Worlds, can hold
R2 astromech Droids, lack even broadcast units, thousands of spectators, producing holo-images
and thus can only play or make recordings. so large and vibrant that the only way to properly
The most common holocomm unit is called a describe them is "breathtaldng."
holopod. The unit consists of a pod for receiving
broadcasts and a second pod for the receiver; Life-Form Analyzers
they are often isolated in small tanks for pri- A portable sensor package (or a computer
vacy. The hologram materializes above the pod
program package tied into direct sensors) that
imaging pad, while also sending a return image
can be carried in a convenient case or installed
to the caller.
within land vehicles or ships, life-form analyz-
Most ships have small holo displays on their
ers provide important information on the struc-
control boards, as these double as sensor and ture and nature of any encountered life forms.
heads up displays when the pilot or crewer
Using a complicated series of algorithms,
needs to see a three-dimensional representation. sensor scan relays, and life-form indicator (LF!)
The hologram displays are seldom more than a
programs, life-form analyzers can determine
few centimeters tall.
what life forms are in an area. The larger the
Both the New Republic and the Empire make sensor array, the larger an area which can be
wide use of holotanks. These three-dimensional scanned. When plugged into a massive com-
visual projection areas resemble miniature am- puter, such as those found aboard Imperial Star
phitheaters. A holotank is a complete sphere,

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 107

£1aptert: 9 pmen
Ig U1 W.....

Destroyers, life-form analyzers can even scan Anti-Infantry Artillery

whole planets. Anti-infantry artillery is designed to suppress
While life-form analyzers cannot identify un- ground troops. While such weapons can rip
known life forms, they can determine a number through a line of infantry, they usually are not
of different species in an area. Some of the powerful enough to bother military armored
factors used as part of the life-form identifica- vehicles.
tion algorithms include heart rate, ambient at- One popular anti-infantry weapon is the self-
mospheres, respiratory byproducts, and mol- propelled Golon DF .9.lt is the standard weapon
ecule-chain EM polarization effects. The chief in Imperial garrisons and local defense units.
long-range parameter, however, remains life- Based upon the heavy repeating blaster, the
form heat signatures. Every different species twin guns of the Golon DF .9 have a rapid rate of
has a slightly different body temperature, fire. It can also be fixed to a turret, creating a 180
whether it be Human, Noghri or Calamarian. degree fire arc.
Sometimes the analyzers can be confused or The guns are powered by a light ion unit which
totally stymied by nearby heat sources, as these feeds energy to both the weapon and the repul-
can shield life-form heat signatures from the sorlift chassis it is mounted upon. Its hull pro-
sensor scans. vides adequate protection against infantry weap-
ons, but is vulnerable to more powerful fire.
Combat Artillery The Golon DF .9 anti-infantry artillery gun
The use of combat artillery on the modern performs best as a long-range weapon. Its rapid
battlefield has declined over the years, but it rate of fire gives it a considerable edge on the
still serves a purpose in defending planetary battlefield, but it remains vulnerable to close
locations. Many forms of artillery are mounted assault attacks.
on vehicles to give them mobility. Others are Anti-Infantry Artillery
stationary, protecting fixed defensive points Weapon: Golon Arms Twin DF .9A
from air and land attacks. Most fall into one of Type: Medium Anti-Infantry Gun
three categories -anti-infantry, anti-orbital, or Scale: Speeder
anti-vehicle. Crew: 3
Skill: Blaster artillery: anti-infantry

108 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Body: 3D (4D for fixed-position version) Blast Radius: Target

Range: Damage: 12D ionization damage
Short: 20 to 600 meters
Medium: 601 to 3,000 meters Anti-Vehicle Artillery
Long: 3,00 I to 16,000 meters Anti-vehicle artillery are designed to punch
Fire Rate: 6 through the thick armor encasing battlefield
Fire Control: 2D vehicles and assault craft. They are usually
Blast Radius: 5 meters more powerful than anti-infantry weapons, and
Damage: 4D require greater ranges to operate effectively.
For power output and destructive capability,
Anti-Orbit Artillery few horizontal-targeting weapons can match
Anti-orbit artillery weapons are designed to anti-vehicle cannons.
defend against warships in orbit and to prevent One of the heaviest energy cannons ever
planetary bombardments. One particularly ef- introduced.to combat was the Speizoc v-188
fectiveanti-orbit weapon is the Kuat Drive Yards Penetrator. This heavy anti-vehicle gun was
v-150 Planet Defender. first used during the Clone Wars, making a name
The v-150 is a massive, independently pow- for itself due to its massive size and the exces-
ered ion cannon. They are strictly fixed-place- sive amounts of power needed to produce the
ment guns, mounted on a rotating base. A semi- destructive bolts of energy it hurled. A single v-
circular reinforced permacite shell provides the 188, when placed inside a fixed fortification and
weapon emplacement with some measure of hooked into a power converter, can utterlydomi-
protection. These emplacements are modular, nate a field of battle.
designed for fast and easy installation and break While those Speizoc v-188s in New Republic
down. The bulk of the emplacement is buried and non-aligned hands tend to see use as fixed-
beneath the ground. Three levels of crew quar- place fortification weapons, the Empire mounts
ters and control stations sit above the power them atop treaded heavily-armored chassis.
core reactor. Mounted v-188s have a small measure of mo-
V-150s work best in conjunction with plan- bility but can only store enough energy for six
etary shields. Shields are expensive to maintain shots before recharging becomes necessary.
and require massive amounts of power. For this This can be rectified by attaching an energy-
reason, most planets leave shields down until capacitor trailer, which gives the weapon ap-
hostile forces arrive in system. Of course, it proximately fifty shots before the stored energy
takes time for down shields to come up and is used up.
reach full power. It is usually during this vulner- The Speizoc v-188's largest flaw comes in the
able period that the v-150 comes into play. From form of its bolt coherency rate. The coherent
the time a hostile ship emerges from hyperspace energy bolts fired from the v-188 lose cohe-
to the moment the planetary shields reach full siveness rapidly. Bythetimea bolt reaches long
power, the v-150 presents a planet's most po- range, its destructive power has fallen to fifty
tent defense. percent of its original punch. Even with this
The great gun fires coherent bolts of ionized rapid energy loss, few armored vehicles can
energy at attacking capital ships, often disabling withstand the punishing power of the v-I 88 -
them long enough for a planet's shield to be especially at short range.
brought on-line.
Anti-Vehicle Artillery
Anti-Orbit Artillery Weapon: Speizoc v-188 Penetrator
Weapon: Kuat Drive Yards v-150 Planet Type: Heavy Anti-Vehicle Gun
Defender B Scale: Speeder
Type: Heavy Ion Anti-Orbit Cannon Crew: 8
Scale: Capital ship Skill: Blaster artillery: anti-vehicle
Crew: 27 Body: 3D+I
Skill: Blaster artillery: surface to space Range:
Body:5D Short: 50 to 600 meters
Range: Medium: 601 to 5,000 meters
Short: Atmosphere (up to 100km) Long: 5,00 I to 25,000 meters
Medium: Near Orbit (up to 150km) Fire Rate: 1/3
Long: Orbit (1 unit in space combat Fire Control: 1D
rules) Blast Radius: 20 meters
Fire Rate: I Damage: 7D/5D+2/3D+2
Fire Control: 5D

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 109

_ qUipment 'TAR-


Dark Force R"ISing

" Sourcebook

Shields which disrupt electrical shipboard systems, they

can penetrate directly through all ray shields.
There are three types of shielding to protect
ships and anything else someone wants to de- Deflection Towers and
fend. These shield types range from weak par- Shield Generators
ticle or magnetic shields to powerful energy
fields which require massive amounts of power. Ships, space stations and planets all depend
The three types are magnetic, particle and ray on shielding to protect them from hostile forces
shielding. and the hazards of space. To produce one or
more of the shield types available, a ship or
Magnetic Fields installation must first have a shield generator.
Magnetic field shielding requires low power Shield generators produce the energy which, in
output and is the weakest form of shielding turn, produces the protective field. To then
available. It is most often used in space to seal direct that field into a defensive formation, the
open hangar bays on space stations and capital shield generator must be attached to some sort
ships. Magnetic fields have the unique property of shield projector.
of being able to hold atmosphere in, keeping Shield projectors on ships are barely visible
space out, and allowing ships to pass through protrusions located around a ship's hull. The
the field unhindered. more shield projectors, the more control and
maneuverability a crew has over the placement
Particle Shielding of its ship's shields.
Particle shielding can perform in two distinct Planet and space station shield projectors
modes: low power and normal power. normally come in the form of deflection towers.
Normal power settings provide complete pro- These structures generate shields of varying
tection against all types of matter, repelling mis- intensity and degree, and can even be geometri-
siles and space debris, such as small asteroids cally shaped to meet the needs of its users.
and meteorites. For a particle shielded ship to fire Deflection towers are the cornerstones of most
its own missile weapons or to launch or receive planetary defense systems, projecting shields
shuttles or other vehicles, it must lower its shields which cover areas of a world from orbital attack.
to the low power setting. Particle shielding pro- Planet shields are expensive to build and main-
vides no protection from energy weapons. tain, so most worlds tend to spread them thinly
Low power settings provide much less pro- and use them only when absolutely necessary.
tection to a ship, and are used only when abso-
lutely necessary. The setting does not have the Vibro Weapons
power to stop weapons or large space debris A particularly nasty variety of melee weap-
from damaging a ship, but it does provide pro- ons grew out of industrial applications of ultra-
tection from very small meteorites, space dust, sonic generators. In industry, vibrocutters and
and even small particles of matter - even these vibroscalpels employ ultrasonics to create pow-
very small objects could rip open the hull of a erful vibrating cutting tools. Surgeons and medi-
speeding starship. Except in combat situations cal Droids often use vibroscalpels to perform
or in an asteroid belt, most ship sensors are able surgical operations.
to detect any masses large enough to cause When ultrasonics were combined with mod-
damage to a ship on the low power shield set- ern melee weapons, a deadly synthesis was
ting, and the ship can change course to avoid born. From large vibrobayonets and axes to
such obstacles; the lower power setting ab- smaller vibroblades, these hand-held weapons
sorbs particles that are too small to be detected have sharp-edged blades which cut at the slight-
on time. est touch. An ultrasonic generator in the handle
of each weapon produces the vibrations which
Ray Shielding give vibro weapons their cutting force.
Ray shielding is a high-energy combat shield Vibroblades have all but replaced conven-
which is designed to block and absorb blaster tional knives. Thousands of ultra-fast vibrations
and turbolaser fire. Ray shields do not stop play along the blade edge every second, allow-
matter. Because ray shielding requires vast ing the blade to cut through the toughest mate-
amounts of power, most vessels refrain from rial with only the slightest pressure.
engaging them prior to combat situations. Ray Vibrobayonets attach to the barrels of blaster
shields are designed to take a greater pounding rifles and carbines for use when ammunition
than particle shields because they absorb rather runs low orwhen close-quarter fighting becomes
than reflect the energy striking them. necessary.
Because of the unique nature of ion cannons, The smallest vibro weapon is the vibro-shiv.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 111


Gottu and His Vibroaxe

I go by the name Gottu, and if you have a problem us off a few kilometers from Bruzion. We made the
with that, I can help you take the final jump. I'm a rest of the way on foot, took in the scene around the
soldier, fighting for the New Republic as part of prison compound, then made a quick plan.
Page's Commandos. Before that, I fought for the "Let's go in and get them out of there," I said,
Alliance, and before that ... well, let's just say I've hefting my vibroaxe to emphasize the point. Idow
always been fighting something or someone. grunted in agreement.
I'm here to talk about weapons. I'm what you call Now, you're probably thinking that we barged
an urban combat specialist, and I can turn anything into that compound and simply fought our way
into a weapon. Anything. But if I have a choice, through the platoon of troopers stationed there.
there's one weapon I prefer above all others. Well, we did do agood bit of fighting, but first Iset up
Han Solo swears by his blaster. Chewbacca and a little diversion to cover our arrival. The compound
Frorral are never far from their bowcasters. Then was protected by a single turbolaser tower. Ifigured
there's Luke Skywalker, who twirls that lightsaber of that the tower would prove to be a problem when we
his like it's a part of him. While each of these weap- called for pick-up, so I decided to use it for my
ons has its advantages and special appeal, I prefer diversion. I climbed the side 01 the tower until I
vibro weapons. reached the level I wanted. If I had figured right,
There's nothing like the hum of a vibroblade as it behind the armored wall were the rows of capacitors
slides from its sheath, the vibrating buzz of a vibroaxe and the power core that supplied the tower with
slicing through stormtrooper armor. When I dress energy. I switched on my vibroaxe, buried the blade
for battle, I strap a vibroblade to my ankle, a vibro- head in the wall, and leaped down.
shiv to my wrist, and a vibroaxe to my back. Oh, I Twenty minutes later, as me and Idow were just
carry a blaster or a blaster rifle, too. It's good to start introducing the first Imperial guards to our blasters,
afightwith ranged weapons-let's you weed out the the axe had finally cut its way to the power core. The
riffraff and amateurs. But when the fighting gets up resulting explosion was spectacular and very noisy.
close and personal, when the real combat begins, It sent the remaining guards running in the wrong
then I want a vibro weapon or two in my hands. direction, alerted our pick-up that we were ready,
Take that time me and Idow were dropped into and roused the prisoners we had come to rescue.
Bruzion, a cityon the planet Jendorn. The planet sits Except for a bit more fighting and a short wait for our
in the Borderland Regions, and it was the scene of ride, this mission was over.
some fierce fighting between New Republic and I was only slightly surprised when the assault
Imperial forces. The Empire won the battle and was shuttle flew in with Syla Tors at the controls and our
occupying the city. They had also set up a prison own Lieutenant Page at the open hatchway. "You
compound, and they were holding six downed Re- could have waited," he scowled as we hurried the
public pilots. Page and the others were off on an- pilots aboard.
other mission, so the job was left to me and Idow. "You guys just would've got in the way," I replied,
The far side of the planet was still in chaos as the slamming the hatch and giving the lieutenant my
natives continued to disagree with their Imperial best smile.
guests. The few Imperial starships still in orbit were So you see, you can keep your blasters and
busy watching out for our starships, so nobody bowcasters and lightsabers. Me, I'll stick with a
noticed the small transport as it flew in and dropped vibroaxe. They get the tough jobs done.

This pocket-sized, easily concealed vibroblade cial sheaths. When pulled from the sheath, a
does not cause much damage but can be the vibroblade automatically hums to life. It shuts
difference needed to turn a battle due to the down when returned.
surprise factor associated with them. Vibro Weapon
For more power, vibroaxes give foot soldiers
Roleplaying Game Statistics
a distinct edge over most other melee weapons,
Vibro Weapon Damage Difficulty
but they are bulky, making them difficult to
carry in comparison to smaller and lighter me- Vibro-Shiv STR+ ID Easy
lee weapons. Vibroblade STR+30 Moderate
When switched on, vibro weapons produce a Vibrobayonet STR+ 10+2 Moderate
low, audible hum. Some models come with spe- Vibroaxe STR+30+ 1 Moderate

112 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


_Chapter Nine

There are probably as many types of vehicles Skill: Repulsorlift operation: freerunner
as there are planets. From wheeled ground cars Crew: 2;2
to multi-legged walkers, from high-flying Passengers: None
airspeeders to ground-hugging hoverscouts, Cover: Full
there are more than enough choices to help a Cargo Capacity: 250 kilograms;
person get from one part of a planet to another. 300 cubic centimeters
The most common propulsion method is called Move: 105; 300 kmh
repulsorlift - these generators form anti- Maneuverability: ID
gravitational emanations which push agalnst the Body Strength: 3D
natural gravity field of a planet. The resulting Shields: ID
repulsor field lifts the vehicle, using the world's Weapons:
own gravity as a sling shot to propel the craft. Two Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannon (fire-
Repulsorlift Vehicles Fire Arc: All
Crew: I per cannon
Freerunners Skill: Vehicle biasters
Combat assault vehicles, or CAYs, are a class Fire Control: ID
of armored repulsorlift craft equipped with Range: 50-400/900/2,000
medium or heavy weapons. The Empire classi- Damage: 5D
fies these vehicles as GAVs (ground assault Two Anti-Infantry Blaster Batteries
vehicles), and has always placed greater em- Fire Arc: One front, left, right;
phasis on them than the Alliance. one back, ieft, right
One CAV introduced into the Alliance arsenal Crew: I per blaster
during the civil war and still used today is the Skill: Vehicle blasters
Freerunner. The CAV earned its name from the Fire Control: 2D
free-rotating gun platforms sitting atop its chas- Range: 50-300/800/1,500
sis. The platforms can be fitted with either anti- Damage: 3D+2
vehicle or anti-infantry weapons, depending on Altitude Range: .6 meters
the mission profile. Cost: 60,000 credits
The CAY came to the Alliance through a curi- Hoverscouts
ous route- when its manufacturer, Kelliak Arms
and Armor Company, didn't get the Imperial con- Hoverscouts are repulsorlift vehicles
tract it had hoped for, it went out of business. The equipped with hover engines to create a vehicle
entire stock was sold to petty arms merchants capable of handling most terrains. A type of
and Rebel agents, winding up in the Alliance hoverscout used by the Empire is the Mekuun
arsenal and a number of private armies, including Swift Assault Five. It can be used effectively for
small unit reconnaissance, as an offensive point
the mercenaries of Garm Bel Iblis.
vehicle, as an independent unit, and even as an
Freerunner infantry and armor support vehicle.
Craft: KAAC Freerunner FM (Full Modifi- General Covell, one of GrandAdmiral Thrawn's
cation) chief Army advisors and commanders, has de-
Type: Combat assault vehicle veloped mission profiles that team the armored
Scale: Speeder car with AT-AT walkers.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 113

.. WAIU""""

Vehicle Recognition Guide

<§~ ~~~~r c~,

speede/ Ike Swoop Landspeeder

Freerunner Hoverscout


Transport Skiff Anti-Infantry Battery Anti-Vehicle Laser Cannon

114 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


The Swift Assault requires a crew of four to with turbothrust engines for added speed.
make optimal use of all its systems, though it Landspeeders are the most common form of
can be piloted by a single driver if circum- personal planetary transport.
stances require. Its outer hull is lightly armored There are countless landspeeder manufac-
to offer protection while not hampering speed turers and models. They come in single-seat and
and maneuverability. The command crew deck multi-passenger models, open cockpit and
has full-vision ceraglass windscreens. The ce- closed. The New Republic calls its landspeeders
ramic alloy is transparent and extremely tough. "light mechanized vehicles," or LMVs. It con-
It comes equipped with military-standard sen- verts civilian speeders into military LMVs by
sor and communications packages, a heavy adding armor and sometimes mounting a light
blaster cannon, a light laser cannon, and a con- weapon on the cab. The Empire, on the other
cussion missile launcher. hand, still uses landspeeders which were origi-
nally designed for military applications. This
makes the Imperial models stronger, better
Craft: Mekuun Swift Assault Five
armed, and more suited for combat engage-
Type: Hoverscout assault vehicle
ments than their Republic counterparts.
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Hover vehicle operation: Landspeeder
hoverscout Craft: SoroSuub OP-5
Crew: 1;3 Type: Civilian Landspeeder
Passengers: 6 Scale: Speeder
Cover: Full Skill: Repulsorlift operation:
Cargo Capacity: 400 kilograms; 500 landspeeder
cubic centimeters Crew: I
Move: 70; 200 kmh Passengers: 4
Maneuverability: 20 Cover: 1/2
Body Strength: 3D Cargo Capacity: 10 kilograms; 25 cubic
Weapons: centimeters
Heavy Blaster Cannon Move: 80; 230 kmh
Fire Arc: All Maneuverability: 20
Crew: I Body Strength: 20
Skill: Vehicle blasters Weapons: None
Fire Control: ID Altitude Range: Ground to one meter
Range: 50-400/900/2,000 Cost: 12,000 credits (new); 4,000 (used)
Damage: 60
Light Laser Cannon Skiffs
Fire Arc: Front, left, right Large antigravity surface vehicles called skiffs
Crew: I serve as utility craft, usually as cargo carriers and
Skill: Vehicle blasters passenger transports. Most skiffs are long, flat,
Fire Control: ID open-topped repulsorcraft. New Republic mili-
Range: 50-300/500/1,000 tary bases, Imperial installations, space ports,
Damage: 20 and many private facilities employ large passen-
Concussion Missile Launcher ger skiffs to taxi people or more cargo around.
Fire Arc: Front, left, right Drivers control skiffs from a rear tiller or a
Crew: I lront-mounted control stick. Many models em-
Skill: Missile weapons: ploy multiple steering vanes to determine di-
concussion missiles rection. Acceleration, deceleration and maneu-
Fire Control: 20 vering are all handled by controls built into the
Range: 50-300/800/1 ,500 tiller or control stick.
Damage: 40 Skiffs are perhaps the easiest repulsorlift to
Shields: None operate, primarily because their cruise speeds
Altitude Range: Ground level are much lower than other repulsorlift craft. On
Cost: 55,000 credits (used) the other hand, trying to get a heavily-laden skiff
to handle at high speeds is a difficult task indeed'
Transport Skiff
Landspeeders are Iight- and heavy-duty sur- Craft: Ubrikkian VX6
face transport vehicles that use repulsorlift pro- Type: Transport skiff
pulsion. They have a low flight ceiling, typically Scale: Speeder
about one meter. Many also come equipped

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 115

Cha ter Nine: Vehicles STAR-

Skill: Repulsorlift operation: skiff pilot's knees turn and angle the craft. Due to the
Crew: I massive acceleration rates swoops are capable
Passengers: 15 of, pilots and passengers must bestrapped onto
Cover: 1/2 the craft. Without safety straps, riders would be
Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons; 75 thrown from swoops during climbs, dives, rolls,
cubic meters spins and other high-speed maneuvers.
Move: 70; 200 kmh Swoop racing remains a popularspectatorsport
Maneuverability: ID throughout the galactic core. During the height of
Body Strength: ID the Empire, successful swoop pilots were granted
Weapons: None hero status. They regularly were featured on
Altitude Range: Ground level to 10 meters holonews programs, and large amounts of credits
Cost: 22,000 credits were bet on the outcomes of the dangerous races.
Domed arenas, called "swoop tracks," can be
SWOOPS found on almost any planet with a sizeable popu-
A swoop is basically a high-powered repul- lation. Swoop tracks can take a number of forms,
sorlift engine with a seat attached. Swoops com- from huge circular flight paths to winding chal-
bine repulsorlift generators with turbothrust en- lenge courses, and races can be straight lap events
gines to produce veritable speed machines. The or may offer obstacles to increase the challenge.
swoop sacrifices virtually all manner of safety In the outer regions, such as the Outer Rim Terri-
device in order to achieve higher speed - there tories, swoop races are less formal affairs. Any
are no back-up handling, accelerator or braking canyon, desert, or similarly open area can serve
controls, and beyond a simple seat restraint, no as an arena. Bets are handled by promoters or
protection for the pilot. Manufacturers assume criminal elements, and sometimes the races are
that anyone brave enough to strap into a swoop is to the death.
good enough to handle one under any condition Anumber of outlaw bands also use swoops as
- or they'll die trying. symbols of their disdain for authority. Rumors
Handlebar accelerators provide swoop pi- that swoop gangs like the Nova Demons and the
lots with convenient control of the high-perfor- Dark Star Hellions still engage in piracy, mid-air
mance craft, while foot pedals operate lift, thrust robbery and murder persist in the outer and
and braking. Control auxiliaries accessed by the border regions.

116 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


A Day at the Races

In one of those extremely rare instances when the Han glanced at the young man with nervous eyes.
fate of the galaxy did not depend on their immediate "Don't believe everything you hear about me,
attention, Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo, kid," Han said. "People have a way of blowing every-
attended the swoop races at Coruscant's famous thing I've ever done way out of proportion."
Imperial Arena. "That's true," Leia said with a smile.
Leia frowned as they passed through the gates "Could we just watch this race, please?" Han
and made their way to their seats. She would have to pleaded, and Leia tried to suppress a chuckle. "Laugh
see about changing the arena's name. She sighed. it up, Princess," Han added under his breath. If he
There were so many little details that still had to be said anything else, it was drowned out by the swoop
addressed, so many ... she pushed the thought engines as the race began.
away. This was their off day, a day to enjoy with her Fargus Deel, dressed in red and riding atop a custom
husband. Work could wait until later. S6roSuub Pirate, jumped ahead of the pack and spun
Their seats were in the Emperor's balcony, which easily beneath an ion flare. He flew through the track
offered a spectacular view of the entire arena. Leia with apparent ease, avoiding flares and outdistancing
had only attended a swoop race once before, and his rivals as he zoomed toward victory.
that had been back on Alderaan. Han had expressed "That Fargus Deel is the best swoop pilot I've ever
interest when he heard that Fargus Deel was goingto seen," Kenn Nitram shouted into Han's ear. "I don't
be racing, so she made an effort to clear time in her think anyone can beat him!"
busy schedule. "Hey kid, didn't you hear about the time ... " Han
Han explained that the track configuration for the started, but Leia gently laid her hand on his arm to
race was called the binary nebula. Repulsor buoys silence him.
marked the twisting course. 'Those buoys will send "Let him keep his illusions, Han," Leia urged quietly.
out ion flares during the race," Han told her, his voice "But I beat Fargus constantly back when he was
full of barely concealed excitement. "Any pilot who just starting out," Han complained. "Sure, I was a
can't maneuver around the sparks - well, let's just little reckless, but I won more than my share of ... "
say they're in for the ride of their life. The ion particles Leia kissed him. "My hero," she whispered as their
can do anything to the control or drive systems." lips pulled apart. "Now be quiet and watch the race."
The crowd was huge, but Leia was glad to be a part Han leaned back in his seat, indignantly folding his
of it. These were the people she had dedicated her life arms across his chest. "But I could beat him," he
to. Spending a little time among them brought it all insisted, more to himself than anyone else. Not that
back into perspective. She noticed Han lean forward anyone was paying him any attention. Fargu5 was
and swept her gaze from the crowd back to the arena. entering the last lap of the race, navigating through
The swoops were lining up at the starting gate. astorm of ion flares much the way Han had navigated
"General Solo, didn't you race swoops way back through that asteroid field so many years ago.
when?" The question came from one of Wedge "I could," Han said again.
Antilles' new recruits, who was sitting behind them "I know, dear," Leia comforted, hiding her amused
in the balcony. Kenn Nitram, Leia thought, remem- smile as best she could.
bering the young X-wing pilot's name. She smiled as

Swoop Fire Arc: Front

Craft: Mobquet Nebulon-S Racer Crew: I
Type: Racing swoop Skill: Vehicle blasters
Scale: Speeder Fire Control: 10
Skill: Swoop operation (unskilled pen- Range: 50-300/500/1 ,000
alty of -3D if using unskilled) Damage: 4D
Crew: I Altitude Range: Ground level to 50 meters
Passengers: None Cost: 17,500 credits
Cover: 1/4
Cargo Capacity: 5 kilograms; 25 cubic All-Terrain Walkers
Move: 210; 600 kmh AT-AT
Maneuverability: 4D When the Imperial war machine was being
Body Strength: 10 designed, the Emperor demanded a ground as-
Weapons: sault vehicle to match the terror inspired by his
Blaster Cannon

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 117


Kuat Drive Yards

AT-AT 'Walker"
All-Terrain Armored Transport

Hatch to Troop Deck

VEHICLE DECK ___-p:r:r::r::l""""l~____
Storage, Repair
and Emergency
Supplies Compartment
Vehicle Bay

Ladder to

Co-pilots First Aid Station

Station Troop Benches

EEH:EEEEm Staging
Commanders Side Panels
Station Swing Down
to Form
Assault Ramps

SCHEMATIC I i 11 Ve!lhici Ba I

\ " ,
ill, 'II
!Troop Deck::: "
I \
! 'H 'il' ;:1,


118 Dark Force Rising SourcebooW


Star Destroyers and unending hordes of AT-ATs work best as blatant shock weapons,
stormtroopers. He wanted a weapon of fear and for they can be seen from a great distance and
fury, an unstoppable juggernaut that would the ground actually shakes as they approach
frighten as well as destroy. their intended target. Nothing can shake a line of
After several prototype vehicles failed to meet defending soldiers as easily as the sight of plod-
his approval, the engineers turned toaradical and ding AT-ATs coming over the horizon. Some
largely undeveloped technology: walkers. Then a primitive cultures see a terrible monster when
team of engineers found old textdocs regarding forced to gaze upon a walker.
an experimental weapon from the days of the Old AT-AT Walker
Republic. The Republic had developed the AIl- Craft: All-Terrain Armored Transport
Terrain Personal Walker (AT-PT), and while it had Type: Assault walker
been eventually discarded, it sparked an idea Scale: Walker
among the Imperial engineers. The team set out to Skill: Walker operation: AT-AT
develop the weapon the Emperor demanded.
Crew: 3; 5
They took the specifications Imperiai Com- Passengers: 40 (troops) or two AT-STs
mand had outlined and gave them form. The Cover: Full
result was a vehicle that would strike fear into Cargo Capacity: (In addition to passen-
the enemy, with a height superiority advantage
gers) 1 metric ton
over opposing forces, heavily armed and ar- Move: 21; 60 kmh
mored, loaded with maximum fire power. Maneuverability: OD
All-Terrain Armored Transports (AT-ATs), or Body Streugth: 6D
walkers, are formidable ground assault weapons
that also double as troop transports. The com- Two Heavy Laser Cannon (fire
mand cockpit and troop carrier are held aloft on
four massive metal legs. A pilot, gunner and com- Fire Arc: Front
bat coordinator/commander operate the walker
Crew: 1
from the articulated forward control cabin. The Skill: Vehicle blasters
walker's weapon emplacements emerge from the Fire Control: 2D
head as well. The transparisteel viewport offers Range: 50-500/1.5km/3km
the crew a widefield ofvision, which is augmented
Damage: 6D
not only by the head's ability to move up, down Two Medium Blasters (fire linked)
and to the sides, but by sensors which feed to a
Fire Arc: Front
holographic tactical display.
Crew: I
Walkers can operate across many different
Skill: Vehicle blasters
terrain types. It serves as an effective urban . Fire Control: 2D
assault vehicle, as its height gives the crew a
Range: 50-200/500/lkm
good line of sight over small buildings and low- Damage: 3D
lying structures. If it cannot see over it, walkers Note: The AT-AT's head, which contains
can usually crash through it. The thick armor
all weapons, is mounted on a pivoting
plating easily absorbs most blaster fire, and few
neck which can turn to face left, front
natural or man-made hazards can slow the re-
and right fire arcs. An AT-AT's head may
lentless juggernauts.
be moved one fire arc per turn (lrom left
The body of the walker features the com-
to front, right to front, front to right, or
mand crew's quarters, a troop waiting area,
front to left).
stores of weapons and equipment, and even a
light vehicle cargo bay which normally carries AT-ST
speeder bikes. Because of it size and formidable All-Terrain Scout Transports (AT-STs), or scout
bearing, a walker can advance into the very
walkers, are light ground reconnaissance and
heart of a combat area to deliver its troops. To
support vehicles, built for swift movement over a
unload, an AT-AT kneels by bending its tri-
variety of terrains. They are smaller, faster and
jointed legs and lowering its body to within
more maneuverable than AT-ATs, but they also
three meters of the ground. It then drops a
have less armor and pack a less lethal punch.
landing ramp from the rear, allowing both the
Scout walkers provide covering fire for ground
stored vehicles and troopers to emerge. Hatches
troops or cover the undefended flanks of the
along the side of the body also serve as exits
larger walkers, mopping up any foot soldiers
when walkers dock at boarding platforms.
who manage to evade the AT-AT's front-mounted

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 119

- WARS"'""


120 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


weapons or attempt to attack from below.

Infantry stands little chance against scout
walkers. On open ground, their speed and weap-
ons make them deadly adversaries. In more
confined or irregular terrain, their maneuver-
ability and agility gives them a significant edge.
Twin swivel-mounted blasters protrude from an
AT-ST's chin section. Twin light blasters are
swivel-mounted on the port-side sensor pod,
while a concussion grenade launcher is set into
the starboard pod. Each metal hoof features a
steel claw for cutting through trip wires or wire-
fence defenses.
While blaster fire barely annoys scout walk-
ers and heavy blasters are only partially effec-
tive against them, AT-STs are susceptible to
fixed defenses. Trip wires, dead falls, hidden
pits, mines and explosive charges can severely
hinder and even incapacitate scout walkers.
Thick undergrowth, uneven or broken ground,
and soft marshes can slow AT-STs to a crawl.
AT-ST Walker
Craft: All-Terrain Scout Transport
Type: Medium walker
Scale: Walker
Skill: Walker operation: AT-ST
Crew: 2
Passengers: None
Cover: Full
Cargo Capacity: 200 kilograms
Move: 30; 90 kmh
Maneuverability: 10
Body Strength: 3D
One Twin Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: I (pilot)
Skill: Vehicle blasters
Fire Control: 10
Range: 50-200/l km/2km
Damage: 40 AT-PT
One Twin Light Blaster Cannon The ancestor of the Imperial walkers was an
Fire Arc: Front experimental weapon first designed by the Old
Crew: I (co-pilot) Republic. The AT-PT, or personal walker. was a
Skill: Vehicle blasters personal weapons platform that was supposed
Fire Control: ID to turn an ordinary soldier into a walking for-
Range: 50-300/500/1km tress. A large number of the weapons were
Damage: 2D installed in the Katana fleet; their great promise
Concussion Grenade Launcher was cut short when the Katana fleet vanished.
Fire Arc: Front An AT-PT looks much like a scaled-down ver-
Crew: I (co-pilot) sion of the scout walker. A single trooper fills a
Skill: Missile weapons: crowded armored control pod nestled between
grenade launcher two multi-jointed legs. From the control pod, the
Fire Control: ID trooper drives the walker and operates the weal)-
Range: 1O-50/l 00/200 ons package. The pod itself offers great protec-
Damage: 3D tion from anti-infantry weapons, and the improved
Cost: Not available for sale height gives the trooper a distinct advantage as he
maneuvers the walker across a battlefield.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 121

- WARS""""

AT-PT's were equipped with a twin blaster Body Strength: 20

cannon and a concussion grenade launcher. It Weapons:
had a primitive sensor package that helped alert One Twin Blaster Cannon
the encased trooper to approaching dangers. Fire Arc: Front
Few, if any, of these ancient relics still exist in Crew: 1 (pilot)
active service. Skill: Vehicle blasters
AT-PT Walker Fire Control: ID
Craft: All-Terrain Personal Transport Range: 10-50/200/500
Type: Light Walker Damage: 40
Scale: Walker Concussion Grenade Launcher
Skill: Walker operation: AT-PT Fire Arc: Front
Crew: I (pilot)
Crew: I
Passengers: None Skill: Missile weapons:
Cover: Full grenade launcher
Cargo Capacity: 25 kilograms Fire Control: ID
Move: 21; 60 kmh Range: 10-50/1 00/200
Maneuverability: 20 Damage: 20

122 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


_ Chapter Ten

They travel the space lanes, connecting far Starfighters

away worlds via the hyperspace lanes, makmg
the galaxy asmaller, less distant place. They are A-wing Starfighters
stars hips, and they, more than any other bit of A-wing starfighters were developed secretly
technology, define the Star Wars galaxy.
during the early days of the Rebellion against
The smallest starships can be found in the the Empire. They emphasize speed and maneu-
starfighter class. For their size, starfighters ~re verability, with two extra-large power plants
the most technically advanced and destructIve and low total mass for spectacular performance.
weapons platforms ever developed. They range The A-wing features two standard laser can-
from short-range patrol craft to multi-engined,
non, which can elevate and depress a full sixty
multi-armed hyperspace-capable craft. Both the
degrees, allowing the A-wing to engage targets
Empire and the Republic employ starfighters. from much wider attack angles than other
They can be carried within support or strike starfighters. Each A-wing is equipped with a full
craft based on space stations or planet-bound sensor array. The sensors are powerful by Impe-
base~, or even used as long-range reconnais- rial starfighter standards, but they are not as
sance craft. Starfighters usually carry a single
sensitive as those found in the X- and V-wmg
pilot, but some have a crew of two or more. models. One area the A-wing excels at is in
Another class of starship is the space trans-
sensor and communications countermeasures,
port, which includes barges, transports, freight- with a power jamming package that blinds tar-
ers, container ships and passenger liners. They (Jets as it swoops in to strike.
are the work horses of the galaxy, moving goods ~ While the A-wings were first offered to the
and consumers from star system to star system.
veteran X-wing pilots that had served the Alli-
Since the rise of the New Republic, transports ance so well, most of these hardened veterans
have been in short supply. Many of the regular decided to retain their X-wings. They felt that
lines and pilots were destroyed in the galactic the newer pilots should receive the newer
civil war. As the New Republic works to reestab- starfighters, allowing the rookies to train with
lish the lines of legitimate trade, it has been forced the ships right from the beginning instead of
to turn warships into cargo haulers just to meet forcin a the veterans to relearn their own skills
the demands of its citizens. While there are excep-
on the faster A-wings.
tions to the rule (such as Han Solo's Millennium TheA-wing was designed to fulfill a particular
Falcon), most space transports are not equipped
mission profile - defending bases and trans-
with combat-worthy shields or weapons.
ports from enemy strike craft. The jaml~ing
In general, the largest starships fall into the package was primary in this role - the A-WIngs
combat starship, or capital ship class, though
could disrupt enemy targeting sensors and re-
some freighters and container ships can dwarf all ducethe fire control of attacking craft. Of course,
but the greatest capital ships. The difference is
theA-wing jamming package only works against
that capital ships are built for war. From the
starfighter class craft. The redundant and ex-
relatively small Corellian Gunship to the gigantic tremely powerful sensor arrays carried by capi-
Star Destroyers, combat starships are uniformly
tal ships are too much forthe A-wingjammers to
heavily-armed, thickly armored and well-shielded
vessels. It takes massive crews and hundreds of
Over the years since the A-wing was intro-
Droids to fly them and great amounts of power to duced, its mission profile has been modified. It
run their engines and weapons ~ystems. was determined through trial and effort that

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 123

- WA.u--

Starfighter Recognition Guide



Z-95 Headhunter



TIE Interceptor

TIE Fighter

Scimitar Assualt Bomber

124 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

_ARS Chapter Ten: Starships

Scimitar Assault Bomber


$: :n c:

Note: Port wing has been removed for clarity.

such high speed craft were better suited to hit- Skill: Starship gunnery
and-fade operations than to escort duty. Fire Control: 30
A-wing Starfighter Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Craft: Alliance A-wing Starfighter Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2KM/
Type: Interceptor and multi-purpose 1.5KM
starfighter Damage: 50
Scale: Starfighter Enemy Targeting Jammer
Length: 9.6 meters Fire Arc: All
Skill: Sensors; works against all
Skill: Starfighter piloting: A-wing
Crew: I starfighters within range
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 50, starship Fire Control: 00
gunnery 40+2, starship shields 30+ I Space Range: 1-3/7/15
Passengers: None Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/
Cargo Capacity: 40 kilograms 1.5KM
Damage: -20 from fire control
Consumables: I week
Hyperdrive Multiplier. x I Scimitar Assault Bombers
Hyperdrive Backup: None
Nav Computer. Limited, two jumps When Grand Admiral Thrawn returned to take
charge of the Empire, he immediately ordered the
Maneuverability: 40
construction of new weapons and ships. The
Space: 12
Imperial war machine, crippled by the loss of
Atmosphere: 450; 1,300 KMH
Hull: 20+2 most of its industrial centers, was only able to
Shields: 10 produce a fraction of what the Grand Admiral
Sensors: demanded - the Scimitar assault bomber was
the first product of Thrawn's demands.
Passive: 30/00
The Scimitar combines the best features of the
Scan: 50/10
TIE Interceptor, the TIE bomber, and Alliance
Search: 75/20
starfighters to create a dedicated assault bomber.
Focus: 4/40+ I
TheScimitar features powerful ion thrust sublight
Two Laser Cannon (fire linked) engines and two interlocked repuisoriift genera-
tors to create a very fast, very maneuverable
Fire Arc: Front

Oark Force Rising Sourcebook 125

- WAIU""""

atmospheric craft for its class. The main weapons Atmosphere Range: 500-500/1 km/5km
in this craft's arsenaf are the twin racks of concus- Damage: 90
sion missiles carried beneath its wings, although
it afso has two laser cannon for defense. TIE Fighters
In a normal mission profile, Scimitars are Once they were the ultimate disposable
released from their mother ship to swoop down starfighters. Now TIEs, the symbol of Imperial
on a target installation, town, city or troop line. space superiority, have become too precious to
Its sensors and targeting computers pick opti- use without careful thought and planning. Dur-
mal strike sites as the craft starts its run. Then ing the height of the Empire, these ships were
it releases the full load of missiles over the considered expendable - they had no shields,
designated targets. The Scimitar can also angle no landing gear, and few safety features. They
its laser cannon so that it can perform strafing had only one mission - to serve the Empire in
runs. In the short time that the Scimitar assault any way the Emperor saw fit.
bomber has been in the Imperial arsenal, it has With the current troubles, TiEs have lost
gained a reputation as a deadly weapon. their "throw-away" designation. The success of
Scimitar Assault Bomber the mission is no longer the main thrust of a TIE
Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems Scimitar and its pilot; instead, priority is placed on the
Type: Assault bomber safe return of pilot and ship, both of which are
Scale: Starfighter needed to fight another day.
Length: 13.8 meters TIE lighters are propelled by accelerated ion-
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Scimitar assault ized gases, which are emitted from the TIE's
bomber engine vents. The twin ion engines provide maxi-
Crew: 2 mum thrust for the relatively low mass craft.
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 40, starship TIEs lack shield generators, hull plating,
gunnery 40+2, starship shields 20+ I, hyperdrives, and repulsorlift generators, mak-
missile weapons 40+2 ing them extremely light weight. This lack of
Passengers: None weight gives a TIE its vaunted speed and maneu-
Cargo Capacity: 200 kilograms, 250 cubic verability. They also carry minimal amounts of
centimeters luel, making them short-range fighters.
Consumables: 2 days The ion particles can be vented in almost any
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None direction, allowing an expert pilot to roll, slip,
·Hyperdrive Backup: None spin, jink, twist and turn a TIE through com-
Nav Computer: None plicated acrobatics.
Maneuverability: 20+ I TIE Fighter
Space: 9 Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE/In
Atmosphere: 295; 850 KMH Type: Space superiority starfighter
Hull: 50 Scale: Starfighter
Shields: 1D+2 Length: 6.3 meters
Sensors: Skill: Starfighter piloting: TIE
Passive: 20/00 Crew: I
Scan:40/1D Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 40+ I,
Search: 60/20 starship gunnery 40
Focus: 3/30 Passengers: None
Weapons: Cargo Capacity: 65 kilograms; .25 cubic
Two Laser Cannon (fire linked) meters
Fire Arc: Front Consumables: 2 days
Skill: Starship gunnery Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Fire Control: 20 Hyperdrive Backup: None
Space Range: 1-3/12/25 Nav Computer: None
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2KM/ Maneuverability: 20
2.5KM Space: 10
Damage: 40 Atmosphere: 415; 1200 kmh
Concussion Missiles (16 carried) Hull: 20
Fire Arc: Front Shields: None
Skill: Missile weapons: Sensors:
concussion missiles Passive: 20/00
Fire Control: 30+2 Scan:40/1D
Space Range: 1/3/7 Search: 60/20

126 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Focus: 3/30 Passengers: None

Weapons: Cargo Capacity: 75 kilograms; .3 cubic
Two Laser Cannon (fire linked) meters
Fire Arc: Front Consumables: 2 days
Skill: Starship gunnery Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Fire Control: 20 Hyperdrive Backnp: None
Space Range: 1-3/12/25 Nav Computer: None
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2 kIn/ Maneuverability: 30+2
2.5 km Space: II
Damage: 50 Atmosphere: 435; 1250 kmh
HuH: 3D
TIE Interceptors Shields: 20
The TIE Interceptor represents the pinnacle of Sensors:
TIE fighter design. While the older TiEs overcame Passive: 25/10
opponents by sheer numbers, the Empire de- Scan: 40/20
cided it needed astarfighter that could go one-on- Search: 60/30
one with the Rebellion's X-wings. Economics and Focus: 4/30+2
the Empire's preoccupation with modular design Weapons:
suggested that Sienar Fleet Systems stick with the Four Laser Cannon (fire linked)
basic TIE design. It would make training and re- Fire Arc: Front
pairs easier for pilots and techs already intimately Skill: Starship gunnery
familiar with basic TIE fighters. The designers Fire Control: 3D
looked to Oarth Vader's custom TIE and the sub- Space Range: 1-3/12/25
sequent limited run of similarly-modified TIEs for Atmosphere Range: 100-300 m/
innovations and other improvements. 1.2 km/2.5 km
Speed was enhanced by increasing the size 01 Damage: 60
the Interceptor's twin ion engines and recon-
figuring the efficiency of the power panels. The V-wing Starfighters
panels were given a bent-wing design, stream- In the early days of the Rebellion, the main
lined into dagger shapes for improved pilot vis- starfighter used by the Alliance was the V-wing.
ibility. Fire power was increased by giving the The rugged bomber/fighter bore the brunt of
Interceptor.!our wing tip lasers. An updated fire- the first space battles and remained a formi-
control package and fast-response targeting com- dable part of the Alliance's arsenal throughout
puter were included to take full advantage of the the long years of the galactic civil war. Since the
TIE Interceptor's speed and maneuverability. rise of the New Republic, the V-wing has been
A new ion stream projection system was relegated to planetary defense duties, leaving
installed in the Interceptor, giving the craft even attack missions to the faster, more maneuver-
greater control while performing combat ma- able X-wings and A-wings, and the more power-
neuvers. Twin port emitters are so finely tuned ful B-wings. But the V-wing remains a potent
that they can be manipulated individually, bal- craft, able to endure and deliver tremendous
ancingeach other in tight turns, prolonged rolls, amounts of punishment.
and complicated jinking maneuvers. The two most common versions of the V-wing
Captain Pellaeon ordered his technicians to are the single-seat BTL-A4 and the two-seat BTL-
install shield generators in all TIE Interceptors. S3. Both carry identical weaponry. Two laser
This would have been unheard of in the days of cannons mounted under the nose provide a line
the Emperor, but the remnants of the Empire of fire along the craft's flight path. Two flex-tube
cannot afford to lose such craft as the TIE proton torpedo launchers give the Y-wingadded
Interceptor. punch for taking on larger vessels. Eight torpe-
TIE Interceptor does are fed into the launchers from a single
Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor magazine which can be replaced quickly by
Type: Space superiority starfighter ground crews. A pivot mount on the rear of the
Scale: Starfighter cockpit assembly holds a twin-barrelled light
Length: 9.6 meters ion cannon. The single-seat V-wing has a fixed
Skill: Starfighter piloting: TIE Interceptor mount, usually set forward, so that the pilot can
Crew: 1 operate it from controls in the cockpit. In the
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 50, starship two-seat V-wing, a second crewer sits facing aft
gunnery 40+2, starship shields 40+ I and operates the pivoting cannon by sight and
computer targeting.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 127


Hull: 40
Shields: lD+2
Passive: 20/00
Scan: 35/lD
Search: 40/20
Focus: 2/30
Two Laser Cannon (lire linked)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 20
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2 km/
2.5 km
Damage: 50
Two Proton Torpedo Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 20
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700m
Damage: 90
Two Light Ion Cannon (lire linked)
Like the X-wing, the V-wing starlighter has an Fire Arc: Turret>
astromech socket for a Oroid interface. The Crew: I (co-pilot)
Oroid, usually an R2 or R4 unit, connects di- Skill: Starship gunnery
rectly to the ship's central circuit matrix to Fire Control: 30
monitor all flight systems. The Oroid also serves Space Range: 1-3/7/36
as the starlighter's nav computer when calcu- Atmosphere Range: 100-300/700/3.6 km
lating astrogation jumps into hyperspace. Damage: 40
Older even than the X-wing starlighters, it is * Gun may be fixed to forward to be fired by pilot at
becoming increasingly harder to keep the Y- only 1D fire control.
wings in good repair. Eventually, as newer Z-95 Starfighters
starlighters are brought into production, the Y-
wing will become no more than yet another In its day, the Z-95 Headhunter was the
chapter in the history of space warfare. starlighter of choice for the defenders of the Old
Republic. The agile, compact, twin-engine
V-wing Starfighter lighter/interceptor proved to be arnazinglyver-
Craft: Koensayr BTL'S3 V-wing Starlighter satile. It spawned more specialized and dedi-
Type: Attack starlighter cated variants than any other starlighter before
Scale: Starlighter or since. The Headhunter is no longer manufac-
Length: 16 meters tured, and most are considered obsolete, but
Skill: Starlighter piloting: V-wing the number of Z-95s turned out during the height
Crew: I or 2 and Astromech Oroid (can of the Old Republic have left thousands of the
coordinate) durable starlighters still in service (many in
Crew Skill: Starlighter piloting 40+2, starship missions of dubious legality).
gunnery 40+ I, starship shields 30 The Headhunter was one of the lirst
Passengers: None starfighters designed to also operate as an at-
Cargo Capacity: 110 kilograms; .4 cubic mospheric craft. The swing-wing design of the
meters original model allowed for fantastic maneuvers.
Consnmables: One week Later models introduced more advanced ma-
Hyperdrive Mnltiplier: xl neuvering units, and the ship gradually took on
Hyperdrive Backup: None a less atmosphere-sleek appearance, but re-
Nav Computer: None, uses astromech tained excellent performance. All models are
Oroid for 10 jumps durable enough to take damage with the best of
Maneuverability: 20 them and keep flying.
Space: 7 Incom, the designers of the Headhunter, in-
Abnosphere: 350; 1,000 kmh corporated many of theZ-95's hull and ray-shield-

128 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


ing features into their X-wing starfighter. In addi-

tion to in-system defense, Z-95s are used for ferry Ion Weapons vs. Blasters
runs between planets and local space stations,
Starships carry two distinct types of energy weapons-
and as shuttles between ships in a fleet.
blasters and ion cannon. Blasters and lasers are synony-
Z-95 Starfighter mous when discussing the major offensive weaponry em-
Craft: lncom/Subpro Z-95 Headhunter ployed by starships. The term blaster, however, usually
Type: Multi-purpose starfighter, many refers to a less powerful version of the same basic design.
variants Like all blaster technology, ship-mounted lasers fire
Scale: Starfighter coherent packets of intense energy. Laser and blaster
Length: 1l.S meters cannon are capable of rapid fire, and are often used in
Skill: Starfighter piloting: Z-95 conjunction with targeting and fire control computers.
Crew: I When more power is needed, ship designers turn to the
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 30+2, starship turbolaser. Turbolasers are equipped with turbine gen-
gunnery 30+2, starship shields 30+ I erators and banks of capacitors to build up and store the
Passengers: None vast amounts of energy needed to create the turbolaser
Cargo Capacity: S5 kilograms, .4 cubic pulse. They have a lower rate of fire, but they deliver a
meters bigger punch.
Consumables: I day Ion cannons, on the other hand, do not cause direct
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None damage. By firing high-energy ionized particles at a tar-
Hyperdrive Backup: None get, the ion cannon wreaks havoc on sophisticated elec-
Nav Computer: None tronics and starship control systems. The ion cannon is
Maneuverability: 10 meant to render an enemy ship harmless so that it can be
Space: 7 captured or more easily destroyed.
Atmosphere: 400; 1,150 KMH Because ion particles do not interact with the same
Hull: 40 shield frequency that stops laser packets, ships must
Shields: 10 either employ two types of shields or rely on speed and
Sensors: maneuverability to avoid ion cannon discharges. Ionized
Passive: 15/00 particles can knock out fire control, targeting, engines,
Scan: 25/10 sensors, shield generators and even weapons systems as
Search: 40/20 they play across a ship.
Focus: 1/20
Two Triple Blasters (fire linked) ers, orbiting storage holds, and planet-bound
Fire Arc: Front spaceports.
Skill: Starship gunnery Many of the galaxy's Core Worlds are totally
Fire Control: 10 urbanized, relying on the goods of other planets
Space Range: 1-5/10/17 to supply the food and raw materials they need
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/IKM/ to keep going. These worlds are surrounded by
l.7KM system-wide networks of orbiting warehouses,
Damage: 3D storage holds, and docking stations through
Concussion Missiles which food, fuel and other imported goods must
Fire Arc: Front pass on their way in from deep space. Space
Skill: Missile weapons: concussion barges are responsible for quickly and efficiently
missiles transporting these goods.
Fire Control: 10 There are many different models of space
Space Range: 1/3/7 barges, but the W-dass series is the most popular
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700 and widely used. Most are equipped with stan-
Damage: 70 dardized docking porls and airlocks to facilitate
cargo transfer. Those few that do not have the
Space Transports galactic standard ports must rely upon invisible
force cylinders to establish a connection.
Space Barges The standard W-c1ass space barge carries a
Space barges are the core vehicles of intra- crew of three: pilot, co-pilot and fifth degree
system commerce. They are heavy-duty short- labor Oroid. Barges carry no armaments, as
range vessels, equipped with powerful engines they usually operate within well-defended intra-
and large cargo bays. Barges move cargo quickly system space lanes.
and efficiently between large hyperspace haul- The limited speed, large cargo capacity and

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 129

- WAIU""""

non-existent defenses make space barges tempt- fortable living. They were also the ships of choice
ing targets for pirates, smugglers, and even for many smugglers and pirates.
Imperial raiders. To take advantage of a full Perhaps the most famous light freighter is the
barge on a hauling run, raiders must strike fast, Millennium Falcon. The Falcon, Han Solo's be-
take what they can, and escape before system loved ship, looks battered, out-of-<late, and pain-
defenses can be brought to bear. fully slow. But there is more to the Millennium
W-23 Space Barge Falcon than meets the eye.
Craft: Incom W-23 Star Hauler Solo has loaded the Falcon with so many non-
Type: Intra-system space barge standard pieces of equipment that the ship's
Scale: Capital ship own nav computer often predicts that the ves-
Length: 80 meters sel will not fly. Like its owner, the Falcon loves to
Skill: Space transports beat the odds.
Crew: 2, plus labor Oroid The Falcon packs an armament package well
Crew Skill: Space transports 40, starship beyond the legal limits for non-military craft,
shields 30 although Solo has since received special dis-
Passengers: None pensation from the New Republic because his
Cargo Capacity: 6,000 cubic meters with a vessel performs so many important missions
maximum mass of 15,000 metric tons for the government. It has more shields than
Consumables: I month most starfighters, and a greater lift/mass ratio
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None than the original manufacturer would have be-
Hyperdrive Backup: None lieved possible.'
Nav Compuler: Yes Scavenged duralloy plating has been fused
Maneuverability: ID+ I over sections of the hull, giving the Falcon war-
Space: 3 ship-grade protection in its engine and crew
Atmosphere: 260; 750 KMH compartments. But Solo would rather not test
Hull: 30+2 his upgrades under fire if he doesn't have to. A
Shields: ID transponder programmed to broadcast a wide
Sensors: variety of both Imperial and New Republic iden-
Passive: 15/00 tity codes gives the Falcon its most formidable
Scan:30/ID and most-olten used protection.
Search: 30/ID+2 The Falcon boasts a flexible and sophisti-
Focus: I/ID cated computer system. It deftly manages the
Weapons: None myriad of melded, jury-rigged ship systems. It is
also extremely temperamental and somewhat
Light Freighters schizophrenic. Three separate and distinct Oroid
Light freighters are among the smallest deep brains have been interconnected to coordinate
space transports operating in the Known Gal- the Falcon's overly-redundant systems. They
axy. These small trading vessels serve as the work well enough together when engaged in
cornerstone of many independent transport specific tasks, but they tend to bicker during
businesses and can be found at even the most down time and when something goes wrong.
obscure spaceports. Once this class of ship was As a result of its numerous modifications, the
the backbone of galactic trade, but it has given Falcon constantly sulfers from minor break-
way to the massive bulk freighters and con- downs. It takes every spare moment Han Solo
tainer ships. However, with the growing need and Chewbacca can find to keep the Millennium
for transport ships in the New Republic, light Falcon in good repair and working condition.
freighters may enjoy a resurgence of popularity. Light Freighter
Light freighters come in a number of con- Craft: Corellian YT-1300 Transport
figuration designs, all built around a command Type: Stock light freighter
pod and numerous cargo holds. Most have de- Scale: Starfighter
fensive weaponry to protect their cargo, and Leugth: 26.7 meters
hyperdrive engines to move them quickly across Skill: Space transports: YT-1300 transports
the space lanes. Crew: I to 2 (can coordinate)
Prior to the current galactic situation, light Crew Skill: Varies tremendously
freighters were most commonly encountered in Passengers: 6
the Outer Rim Territories. On the less-<level- Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons
oped and under-protected trade routes, small Consumables: 2 months
traders were able to compete with the giant Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
shipping corporations and actually make a com- Hyperdrive Backup: x12

130 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

Nav Computer: Yes Skill: Missile weapons: concussion
Maneuverability: OD missiles
Space: 4 Fire Control: 3D
Atmosphere: 480; 800 kmh Space Range: 1/3/7
Hull: 4D Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Shields: OD Damage: 9D
Sensors: One Blaster Cannon (retractable)
Passive: 1O/0D Fire Arc: Turret
Scan: 25/1D Scale: Speeder
Search: 40/2D Skill: Vehicle blasters
Focus: 2/3D Fire Control: 4D (fired from cockpit)
Weapons: Atmosphere Range: 1-50/100/250
One Laser Cannon Damage: 3D+2
Fire Arc: Turret
Crew: I Bulk Freighters
Skill: Starship gunnery Bulk freighters are designed to carry a sig-
Fire Control: 2D nificant amount of cargo for their size. All freight-
Space Range: 1-3/12/25 ers in this size category, no matter their make or
Atmosphere Range: 100-300m/ model, can be described as space-going boxes
1.2 km/2.5 km with hyperdrives and sublight engines attached.
Damage:4D Bulk freighters carry the majority of the galaxy's
trade goods and are strong, sturdy, dependable
Millennium Falcon crafl. Fuel costs are reasonable, allowing own-
Craft: Millennium Falcon ers to make substantial profits on full hauls.
Type: Modified Corellian light freighter Another plus for these vessels is the fact that
Scale: Starfighter they are small enough to use most docking
Length: 26.7 meters ports, cutting out the expense of using space
Skill: Space transports: YT-1300 transports barges to unload cargo in system.
Crew: 2 Depending on the design, a bulk freighter's
Crew Skill: See Han Solo and Chewbacca interior is usually nothing more than a large,
Passengers: 6 open hold that can be partitioned off for differ-
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons enttypes of cargo. The freighters operating for
Consumables: 2 months the best merchant houses feature sophisticated
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1/2 gravity, atmosphere and temperature controls
Hyperdrive Backup: xlO so that a wide variety of goods can be moved in
Nav Computer: Yes the same run.
Maneuverability: 2D An example of a bulk freighter is Talon
Space: 8 Karrde's Wild Karrde, though the vessel is in no
Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 KMH way a standard freighter. The Wild Karrde is a
Hull: 6D Corellian model that looks as though it has
Shields: 3D taken one too many Iightspeed jumps in its day.
Sensors: Appearances, however, can be deceiving.
Passive: 30/1D Though its drive system appears to be
Scan: 60/2D manufacturer's standard, it has undergone a
Search: 75/3D complete and massive upgrading. Under the
Focus: 4/4D control of a capable pilot, the Wild Karrde can
Weapons: maneuver much better than its size and shape
Two Quad Laser Cannon (fire separately) would indicate, and it is faster than other ves-
Fire Arc: Turret sels in its class.
Skill: Starship gunnery Unlike most other bulk freighters, the Wild
Fire Control: 3D Karrde carries a full weapons system, a warship-
Space Range: 1-3/12/25 class sensor package, an armor-reinforced hull,
Atmosphere Range: 1OD-300/1.2KM/ and a powerful shield generator. It has the tightest
2.5KM sensor stealth mode this side of an Imperial spy
Damage: 6D ship, and a top-of-the-Iine nav computer that few
Two Concussion Missile Tubes other freighter owners could ever hope to afford.
(fire linked) The interior of the Wild Karrde has also un-
Fire Arc: Front dergone modification. As the ship serves as

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 131


Karrde's mobile headquarters, he has rede- Sensors:

signed its features accordingly. The bridge and Passive: 40/20
command deck has been refitted with the best Scan: 80/20+2
components he could find. Alarge portion of the Search: 75/30
forward hold has been turned into a living/office Focus: 4/30+ I
area, complete with private bunks, high-quality Weapons:
food processing units, full baths, and Karrde's Three Turbolasers (fire separately)
private office and apartment. The main hold has Fire Arc: Turret
been left in place in case the ship ever needs to Skill: Starship gunnery
take on cargo. It also serves as an exercise area Fire Control: 20
for Karrde's pet vornskrs. A permanent kennel Space Range: 3-15/35/75
has been installed off the main hold. Atmosphere Range: 300-1.5KM/
Bulk Freighter 3.5KM/7.5KM
Craft: Corellian Action V Transport Damage: 50
Type: Medium bulk freighter Sensor Mask:
Scale: Capital ship Fire Arc: All
Length: 115 meters Skill: Sensors
Skill: Space transports: Action V Transport Damage: Adds 40+2 to difficulty to
detect ship with sensors.
Crew: 10
Crew Skill: Space transports 30, shields Personal Yachts
The rich of the galaxy get around in personal
Passengers: None
yachts - vessels of leisure, full of every comfort
Cargo Capacity: 80,500 metric tons
their owners can afford and imagine. Heads of
Consumables: 3 months
state, corporate moguls, planetary royalty, and
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x4
Hyperdrive Backup: No other wealthy galactic citizens use space yachts
to travel the space lanes in comfort and style. No
Nav Computer: No
Maneuverability: 00 matter the size, make, model or expense, most
space yachts follow a similar design. Each con-
Space: 2
tains a command bridge for its flight crew, cab-
Atmosphere: 225; 650 KMH
ins for the passengers, a well-appointed galley,
Hull: 20+2
whatever weapons and shields the owner feels
Shields: 10
comfortable with, and any other luxuries to fit
his budget and tastes.
Passive: 20/00
Because each space yacht is a unique and
Scan: 30/10
special vessel, beyond the basic configuration,
Search: 40/10
there are no "typical" vessels. One interesting
Focus: 1/10
vessel is the Lady Luck, the pleasure yacht now
Weapons: None
owned by Lando Calrissian. Calrissian has only
Wild Karrde had the ship for a short time, and most of the
Craft: Modified Corellian Action VI Transport modifications he has planned have yet to be
Type: Medium bulk freighter implemented.
Scale: Capital ship Lady Luck is a SoroSuub Personal Luxury
Length: 125 meters Yacht 3000. The main deck of the space yacht
Skill: Space transports: Action VI Transport features a fully appointed cockpit bridge.
Crew: 2:8 Calrissian had all of its flight systems, sensors,
Crew Skill: See Talon Karrde and Mara Jade and comm units upgraded when he took posses-
Passengers: None sion of the craft. The galley includes a Gourmet
Cargo Capacity: 50,000 metric tons Master 500 food processor and ample stores for
Consumables: 6 months up to one month (although this can be increased
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xI if Calrissian decides to forego fresh food in favor
Hyperdrive Backup: xIO of travel rations). Six deluxe cabins still feature
Nav Computer: Yes the decor of the previous owner - an Orthellin
Maneuverability: 20 royal mistress from the Binarran Cloud who
Space: 6 used the vessel as a traveling party palace. The
Atmosphere: 330; 950 KMH lush double bunks, frilly curtains, and soft glow
Hull: 40 lamps speak of wealth. Calrissian has had time
Shields: 30 to install an aft control station for emergencies

132 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Lady Luck

Side View - Exterior


Engine IP/S) Retractable Sensor Arrays
Laser Cannon

Side View - Interior

_-.: Bridge
I r- -i- I ObseNation Deck


Power Cells


Top View - Main Deck

Supplies Ladder
Stairs to Down
ObserVation Deck Engineering
Control _

Aft Controi
Stations Bridge

Escape Pod
Emergency Access Hatch
Supply Closet Esc~pe-Pod Deluxe Head
Access Hatch Cabins

Top View - Observation Deck


Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 133

- WAU-

and secret cargo holds in case he ever needs to fall, and many can only dock at the largest space
return to the smuggling game. He also placed a stations. However, all carry a number of drop-
sabacc table in the rec area, complete with a ships to quickly drop troops and material into
Droid-brain opponent for those times when he the heart of a combat zone.
must travel alone. Drop-ships suffer through a barely controlled
The observation level was one of the main fall to the planet's surface, relying upon massive
features of the ship that attracted Calrissian. but short-burst drives to pull the ship out of a
The open archways and large viewing ports crash in the last few seconds - the result is a
make for a breathtaking sight as the ship travels dangerous, but amazingly fast assault. The first
through the starry depths of realspace or the strike teams in a major action are dropped to a
colored swirls of hyperspace. Plenty of comfort- planet's surface with these vessels; once a per-
able couches and a jet-stream meditation pool manent base has been established on the sur-
round out the upper-level decor. face, additional supplies and troops can be fer-
The engines have already been upgraded, ried down with conventional ships.
and a simple slave circuit has been installed to Grand Admiral Thrawn, showing his ability to
start the craft by remote- for those times when use his equipment for unconventional actions,
Lando must make a hasty departure. He still has begun applying drop-ships for ship boarding
plans to upgrade the hull, shield generators, actions. They deliver forces through ship docking
and weapons systems when time allows. ports. This can be a very risky venture if the target
lady luck ship still has operational weapons, for drop-ships
Craft: SoroSuub Luxury 3000 have few defenses against turbolasers.
Type: Private Space Yacht, Modified Drop-Ship
Scale: Starfighter Craft: Kuat Drive Yards Landing Brick F7
Length: 50 meters Type: Medium troop drop-ship
Skill: Space transports: SoroSuub Luxury Scale: Starfighter
3000 Length: 60 meters
Crew: 1 Skill: Space transports: drop-ship
Crew Skill: See Lando Calrissian Crew: 3
Passengers: 10 Crew Skill: Space transports 40, starship
Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons gunnery 30+1, starship shields 3D
Consumables: 1 month Passengers: 40
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Cargo Capacity: 250 metric tons
Hyperdrive Backup: x14 Consumables: Emergency rations, 2 days
Nav Computer: Yes Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Maneuverability: lD Hyperdrive Backup: None
Space: 7 Nav Computer: None
Atmospbere: 350; 1,000 KMH Maneuverability: OD
Hull: 2D+2 Space: 10 (during drop); 2 (on return flight)
Shields: lD Atmosphere: 415; 1,200 KMH (during drop);
Sensors: 225; 650 KMH (on return flight)
Passive: 25/lD Hull: 50
Scan: 50/2D Shields: lD
Search: 75/2D+2 Sensors:
Focus: 3/30 Passive: lO/OD
Weapous: Scan: 20/lD
One Laser Cannon (retractable) Search: 30/lD+2
Fire Arc: Turret Focus: 1/20+2
Skill: Starship gunnery Weapons:
Fire Control: 2D One Laser Cannon
Space Range: 1-5/10/17 Fire Arc: Turret
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1KM/ Skill: Starship gunnery
1.7KM Fire Control: lD
Damage: 2D+2 Space Range: 1-5/10/17
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1 KM/
Drop-Ships 1.7KM
The massive warships employed by both the Damage: 3D+2
Empire and New Republic cannot make planet-

134 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


Capital Ship Recognition Guide


Gunship W-Ciass Space Barge

System Patrol Craft

Star Galleon


Imperial Star Destroyer


Bulk Cruiser

VICtory Star Destroyer

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 135


Combat Starships Crew: 1 to 3

Scale: Starfighter
Bulk Cruisers Skill: Starship gunnery
When a planetary government or star system Fire Control: 20
conglomerate needs a capital-class warship to Space Range: 1-5/10/17
defend its space lanes, it often turns to the bulk Damage: 40
cruiser. First introduced after the Clone Wars Two Tractor Beam Projectors
the cruiser was the premier warship of th~ Fire Arc: Front
Rendili Star Drive corporation, ideally suited to Crew: 1 to 6
the budgets and needs of local governments Skill: Capital ship gunnery
and corporate manufacturing worlds. Fire Control: 20
During the galactic civil war, many of these Space Range: 1-5/15/30
vessels were appropriated by the Alliance and Damage: 40
used against the Empire. The ships are cur- Corellian Gunships
rently used by the Republic to deliver badly
needed protection. The Corellian Gunship is one of few combat-
The bulk cruiser has a number of flaws which only vessels designed by the Corellian Engineer-
were demonstrated during the galactic civil war. mg Corporation. The Gunship has little room for
Thewarship is slow, moderately old, expensive to storage, passengers, or even troops. It is designed
keep fueled, and subject to constant breakdown. to be fast and deadly. Engines fill more than half of
The Alliance found that it was more cost efficient the Gunship's interior, and the rest is taken up by
to convert the cruisers to starfighter launch plat- weaponry, computers, and shield generators.
forms than to try to keep them battle ready. Those Except for a small command crew and tech
which have not been converted are used as trans- staff, gunners make up the majority of the
port escorts by the New Republic. Afew have even Gunship's crew. The gunners are trained to
been spotted in the Imperial fleet, which has made work in concert, surrounding the ship with a
a habit of capturing warships and conscripting nearly impenetrable barrier of laser fire from
them into Imperial service. the vessel's powerful weapons. Each battery
must Qe manually controlled. They cannot be
Bulk Cruiser operated from the bridge without a major over-
Craft: Rendili StarOrive's Battle Horn haul of the computer systems.
Type: Modified bulk cruiser The Corellian Gunship is an anti-starfighter
Scale: Capital ship platform without equal in its size category. These
Length: 600 meters ships can still be found in the New Republic
Skill: Capital ship piloting fleet, as well as in private defense fleets and a
Crew: Skeleton 840 with Command 60' few private armies.
Total crew: 2,050 '
Crew Skill: Capital ship piloting 40+1, Corellian Gunship
starship shields 40, starship sensors 30+2, Craft: Corellian Engineering Corporation
astrogation 30+2, capital ship gunnery 40 Gunship
Troops: 200 Type: Mid-sized anti-starfighter warship
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons Scale: Capital ship
Consumables: 1 year Length: 120 meters
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Skill: Capital ship piloting: Corellian
Hyperdrive Backup: x12 Gunship
Nav Computer: Yes Crew: Skeleton 10 with Command 70; Total
Maneuverability: 10 crew: 45
Space: 4 Crew Skill: Capital ship piloting 40, capital
ship shields 40+1, capital ship sensors 3D,
Hull: 50
Shields: 20 astrogation 30+1, capital ship gunnery 40+2
Sensors: Troops: None
Passive: 40/10 Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Scan: 80/20 Consumables: 8 months
Search: 125/30 Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x16
Focus: 5/30+2
Weapons: Nav Computer: Yes
30 Quad Laser Cannon (fire separately) Maneuverability: 20+ 1
Fire Arc: 10 front, 10 left, 10 right Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350; 1,000 KMH

136 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

Hull: 40+2
Shields: 20+ I The Katana Fleet
Almost every old-time spacer knows the story of the
Passive: 20/00
Katana fleet. Also called the Dark Force, the fleet was
Scan: 40/00 made up of two hundred Dreadnaught-class heavy cruis-
Search: SO/ID ers, led by the flagship, Katana. The entire fleet was
Facus: 2/20
mysteriously lost years before the start of the Clone
~ars: All the ships had been fitted with full-rig slave
Eight Double Turbolaser Cannon
CIrCUitry, and when the system malfunctioned, the whole
(fire separately)
fleet jumped to lightspeed at the same time - and was
Fire Arc: 2 front, 3 left, 3 right
never seen again. Or so the story goes.
Crew: 2
The Katana fleet managed to get around the problem of
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
huge crews through use of full-rig slave circuitry. The
Fire Control: 3D
conversion had been expensive, but the fleet was to serve
Space Range: 3-15/35/75
as a military and public relations tool for the Republic.
Atmosphere Range: 300-1.5KM/3.5KM/
The interior of each Oreadnaught was completely re-
designed, from the equipment and decor to the dark gray
Damage: 40+2
hull surfacing. This surfacing gave way to the fleet's
Six Quad Laser Cannon (fire separately)
unofficial name - Dark Force.
Fire Arc: 3 left, 3 right
Unfortunately, a problem developed which the slave
Crew: 3
circuitry only enhanced. It appears that the problem was
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Starship gunnery not with the slave circuitry, but with the crew. A crewer
picked up a hive virus at one ofthe ports of call during the
Fire Control: 3D
malden voyage. The virus quickly spread throughout the
Space Range: 1-5/10/17
two hundred ships while it was still in a dormant state.
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/IKM/1.7KM
When it finally flared up, it took down nearly everyone at
Damage: 50
Four Concussion Missile Tubes once.
Modern medical science can easily deal with hive·
(fire separately)
viruses, but back then such viruses were known to level
Fire Arc: 2 front, 2 rear
entire planetary populations before they ran their course.
Crew: 3
In the case of the Dark Force, the hive virus drove its
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
victims insane before it killed them. The dying crewers
Fire Control: 3D
slaved their ships together, and the whole fleet jumped to
Space Range: 2-12/30/60
lightspeed and disappeared.
Atmosphere Range: 200-1.2KM/3KM/
The incident helped lend momentum to the movement
toward decentralization in automated ship functions.
Damage: 90
The big, all-powerful computers were abandoned in favor
Dreadnaughts of hundred of Oroids.
Before the Clone Wars shook the galaxy, the But what happened to the Dark Force? The Katana fleet
disappeared somewhere into the depths of interste'llar
Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser was the largest
space. For a time, it was the goal of every salvage hunter
warship to patrol the space lanes. It was the
in the galaxy. Now it has been reduced to con artist games
backbone of the Old Republic fleet, the warship
and wild spacer tales. Or, at least it was, before both the
that kept the galaxy safe and the space lanes
New Republic and the Empire got involved in a race to
open. By the time the Star Destroyer was intro-
locate the missing ships.
duced, the Oreadnaught was relegated to a
smaller, less prestigious role in the Imperial
fleet. Who would believe that now, five years see why it wasn't long before the Old Republic
after the Empire's defeat at Endor, the very fate military was looking for a replacement.
of the galaxy might hinge upon which side gets Those Oreadnaughts still in service have been
to add these vessels to its fleet? refitted to cut down the number of crewers, but
The Oreadnaught suffered from significant prolJ- many of the original problems cannot be cleared
Jerns, even when it was new. It was slow, ham- away without total overhauls.
pered by inefficient power generators, which also
resulted in weak shield projection,low fire power, Dreadnaught
and computer systems subject to frequent surges. Craft: Rendili StarOrive's Oreadnaught
Add to this that the vessel needed a massive crew Type: Heavy cruiser
complement to keep it running, and it is easy to Scale: Capital ship
Length: 600 meters

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 137


138 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

p~==============================:.:c;h:::a;:Jp~t;;e:r.:T,;e~n.:.: ;S~ta~r~s':;h~ip~5

Skill: Capital ship piloting: Oreadnaught Fire Arc: 6 front, 7 left, 7 right
Crew: 2,204 (with slave rigging) Crew: 3
Crew Skill: Capital ship piloting 40+2, Skill: Capital ship gunnery
capital ship shields 40+2, capital ship Fire Control: 20
sensors 40, astrogation 40+1, capital ship Space Range: 3-20/40/80
gunnery 40+2 Damage: 40
Troops: 3,000 10 Turbolaser Batteries (fire separately)
Cargo Capacity: 9,000 metric tons Fire Arc: 5 front, 5 rear
Consumables: 2 years Crew: Ito 3
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Hyperdrive Backup: x 18 Fire Control: JD
Nav Computer: Yes Space Range: 3-10/30/60
Maneuverability: JD Damage: 7D
Space: 4
Hull: 50+2 lancers
Shields: 20+ I The Lancer-<:Iass frigate was introduced into
Sensors: the Imperial arsenal after the Battle of Yavin to
Passive: 30/00 combat the perceived threat of Rebel
Scan:50/JD starfighters. It is now the starfighter screening
Search: 100/20 vessel of choice.
Focus: 4/30 Lancers carry twenty quad-firing laser can-
Weapons: non. Each cannon has a targeting mechanism
10 Turbolaser Cannon (fire separately) designed to produce multi-fire cover with su-
Fire Arc: 5 left, 5 right perb fire control. Each cannon is mounted in its
Crew: I to 2 own tower, giving it an increased field of fire.
Skill: Capital ship gunnery Though the ship has had success, it has also
Fire Control: 30 demonstrated some flaws. While they perform
Space Range: 3-15/35/75 at high levels when engaging starfighters, lanc-
Damage: 20 ers perform poorly in fleet engagements. As it
20 Quad Turbolaser Cannon has no turbolasers, it is an easy target for other
(fire separately) capital ships.

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 139

,S!lapter Ten: Starships WA~

Space Range: 1-5/10/17

Cluster Traps Damage: 40
The New Republic military has devised a number of System Patrol Craft
custom ordnance to balance out its offensive and defensive System patrol craft are any of a number of
arsenals. One such new development is the cluster trap. capital ship designs built to patrol the territory
High-powered concussion grenades are sealed within of a given star system. These warships are often
nondescript blisters and placed on the hull of a capItal a star system's first line of defense against pi-
ship, such as an escort frigate or a Mon Calamari star rates, smugglers, and hostile alien forces. As
cruiser. The blister and its destructive contents he dor- they are usually assigned to in-system duty,
mant until activated by the command crew of the host these cralt seldom have hyperdrive engines.
vessel. Random sensor sweeps scan the area around the Patrol craft also perform custom duties,
blister, searching for starfighter identification transpon- checking out incoming freighters before they
der codes. When enemy vessels are detected within the reach docking stations. They also watch for
blister's blast area, the trap is activated, sending a shower ships that are in need of assistance because of
of concussion grenades outward in all directions. Any normal damage, accident, or hostile attack.
starfighters caught in the fiery flower are bombarded
with grenades which explode on contact. System Patroller
Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems fPV I
Cluster Traps Type: Inter-system patrol/customs craft
Fire Arc: All; affects all vessels within 2 units of trap Scale: Capital ship
To Determine Hits: Roll 30; dilficulty is Easy or target's Length: 120 meters
piloting roll Skill: Capital ship piloting
Damage: 60 for each ship hit Crew: Skeleton crew 5 with Command 40+2;
Total crew: 12
Crew Skill: Capital ship piloting 50,
Lancer starship shields 40, starship sensors 30,
Craft: Kuat Orive Yard's Lancer astrogation 30, capital ship gunnery 40
Type: Anti-starfighter screening frigate Troops: 10
Scale: Capital ship Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons
Length: 250 meters Consumables: 3 months
Skill: Capital ship piloting: lancer frigate Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Crew: Skeleton 375 with Command 60+2; Hyperdrive Backup: None
. Total crew: 850 Nav Computer: None
Crew Skill: Capital ship piloting 30+2, Maneuverability: 20+ I
starship shields 40, starship sensors 30+2, Space: 7
astrogation 30+2, starship gunnery 40 Atmospbere: 350; 1,000 KMH
Troops: 40 Hull: 30+1
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons Shields: 30
Consumables: I week Sensors:
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Passive: 40/1D
Hyperdrive Backup: x 15 Scan:80/1D
Nav Computer: Yes Search: 130/20
Maneuverability: ID Focus: 4/30
Space: 4 Weapons:
Hull: 40 Four Turbolaser Cannon (fire separately)
Shields: 20+2 Fire Arc: Turret
Sensors: Crew: 2 .
Passive: 35/ ID Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Scan:60/1D Fire Control: 20
Search: 100/20 Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Focus: 3/20+ I Atmosphere Range: 30Q-I.5KM/3.5KM/
Weapons: 7.5KM
20 Quad Laser Cannon (fire separately) Damage: 40
Fire Arc: 5 front, 5 left, 5 right, 5 rear
Crew: I to 3 Star Galleons
Skill: Capital ship gunnery Ouring the height of the galactic civil war, as
Scale: Starfighter the Imperial fleet was occupied chasing the
Fire Control: 40 Rebellion across the galaxy, the Empire had to

140 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook


come up with a means of protecting cargo trans- Crew: 1 to 3

ports. Without unhindered trade, the Empire Skill: Capital ship gunnery
would literally grind to a halt. It could not, Fire Control: 3D
however, afford to waste Star Destroyers on Space Range: 3-15/35/75
such assignments. Damage: 4D
The answer was the star galleon. The cargo Concussion Missiles
capacity of a bulk freighter receives the added Fire Arc: Front
benefit of sophisticated weaponry and shielding Crew: 4
in the star galleon frigate. Star galleons can carry Skill: Capital ship gunnery
equivalent amounts of cargo as their unprotected Fire Control: 5D
transport counterparts. However, galleons have Space Range: 2-12/30/60
the ability to defend themselves against space Damage: 5D
lane marauders. Through the use of concussion
missiles, turbolasers, and anti-intruder defenses, Star Destroyers
the galleons are designed to make it very costly to The Clone Wars saw a host of technological
attempt to steal their hauls. advances sweep the galaxy. Perhaps the most
The ship is well guarded against boarders. A impressive by-product of those violent years
force of three hundred troopers, by using the was the Victory-class Star Destroyer. These ships
fortress-like emplacements that line the corridors formed the core of the Old Republic Navy.
of the ship, can make a stand against those who When the Empire introduced the larger Impe-
would board the vessel. By sealing off sections rial-class Star Destroyermanyyears later, it was
through the use of force fields and blast doors, the thought that the old Victories would be retired
defenders can create impassable pockets. In addi- and used as spare parts. However, the outbreak
tion, the cargo hold features a last line of defense. of the Rebellion demanded that every able ship
It is situated in the very center of the craft and be kept in service, and the Victories soon proved
works like an escape pod. In emergencies, the their worth.
cargo hold pod can be jettisoned from the vessel. Victory Star Destroyers carry out three stan-
Once jettisoned, the pod activates its small dard mission types: planetary defense, plan-
hyperdrive and jumps to Iightspeed. etary assault and troop support, and ship-to-
Star Galleon ship combat. The years have shown that the
Craft: Kuat Drive Yards' Star Galleon Victory performs the first two missions much
better than it does the third. Unlike the larger
Type: Cargo/escort frigate
Imperials, a Victory Star Destroyer can enter the
Scale: Capital ship
upper levels of a planet's atmosphere. This
Length: 300 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting allows it to make precision ground strikes, as
well as pursuing smaller craft that attempt to
Crew: Skeleton crew: 50 with Command 5D;
Total crew: 150 escape by diving into a planet's gravity well.
The one flaw in the Victory Star Destroyer is
Crew Skill: Capital ship piloting 5D,
starship shields 5D, starship sensors 3D, its slow sublight speed. To make up for this
astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D deficiency, the warship is equipped with a pow-
erful hyperdrive - it can make jumps quickly
Troops: 300
and can traverse the hyperlanes twice as fast as
Cargo Capacity: 100,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 months the newer Imperials.
No new Star Destroyers have been con-
Hyperdrive Multiplier. x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x15 structed since the death of the Emperor. Grand
Admiral Thrawn uses the remaining Star De-
Nav Computer. Yes
Maneuverability: ID stroyers selectively, refusing to risk losing even
one of the warships to a poorly planned or
Space: 3
Hull: 5D+2 executed mission.
Shields: 2D Victory Star Destroyer
Sensors: Craft: Rendili StarDrive's Victory I
Passive: 15/ID Type: Victory-class Star Destroyer
Scan: 45/ID+ 1 Scale: Capital ship
Search: 90/2D Length: 900 meters
Focus: 3/2D+ 1 Skill: Capital ship piloting: Star Destroyer
Weapons: Crew: Skeleton crew: 1,785 with Command
10 Turbolasers (fire separately) 6D+2; Total crew: 5,200
Fire Arc: 5 left, 5 right Crew Skill: Capital ship piloting 5D, starship

Dark Force Rising Sourcebook 141

- WAIU""""

shields 40, starship sensors 30+2, Damage: 50

astrogation 30+2, capital ship gunnery 40+2 40 Double Turbolaser Batteries
Troops: 2,040 (fire separately)
Cargo Capacity: 8,100 metric tons Fire Arc: 10 front, 15 left, 15 right
Consumables: 4 years Crew: 3
Hyperdrive Multiplier: xl Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Hyperdrive Backup: xl5 Fire Control: 30
Nav Computer: Yes Space Range: 3-15/35/75
Maneuverability: ID Orbit Range: 6-30KM/70KM/150KM
Space: 4 Damage: 20+2
Hull: 40 Concussion Missiles
Shields: 30+ I Fire Arc: Front
Sensors: Crew: 10
Passive: 40/1D Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Scan: 70/20 Fire Control: 20
Search: 150/30 Space Range: 2-12/30/60
Focus: 4/30+2 Orbit Range: 4-24KM/60KM/120KM
Weapons: Damage: 90
10 Quad Turbolaser Batteries 10 Tractor Beam Projectors
(fire separately) (fire separately)
Fire Arc: 5 left, 5 right Fire Arc: 6 front, 2 left, 2 right
Crew: 5 Crew: 2 to 10
Skill: Capital ship gunnery Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 40 Fire Control: 40
Space Range: 3-15/35/75 Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Orbit Range: 6-30KM/70KM/150KM Damage: 50

142 Dark Force Rising Sourcebook

This~mont, ·e (;111"
recreates ·the uhiverse~,withcr~riovel.

In the Summer of 1993, you do it with the game.

Copyright (f) 1992 West End Gilmes. All Rights Reserved.

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