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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid


Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/de0ly.jpg)

No se puede negar el atractivo de Cybill Shepherd. Ella es una rubia absolutamente hermosa con una
inteligencia ardiente que hace que su mirada sea inevitable, especialmente a los hombres.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/600full-cybill-shepherd-1.jpg)

Cuando entró en la escena de Hollywood a principios de la década de 1970, eso fue básicamente todo lo
necesario para al menos obtener una oportunidad en Hollywood. Y Cybill lo tomó.

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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/tumblr_nkawl8ulal1qc8zhlo1_500.gif)

Diferentes generaciones recordarán a Cybill por los diferentes roles indelebles que ella encarnó.

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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cybill_shepherd_the_last_picture_show_1971_xgnq3eq-

Su primer gran sonrojo con la fama fue como Jacy Farrow en la última presentación de Peter
Bogdanovich (1971).

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

Jacy es una mujer fatal del más alto orden y Cybill la retrató como una irresistible bola de demolición,
tanto en la pantalla como en el set.

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/the-last-picture-show.jpg)

La bella actriz no solo tuvo relaciones con el director, así como con su joven co-estrella, Jeff Bridges, sino
con casi todos los demás asociados con esta película clásica.

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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cybill-shepherd-peter-bogdanovich-38013.jpg)

Fue acusada de destruir el matrimonio del director. Ella y Peter irían a hacer dos películas más juntas,
ambas fallas críticas en la taquilla.

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cybill-shepherd-3.jpg)

Y no es difícil creer por qué cada hombre que se interpone en su camino terminará seducido por ella.
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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/tumblr_mtck8svhs21qas5xlo1_500.gif)

El siguiente paso para Cybill fue THE HEARTBREAK KID (1972) con Charles Grodin y dirigido por
Elaine May.

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cybill-shepherd.jpg)

La película fue otro éxito crítico y Cybill estaba en camino de convertirse en la próxima "gran" chica de

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/vwqmm.jpg)

Por supuesto, soy parte de la generación que más recuerda a Cybill por su papel de Betsy junto a Robert
DeNiro en TAXI DRIVER de Martin Scorsese (1976).

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/5027514888_168bb9f882.jpg)

I was too young to see the movie in theaters but over a decade later after it’s release I caught it on cable
(as did an entire generation) and Cybill certainly made an impression as Travis Bickle’s obsession.

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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/rs_1024x759-140922155218-1024-cybill-dvf-

Cybill is amazing in this role and a critical part of the storyline. Travis’s obsession with her is what
drives him to do more and more desperate acts to gain her favor.

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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cybill-n-de-niro.jpg)

Instead, it turns him into more of a psychopath – and this is what sets up one of the most amazing
endings in modern film history.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/taxi-driver.jpg)

Legend has it that Scorsese asked his casting agent for a “Cybill Shepherd” type. The young director had
no idea that he would be able to get the real thing.

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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cybill-shepherd-feet-551563.jpg)

I’m a believer that if this role wasn’t as compelling as Cybill was able to make it, then the cognitive leap
for DeNiro’s character to go full-on psycho at the end would not have been as believable.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/the_good_shepherd.jpg)

But it was believable and TAXI DRIVER became a highly influential film for many screenwriters and
filmmakers. Now, you would think that Cybill would have Hollywood by the tail after this movie and
her previous hits but you would be wrong.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/600full-cybill-shepherd.jpg)

While a critical hit, Taxi Driver made relatively li le money on its initial theatrical release. And two short
years later in 1978, Cybill would leave Hollywood, returning to her hometown of Memphis, TN to do
regional theater.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/lp-mbat-vouuz-gn-vcyvflz-xf-cybill-shepherd-

Cybill would return to Hollywood in 1983 just in time to land MOONLIGHTING after a couple
successful turns in smaller films. This was back in the days when a film star who turned to TV was still a
risky endeavor.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/cybil_shepherd_09_10.jpg)

But the producers wanted Cybill so much that they allowed her final say on her male co-star. She
ultimately decided on Bruce Willis because of their on-screen chemistry.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/full-cybill-shepherd-115712866.jpg)

The chemistry was so good, in fact, that Cybill and Bruce almost ended up in bed together off the set.
But instead, they refrained from their baser instincts in favor of keeping it smoldering on the small
screen and the show was a huge, Emmy-winning hit for several years.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/mxpu983.jpg)

Cybill went on to have her own TV show as well as write a best-selling autobiography in which she
spilled the beans on all the famous men she slept with on the way up, down, and back up the
Hollywood ladder.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/bio-cybill-young-bw.jpeg)

It’s refreshing to know such a successful actress can tell it like it is when such candid confessions could
end a career. But then, Cybill was never one to go along with the pack.

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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/1415998899830_wps_36_october_1972_studio_heads.jpg

I’ll always love Cybill Shepherd for her beauty and intelligence and the way she was able to live her life
on her own terms in an industry that usually only affords such privilege on men.

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(h ps://iheartingrid.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/tumblr_n3bob4v3b31speehvo1_1280.jpg)

Cybill beat the boys at their own game, however, and took her lumps to boot. It’s a great career and one
that any actress working today should aspire to. With or without the Taxi Driver credentials, Cybill will
always be one of my absolute biggest Hollywood crushes.


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Tags: bruce willis (h ps://iheartingrid.wordpress.com/tag/bruce-willis/), Jack Nickolson
(h ps://iheartingrid.wordpress.com/tag/jack-nickolson/), Martin Scorsese
(h ps://iheartingrid.wordpress.com/tag/martin-scorsese/), Moonlighting
(h ps://iheartingrid.wordpress.com/tag/moonlighting/), Robert DeNiro
(h ps://iheartingrid.wordpress.com/tag/robert-deniro/), Taxi Driver
(h ps://iheartingrid.wordpress.com/tag/taxi-driver/)

COMMENTS 2 Comments
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19/2/2019 Cybill Shepherd: Confesiones de taxistas | iheartingrid

CATEGORIES Actress, Beauty, classic movie, Film, Glamor, Goddess, Hollywood, women

2 Respuestas a "Cybill Shepherd: Taxi Driver Confessions"

humo distantships 26 de julio de 2015 a las 10:12 pm #

The Last Picture Show sigue siendo uno de mis favoritos, Jacy era de hecho la femme fatale. Cybill
jugó esos roles tan naturalmente, hermosa y talentosa actriz. La escena de striptease en el trampolín
fue algo muy valiente para ella, pero ella interpretó la escena de manera tan creíble. Ella y la hermosa
cinematografía en blanco y negro hicieron de esa película un clásico.

En los buenos viejos tiempos de Hollywood clásico 16 de agosto de 2015 a las 4:04 am #
Hola. Te tengo en mi lista de blog de Barrymore. El blogathon se cerrará pronto, pero acepto las
entradas tardías. ¿Solo te preguntas si sigues participando?



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