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Nama : Al-Ihzan Lahini

Stambuk : F1A118037

I hope, I can use English properly and correctly, because English is needed by most people, not
my exception. Learning English in this era is very important, so we should not ignore it easily. Indeed,
without English we can still communicate with the surrounding environment, but with the development of
many things also requires us as parties involved in globalization and make us participate in a more
advanced life order. English is indeed very important for us to learn because the benefits are very much in
everyday life, as one of the most important benefits in learning English is the opportunity to get a more
decent job wide open. By having the ability to speak using two languages, of course it will be an added
value to us. In addition, we will also be able to get a career at the international level if our English skills
are very good.

I want to get the best score. To get this score, I have to keep trying to increase the English
vocabulary which is the first step for those of us who want to improve their English skills. In translating I
always use the google translator application to help me translate. Although the application is still less
effective if it is used to translate words in sentences, because the sentence patterns that are produced from
the translation are still inaccurate. I believe in Google translator, because Google Translator is a default
Google software that has been used all over the world, although I know that the results of translation from
Google Translator are not entirely correct.

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