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University Consultant Narrative

Using the TQS descriptors, describe the pre-service teacher’s competency development over the course
of the field experience.

The following comments are derived from conversations with the preservice teacher, their partner
teacher, reading through their weekly journal reflections, and two visits to their school to observe
them facilitating learning opportunities.

Fostering Effective Relationships

Hailey has developed appropriate relationships with her partner teacher, students, and members of
the school staff. This has been evidenced in the collaborative nature of the planning and delivery of
the programme with her partner teacher and the caring and respectful way she approaches
individuals in the classroom and the school. She has looked to use information gained from, and
about students, in her lesson planning to engage students in their learning.

Engaging in Career-Long Learning

Hailey was a reflective practitioner, journaling and seeking feedback from those around her to
enhance her teaching. Throughout this practicum experience she asked questions in an effort to
grow in her knowledge and capacity to support student success through providing the best learning
environment for all students. She had the opportunity to work with her partner teacher and the
teachers in the grade 3 team to further develop her knowledge of the students, the curriculum
outcomes, and pedagogy.

Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

Hailey co-planned lessons and learning opportunities with her partner teacher. Together they used
the Alberta Program of Studies to guide their planning and cited the targeted outcomes and goals.
They were able to design and implement learning activities that incorporated a range of instructional
strategies with activities that were varied, engaging and relevant to students. She was introduced to
the use of both formative and summative assessment to inform her teaching practice and worked to
provide accurate, constructive and timely feedback for students.

Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments

Hailey was able to use, and build on, the already established classroom management strategies to
support a positive learning environment. With her caring nature she worked to foster equality and
respect in the classroom and looked to support students strengths, learning challenges, and areas of

Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit

Although I did not see this applied in either of the lessons I observed, with the course work she has
completed, I would expect her to show a strong understanding of knowledge related to the
indigenous peoples of Canada. With this said, I would still encourage Hailey to seek out
opportunities for professional development and the advice and knowledge of her teaching
colleagues in the area of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit worldviews, cultural beliefs, languages and
values and how to promote awareness with her students.

Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies

Hailey demonstrated an awareness of and conducted herself according to the legal frameworks of
the profession. She followed the lead of her partner teacher in the adherence to policies and
procedures established by the school authority and was aware of her professional responsibilities of
providing a safe and caring environment for all children at all times

University Consultant initial:

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