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Business Unit Industrial Solutions

Integration of the ABB IRC5 robot controller

communication interface for the Advintec
TCP Controller

Stand : 14.05.2014
Software Version : Package 1.1.7
Document Version : 1.3

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Created by: LR, Date: 14.05.2014 Software Package 1.1.7
Business Unit Industrial Solutions

1 Limitations ........................................................................................................... 6
2 Necessary material for the installation ................................................................. 6
3 Integration of the TCP3D Controller Interface with the robot controller ............... 6
3.1 Creating a current backup ............................................................................. 6
3.2 Modifying the EIO System Parameter file ...................................................... 7
3.3 Loading the modified Backup into the robot controller ................................. 10
3.4 Loading the module into the robot controller ............................................... 10
3.5 Call and integration of the Interface ............................................................. 11
3.5 Setup status of the Communication Interface .............................................. 12
4 Starting the ABB Advintec TCP3D Controller Interface ..................................... 14
4.1 Main Menu ................................................................................................... 14
5 Menu Commissioning ........................................................................................ 15
5.1 Tool and Workobject Calibration.................................................................. 16
5.1.1 Selection Tool or Work Object Calibration ................................................ 16
5.1.2 Reading and writing the parameters ........................................................ 20
5.1.3 Teaching Positions ................................................................................... 32
5.1.4 Robot- Movements ................................................................................... 33
5.2 Tool/Wobj Calculation.................................................................................. 36
5.2.2 Writing the parameter ............................................................................... 40
5.2.3 Teaching positions.................................................................................... 48
5.2.4 Robot movements .................................................................................... 48
6 Menu Adjustment............................................................................................... 49
6.1 Menu Movements ........................................................................................ 49
6.1.1 Tool and Workobject Calibration ............................................................... 50
6.1.2 Calculation ............................................................................................... 51
6.2 Menu Backup .............................................................................................. 52
6.3 Menu TCP Controller Parameter ................................................................. 53
6.4 Menu Configuration ..................................................................................... 56
6.5 Menu Information......................................................................................... 57
6.6 Menu Language........................................................................................... 58
7 Appendix ........................................................................................................... 59
7.1 Allocation of parameters(advintec Controller SW Version: ............. 59
7.2 Allocation I/O’s............................................................................................. 62
7.3 Examples Field Bus Configuration EIO.cfg in SYSPAR .............................. 64
7.3.1 DeviceNet Varian 1................................................................................... 64
7.3.2 ProfiNet Variant 1 ..................................................................................... 64
7.3.3 Profibus Variant 1 ..................................................................................... 65

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Business Unit Industrial Solutions

Abb. 1: Overview of file structure ............................................................................... 6

Abb. 2: Folder "SYSPAR" ........................................................................................... 7
Abb. 3: Contents of "SYSPAR“ ................................................................................. 7
Abb. 4: "EIO_BUS" in EIO.cfg ................................................................................... 8
Abb. 5: Entry in "EIO_UNIT_TYPE" ........................................................................... 8
Abb. 6: Entry in "EIO_UNIT" ...................................................................................... 8
Abb. 7: Signal declaration in "EIO_SIGNAL" ............................................................. 9
Abb. 8: Program Editor ............................................................................................ 10
Abb. 9: Loading Module ........................................................................................... 10
Abb. 10: Calling the main function ........................................................................... 11
Abb. 11: Start-/End position ..................................................................................... 12
Abb. 12: Approach position...................................................................................... 12
Abb. 13: Status of the I/O-unit ................................................................................. 12
Abb. 14: Status of the group inputs ......................................................................... 13
Abb. 15: Status of the ”commissioning” Variable ..................................................... 13
Abb. 16: Call for "adv1MeaMain" ............................................................................ 14
Abb. 17: Main Menu ................................................................................................ 14
Abb. 18: Checking the Byte Swap ........................................................................... 14
Abb. 19:Select Type of Commissioning ................................................................... 15
Abb. 20: Selection Calibration Type ........................................................................ 16
Abb. 21: Select the Tool to Correct .......................................................................... 17
Abb. 22: Prompt copy to master .............................................................................. 17
Abb. 23: Condition for a separate workobject .......................................................... 18
Abb. 24: Selection of a separate workobject............................................................ 18
Abb. 25: Selection of moving tool ............................................................................ 19
Abb. 26: Selection of work object to be calibrated ................................................... 19
Abb. 27: Copy to master .......................................................................................... 19
Abb. 28: Selection parameter transfer ..................................................................... 20
Abb. 29: Entry Program Number ............................................................................. 21
Abb. 30: Selection Dimension.................................................................................. 21
Abb. 31: Entry Maximum Tolerance ........................................................................ 22
Abb. 32: Entry maximum rotational tolerance .......................................................... 22
Abb. 33: Selection tool axis ..................................................................................... 23
Abb. 34: Selection of the calibration direction Abb. 35: Definition calibration
direction .................................................................................................................... 23
Abb. 36: Entry of calibration velocity - Velocity TCP ................................................ 24
Abb. 37: Entry of the calibration velocity - Velocity Orientation................................ 24
Abb. 38: Entry of the radius ..................................................................................... 25
Abb. 39: Entry of the Z-length .................................................................................. 25
Abb. 40: Entry of the orientation length ................................................................... 26
Abb. 41: Entry of the calibration position below the XY-plane of the sensor ............ 26
Abb. 42: Definition distance of TCP below XY-plane of sensor ............................. 27
Abb. 43: Entry offset of TCP for reciprocating movement ........................................ 27
Abb. 44: Definition offset TCP for reciprocating movement ..................................... 27
Abb. 45: Selection of Global Correction ................................................................... 28
Abb. 46: Select Global Tool ..................................................................................... 28
Abb. 47: Eingabe 6D Parameter ............................................................................. 29
Abb. 48: Selection tool type ..................................................................................... 29
Abb. 49: Transmission of tool data .......................................................................... 29
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Abb. 50: Sending parameters .................................................................................. 30
Abb. 51: Entry of further parameters ....................................................................... 30
Abb. 52: Start-Button ............................................................................................... 32
Abb. 53: Position center of sensor ........................................................................... 32
Abb. 54: Centre of sensor ........................................................................................ 32
Abb. 55: Teach position „Open end of the sensor " ................................................. 32
Abb. 56: Open end of sensor view 1 ........................................................................ 32
Abb. 57: Open end of light barrier view 2................................................................. 33
Abb. 58: Acknowledge calculation of calibration movements .................................. 33
Abb. 59: Robot movement to starting point.............................................................. 33
Abb. 60: Dry Run ..................................................................................................... 34
Abb. 61: Commissioning movements ....................................................................... 34
Abb. 62: Commissioning completed ........................................................................ 35
Abb. 63:Selecting Tool/Wobj Calculation ................................................................. 36
Abb. 64: Selection of the tool ................................................................................... 37
Abb. 65: Confirm the selection................................................................................. 37
Abb. 66: Condition for a separate workobject .......................................................... 38
Abb. 67: Selection of a separate workobject............................................................ 38
Abb. 68: Select move instruction tool ...................................................................... 39
Abb. 69: Select wobj for calculation ......................................................................... 39
Abb. 70: Entry Program Number ............................................................................. 40
Abb. 71: Entry of calibration velocity - Velocity TCP ................................................ 40
Abb. 72: Entry of the calibration velocity - Velocity Orientation................................ 41
Abb. 73: Selection tool axis ..................................................................................... 41
Abb. 74: Entry Maximum of rotational Shifting ......................................................... 42
Abb. 75: Eingabe Maximum der translatorischen Verschiebung ............................. 42
Abb. 76: Entry of the radius ..................................................................................... 43
Abb. 77: Entry of the Z-length .................................................................................. 43
Abb. 78: Entry of the orientation length ................................................................... 44
Abb. 79: Entry of the calibration position below the XY-plane of the sensor ............ 44
Abb. 80: Entry Limit Value Translation .................................................................... 45
Abb. 81: : Entry Limit Value Rotation ....................................................................... 45
Abb. 82: Input Offset Tool Orientation ..................................................................... 46
Abb. 83: Input Tool Orientation Method ................................................................... 46
Abb. 84: Sending the Parameter ............................................................................. 47
Abb. 85: Confirm successful transmission ............................................................... 47
Abb. 86: Output while measurement ....................................................................... 48
Abb. 87: Output after a successful measurement .................................................... 48
Abb. 88: Selection of Movements ............................................................................ 49
Abb. 89: Select Movement....................................................................................... 50
Abb. 90: Confirming Movements ............................................................................. 50
Abb. 91: Confirm Notation ....................................................................................... 51
Abb. 92: Backup Menu ........................................................................................... 52
Abb. 93: Display during a backup ............................................................................ 52
Abb. 94: Backup menu after a successful backup ................................................... 52
bb. 95: Parameter Menu .......................................................................................... 53
Abb. 96: Entry Program ID....................................................................................... 53
Abb. 97: Entry Parameter ID.................................................................................... 53
Abb. 98: Entry Value ................................................................................................ 54
Abb. 99: Confirming Parameter transmission .......................................................... 54
Abb. 100: Configuration Settings ............................................................................. 56
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Abb. 101: Menu Information .................................................................................... 57
Abb. 102: Menu Language ...................................................................................... 58

Table 1: List of Materials.................................................................................................. 6
Table 2: Allocation of Parameters.................................................................................. 39

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Business Unit Industrial Solutions

1 Limitations

This Version of the ABB Advintec TCP3D Controller Interface is only suitable for a
robot controller type IRC5.

2 Necessary material for the installation

Nr. Material Detail

1 Robot controller ABB IRC5 with field bus interface
2 Software Package adv1Measurement.mod, advIOCommunica-
3 Hardware Advintec TCP3D Controller (from SW-Version with Peripherals

Table 1: List of materials

3 Integration of the TCP3D Controller Interface with the robot con-


3.1 Creating a current backup

1. Make a backup of the current robot controller.

2. Make a copy of the backup you just created for modifying for later use.

Abb. 1: Overview of file structure

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3.2 Modifying the EIO System Parameter file

Open the system parameter file EIO.cfg (Abb. 2) from the folder “SYSPAR“ with a
text editor of your choice.

Abb. 2: Folder "SYSPAR"

In this case we are describing the field bus configuration for DeviceNet. Other
field bus systems have the same signal configuration. Only the entries in the
„EIO_UNIT“ and „EIO_UNIT_TYPE“ differ according to the field bus used and
are to be adapted accordingly.

Abb. 3: Contents of "SYSPAR“

-In the file EIO.cfg entries are added. The file may not be replaced by the tem-

Hardware configuration:
Robot : PCI DeviceNet-Card - Master
TCP Controller : Slave

Step 1

Make a note of the entries “Name” and “BusType” of the DeviceNet Interface in the
“EIO_BUS” to which the calibration system should be connected. The entries are
needed in the following configuration. An example can be seen in Abb. 4.

Name : DeviceNet1
BusType : DNET

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Abb. 4: "EIO_BUS" in EIO.cfg

Step 2

Add the marked text (Abb. 5) to the entry „EIO_UNIT_TYPE”. You can copy it direct-
ly from the file “advEIO.cfg”. If the entry „EIO_UNIT_TYPE” is not present in the cur-
rent EIO.cfg then you need to create it yourself.

-The entry BusType must be the same as the entry BusType in step1.

Abb. 5: Entry in "EIO_UNIT_TYPE"

Step 3

Paste the highlighted text (Abb. 6) to the entry „EIO_UNIT“. You can copy this direct-
ly from the file „advEIO.cfg”. If the entry „EIO_UNIT” is not present in your current
EIO.cfg then you need to create it.

-The entry Bus must be the same as the entry Name in Step 1.
-Take care that the correct MAC ID is set under DN_Address

Abb. 6: Entry in "EIO_UNIT"

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Step 4

Copy the complete signal listing from “EIO_SIGNAL“ to your current signal configura-
tion. All necessary signal declarations are found in “advEIO.cfg“. If the entry
“EIO_Signal“ is not present in the current EIO.cfg , then you need to create it.

-You have to use the same Signal labels as in the file “advEIO.cfg“, as these
are used in the software module.
-If it becomes necessary to change the Labels due to a prescribed standard,
then you need to change them in the EIO.cfg and in the file advIOCommunica-
tion.mod (Line 68 to 106).

Abb. 7: Signal declaration in "EIO_SIGNAL"

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3.3 Loading the modified Backup into the robot controller

Once you are finished modifying the backup, load it back into the robot controller.

Once the TCP Controller is connected to the bus and the bus is configured correctly,
only the green LED should light up after starting up the robot controller. The display
should show ”Measure/Circular”, when the field bus connection is working. Otherwise
”Bus Error“ will be shown on the LCD display and the configuration from section 3.2
need to be revised.

3.4 Loading the module into the robot controller

Copy the module

“adv1IOCommunication” on-
to a USB stick and connect
this to the robot controller.
Start the program editor
(Abb. 8) and select the but-
ton „Module“.

Abb. 8: Program Editor

After selecting the field (File),

a context menu opens in
which you can selct single
modules for loading into the

Abb. 9: Loading Module

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3.5 Call and integration of the Interface

Select a suitable point in your application for calling the calibration function. For the
integration, only a single function call is necessary.

The syntax for the call is: adv1MeaMain;

After adding the call “adv1MeaMain; “ teach a position (pLBAbove in Abb. 10) near
the start/end position of the measurement. (Abb. 11 and Abb. 12). This position
must be moved to directly before/after the measurement.

-Teach a safe path with tooldata tool0 towards the sensor (”adv1MeaMain“) and
a safe path away from the sensor
-Within the function”adv1MeaMain“the robot leaves the starting position and
executes the calibration movements. (Abb. 12).

PROC main()
MoveJ pHome, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;


MoveJ pLBAbove, vProcess, z10, tool0 \wobj:=wobj0;




MoveL pLBAbove, vProcess, z10, tool0 \wobj:=wobj0;

MoveJ pHome, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;
MoveL p10, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;
MoveL p20, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;
MoveL p30, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;
MoveL p40, v20, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;
WaitTime 3.0;
MoveL p20, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;
MoveL p10, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;
MoveJ pHome, vProcess, z0, UserTool \wobj:=wobj0;

Abb. 10: Calling the main function

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Center Point
Photo Sensor

Position pLBAbove
(Abb. 10) in Start-

Open End

Abb. 11: Start-/End position

Sensor Photo Sensor
Side Elevation
Start/End position

Abb. 12: Approach position

3.5 Setup status of the Communication Interface

Before executing the program and starting the commissioning of the system, you
should verify the status of the system.

Check the status of the I/O-unit. (Abb. 13). The status of the I/O-unit “Leoni” should
be “Running”. Otherwise revise the “EIO.cfg“.

Abb. 13: Status of the I/O-unit

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Next you need to display the values of the group inputs. The highlighted entries in
Abb. 14 all have to display the value „30000“. If they all show the value ”12405“
change the setting for the Byte Swap in the TCPD3 Controller. After making the
change and setting the TCP Controller into measuring mode, the displayed values
should change from „12405“ to „30000“.

Changing the Byte Swap setting in the TCP3D Controller:


In case the other values are displayed, check the settings in the “EIO.cfg“ file.

Abb. 14: Status of the group inputs

In order for the controller interface to be in commissioning mode, the Boolean varia-
ble “adv1MenuMode“ (Abb. 15)

Abb. 15: Status of the ”commissioning” Variable

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4 Starting the ABB Advintec TCP3D Controller Interface

Set the robot into T1-Mode (max 250 mm/s). Then select the robot program which
contains the “adv1MeaMain”call (Abb. 16).

Abb. 16: Call for "adv1MeaMain"

4.1 Main Menu

When the program pointer

reaches the call, the main
menu is started (Abb. 17) .

If you get a message con-

cerning the Byte Swap (Abb.
18), change the setting of the
Byte Swap in the settings of
the TCP3D Controller.

Continue executing the robot

program and confirm the Byte
Swap message with OK.
Abb. 17: Main Menu
.After this, you will see the
main menu (Abb. 17).

Abb. 18: Checking the Byte Swap

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If, after the call “adv1MeaMain“, no message is displayed, and the execution of the
program is continues, please check the following:

1. Bool Variable „adv1MenuMode“ (Abb. 15) must have the value TRUE.
2. The robot must be in T1 mode (max. 250 mm/s).

The commissioning can only be carried out in T1-Mode (max. 250 mm/s). After
a successful commissioning, the calibration is automatically carried out in all
operating modes.

5 Menu Commissioning

After selecting Commissioning in the root menu, the Commissioning Dialog (Abb.
20) will be opened. Select between Calibration and Calculation.

Abb. 19:Select Type of Commissioning

Correction of existing Tool-/Workobjectdata

Determination of absoltue Tool-/Workobjectdata

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5.1 Tool and Workobject Calibration

Before selecting the menu point Commissioning, you need to define all necessary
parameters for the commissioning:

1. Name of the tool to be calibrated

2. Program-Number on the TCP Controller
3. Dimensions
4. Maximum tolerance
5. Maximum orientation tolerance
6. Tool Axis
7. Measuring direction Sensor
8. Calibration Velocity
9. Radius, Orient. Length and Z Length

5.1.1 Selection Tool or Work Object Calibration

Select the type of the object to be calibrated (Abb. 20)

Abb. 20: Selection Calibration Type

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After selecting the tool calibration, (Abb. 20)

the next dialog will appear in which you can
select the tool to be calibrated. (Abb. 21).
Select the tool from the list and confirm the
selection in the next dialog.

After confirming the tool you will be prompted

about the master tool (Abb. 21) .

YES Abb. 21: Select the Tool to Correct

The current tool data of the tool to be cali-
brated is saved as a master tool. During the
first commissioning this is essential in
order to have defined tool data.

Current tool data of the master tool are not
overwritten and will be used.

Abb. 22: Prompt copy to master

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Selection of a separate workobject

This selection appears only when in menu configuration the variable „
adv1SensorWobj “ is set to true. Otherwise wobj0 is internally used for the robot

This option must be used if the direction z-axis from sensor- coordinate and world-
coordinate system are not equal (Abb. 23). If you must select this option, you have
define a workobject with a z-direction which is equal to sensor z-axis. This workob-
ject you have to select in the list.

to be used!
Worldcoordinatesystem Sensor-Coordinatesystem

Y Z Option MUST be
Y used!
Worldcoordinatesystem Y

Abb. 23: Condition for a separate workobject

Abb. 24: Selection of a separate workobject

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Business Unit Industrial Solutions Work object calibration

After selecting the tool calibration (Abb.

20), in the next dialog, you will be
prompted to select the moving tool (
Abb. 25), which represents the sensor
on the robot flange.

The selection of the work object to be

calibrated follows (Abb. 26). Abb. 25: Selection of moving tool

Current work object data of the work
object to be calibrated are saved as
master work object. During the first
commissioning, this is essential in
order to have defined work object

Current work object data are not over-
Abb. 26: Selection of work object to be cali-
written and will remain in use.

Abb. 27: Copy to master

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5.1.2 Reading and writing the parameters

The ABB controller interface and the TCP controller must both contain the same pa-
rameters. It is therefore necessary to synchronise the parameters on both sides. To
this end there are two methods of exchanging parameters. Parameters can be sent
from the robot to the TCP controller or vice versa.

A comfortable way is to set the values in the ABB controller interface and then trans-
fer them to the TCP controller. During re-commissioning the parameters can be read
from the TCP controller and loaded into the robot controller to minimize user input.
After setting the tool- and work object calibration, you will be prompted to select the
type of parameter transfer (
Abb. 28).

Abb. 28: Selection parameter transfer

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The next sequence enables the entry of parameters. The following list shows all pos-
sible entries. Corresponding to the selection of “Dimension” only the necessary pa-
rameters are requested.

Detailed information on all each parameter can be found in the documentation

of the Advintec TCP Controller.

1. Entry of the program number

The program number is the number of the tool in the Advintec TCP controller. This
defines under which tool number in the TCP controller the parameters are saved.

Abb. 29: Entry Program Number

2. Selection of the dimension

With this selection you can define which dimensions of the tool are to be calibrated.
In accordance with this, the calibration movements are calibrated.

Abb. 30: Selection Dimension

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3. Entry Maximum Tolerance

The value of the maximum tolerance is entered in millimetres. This defines the maxi-
mum allowable translatory deviation of the tool which can be automatically calibrated.

Abb. 31: Entry Maximum Tolerance

4. Entry Maximum Orientation Tolerance.

This value is entered in degrees. This defines the maximum allowable rotational de-
viation of the tool which can be automatically calibrated.

Abb. 32: Entry maximum rotational tolerance

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5. Selection Tool Axis

In this entry you can define the main axis of the tool (working direction) which is to be

Abb. 33: Selection tool axis

6. Selection of the calibration direction with respect to the senor

The selection of the calibration direction always refers to the sensor. An example is a
welding gun in a spot-welding application. In this case the top electrode can be cali-
brated from the top and the bottom electrode can be calibrated from the bottom. Se-
lect the appropriate direction for your tool.

von oben


von unten

Abb. 34: Selection of the calibration direction Abb. 35: Definition calibration direction

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7. Entry of the calibration velocity – Velocity TCP

This entry – Velocity TCP defines the velocity of the TCP in mm/s during the calibra-
tion. Select a velocity which is suitable for conditions in your cell (Inertia/stability of
the tool, duration of the calibration etc.).

Abb. 36: Entry of calibration velocity - Velocity TCP

8. Entry of the calibration velocity – Velocity Orientation

This entry – Velocity Orientation, defines the velocity of the TCP in deg/s during the
calibration. Select a velocity which is suitable for conditions in your cell (Iner-
tia/stability of the tool, duration of the calibration etc.).

Abb. 37: Entry of the calibration velocity - Velocity Orientation

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9. Entry of the radius

This value defines the radius of the double circles for the calibration in millimetres.

Abb. 38: Entry of the radius

10. Entry of the Z-length

This value defines the length of the reciprocating movement required for the calibra-
tion of the tool length. This value is required for the dimensions 3D and 5D.

Abb. 39: Entry of the Z-length

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11. Entry of the orientation length

This value defines the distance between the upper and lower double circles required
for the 5D calibration.

Abb. 40: Entry of the orientation length

12. Entry of the calibration position below the XY-axis of the sensor

This value defines how far below the XY-plane of the sensor the TCP will execute the
calibration movement (Abb. 42). The value entered should be at least as large as the
expected maximum tool offset expected during the calibration.

Abb. 41: Entry of the calibration position below the XY-plane of the sensor

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XY-Plane of the

in mm

Abb. 42: Definition distance of TCP below XY-plane of sensor

13. Entry offset of TCP for reciprocating movement off the centre of the sensor

For most tools this value can be set to zero. In the case of an arc welding torch, how-
ever, it is not desired to calibrate the wire length, but the length of the torch. In this
case you can offset the position for the length calibration in such a way that the light
barriers are interrupted by the gas nozzle and misses the wire(Abb. 44).

Recommended value:

Offset ≈ d: lower gas nozzle diameter


Abb. 43: Entry offset of TCP for recip-
rocating movement

Photo sensor Cross

Offset in mm

Abb. 44: Definition offset TCP for reciprocating


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Global Correction

In this Dialog you can se-

lect that correction of the
selected tool before relate
to an additional tool.

This option is useful if the

tool which shall be meas-
ured not analog to the
Working Tool. Condition is
that both tool are mechani-
cal fixed together
Abb. 45: Selection of Global Correction

Abb. 46: Select Global Tool

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6D Configuration

This configuration is only

intended for the 6D calibra-
tion of grippers and fixtures.
If you are calibrating a
standard tool such as an arc
welding torch, then you can
select “NO” in this dialog
and proceed to step 15. If
you are intending to carry
out a 6D calibration, then
select “YES”.

Abb. 47: Eingabe 6D Parameter

In the following dialog (Abb.

48) You can allocate the
type of tool for the 6D cali-
In the end you are prompted
about the automatic trans-
mission of the tool or work
object data to the TCP con-
troller (Abb. 49). Confirm
this with „OK“.

Abb. 48: Selection tool type

Abb. 49: Transmission of tool data

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14. Sending Parameters

After entering all the parameters, you are prompted to acknowledge the transfer of
the parameters to the TCP controller (Abb. 50). During the transfer of the parameters
you are required to keep the dead man switch depressed until the next prompt.

In the end you are prompted whether you want to transfer additional, optional param-
eters. This is described in section 6.3 The commissioning described further in section

Abb. 50: Sending parameters

Abb. 51: Entry of further parameters

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Reading parameters is carried out in a similar way as sending parameters. The pa-
rameters stored in the TCP controller are transferred to the robot controller.

Entry sequence:

1. Selection tool or work object calibration

a. Tool calibration
b. Work object calibration

2. Entry program number

3. Selection of dimensions

4. Entry calibration velocity – Velocity TCP

5. Entry calibration velocity – Velocity Orientation

6. Entry offset TCP under XY-plane of sensor

7. Entry offset TCP for reciprocating movement from centre of sensor

8. Send Parameters

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5.1.3 Teaching Positions

You are prompted to teach the first position of the TCP (Abb. 53) in
the centre of the sensor. Confirm with OK and jog the TCP as shown
in Abb. 54. The integrated LEDs in the M12 connector on the sensor
light up as soon as the position is reached.

After having reached this position, resume the execution of the pro-
gram by pressing the start button on the teach pendant (Abb. 52).
Abb. 52: Start-

Photo sensor TCP


Photo sensor
Abb. 53: Position center of sensor Intersection

Abb. 54: Centre of sensor

You are prompted to teach the second position “open end of sensor” (Abb. 55). Jog the
TCP in the same XY-plane towards the open end of the sensor (Abb. 56), (Abb. 57).

After having reached this position, resume the execution of the program by pressing the
start button on the teach pendant (Abb. 52). After this you are prompted to acknowledge
the calculation of the calibration movements (Abb. 58).

XY-Photo Sen- TCP


Photo sensor Open End

Abb. 55: Teach position „Open end of the sen-
sor "
Abb. 56: Open end of sensor view 1

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Open End of
Photo sensor Abb. 58: Acknowledge calculation of calibration move-
Abb. 57: Open end of light barrier view 2 ments

5.1.4 Robot- Movements

Confirm the prompt about the parameters previously entered. A message informs
that the TCP will be moved to the starting point of the calibration (Abb. 59). Confirm
the message with OK.


After depressing the start button (Abb. 52) The robot moves the TCP to the
stating point with a velocity of 10mm/s

Abb. 59: Robot movement to starting point

After the TCP reaches the starting point, you are prompted whether you want the ro-
bot to do a dry run of the calibration movements (Abb. 60). This movement is also
carried out with a TCP velocity of 10mm/s. In this case no communication takes place
between the robot controller and the TCP controller.

It is possible to skip this dry run and proceed directly with the sequences for the
commissioning – Vector- and Reference Movements. (Abb. 61).

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After depressing the start button (Abb. 52) and the movement option has been
selected, the Robot moves the TCP with a velocity of 10mm/s.

Abb. 60: Dry Run

After carrying out or skipping the dry run, the actual commissioning begins consisting
of the Vector move and the reference move. The dialog can be skipped by selecting
“NO” (Abb. 61). In this case the Vector- and Reference moves can be carried out at a
later stage via the menu point “Movements”

For an automated commissioning, select „YES“ and depress the start button. The
Vector- and Reference Moves follow.


After depressing the start button (Abb. 52) with automated commissioning se-
lected, the robot moves the TCP with the previously selected calibration veloci-

Abb. 61: Commissioning movements

When the automated commissioning is completed, a message (Abb. 62) informs

about ist status. After acknowledging this the message you will be brought back to
the main menu.

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To make a test run, you can select “Calibration” in the menu “Movements” (Fehler!
Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.) All calibration values should be
close to zero mm.

You can leave the main menu by selecting „END“(Abb. 17). After this, the next time
the calibration program is executed, the calibration process will be carried out auto-
matically instead of showing the commissioning menu. The system is now ready for
automatic calibration of the tool.

Abb. 62: Commissioning completed

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5.2 Tool/Wobj Calculation

Select between Tooldata- and Workobject Calculation.


Abb. 63:Selecting Tool/Wobj Calculation

Before you execute the commissioning of the tool calculation, you have to define all
needed parameter:

1. Name of the tool which shall be calculated

2. Programnumber at advintec TCP Controller
3. Maximum of translational shifting in millimeter
4. Maximum of rotational shifting in degrees
5. Tool Direction
6. Measurement speed
7. Radius, Orient. Length and Z-Length
8. Loop Diff of Translations
9. Loop Diff of Rotations

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Select from the list of the existing tools

(Abb. 64). the tool which shall be calcu-

Abb. 64: Selection of the tool

Confirm the selection with „yes“(Abb.

Press “no” for repeat your selection and
cancel to abort.

Abb. 65: Confirm the selection

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Selection of a separate workobject

This selection appears only when in menu configuration the variable „
adv1SensorWobj “ is set to true. Otherwise wobj0 is internally used for the robot

This option must be used if the direction z-axis from sensor- coordinate and world-
coordinate system are not equal (Abb. 66). If you must select this option, you have
define a workobject with a z-direction which is equal to sensor z-axis. This workob-
ject you have to select in the list.

X Option has NOT
be used!
Worldcoordinatesystem Sensor-Coordinatesystem

Y Z Option MUST be
Y used!
Worldcoordinatesystem Y

Abb. 66: Condition for a separate workobject

Abb. 67: Selection of a separate workobject

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Selection of the Move Instruction Tool

Select from the list of the existing tools (Abb. 64). the tool which shall be used for the
move instruction.

Abb. 68: Select move instruction tool

Selection of the calculated Workobject

Select from the list of the existing workobjects (Abb. 64). the tool which shall be cal-

Abb. 69: Select wobj for calculation

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5.2.2 Writing the parameter

For a detailed description of the parameter please read the documentation of the ad-
vintec tcp3d Controller.

1. Entry of program number

The program number is the number of the tool in the Advintec TCP controller. This
defines under which tool number in the TCP controller the parameters are saved.

Abb. 70: Entry Program Number

2. Entry of the calibration velocity – Velocity TCP

This entry – Velocity TCP defines the velocity of the TCP in mm/s during the calcula-
tion. Select a velocity which is suitable for conditions in your cell (Inertia/stability of
the tool, duration of the calibration etc.).

Abb. 71: Entry of calibration velocity - Velocity TCP

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3. Entry of the calibration velocity – Velocity Orientation

This entry – Velocity Orientation, defines the velocity of the TCP in deg/s during the
calculation. Select a velocity which is suitable for conditions in your cell (Iner-
tia/stability of the tool, duration of the calibration etc.).

Abb. 72: Entry of the calibration velocity - Velocity Orientation

4. Selection Tool Axis

In this entry you can define the main axis of the tool (working direction) which is to be

Abb. 73: Selection tool axis

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5. Entry maximum of rotational shifting

This entry defines the maximum rotational shifting of physically tool around the dou-
ble circles.

Abb. 74: Entry Maximum of rotational Shifting

6. Entry maximum of translational shifting

This entry defines the maximum translational shifting of the robot movements (Dou-
ble circle and pendulum movements).

Abb. 75: Eingabe Maximum der translatorischen Verschiebung

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7. Entry of the radius

This value defines the radius of the double circles fort he calibration in millimetres.

Abb. 76: Entry of the radius

8. Entry of the Z-length

This value defines the length of the reciprocating movement required for the calibra-
tion of the tool length. This value is required for the dimensions 3D and 5D.

Abb. 77: Entry of the Z-length

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9. Entry of the orientation length

This value defines the distance between the upper and lower double circles required
for the 5D calibration.

Abb. 78: Entry of the orientation length

10. Entry of the calibration position below the XY-axis of the sensor

This value defines how far below the XY-plane of the sensor the TCP will execute the
calibration movement (Abb. 42). The value entered should be at least as large as the
expected maximum tool offset expected during the calibration.

Abb. 79: Entry of the calibration position below the XY-plane of the sensor

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11. Entry Limit Value Iteration Measurement (Translation)

This value defines the translational deviation to the last iteration in the measurement
sequence. Input 0 deactivates this option.

Abb. 80: Entry Limit Value Translation

12. Entry Limit Value Iteration Measurement (Rotation)

This value defines the translational deviation to the last iteration in the measurement
sequence. Input 0 deactivates this option.

Abb. 81: : Entry Limit Value Rotation

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13. Offset Tool Orientation

With this value you can add an angle offset tot he calculated rotation around the tool

Abb. 82: Input Offset Tool Orientation

14. Tool Orientation Method

Abb. 83: Input Tool Orientation Method

This option defines the rotation around the tool direction.

If you select “No” the rotation around tool direction is equal to the rotation around the
z-axis from the flange (tool0).

If you select “yes” the x-axis (if tool direction is z) of your tool will be parallel orientat-
ed to the sensor side. This means that rotation around tool direction can be defined
with tool orientation in the sensor (Teaching the positions). Details you can read in
the documentation of the advontec tcp controller.

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15. Sending the parameter

Confirm the transmission of the parameter tot the advintec TCP Controller with „Ok“

Abb. 84: Sending the Parameter

After a successfully transmission confirm with „Ok“.

Abb. 85: Confirm successful transmission

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5.2.3 Teaching positions

Teaching of the two needed robot position is analog to Chapter 5.1.3 Teaching Posi-

5.2.4 Robot movements

The Execution of the robot movements is analog to Chapter 5.1.4 Robot- Move-

The result of each measurement (Abb. 86) will be displayed while the measurement
is in operation.

Abb. 86: Output while measurement

After a successful tool calculation the tooldata will be displayed and stored in the as-
sociated tooldata variable (Abb. 87).

Abb. 87: Output after a successful measurement

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6 Menu Adjustment

6.1 Menu Movements

In this menu you can select the manually execution of the movements for Tcp Cor-
rection and Tool Calculation.

Abb. 88: Selection of Movements


The Movements based on the last successful parameter transmission and path cal-

This Application can be used for repeating commissions without input the same pa-
rameter again. Also a not successful commissioning can be repeated if the parameter
transmission and path calculation are valid.

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6.1.1 Tool and Workobject Calibration

In the menu “Movements” (Abb. 89) you can start the respective movements: Vector-
, Reference-, Path Adjustment, or Measurement move independently of each other.

Abb. 89: Select Movement

Prerequisite is that the transmission of parameters between the robot controller and
the TCP controller was previously carried out.
The user action for each type of movement is the same.

First select the desired type of movement. Then confirm the selection with “OK”. To
carry out the movement, depress the start button (Abb. 52). After completing the
movement successfully, the menu is displayed again.

Abb. 90: Confirming Movements

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6.1.2 Calculation

Before the robot movement starts you have to confirm the notation (Abb. 91) which
is on displayed screen. After that press start (Abb. 52) to execute the robot move-

Abb. 91: Confirm Notation

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6.2 Menu Backup

With the backup functionality it is possi-

ble to save all the settings of the Advintec
TCP Controller in the robot controller.
This action can take a couple of minutes.

To access the backup menu (

Abb. 92: Backup Menu

Abb. 92) select the entry „Backup“ in the

main menu. In the title bar of the menu
you will see the date and time of the last
backup. If no backup has been made yet,
this field will display the text: “<emp-

To create a backup, select the entry

„Save Backup“ and acknowledge your Abb. 93: Display during a backup
selection with OK. While the backup is in
progress, the transferred values are dis-
played (Abb. 93).

After a successful backup, the date and

time of the backup is displayed in the title
bar of the menu.

Restoring a backup file works in the

same manner.

Abb. 94: Backup menu after a successful


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6.3 Menu TCP Controller Parameter

In the menu TCP Controller parameters

you can either read parameters from or
write them to the TCP controller. At this
point you have access to all the controller
parameters that can normally be set via
the buttons on the TCP controller.

Each parameter is represented by an ID

and a number respectively. A list for the
identification of the parameters can be
found in the documentation of the TCP
Controller and as an attachment to this
Abb. 95: Parameter Menu
To transfer a parameter to the TCP con-
troller, select the entry „Write parameters“

Abb. 96: Entry Program ID

Abb. 95) in the menu.

First enter the program ID (tool number in

the TCP controller) of which you want to
change a parameter (Abb. 96).

Next you are requested to enter the pa-

rameter ID (

Abb. 97: Entry Parameter ID

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Abb. 97) of the parameter that you want

to change.

In this example you can see the ID 1 for

the tool axis.

Next you need to enter the new value of

the parameter itself (Abb. 98). The per-
mitted range for each parameter is also
described in the list for parameter identi-
fication (attachment to this document and
in the documentation of the TCP Control-

If the value was transferred successfully, Abb. 98: Entry Value

acknowledge the action by selecting OK (

Abb. 99). Abb. 99: Confirming Parameter transmission

The Reading of parameters is carried out
in the same way.
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6.4 Menu Configuration

In the menu “Configuration” (

Abb. 100) you can change values regarding the TCP Controller Interface itself. By
marking an entry and selecting „OK“, you can change the value of a Boolean varia-

Abb. 100: Configuration Settings

Tabelle 2 lists all possible settings.

Variable name Description

adv1ShowCorr In the state TRUE, all calibration values are shown on the tech
pendant. If this is not desired, then set the value to FALSE.
adv1ShowErrMsg In the state TRUE, all error messages are displayed on the teach
pendant. If this is not desired, then set the value to FALSE.
adv1Log In the state TRUE, all calibration results are logged with a time
stamp. If this is not desired, then set the value to FALSE.
adv1RemoteCommunication In the state TRUE, the remote configuration is active.

On older TCP controllers that do not support this feature, the var-
iable must be set to FALSE. Parameters will not be transferred
and must be set to the same values on both the robot controller
and the TCP controller in order to achieve correct calibration val-
adv1SensorWobj If this value is true, you can define a separate workobject for the
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robot movements. Otherwise the default workobject is wobj0.
adv1PathAdjustment If this value is true, an automatic Path Adjustment Move will be
execute in commissioning sequence if the movements. This
movement looks like movement of the Reference Move.
adv1MenuMode If this value is set to TRUE, the interface will display the commis-
sioning menu when the interface is called. If it is set to FALSE
then a calibration will be carried out without displaying the com-
missioning menu.

adv1ExtQuit If this value is set to TRUE, the robot stops after an incorrect
measurement. After getting a reset signal the robot continues in
the program sequence. If the value is set to FALSE this mode is
Tabelle 2: list of possible settings

6.5 Menu Information

In the menu Information (Abb. 101), you will find information about the controller in-
terface such as the software version, the commissioning and the I/O configuration.

Abb. 101: Menu Information

Software Version
Displays the software version of the module adv1Measurement.mod und advIO-

Tool/Wobj Calibration
Displays the last parameters that were transferred during the previous commission-

Displays the last parameters that were transferred during the previous commission-

Status of the I/O-Configuration

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6.6 Menu Language

Here you can select the desired language and confirm your selection with „OK“.

Abb. 102: Menu Language

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7 Appendix

7.1 Allocation of parameters(advintec Controller SW Version:

Parameter Index Description Permitted range
(Prog. Index 1-
1 Tool axis 0 : tool axis X
1 : tool axis Z
2 : tool axis Y
2 Calibration dimensions 2 : 2D-calibration
3 : 3D- calibration
5 : 5D- calibration
6 : 6D- calibration
3 Radius of the double circle 1 to 60 [mm]
4 Z-length of reciprocating movement 1 to 60 [mm]
5 Extended X-Y-Mode 0 : inactive
1 : active
6 Orientation length 1 to 60 [mm]
7 Vector Move – Automatic 0 : inactive
1 : active
8 Status Vector Move 0 : NOK
1 : OK
9 Status Reference Move 0 : NOK
1 : OK
10 Maximum Tolerance 0.1 to 10 [mm]
11 Maximum Orientation Tolerance 0.1 to 10 [mm]
12 Confirm Fault 0 : Automatic
1 : Manual
13 Coordinate system for the display of calibration 0 : Sensor
values on the LCD display 1 : Tool
14 Threshold value for redundancy error 0.1 to 1 [mm]
15 Offset for the double circles during the vector 1 to 5 [mm]
16 Transmission of Zero values 0 : not active
1 : active
17 Ext. XY mode 0 : not active
1 : active
18 Time Out Calibration 1 to 10 [sec]
19 Dimension for Reference Movement 0 : no reference movement
2 : 2D-calibration
3 : 3D-calibration
5 : 5D-calibration
20 Calibration direction with respect to sensor 0 : from top
1 : from bottom
21 Minimum offset of double circles for vector move 1 [mm]
22 Operation mode tool 0 : Normal (2D to 5D)
1 : Master (6D)
2 : Slave 1 (6D)
3 : Slave 2 (6D)
4 : Slave 3 (6D)
23 Program-Nr. for master tool 1 to 10
24 Calibration value Reference coordinate X -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
25 Calibration value Reference coordinate Y -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
26 Calibration value Reference coordinate Z -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
27 Calibration value Reference coordinate Rotation Z -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
28 Calibration value Reference coordinate Y -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
29 Calibration value Reference coordinate X -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]

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Parameter Index Description Permitted range

(Prg Index 1-10)
30 Calibration value Vector move X -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
31 Calibration value Vector move Y -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
32 Calibration value Vector move Z -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
33 Calibration value Vector move Rotation Z -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
34 Calibration value Vector move Rotation Y -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
35 Calibration value Vector move Rotation X -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
36 Tool data X -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
37 Tool data Y -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
38 Tool data Z -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
39 Tool data rotation Z -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
40 Tool data rotation Y -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
41 Tool data rotation X -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
42 RPM Spindle (Router) 0 to 60000 [1/min]
43 Minimum delay between two signals 0 to 65535 [msec]
44 Verification Tool diameter 0 : not active
1 : active
45 Tool Diameter at first double circle 0.1 to 10 [mm]
46 Tool diameter at second double circle 0.1 to 10 [mm]
47 Reference tool diameter 0 : NOK
1 : OK
48 Tolerance Supervision Tool Diameter 0.1 to 10 [mm]
49 Measured value reference tool diameter X -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
50 Measured value reference tool diameter Y -9999.99 to 9999.99 [mm]
51 Calibration Tandem Torch 0 : not active
1 : active
52 Global Calibration Value 0 : not active
1 : active
53 Sensor Input 1 to 3
54 Knife Calibration Mode 0 : not active
1 : active
55 Symmetrical Knife 0 : not active
1 : active
56 Systemparameter 1 0.1…10

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Created by: LR, Date: 14.05.2014 Software Package 1.1.7
Business Unit Industrial Solutions

Parameter Index Description Permitted range

(Prg Index 128)
1 Time Out Communication 1 to 10 [sec]
2 Language 0 : German
1 : English
2 : French
3 : Spanish
3 Debug Output 0 : not active
1 : active
4 Password Check 0 : not active
1 : active

Parameter Index Description Permitted range

(Prg Index 129)
1 Number of System Parameters Read only
2 Numbers of Parameters at Prg Index 1-10 Read only
3 Numbers of Parameters at Prg Index 128 Read only
4 Numbers of Parameters at Prg Index 129 Read only

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Created by: LR, Date: 14.05.2014 Software Package 1.1.7
Business Unit Industrial Solutions

7.2 Allocation I/O’s

Word Byte Bit In Out

0 Calibration Movement complete Result Calculated
1 Reset Fault
2 Ready for Measurement
3 Program-Nr. set / read Program-Nr. set/ read
Index set Index read
4 First Calibration active First Calibration
5 Reference Movement external Reference Movement external
6 Vector move external Vector move external active
7 Configuration Mode Configuration Mode active
0 0 Program-Nr. Bit 1 Error Code Bit 1
1 Program-Nr. Bit 2 Error Code Bit 2
2 Program-Nr. Bit 3 Error Code Bit 3
3 Program-Nr. Bit 4 Error Code Bit 4
4 Program-Nr. Bit 5 Error Code Bit 5
1 5 Read Parameter Read Parameters active
Reference Tool. Reference Tool active
Tool Data Before decimal point
6 Write Parameters Write parameters active
Reference Diameter Reference Diameter active
Tool Data after decimal point
7 Remote configuration Remote configuration active
0 Index Program-Nr. Bit 0 Index Program-Nr. Bit 0
Signal X-Sensor1
X-Offset Bit 8
1 Index Program-Nr. Bit 1 Index Program-Nr. Bit 1
Signal Y-Sensor 1
X-Offset Bit 9
2 Index Program-Nr. Bit 2 Index Program-Nr. Bit 2
Signal X-Sensor 2
X-Offset Bit 10
3 Index Program-Nr. Bit 3 Index Program-Nr. Bit 3
Signal Y-Sensor 2
X-Offset Bit 11
1 2
4 Index Program-Nr. Bit 4 Index Program-Nr. Bit 4
Signal X-Sensor 3
X-Offset Bit 12
5 Index Program-Nr. Bit 5 Index Program-Nr. Bit 5
Signal Y-Sensor 3
X-Offset Bit 13
6 Index Program-Nr. Bit 6 Index Program-Nr. Bit 6
Signal X-Sensor 1,2 or 3
X-Offset Bit 14
7 Index Program-Nr. Bit 7 Index Program-Nr. Bit 7
Signal Y-Sensor 1,2 or 3
X-Offset Bit 15

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Created by: LR, Date: 14.05.2014 Software Package 1.1.7
Business Unit Industrial Solutions
Word Byte Bit In Out
0 Parameter Index Bit 0 Parameter Index Bit 0
X-Offset Bit 0
1 Parameter Index Bit 1 Parameter Index Bit 1
X- Offset Bit 1
2 Parameter Index Bit 2 Parameter Index Bit 2
X- Offset Bit 2
3 Parameter Index Bit 3 Parameter Index Bit 3
X- Offset Bit 3
1 3
4 Parameter Index Bit 4 Parameter Index Bit 4
X- Offset Bit 4
5 Parameter Index Bit 5 Parameter Index Bit 5
X- Offset Bit 5
6 Parameter Index Bit 6 Parameter Index Bit 6
X- Offset Bit 6
7 Parameter Index Bit 7 Parameter Index Bit 7
X- Offset Bit 7
4 Value (before decimal point) Bit Value (before decimal point) Bit 8-
8-15 15
2 Y- Offset Bit 8-15
5 Value (before decimal point) Bit Value (before decimal point) Bit 0-7
0-7 Y- Offset Bit 0-7
6 Value (after decimal point) Bit Value (after decimal point) Bit 8-15
8-15 Z-Offset Bit 9-16
7 Value (after decimal point) Bit 0- Value (after decimal point) Bit 0-7
7 Z- Offset Bit 0-7
8 Orientation Offset X Bit 8-15
9 Orientation Offset X Bit 0-7
10 Orientation Offset Y Bit 8-15
11 Orientation Offset Y Bit 0-7
12 Orientation Offset Z Bit 8-15
13 Orientation Offset Z Bit 0-7

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Created by: LR, Date: 14.05.2014 Software Package 1.1.7
Business Unit Industrial Solutions

7.3 Examples Field Bus Configuration EIO.cfg in SYSPAR

The signals declarations for the section EIO_SIGNAL are not described here. These
are independent of the field bus and are described in Section 3.2.

7.3.1 DeviceNet Varian 1

Hardware Assembly
Robot : PCI DeviceNet Master Card
TCP Controller : Slave

7.3.2 ProfiNet Variant 1

Hardware Assembly
Robot : PCI ProfiNet Card Slave
CP1616 : Master
TCP Controller : Slave

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Created by: LR, Date: 14.05.2014 Software Package 1.1.7
Business Unit Industrial Solutions
7.3.3 Profibus Variant 1

Hardware Assembly
Robot : PCI Profibuscard Master
TCP Controller : Slave

2014_07_18_AbbTcpControllerInterface_Package_1_1_7_en.docx 65/65 Document Version: 1.3

Created by: LR, Date: 14.05.2014 Software Package 1.1.7

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