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List of Similar Vocabulary between Indonesian and Tagalog

Indonesian is the sole official language of Republic of Indonesia. It is spoken natively by around 35 million people and as a second language by
another 140 million. In addition, Indonesian is often considered a “reformed” version of Malay language, with a high mutual intelligibility
between the two languages often comparable to Spanish and Portuguese. Apart from Malay, the rest of its vocabulary are mainly derived from
Arabic, Dutch, English, Sanskrit, and (Min Nan) Chinese.
Indonesian is also spoken among Indonesian immigrant communities in Australia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore.
Tagalog is one of the two co-official languages of the Republic of the Philippines (the other being English). It is spoken natively by around 25
million people and as a second language by another 65 million. Tagalog is well-known to be the most “Spanish” of all Asian languages, due to the
fact that a large number of its lexicon is derived from Spanish language. Apart from Spanish, the rest of its vocabulary are mainly derived from
Sanskrit, Chamorro, English, Malay, and (Min Nan) Chinese.

Tagalog is also spoken among Filipino immigrant communities in USA, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, UAE, Canada, and Japan.
Why are these two languages highly similar to each other?
They both belong to the Malayo-polynesian subgroup of the Austronesian language family.
“Language family” is a term coined by linguists so that they can group languages with similar history in the same category. For example, French-
Italian-Spanish belong to the Romance language family, while Dutch-English-German belong to the Germanic language family.
Please note that this list is neither complete nor adequate.
This is also not a list of cognates. Rather, what I am presenting here is a list of words that sound similar in both languages. Hence, even
though the Tagalog word “Beranda” (lit. “open porch”) may sound like it originate from the same source as its Indonesian counterpart (also
“Beranda”), the root words are different: Indonesian borrowed it from the word “varanda” in Portuguese, while Tagalog borrowed it from the
word “veranda” in Hindi.
My name is Thomas Andrikus, and I am among the 35 million native speakers of Indonesian. I am not an expert in languages, nor do I have a
diploma in it. Hence, with whatever limited knowledge I have of Tagalog, I compiled this list by consulting dictionaries and websites. If there are
any mistakes in spellings, word definitions or annotations, please let me know by sending me an e-mail to missing.samurai@gmail.com
Indonesian Tagalog Definition in English Note
“Si” “Si” (nominative marker) To mark a person’s name… “Si Bobby” means “that person Bobby”
Abu Abo Ash
Acar Atsara Pickles
Afrika Aprika Africa
Aku Ako I
Ambisius Ambisyoso Ambitious
Amerika Amerika America
Anak Anak Child
Angin Hangin Wind
Antik Antigo Antique
Api Apoy Fire
April Abril April
Arak Alak Liquor
Arloji Relo Wristwatch
Armada Armada Ship fleet
Arsip Arkibos Archives
Asa Asa Hope Usage in Indonesian is for literary context
Asia Asya Asia
Aspal Aspalto/Ispalto Asphalt
Asu Asu Dog Usage in Indonesian is limited to Javanese ethnics.
Atap Atip Roof
Australia Australya Australia
Babi Baboy Pig
Baca Basahin To read, to decipher
Bagian Bahagi Portion
Bakau Bakawan Mangrove
Bakiak Bakya Wooden sandals
Balai Balay House Usage in Indonesian is for community/village hall house
Balik Balik To return
Balut Balot To wrap
Bangkai Bangkay Carcass In Tagalog, it also means “human corpse”
Bangku Bangkò Bench
Bangsa Bansà Nation
Bangun Bangon To wake
Bank Bangko Bank
Basah Basa Wet
Batik Batik Blemish In Indonesian, the definition of “batik clothing” is more common
Batu Batò Stone
Bawang Bawang Garlic, Onion
Bayar Bayad To pay
Belanda Olanda The Netherlands
Beli Bili To buy
Belimbing Balimbing Starfruit
Bendera Bandila Flag
Bengis Bangis Fierce, Ferocious
Beranda Beranda Roofed open gallery porch
Beras Bigas Rice grains
Berita Balita News (Faux amis) In Indonesian, “Balita” means “infant”
Bihun Bihon Vermicelli
Bilyar Bilyaran Billiard pool
Biola Byolin Violin
Bola Bola Ball
Boneka Manika Doll
Buaya Buwaya Crocodile
Budi Budhî Conscience
Buka Bukas To open
Bulan Buwan Moon, Month
Bungsu Bunso Youngest child
Bunting Buntis Pregnant Usage in Indonesian is for informal/street talk
Buntut Buntot (Animal) tail, To tail
Cermin Salamin Mirror
Cina Tsina China
Cincin Singsing (Finger) ring
Cinta Sinta Love (possessive)
Cokelat Tsokolate Chocolate In Indonesian, it also means “brown”
Dansa Dansa Ball (activity of dance)
Demokrasi Demokrasiya Democracy
Destinasi Destino Destination
Dewata Diwata Fairy, nymph, goddess
Dinding Dingding Wall
Dokter Doktor(a) Doctor
Drama Drama Drama
Dua Dalawa Two
Duka Dukha Destitute
Durian Durian Durian
Ekonomi Ekonomiya Economy
Ekspor Eksport Export
Empat Apat Four
Enam Ánim Six
Engkau/Kau Ikaw You Usage in Indonesian is for literary context
Engkong Ingkong Grandfather Both usages limited to Chinese ethnics. Usage in Tagalog is archaic.
Eropa Europa Europe
Fondasi Pundasyon Foundation
Galon Galon Gallon
Genap Ganap Exact In Indonesian, it also means “even (number)”
Gerilya Gerilya Guerilla
Gitar Gitara Guitar
Gorden Kurtina Curtain
Gubernur Gobernador Governor
Gulung Gulong To roll
Gunting Gunting Scissors
Guru Guro Teacher
Hadapan Harapan In front (of) (Faux amis) In Indonesian, “harapan” means “wish”
Hakim Hukom Judge (Faux amis) In Indonesian, “hukum” means “law”
Harga Halaga Price
Hitam Itim Black
Hotel Otel Hotel
Hutang Utang Debt
Idola Idolo Idol
Ilegal Ilegal Illegal
Indonesia Indonesiya Indonesia
Inggris Ingles English
Itik Itik Duck
Jiwa Diwa Spirit, consciousness
Kabel Kable Cable
Kado Kaloob Gift
Kakatua/Kakaktua Kokatu Cockatoo
Kaldu Kaldo Broth
Kambing Kambing Goat
Kami Kami We Both usages exclude addressee
Kanal Kanal Channel (canal)
Kanan Kanan Right side
Kapan Kapag When
Kapel Kapilya Chapel
Kapsul Kapsula Capsule, tablet
Katedral Katedral Cathedral
Katolik Katoliko Catholic
Keju Keso Cheese
Kelambu Kulambo Mosquito net
Kematian Kamaytayan Death
Kemeja Kamiseta Shirt In Tagalog, it also means “singlet” or “undershirt”
Kerbau Kalabaw-damulag Water buffalo
Kereta Karita Cart In Indonesian, the definition of “train” is more common
Kesalahan Kasalanan Mistake
Kesenangan Kasayahan Happiness
Kimia Kimika Chemistry
Klise Klisey Cliché
Kombinasi Kombinasyon Combination
Komputer Kompyuter Computer
Kondom Kondom Condom
Koneksi Koneksyon Connection
Koor Koro Chorus
Kota Kuta City (Indonesian), Fort (Tagalog)
Kredo Kredo Creed
Kuali Kawali Frying pan, wok
Kuku Kuko Fingernail
Kuntilanak Tiyanak Supernatural creature In I., def. is “female vampire”. In T., def. is “goblin”
Kurang Kulang Less
Kursus Kurso Course
Kurung Kulong Jailed, confined
Kutu Kuto Head lice
Laksa Laksa 10,000 Usage in both languages are limited for literary context
Lampu Lampara Lamp
Landasan Landas Track
Langit Langit Sky In Tagalog, it also means “heaven”
Lawan Laban To oppose, Opposition
Legal Legal Legal
Lelaki/Laki-laki Lalaki Male
Lensa Lente Lens
Lidah Dila Tongue
Lima Lima Five
Limun Limon Lemon
Lokal Lokal Local
Lumpia Lumpia Spring rolls
Mahal Mahal Expensive In Tagalog, it also means “love”
Mangga Mangga Mango
Mangkuk Mangkok Bowl
Manis Tamis Sweet
Martil Martilyo Hammer
Masuk Pasok To enter
Mati Matay To die
Mebel Muwebles Furniture
Medali Medalya Medal
Meja Mesa Table
Melon Melon Melon
Menit Minuto Minute
Mentega Mantikilya Butter
Minggu Linggo Week, Sunday
Minum Inum To drink
Misa Misa Mass
Misi Misyon Mission
Mode Moda Fashion mode
Model Modelo Fashion model
Modern Moderno Modern
Monumen Monumento Monument
Motor Motor Motor In Indonesian, the definition of “motorcycle” is more common
Muka Mukha Face
Mula Mula From In Indonesian, it also means “beginning”
Murah Mura Cheap
Musik Musika Music
Nangka Langka Jackfruit (Faux amis) In Indonesian, “langka” means “rare”
Narkotika Narkotiko Narcotics
Nomor Numero Number
November Nobyembre November
Ornamen Ornamento Ornaments
Otak Utak Brain
Pabrik Pabrika Factory
Padi Palay/Palayan Paddy
Paroki Parokya Parish
Partai Partido Political Party
Pastor Pastor Pastor
Patroli Patrolya Patrol
Payung Payong Umbrella
Penghulu Pangulo Leader In Indonesian, usage is for tribes. In Tagalog, usage is for presidency.
Pepaya Papaya Papaya
Periuk Palayok Cooking pot Usage in Indonesian is less common.
Permanen Permanente Permanent
Pesta Pista Festival, Party
Piano Piyano Piano
Pil Pilduras Pill, tablet
Pilih Pili To choose
Pilipina Pilipinas The Philippines
Pilot Piloto Pilot
Pinggan Pinggan Plate In Indonesian, usage is archaic.
Pintu Pinto Door
Planet Planeta Planet
Plastik Plastik Plastic
Plaza Plaza Plaza
Pohon Puno Tree
Polio Polio Poliomyelitis
Polisi Pulisya Police
Pompa Bomba Water pump
Populer Popular Popular
Porselen Porselana Porcelain
Postur Postura Posture
Presentasi Presentasyon Presentation
Pribadi Pribado Private
Produk Produkto Product
Profesor Profesor Professor
Program Programa Program
Propinsi Probinsya Province
Prosesi Prosesyon Procession
Protes Protesta To protest
Protestan Protestante Protestant
Proyek Proyekto Project
Publikasi Publikasyon Publication
Pucat Maputla, Mapusyaw Pale
Putih Puti White
Radar Radar Radar
Radikal Radikal Radical, revolutionary
Radio Radyo Radio
Raket Raketa Racket
Rambutan Rambutan Rambutan
Rasa Lasa Taste
Realitas Realidad Reality
Rekomendasi Rekomendasyon Recommendation
Reputasi Reputasyon Reputation
Resep Reseta Recipe
Restoran Restawrante Restaurant
Reuni Reyunyon Reunion
Revolusi Rebolusyon Revolution
Ribu Libo Thousand
Rosario Rosaryo Rosary
Rusia Rusiya Russia
Sabotase Sabotahe/Sabutahe Sabotage
Sabtu Sabado Saturday
Sabun Sabon Soap
Sagu Sago Sago
Sakit Sakit Ill, Illness
Saksi Saksi To witness, Eyewitness
Sampo Siyampu Shampoo
Satelit Satelayt Satellite
Saus Sarsa Sauce
Sayang Sayang “Alas!”, “Too bad!” In Indonesian, the definition of “darling” is more common
Sedap Sarap Delicious
Sekolah Eskwela School
Sementara Samantala Meanwhile, In Indonesian, it also means “temporary”
Sendok Sandok Ladle In Indonesian, it also means “spoon”
Senjata Sandata Weapon
Sepatu Sapatos Shoes
Siasat Siyasat To investigate
Siomay Siomay Shu mai (Chinese pork dumplings)
Sistem Sistema System
Stadion Istadyum Stadium
Sukat Sukat To measure Usage in Indonesian is literary context
Sumpah Sumpah Curse, damnation, oath
Surat Sulat Letter
Susu Suso Breast In Indonesian, the definition of “milk” is more common
Sutra Sutla Silk
Tablet Tableta Tablet
Tahun Taon Year
Taksi Taksi Taxi
Takut Takot To be afraid, to fear
Tali Tali String,
Tanggal Tanggal To remove, to take off In Indonesian, the definition of “date (e.g. Aug 17th)” is more common
Tawa/Ketawa Tawa/Kakatawa To laugh
Tawar Tawad To bargain
Teguk Lagok To gulp
Teknologi Teknolohiya Technology
Telinga Tainga Ear
Tempo Tiyempo Tempo
Tengah hari Tanghali Afternoon
Tinta Tina Dye In Indonesian, the definition of “ink” is more common
Tokek Tuko Gecko
Tolak Tulak To push
Tolong Tulong To help
Trigu Trigo Wheat
Tusuk Tusok Pierce
Uban Uban Gray hair
Universitas University Unibersidad
Yoyo Yoyo Yo-yo In Indonesian, it also means “a stupid person”

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