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MARCH 2019



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Fear of digital disruption may be a thing of the past, but technology
continues to push publishers in new ways BY ANDREW RICHARD ALBANESE


Tom Goodwin, head of innovation for Zenith Media, keynoting last year’s Quantum Conference.

n his opening keynote at the London Book Fair’s 2018 Of course, 2019 also holds its share of challenges for the
Quantum conference, Tom Goodwin, head of innova- publishing industry. The Trump administration continues to
tion for Zenith Media, described the publishing industry sow chaos in the U.S., while Brexit concerns have U.K. pub-
as slogging through the “mid-digital” age. “We live in lishers on edge. In Europe, a new open access movement
this amazing age where incredible things are possible, threatens to roil scientific publishers, and a major copyright
but routinely people are quite disappointed,” he observed. revision is sparking a tough political battle ahead of this
“It always appears that when new technology arrives, we spring’s E.U. elections. And all around the globe, regulators
think about how we’ve done things before, and sprinkle a continue to scrutinize the tech sector, including players such
little bit of technology around the edges,” he said, urging as Amazon, Facebook, and Google.
publishers to instead get “much better at looking ahead, not These issues and others will be on display at this year’s
behind.” London Book Fair. The Quantum Conference once again
But as publishers arrive for the 2019 London Book Fair, offers an insightful, data-driven program. And throughout
they’re feeling pretty good about their old technology. For the week, the fair’s professional program will feature a full
a fourth straight year, publishers gather in London against slate of talks and panels on the key issues facing the industry,
a backdrop of rising print sales. According to NPD Book- including rights and translations, copyright, the freedom to
Scan, print sales in the U.S. topped 695 million units in publish, open access and scholarly publishing, and new
2018, up 1.3% from the year before. In the U.K., sales rose opportunities for authors at the Author HQ. And of course,
just over 2.1%, on sales of 190 million units. And despite in the exhibit halls, there will be no shortage of vendors
slowing growth for traditional publishers’ e-books in the displaying new products and technology to help publishers
U.K. and another year of declines in the U.S., downloadable better manage their workflows in the digital age.
audio continues to fuel publishers’ digital businesses. Digi- At the close of the 2017 London Book Fair, Pan Macmillan
tal audio was a major focus at last year’s London Book Fair, managing director at Anthony Forbes Watson said publishers
and it will feature prominently again in 2019, as the for- were “feeding off the chaos in the world outside, rather than
mat’s double-digit annual growth shows no signs of slowing being depressed by it.” In 2019, that appears to be holding
down. true. Including the “chaos” part. ■


The New Network ian evolution is probably a better metaphor. And the second
is that those earlier technologies each resulted in upheaval,
uncertainty, and unrest. The effect of new networks is always

Revolution the destruction of the status quo. From Gutenberg to Google

was an exercise to scratch an itch. I’m fortunate to have
spent my professional life involved with new technology,
BY ANDREW RICHARD ALBANESE especially new networks. And what I wanted to bring for-
ward is that while the challenges of our times may be trying,
they aren’t unique. We often describe our times in terms like
In his new book, former FCC chairman “there’s never been anything like this before.” But it simply
Tom Wheeler explains why the isn’t true.

history of network revolutions is In the book you write that it is never the primary network tech-
nology that is transformational, but the secondary effects
the history of social and economic made possible by that technology. Can you explain that?
upheaval Technology is just an enabler—it is how that technology is
used that drives transformational change. For example, the
printing press mechanized what monks had been doing in
scriptoriums, but its transformational effect was to remove
those monks and their superiors from determining what
information would be made available. Once liberated by
new technology, knowledge and information flowed more
freely, and with that came the significant upheavals of the
Reformation, the Renaissance, and the scientific method.
The same is true of the railroad, the first high-speed net-
work, and the telegraph, the first electronic network. Those
technologies meant the death of distance and time as con-
trolling factors in the human experience. Eliminating those
constraints enabled the industrial revolution. The railroad
Tom Wheeler inexpensively transported natural resources to central sites
for mass production, and then reshipped the completed

products back to an interconnected market. The telegraph
hether in a meeting or at a panel presentation, coordinated movements on the railroad, managed produc-
you’ve surely heard it said around the London tion activities, and also created the national media and the
Book Fair in recent years: technology is bring- financial markets. So while the networks are essential, social
ing about “unprecedented change.” Not and economic transformation is actually driven by how net-
exactly, explains former FCC chairman Tom works are put to work.
Wheeler. PW recently caught up with Wheeler to talk about
his forthcoming book, From Gutenberg to Google: The His- On that score, you observe that today’s new digital networks
tory of Our Future (Brookings Institution), and the past, are triggering economic and social change that is “new in
present, and future of our networked world. new ways.” How so?
Historically, networks delivered people and products to a
In From Gutenberg to Google you very effectively capture common point where they connected with other pathways.
the ways technology and innovation have affected, con- The railroad, telegraph, and telephone all followed the same
nected, and disrupted the world over some 500 years of model—whether boxcars or phone calls, the asset was
history, right up to the present day. Certainly, you could have hauled to a central point where it was switched to a line lead-
written an entire book on just the last couple decades alone, ing to its final destination. Chicago became the Second City,
but what were the historical through lines you wanted to for example, because of the meat packers and millers who
make sure we recognized in today’s networked world? congregated there to process the product from the plains to
There are two main through lines I wanted to explore. The be transferred to lines heading to eastern markets.
first is that our “new” technology is derivative of earlier tech- But today’s digital networks reverse that topology. Digital
nologies. We often have this image of a lone genius and a network activity is no longer centralized but is pushed out-
eureka moment when it comes to innovation, when Darwin- ward to distributed routers at the network edge. With smart-

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phones, for instance, the individual becomes the ultimate have no choice but to establish policies for the use of that
network hub at the ultimate edge of the network. Yet this digital asset—especially personal information—and we
functional distribution has resulted in a recentralization, in must do it with dispatch.
the form of algorithmic platforms pairing people and infor- Previously, whether gold, or oil, or any other hard asset,
mation. And the new network’s low cost of collecting and there was a finite supply, and a finite demand. But in today’s
distributing data has allowed a handful of companies to digital environment, every activity creates new data. Thus,
recentralize economic activity. It used to be that the central- the asset is in infinite supply. And, the application of that
ized nature of networks drove economic activity. Today, com- asset is also inexhaustible. Now, it is one thing when that
panies like Google and Facebook use the distributed network data is about jet engine performance, or the predictive main-
to establish a new kind of centralization, via algorithm. tenance of equipment. It is something completely different
when it is personal information collected, aggregated, and
In your various roles, including most recently as FCC chair- monetized by targeting us, which is what the dominant digi-
man during the Obama administration, you were instrumen- tal companies of today do. They take our private informa-
tal in trying to balance technological change and public tion and convert it into their corporate asset. Currently, these
policy, no easy feat given the complexity of technology, and companies are making the rules in their own interests. But it
the speed with which it now comes. Can you talk about that is essential that the people’s representatives step up and
challenge? Because it seems to me that policymakers will establish rules in the public interest.
never be able to understand our rapidly changing technology
enough to effectively regulate it. In the book you observe how the domination of early net-
It should not surprise us that governments struggle to deal works, like the railroads, led to the formation of monopolies
with rapidly changing technology. The people’s representa- like Standard Oil and Carnegie Steel. And you write that
tives in government are indeed representative—they are no you see the same patterns emerging with companies such
different from the people themselves in their technical under- as Facebook, Google, and Amazon. Well, we know what
standing. And this is not unique today. In From Gutenberg happened to Standard Oil. Does the same fate await these
to Google I tell the story of how 19th-century members of tech giants?
Congress simply could not comprehend the telegraph. In Historically, pioneers make the rules for the new territories
fact, the bill funding the test telegraph line barely passed the they discover, until those rules begin to impinge on the
House of Representatives, with about a third of the House well-being of the public. The antitrust laws were established
abstaining rather than having to explain to their constituents precisely for this purpose: to create a countervailing force to
why they were spending money on this idea of sending mes- corporate power. What we are experiencing now is the estab-
sages by sparks. lishment of new dominant corporations: both the digital
One of the things that was most intriguing about my time platforms, and the networks on which they travel, are acting
as FCC chairman was that I knew stories like this, I had stud- as gatekeepers for the most valuable assets of our era.
ied the effects of previous network revolutions, and I had the Companies like Google and Facebook, for example, began
rare opportunity to put into practice the lessons of history with a simple proposition: that users would trade some of
that I had studied. But you’re right, there their information for services. When it became
used to be an adaptation time buffer clear that such information could be mone-
that allowed individuals and institu- tized, the demand for more information
tions to better come to grips with the became the prevailing business plan. And these
impact of new technologies. The companies have been successful beyond their
internet has erased that buffer. wildest expectations. They have amassed huge
databases that they now exploit to dominate
In the book you write that the markets. And I believe we should pursue all
“creation of data is the manufac- available remedies. In addition to maintaining
turing activity of the 21st century.” antitrust vigilance, including merger approval,
In recent years we’ve seen the we also need to import the same competition-
negative effects of that hunger for enhancing and consumer protection concepts
data—and yet in the U.S. all we’ve to legislative and regulatory oversight.
seen in response is a handful of
hearings. Do we need regulation I have to ask about net neutrality, which the
in this space? FCC codified in 2015 on your watch, only to
Digital information is the capital see the current administration repeal it last
asset of the 21st century. We year. What happens next?

6 www.publishersweekly.com
I believe that we have yet to see the ultimate resolution of the transformational as the earlier great network revolutions—
open internet question. The Trump FCC may have destroyed the evolution to Web 3.0 and a network that orches-
net neutrality rules, but that decision has been appealed to trates rather than simply transports information; artifi-
the courts, and Congress has a renewed interest in the topic. cial intelligence; blockchain; and the expanding threat of
So I am hopeful we will see sanity return. cyberattacks.
We just discussed how dominant gateways control mar- But let me respond to your question with a broader brush:
kets, and the underlying dominant gateways today are the the history of network revolutions is also the history of social
networks that connect us to the internet. The entire concept and economic instability, and insecurity. And working
behind net neutrality was that those networks should be fair through these issues in a democracy takes time. As individu-
and open. But net neutrality isn’t just about competition. It is als and institutions are impacted by new technology, and
also about freedom of expression unconstrained by interme- liberal democratic capitalism appears slow in responding,
diaries. The networks today have the economic incentive and the political impetus is to search for quick solutions. We see
the technological ability to discriminate among users to this now, manifested in the rise of authoritarianism, Brexit,
maximize their own interests. Everyone who believes in the and Donald Trump. But it is not as if we haven’t been here
free flow of ideas should be concerned about that. before. At the dawn of the industrial revolution, when the
rules that had worked for agrarian mercantilism were no
In your epilogue, you describe this book as “a technological longer adequate, the result was antitrust legislation and
travelogue,” which it certainly is. As we keep traveling, what’s consumer and worker protection laws that established
awaiting us down the road? guardrails on the excesses of capitalism. We are at a similar
In the book I discuss four forces that will make this era as moment today. ■

Toward a More Transparent Book Industry


n January, the Authors Guild in the U.S. released a survey of more than 5,000 authors
showing that the median annual income for American authors had declined 42% since
2009. The report followed a similar finding in the U.K. last June, in which the Authors’
Licensing and Collecting Society found that the median annual income of a professional
author was “well below the minimum wage.” Over the same period, however, income for both
U.K. and American publishers actually went up slightly.
Headline statistics likes these rarely tell the full story. For example, income is not the same
as profit, and there are many other market forces affecting author income these days. But for
those creating the content, the perceived discrepancy between returns for authors vs. those Winner
for publishers has been viewed with increasing suspicion. Nicola Solomon, CEO of the U.K.
Society of Authors, recently challenged publishers to reveal how much they pay writers. “Unless authors receive proper
returns,” she warned, “the supply of quality work will inevitably diminish.”
Of course, publishers and authors have a symbiotic relationship. Each party needs and benefits from the efforts of the
other. But the relationship can suffer when there is a perceived discrepancy or lack of understanding between parties.
The solution: greater transparency about costs and revenue, as well as greater access to information. Although publish-
ers typically provide authors with a window into revenue and sales through regular royalty statements, authors today are
looking for better ways to be assured that they are being properly compensated.
Looking at the music industry, Spotify recently launched Spotify Publishing Analytics, the first analytics tool from a
music streaming service to provide data on plays. And for book publishers, similar technologies are now on the market,
systems that can help publishers become more transparent with their writers, providing regular up-to-date sales informa-
tion. Why not take advantage of these innovations? More transparency can only enhance the relationship between pub-
lishers and authors and can help authors better understand the vital role their publishers play. ■

Scott Winner is CEO of Ingenta.

Join Scott Winner and a panel of experts from across the book and music industries for their panel discussion, “Increasing Transparency:
How to Create a Fairer Industry,” at the London Book Fair on Tuesday, March 12, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., at the Buzz Theatre.


Klopotek on Title Management,

Editorial, and Production
Stream puts the fun and intuitiveness into one essential part
of the publishing process BY TERI TAN

lopotek TEP (Title Management, Editorial, and Stream are intuitive to handle and fun to use, and they help
Production) is now available on Stream, the compa- publishing staff to focus on their priorities and essential
ny’s cloud-based technology platform. “Stream processes in their day-to-day operations.”
makes all product-related tasks—including title Each app within Klopotek Stream focuses on specific
management, editorial work, planning, and produc- business processes for everything that a publisher (or editor)
tion—available to publishers as business- needs in the area of TEP. “Title manage-
and workflow-driven processes,” says ment is one such area, of course. Then
Uli Klopotek, CEO of Klopotek, a com- there are product classifications accord-
pany that is known for providing an end- ing to various publishing industry stan-
to-end solution to support clients’ pub- dards, price calculations, or scheduling,
lishing businesses that is spread over different countries, for instance,” says Peter Karwowski, CTO and deputy CEO
languages, currencies, and metrics. “It provides a truly state- of Klopotek, adding that Stream for TEP “covers both books
of-the-art technology with an interface that is responsive, and journals—and their entire product lifecycle—as well as
user-friendly, intuitive, flexible, and customizable.” digital and subscription products, including online data-
Creating Stream for TEP is a logical step, Klopotek says. bases.”
“Now that we have completed the CRR [Contracts, Rights, Publishers, says Karwowski, can choose from a large
and Royalties] and CRM [Customer Relationships Manage- number of Stream web apps (of which there are now 25) to
ment] elements, it is time to move all central TEP processes cover the processes that are important to them. “All apps use
to the Stream platform,” he adds. “This is a part of our long- the same database and model, so that there is no loss of
term technology road map. In any case, nine TEP apps were information and/or time when switching between apps or
already brought to market as Stream apps a while back due exiting one to the next,” he says. “By employing Stream
to strong customer and market demand. Two more are cur- technology, publishers can create their own TEP suite that is
rently in development. The goal is to offer smart and role- tailored to their operations and specific requirements.”
based workflow support to the publishing industry.” Existing clients have smoothly transitioned from the Klo-
Title Metadata Editor (plus Scenario Manager) is one of potek Classic Line to Stream CRR, Karwowski says. “Our
the two apps being developed to cover the very basic but solution allows for a department-oriented transition—i.e., a
essential area of metadata management. “With this app, we step-by-step process instead of a ‘big bang’ migration, which
are reimagining the traditional workflow for title manage- would be considered as risky,” he adds. “It will be the case
ment. The process-driven app Title Metadata Editor offers for switching to Stream for TEP.”
various scenarios so that editors can completely focus on the Up next for the company is the completion of all essential
attributes they need at the very moment for titles that they Order to Cash processes to the Stream platform. “Once O2C
are working on,” explains Nella Klopotek, executive v-p for is completed, all parts of the Klopotek solution—covering the
UX design and UI development. end-to-end process in publishing—will be available on cloud-
Scenario Manager, Klopotek adds, “enables publishers to based Stream,” Karwowski says. “The Stream world will con-
create their own scenarios for title management, with all stantly have newly developed web apps to meet emerging
workflow steps and UI elements fully customizable.” The market requirements and new business processes. There will
use of Title Metadata Editor, together with Scenario Man- also be continual updates to provide new functionality to
ager, will help to reduce information overload in title man- TEP apps such as Schedule Manager and Catalog Manager,
agement while focusing on the relevant metadata. “It will which we plan to do this year.” ■
improve both the quality and efficiency when creating and
managing title information,” she says. “With Stream for To discover the fun of using Klopotek Stream apps, head
TEP, life is easier for editors, who, in many cases, do not over to booth 3E10 and try out a live demo on a tablet or
enjoy working with software systems. Cloud-based apps on desktop.

8 www.publishersweekly.com
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04.03.2019 17:09:04

Cenveo Publisher Services on

Digital Learning, AI, and NLP
New products amp up the company’s tech solutions for
educational and scholarly publishing BY TERI TAN

his London Book Fair will see the launch of Cenveo erties and incorporate the requirements of specific publica-
Learning, which will bundle curriculum-aligned rich tions—these articles can completely bypass manual copy-
media solutions for publishers and corporate learning editing,” explains Mike Groth, Cenveo’s marketing director.
strategies to improve employee performance into one “Aside from potential savings on time and resources, Smart
robust service. “Our experi- Edit also improves the author experi-
enced digital learning teams turn ideas ence. This rapid publication process,
into immersive experiences in both the in turn, incentivizes more authors to
classroom and the workplace,” says submit their articles to T&F jour-
Waseem Andrabi, v-p for content ser- nals.”
vices at Cenveo Publisher Services. Smart Suite 2.0, a cloud-based eco-
Available across devices, platforms, and markets, Cenveo system of publishing tools to streamline the production of
Learning offers solutions including adaptive microlearning high-quality content, utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and
modules, assessments and certifications, gamification, and natural language processing (NLP). This enables accelerated
simulations. It supports mobile content for iOS and Android, publishing with editorial excellence, from copyediting and
allows for integration with learning management and stu- conversion to composition and delivery. “We want to help
dent information systems, and is compliant with industry publishers understand the ways the AI and NLP behind our
standards such as Section 508, W3C, and WCAG. technology can transform content and boost the immediacy
To transform mundane training materials into engaged of science,” adds Groth, who will be offering copies of a new
and informed learning, the team has taken a systematic devel- white paper on that topic from the booth.
opment approach—Cenveo LEAD+ Framework—to lever- In the near future, AI and NLP in the scholarly informa-
age, engage, analyze, design, and transform e-learning. tion chain can bring opportunities for streamlining every-
“The HTML5-based games that Cenveo developed for thing from content creation to peer review. “Automated
McGraw-Hill Education’s Everyday Mathematics program, matching of articles to journals or reviewers, for example,
for instance, reinforces math concepts through concrete real- can further speed production and improve quality while
world applications and practice,” explains Andrabi, adding reducing bottlenecks for authors,” Groth says.
that the team created new games and redeveloped existing Cenveo’s recent partnership with HighWire is another
Flash-based games as discrete, self-contained HTML5 inter- exciting story to share with London attendees: “This collab-
actives that run on all devices and platforms. oration enables clients of both companies to integrate
Another noteworthy project involved reinventing ESL complementary technology and services, simplify their oper-
instruction for GVE Online Education, a Canadian provider ations with a single project management team, align stra-
of English learning solutions for Chinese students in grades tegic planning across vendor events and user groups, and
one to nine. “GVE went from concept to operational prod- optimize pricing.”
uct—with hundreds of animations, exercises, fun activities, Integrating metadata from HighWire’s BenchPress sub-
unit assessments, and exams—within six months,” says mission solution with Cenveo’s Smart Track automation
Andrabi, pointing out that the “plot-oriented, charac- tool, for instance, is one major benefit. “Our combined team
ter-based, storylike instructional materials are changing the is able to support the full publishing process, including peer
way Chinese schoolchildren learn English.” review, editorial services, author support, online platform
Smart Suite 2.0, which was launched at the previous Lon- solutions, and analytics,” says Groth. ■
don fair has now been implemented by several customers,
including Taylor & Francis. “T&F estimates that 25% of its For information on Cenveo Learning, Smart Suite 2.0,
journal submissions are high-quality, and, by using Smart and more, visit booth 3E08, or check out cenveopublish-
Edit—which is tailored to comprehend unique content prop- erservices.com.

12 www.publishersweekly.com

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Impelsys on Positive Customer

New products make publishers’ lives easier from the get-go BY TERI TAN

ustomers today seek convenience across all interac- amount of content in journal format but also publish ebooks,
tion points, including retail portals, apps, and digi- create videos, and offer courses. In a traditional workflow,
tal readers, and they need to find access while easily these varied content require different tools to create, pub-
interacting with the content, lish, and deliver, which results in a
observes Uday Majithia, discontinuity in customer experi-
assistant v-p of technology, services, ence as they access different con-
and presales at Impelsys. tent through different channels.
“When there is convenience in the Publishers, on the other hand,
interaction, a sustainable relation- have to maintain different plat-
ship between the brand and the customer is established,” forms that do not provide a comprehensive insight on their
explains Majithia. “These are factored in during the cre- business.”
ation of all Impelsys digital products,” he says. “The design Impelsys’s iPC Scholar (previously known as iPublish-
and conceptualization of our apps and platforms—espe- Central Scholar), for example, is focused on the scholarly
cially iPC Scholar and iPC Health—start from the cus- publishing industry. “It solves their publishing concerns by
tomer’s perspectives.” providing a seamless customer experience across all content
Scholarly publishers, adds Majithia, “produce a prodigious formats. It can single-handedly manage and deliver journals,
e-books, videos, courses, and much more.”
With iPC Scholar, publishers also “get comprehensive
actionable analytics—on consumer behavior, usage pat-
terns, likes, and dislikes—across multiple products to help
them deliver enhanced personalized experiences,” says
Majithia. “Publishers do not need to deal with multiple ven-
dors, further bringing efficiency to their operation and
shorter turnaround for service requests. This, to us, is a great
customer experience: it is about freeing the customer from
annoying digital hurdles even as we ensure a smooth and
flawless access of content.”
John Meiners, chief of mission in aligned businesses and
health-care solutions at the American Heart Association,
sums up Impelsys’s services this way: “It has been one of the
few technology companies that always delivered on time
and on budget, with high quality that does not require a lot
of reworking. That has led us continuing to invest in addi-
tional solutions and bring them into more of a business part-
nership than just a vendor.”
For Impelsys, the greater goal is to think beyond profit and
be an entity with a purpose. Majithia adds, “We want to
utilize our technologies to spread knowledge and help peo-
ple to learn and grow, professionally and personally.” ■

Head over to booth 3A48 for more information, and attend


“Effective Knowledge Management & Digital Transforma-

tion Strategies Powered by iPC Scholar,” a session by Stefan
Kendzierskyj, Impelsys’s executive v-p and head of EMEA
and Asia-Pacific, on Tuesday, March 12, at 10 a.m. in the
Buzz Theatre.

14 www.publishersweekly.com
What’s Next for Open
Access, Copyright?
Copyright Clearance Center’s Roy Kaufman offers
predictions on some key issues publishers are
tracking ahead of this year’s London Book Fair


o say that open access scientific publishing will grow ing number of national research agencies and major institu-
in 2019 is akin to predicting that the sun will shine on tional funders toward its goal of making “full and immediate
some days. The proportion of journals published Open Access to research publications a reality.”
globally offering an OA option has for years been ris- The formation of Coalition S, of course, begat Plan S—a
ing steadily. And in a major development last year, the controversial initiative that would require scientists and
European Research Council launched the Coalition S consor- researchers from Coalition S members to publish their work
tium, which has already won the support of a large and grow- in open access repositories or journals by January, 2020, as a

condition of their funding. Plan S also proposes other Second, RAP deals also exclude smaller publishers, espe-
reforms, including a cap on Article Processing Charges cially smaller society publishers. This is not by design—it is
(APCs). And though Coalition S has also taken aim at hybrid simply a function of scale. A librarian’s time is a scarce
journals (subscription-based journals in which authors can resource, and the long tail can be easily ignored.
pay a fee to make articles open), as of now it would allow
publication in hybrid journals “in transition.” Copyright: New U.S. Legislation?
With Plan S taking center stage, my prediction for 2019 Though 2018 did not see much federal legislation make it
is that we will start to see some unintended consequences through to completion, we did see a major copyright revision
take hold in scientific publishing. pass into law: the Music Modernization Act. In addition,
acting register of copyrights Karyn Temple and her staff at
Independent Publishers Suffer the U.S. Copyright Office were busy publishing new recom-
With its call for open access over everything else, as well as mendations on the Section 1201 of the DMCA (Exemptions
its proposed fee caps, Plan S will put even more revenue pres- to Prohibition Against Circumvention of Technological
sure on publishers. But, ironically, while large commercial Measures Protecting Copyrighted Works). And with a host
publishers get most of the negative press, they are also of RFIs and notices, work related to modernizing the Copy-
(through economies of scale) best suited to control costs. On right Office and copyright registration practices are also pro-
the other hand, society publishers—with mission-based pri- ceeding. But will we see significant new copyright legislation
orities, fewer journals over which to spread costs, and less in 2019? My prediction is no, probably not.
negotiating power over vendors—will have a much harder We begin with the Register of Copyrights Selection and
time dealing with the fee caps proposed by Plan S supporters, Accountability Act of 2017. That bill, which died in the
especially as the cap is likely to be at or below the rate of Senate last year after passing the House, would have changed
$3,000 per APC . how the U.S. register of copyrights is appointed. The bill
Yes, many scholarly societies already charge APCs around was supported by the publishing and entertainment indus-
this rate for hybrid titles. But that rate that is market-based tries, and opposed by the tech sector and the library com-
and often does not reflect the true cost to the publisher. For munity. But as one observer recently noted, the measure
many societies, costs per article exceed $3,000, and that seemed to matter a lot more a few years ago, when Barack
price is only offered because it’s subsidized by subscriptions. Obama appointee Carla Hayden took over as librarian of
As the flip to full OA begins to appear inevitable, pressure Congress and swiftly removed then–register of copyrights
and fear will lead independent society publishers to increas- Maria Pallante, raising fears that Hayden would appoint a
ingly partner with larger publishers. This will both enable register hostile to creators’ rights. But with Temple now in
them to lower costs and to participate in read-and-publish her third year as acting register (and quite possibly the
(RAP) deals (more on that below). eventual permanent appointee) the register bill is now seems
less pressing.
The Pure-Gold Road Is Shut Out In other Congressional copyright-related news, new House
Read-and-publish models, or “global flip” models of OA, Judiciary Committee leaders from both parties have sig-
occur when large institutions—or indeed entire countries— naled their support for a new federal resale royalty right for
pay a (typically large) publisher a fee which gives affiliated visual artists. This right would give artists a share of auction
researchers both access to subscription-based content, and proceeds when works are sold publicly and at a profit. The
the ability to publish open access articles in that publisher’s proposal has been understood as more like a tax on a
journals without APCs. It is sort of a modified “big deal” and small number of auction houses. Close watchers of copy-
is being embraced by large publishers and large societies. right consider this proposal likely to pass in 2019.
But there are two groups of publishers who are almost We can also expect some backdoor copyright exceptions
certainly not fans of this trend. First, are the “pure-gold and exemptions to be introduced through appropriations
road” OA publishers. The RAP model effectively shuts out and other means, under the rubric of “open government.”
these “heroes of OA” from the equation. That’s because RAP Content and data partially funded by government grants,
deals are by their nature only available to publishers who technical standards incorporated or referenced by laws,
still maintain subscription models. Thus, a generation of and even third-party copyrighted content hosted on U.S.
pure OA publishers not only stand to lose revenue and foot- government sites such as PubMed Central are all potentially
ing in their quest for a pure OA play, but they lose authors, as affected. Whether Judiciary takes notice and asserts juris-
the process of publishing becomes easier for authors inside diction over such efforts is an open question, though I
RAP deals. And despite hybrid journals being loathed by suspect it will. Could you imagine the Committee on
many in the OA community, if they are easier for authors Agriculture not involving itself in a bill preventing farmers
they will grow at the expense of fully gold publishers. who receive subsidies from charging for their grain?
continued on p. 18

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continued from p. 16
E.U. Copyright Vote Looms who (besides Jeremy Corbyn) would want May’s job, with
For all the “Will they or won’t they?” over the past year, a its 100% guarantee of failure?
deal on a major European copyright revision, the Single I’m going to crawl out on a limb here. It’s no longer unimag-
Copyright Framework for a Digital Single Market, has now inable to think there will be a second referendum. In fact,
been struck. I predict the legislation will narrowly pass. A that now seems likely as the defection of centrists from both
final vote before the full E.U. Parliament is likely to come in parties has pushed even Corbyn to offer support for a second
late March or early April. But with E.U. parliamentary elec- referendum (no doubt, he sees a clearer path to becoming
tions looming in May, a tough political battle is taking prime minister without the millstone of Brexit). Of course,
shape. And even if the bill passes, the battles will continue, as the second-most-likely scenario is the U.K. leaving the E.U.
member states look to implement the changes at the national without a deal, a so-called hard Brexit. For publishers, a hard
level. Brexit would mean a massive reduction in the ability to
The bill’s two most controversial articles remain (mostly) recruit talent, and severe short-term market challenges.
intact in the final negotiated bill: Article 11 (the “Publisher’s It’s not alarmist to say that Brexit could seriously impair the
Right” as characterized by supporters; the “Link Tax” to the U.K. publishing industry and incentivize expansion into con-
those opposed) and Article 13 (the so-called value-gap pro- tinental Europe in order to take better advantage of E.U.
vision, which aims to address the power imbalance between labor and other markets.
platforms and content creators). If passed, neither will If there is a second referendum, however, the outcome will
“break the internet,” as the bill’s opponents argue. almost certainly be to reverse course away from Brexit. This
would be great news for publishers running global busi-
Brexit? nesses with global employees, for academics seeking fund-
Just as I began writing this, Theresa May’s Brexit deal was ing and collaboration, and indeed for any business where
voted down by historically large margins, and she then sur- freedom of movement is an issue.  ■
vived a vote of no confidence. From my outsider view of real-
politik, neither was surprising. Nothing is to be gained by Roy Kaufman is the managing director of business devel-
any MP voting for that Brexit deal, a negotiated agreement opment and government relations for Copyright Clearance
that had something for everyone to hate. On the other hand, Center.

Publishing Workflow Needs a Rethink

By Jon White

hen the digital revolution ramped up over a decade if such repetitive work was eliminated.
ago, publishers were prompted to reevaluate their Among the most-time-consuming
traditional operations, as new formats and technolo- activities: updating metadata, provid-
Jon White
gies demanded they find ways to improve efficiency. Unfortu- ing the same information in multiple
nately, too many of the new processes that followed were reports, tracking projects in various formats, and outlining
mere digital versions of existing analog-era systems, barely assignments.
improving productivity and, in some cases, even creating addi- The task at hand is clear: to develop systems that can
tional work. automate some of these processes, offering publishers
To learn more about the pain points in the publishing greater efficiency and freeing them to focus on higher-level
workflow, PageMajik and the Book Industry Study Group product work, such as acquisition, design, and promotion.
last fall partnered on a survey of publishing professionals. And we want to hear more from you.
The goal: to identify issues and workflow solutions that would On March 28, BISG will host a meeting in New York City
help both the industry and individual publishers work more focused on cloud-based workflows. An interactive two-hour
efficiently. workshop, the program is designed to solicit information
No surprise, the survey revealed that 17% of respon- about the specific challenges the book industry faces. And
dents spend 25%–50% of their time doing repetitive if you’re here at the London Book Fair, stop by the PageMajik
tasks, while 47% of respondents said repetitive tasks booth for more information about the survey, or to discuss
take up 10%–25% of their time. But here’s the kicker: 58% your own workflow challenges. ■
of respondents felt that some of those tasks were avoid- Jon White is the global vice president of sales and market-
able, and over half said they’d be more effective in their jobs ing at PageMajik.

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