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According to Oxford Dictionary, ‘National Integration’ means, “Combination of diverse

elements of perceptions”

National; integration is a process of creating awareness of a single identity by which

the people from a particular area or country should subscribe. National Integration seeks to
eliminate vices like inequality while strengthening solidarity and unity.

National Integration is a positive aspect. It tries to remove inequalities, racial

discriminations and diversities in the nation which strengthens national unity and solidarity
which is not imposed by any authority.

India is a multi-national and multi- lingual country speaking different languages,

following different customs and professing different religion. There is an understanding
sense of solidarity which comes in times of stress from the foreign aggression. But in the
absence of any cohesive forces, the forces of disintegration come up to the surface and the
state is all but to break-up.

As we look into the present scenario, we can find so many problems present in our
country today. There is a communal problem. The main root of communal can be traced
back to the 19th century. The partition of the country in 1947 and the demolition of Babri
Masjid in December,1992, numeral and continues riots between Muslims and the Hindus
have been continuing and never hve been fused till today.

There is a barrier of untouchability they are breaking down but they persist and
reveal their ugliness now and then, particularly in the countryside. There is also a barrier of
language. The hindi-speaking people try to attain integration artificially by making a law to
speak hindi to the non-hindi speaking people.

There is also a barrier between the rich and the poor. It is unfortunate to say that
the haves belong to the majority community whose way of lifes depends on the large
communities of the have-nots.

They naturally cultivate the powers form the fanaticism by supporting the re-
actionary political parties. The have-nots get a strong support from the revolutionary
political parties, playing the role of the leftists. This creates chaos and conflict in the society.

“It’s not important where you are today but where you will reach tomorrow is

Nevertheless, India have been living in the same geographical limit and therefore,
they also share common interest on economics and traditional bonds. As we know that
India is a diverse country yet, there is unity in diversity.
There is less problem of language below the political and official levels. They also try
to speak one common language for the feeling of oneness and unity in the country. English
is made the official language, where everyone can communicate easily and with more

There is also a unity in religion. People celebrate festivals even though they belong
to different religion. They share the same happiness. Moreover, the Muslim dargar dosen’t
hesitate to flock into the Hindu’s festivals. People with different religion celebrate the
festivals together like Id-Ul-Fits, Durga pooja, Christmas and so on.

“Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today”

Abraham Lincoln

Even though we can see the unity and natural integrity in our nation, we have to
work more harder to bring ample oneness and national integrity.

We have to do something to bring National Integration in our country. For this, we

have to start from the grass-root level. A band of honest and popular teachers should work
hard to bring young boys and girls to mix with each other at an impressionable age.

The modern technologies like T.V and radio should be used intelligently to bring
unity in our nation. This can be done by bringing together the different cultures and
customs and making them to learn each other’s lifestyles which will bring unity and mutual

Moreover, the All India Services from the educational side should also make an
obligatory rule to learn at least one language of the other state. Going on the point, the All
Idia Educational Services also post a teacher to other states so that, one can learn other’s
lifestyles and later on which can bring unity in the country.

The political parties organised according to race, ethics etc. Should be ruthlessly
banned. Finally, the cultural system of All India-feeling should be encouraged.

The dreams of changed and integrated India will only remain a dream for the next
decade unless we start to act by ourselves from our own doorsteps.

“when the people of Rome finally wanted not to give to the society but for the
society to give them; when the freedom they wished for most was the freedom of
responsibility, then it was that Rome ceased to be free”

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