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Reporting in Lesson 5

“Freedom of the Human Person: What is freedom? What is the essence of freedom?”

I. Introduction

1. How is freedom an expression of our humanity?

2. How is freedom related to self-determination?
3. How can the loss of freedom lead to dehumanization?
We all know that a human person always seek to be free. In this topic we are going to know
what true freedom really is and how does human use his/her freedom differ from other creature.

II. Body

A. Knowledge
Freedom is the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint,
and the absence of despotic government. It is intrinsic and essential property of a person. This means
that human person by nature is a free being that it is in his/her nature to seek freedom. Also freedom is
rooted to us as a human person. Whenever an individual perform his/her action, it defines him or her.
This is the nature of self-determination: that a person’s action determine what kind of person he or she
becomes. This are different kinds of freedom:

1. Physical Freedom – refers to the absence of any physical restraint. Every individual has its
own natural limitations but because of physical freedom he/she was able to act and move in a
determined manner.

2. Psychological Freedom – is also called freedom of choice. It is innate and cannot be denied a
person. Every individual has a power to act or not to act. No one can compel the will of other

3. Moral Freedom – refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and
goodness. When an individual uses his/her freedom well, he/she becomes freer. However, if
that person uses his/her freedom do violate people he/she lead his/her own-self to

B. Comprehension
The Principles need to be learned from this topic are most likely the true meaning or essence of
freedom, what is freedom for and where we will use it. We should know that because sometimes we are
abusing our freedom due to lack of knowledge that we have and wrong perception on what is right and
wrong. Knowledge is connected to a human person’s freedom in a way that we can do something freely
and wisely as long as we have a knowledge on it. This principle is connected to sociology because
freedom involves with different person, different things in the society that will helps us to shape
ourselves. Therefore, if we are free we can act different action that can show humanity to others or
some that can hurt others.

C. Application
Since freedom is the ability to make choices and make actions freely. Actually it may apply to
our life like a successful engineer did when he was a child. He chose to listen to his dream and pursue on
what he want to be in the future. Even there are many struggles, he used his freedom in making choices
and actions to fulfill his dream to be a successful engineer. For us to understand the true essence
freedom, we should understand first that freedom is also the power to be what you want, decide and
create for yourself. That freedom gives us the ability to strive to achieve our individual goal. Freedom is
rooted in the human person’s self-determination. The child can freely not to act to achieve his dream
but he choose to act in a good way so that he can become a successful engineer someday.
D. Analysis
Many of us, Filipinos, nowadays didn’t have the appreciation and has lack of love for the country
specially those who abused and put a chain on other Filipinos so that they can manipulate. In politics,
many politicians was threatening others by simply vote buying. Those politicians who practiced vote
buying also practice dehumanization. They forces people to deny their freedom and simply vote them in
exchanged of money. The resolution for these situation is Filipinos should be responsible and wise in
making actions and decisions. Freedom requires a degree of control from the person who exercises it.
Filipinos becomes less free if he/she allow others to control his/her freedom. If that happens he/she
doesn’t just dehumanize his/her self but also the others.

E. Synthesis
Our freedom to act set us apart from other beings. It makes us dynamic creatures and our
actions do not necessarily follow a set of pattern or pre-determined course. However, in different
situation, we tend to do bad things. In exploring such freedom, we forget sometimes to become
responsible in our actions. Like other teens, they become addicted to games, alcohol, smoking and many
things that they think was they were doing it freely but in fact they are in slave to this kinds of addiction.
That's why we should know the true essence of freedom or being free and we should take an action to
make the other people realize that they are enslave to the addiction that they are experiencing now.

III. Conclusion:
We have the ability to make decisions and perform actions freely. Having a freedom, however,
also entails certain responsibilities. Our choices and actions may tell what personality we have. Its either
we use our freedom to be a good person and act in a good way or be a bad one who abuse the freedom
that he/she has. To lose control of oneself diminishes human freedom and dehumanizes the person.

“Freedom of the Human Person: What makes us free? How does freedom shape our experiences?”

I. Introduction

1. Why are voluntariness and responsibility important elements of freedom?

2. The choice of 'doing nothing' a valid and moral choice? In what situation is this choice acceptable?
3. How can self-reflection aid you in exercising freedom and making choices?
Freedom is defined by two elements; voluntariness refers to the ability of a person to act
his/her free will and responsibility that refers to the person being responsible for his/her actions.

II. Body

A. Knowledge
Voluntariness and responsibilities defined freedom. Voluntariness means that a person may
take any action. This also means that an individual may decide to act or not to act in a particular
situation. Voluntary acts are free acts that can cause good or bad results. Responsibility refers to the
person responsible for her/his actions. It can have a positive or negative meaning or the morality of an
action. It simply explains that freedom comes up with voluntariness specially if there is a situation which
requires you and your act of being a volunteer in times of need. Also, freedom is related to responsibility
simply because there are things we choose in our life and we need to be committed on that and we put
“responsibility” in order to support those commitment.

B. Comprehension
The principle we need to learn about this topic is that we have to face the reality as we exercise
our freedom to the fact that Freedom is experienced through the act of making choices. Although human
freedom gives us the ability to think of countless decisions and possible actions, we only get to choose
to enact one of these possible actions or decisions. Having the ability to choose and enact a course of
action does not automatically mean that we should take action every time. It is also possible that the
choice not to take action may be an acceptable and moral choice in a given situation. This will relate to
the two elements of freedom wherein we also put choice if we act voluntarily even if that’s not part of
our responsibility but then we tend to act on a certain situation because we are also human and being
pity to other who needs help and make that as responsibility.

C. Application
Voluntariness can be applied in terms of an emergency situation. For example Leo saw a kid
crossing the road and the kid did not realize that there was a car passing along the road. The kid was
about to hit by the car but Leo voluntarily take an action. He ran across the road and helps the kid.
Responsibility can be applied to the real life in terms of when you’re making decisions. We can also use
what Leo do as an application of responsibility. When Leo saw the incident it is his responsibility to make
decision whether to help the kid or not and face what will be the consequence of his decision. As he
helps the child he will be honor for his heroic action.

D. Analysis
The problems that you can see are related to knowledge and freedom. That a person to act out
of his or her own and these decisions are made out maybe a situation and become not to act. In the
shape of our experiences the problem on this experience or actions is ever made voluntary action to
address a bad situation or have a across some situations where know that a something bad was
happening on their actions or did you choose not to be act. And the principle that problem her was
become a make us to be free in determining a person's freedom. Where a person is forced to do action
against his or her will, it follows that he or she is not be held to their responsible for his or her
involuntary to be actions. The solution to this be a human person we have to think and making decisions
as a good in the situation. And become responsible person his or her own actions, on being held
responsible by other people. Freedom experience to us act making choices , although human freedom
give us the ability to think and one of these possible actions or decision. The result to the future
outcomes as a person is to become responsible for being account for his or her action and their
consequences. It is therefore it is important to us for the person to exercise caution and prudence and
reflect on possible courses of action in making decisions or doing actions. And individuals must be
exercise to control over their action and recognize reasonable limits to their freedom.

E. Synthesis
Voluntariness and responsibility go hand-in-hand in determining a person’s freedom. In any
situation where a person is forced to do an action against his or her will, it follows that he or she cannot
be held responsible for his or her involuntary actions. The realization of voluntariness and responsibility
in the exercise of our freedom gives our actions and experiences a whole new meaning. We can now
reflect on our actions to better understand them and guide us toward making the best possible decision.
We also need to remember that self-reflection is vital in the proper exercise of human freedom. As
persons, we cannot allow ourselves to be slaves to sudden emotions and moods whenever we act. As
free and rational beings, we must recognize the importance of exercising freedom responsibly. This
requires on our actions, consider their effects, and make the proper choices regarding the most
beneficial decisions or actions.

III. Conclusion
We conclude that as we are benefiting our freedom, we are also facing the reality that every
choices we choose, it comes up with being volunteer and be responsible for a certain commitment.
Human freedom gives us ability to make countless possible actions and decisions. We need to think
before we use our freedom and make a decisions or actions so therefore we will not face any bad
consequences. When you do a particular action, we can never go back and reversed and make a new
one. As a human possessing freedom, we must know the significance if exercising freedom responsibly.
We should reflect first on our actions, consider their impacts, and make the proper choices like the ones
that will be beneficial to us.
“Freedom of the Human Person: How can I exercise my freedom in a responsible and beneficial

I. Introduction

1. What enables the person to exercise limits in his or her freedom?

2. How does truthful knowledge contribute to human freedom?
3. How can you show respect for the freedom of others?
This part of the lesson will teach us and help us to appropriately interact with other person with
regards to respecting of each other freedom. Also this will help to guide us in order to know the
limitations and endpoints of such actions we do for having free will.

II. Body

A. Knowledge
The saying: “My freedom to swing my fist ends where your nose begins” was simply saying that
we all have freedom to do and act what we want to. But there is always a limitation that we people
should engage in ourselves in order to control the manners that we would express to others. At some
point, many of us still doesn’t learnt the ways or the practices we should possessed in order to control
the eagerness to express our own self with freedom. And these are the things that human person should
remember in order to maintain his or her relationship to other people using his or her freedom:

1. Human person should be exercised with control and recognition of reasonable limits – We set
limits to our own freedom and learn to moderate and control our thoughts, emotions, and
actions, depending on the situation.
2. Freedom should also be exercised with regard for knowledge and truth- As rational beings, it is
natural for us to think before we act. We use our freedom to act and acquire more knowledge,
and we use this knowledge in order to come up with decisions and courses of actions when
confronted with difficult situations.
3. We should also recognize and uphold not only our individual freedom but also the freedom of
others – This view has led to the assertion that freedom is a recognized and guaranteed right for
all the persons. Freedom should be exercised with due regard for the welfare of other persons
and one’s freedom should be exercised not as a tool to restrict the freedom of others, but as a
means to enable others to enjoy their own freedom.

B. Comprehension
The principle we need to learn in this part of the lesson was to appropriately use our freedom
and properly interact with others freedom. It is vital for us humans to be competent with others and we
tend to make them fall instead of helping each other hand; that goes to the point wherein some of us
are using their freedom in no proper way. We humans should control the used of our freedom because
we aren’t the only person living in the world and tempt to act as freely as we can because we also know
to ourselves that we are possessing freedom. Controlling the use of our freedom can have us stronger
relationship between the freedom of other person and also to have continuous interaction to the living
things here on earth specially us, humans.

C. Application
For exercising the freedom in responsible and beneficial manner it may apply for limiting our
personal freedom which requires us to sacrifice certain self-interests and accept certain realities that are
beyond our control. You may have the freedom to pursue a degree in medicine but, realizing that your
parents do not have the means to send you to medical school, you decide to take a less expensive
course. Our society also imposes restrictions on our individual freedom. From determining the places
where we can cross a street to controlling our actions through laws and regulations, society implements
reasonable restrictions to personal freedom in order to maintain order and harmony and uphold the
welfare of the public.
D. Analysis
Many of us Filipinos don’t apply the control of their free will that at some point they are
restricting the freedom of other person too. One example is when they are on the terminal and the line
was too long that results everyone to exert stress. Some Filipinos is sensitive not only on their goods but
also the goods of other person by simply falling in line and not practicing the “Paniningit sa Pila” that
most of us are still doing. In this situation it simply states that we humans should have the control even
if we are too tired of achieving such thing. It is needed not only because we want to but then we really
need to control the freedom in ourselves in order to respect the freedom and not to step onto others
freedom, this will show and represent as a resolution for the lack of knowledge in limiting the freedom
upon us.

E. Synthesis
Except controlling freedom, we people should be aware that there are things that was already
given to us and for not having the freedom to choose but still given to us. Freedom is not absolute, and
in our lives, there are a lot of things that we could not choose. For example, we were not given a choice
if we wanted to be born; we were simply given life. We also did not choose our parents; some of our
physical traits and personal characteristics were simply genetically handed down and already form part
of us. These “givens” or predetermined things do not negate our freedom but give us opportunities to
exercise our freedom when we determine ourselves. The key idea is that we should always act well in
any given situation because self is determined by the self.

III. Conclusion
We people should learn how to cope up with the limitations of such individual specially the
things he or she can do, the thoughts that he or will expressing, and lastly his or her freedom. Everyone
should be aware too about the different things we need to remember when we are exercising our
freedom to control and not to reach its limits. Also we need to know that some of the things here on
earth are not really given such freedoms in terms of having your parents, having you’re the embodiment
of your soul, and more different things that was being given but not chosen by such human person, and
we need to accept that.

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