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TLED 408: Pre-Reading Activity Assignment

For this assignment you will develop a pre-reading activity to be used in your unit plan. To
complete this assignment you will need to have an idea of the grade level, discipline, and both
the content and literacy standards that will be addressed. Using your knowledge of pre-reading
activities and the benefits of activating background knowledge, fully develop a pre-reading
activity. This activity should help students to activate and build their background knowledge of
both the process and product regarding both the content area and literacy.

Grade Level, Content Area, and Theme: 10th grade, Driver’s Education, Distracted Driving

Standards/Learning Objectives:

DE.9 The student will analyze and describe the physiological, psychological, and cognitive
effects of alcohol and other drugs and their impact on a driver’s awareness of risks and
involvement in collisions. Key concepts include
a) prescription and nonprescription medications;
b) illegal drugs;
c) effects of alcohol and other drugs on vision and space management;
d) synergistic effects of drugs; and
e) ways alcohol and other drugs are eliminated from the body.
DE.10 The student will identify and analyze the legal, health, and economic consequences
associated with alcohol and other drug use and driving. Key concepts/skills include
a) positive and negative peer pressure;
b) refusal and peer-intervention skills;
c) Implied Consent, Zero Tolerance, and Use and Lose laws;
d) Administrative License Revocation, loss of license, ignition interlock, and other licensing
restrictions; and
e) court costs, insurance requirements, Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program referral, and
other costs.
DE.11 The student will recognize the consequences of aggressive driving and the influence of
emotions on driving behaviors. Key concepts include
a) stress and anxiety;
b) anger management; and
c) the relationship between aggressive driving and road rage.
DE.13 The student will identify distractions that contribute to driver error. Key concepts include
a) driver behaviors (e.g., eating, smoking, personal grooming);
b) cell phones and other portable technology devices;
c) passengers;
d) vehicle accessories; and

e) insects and pets.

Overall Description: I will be using the “Analyze Prep Responses” method. I believe this
would be good for my unit because I would like to know what my students already know about
the topics in my unit before I give them for the information and then I know what to work with;
also, it is a pretty popular topic when it comes to driving because it is the cause for a lot of
vehicle accidents and I want to also see if they have learned any wrong information about this
topic as well

Rationale: This is a very good way for this unit to get an idea as an instructor about what the
kids know and don’t know as well as give the students a way to start out the unit and get their
brains working by brainstorming.

Materials: No materials needed right now, students will need a pen and paper to create the chart
and write in it, I would use some sort of interactive board or doc-reader to present to the class on
a projected screen

Analyze Student Examples

Driver error distractions

the physiological, psychological, and

cognitive effects of alcohol and other drugs
and their impact on a driver’s awareness of
risks and involvement in collisions

aggressive driving and the influence of

emotions on driving behaviors
the legal, health, and economic consequences
associated with alcohol and other drug use
and driving

Instructional Steps:

1. Chart will be projected toward the class with the analyzed section being given to them

2. Then, I will give the students an allocated time to fill in the other side of the chart with
examples they come up with the students around them

3. Next, after time is up, we will share as a class and I will fill in the other side of my projected
chart with their examples and additional examples that I fill in that they may have missed

4. Finally, we will go over why this will be important in writing their speeches

Differentiation: I will differentiate during this activity by putting the students in groups to
brainstorm because different students have different ideas and I feel like they will learn more
from their peers.

Impact on Instructional Decisions The information that I learn from this pre-reading activity
will allow me to see what the students know about this topic and in turn will guide me in what
does and doesn’t need to be instructed towards them. For example, if students were to show a lot
of prior knowledge on the topic of aggressive driving, then I will focus less of my time on that
particular area.

Format: This assignment can be completed using the bold headings above. There should be no
grammatical or spelling errors. It should be a typed word document written in 12 point font,
saved and submitted as TLED 408.lastname.firstname.prereading.
Pre-Reading Activity Assignment Rubric

Points Possible
Grade Level, The student specifies the grade level, content area, and
Content Area, theme the unit will cover. The precise learning objectives
Theme, and that will be addressed by the unit are identified for both
Standards literacy and the discipline.

Description The student clearly identifies the pre-reading activity and

provides a brief description of how the pre-reading activity 0.5
will be used in the unit.
Rationale The student provides a clear rationale as to why this pre-
reading activity is appropriate for the unit. There are clear
connections made between the activity chosen and the
benefits for the students.
Materials The student provides a clear description of the materials
used in this activity. The student creates all of the materials 1.0
needed for the students to successfully complete the
Instructional The student outlines all of the instructional steps for the pre-
Steps reading activity. There is a clear beginning, middle and end 1.5
to the activity.
Differentiation The student clearly explains how and why the teacher will 0.5
differentiate during the pre-reading activity.
Impact on The student clearly explains how the information learned
Instructional from the activity will be used to guide instructional 0.5
Decisions decisions throughout the unit.
Format The assignment is presented using the bold headings
provided. There are no formatting or spelling errors. It is
written in 12pt black font.

Total _____/5

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