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In today’s session we learnt that in a team leadership and followership go hand in

hand. The activities that usually occur in a team include:

 Lead
 Follow
 Oppose
 By Stand

We also discussed about the meaning of the term “Visual Leadership” and
“Servant Leadership”.

In the context of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE we learnt:

 Amygdala Hijack
 Different corners of the brain- Reptilian| Emotional| Cortex or Decision-
 Power of Negative Emotions to influence mental calm
 Emotional Outburst
 Self-Assessment Exercise to assess the level of Emotional Intelligence
 Five Components of Emotional Intelligence at work w.r.t HBR article “What
makes a leader?”
o Self-Awareness
o Self-Regulation and the case of “6-second organization”
o Motivation and its types
o Empathy and its importance in “cross-cultural sensitivity”
o Social Skill and its power to persuade

In the context of COACHING we discussed the following:

 We defined coaching as a tool that fills the gap between IDEAL SELF and
 Life Coaching as an art of managing the goals
 Growth Model which included the following stages:
o Goal
o Reality
o Options
o Will- “ Excellence is not an act but habit.”


 Character-driven behaviors are like crabgrass: deeply rooted and difficult to

weed out. Three tests reveal whether or not a problem behavior is based in
o The behavior is part of a PATTERN seen in different contexts.
o The problem behavior is generally observable over a long period.
o Character flaws tend to express themselves in complex array of
behaviors rather than in a single one.

 Becoming an effective coach requires INTROSPECTION. Coaching someone

else may require behavioral changes on your own part as great as the
change you expect of the person you are coaching.

 The coach observes first to understand and only after understanding is he

able to criticize.

 Many managers when confronted with their behaviors for the first time will
resist the feedback and deny behaviors. A careful balance between carrot
and stick is required.

 Simple techniques helpful in the coaching meeting techniques:

o Practice active listening
o Support learning through action and reflection
o Move from easy to hard
o Set micro-goals
o Use tape delay- 5 second delay
o Practice script writing and role-playing
o Set up relationship-repair meetings
o Encourage more positive feedback


Submitted By: NIVEDITA| 139| PGDM-Marketing| Leadership Lab

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