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The DSS do not warn us about the Archons because they were written by an extremist

sect who were manipulated by the Archons. The Zaddikim (“Righteous Ones”) of the
Dead Sea was a violent, apocalyptic sect dedicated to celestial beings, called the
Kenoshim, who appeared to them in shining chariots. Some DSS texts (notably,
4Q405, in the Sabbath Songs) describe the appearance and movement of flying saucer
type UFOs exactly as they are described in modern sightings. In short, I am convinced
that the sect at Qumran was an apocalyptic cult of UFO contactees, like the suicide
cult, Heaven´s Gate. South of Qumran was a Gnostic encampment of a group called
the Archontics – who took this name, I believe, because it was their mission to spy
upon the Archons who were controlling the Zaddikim. In one Gnostic text, the
Apocalypse of James (25.15), the Revealer says, “Jerusalem is the dwelling place of
many Archons.” I am certain that many Gnostics from the Mystery temples in the
Near East were aware of the intrusion of the Archons. They detected the aliens and
their effect, a mental or psychic infection that took the form of religious madness.
Jerusalem was highly infected, and so was Qumran.

The NHC does not say that “the universe is a mistake.” It says that the world system
we inhabit, our planetary system, is an anomaly due to the presence of the Archons
who impinge upon life on earth. Gnostic cosmology explains the emergence of the
Archons at the cosmic level, so Gnostics understood the origin and behavior of these
alien entities. The Dead Sea sectarians were completely duped by the Archons whom
they saw as celestial Angels. They believed that the Archon leader, Jehovah, was their
creator God. Gnostics viewed these beliefs as religious madness due to the ideological
virus spread by the Archons. Several passages in the DSS scrolls refer directly to
Gnostics who are considered to be arch-enemies of the Zaddikim. To my knowledge,
no scholar has pointed out that the Dead Sea cult targeted the Gnostics in this manner.
The Zaddikim wanted to completely destroy the Gnostics. If my theory is correct, we
can understand why.

One more point: the Nag Hammadi Codices were discovered in December 1945, but
their importance was not recognized until the summer of 1947, exactly when the Dead
Sea Scrolls were found. Readers will of course realize that the summer of 1947 was
the time of Kenneth Arnold´s UFO sighting of flying saucers, and the Roswell
incident. It is amazing that ancient materials written by an ET/UFO cult, as well as
other materials, exposing the nature of that cult, surfaced at the exact moment of the
1947 wave and the Roswell incident. This is truly “cosmic coincidence.”

Karmapolis: Why was the Roman Catholic Church so stubborn, and so reluctant to
give access to the Dead Sea Scrolls? Was it the same reaction for the Nag Hammadi
JLL: The Vatican controlled the international team of scholars associated with the
Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. These scholars, such as de Vaux and Milik, withheld the
DSS materials because they show the true origins of Christianity in a very negative
light. The DSS texts reveal that the ideology of salvation in Christianity did not
originate with Jesus, but came through the Zaddikim cult. This is a nasty blow to
Christian belief in the uniqueness of their religion.

With the Nag Hammadi materials, a different team of scholars was engaged. They did
not delay or dissimulate. However, it must be noted that the usual interpretation of the
NHC is very favorable to Christianity, or made to look that way. Consequently, the
NHC are less threatening to Christian faith than the DSS. However, in my radical
interpretation of the Gnostic teachings, the message of the NHC is clearly anti-
Christian: that is, against the ideology of divine redemption, not against love,
kindness, and good works, of course. (But then, love, kindness, and good works are
not the monopoly of Christians, are they?)

Karmapolis: Anthropologists like Michael Harner or Carlos Castaneda gave the same
kind of description of a mysterious creature: Harner saw in a vision the Maninkaris, a
black creature, a mix between a whale and a reptile (pterodactile). These creatures
need to hide themselves and are considered by the Indians of Amazonia to be the
source of all life on earth. Castaneda describes the flyers as horrible black and huge
fishy creatures that eat the consciousness of mankind. Can we compare those
creatures? Do you think that they have the same nature?

JLL: No, I don´t find this comparison to be valid. The vision of the Amazonian
Indians is probably an ancestral memory of the origins of human life. Gnostic
teachings on this matter are similar to those of indigenous peoples who claim that the
“first people” came from the skies. This is calledpanspermia in modern science: the
seeding of the human species on Earth from an extraterrestrial source. In the
imagination of native peoples like those who initiated Harner, the seeds of life arrive
in huge canoes, worms, dragons, and other such forms. This is a way to visualize
panspermia. DNA itself can be visualized as a coiling serpent.

Castaneda’s description of the flyers refers to a totally different phenomenon, a type

of predatory being that is bat-like or dragon-like. Throughout history the dragon has
been viewed as a benign angelic figure, even a type of superior consciousness, but the
“reptilian” type of the Archon described by Gnostics is different. We must exert some
imagination and distinguish the universal dragon “archetype” from the specific form
of the predatory alien, the reptilian Archon, called “drakonic” in the NHC.
Karmapolis: Why do you compare the Gnostic knowledge to shamanism? Did the
Gnostics engage in research about cognition, and other ways to perceive reality? Did
they use hallucinogenic substances like shamans use ayahuasca, peyote or psilocybin

JLL: Don Juan says that sorcery (shamanism) is about shifting the parameters of
perception. I believe that Gnostics were masters of this practice. They were heirs to a
long tradition of shamanism deriving from the indigenous peoples of Europe and Asia
going back to Paleolithic times. In Gnosis, the path of heightened perception (to use
Castaneda´s term), we see a sophisticated method of shamanism, a kind of high-tech
shamanism, if you will. Techniques of paranormal perception were taught and
transmitted in the Mystery Schools founded and led by gnostokoi, “those who know
about divine or supernatural matters.”

According to the “Wasson thesis,” the ritual use of psychoactive plants was the basis
of all genuine religion on Earth. Gordon Wasson and Albert Hofmann, the Swiss
chemist who discovered LSD, proposed that the kykeon, the sacred potion drunk at
the Eleusinian Mysteries, was a mixture of ergot fungus, the organic basis of LSD.
Hence, it was a psychedelic potion. Much solid research has been done that supports
this idea. Also, the use of psychoactive mushrooms in the Mysteries has also been
proposed, based on good research. It is now certain that ancient shamanic cults such
as the Mysteries used psychoactive plants to achieve temporary egodeath and shift the
parameters of perception. I believe that the Gnostics were deeply skilled in the use of
psychoactive plants, including mushrooms. However, I have not found any direct
evidence of this in the NHC materials.

Karmapolis: Some religions and philosophies state that our material universe is an
illusion and a trap and that our consiousness is tangled in an entropic web of
deception. If we believe Castaneda, the human being is directed by a consciousness
that is not its own counscious mind, but the mind of the predator. This view can sound
very dark and pessimistic. What is the way out of this trap, this mess?

JLL: There is really no trap, but there is a confrontation with the Trickster, the alien
presence in our own minds. Gnostics did not teach that the world, this physical planet
and the realm of the senses, is an illusion or a deception. They taught that it is a deep
and beautiful mystery, but we are blocked from entering the mystery in depth and in a
lucid way by factors in our own minds. The Archons can insinuate their alien
intelligence into our minds, but they cannot control or take over our minds by sheer
force. However, if we let ourselves fall under their spell, they can entirely rule our
minds. This occurs through our abdication of our own consciousness, not through
their domination, however.
The way out of the trap is to discern what is genuinely human in our minds, and what
is inhumane, stupid, mechanical, blind, imitative – in short, we must understand
human potential in order to see how it is distorted and subverted. Imagine, for
instance, that you never heard Beethoven´s 5th symphony played as it really is, but
only a distorted version with the notes totally deformed. You could only know that the
music was distorted if you knew the true, undistorted version. Likewise, we must
realize our authentic minds, our true human potential, in order to see how we are
deviated. This is the challenge of the predators.

I have a little phrase for this situation: I say, Human potential comes in a trickster

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