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Disciplinary Literacy:

Architecture in Nature Teacher

Haley Reynolds
Lesson Title/Focus :
Feb 12th 2019
Page Selection: “The Nature of Date:


General Learning 1. (#1ELA)Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and
Outcomes: represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences
2. (#2ELA) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and
represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to
oral, print and other media texts.
3. (#3ELA) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and
represent to manage ideas and information.
4. (#5ELA) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and
represent to respect, support and collaborate with others.

Specific Learning 1. 1.1 Discover and Explore

Outcomes: 2. 1.2 Clarify and Extend
3. 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues
4. 3.1 Plan and Focus
5. 5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community


As humans we can learn something from animals on how they recycle and take care of
the planet. How can we be more like animals in how we use our waste?

Learning Intentions

Students will be able to use their critical thinking skills to connect and apply what they have read to the
‘Design Thinking’ framework.
I Can use my knowledge of the Design Thinking process to make connections within Literacy, which I
know is connected to my work as an Architect.


● Language Arts Program of Studies
● Poster Paper
● Photocopied Articles
● Scissors
● Glue

Learning Outcomes

● Emphasize​:During our time talking about the ‘Hook’

Six Facets of Understanding of the lesson students empathizing on how the
animals recycle, how can we?
● Have Perspective​: Connections between humans
and animals. There is a strong link between nature
and build structures. Many Architects look to nature
to help them solve their building challenges.
● Interpret: ​Students will interpret how important the
link is between nature and the creation of structures.
● Apply​:Students will then apply their knowledge of
how nature works within the building and designing
phase of structures kinesthetic phase of the lesson
● Explain​: At the end, students will justify their
connections and explain how they applied their
knowledge of nature and its role in the building
process of structures to their Design Process.
● Have Self Knowledge​: During our discussion and
work students will demonstrate their Self Knowledge.
How does nature help Architects solve their building challenges?
Essential Questions​: How can our knowledge of the Design Thinking process create
connections within our work in Literacy?

Assessment Formative:
● Are the students putting the sticky
notes on the correct part of the
design thinking process?
● Are the students understanding
what to do during the task?
● Are the students using a critical
thinking approach during their
● Are the students able to justify
their understanding?
● Are they able to understand a
misconception, and be able to
brainstorm how to fix it?
● Checklist to see if students are critically
thinking, and applying their knowledge
during the task.
● For students that may have
difficulties with finding a specific
sentence, sentences will be
already cut out and glued on the
sticky note.
● They will take the sentences, read
them, and then decide what part
of the design process they match
How does this individual lesson scaffold learning opportunities for students?

This lesson scaffolds learning as the students are able to use their critical thinking skills
and apply them using their knowledge of the Design Thinking process. They will also be
working on interpreting, as they will inquire into and work to understand how important of a
role nature has in the creation of structures. The hook will help to bring about intentional
learning, by reflecting on how animals are already recycling a lot of what we could usually
put into a landfills. By giving the chance for the students to go and apply, interpret and
apply their knowledge on their own, they are in turn working through the critical and
creative thinking process. As the students discuss after, they are able to recognize
misconceptions and see ways in which they can be recognized and fixed relying on their
own self knowledge that they have acquired.

What assumptions does this lesson make about what students already know?
This Lesson assumes that students have a basic knowledge of
● How to listen respectfully and effectively
● How to participate in class discussions in a meaningful way
● How to work with partners respectively and effectively

Next Steps:
Continue looking at Non- Fiction texts through a disciplinary lense.

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