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be in hot water

estar en agua caliente.

get my cold feet
obtener mis pies fríos.
pull the rug out from under sb
jala la alfombra desde debajo de sb
with all my heart
con todo mi corazón
can't take the plunge
no puede tomar la zambullida
jump to that conclusion
saltar a esa conclusión
a big deal
un gran problema
sth freaks you out
algo te asusta
it's not the end of the world
no es el fin del mundo
have a minor case of the jitters
tener un caso menor de los nervios
mark my words
marca mis palabras
just chill
solo enfría
hang in there
Cuelga ahí
I can't take it anymore
No lo soporto más
Don't let it get you down
No dejes que te deprima






brave, bravery
valiente, valentía
confident, confidence
confianza, confianza
courageous, courage
valiente, coraje
fearless, fearlessness
sin miedo, sin miedo
heroic, heroism
heroico, heroísmo
willing, willingness
voluntad, voluntad
be in trouble
estar en problemas
decide not to do something as you had planned
decide no hacer algo como lo habías planeado
don't do what you had promised
no hagas lo que prometiste
with 100% commitment
con un compromiso del 100%
can't go through with something
no puede pasar con algo
conclude something
concluir algo
of great importance
de gran importancia
sth scares you
algo te asusta
not a big deal
no es un gran trato
be just nervous
estar solo nervioso
remember my words
recuerda mis palabras
wait a bit
espera un poco
patiently wait for sth
esperar pacientemente algo
I can't wait anymore
No puedo esperar más
don't be defeated by something
no seas derrotado por algo
condition in which part of your body or mind has been permanently
damaged or does not work normally: tàn tật
condición en la cual parte de su cuerpo o mente ha sido dañada
permanentemente o no funciona normalmente: tàn tật
difficult or unpleasant conditions of life: sự khó khăn
condiciones de vida difíciles o desagradables: sự khó khăn
an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or
principles: sự xung đột
un desacuerdo activo entre personas con opiniones o principios
opuestos: sự xung đột
showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things: sự dũng cảm
sin miedo a cosas peligrosas o difíciles: sự dũng cảm
showing that you believe in yourselves: sự tự tin
mostrando que crees en ti mismo: sự tự tin
brave, bravery
valiente, valentía
not afraid of
no tiene miedo de
very brave or great: tính anh hùng
muy valiente o genial: tính anh hùng
to be happy to do something if it is needed: sẵn lòng
estar feliz de hacer algo si es necesario: sẵn lòng
can't tolerate something, muchas out yourself others shoes Motivated something good
posibilidades y no lo hace

Frustration Empathy Encouragement

I give up I know what you mean Don't let it get you down.
me doy por vencido Yo sé lo que quieres decir No dejes que te deprima.
I'm fed up That must be discouraging Don't give up
Estoy harto Eso debe ser desalentador No te rindas
frustrante similar
I've had it Hang in there
Lo he tenido Cuelga ahí.
I just Can't take it any more
Simplemente no puedo soportarlo más
I'am at my wit's end.
Estoy al final de mi vida
No sweat
Don't worry about it is the same as saying?

It's a safe bet It's very probable is the same as saying?

I'm toast I'm in big trouble is the same as saying?

you'll cross that bridge when you come to it You can worry about that later is the same as saying?

I'm drawing a blank I can't remember is the same as saying?

I'm of I'm leaving right now is the same as saying?

The way I see it In my opinion is the same as saying?

carry-on luggage bags you can take onto an airplane with you are called _______________

missed connection ______________________ is a failure to get from one plane to another one b

flat tire Your car might get ___________________ from driving over a nail or other sh

overhead bin ______________________ is a place to put your carry-on luggage inside an ai

security screening _____________________ is the process of checking passengers and their bag
breakdown ________________ is when a car or other vehicle stops working because of a

towed If your car gets ____________________that means it was taken away by some

checked baggage fees When people have to pay extra money to take large suitcases on a plane trip,

parking ticket If you leave your car somewhere for longer than the posted time limit, you ma

delayed You are late for your work because your flight is ________

overbooked flight The airlines sell more tickets when the flight is already full ...this is called?

Children arguing in the backseat

You go in a plane, but the children behind you are bothering you a lot ... this is called?

loud or rude passengers

When a person is quite annoying and speaks by cell phone very high .... this is called?

Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject..... it is called?

To cause a temporary break in something; interrupt ...... it is called?

Roaming or wandering; not stationary...... it is called?

The information used to prove someone's identity.... it is called?

To imitate somebody or something............ it is called?

Freedom from risk or danger; safety........ it is called?

Talking, seizing, or stopping something before it reaches it's intended destination
........ it is called?

continious form
which is the conditional that expresses an action in progress, I mean, for a specific time?

an imposter
________________________ a person who fraudulenty claims to be someone else

a sign-in page
____________________ the location on a website where you identify yourself in order to enter

Log-in credentials
_________________ a general term for the username and password you use to identify yourself

_______________ the disadvantage of something

a fraud alert
_______________ a warning that someone else might be using yor credit card

___________________ pretend to be someone else

a wireless hotspot
______________ a place where one can access the Internet, usually for free

identity thef
______________ the use of someone's financial information in order to steal

it is known when the aircraf touches the land of destiny

it is known when the aircraf keeps the landing gear

Cosmetics are an example of __________________

an itinerary
The list of places and dates of your travel is ____________

connecting flight
If you take two flights to get somewhere, the second one is called __________________

a claim
A form that records loss, delay or demage to property is _______________

If the airline pays you money to compensate you for a damaged bag, they _______________________ you
d _______________

plane to another one before it leaves the airport.

g over a nail or other sharp object. Then you will have to take it of your car and put on a diferent one.

y-on luggage inside an airplane.

assengers and their bags to prevent dangerous people or items from getting onto an airplane.
ps working because of a mechanical problem.

was taken away by someone with a special truck. This sometimes happens when you park in an illegal space. Then you have to pay a fee to

uitcases on a plane trip, the payments are called __________________________

osted time limit, you may get a ______________________ . This is a piece of paper that says you have to pay a fee.

full ...this is called?

ace. Then you have to pay a fee to get your car back.
No sweat
"Don't worry about it" is the same as saying?
It's a safe bet
"It's very probable" is the same as saying?
I'm toast
"I'm in big trouble" is the same as saying?
you'll cross that bridge when you come to it
"You can worry about that later" is the same as saying?
I'm drawing a blank
"I can't remember" is the same as saying?
I'm of
"I'm leaving right now" is the same as saying?
The way I see it
"In my opinion" is the same as saying?
carry-on luggage
bags you can take onto an airplane with you are called _______________
bags you can take onto an airplane with you are called _______________
______________________ is a failure to get from one plane to another one before it leaves the airport.
flat tire
Your car might get ___________________ from driving over a nail or other sharp object.
Then you will have to take it of your car and put on a diferent one.
overhead bin
______________________ is a place to put your carry-on luggage inside an airplane.
security screening
_____________________ is the process of checking passengers and their bags to prevent dangerous
people or items from getting onto an airplane.
________________ is when a car or other vehicle stops working because of a mechanical problem.

If your car gets ____________________that means it was taken away by someone with a special truck.
This sometimes happens when you park in an illegal space. Then you have to pay a fee to get your car back.
checked baggage fees
When people have to pay extra money to take large suitcases on a plane trip,
the payments are called _______________________
parking ticket
If you leave your car somewhere for longer than the posted time limit,
you may get a ______________________ . This is a piece of paper that says you have to pay a fee.
You are late for your work because your flight is ________
overbooked flight
The airlines sell more tickets when the flight is already full ...this is called?
Children arguing in the backseat
You go in a plane, but the children behind you are bothering you a lot ... this is called?
loud or rude passengers
When a person is quite annoying and speaks by cell phone very high .... this is called?
Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject..... it is called?
To cause a temporary break in something; interrupt ...... it is called?

Roaming or wandering; not stationary...... it is called?
The information used to prove someone's identity.... it is called?
To imitate somebody or something............ it is called?
Freedom from risk or danger; safety........ it is called?
Talking, seizing, or stopping something before it reaches it's intended destination
........ it is called?
continious form
which is the conditional that expresses an action in progress, I mean, for a specific time?
an imposter
________________________ a person who fraudulenty claims to be someone else
a sign-in page
____________________ the location on a website where you identify yourself in order to enter
Log-in credentials
_________________ a general term for the username and password you use to identify yourself
_______________ the disadvantage of something
a fraud alert
_______________ a warning that someone else might be using yor credit card
___________________ pretend to be someone else
a wireless hotspot
______________ a place where one can access the Internet, usually for free
identity thef
______________ the use of someone's financial information in order to steal
it is known when the aircraf touches the land of destiny
it is known when the aircraf keeps the landing gear
Cosmetics are an example of __________________
an itinerary
The list of places and dates of your travel is ____________
connecting flight
If you take two flights to get somewhere, the second one is called __________________
a claim
A form that records loss, delay or demage to property is _______________
If the airline pays you money to compensate you for a damaged bag,
they _______________________ you
Sin sudar
"No te preocupes por eso" es lo mismo que decir?
Es una apuesta segura
"Es muy probable" es lo mismo que decir?
Estoy tostado/ frito
"Estoy en un gran problema" es lo mismo que decir?
cruzarás ese puente cuando llegues a él
"¿Te puedes preocupar por eso más tarde" es lo mismo que decir?
Estoy dibujando un espacio en blanco
"No puedo recordar" es lo mismo que decir?
estoy fuera
"Me voy ahora mismo" es lo mismo que decir?
La manera en que lo veo
"En mi opinión" es lo mismo que decir?
equipaje de mano
las bolsas que puedes llevar contigo a un avión se llaman _______________
conexión perdida
______________________ es una falla al pasar de un avión a otro antes de que salga del aeropuerto.
Neumático desinflado
Su automóvil podría obtener ___________________ de conducir sobre un clavo u otro objeto punzante.
Luego tendrá que quitárselo de su automóvil y poner uno diferente.
compartimiento superior
______________________ es un lugar para colocar su equipaje de mano dentro de un avión.
examen de seguridad
_____________________ es el proceso de revisar a los pasajeros y sus maletas para evitar peligros
personas o artículos de subir a un avión.
________________ es cuando un automóvil u otro vehículo deja de funcionar debido a un problema mecánico.
Si su automóvil obtiene ____________________ eso significa que se lo llevó alguien con un camión especial.
Esto sucede a veces cuando estacionas en un espacio ilegal.
Luego debe pagar una tarifa para recuperar su automóvil.
tarifas de equipaje documentado
Cuando la gente tiene que pagar dinero extra para llevar maletas grandes en un viaje en avión,
los pagos se llaman _______________________
boleto de estacionamiento
Si deja su automóvil en algún lugar por más tiempo del límite de tiempo publicado,
puedes obtener un ______________________. Este es un papel que dice que debe pagar una tarifa.
Llegas tarde a tu trabajo porque tu vuelo es ________
vuelo sobrevendido
Las aerolíneas venden más boletos cuando el vuelo ya está lleno ... ¿esto se llama?
Niños discutiendo en el asiento trasero
Vas en un avión, pero los niños detrás de ti te están molestando mucho ... ¿esto se llama?
pasajeros ruidosos o groseros
Cuando una persona es bastante molesta y habla por teléfono celular muy alto ... ¿esto se llama?
Alguien que sabe mucho sobre un tema en particular ... ¿se llama?
Para causar una interrupción temporal en algo; interrumpir ...... se llama?

Vagando o deambulando; no estacionario ...... se llama?
cartas credenciales
La información utilizada para probar la identidad de alguien ... ¿se llama?
Para imitar a alguien o algo ............ ¿se llama?
Libertad de riesgo o peligro; seguridad ........ se llama?
Hablar, agarrar o detener algo antes de llegar a su destino previsto
........ ¿se llama?
forma continua
¿Cuál es el condicional que expresa una acción en progreso, quiero decir, para un tiempo específico?
un impostor
________________________ una persona que frauduously dice ser otra persona
una página de inicio de sesión
____________________ la ubicación en un sitio web donde te identificas para ingresar
Credenciales de acceso
_________________ un término general para el nombre de usuario y contraseña que usa para identificarse
_______________ la desventaja de algo
una alerta de fraude
_______________ una advertencia de que alguien más podría estar usando su tarjeta de crédito
___________________ Hacerse pasar por otra persona
un punto de acceso inalámbrico
______________ un lugar donde se puede acceder a Internet, generalmente de forma gratuita
el robo de identidad
______________ el uso de la información financiera de alguien para robar
se sabe cuando el avión toca la tierra del destino
se sabe cuando la aeronave mantiene el tren de aterrizaje
artículos de aseo
Los cosméticos son un ejemplo de __________________
un itinerario
La lista de lugares y fechas de su viaje es ____________
vuelo de conexión
Si toma dos vuelos para llegar a algún lugar, el segundo se llama __________________
una reclamación
Un formulario que registra pérdida, demora o deterioro de la propiedad es _______________
Si la aerolínea le paga dinero para compensarle por una bolsa dañada,
y ustedes
Question words

Question words are also called wh questions because they include the letters 'W' and 'H'.

words Meaning sentido
Quien who person persona
dónde where place lugar

por qué why reason razón

cuando when time hora
cómo how manner manera
qué what object, idea or action objeto, idea o acción
cuál which choice elección
cuyo whose possession posesión
Quién whom object of the verb objeto del verbo
qué tipo what kind description descripción
qué tiempo what time time tiempo
cuántos how many quantity (countable) cantidad (contable)
amount, price cantidad, precio (no
cuánro cuesta how much (uncountable) contable)
cuánto tiempo how long duration, length duración, longitud
con qué frecuencia how often frequency frecuencia
cuán lejos how far distance distancia
cuántos años how old age edad
cómo how come reason razón
hey include the letters 'W' and 'H'.

Who's that? That's Nancy.
Where do you live? In Boston

Why do you sleep early? Because I've got to get up early

When do you go to work? At 7:00
How do you go? By car
What do you do? I am an engineer
Which one do you prefer? The red one.
Whose is this book? It's Alan's.
Whom did you meet? I met the manager.
What kind of music do you like? I like quiet songs
What time did you come home?
How many students are there? There are twenty.

How much time have we got? Ten minutes

How long did you stay in that hotel? For two weeks.
How ofen do you go to the gym? Twice a week.
How far is your school? It's one mile far.
How old are you? I'm 16.
How come I didn't see you at the party?

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