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Is presented to the faculty of the Senior High School as part

Of the partial fulfillment for the subject HRES22

(Quantitative Research)


Presented by:

Agustin, Adrian Patacsil, Glenn

Baal, Russel Sampul, Kenneth

Candia, Junric Sartiga, Jaysrel

Cara-at, Cherie Mae Sese, Rei Joshua

Dabalos, Joefe Sevial, Nelbert Jenver

Nercua, Erika Solanoy, Reymark

Ms. Sherilyn Castillo


This research would not have been possible without the guidance and the

help of several individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended

their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this study.

First and foremost, our utmost gratitude to Mrs. Ana Liza Kho, Vice

President of Academic Affairs of ICCT Colleges Foundation Inc. whose sincerity

and unending help and support for letting us to conduct survey which help us to

come up with a good research study.


We dedicate our research to our family, friends and adviser.

This is a special feeling of gratitude to our loving parents,

Whose words of encouragement and push for tenacity ring in our ears.

We also dedicate this research to our many friends

Who have supported us throughout the process.

We will always appreciate all they have done,

Especially those who helped us in developing our

Technology skills to make this research well-presented.

We dedicate this work and give special thanks to our adviser,

Ms. Sherilyn Castillo

For being there for us throughout the entire program.

You have been our best adviser.


 Acknowledgement

 Dedication

 Table of Contents

 Chapter I

 Chapter II

 Chapter III

 Chapter IV

 Chapter V

 Bibliography

 Appendices
Chapter I


This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the

problem, importance or significance of the study, scope and delimitation, and the

definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a

psychoactive part of cannabis plant intended for medical or recreational use. The

main psychoactive part of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) one of 483

known compounds in the plant, including at least 65 other cannabinoids.

Cannabis can be used by smoking, vaporizing, within food, or as an extract.

Medical Cannabis or medical marijuana can refer to the use of cannabis

and its cannabinoids to treat diseases or improve symptoms; however, there is

no single agreed upon definition. The use of cannabis as a medicine has not

been rigorously scientifically tested, often due to production restriction and other

federal regulations. There are limited evidences suggesting cannabis can used to

reduce nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, to improve appetite in the

people with HIV/AIDS, and to treat chronic pain and muscle spasms. It use for

other medical applications is insufficient for conclusions about safety or efficacy.

Cannabis has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed.

The immediate desired effects from consuming cannabis include relaxation and

euphoria (the “high” or “stoned” feeling), a general alteration of conscious

perception, increased awareness of sensation, increase libido and distortions in

the perception of time and space. At higher doses, effects can include body

image, auditory and/ or visual illusions, pseudohallucinations and ataxia from

selective impairment of polysynaptic reflexes. In some cases, cannabis can lead

to dissociative states such as depersonalization and derealizations.

Cannabis has held sacred status in several religions. It has been used in

an entheogenic context – a chemical substances used in a religious, shamanic,

or spiritual context – in India and Nepal since the Vedic period dating back to

approximately 1500 BCE, but perhaps as far back as 2000 BCE. There are

several references in Greek mythology to a powerful drug that eliminated anguish

and sorrow.
Statement of the problem

This study aimed to know the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing

marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical purposes to the 120 Senior High

School Students of ICCT Colleges.

Specifically this study sought to the following questions:

(1) What is the profile of the respondent students of ICCT colleges?

1. Name

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Students’ economic status

(2) How does legalizing marijuana help the Filipino citizens in terms of

medical purposes?

(3) How does legalizing marijuana help the Filipino citizens that have disease

for them to avoid going to other country for their cure?

(4) How to avoid abusing marijuana?

(5) How to avoid illegal business particularly at black market?

Significance of the study

We all know that legalizing marijuana in the Philippines is a hot topic

today. Legalizing marijuana is one of the biggest issues because the

administration today is focused about drugs.

It is important for the society to understand the advantages and

disadvantages of legalizing marijuana in the Philippines. By conducting this

research we can help them by giving some information for them to understand

what marijuana can help to those people who have diseases. Thus, the result of

the study shall be beneficial to the following:

 Government

This research will give them ideas about how they will approach and

understand the issue of legalizing marijuana.

 Society

This research would be an eye and mind opener for the society that

the marijuana is not only giving a bad physical and mental effects, it

can be a medicine that can cure many diseases.

 Student

This research will give some information to the student that legalizing

marijuana is not for recreational use but it is also a cure for diseases.
 Professors

This research will give them more ideas or thoughts about legalizing

marijuana, therefore, they’ll teach it to others for an extra knowledge

especially to their students.

 Researcher

As a researcher, we will get some additional knowledge and

information that we can apply on ourselves. Also we will complete our

subject requirement.
Scope and delimitation

This study is limited to the evaluation of the advantages and

disadvantages of legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical

purposes to the 120 Senior High School Students of ICCT who are presently

enrolled in this academic year 2017-2018.

This study is focused on identifying the advantages and disadvantages of

legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical purposes. And how

they’ll respond to the given advantages and disadvantages which are used as a

medicine, avoid going to other country for them to be cured, abusing marijuana

and illegal business particularly at black market.

Definition of Terms

Cannabinoids- A cannabinoid is one of a class of diverse chemical compounds

that acts on cannabinoid receptors in cells that alter neurotransmitter release in

the brain

Enormous- very large in size, quantity, or extent.

Psychiatry- the study and treatment of mental illness, emotional disturbance,

and abnormal behavior.

Autism- a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by

difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in

using language and abstract concepts.

Tetrahydrocannabinol- a crystalline compound that is the main active ingredient

of cannabis.

Rigorously- in an extremely thorough and careful way.

Nausea- a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit.

Ataxia- the loss of full control of bodily movements.



This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies from the

local and foreign basis, the conceptual framework, and the research.

Review of Related Literature

This section presents both foreign and local related literatures relevant to

the study. This relevance presented by proponents in order to give more reason

and understanding of the proposition.

Local Literature

According to Sec. Paulyn Jean B. Ubial the Department of Health (DOH)

could not make a stand on medical marijuana at this point because the panel,

composed of experts from the UP National Institute of Health, will still be

studying. It means that the studying about the medical purposes still ongoing for

a proper explanation and defense for legalizing the marijuana. Health secretary

Ubial also created a panel of experts from the University of the Philippines who

will study the medical value of marijuana amida pending bill in Congress that

seeks to legalize its use in the country.

“I’m not a clinician so I don’t have an idea on medical marijuana. But I

already heard from some groups that it has medicinal benefits so we will see,”

she explained in an ambush interview. She also noted that DOH does not want

medical marijuana to be abused. Because marijuana is included in the list of

prohibited drugs under the Dangerous Drugs Act.

Pres. Duterte earlier said he was not opposed to the legalization of

marijuana provided that it is for medical use and not on recreational purposes.

He also acknowledges that marijuana is one of the ingredients of some

medicines now. At this point illegal Drugs is a big issue on our country so if they

legalized it now it could have a big change on our community, but in some cases

legalizing marijuana will give a big Good impact in our economy that will change

our state of living. Legalizing it could help the patient that suffered in serious

illness, for them to be cure the only way to cure them is the use of cannabis.

Experts from UP National Institute of Health are still studying about the

medical purpose of marijuana. Health secretary Ubial also created a panel of

experts from the University of the Philippines who will study the medical value of

marijuana amida pending bill in Congress that seeks to legalize it. She notes the

DOH that does not want to abuse marijuana in our country because it's included

to the list of prohibited drugs. President Duterte said that he is not opposed the

legalization of marijunan in the Philippines because it provides for medical use

and not for recreational purposes.

Foreign Literature

Guest Editors Jerzy Szaflarski, MD, PhD, Director of the Epilepsy Center,

University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Orrin Devinsky, MD, Director,

Epilepsy Center, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York,

comment that, "There is an enormous dissociation between the widespread use

of cannabis-based therapies to treat diverse epilepsies and our understanding

about the efficacy and safety of different cannabinoids in treating different

epilepsy syndromes." Because much of the political pressure to allow for medical

marijuana use came from patients and lay groups, the goal of this special issue is

"to evaluate the concerns and gaps in cannabinoid knowledge and medical

education, and to create a curriculum as a first step in building a broader

Education Roadmap."

This special issue provides an overview for general neurologists and

epileptologists, including historical aspects of cannabis use for epilepsy, overview

of cannabis botany, general aspects of the endocannabinoid system as it

pertains to epilepsy, pharmacology of cannabinoids, available anecdotal and

clinical trial data of cannabinoid use for the treatment of epilepsy, safety data,

discussion of possible effects of cannabinoids on the brain including

neuroimaging data, and the legal aspects of cannabis production, distribution,

and use for the treatment of epilepsy.

Although cannabis had been used for many centuries for treatment of

seizure disorders, medical use became prohibited in the 20th century. However,

with the loosening of laws regarding medical marijuana, research and clinical use

of marijuana-derived substances are increasing. This has prompted the editors

of Epilepsy & Behavior to produce a special issue that presents an in-depth

assessment of the potential of cannabinoids to cure.

Review of Related Studies

This section presents both foreign and local related studies relevant to the

study. This relevance presented by proponents in order to give more reason and

understanding of the proposition.

Local Studies

More scientific study is necessary to determine the long term effects of

smoking cannabis. Many cannabis smokers inhale the smoke deeper into their

lungs than do tobacco smokers, hold the inhalation for a greater length of time,

and do so without a filter. However, the average cannabis user generally smokes

far less than the average tobacco user. Also, most cannabis is free of certain

impurities and radioactivity that are present in most tobacco products. While

many studies show that tobacco smoking causes lung cancer, no studies have

shown a correlation between cannabis use and lung cancer.

There are no official statistics, but private groups estimate the number of

Filipinos with autism at more than 1 million and epilepsy, more than 500,000. A

study by the University of the Philippines’ Institute of Human Genetics, National

Institutes of Health showed that 189 in 100,000 Filipinos are afflicted with cancer,

while four Filipinos die of cancer every hour. The medical conditions of those

patients range from autism to epilepsy to cancer. Efficacy Although Filipino

doctors are divided on legalizing medical cannabis, a growing number of them

are convinced of its efficacy in, for instance, pain management. “There is already

compelling scientific evidence for the use of medical cannabis,” the department

head of a top hospital in Metro Manila, who requested not to be named, told the

Inquirer. He said cannabis had been proven to prevent nausea, ease pain and

stimulate the appetite, especially among chemotherapy patients. The primary

evidence is contained in the scientific papers written by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam,

an Israeli chemist who, in his research on cannabis in 1964, discovered that

among its numerous chemical compounds, only one is active: delta 9-

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for the drug’s psychoactive

effects (the “high” that is felt when marijuana is smoked). Another compound,

cannabidiol (CBD), acts on many of the same receptors as THC, but without the

psychoactive side effects. CBD is the main ingredipent in cannabis oil. In the

paper, Mechoulam says THC can be used as “an antivomiting and antinausea

drug for cancer chemotherapy, and as an appetite-enhancing agent.” He says

THC is being tested to help patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, and that

“recent work with cannabidiol in animal models of rheumatoid arthritis may lead
to clinical investigations. A synthetic cannabinoid, HU-211 (Dexanabinol), is in

advanced clinical stages of investigation as a neuroprotectant in head trauma.” In

1988, scientists Allyn Howlett and William Devane of St. Louis University Medical

School in Missouri made what Mechoulam called “an important discovery about

cannabis:” the human brain contains a receptor for THC, which they named CB1

(cannabinoid receptor No. 1) CB1 has been identified for its compatibility, or its

ability to interact with certain parts of the human brain called the

endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system helps regulate sleep,

appetite, digestion, hunger, mood, motor control, immune function, reproduction

and fertility, pleasure and reward, pain, memory and temperature regulation. The

discovery confirmed what recreational users believe, based on their own

experience, that marijuana induces a natural, or safe, interaction with the human

body—which itself has elements of cannabis. Cannabis oil Medical cannabis

comes in various forms, including vapor, capsules, lozenges, dermal patches and

oil. In the Philippines, cannabis oil is made by private sources to help cancer


Yet marijuana from which cannabis oil is made has for thousands of years

been regarded as medicine, until the US government outlawed its cultivation and

use, and the Philippines adopted that law.

More scientific studies are focusing and explaining about the long term

effect of cannabis and also comparing it between tobacco and cannabis users

most cannabis users inhale the smoke deeper into their lungs.
However there is no common official statistics but some of private groups

said that more than 1 million Filipinos suffer with epilepsy. As the study release

by the University of the Philippines, Institute of Human Genetics, and National

Institute of Health showed that 189 in 100,000 Filipinos are affected with cancer,

cancer is one of the most dangerous kinds of illness every four hours four

Filipinos die in cancer. However the doctors who’s using marijuana to cure

cancer is not enough and also denied before Americans invade our country

marijuana is already using by our doctors to cure some dangerous illness

marijuana is a saving life herbal but as the Americans invade our country they

stop using marijuana for medical purposed and we adopted this law until now but

some government officials are planning to use cannabis again for curing cancer,

epilepsy, autism and also other illness.

Foreign Studies

The study published in the Journal of School Health, found that when

students started using marijuana at least once a month they were about four

times more likely to skip class, two-to-four times less likely to complete their

homework and value getting good grades, and about half as likely to achieve
high grades, than when they had never used the drug. The study also asked

students the highest level of education they would like and expect to achieve.

Results indicated that when students started smoking marijuana daily, their

likelihood of reporting ambitions to pursue university, as opposed to stopping at

high school or before, was about 50 percent lower than when they had never

used the drug.

UW Medicine researchers interviewed 521 students recruited from four

Seattle public middle schools. Researchers used data from annual assessments

when students were ages 12-15 and then again when they were 18. The results

were published in the journal Addiction. “The findings suggest that if we can

prevent or reduce chronic depression during early adolescence, we may reduce

the prevalence of cannabis use disorder," said lead author Isaac Rhew, research

assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University Of

Washington School Of Medicine.

This study found out that those students started using marijuana were

about four times more likely to skip class then the UW medicine researchers

gathered interviews and they found out and that if we can prevent or refuse

chronic depression or using marijuana also known as cannabis during early

adolescence, we will stop or reduce the cannabis disorder.



This chapter presents the research design, research locale, sources of

data, data gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical


Research Design

The researchers assessed the data by means of descriptive method. This

method is appropriate in the study since it requires the collection, analysis, and

interpretation of data, facts, and information generated from the respondents.

The findings, conclusions, and recommendations drawn by the

researchers were product of descriptive interpretation and scientific evaluation.

Research Locale

The respondents of the study selected from the ICCT COLLEGES

ICCT COLLEGES FOUNDATION INC. is located at V.V.Soliven Avenue

II, Cainta Rizal. It has four (4) storey buildings that consist of (116) classroom.

This College caters different programs. It originally established in Rizal by Dr.

William S. Co on 15 December 1992 because Dr. Co wanted to help the people

of Rizal acquire skills in computer technology.

Sources Data

The data analyzed and interpreted primarily gathered from one hundred

twenty (120) Senior High School students of ICCT COLLEGES FOUNDATION


This study data was also aided by other related sources and references

such as books, newspapers, theses and cyber-related materials.

Data Gathering Instrument

The tool used by the researchers to gather data needed from the

respondents was the survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was divided into

two parts:
(1) The demographic profile of the respondents (2) how does legalizing

marijuana help the Filipino citizen in terms of medical purposes?

(3)How does legalizing marijuana help the Filipino citizens that have

disease for them to avoid going to other country for their cure? (4)How

to avoid abusing marijuana? (5) How to avoid illegal business

particularly at black market?

Data Gathering Procedure

There were one hundred twenty (120) questionnaires given to the

following sections HAM12, HTM39, HAM1, HAM7, HAM14, HAM28,

HAM31, HAM21, HTM34, HTM18, HAM26, HAM 4, HTM15 and HAM 30

to gather the primary data. Then, these survey questionnaires collected

and classified accordingly. The answers of the respondents carefully

reviewed, tallied, and tabulated through the given formula. The results of

the survey used to come up with valid conclusions and recommendations.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The study used the percentage, frequency distribution and weighted mean

as statistical tools to determine the barriers of the study. The formula for

weighted mean:



WM = the weighted mean

f =the frequency of each item

x = the assigned weight

N = the total number of respondents

∑fx = the sum total of the frequency weight multiplied by the assigned


The Likert 4 point rating scale utilized in order to determine the level of

effectiveness of the factors in the study. The questionnaires of the rating were as

The Likert Point Scale

The Liker Point Scale

Scale Range Value Interpretation

5 4.50-5.00 Most Effective

4 3.50-4.49 Very Effective

3 2.50-3.49 Effective

2 1.50-2.49 Less Effective

1 1.00-1.49 Not Effective



This chapter shall discuss the findings obtained from the primary

instrument used in the study. It shall discuss the age, gender, and economic

status of the respondents, the perceptions on the advantages and disadvantages

of legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical purposes and its

recommendation. In order to simplify the discussion, the researchers provided

tables that summarize the collective reactions of the respondents.


Age of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

16-20 119 99.17

21-24 1 0.83

25-29 0 0

30 above 0 0

Total 120 100%

Age of the Respondents

16 - 20
21 - 24
25 - 29
30 above

The above collective results of the age of the respondents on table 1

illustrate that majority of them ages from 16-20 with a percentage of 99.17%. As

the population on ages 21 to 30 above appears 0.83 percent.


Gender of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 46 38.33

Female 75 62.5

Total 120 100%

Gender of the respondents


The table 2 above summarizes the gender of the respondents. It shows

that the majority of the respondents are female. Moreover, the table describes

the female has a more numbered of respondents than male, with 38.33% to



Economic Status of the Respondents

Economic Status Frequency Percentage

below 5,000 38 31.67

5,000-10,000 34 28.33

10,000-15,000 17 14.17

15,000-20,000 8 6.67
20,000-25,000 8 6.67

25,000-30,000 8 6.67

30,000 and above 7 5.83

Total 120 100%

Economic Status of the Respondents

below 5,000
5,000 - 10,000
10,000 - 15,000
15,000 - 20,000
20,000 - 25,000
25,000 - 30, 000
30,000 and above

This survey in terms of Economic Status of the Respondents on table 3

show that those who have 30,000 and above as monthly income represents

lowest percent (5.83%) of respondents.

Meanwhile, 38 or 31.67% of the respondents illustrate that they have an

income of below 5,000.it points up that most of the respondents belong to low-

socio economics standard of living.


Medicine purposes 5 4 3 2 1 WM VI

1. Edible forms of marijuana

should allow to be sold for 23 45 11 8
33 3.43

medical purposes.

2. Adults should be allowed to

use medical marijuana in 5 6 27 19 63

front of their children

3. Medical marijuana should
19 32 32 20 17
allow only for adults. 3.13

4. Edible forms of marijuana

should allow to be sold for 10 15 32 29 34

recreational activities.

5. Medical marijuana should EFFECTIVE

11 11 36 21 41 LESS
allow for children under the 2.42

age of 18.

Total Weighted Mean 2.678

Verbal Interpretation LESS EFFECTIVE

Medical Purposes


In terms of legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical

purposes, the respondents on table 4 agreed that edible forms of marijuana

should allow to be sold for medical purposes with a weighted mean of 3.43.

On the other hand, respondents viewed that adults should be allowed to

use medical marijuana in front of their children with a weighted mean of 1.93.

Going to other country for their 5 4 3 2 1 WM VI


5. If marijuana get legalize in

the Philippines, they’ll avoid 19 34 40 15 12
going to other country for

the cure of their diseases.

6. The government will not

allow the Filipino citizens to

be cure to other country if 14 15 48 25 18

marijuana get legalize in

the Philippines.

7. If marijuana get legalize in

the Philippines, Filipino

citizens that have diseases
17 19 56 17 11
can save money because

they don’t need to go to

other country.
8. If marijuana get legalize in

the Philippines, it is easy for 22 27 34 22 15

us to be cured.

9. If marijuana get legalize in

the Philippines, allied

countries will advance
22 27 43 20 8
marijuana in medical field

for us to avoid going to

other country.

Total Weighted Mean 3.142

Verbal Interpretation EFFECTIVE

Going to Other Country

Based on the collective data on table 5, the perception of the respondents

on going to other country for their cure strongly agreed that If marijuana get

legalize in the Philippines, allied countries will advance marijuana in medical field

for us to avoid going to other country with a weighted mean of 3.29.

Legalizing marijuana in the Philippines agreed by the majority of the


On the contrary, the respondents is not that convince that If marijuana get

legalize in the Philippines, Filipino citizens that have diseases can save money

because they don’t need to go to other country with a weighted mean of 3.12.


Abusing Marijuana 5 4 3 2 1 WM VI

1. Some people usually use

marijuana for recreational 20 36 30 17 17


2. The young generation gets


socially influenced because 25 41 19 17 18


of their curiosity that may

lead to addiction.
3. Most of the Filipinos didn’t

know the bad effects of 39 37 26 12 6

abusing marijuana.

4. Increase of population in

31 35 28 18 8
rehabilitation centers 3.53

5. Increase of criminality

34 33 27 11 15

Total Weighted Mean 3.38

Verbal Interpretation EFFECTIVE

The table 6 presents abusing marijuana where 3.76 as the weighted mean

strongly agreed that most of the Filipinos didn’t know the bad effects of abusing

marijuana. Only 2.9 WM agreed that the young generation gets socially

influenced because of their curiosity that may lead to addiction. However,

majority of the respondents agreed that abusing marijuana is the cause of

increase of population in rehabilitation centers and criminality because of lack of

knowledge in bad effects of abusing marijuana.

Abusing Marijuana



Illegal Business 5 4 3 2 1 WM VI

1. Duterte's administration can

totally stop the business 27 39 40 4 10

inside the black market

2. Marijuana producers should EFFECTIVE

be observed to prevent

31 37 35 10 7
them on engaging in the

black market
3. Some government officials

also have businesses at 30 39 37 7 7

black market

4. People without diseases

would not allow buying 34 31 29 10 16

marijuana at black market.

5. The teenager should allow

to buy marijuana at black 11 12 21 25 51


Total Weighted Mean 3.296

Verbal Interpretation EFFECTIVE

Illegal Business

As found on the table 7, the perception of respondents in illegal business

agreed that some government officials also have businesses at black market the

weighted mean of 3.65. Next to 3.65 are 3.63 which interpreted also as strongly

agree that marijuana producers should be observed to prevent them on engaging

in the black market.

Yet, majority of the respondents agreed that illegal business particularly at

black market have a big impact in legalizing marijuana in the Philippines.

Nonetheless, only 2.23 agreed that the teenager should allow buying

marijuana at black market




1. Marijuana should be

legalizing in the
3.48 348 6TH
Philippines because it can

cure many diseases.

2. Marijuana is a key to
3.14 314 9TH
make Philippines more
powerful in terms of

medical purposes.

3. The Philippines is #1 in

HIV cases and the only

way to decrease the

3.3 330 10TH
number of people who

suffered in HIV is to

legalize marijuana.

4. The Filipino citizens will

allow planting the

marijuana for medical use

3.28 328 8TH
in Philippines for them to

cure their disease instead

of going to other country.

5. If marijuana get legalized

in the Philippines, it is

easy to cure disease 3.35 335 7TH

instead of going to other

6. Give punishment to those

people who use marijuana 3.68 368 5TH

for recreational activities.

7. The parents need to

monitor their children for 4.03 403 1ST

them to avoid temptation.

8. The person who will only

avail marijuana would be

3.81 381 3RD
the person who has

doctor’s prescription.

9. The government should

make a law against illegal

3.87 387 2ND
businesses in black


10. Government should be

strict on accrediting 3.76 376 4TH

marijuana producers.


The table 8 presents the recommendation which the parents need to

monitor their children for them to avoid temptationranked 1 with the score of 4.03

out of 120 respondents. This signifies that it’s highly recommended to practice

discipline and give life lesson for their children.



The overriding purpose of this study is to know the opinion of the

advantages and disadvantages of legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in terms

of medical purposes. Also the researchers wants to know what is their idea on

this advantages and disadvantages of marijuana.


On the basis of the data gathered in relation to the statement of the

problem, the following are the significant findings:

 The mass of the respondents belong to the age bracket 16-20 years old

majority of them are females and almost all of the number of the

respondents has an economic status of 5,000-10,000.

 Based on the findings of chapter iv abusing marijuana is the most highly

observed, most of the Filipino didn’t know the bad effects of marijuana in

their mind and body

 Also, research show that the second highly observed is illegal business.

Respondents agree that illegal business particularly at black market have

big impact in legalizing marijuana in the Philippines.

 Going to the other country for their cure is the third, if the cannabis get

legalized on the Philippines allied country will advance marijuana in

medical field for us to avoid going to other country.

 Respectively, medical purposes came last which is an advantage that

edible marijuana should allow to be sold for medical purposes.

 Lastly, live a healthy life communicate with other people be positive on life,

and know the bad effects of cannabis that can cause addiction of one

person this is the best remedy for the disadvantage of cannabis.


On the basis of the data gathered in relation to the statement of the problem, the

following are the significant findings:

 Based on the result of the study, the age of the students does not affect

their decision and opinion on legalizing marijuana because almost of the

student are at the same age bracket. Gender shows that girls is the

majority among boys, though it does not affect their opinions and

decisions, the economic status of the students does not affect their

opinions and decisions on legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in terms

of medical purposes even though the belong to low-socio economic


 On the other hand, the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing

marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical purposes are presented.

One of the disadvantages which highly observed is abusing marijuana. It

can be concluded that if it’s been legalized they will use this to pretend

their sick.

 Moreover, illegal business is also a disadvantage concludes that maybe

people are scared on what could happen if cannabis is legalized. Because

they are only at ages 16-19 at this age some of kids already abusing


 Furthermore, one of the advantages is going to other country which could

be a good effect on people.

 Additionally, medical purposes is also an advantages on legalizing

marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical purposes, could be

conclude that, it can be a good thing already but few of them only know it

can be used as cure.

 In conclusion, the respondents are scared if marijuana gets legalized

there’s a point that it could only be abused and used on recreational

activities which may lead to crime. On the other hand it’s hard for them to

believe that it can be used to cure because if we say marijuana the first

thing that came to their mind is addiction. Maybe they should understand

what cannabis could really give in persons with illness.


The findings of the study as well as the suggestions of the respondents

helped the researcher prepare the following recommendations:

 According to sec. Paulyn Jean B. Ubial of DOH, said that they could not

make a stand on legalizing marijuana at this time. Also, she said that “I’m

not a clinician so I don’t have an idea on medical marijuana but I already

heard from some experts from UP Institute of health, they will be the team

he determine it marijuana could really use as a cure. It’s also a risk

because at now we are at the point of big trouble with marijuana so it

should be watch.

 Cannabis has good effects and bad effects, good effects are it can use as

reliever to chronic depression according to university of Washington.

Abusing of marijuana can affect the activeness of student in school also

because of chronic depression the student force to use marijuana to

escape the depression they have, but because of the stoned feeling they

get addicted to it. So if we could stop chronic depression we can stop the

addiction of marijuana.

 Cigarette of tobacco is more dangerous than cannabis. Because tobacco

has impurities and radioactive chemicals which also can cause lung

cancer but on cannabis there’s no studies shows that it can cause lung

cancer. A doctor from manila said that cannabis had been proven to
prevent nausea, ease pain and to stimulate appetite, especially among

chemotherapy patients, because of the chemical that it has.

 Cannabis can be used as treatment for epilepsy, cannabis had been used

for many centuries for seizure disorders, but it became prohibited because

of addiction but the study shows that it has a potential of effective

treatment of epilepsy because of the cannabinoids which is a component

of a cannabis plant.

 http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/922738/marijuana-as-


 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/05/170524131139.htm

 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/05/170511083745.htm

 https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170717151031.htm

 http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2016/07/10/1601333/medical-


 http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/922738/marijuana-as-medicine


V.V. Soliven Ave. II, Cainta Rizal


Dear Respondents,

We, the Grade 12 students, taking up Science Technology

Engineering Mathematics (STEM), would like to ask for your time and

cooperation in answering our survey questionnaire for our research paper

entitled “The advantages and disadvantages of legalizing marijuana in the

Philippines in terms of medical purposes to the 120 Senior High School Students

of ICCT Colleges.” as part of partial fulfillment for the subject HRES22

(Quantitative Research).

Rest assured that the information you would provide will be treated

with utmost confidentiality.

The Researchers


Name (Optional) _____________________ Economic Status

Age _____________ (Monthly Income)

Gender Male Female below 5,000

Civil Status Single Married 5,000-10,000





30,000 and above


The following are the questions that show the advantages and disadvantages of

legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in terms of medical purposes.

Put a check (√) on the column that best fits your answer.

5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree

3 - Neutral

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

Medicine purposes 5 4 3 2 1

1. Edible forms of marijuana

should allow to be sold for

medical purposes.

2. Adults should be allowed to

use medical marijuana in front

of their children

3. Medical marijuana should

allow only for adults.

4. Edible forms of marijuana

should allow to be sold for

recreational activities.

5. Medical marijuana should

allow for children under the

age of 18.

Going to other country for their 5 4 3 2 1


1. If marijuana get legalize in the

Philippines, they’ll avoid going

to other country for the cure of

their diseases.

2. The government will not allow

the Filipino citizens to be cure

to other country if marijuana

get legalize in the Philippines.

3. If marijuana get legalize in the

Philippines, Filipino citizens

that have diseases can save

money because they don’t

need to go to other country.

4. If marijuana get legalize in the

Philippines, it is easy for us to

be cured.

5. If marijuana get legalize in the

Philippines, allied countries

will advance marijuana in

medical field for us to avoid

going to other country.

Abusing Marijuana 5 4 3 2 1

1. Some people usually use

marijuana for recreational


2. The young generation gets

socially influenced because of

their curiosity that may lead to


3. Most of the Filipinos didn’t

know the bad effects of

abusing marijuana.

4. Increase of population in

rehabilitation centers.

5. Increase of criminality.

Illegal Business 5 4 3 2 1

1. Duterte's administration can

totally stop the business inside

the black market.

2. Marijuana producers should

be observed to prevent them

on engaging in the black

3. Some government officials

also have businesses at black


4. People without diseases would

not allow buying marijuana at

black market.

5. The teenager should allow to

buy marijuana at black market

Part III. Recommendations

Direction: Put a check (√) on the item, which you think are the appropriate things

to do to resolve the problem in terms of legalizing marijuana in the Philippines in

terms of medical purposes.

5 - Strongly Agree

4 - Agree

3 - Neutral

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

1. Marijuana should be legalizing

in the Philippines because it

can cure many diseases.

2. Marijuana is a key to make

Philippines more powerful in

terms of medical purposes.

3. The Philippines is #1 in HIV

cases and the only way to

decrease the number of

people who suffered in HIV is

to legalize marijuana.

4. The Filipino citizens will allow

planting the marijuana for

medical use in Philippines for

them to cure their disease

instead of going to other


5. If marijuana get legalized in

the Philippines, it is easy to

cure disease instead of going

to other country.

6. Give punishment to those

people who use marijuana for

recreational activities.
7. The parents need to monitor

their children for them to avoid


8. The person who will only avail

marijuana would be the

person who has doctor’s


9. The government should make

a law against illegal

businesses in black market.

10. Government should be strict

on accrediting marijuana



Name : Adrian Agustin

Nickname : Yan

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : April 25, 2000

Place of Birth : Angeles City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : -

Mother : Melissa Agustin



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary Dapdap High School 2016

Elementary Arenas Elementary School 2012

Name : Russel Baal

Nickname : Russel

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : July 24, 1999

Place of Birth : Marikina City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Ramil Baal

Mother : Marilou Baal



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary Mambugan National High School 2016

Elementary Mambugan Elementary School 2012

Name : Junric Candia

Nickname : Ric

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : February 3, 2000

Place of Birth : Marikina City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Christian

Father : Ricardo Candia

Mother : Jonah Candia



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary M.I.S.M.N.H.S 2016

Elementary San Juan Elementary School 2012

Name : Cherie Mae Cara-at

Nickname : Che

Sex : Female

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : November 16, 1999

Place of Birth : Cainta Rizal

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Christian

Father : Rene Cara-at

Mother : Ma. Nonilon Cara-at



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary Era J. Montila National High School 2016

Elementary Saint Anthony Elementary School 2012

Name : Joefe Dabalos Jr.

Nickname : John-John

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : May 22, 1999

Place of Birth : Antipolo City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Christian

Father : Joefe Dabalos

Mother : Rosalie Lawaan



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary Maximo L.Gatlabayan Mem.

National High School 2016
Elementary Progreso Elementary School 2012

Name : Erika Nercua

Nickname : Eka

Sex : Female

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : December 21, 1999

Place of Birth : Pasig City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Alexander Nercua

Mother : Eden Nercua



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary Sta. Lucia High School 2016

Elementary De Castro Elementary School 2012

Name : Glenn Patacsil

Nickname : Kiddo

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : September 25,1997

Place of Birth : Cainta Rizal

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Homer Patacsil

Mother : Maryann Patacsil



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary F.P.F.M.N.H.S 2016

Elementary Marick Elementary School 2010

Name : Kenneth Sampul

Nickname : KenKen

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : April 10,1999

Place of Birth : Zamboanga City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Roselio Sampul

Mother : Rowena Sampul



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary F.P.F.M.N.H.S 2016

Elementary M.E.S 2012

Name : Jaysrel Sartiga

Nickname : Jays

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : May 1, 2000

Place of Birth : Pasig City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Agustin Sartiga

Mother : Virgilia Sartiga



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary San Juan National High School 2016

Elementary Peacemaker Christian Academy 2012

Name : Rei Joshua Sese

Nickname : RJ

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : November 28,1999

Place of Birth : Mandaluyong

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Reynaldo Sese

Mother : Grecia Sese



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary G.F.I.N.H.S 2016

Elementary Darangan Elementary School 2012

Name : Nelbert Jenver Sevial

Nickname : Jen

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : August 02, 1999

Place of Birth : Antipolo City

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Nelberto Sevial

Mother : Arceli Sevial



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary Montalban Heights N.H.S 2016

Elementary Inumal Elementary School 2012

Name : Reymark Solanoy

Nickname : Markie

Sex : Male

Nationality : Filipino

Date of Birth : July 11, 2000

Place of Birth : Cagayan Valley

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Father : Raymundo Solanoy

Mother : Gemma Solanoy



Tertiary ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. 2016 up to now

Secondary G.L.G.M.N.H.S 2016

Elementary Antonio Amacenda 2012

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