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6, NOVEMBER 2017 4861

A Multi-Platform Lab for Teaching and Research

in Active Distribution Networks
José Marı́a Maza-Ortega , Member, IEEE, Manuel Barragán-Villarejo, Francisco de Paula Garcı́a-López,
Juan Jiménez, Juan Manuel Mauricio, Member, IEEE, Lázaro Alvarado-Barrios,
and Antonio Gómez-Expósito, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Today’s electricity paradigm requires that the notion of distribution systems involving a lot of new technologies in
of active distribution systems be introduced at both undergraduate the playground [6]. This situation, however, can be turned into
and graduate curricula. This involves not only the customary an opportunity to make more attractive and effective the power
theoretical foundations but also a suitable power engineering
laboratory, where flexible enough and affordable resources allow engineering curricula. Note that a decrease of students has been
students and researchers to carry out hands-on experiments experienced several times in the past mainly because of the per-
reinforcing the concepts explained in the classroom. This paper ception of power engineering as an old-fashioned business in
describes the smart grid laboratory of the Power Engineering comparison with other emerging technological areas [7]–[9]. In
Group at the University of Seville, composed of a scaled-down addition, it is of paramount importance to send a clear message
distribution system, along with the required control and monitor-
ing equipment, designed to help its users easily grasp the major to the students emphasizing the differences between the real and
influence that distributed generation and storage devices exert in the virtual worlds. In many aspects of their life (social relation-
the operation of medium-voltage distribution systems. ships, educational resources, entertainment, etc.) new genera-
Index Terms—Active distribution systems, smart grids, power
tions of students grow up frequently surrounded by increasingly
engineering curricula. sophisticated simulation tools, and interact to a greater extent
through a plethora of different smart devices. We believe that,
more than ever, a physical contact with the electrical world in
I. INTRODUCTION a laboratory environment is nowadays required in power engi-
ISTRIBUTION systems are evolving nowadays towards neering education in order to reinforce the concepts learned in
D smarter grids all around the world. As a matter of fact, the
increase of automation at distribution levels, the use of advanced
theoretical seminars [10].
All those reasons, involving technical, social and educational
metering infrastructure and the introduction of new power elec- concerns, justify the need for the multi-platform test bed to teach
tronic devices (used in distributed generation, electrical vehi- active distribution networks presented in this paper. Basically,
cles, energy storage systems and other devices to improve the the test bed is a scaled-down version of an actual distribution
power quality of the final user) constitute unstoppable trends [1]. system. Previous works have reported laboratories facilities of
The benefits that the advent of the smart grid may bring to similar characteristics with different educational purposes. A
the society, from both the economical and environmental points scaled-down (120 V, 10 kVA) three-phase network comprising
of view, are huge but the challenges are also prominent. For this 18 nodes to show the benefits of distribution automation has
reason, technological platforms and research programs dealing been presented in [11]. Pulakka et al. present in [12] a laboratory
with this topic are being promoted everywhere with the objective network to show the effect of harmonic resonance. References
of paving the way for a quick and smooth transition from the [13] and [14], [15] show two laboratory setups at University of
conventional to the new smart distribution era [2]–[5]. Drexel for analyzing the role of modern Energy Management
Keeping this industrial and social demand into account, it Systems (EMSs) and radial power flows respectively. The first
is necessary to take action in the graduate and undergraduate scaled-down system is small (4 buses, 220 V, 5 kVA) but the
curricula to adequately train the students for this new paradigm second one is large (36 buses, 208 V, 43.8 kVA). A unified
laboratory, involving power electronics, electrical machines and
Manuscript received September 9, 2016; revised January 23, 2017; accepted power system operations (120 V and 3 buses) is presented in
March 4, 2017. Date of publication March 10, 2017; date of current version [16]. In [17], a small power system composed of 4 nodes is used
October 18, 2017. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy
and Competitiveness, Junta de Andalucı́a and Universidad de Sevilla through to show the operation of a Thyristor Switching Reactor (TCR). A
Projects PRICE-GDI (IPT-2011-1501-920000), ENE2011-24137, ENE2014- real scale microgrid (4 buses, 220 V, 100 kW) is presented in [18]
54115-R, TEP-7411, and VPPI-US. Paper no. TPWRS-01361-2016. involving different distributed generation and energy storage
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of
Seville, 41004 Seville, Spain (e-mail: jmmaza@us.es; manuelbarragan@us.es; technologies. In [19] a small-scale system (6 buses, 208 V, 0.2
fdpgarcia@us.es; juanignacio82@gmail.com; jmmauricio6@gmail.com; kW) involving induction motors, synchronous generators and
lazalvbar@gmail.com; age@us.es). DC transmission is presented, aimed at analyzing a wide range
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. of issues ranging from power flows to integration of power
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2681182 electronics. Finally, in [20] is described a test rig with three

0885-8950 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) to analyze the operation of improve the operation of the network. For instance, DG may use
multiterminal HVDC systems. reactive power injections to minimize the active power losses
The main contribution of the proposed scaled-down dis- and keep the bus voltages within the regulatory limits, instead
tribution system, when compared to those previous works, is of resorting to the classical unity power factor control. For this
the way loads, generators or storage systems have been built purpose, new tools have to be available in modern distribution
up. In this regard, different approaches have been previously control centers, under the umbrella of the so-called Advanced
used: static ZIP equivalents to represent loads in [11], [14] and Demand Management Systems (ADMS) [22]. Therefore, the
[15]; electrical machines coupled to mechanical systems [13], scaled-down distribution network can be additionally used for
[16] and [19]; actual energy conversion technologies [18]. The real-time testing of innovative algorithms developed by graduate
main drawback of those approaches is the lack of flexibility to students, such as:
configure different patterns of load/generation scenarios. For 1) State estimation algorithms for distribution systems. This
instance, once a PV module is connected to a given bus, that tool, restricted until recently to the transmission level, is
bus will behave like a distributed generator until the hard wire the cornerstone of a truly ADMS. The algorithm has to
connections of the system are reconfigured (or the PV module is gather all the available measurements along the network
physically moved to a different bus). Moreover, sufficient sun- (measurements at the head of the feeder, daily profile
light or artificial lighting on the PV panels will be needed during patterns related to generic or specific type of loads or sec-
the lab tests. In addition, due to space and energy consumption ondary substations, power injections of distributed gen-
requirements, the rated power of the involved systems are usu- erators, measurements from data concentrators or smart
ally quite reduced. To overcome these shortcomings, this paper meters, etc.) to estimate the nodal voltages and power
proposes to replicate the behavior of any load/generator/storage flows through network branches. Owing to cost issues this
system connected to each bus by means of a set of interrelated information has not been usually available in distribution
power electronics converters, all of them operating under control centers, but new and cheaper ICTs are bringing
a novel concept: the so-called Omni-mode Load Emulator more and more visibility of what is going on in the MV
(OLE). network.
The paper is organized as follows. First, the main objectives 2) Centralized voltage controller. This algorithm uses the in-
and requirements of the test bed are discussed. Second, the formation provided by the state estimator and computes
benchmark distribution system proposed by the CIGRE Task the optimal set points for the available local voltage con-
Force C06.04.02 to analyze the integration of distributed gen- trollers (reactive power injection of DGs, transformer taps,
eration is introduced. Third, a comprehensive description of capacitor banks, D-FACTS, etc.) in order to minimize a
each component of the test bed is presented. Then, some results given objective function while considering all network
regarding the performance of the system and some tests for un- constraints.
dergraduate students are shown. Finally, the paper closes with Other tasks that could be easily performed by using the pro-
the main conclusions and future works. posed infrastructure are summarized below:
1) Evaluation of protective devices (relays, fault pass indi-
cator, fault locators, etc.).
II. OBJECTIVES AND REQUIREMENTS 2) Evaluation of new algorithms and operation procedures
The main objective of the scaled-down distribution system for distribution networks involving network reconfigura-
is to highlight the impact that distributed generation (DG) has tion.
on the MV distribution system. Among others, the following 3) Testing of power electronics devices and their correspond-
major consequences of a massive integration of DG have to be ing control algorithms for the adequate integration of re-
evidenced throughout different tests: newable energy sources and energy storage systems.
1) Reversal of the active and reactive power flows on some 4) Testing of communication channels and protocols be-
branches of the distribution system. tween the control center and the distributed equipment.
2) Modification of the conventional daily load curves (gross To achieve those objectives properly, the proposed test bed
versus net feeder loading) and their corresponding voltage must fulfill the following technical requirements:
profiles. 1) Reproduce faithfully the technical features of MV distri-
3) Deterioration of the power quality in terms of voltage bution systems.
variations, congestions and flicker, which are caused 2) Lines with reconfigurable length and R/X ratio to duly
by the non-controllable nature of the primary energy reproduce radial urban and rural systems.
resources. 3) Flexible allocation of demand/generation/storage at each
As a result, the undergraduate students will realize that the node of the network.
massive integration of DG is not straightforward in case the 4) Capability to model the dynamic behavior of de-
traditional design and operation procedures of distribution sys- mand/generation/storage by considering different daily
tems are kept intact. Also, the new roles that distribution utilities load/generation patterns.
should play in this more sophisticated environment, to take ad- 5) Completely monitored and automated system with mini-
vantage of many more agents interacting at faster paces, can mal human intervention to perform the tests.
be stressed. In fact, DG resources can be adequately used to 6) Safety for the final user.

Fig. 1. MV distribution system proposed by the CIGRE Task Force C06.04.02.

Taking those initial objectives and requirements into ac- the radial feeders. This latter device will be a key network asset
count, the following sections describe the proposed scaled-down to improve the operation of distribution systems. As a matter
system. of fact, it constitutes a flexible loop between the feeders which
are connected to it, being possible to control the active power
III. THE CIGRE TASK FORCE C06.04.02 exchange between them and two reactive power injections. With
BENCHMARK MV SYSTEM the adequate set points provided by a centralized controller, the
DC link can be used for different purposes depending on the
The one-line diagram of the distribution network that has been operator needs: integrate more DG resources, increase the load-
scaled-down in the laboratory is shown in Fig. 1. It has been ability of the system, minimize the losses or even delay the
proposed by the CIGRE Task Force C06.04.02 for analyzing investment on conventional network assets [24]–[27].
the integration of distributed generation in MV grids [23].
Basically, it is composed of two radial feeders departing from
a primary substation where two 20 MVA 110/20 kV transform-
ers are installed. The feeder 1 has a total line length of 15 km A low-voltage grid-connected scaled-down distribution sys-
whereas the feeder 2 is about 8 km. The network comprises tem has been designed by applying a change in the base mag-
14 buses with different types of loads, involving industrial and nitudes of the original MV benchmark system. The rated mag-
residential customers, and with a high penetration of different nitudes of the actual distribution system, 20 kV and 10 MVA,
DG technologies: wind turbine (WT), photovoltaic (PV), fuel- have been scaled-down to 400 V and 100 kVA respectively.
cell (FC), cogeneration (CHPFC and CHPD). This transformation allows to reproduce faithfully the original
The main reasons that have motivated the selection of this behavior of the actual MV network in terms of power flows and
network for the proposed scaled-down test bed are clear. First, voltage drops. Fig. 2 shows the layout of the test bed with indi-
this network is based on an actual MV German distribution cation of its main components: distribution network branches,
system which is important according to one of the previously electrical cabinets where the OLEs (to be discussed below) are
commented requirements. Second, all the network data includ- placed and the centralized controller. The following subsections
ing topology, parameters of lines and cables, loads, DGs and describe in a detailed manner each of these components.
their corresponding daily load/generation curves are available
and well-documented [23]; this allows to easily reproduce the A. Distribution Network Branches
proposed experiments by other researchers. Last but not least, The lines of the distribution system have been represented
the benchmark network includes some power electronic-based using a lumped parameter model comprising just a series
devices that could be a key component of the future distribu- impedance. Each branch has been synthesized with two sets of
tion system with a massive integration of renewables: a Battery resistors and reactors according to the scheme shown in Fig. 3.
Energy Storage System (BESS) and a DC link interconnecting The values of resistors and reactors used in each branch of the

Fig. 4. One-line diagram of the OLEs used to emulate arbitrary


Fig. 2. Layout of the scaled-down distribution system.

Fig. 3. Configuration of each branch of the scaled-down system.


Fig. 5. Layout of the OLEs within the electrical cabinets.

or four in case of single or series connection of the impedances

respectively. Currently, the length of each branch has to be ad-
justed manually before the experiments by setting the adequate
connections between the elements. However, an automatic setup
based on contactors can also be easily implemented.

B. Omni-Mode Load Emulators

The OLE is the building block used to indistinctly represent
loads, generators or storage devices, which are connected to
each node in the scaled-down system. The one-line diagram and
layout of this device within the electrical cabinets are shown
system is shown in Table I. Note that it is possible to take ad- in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. Each OLE is composed of the
vantage of different series and parallel connections between the following elements:
elements to modify either the length of the line or its R/X ratio 1) Voltage source converter (VSC). The VSC is the power
by connecting the adequate terminals. The design criterion has electronic device intended to create the required active
been to reproduce the original line length proposed by the CI- and reactive power injection into a node of the system.
GRE in case of parallel connection of the impedance. Therefore, For this application, three-phase, three-wire, two-level,
it should be possible to increase the length of the branch by two IGBT VSCs have been used, rated to 400 V, 20 kVA with


a switching frequency of 10 kHz. These VSCs are able

to faithfully emulate the currents injected to the MV dis-
tribution network because, usually in Europe, delta/wye
transformers are installed in secondary substations. There-
fore, only positive and negative sequences may appear in
the MV side which can be synthetized with the proposed
VSC topology. However, the results presented in this pa-
per only refers to a balanced operation of the test bed.
2) Coupling filter. This filter is used to connect the AC-side
Fig. 6. General scheme of the OLEs and the balancing VSC sharing a common
of the VSC to the scaled-down network. Its function is dc bus.
to reduce the harmonic contents related to the switching
frequency generated by the VSC. The selected topology is
a LCL filter, as this allows to achieve a reduced harmonic
contents with small filter components [28]. The inductors
and the capacitor have been rated to the following values:
L1 = L2 = 2.5 mH and C = 1 μF.
3) Measurements. The three-phase current and voltage are
measured at the point of interconnection of the VSC to
the scaled-down network. These measurements are used
in the VSC control algorithm that will be defined in the
next subsection.
4) Local controller. Each VSC is equipped with a local con-
troller (LC), which is in charge of tracking the active and
reactive power references sent by the centralized con-
troller (CC). Taking these set points and the previous
measurements into account, the LC implements a con- Fig. 7. General structure of the real-time control system.
trol algorithm to generate the adequate PWM signals to
the VSC. The LC used in this work is based on a Digital RL branches has to be included between the DC sides of the
Signal Processor (DSP) platform by Texas Instruments. OLEs to represent the DC lines between them.
A total of ten OLEs are connected to those nodes of the
network shown in Fig. 1 with load and/or generation, according
C. Real-Time Control
to the information provided in Table II, all of them sharing a
common DC bus. The key aspect of the proposed arrangement The scheme of the control system used in the proposed test
lies in the presence of an additional VSC, with the AC side bed is shown in Fig. 7. It is a two-level hierarchical structure
connected to the feeding point, as shown in Fig. 6, which is comprising a LC for each OLE and a CC. A basic description
in charge of regulating the voltage of the shared DC bus. The of each controller follows:
applied control scheme is a conventional PI regulator with the 1) Local Controller (LC). It is in charge of tracking the set
following gains: Kp = 0.1 and Ki = 1. This extra VSC plays points computed by the CC. Basically, this controller com-
the role of a slack bus by balancing the net amount of active putes the duty cycles ηabc taking into account the active
power which is absorbed or injected from the lab LV system, and reactive power references sent by the CC and the
allowing each OLE to arbitrarily exchange active power on its OLE voltages and currents, as depicted in Fig. 8. As can
AC side. be seen, a modification of a traditional strategy formu-
The balancing VSC is rated in our case to 100 kVA, which lated on a synchronous reference frame has been applied
is therefore the upper limit for the net active power that can be [29]. Note that, as shown in Fig. 4, the connection of the
used in each of the scenarios analyzed in the proposed test bed. OLEs to the distribution system is made without a cou-
Note that in the current proposal, the DC side of the test pling transformer to reduce the required space and cost of
bed is completely transparent for the final user, being the focus the test-bed. In addition, as all OLEs share a common DC
on the AC side. However, it is important to mention that this bus, zero sequence currents may flow among the OLEs
test bed could be easily refrofitted to analyze multiterminal DC [30]. To eliminate this unwanted current flow two actions
networks or even a hybrid AC/DC microgrids which constitute have been implemented. On the one hand, a zero sequence
an important research topic nowadays [21]. For this purpose, controller has been included in the traditional d-q control

Fig. 8. Scheme of the local controller (LC).

Fig. 9. GUI for configuring the daily load curves of loads and generators.
scheme, as shown in Fig. 8. This controller assures an
almost null zero-sequence components for low frequency
current harmonics. On the other hand, all the carrier sig-
nals of the PWM used to generate the gating signals of the
OLEs have been synchronized to eliminate the high fre-
quency zero sequence components [29]. The gains used
in the PI current controller are the following: Kp = 2 and
Ki = 50.
2) Centralized Controller (CC). It is responsible for two
tasks. On the one hand, it is in charge of sending the
active and reactive power references to each OLE accord-
ing to profiles that have been previously determined, as
explained in the next subsection. On the other hand, it
receives information about all the electrical variables of
each of the OLEs (three-phase voltages, three-phase cur-
rents and DC voltage). After processing this information,
it provides a real-time monitoring of the system with the
help of a Graphical User Interface (GUI), where the one-
line diagram is shown. For each node of the system the
actual and the reference set points for the active and reac-
tive power are provided. The CC has been implemented
on a real-time platform by Speedgoat. Fig. 10. GUI for configuring the type of loads related to each node of the
The two control loops, LC and CC, have been communicated distribution system.
via UDP/IP protocol using a 100 Mbs Ethernet LAN network
as a physical layer. The set points for the OLEs are sent from
information as shown in Fig. 10. Once the type of
the CC to the LC every second. The state of each OLE is sent
load/generation and rated power are defined, it is pos-
from the LC to the CC every millisecond.
sible to compute the net active and reactive powers to be
D. Offline Tasks injected/absorbed by each node of the system, which are
the set points for the respective OLEs. Note that Fig. 10
The off-line tasks are devoted to set up the experiment that is shows a case where both loads and PV generation are con-
going to be carried out on the test bed. Basically, two processes nected to the same node. This explains why, depending on
are involved at this phase, as follows: the hour of the day, the real power may be either positive
1) Load/generation profile configuration. The aim of this tool or negative.
is to define the active and reactive daily power curve (in
per unit) for each of the load types and DG technologies
considered. This configuration is performed through the V. PERFORMANCE OF THE TEST BED
GUI, as shown in Fig. 9 where a domestic daily load curve This section is devoted to show the technical performance of
is presented (the user can upload a data file). the scaled-down distribution system. The aim is to validate the
2) Nodal load/generation composition. It is used to define adequacy of the OLEs and the proposed local and centralized
the rated power of each type of load and/or generation controllers. Currently, the functionality of the test bed is been
associated with the nodes of the distribution system. completed with the development of modern ADMS real-time
Again, a GUI is used to easily introduce the required tools, such as state estimation and centralized voltage controller.

Fig. 11. Phase currents and harmonic content for low- and high-frequency
components. Fig. 12. Comparison of active and reactive power actual values and set points
of an OLE. Upper plot: load curve. Bottom plot: wind generation plot.

Fig. 11 shows the phase currents injected by an OLE and

their harmonic spectrum for a half of its rated power. Note that Before the practical session in the laboratory, all the information
the currents are almost sinusoidal as can be seen in the har- about the distribution network including the network parame-
monic spectrum (THD below 3.5%). Note that the harmonic ters, load and generation daily profiles, load and generation in
spectrum contains information about low- and high-order har- each node, etc. are provided to the students. Taken into account
monics. The low-order harmonics are due to the background this information, the students have to do the following tasks:
voltage harmonic distortion. On the other hand, it is important 1) Generate the scenarios to be tested. The students have to
to point out the reduced level of high-order harmonics, specially compute the net power demand in each node of the distri-
the 200-th harmonic which corresponds to the 10 kHz commuta- bution system for different 24 hours scenarios considering
tion frequency. This means that not only the LCL coupling filter different DG penetration ranging from a base case with-
is working properly but also the synchronization of the PWM out DG up to four times the DG proposed in [23]. Note
signals to avoid the circulation of zero sequence components. that this is a scenario with high DG penetration, about
Fig. 12 compares the active and reactive power references 12.5 MW of DG power compared to 32 MW of maximum
with the active and reactive power actually injected by the re- load in the daily profile representing around a 40%.
spective OLE. Two daily profiles corresponding to load (upper 2) Steady-state analysis. For this purpose, they have to apply
plot) and generation (bottom plot) curves are shown. Note that power flow analysis considering the scenarios previously
there is virtually no difference between the power references and computed. In this way, they obtain the voltage daily profile
the actual injected values. This confirms the correct behavior of of each node of the network, the active and reactive power
the local and centralized controllers. flows in the branches, etc.
Note that the whole system has been designed to run in an au- After doing these tasks, the students are ready for the exper-
tomated mode with minimal human intervention. Once the data imental validation of the simulation results. The tasks that they
regarding the daily profiles associated with each of the nodes perform in the lab using the proposed test bed are summarized
of the distribution system are computed, the active and reactive as follows:
power references are sent to each of the OLEs automatically, for 1) Upload the scenarios. For this purpose, the students have
scenarios lasting up to 24 hours. to follow the two off-line processes that has been ex-
plained in Section IV-D.
2) Run the tests for the different scenarios. During the tests
the students may see the evolution of the different elec-
This section describes the first experiment designed for un- trical variables (active and reactive power injections and
dergraduate students using the proposed test bed. The objective the nodal voltage) in real-time using the GUI of the CC
is to evaluate the impact that DG may have on radial distribution as indicated in Section IV-C.
systems in terms of voltage profiles and power losses. For this 3) Collect all the test data. After testing each of the scenar-
purpose, the lengths of the branches have been configured to ios, the students collect all the information regarding the
four times those of the original system proposed by the CIGRE electrical variables (measured active and reactive power
Task Force C06.04.02 in order to highlight the effects of DG. injections and nodal voltages).

Fig. 14. Comparison of power system losses evolution depending on the DG


3) Computation of Key Performance Indexes (KPIs). Taken

into account the previous data, the students compute some
KPIs regarding the voltage variations and the power losses
Fig. 13. Comparison of voltages evolution depending on the DG penetration. of the system. In this way, they are able to quantify the
Top plot: Node 3. Bottom plot: Node 6. impact of integrating DG in the distribution network. Con-
sidering this, they have to represent graphs similar to the
one presented in Fig. 14 where the power losses for differ-
Once the laboratory session is finished, the students have to ent DG penetration levels are shown. This figure reveals
perform the following tasks: one of the potential benefits of the presence of DG in
1) Compare simulation results with experimental ones. First, distributed systems. The reduction of the power losses is
they have to verify if the current active and reactive power clearly due to the generation being closer to the demand,
injections of each node are according to the computed reducing in this way the net power flow through the net-
ones. Then, they have to check if the measured nodal volt- work branches.
ages are according to those obtained from the load flow The lab session using the proposed test bed along with all
analysis. They are asked to perform and error analysis of these surrounding tasks improve the understanding of the new
the obtained results and justify why these errors appear. scenario that distribution systems have to face and reinforce the
Considering this task, they obtain some graphs similar to following concepts explained in theoretical classes:
the one presented in Fig. 13. This figure presents a com- 1) Reversal of the active and reactive power flows may hap-
parison of simulated and measured voltages of two nodes pen in case high DG penetration.
considering a 24-hour scenario with different degrees of 2) Conventional daily load curves and voltage profiles are
DG penetration: no DG and four times the amount of DG modified.
proposed in [23]. Therefore, they realize that an increase 3) Massive integration of DG will lead to the use of ADMS to
of the DG penetration reduces the voltage drop in the sys- minimize the impact to the network operation. Moreover,
tem because the net demand from the primary substation the adequate use of this technology may turn this problem
is reduced. For higher DG penetration levels, power flow into an opportunity by considering DG as a controllable
reversals could take place in some hours, leading to nega- distributed resource that can be operated to optimize the
tive voltage drops. As a result, the traditionally decreasing performance of the network.
voltage profile along the feeder length is no longer valid, 4) In the future, new network topologies involving hybrid
being it possible to have some intermediate nodes of the AC/DC networks may constitute a promising solution to
distribution system with overvoltages. For those cases, overcome the technical barrier related to the current net-
the traditional voltage regulation means located at the pri- work configuration.
mary substation, such as capacitor banks or on-load tap In addition, this hands-on lab experience is fruitful for the
changers are not as effective. students because also points out other cross-cutting concepts
2) Influence of the short-circuit power on the voltages. The which are important from an engineering point of view:
analysis of Fig. 13 is interesting to highlight that DG pene- 1) Real world is much more complex and rich than the virtual
tration influences the voltage according to the short-circuit one. Any simulation result always is an approximation of
power of the corresponding node. Note that the voltage what is going on in reality. For this reason, the simulation
variations at node 3 are wider than those at node 6. The results have to be validated in an experimental way.
reason is simply that node 3 is closer to the primary sub- 2) Power engineering involves nowadays a lot of technolo-
station than node 6 and, as result, its short-circuit power gies ranging from conventional elements such resistor
is higher. or inductors to power electronic converters, control al-

gorithms, communications, etc. Therefore, this is not an [14] X. Yang et al., “Setup of RDAC—A reconfigurable distribution automa-
old-fashioned business anymore. tion and control laboratory,” in Proc. IEEE PES Summer Meeting, Van-
couver, BC, Canada, 2001, vol. 3, pp. 1524–1529.
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nical significance. Therefore, nowadays it is a must to include Behnke, “Lab-scale TCR-based SVC system for educational and DG ap-
this topic in the Power Engineering curricula. The test bed has plications,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 3–11, Feb. 2011.
been designed based on an actual distribution system proposed [18] C. Yanbo, R. Jingding, and L. Kun, “Construction of multi-energy micro-
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Manuel Barragán-Villarejo was born in Spain in 1984. He received the Electri- Juan Manuel Mauricio (M’01) was born in Argentina in 1977. He received
cal Engineering and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University the Electrical Engineering degree from the National University of Comahue,
of Seville, Seville, Spain, in 2008 and 2014, respectively. Since 2008, he has Neuquén, Argentina, in 2003, and the Master’s and Doctor Engineering degrees
been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Seville, where from the University of Seville, Seville, Spain, in 2007 and 2009, respectively.
he is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow. His primary research interests include ex- Since 2004, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni-
ploitation of new power converter topologies for smart grid management and versity of Seville, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His primary
grid integration of renewable energy resources. research interests include power systems and electrical machine modeling and
control, renewable energy generation, voltage-source-converter-based applica-
tions, and electrical vehicles.

Francisco de Paula Garcı́a-López was born in Spain in 1985. He received Lázaro Alvarado-Barrios was born in Cuba. He received the Electrical En-
the Electrical Engineering and Master’s degrees in 2012 and 2014, respectively, gineering degree from José Antonio Echeverrı́a Higher Polytechnic Institute
from the University of Seville, Seville, Spain, where he is currently working of Cuba, Havana, Cuba, in 1988, and the Ph.D. degree in economics from the
toward the Ph.D. degree. His primary research interests include power quality University of Seville, Seville, Spain, in 2010. Since 2015, he has been an Asso-
and control of power electronic devices. ciate Professor with the Department of Engineering, Loyola University, Seville.
His main research interests include the grid integration of renewable energy
resources, including the management and operation of microgrids.

Juan Jiménez received the Telecommunications Engineering and M.Sc. degrees Antonio Gómez-Expósito (F’05) received the Electrical Engineering and Doc-
from the University of Seville, Seville, Spain, in 2008 and 2009, respectively. tor degrees from the University of Seville, Seville, Spain, where he is currently
He was a Research Assistant and a Ph.D. candidate from 2009 to 2012 within the Endesa Industrial Chair Professor. His primary areas of interest include op-
the Telematics Department, University of Seville. From 2012 to 2014, he was an timal power system operation, state estimation, digital signal processing, and
R&D Researcher with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of control of flexible ac transmission system devices.
Seville. His current interests include energy optimization and quality-of-service
provisioning in IEEE 802.11 WLANs, wireless networked control systems, and
control strategies for power electronic devices.

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