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Question 1

1.00 points out of 1.00

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Question text

Grammar Section

Answer the question according to the picture:

 What is the correct comparative?

Select one:
a. Biggest
b. Big
c. Bigger
d. Biggost

Question 2

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Grammar Section

Select the correct word according to each description:

 A big animal which produces milk for human consumption.

Select one:
a. Dog
b. Elephant
c. Horse
d. Cow

Question 3

1.00 points out of 1.00

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Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that fits the following definition:

 A person who doesn't like to spend money.

Select one:
a. Dummy
b. Raffle
c. Funny
d. Cheapskate

Question 4

1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Grammar and Vocabulary Section

 Choose the correct answer according to the picture:

Select one:
a. Go camping
b. Go skiing
c. Go rafting
d. Go fishing

Question 5

1.00 points out of 1.00
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Question text

Listening Section

Based on "Audio 2 : Vacations", complete the following sentence:

 Some friends are not going because _________________________.

Select one:
a. they don't like camping.
b. they didn't get ready on time and do not have the necessary supplies.
c. they could not go to the meeting.
d. they don't have backpacks.

Question 6

1.00 points out of 1.00

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Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that best completes the following definition:

 The Answer

 helps you to know where to go in case you get lost.

Question 7

1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that best completes the following definition:

 A car driver uses the Answer

 to make the car go faster.

Question 8

1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section

Choose the word that best completes the following definition:

 A car driver uses a Answer

 to produce the movement of the car, so it continues its way.

Question 9

1.00 points out of 1.00
Flag question

Question text

Grammar Section

Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence according to the picture:

 The boy has Answer

 meat than the girl.

Question 10

1.00 points out of 1.00

Flag question

Question text

Vocabulary Section

Read the options and match the right one with the context below:

 These are physical activities in most cases governed by a set of rules or customs
and they are often engaged to recreation or competitions.

Select one:
a. Jobs
b. Policies
c. Sports
d. Reports

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