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House finally calls its 2019 budget bill

3y JESS DIAZ "This is in line with the unconstitutional, illegal or the loss of huge allocations for her chamber was not recall- ate and the House "are autho-
Speaker's instruction to allow irregular when we approved at least 62 districts and which ing the measure. Sotto said rized separately to complete
After mixed signals from a last-ditch effort to break the and ratified the 2019 GAB in a.llotments were allegedly giv- thev were confused with the the details within the ceilings."
he leadership o{ the House budget impasse. The Speaker plenary session " he said. en to favored members, were .miied signals coming from He said the House did notl
)f Representatives, the cham- has also instructed us to {orm Andaya appealed to his col- illegal and unconsdtutional. the House. breach those ceilings and didl
rer is finally recalling the a three-man House team that leagues and senators to "not Andaya said what they The Senate has been call- nothing illegal or unconstitu-i
1019 budeet bill it has sent to will meet with their Senate debate on the merits of their did was to "itemize" or sup- ing on the House to instead tional -
he SenatE and which Senate counterparts to address con- position through the media" port with a list of proiects transmit the approved budget Senate President Sotto was
'resident Vicente Sotto lll tentious issues on the 2019 and to discuss issueC in formal lump sums he and his Senate without realignments and as glad the House secretary gen-
ras rcfused to sign for being general appropriations bill meetinss, counterpart had agreed on in .
contained in the approved eral retrieved the copy of the
rupposedly constitutionally (GAB)," he said. Sott6 has refusdd to sign February shorlly before the bicam report. That version has 2019budget earlier sent to the
luestionable. He said they are aiming to the House-printed budget bill Senate and the House ratified lump sums, which Sotto said Senate.
In a statement yesterday, agree in five days on what ver- because he claims it contains the bicam report. the President could veto. "I welcome the retrieval,
rppropriations committee sion of the budget to send to billions in realignments lead- On Tuesday, San Juan Rep. Rep. Edcel Lagman of Al- I could have sent it back for
hairmah Camarines Sur Rep. President Duterte for signing ers of the larger chamber made Ronaldo Zamora announced bay supported the stand of being unfaithful to what was
lolando Andaya Jr. said the into law. after the bicameral conference that Speaker Gloria Macapa- the House. approved by the .bicam and
louse has dispatched its "We want to make it cleaa . committee (bicam) report on gal-Arroyo has authorized As former appropriations ratified in plenary but I did
;ecretary general to the Sen- though. We are not withdraw- the final version of the budget him to tell senators t}le House committee chairman, he said ' ndt as prudence dictates. Our
rte "to physically retrieve the ing or backtracking from our was approved last Feb. 8.. was withdrawing the budget traditionally, the bicam ap- ' Congress is bicameral. It's
rudget books that we sent to eailier position. We maintain Such post-approval chang- bill. proves budget ceilings for very elementary," Sotto said.
he senators." that the House did nothing es, which Sotto said rcsulted in Arroyo, however, later said dach agency but that the Sen- Turn to Page 9

u NSYT H\gA PA _)
Fla.rr-- P "
HOUSO FromPaeeg Teachers to suffCr
Sen. Panfilo Lacson said Sotto refused As oolitical debate over the budget
to iien the copv as verificaLion made rages, bepEd appealed to lawmakers to
fv til? I-"eittuti,i" Budget Research and .oiiia"t iftu pebirle who are- affected by
rio"iio.itig Off ice (LB-RMO) indicated *"-Luae"t a.jtav, including thousands of
that there were alterations made. t ..tt"ti*tto miv suffer if ilre new bud get
"Orr the oart of the Senafe, kung ano yun ';ih"immediatelY aPProved
'" not
innviubahai af (what was approved and) b"prtttn6nt'6f Education is the
i^dfiud bv th" Suttate and House of Reprc- t"tpeii aee;cv in the government We su{-
ong dapati+ubm\lsa Pangulo il-.in" *"ost. iv" have-the most number of
ishould beient to-the Presidentl" said Lac- ernptovu"t, we have proiects which
son in an interview c.ver dzMM "e*
*u au.tn'ot li-titiut" We hav-e accountabili-
He said the President has the power to ti"t *hi.h *" .uttoot settle," Briones said
veto oortions of the P3.757-trillion nation- at a press conJerence last MondaY'
He, howeve4 said this could be "it would be apProPriate if we shiit
manae"ed throueh a supplemental budget our-ittention to t osd who suffer the
io be iassed bvaoth H6use and Senate' co*"qt,"tt."t of this.prolonged debate"'
Eiler, Lacion said he is against !n- she added.
satiablv ereedv politicians, eipecially DeoEd Undersecretary for finance An-
those #hd lust iffer pork barrel funds, in nalvn'Sevilla said their'division offices
t ioo*" to some Hbuse members who weie able to work around the lack of new
to accuse him of "vendetta" in bud.set to prorride salaries to some 100,000
a"no'uncins po.k in the 2019 budget' ne*iy hlr'ed teachers whose salaries are
Lacson ieiterated his actions against lods6d in the 2019 budget.
nork barrel in the 2019 budget are not fio*"u"t, she saidlheY might face
'about anv individual congressman or . nroblems in releasing the salaries of teach-
.""aior, ULt about his crusade against the lrs if no newbudgetis approvedby April
oorkbarrel svstem and the national bud- - '\E are worl,ing with the Departm.ent
!et, which is'the lifeblood of the country' of Budget and. Minagement (DBM) to
find out where these teachers are so we
Department funds can reouest for the additional funding out
Funds intended to helP the Poor alg of the'Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits
lodeed with the Department of Health Fund," she said.
rittiu) and Deparhnbnt of Social Welfare Sevilla said DePEd Personnel, like
and Developmi:nt (DSWD) have dried up other sovernment are also
due to the delav in the enactment of the waitinE for the salarv ihcrease provided
proDosed national budgei for this year; rrnder"the fourth tr;nche of the salary
iot st"t.*"n .o*plained yesterday' standardization directive issued by for-
Eiucation Secietary L'eonor Briones mer Dresident Benigno Aquino III'
said public school teaihers and students "fhis amourts L6 aboui P20 billion as
are aiso bound to suffer with the continu- we have more than 800,000 personnel in
ine delav in lhe passage ofthe 2019 budget the Department of Educatiori and all our
Dtpartment of-Education (DepEd)' 8rc acludlly woiting for that
Earliei, the Department of Transporta- "tplti""t
'--trAnoih*, said.
ineiease," she
tion said the reh;bilitaiion of Metro Rail budg,et ilenr under
i.".tiis ,i".* Edsa could not be started 2019 budeet "*p".ted
is ihe annurl medical eram
blcause fundi for it are contained in the oi our teaihers. lf lhe 2019 Ceneral Appro-
still-to-be-enacted 2019 budget. priations Act will be apprpved, there wlll
Camarines Sur Rep. Luis liaymund VrJ- 6e a buoeet item of fSoo per teacher to
lafuerte fauLted the leidership of the House I"""t f*itt"iirn"dical exa;," she added
of ReDresentatives for tlre de lay in the en act- - With Cecitte Suerte Felip€, Jhnvic Mateo
merdof the spending program for this year'
Fr\g.r- E ''

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