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Terms in this set (56)

Feelings of the "blues" in response to everyday disappointments
Transient depression

Outlook is gloomy and pessimistic

Dysthymic disorder

Feelings of total despair and hopelessness

Major depressive disorder

Physical movement may come to a standstill

Major depressive disorder

Feels at their best early in the morning and continually feels worse as the day progresses
Dysthymic disorder

Able to carry out thoughts of self-destructive behavior

Dysthymic disorder

Feels at their worst early in the morning and somewhat better as the day progresses
Major depressive disorder

A clouding of consciousness occurs

Delirious mania
Characterized by mood swings between hypomania and mild deression

Cyclothymic disorder
Paranoid and grandiose delusions are common

Delirious mania
Execessive interest in sexual activity

Manic episode
Accelerated, pressured speech
Manic episode

Frenzied motor activity characterized by agitated, purposeless movements

Delirious mania

Characterized by recurrent bouts of major depression with episodic occurrence of hypomania

Bipolar II disorder

Characterized by recurrent bout of mania, and episodic occurrence of depression

Bipolar I disorder
CH 28
The individual openly expresses anger
Normal grieving

Anhedonia is present
Clinical depression

A persistent state of dysphoria exists

Clinical depression

Feels more depressed on some days than others

Normal grieving

Self-esteem seems unaffected

Normal grieving

Expresses chronic physical complaints

Clinical depression

Feelings of depression are related to a specific loss

Normal grieving

Holds anger inside

Clinical depression

Generalized feelings of guilt

Clinical depression

Able to experience some moments of pleasure

Normal grieving

Janet becomes panicky when she gets near a dog

Specific phobia

Patricia weighs and measures her food. Long after everyone else has finished eating, she is still
calculating the caloric value

Frances will not leave her home unless a friend or relative goes with her

Harold has intrusive thoughts and sometimes visual illusions of his platoon's invasion of a
village in vietnam

Social phobia
Sonja refuses to eat in a resturant. She is afraid others will laugh at the way she eats

Panic disorder
About once a week without warning, Stanley's heart begins to pound, he becomes short of
breath, and sometimes he experiences chest pain. The doctor has ruled out physical problems

Specific phobia
Janie wants desperately to visit a foreign country with her friends, but because of her fear of
needles, she has not been able receive the required immunizations

Generalized anxiety disorder

Helen is a very restless person. She is always nervous and keyed up. She worries about many
things over which she has no control

Timmie's family recently survived a tornado by taking refuge in the basement of their home. The
home and all of its contents were destroyed. Timmie has nightmares about the event.

Social phobia
George never volunteers to speak in class. He is afraid his classmated will laugh at what he says.

Carl will go to church, but only if he can sit right near the door

Specific phobia
When sally sees a spider on the floor, she screams and runs out of the room

Every day when Wanda get home from work, she cleans her house. She has told her friends not
to call her during this time, and if anything interferes with her cleaning, she becomes very upset,
and starts over from the beginning

Generalized anxiety disorder

Don has always been an excellent student and was valedictorian of his high school graduating
class. Since starting college, he has been unusually worried about his academic performance.
Lately, he has been unable to sleep, is irritable, has difficulty concentrating, and has begun
experiencing nausea and vomiting due to worry that he will not do well academically

Last month, on her way out of the hospital after working the evening shift, Amanda was
abducted by a man with a gun and taken to a remote area and raped.
Since that time, she has become detached and estranged from her friends, has difficulty sleeping,
and has had problems concentrating at work

Pain disorder
Nancy fell on the ice last winter and injured her elbow. she complains the she has had pain since,
even though x-rays reveal the elbow has healed appropriately

Body dysmorphic disorder

Virginia has some freckles across her nose and cheeks. She visits dermatologists regularly trying
to find one who will "get rid of these huge spots on my skin."

Conversion disorder
Franklin is assigned to secure a contract for his company. The boss tells Franklin, "If we don't
get this contract, the company may have to fold." When Franklin wakes up on the morning of the
negotiations, he is unable to see. The doctor has ruled out organic pathology.

Somatization disorder
Sarah has has what she calls a "delicate stomach" for years. She has sought out many physicians
with complaints of nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea. No organic
pathology detected.

John's father died of a massive MI when john was 15 (now 35). The two of them were playing
basketball at the time. Since the John becomes panicky when he feels his heart is beating faster
than usual. He takes his pulse several times a day, and seeks out a physical exam from his
physician several time a year.

Paranoid personality disorder

Suspicious of all other whom they come in contact

Schizoid personality disorder

Has a lifelong pattern of social withdrawal

Schizotypal personality disorder

Believes she is entitled to special privileges others do not deserve

Antisocial personality disorder

shows no remorse for exploitation and manipulation of others

Borderline personality disorder

Swallows a bottle of pills after therapist leaves on vacation

Histrionic personality disorder

Demonstrates highly emotional and overly dramatic behaviors
Narcissistic personality disorder
Believes she is entitled to special privileges others do not deserve

Avoidant personality disorder

Refuses to enter a relationship due to fear of rejection

Dependent personality disorder

Allows other to make all her important decisions for her

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Believes everyone must follow the rules and that the rules can be "bent" for no one...EVER!

Passive-aggressive personality disorder

Accepts a job he does not want to do, then does a poor job and delays past deadline.

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