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Circular Motion and Gravitation Summary Sheet

Chapter 5

Circular Motion Equations

Period Frequency Tangential Speed Centripetal Acceleration
elapsed time # of circles completed 2!r v2
T= f= v=
# of circles completed elapsed time T ac =
units: seconds units: 1/second or Hz units: m/s units: m/s

Horizontal Circle: Horizontal Circle: Car on Track Horizontal Circle: Moon Orbits Earth
Mass on String FN ΣFc = mac
m mm F G = mma c
FT mEmm
ΣFc = mac r G = mma c
FT = mac
FS r2
ΣFc = mac mE mE
FS = mac G = ac
µsFN = mac

Vertical Circle: Mass on String Vertical Circle: Car on Road Vertical Circle: Inverted
m FN FN Roller Coaster Cars
ΣFc = mac F
F + mg = mac
r ΣFc = mac ΣFc = mac
Bottom F
-FN + mg = mac FN - mg = mac mg
ΣFc = mac mg mg
F - mg = mac m
ΣFc = mac
mg FN + mg = mac
If the car looses contact with road, FN = 0.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation Equation Resulting from Law of Universal Gravitation

“Every particle in the universe attracts every m1 m 2 FG FG

other particle with a force that is proportional FG = G m1 m2
to the product of their masses and inversely r2
proportional to the square of the distance G = 6.67 x 10
-11 2
Nm /kg

between them. This force acts along the line r

joining the two particles.”
r is the center to center distance.

Planetary Motion – Kepler’s Laws

1 law: “The path of each planet about the Sun is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus.”
2 law: “Each planet moves so that an imaginary line drawn from the Sun to the planet sweeps out equal
areas in equal periods of time.”
3 law: The ratio of the squares of the periods (the time needed for one revolution about the Sun) of any
two planets revolving about the Sun is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their mean distances from
the Sun.
2 3 Note: use this equation to compare two objects that orbit the
&T # &r # same mass. Examples: two planets that orbit the Sun; moons
Or in equation form: $$ 1 !! = $$ 1 !!
or satellites that orbit the same planet.
% T2 " % r2 "
v m Other Useful Equations Derived in Class
Acceleration due to gravity To find the mass of the Speed of mass in orbit:
ac above any planet or moon: object being orbited:

M M 4 !2 r3 M
ac = G M= v= G
r2 G T2 r

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