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Pada suatu hari, seorang perempuan mengeluh batuk terus menerus, sesak nafas, dan
sering berkeringat di malam hari. Karena khawatir, ibunya membawa Afifah ke rumah sakit
Puspa Kencana.
-At the hospital-
Sesampainya dirumah sakit, Afifah dan ibunya disambut oleh perawat Paulina yang
sedang berjaga hari ini. Perawat Paulina mempersilahkan Afifah dan ibunya duduk.
Admission Nurse : “Hi, how are you today?”
Afifah : “I’m not actually good. *uhuk-uhuk*”
Admission Nurse : “I’m Paulina, and I’m going to be your nurse today. Can I please have
your name?”
Afifah : “Afifah Khairunnisa”
Admission Nurse : “How old are you?”
Afifah : “I’m 20th years old.”
Admission Nurse : “Okay, and what is your date of birth?”
Afifah : “July, 4th 1998”
Admission Nurse : “What is your religion?”
Afifah : “I’m moeslem”
Admission Nurse : “What about your ethnicity?”
Afifah : “I’m Javanese.”
Admission Nurse : “Ok. Mam, because you are her legal next of kin. So would you mind
if I ask about your fullname and your phone number?
Ima “ Oh sure, my name is Trie Purnama”
Admission Nurse : “So what’s your phone number?”
Ima : “087770063883”
Admission Nurse : “Right, what’s your marital status?”
Ima : “My daughter haven’t engaged, or married yet.”
Admission Nurse : “Okay, uhm… what is your occupation?”
Afifah : “I’m physicological student”
Admission Nurse : “Dou you have a past medical story before?”
Ima : “Yes, she had an appendicities before.”
Admission Nurse : “Are you currently taking any medication?”
Afifah : “Oh no, I just consume a vitamin.”
Admission Nurse : “Allright, what about the allergy?”
Afifah : “Nope.”
Admission Nurse : “Ok, it’s enough. Thank you for the information. And now, you’ll
meet Nurse Nasya and she will check your vital sign.”
Ima : “Okay, youre welcome.”
Assesment Nurse : “Good morning, I’m nurse Nasya.so… what brings you here today?”
Ima : “She often have a bad cough, she can’t take out the secret, and
sometimes she felt breathless, and also sweat in the night.”
Assessment Nurse : “So, afifah how long have you felt that?”
Afifah : “I’m not sure, but it’s getting worst lately.”
Ima : “I think, it’s around 6th month ago.”
Assessment Nurse : “alright. I wil check your vital sign first.”
Afifah : “with my plesseure”
Assesment Nurse : “okay afifah, you want to lie down or sitting posisition?”
Afifah : “ I think Sitting is more comfortable.”
Assessment Nurse : “ok. I will check your temperature first..please lift up your hand and I
will place the thermometer in your armpit”
Afifah : “oh I got it.”
Assessment Nurse : “while waiting for the result, I will check your blood pressure..”
Assesment Nurse : “I have a finish to check your blood pressure.”
Afifah : “thank nurse, how about my blood pressure?”
Nurse : “your blood pressure is 110/80 mmhg”
Ima : “is it normal nurse?
Nurse : “yes it is Normal maam”
Afifah : “how about my temperature?”
Nurse : “ok. its done, your temperature is 37 degress, ‘next I will check your
pulse and repiratory rate.”
Afifah : “ok nurse..”
(then nurse, check the pulse and repiratory rate Afifah)
Assesment Nurse : “ok, finished, your pulse 86 . respirator rate 20 times in a minute.”
Ima : “ is that good?”
Assesment Nurse : “everythings good except your respirator rate, maybe is because your
sputum in your throat.
Afifah : “oh I see”
Assesment : “so please weigh your weight in here”
Afifah weigh her weight
Assesment Nurse : “your weight 55kg”
Afifah : “hmmmmm”
Assesment Nurse : Now I am going to check your sputum. could you coughing out your
sputum in here? (giving the tube)
Ima : “ whats the sputum for?”
Assesment : “ to check your daughter’s sputum in laboratory”
Ima : “Alright”
Afifah coughing out her sputum
Assesment Nurse : “I’ve done cheking your condition, now im going to laboratory to
give this tube. See you
After we get the result Afifah suffered TBC and she must be hospitalized for 3 days. the
Assesment nurse meet the Intervention nurse. they discuss about Afifah’s condition.
Assesment Nurse : “ morning wulan,
Intervention Nurse : Whats going on?”
Assesmet Nurse : “there is the patient named Afifah at Kamboja room I already checked
her vital sign. Her BP : 110/80 mmgh, Pulse : 86 x/mnt, RR : 20 x/mnt, T : 37oc. she
complained breathless and coughing continuosly and can’t taking out her sputum. So whats
the intervention for her?
Intervention Nurse : “ I think we should do effective cough for her because her breathless
is caused by her sputum that can’t taking out. After that, we have to consult with the doctor to
give the treatment for her. What about your opinion?”
Assesment Nurse : “okay its good”
Intervention Nurse : “okay, now I will go to her room and explain about her diagnose.”
Assesment Nurse : “and then?”
Intervention Nurse : “I will talk about the treatment for her cough too.”
The intervention nurse go to afifah’s room to explain about her diagnose.
Intervention Nurse : “hello afifah, hello maam. How’s your day?”
Afifah : “hmm not really good.”
Maam : “what’s going on nurse?”
Intervention Nurse : “maam, I want to talk to you about afifah’s condition. Based on the
diagnostic test, she suffered TBC.”
Maam : “ahh I knew it.”
Afifah : “what? How can this happen to me?”
Maam : “keep calm. Everything’s gonna be okay, doctor can handle it.”
Intervention Nurse : “yap, that’s right. Tomorrow, doctor will see afifah’s condition,
Maam : “ya, sure.”
Intervention Nurse : “before the doctor see afifah’s condition, Nurse Nandang will teach
about effective cough.”
Afifah : “What is that?”
Intervention Nurse : “ so, this is the treatment that can coughing out your sputum easier.”

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