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The University of Birmingham

School of Chemical Engineering

Process Systems/Principles of Process Control – term 1

Assessed Coursework worth 25% of the module – 2018/2019

(To be handed in by Tuesday 15th January 2019, 15:00)

Concentration changes in a Mixer

Please submit any files you produce as part of the assessed tutorial to the Canvas
assignment. The report should be uploaded as a word or pdf file and any supporting
files (e.g. excel, matlab, simulink) be uploaded as a single zip file. The report should
be printed and handed in at the Education Support Office.

1 Objectives of the Assessment

i. To develop a deviation variable model from a dynamic model of the
concentration within a mixing process, in which the concentration is
measured by a conductivity probe.
ii. To solve the resulting differential equation analytically for two common
types of input change
iii. To use these analytic solutions to generate data showing measured
concentration-vs-time response plots, and then to compare these plots
with simulated response plots generated using Simulink™ (this is the
system response without control – the open loop response).
iv. To investigate the behaviour of a feedback loop simulating the
controlled response of the concentration to both set point changes and
v. Based on this behaviour, to comment on the suitability of different
concentration controller designs for use in industrial mixers.

Within this coursework are a set of tasks that need to be completed. We

recommend that you use the worksheet provided on Canvas, but you may
wish to alter it so you can present your solution as a report.

Please upload all relevant files created as part of this assignment to Canvas.
The main answer worksheet/report should be uploaded as a word or pdf file
(note it is the printed copy of this report that is marked). Any other files
should be zipped together and uploaded as a single zip file.

So two files are uploaded (i) a word/pdf of the main document and (ii) a zip file
of any other relevant files. The material in the zipped file is used to check that
you could produce the solution presented in the main document.

A printed document is also handed in, and it is this that is marked, so you
cannot rely on electronic files for the marking process, these are used to
check your solution could be produced.

2 The system
The system to be investigated is a mixing tank with two inlet streams and one
outlet stream.

F1, CA01 F2, CA02

The tank is well mixed and has a fluid volume of V (m3).
F1 is the volumetric flowrate of stream 1 (m3 s-1)
CA01 is the concentration of substance A in stream 1 (kmol m-3)
F2 is the volumetric flowrate of stream 2 (m3 s-1)
CA02 is the concentration of substance A in stream 2 (kmol m-3)
F is the volumetric flowrate of the outlet stream (m3 s-1)
CA is the concentration of A in the outlet stream (kmol m-3)

The mixer is set up so that the concentration of A in stream 2 can be

manipulated, the concentration in stream 1 can be viewed as a disturbance
(see Appendix A). The control objective is a known set point for CA

Task 2.1 (6% of the marks)

Using an unsteady state material balance show that the mixer described
above can be represented by Eqn(2.2) below. What do τp, Kp1 and Kp2
represent and how are they related to the mixer parameters listed above?
Make a note of any assumptions used to derive the equation.

dC A
τp + C A = K p1C A 01 + K p 2C A02 Eqn (2.2)
end of task 2.1

To measure the concentration a conductivity probe is used. The probe can be
modelled using a first order differential equation of the form:
dC Am
τm + C Am = K m C A Eqn (2.3)
Where τm (s) is the probe time constant, CAm (mA) is the probe signal (a
representation of the concentration), Km (mA (kmol m-3)-1) is the probe gain
and CA (kmol m-3) is the actual concentration.

The outlet concentration CA needs to be controlled at the set point. In practice

the control system might look to manipulate both τp and CA02 to achieve this.
Here however, τp is considered constant and control is achieved through
manipulation of CA02 only.

Task 2.2 (3% of the marks)

Show that by combining Eqns (2.2) and (2.3), the following 2nd order
differential equation can be derived.

2d 2C Am dC Am
τ 2
+ 2ζτ + C Am = K m K p1C A01 + K m K p 2C A02 Eqn (2.4)
dt dt
Identify the parameters τ and ζ.

end of task 2.2

3 System data and further information
Initially the system is at a steady-state with the following parameters:

• V = 5 m3
• F1 = 0.04 m3 s-1
• F2 = 0.02 m3 s-1
• F = 0.06 m3 s-1
• CA01 = 0.8 kmol m-3
• CA02 = 1.2 kmol m-3

The probe (sensor) has the following parameters:

• Km = 1.5 mA (kmol m-3)-1

• τm = 30 s

As part of the mixer / probe system there is a feedback control system that is
able to adjust the value of CA02 by manipulating a valve, depending on what
the value of the set point CA,set is (note: without changing the value of F2). The
feedback loop contains:

• An electronic controller with proportional (P-only) action, which has a

gain, KC (mA mA-1). Initially KC = 2.5 mA mA-1.
• An electronic-pneumatic transducer (gain, Kep = 1.8 p.s.i mA-1) to
convert the controller signal into an equivalent pneumatic signal for the
control valve.
• A pneumatic control valve (which manipulates CA02) with first order
dynamics. Parameters for the valve are: KV = 2 (kmol m-3) (p.s.i)-1 and
τV = 25 s.

(see Appendix A for further explanation of this)

4 Further Tasks (You are advised to use the
worksheet provided)
4.1 Derivation of a deviation variable mathematical model for
the uncontrolled mixer + probe system

Task 4.1 (a) (3% of the marks)

Identify a suitable value for CAs (the steady state value of CA) given values in
§3 above and then, using the following deviation variables:

C A* = CA − CAs ; CA* 01 = CA01 − CA01s ; CA* 02 = CA02 − CA02 s ; *

CAm = CAm − CAms ;

show that:

d 2C Am
* *
dC Am *
τ 2
+ 2ζτ + C Am = K m K p1C A* 01 + K m K p 2C A* 02 Eqn (4.1)
dt dt
Task 4.1 (b) (23% of the marks)

Solve Eqn (4.1) analytically to obtain the response of C*Am with time, t for:

i. a step change in the concentration of A in stream 2,

C*A02 = 0.3 kmol m-3.
ii. a sinusoidal change in the concentration of A in stream 1,
C*A01 = 0.3sin π t
10) kmol m-3
In case (i), C*A01 = 0, and in case (ii), C*A02 = 0. In both cases all flowrates are
maintained at their steady state values.

end of task 4.1

4.2 Testing of the Mathematical Model
Task 4.2 (20% of the marks)
Construct the following open loop models of the mixer and sensor (probe) in
Simulink. The values should be obtained from the data in §3 and comparison
to equation forms given in §2. The values for the input depend on Task 4.1
(b) (i) and (ii).

Model (i)

• Compare the numeric solution for C*Am generated by Simulink to the

analytic solution you derived in Task 4.1 b (i). Run the simulation
until an end ('stop') time of 500 seconds. Comment on your results.
• Comment on the differences between the values output to the
workspace for CA_star (C*A) and CAM_star (C*Am).

Model (ii)

• Compare the numeric solution of C*Am generated by simulink to the

analytic solution you derived in Task 4.1 b (ii). Run the simulation until
an end time of 500 seconds. Comment on your results.
• Comment on the differences between the values output to the
workspace for CA_star (C*A) and CAm_star (C*Am).
• You may wish to force Simulink to use more time points for its numeric
solution (so you get ‘smooth’ curves). To do this select <simulation>
then <Model Configuration Parameters>. Under ‘Solver details’ change
the max step size from ‘auto’ to (say) ‘1’.

end of task 4.2

4.3 Further observations of the simulated open loop

Task 4.3 (a) (12% of the marks) – Investigating Model (i) from Task 4.2
For all your simulations in this task use an end time of 1500 s. You may wish
to add additional scopes or 'To worksheet' blocks to your simulations. Again
you may wish to change the time points used by selecting <simulation> then
<Model Configuration Parameters>. Under ‘Solver details’ change the max
step size from ‘auto’ to (say) ‘1’.

Investigate the following step changes, and sensor time constants τm.

Step changes: C*A02 = 0.1, 0.3, 5 (kmol m-3)

Time constant: τm = 30, 75 (s)

(This represents 6 simulations in total).

Complete the following:

(i) Observe and record the time taken to reach the final, settled
value of C*Am and C*A.
(ii) Compare the shapes of plots of C*Am and C*A against time.
(iii) Comment on the effect of τm.

Task 4.3 (b) (13% of the marks) – Investigating Model (ii) from Task 4.2
For the simulations in this task use an end time of 2000 secs. You may wish
to add additional scopes or 'To worksheet' blocks to your simulations.

( b ) ), and sensor time

Investigate the following sinusoids (C*A01 = a sin π t
constants τm.

Sinusoid changes: (i) a = 0.3, b = 10; (ii) a = 1.2, b = 10; (iii) a = 1.2, b = 40
Time constant: τm = 30, 75 (s)

(This represents 6 simulations in total).

Complete the following:

(i) Observe and record the amplitude of C*Am and C*A after any
initial transients have decayed.
(ii) Compare the shapes of plots of C*Am and C*A against time.
(iii) Comment on the effect of τm.

end of task 4.3

4.4 Simulations of the controlled behaviour

Task 4.4 (a) (12% of the marks)

Construct the following Simulink block diagram based on the control diagram
in Appendix A. You may wish to add additional scopes or 'To worksheet'
blocks to your simulations.

At a simulation time, t = 0, there is a step change in C*A,set = 0.3 kmol m-3 and
a disturbance in C*A01 = 0.3sin π t )
10 with other parameters given in §3 or
found during the previous tasks.

Run the simulation with KC = 0.5, 2.5, and 8 until an end time, t = 1500 s for
the following probe time constants:

(i) τM = 30 s
(ii) τM = 75 s

(again 6 simulations in total)

For all the simulations, you should at least consider the following:

• Has a steady-state been reached after 1500 s?

• If a steady-state is reached how long did it take?
• What are the values of CAm and CA at t = 1500 s?
• Compare the shapes of plots of C*Am and C*A against time.
• Comment on the effect of τm.

Task 4.4 (b) (8% of the marks)
i. Select two industrial mixing applications and briefly state what
quality of control would be acceptable for them (e.g. must control
be at the set point? is some variation acceptable?). Give your
ii. Did any of the controller and sensor parameters in Task 4.4 (a)
give adequate control? Comment on your answer.
iii. Describe briefly how to improve the performance of the control

end of task 4.4

Appendix A

CA01 CA02

Figure A1: A possible way to control CA02

The following block diagram can be developed (which the Simulink model for
Task 4.4 is based on), it is assumed that the control of CA02 can be done
without changing the flowrate F2 and also that the flowrate F1 does not
change, hence if the outflow stays at F (= F1+F2) then the volume in the mixer
remains at V. First it is noted that Eqns (2.2) and (2.3) can be re-written in
terms of deviation variables (given in Task 4.1 (a)) and then Laplace
transforms taken to give:
 K p1  *  K p2  *
C (s) = 
 τ s + 1  A 01 ( )  τ s + 1  A02 ( )
A C s + C s Eqn (A1)
 p   p 
 Km  *
C Am ( ) 
s =  CA ( s ) Eqn (A2)
 m s + 1 
The first task is to create the open-loop response (Eqn (A1))

K p1
τ ps +1
C* A02
K p2 + C *A
τ ps +1
The value of C*A is then measured via the probe (Eqn (A2)) and this signal
compared to the set point, to give:

K p1
τ ps +1
C*A,set +
+ C*A02 K p2 + C*A
τ ps +1

C*Am Km
τ ms +1

The error signal is then processed by the controller – for this tutorial
proportional only control is considered (controller gain = KC), then converted
to a signal for the valve (Kep) and finally acted upon by the valve. The valve
response is not instantaneous so its response is modelled via a first order
ODE, this has the same form of transfer function as the probe. The final
control diagram looks like:

K p1
τ ps +1
C*A,set +
+ KC Kep KV C*A02 K p2 + C* A
τV s + 1 τ ps +1

C*Am Km
τ ms +1


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