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Secrets of Kundalini

(CAUTION: Please note that this chapter is uploaded only for those friends who had
experiences of Kundalini. But, YOU the reader, if you have no experience of Kundalin
awakening and if you read this chapter, it will not make much sense! On the contrary,
it can create misunderstanding due to the words used... as intellect can grasp these
words! So, be careful while reading this and don’t jump to conclusions! If you do not
understand, please ask. I am available. Shivoham, Prem)

Now we will go into great details of types of Kundalini awakening experiences that
one has. All of you had different experiences. In our chakra workshop Level II that is
Chakra & Kundalini workshop, all of you learnt to see the chakras with naked eyes and
with kirlan camera we captured the Kundalini awakening process of 45 people, 25
people in the first batch and 20 people in the second batch. It is no more unknown
and is very much known and proved through camera. It is seen by everybody. But you
must understand what Kundalini awakening is. What type of Kundalini awakening you
had? What are the different types of Kundalini awakening experiences? All these
things become important.

I never talked about these things because if you did not have experience and if I told
you about these things you would start imagining about these things. That imagination
will actually hinder your growth on the path. All these things are discussed after you
have had the experience so that so that you understand the experience.
Understanding of the experience has to happen afterwards. First you must have the
experience and then you understand the experience because that understanding is
experiential because you have already experienced. If we discuss these things without
you having any such experiences at the most it will become a concept for you. Some
of you may start imagining it, some may start visualizing it and all that will actually
become hindrance on your path. That is why this is not to be discussed before. These
things are to be discussed only after the major experience.

There are three types of Kundalini awakening experiences. The highest form is called
Para Kundalini. The middle form is called Chid Kundalini and the lower form is called
Prana Kundalini. Para Kundalini cannot be experienced in the physical body by the
Yogi. Para Kundalini is the ultimate Kundalini that gives rise to the Universe. It is a
Universal Phenomena, it is not a local phenomena. It is not a human phenomenon.
Para Kundalini is what we call Kundalini of Shiva. It is Shiva. Kundalini and Shiva are
one. That Kundalini gives rise to the Universe. In Kashmir Shaivism there is lot of
importance given to Visarga. Visarga is the two dots. The upper dot is called Shiva and
the lower dot is called as Shakti at the highest level of tattwas. If you come down one
level lower, the upper bindu is Sadashiva, the lower bindu is Isahwara that is third
and fourth element. Sadashiva has the power of revilement, that which reveals.
Ishwara has the power of concealment that which conceals. Visarga also represents
the power of revealing and the power of concealing. It is because of these powers at
the Para Kundalini level that Shiva created the Universe and is lost into the Universe.
So the Universe is created and revealed but Shiva is concealed, it is because of the
Para Kundalini. When the dissolution of Universe happens the Universe is concealed
but the Shiva is revealed. This game at the Universal level is happening because of
Para Kundalini. More than this cannot be said about Para Kundalini. Yogi cannot
experience Para Kundalini in the physical body at all. It’s too huge. If at all it is
experienced, it is by highest kind of Yogi at the time of death where you are into that
Universal self and leave the body. Only then Para Kundalini is experienced at the time
of death, otherwise it is not.

You need to do the practice of Ajapa Gayatri properly, get into the awareness of
sandhikal, the turning point, the threshold point; whatever word you use, all mean
the same. You get into the sandhikal of your breath then you get into the sandhikal of
your thoughts. When one thought ends and the second thought begins there is a
sandhikal, the junction, the threshold. You have to become aware of that Gap. You
can use the word gap for that sandhi. As you go on practicing Ajapa Gayatri, your
breath becomes slower and slower and at one moment it will stop. You keep watching
your thoughts, at one moment your thoughts will also stop, then you have only GAP
throughout. When you become steady in the gap, suddenly the Kundalini Shakti gets
into the Muladhara, you keep watching , it straight moves to third eye, you may just
breath out and it moves to Sahasrara and opens your Brahmarandra and you start
experiencing the Jagadananda, universal bliss. This experience is called as Chid
Kundalini. This can be perfect description of enlightenment experience because when
you get into the Jagadananda, the dissolution of ‘I’ is complete in this process. The
mind gets dropped. You are steady in the no-mind state. But in this state, the no-
mind state, there is no void.

There is a huge confusion going on with meditators. If you do Buddhist meditation you
get into Shunyata. Shunyata is the state of non thinking. In English we can call it as
Void. But in the state of Void you cannot experience Jagadananda, universal bliss. In
the Void there is no bliss, it is just a void. This is where Kashmir Shaivism Practices
are far more superior. Here enthusiastically you are refreshing your awareness every
nanosecond and capturing your turning points. In the same way, you go on increasing
your awareness; you go on refreshing your awareness every nanosecond and capture
the Gap. Even when you become steady in the Gap, you go on refreshing your
awareness every nanosecond. There is no thought but refreshing of awareness is
there, in that refreshing of awareness you will stumble upon, at one point, where the
awareness becomes aware of itself. There is absolutely no thought but awareness
becomes aware of itself and there is a great vibrancy. That vibrancy brings about
ecstasy. It is the effervescent silence not the dead void, that is the experience of
Chid Kundalini.

These experiences happen only to those Yogis who are not having any attachment
with the material world, they have already transcended materiality. Most of the
grihasthis that I have seen so far, the record shows they get into the aspect of Chid
Kundalini. The Grihasthi is already comfortable with the sex aspect as he is a married
person, already comfortable with money aspect, then you have lost interest. This
experience of Kundalini is thousand fold higher in ecstasy compared to the sexual
orgasm and with this experience you are no more interested in small worldly
pleasures because you have experienced such a high level thing that these minor
things will not attract you. For a Grihasthi it is very easy. For a Sanyasi who has never
experienced sex in a proper manner, in a right kind of relationship, it will be very
difficult. For a person who has not enjoyed money it will be very difficult. That is why
not many Sanyasis are successful on the path of spirituality. Their desires are there
and those desires make them Swami Scandalananda. Now do you understand why I am
promoting grihasthiyonka adhyatma? Grihasthi is far more solid on the path of
spirituality. Those temptations are not there, you have enjoyed. You have enjoyed
enough, you are finished with it. Then you can have the experience of Chid Kundalini.
But those people who have spiritual experiences and are also materialistic they are on
the way. Those people, if they do these practices they will get Prana Kundalini
experience, the third category.

There are different types of Prana Kundalini experiences. How the Kundalini pierces
all the chakras and gets to the third eye, from Muladhara to third eye, the kind of
piercing that happens is called ‘Vedha’. Vedha means to pierce through. There are
different types of Vedhas and that defines what kind of Kundalini awakening
experience you had. People who are initiated systematically in the Kriya Yoga and
Kashmir Shaivism, you go by mantra and at every level there is a different mantra.
Aham aham idam,idam is one mantra. Idam aham is the second mantra. Aham is the
third mantra, which means I am. If you go on contemplating on ‘I am’ and Kundalini
rises as you go deep into meditation, from the Muladhara it rises and goes to the
navel, pierces that and comes to the heart, pierces through the heart comes to the
throat, piercing through comes to the third eye. This kind of Kundalini experience is
known as Mantra Vedha because you are practicing and contemplating on the Mantra
‘I am’. Many people who are seriously following Ramana Maharshi’s path,
contemplating upon who am I, they stumble upon this and suddenly Kundalini
awakening happen. Your contemplation on who am I will result into I am that and that
will lead to Mantra Veda and many people had this kind of experience.

In prana Kundalini it necessarily moves from different chakras, all the chakras open
up and that is what is captured in the camera. The chakras can be seen by the
camera, they can be seen by the naked eyes also. How much percentage of chakra is
open on the scale of 0 to 100, the software gives the percentage also. Fully opened is
100%, half opened is 50%, it can be anything between 0 to 100%. There is software
that defines all these levels, it defines energy levels, and everything can be measured
now. Science itself has grown. I don’t say that it has grown to the ultimate extent but
these subtle bodies experiences, chakra experiences are very much measurable, and
they are quantifiable.

There is another type of Kundalini experience that happens called Nada Vedha. In
Nada Veda you experience and listen from inside various sounds. The sounds are
called Nada. Nada Yogis know in great detail how to create this experience of
Kundalini awakening known as Nada Veda. Few of my friends including myself, all of
us, we had this experience when few years back we went to Bihar School of Yoga.
There was an American gentleman who was an expert in music, he was playing the
basic notes on the harmonium and he went on playing for almost half an hour and we
were meditating just listening to that Nada. Suddenly quite a few people in the group
had this Kundalini awakening experience, known as Nada Vedha. You listen to the
sound and it moves one after the other and when the chakra opened you listened to
the sound of that chakra. It’s called chakra swara.

Swara means sound. Every chakra has its own sound and that can be heard from
inside. When the Kundalini awakening happens and starts rising from the Muladhara
you have the sound of the creature cricket. As it moves to the Swadisthan you get the
sound of cricket but intermittently. When it comes to the Manipur you get the sound
of thundering. When the Kundalini pierces and further comes to heart you get the
sound of Dhol, (Drums) actually it is the sound of your heart, and you actually listen
to the sound; that is what Nada Vedha is. You actually get the sound very clearly.
When it moves to the throat chakra you get the sound of conch blowing. When it
pierces the third eye you get the sound of the bell. You may wonder who is ringing
the bell, it’s an inside sound. That’s chakra swara. When it pierces the third eye and
your Sahasrara opens you get the sound of flute, basuri. They say that Krishna’s basuri
is all the time available. It is a fact. It is all the time playing but you listen to that
only when the Sahasrara is pierced through the Kundalini. You actually listen to the
sound of flute, omkar nada, they are actually heard. Quite a few of us heard it, it just
happened. Everything just happened in half an hour. Amazing! This is Nada Vedha and
a Nada Yogi who knows how to play the musical notes perfectly well they can induce
it through music.

The experiences all depend on what kind of desires, intentions you have while doing
sadhana. If you have the intention to experience the universal reality you will get the
first kind of experience by using the mantra aham or contemplating on who am I. that
is the experience of mantra Vedha. Nada Veda experience will happen to those
people who have the desire of uplifting humanity, those who have bodhisattva
characteristics. Such people are real missionary people. Their only mission is to help
people, teach, they are the great teachers. Their job is to teach to uplift humanity,
to help other people; they get this experience of Nada Vedha. That desire will bring
this experience. It will happen naturally. Whatever is your real intention accordingly
you will get Kundalini awakening experience.

Those people who are attached to the comfort, joy, and who want peace of mind,
normal grihasthi people want this. If you do the practices that we will be doing in
Dwarahat, if you are very much keen on having peace of mind you get Bindu Vedha.
What happens is you get into the thoughtless state and suddenly the energy seeps into
your Muladhara and it starts moving upwards opening each and every chakra as if a
fountain of semen is moving up, that kind of energy is there. Here the ecstasy is
comparable to sexual energy but thousand fold more. It is not comparable but to put
it into words that is how it is described. Bindu Vedha, the semen energy, the sexual
energy moves like a fountain and you experience what is thousand fold more powerful
experience then what one can get in sexual ecstasy. That is called as Bindu Vedha.
The fourth type of experience, the people who have this desire or intention of having
healthy body so that they can work without fatigue, they can do their job and
complete their job without, fatigue, more powerful, there the energy moves like
energy and their experience is of energy only, you feel ecstasy all over the body,
energetic experience is called Shakta Vedha, you experience Shakti. You feel ecstasy
all over the body in the form of energy. That is called Shakta Vedha.

The fifth experience, most of the Indians who had many lifetimes in India and had
walked the path of Kundalini Yoga, we have this perception of Kundalini as a serpent
and we have this idea which is our traditional idea that Kundalini energy is sitting in
the Muladhara as a serpent with three and a half turns coiled. Its potential is in the
Muladhara. When you do the meditational practices that serpent moves up and the
tail of the serpent remains in the Muladhara. It moves up opening every chakra,
comes to the third eye and opens the Brahmarandra and moves up. That kind of
Vedha is known Bhujang Vedha, the piercing by the cobra and many people have
heard the hissing sound. When the Kundalini awakening happens cobra makes a hissing
sound in the sushumana nadi and you have the feeling as if the cobra has awakened
and has moved through all the chakras. That is called Bhujang Vedha.

Those who stay with the Master and somehow they desire to be the Master, it is like
an induced desire, they start secretly contemplating on that, one day also become
the Master. They also do this job of uplifting humanity. Intentions are good but they
are not talking about it, secretly they have this intention in their being, it means they
are destined to become a Master in the future. Those people also will have Kundalini
awakening, they will also hear the sound of the black bee and the Kundalini
awakening happens. That kind of sound is heard from insides and as the chakras are
pierced through it is called Bhramar Vedha. So, in many different ways Kundalini
awakening happens.

These are the basic six types of Kundalini awakening. Basic experience is same,
perception varies depending on your desire or ambition or your intention, all mixed.
On what kind of Kundalini experience you will have, you have no control. It is decided
by your being depending on the kind of desires, ambition or intention. With this the
basic discussion on the various types of Kundalini awakening ends.

Chid Kundalini experience can be labeled as enlightenment experience. But if you

have prana Kundalini experience you don’t have to stop there. There is lot more
ahead. Prana Kundalini experience cannot be labeled as enlightenment experience
because the desire is there, the thought is still there. So, one has to walk. You can
have the experience of prana Kundalini. As you go deeper you become free of desires.
You will have Chid Kundalini experience. It is not that if you have one you cannot
have the other. In fact I had the experience of Chid Kundalini first by being with
Dadaji. Today 4th September is his birthday. His methodology will induce Chid
Kundalini experience. Only when we went to Bihar school of Yoga because of the Nada
Yogi, Nada yoga happened it was beyond my control. Not that I wanted it but it
happened. That was the effect of music. But I experienced what Nada Vedha is, the
sound of every chakra, known as chakra swara, everything was experienced and I was
not alone, quite a few other people also experienced the same thing. So, it is not that
you can’t have multiple experiences. In fact you can have different kinds of
experiences at different times and that is what gives you the richness of experiences.
So don’t stop at any particular experience.

Pass through Prana Kundalini experience, as a grihasthi you are more likely to pass,
then when you came to age of retirement like me, you will have Chid Kundalini
experience as then the basic desires are not there but that will be still labeled as self
realization and enlightenment experience and the game does not end with that. That
is the main point of the discussion today. There is a more detailed, unknown approach
to the whole thing which is normally not given by the Masters. It is not that the
Masters did not know but these things were never discussed in any circle because
Masters did not get batches of enlightened students. Now that we have so many
enlightened people we need to discuss the knowledge of what is beyond
enlightenment. From Atma Vyapti to Shiv Vyapti is beyond enlightenment knowledge.
It’s a very important aspect for further sadhana. Your sadhana does not stop with the
experience of enlightenment. There is lot more.
Those of you who have read autobiography of Shri Dada Gavand ‘Intelligence beyond
thoughts’, at the age of around 39 he left home and he went to Sajjangad. In a small
hut he was meditation for few months, about 3 to 4 months and the awakening
happened. According to our terminology what happened to him was Chid Kundalini
experience, which is also enlightenment experience, awakening experience. He could
have come back and enjoyed life happily in Thane. But he did not do that. He came
down, met his mother at Thane and J. Krishnamurty at Madras and went to
Mahabaleshwar and stayed there for 14 years. You may wonder once the
enlightenment happened what he had been doing in the jungle of Mahabaleshwar for
14 long years. That is the journey from Atma Vyapti to Shiv Vyapti and all Masters do
it. There is a long way to go. Many seekers have this understanding, which is false;
they feel that enlightenment is an end. It’s not an end but beginning of one more
journey, much longer journey, from Atma Vyapti to Shiv Vyapti. From enlightenment
to Sadashiva state it’s a long journey and how to walk that path there is a proper, 15-
step methodology to do that; that is what we are going to discuss in Dwarahat Shibir.

Those who do not have enlightenment experience they will really feel sleepy at
Dwarahat because this knowledge will not make any sense to them. That is why we
are very particular of who will join the Dwarahat Shibir. There is a beautiful
methodology which is available. That is what we are going to discuss in Dwarahat. I
wanted to create a background for Dwarahat Shibir so that you understand that there
is lot more further things to learn. Second thing that we are going to focus upon in
Dwarahat Shibir is this technology of enlightenment, all the enlightened Master, how
you can help your students to get enlightened. That is the technology which I want to
discuss there and with a special focus on change of vehicle.

In TAO circle enlightenment happens so easily to so many people! Just one or two
programs and in ADP everybody catches this. The reason is very simple; the Mastery of
the technology, the change of vehicle happens without you knowing it; that is what is
producing the result. So if you want to spread enlightenment to your students which
you have to do, that is the Guru-rina you have to pay, you will not get moksha without
that. You will have to help your students to get enlightened. If your students get
enlightened you are debt free. You have to pay this debt which is called Guru-rina
and that is paid only when your students get enlightened. How to do that, that
technology I want to discuss in Dwarahat Shibir. It is going to be quite a tough job and
you need to prepare yourself psychologically and be ready with that.

For Dwarahat Shibir, Level - 1 is compulsory because you cannot learn kriya yoga
without it. Swara Yoga is compulsory because minimum you need to have is the
tattwa gyan. You must experience the five elements and must have experiential
understanding of how this body is made up of panch mahabhuttas. You must be tattwa
gyata, tattva gyani. It means you actually experience where earth element, water
element, fire element, air element and space element is. Body is made up of Panch
Mahabhuttas. You must experientially understand what the meaning of panch
mahabhuttas is. There are five basic elements in Kashmir Shaivism beginning from the
bottom earth, water, air, fire and space, if you don’t understand that in Dwarahat
you are not eligible. We will be taking off at a much higher level. These experiences
you will have in Swara Yoga workshop which almost everybody had and those who did
not have and missed somehow they can attend Swara Yoga workshop.

You need to have the basic understanding of the practices of Kashmir Shaivism
meditations, the right kind of meditations. These meditations will be given to you in
ADP workshop, awareness development program. Those who have not done,it is
compulsory because I will not be teaching all this in Dwarahat. Dwarahat will be much
higher. Those who have missed must compulsorily do ADP workshop without which you
will not be allowed to attend Dwarahat Shibir. I will be happy to do Dwarahat Shibir
with five people but those five people have to be fit for that. If you are not fit for
that then you are not allowed to attend that because then I will not be able to talk. If
you are not ripe enough, what can I talk about these higher level things? So I want to
prepare all of you who are honest and sincere, you must do it, it is compulsory so that
I don’t have to start with the basic of what are the 36 elements. So you must be well
versed with these basics and be ready for the Shibir so that we go to the greatest
height that is possible and I don’t want to deprive the ripened student here who are
ready for that just because of some newcomer. That will be sacrilegious. Why should I
deprive those who are ready just because of the newcomers who are not sincere
about learning? They should drop out for the benefit of others. That is why I have
been so strict about Dwarahat Shibir.
The methodology that we are practicing is so perfected, everybody gets experience
but the conditions are that you must learn systematically. Attitude of learning is a
must. TAO as an institute and Prem Nirmal as an individual is not for masses. My
mission is not mass mission. My mission is two-fold. The first mission given by
Mahavatar Babaji to me is to initiate coupes into kriya yoga. That is to promote
Grihasthiyonka Adhytma, householder’s spirituality. I have been given this task by the
master that is why I am doing it. It’s my rina and I have to pay. Second is
enlightenment and beyond enlightenment knowledge that is Atma Vyapti to Shiva
Vyapti that is the major mission. Masses have no understanding and they are simply
not interested in enlightenment. These things are not for masses; these are only for
sincere, honest, spiritual seekers. Only those people can walk this path.

I welcome those who are sincerely, honestly interested in walking the path of
spirituality by being a Grihasthi. I do not give any sanyas diksha. I promote only
grihasthi dharma and I give diksha only to the grihasthis. That is the mission. 99%
people in this world are grihasthis, somebody has to do this work. Those who are
serious, sincere, honest I welcome you all with my open arms, open heart, come study
systematically and attain to the ultimate that is possible in the human body.

Thank you very much.

Posted by Prem Nirmal at 10:15 AM

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