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Advertising is something more than a sales massage that occupies the space in and
around news stories, magazine features, and TV programs. In fact, advertising a
complex from of communication with different strategies and objectives to create
impact on the customer’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. In present world advertising
is the most power full media of communication for the business entities with their
target customer group.

What is advertising?

“Advertising is a type of marketing communication, which is a broad term that refers

to all the communication techniques marketers use to reach their customers and
deliver their massage. That includes everything from public relations and sales
promotion to direct marketing, events and sponsorships, packaging and personal
selling.” (Moriarty S., Mitchell N., and Wells W. (2009) Advertising Principles &
Practice, Pearson Education, New Jersey. Pg. 53)

In early 20th century, advertising was referred to by advertising legend Albert Lasker
as “salesmanship in print driven by a reason why.” By this referral of Albert Lasker
the meaning of advertising almost clearly seen, though he only took print as a media
of advertising but still it give us the view what a advertise do. It creates the intention
within the customer to look for the product, the intention to use it or have the product
for their own. Advertisement creates loyalty of favourite brands and creates drive
within the customers for that particular brand.

In the words of Moriarty in his book “Advertising Principles & Practice” advertising
is, “A paid from of persuasive communication that uses mass and interactive media to
reach broad audiences in order to connect an identified sponsor with buyers (a target
audience) and provide information about the products (goods, services, and ideas)”

According to William J. Stanton, "Advertising consists of all the activities involved in

presenting to an audience a non-personal, sponsor-identified, paid-for message about
a product or organization.”

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas,

goods or services of an identified sponsor. The message which is presented or
disseminated is known as ‘advertisement'.

Features of Advertising

American Marketing Association has defined advertising as "any paid form of non-
personal presentation and promotion of ideas goods and services of an identified
sponsor". This definition reveals the following features of advertising:

1. It is paid from of communication. Advertisements appear in newspapers,

magazines, television or cinema screens because the advertiser has purchased
some space or time to communicate information to their targeted segment of

2. It is non-personal presentation of message: There is no face-to-face direct

contact with the customers. For this reason it is described as non-personal
salesmanship. It; is a non-personal form of presenting products and promoting
ideas and is complementary to personal selling. It simplifies the task of sales-
force by creating awareness in the minds of potential customers

3. The purpose of advertising is to promote idea about the products and

service, of a business. It is directed towards increasing the sale of the products
and services of a business unit.

4. Advertisement issued by an identified sponsor Non disclosure of the

name of the sponsor in propaganda may lead to distortion, deception and
manipulation. Advertisement should disclose or identify the sources of
opinions and ideas it presents.

Functions of Advertising

Advertising has become an essential marketing activity in the modern era of large
scale production and serve competition in the market. It performs the following

1. Promotion of Sales. It promotes the sale of goods and services by

informing and persuading the people to buy them. A good advertising
campaign helps in winning new customers both in the national as wet] as in
the international markets.

2. Introduction of New Product. It helps the introduction of new products in

the market. A business enterprise can introduce itself and its product to the
public through advertising. A new enterprise can't make an impact on the
prospective customers without the help of advertising. Advertising enables
quick publicity in the market.

3. Creating Positive Public Image. It builds up the reputation of the

advertiser. Advertising enables a business firm to communicate its
achievements in an effort to satisfy the customers' needs. This increases the
goodwill and reputation of the firm which is necessary to fight against
competition in the market.

4. Mass Production. Advertising facilitates large-scale production.
Advertising encourages production of goods in large-scale because the
business firm knows that it will be able to sell on large-scale with the help of
advertising. Mass production reduces the cost of production per unit by the
economical use of various factors of production.

5. Research. Advertising stimulates research and development activities.

Advertising has become a competitive marketing activity. Every firm tries to
differentiate its product from the substitutes available in the market through
advertising. This compels every business firm to do more and more research to
find new products and their new uses. If a firm does not engage in research
and development activities, it will be out of the market in the near future.

6. Educating People. Advertising educate the people about new products and
their uses. Advertising message about the utility of a product enables the
people to widen their knowledge. It is advertising which has helped people in
adopting new ways of life and giving-up old habits. It has contributed a lot
towards the betterment of the standard of living of the society.

Summery of the article:

The article of David Allan on “Effect of popular music in advertising on attention and
memory” in this article David Allan has examines the effect of use of popular music
in advertising.

According to the article of Davis Allan an effective advertisement attract the attention
of the targeted customer for the product of the sponsors. After getting the attention of
the customer advertisement create a memory in the customer’s mind about the product
for future reference. As per the article if the advertisement is made up with any
popular music either with the original from of the music or the altered from for the
music it has a significant impact on the targeted customer group.

The article is based on total four (4) hypotheses and two (2) research questions. Those
are as follows:

H1A: Advertising with popular music that has high personal significance for
the listener will lead to greater attention to the advertisement than advertising
with popular music that has low personal significance.

H1B: Advertising with original popular music vocals will lead to greater
attention to the advertisement (brand) than advertising using altered popular
music vocals, original popular music instrumentals, or not using popular

H2A: Advertising with popular music that has high personal significance for
the listener will lead to greater memory for the brand than advertising with
popular music that has low personal significance.

H2B: Advertising with original music vocal will lead to grater memory for the
brand than advertising using altered popular music vocals, original popular
music instrumentals, or not using popular music.
RQ1: How will popular music, personal significance, and advertising
treatment interact to affect attention to the advertisement?

RQ2: How will popular music, personal significance, and advertising

treatment interact to affect memory for the brand?

After setting the hypothesis and research questions Davis Allan have conducted a
survey with one hundred and eleven participants from Top 40 radio listeners. 52 % of
the participants were female and 48% was male. He has created sixteen different 30
second advertisements for this survey with the help of the industry professionals. The
participants were randomly hear four tapes from the different advertisements and after
that they have to answer a questioner.

For hypothesis testing David Allan used analysis variance ANOVA, to determine the
main and interaction effects of popular music’s song or artist’s personal significance,
and different advertisement treatments, which is:

• Original popular music vocal,

• Original popular music vocal,
• Original popular music instrumental,
• Altered popular music vocal,
• Without popular music.

On the dependent variables of attention to the advertisement and memory for the
brand, additionally gender was also used as an independent variable.

The songs and artists used in this study have high personal significance for some of
the people and have low personal significance for some people worked in this study.
Advertisements with popular music have more attention-gaining than advertisement
with less popular songs not only attention-gaining but also high in memory stimulant.
Popular songs with original vocal have more significance than popular songs only
instrumental. On the other hand less popular songs with altered vocal have more
significance than original vocal. In this study it is also shown that advertisements with
only instrumental and no sound with it have very less significance in both attention
gaining and memory stimulant.

In this article David Allan has shown the significance of the use of popular songs as a
part of advertisement, with different combination he has shows the significance of the
use of popular songs. As songs have its own way to touch the heart of human being if
it has been used in an appropriate way than any advertiser can make success with help
of songs in the advertisement.


Advertising is the most important element of market communication in percent

market situation. All the companies in the world use advertisement for their
promotion, without the help of effective advertisement no company can achieve their
desired goal.

In the prescribed article about the use of music in advertisement by David Allan, I
found that the author has only use the radio media for his study. He has not used any
other media of advertisement for this study. Now print media, television, internet
media is domination the radio media. People are now comfortable with the audio-
visual media of advertisement. I think if the study conducted with all available source
of advertising media then may be the results changed or can be able to give us more
accurate and authentic information about the matter.


• Moriarty S., Mitchell N., and Wells W. (2009) Advertising Principles &
Practice, Pearson Education, New Jersey
• Percy L., Rossiter J. and Elliot R. ( 2001), Strategic Advertising
Management, Oxford Press, New York.
• De Pelsmacker P., Geugens M. and Van den Bergh J. (2007), Marketing
Communications: A European Perspective, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall, 3rd Ed
• Article of David Allan on “Popular Music in Advertising” from Journal of
advertising research, December 2006, issue.

Word Count: 1,726

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