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Hecate's Deipnon

 Aidonaea – Of The Under World

 Anassa Eneroi – Queen of the Dead
 Aoroboros – Devourer of the Untimely Dead
 Borborophorba – Eater of Filth
 Bythios – Of the Deep
 Damasandra – Subduer of Men
 Drakaina – Dragon/Serpent
 Kapetoktypos – Tomb Disturber
 Kardiodaitos – Eater of Men’s Hearts
 Keratopis – Horned Faced
 Lampadios – Torch Bearer
 Melaneimon – Wearing Black
 Nekyia – Mistress of Corpses
 Skotia – Of the Dark
 Tartaroukhos – Queen of Tartarus
 Thanategos – Death Bringer

An epithet is an honorary and praiseful descriptive title used as part of a name. For example,
Alexander The Great. In polytheistic religions, specifically that of Greece and Rome, an epithet
was not only a praiseful description, but also a focus on a specific aspect of that divinity and
their powers that you are petitioning for purposes related to that aspect. The following is a list I
compiled of Hekate’s many historical epithets. These epithets come from the Greek Magical
Papyri, The Chaldean Oracles, Greek poetry, hymns & myths and ancient inscriptions. A few of
the epithets have unknown meaning. Other epithets are unverified but speculated to belong to
Hekate. Either way – the epithets are definitely fitting for Her and I don’t think She’d reject
Image Credit: Pixabay | CC0 License

You will find as you go through the list of epithets of this ancient and vast goddess that many of
the epithets are contradictory to others. Being a goddess with such an ancient history with many
evolutions and having domain over so many realms, it’s only natural that for example, the Greek
Magical Papyri epithets which tend to be darker are going to vary greatly from that of the
Chaldean Oracles which view Her as a universal power and axis mundi and anima mundi.

This list would not be possible without the work of Sara Neheti Croft, author and artist of
Knowing Hekate: A Spiritual Coloring Experience, particularly her posts here. Also the work of
Leonardo at Voces Magicae, particularly his post here. I’m extremely thankful for their research,
work and devotion. They did most of the actual research and compilation, I’ve just merged them
into a master-list for easy reference. While this list is not complete by any means – it’s a great
starting point for those who want to start working with Hekate’s epithets.

Abronoê ‘Gracious-minded’, ‘Providing Grace’, ‘Gracious’

Adamantaea ‘Unconquerable’, ‘Untamable Goddess’
Admêtos ‘Indomable’, ‘Unconquered’
Aenaos ‘Eternal’
Agallomenen Elaphoisi ‘Rejoicing in Deer’
Agia ‘Sacred’, ‘Holy’
Aglaos ‘Radiant’
Agriope ‘Wild-eyed’, ‘Fierce-faced’, ‘Savage-watcher’, ‘wild-voiced’
Agrotera ‘Huntress’
Aidônaia ‘Goddess of Hades’, ‘Of the Underworld”
Aimopotis ‘Blood-drinker’, ‘Murderer’
Aiônos ‘Eternal’
Aizêiοs ‘Vigorous’
Aktinochiatis ‘Radiant haired’, ‘With Rays for Hair’
Aktiophis [Of Unknown Meaning]
Alexeatis ‘Averter of Evil’
Alkimos ‘Powerful’, ‘Strong’, ‘Stout’, ‘Brave’
Amaimaketos ‘Unconquerable’, ‘Raging’, ‘Invincible’, ‘Unapproachable’, ‘Uncontrollable’

 Ambrotos ‘Immortal’
Ameibousa ‘One That Transforms’
Amphiphaes ‘Circumlucent’
Amphiprosopos ‘Double-faced’
Amphistomos ‘Double-mouthed’
Anassa ‘Queen’
Anassa Eneroi ‘Queen of the Dead’
Androphonos ‘Killer of Men’
Angelos ‘Messenger’
Antaian Theou ‘She Who Meets’
Antania ‘Enemy of Mankind’
Aôroboros ‘Devourer of the Prematurely Dead’, ‘Devourer of the Untimely Dead’
Apanchomene ‘The Hanged One’
Apotropaios ‘Averting’, ‘Averter’
Aphrattos ‘Unnamed One’
 Arêgos ‘Helper’
Archikos ‘Royal’
Ariste ‘The Best’
Ariste Cthonia ‘Best of the World’, ‘Best in the World’
Arkuia / Arkyia ‘Spinner of webs’, ‘Entrapper’
Arrhetos ‘Ineffable’
Astrodia ‘Star-walker’, ‘Star-Courser’
Atala ‘Tender’, ‘Delicate’
Atasthalos ‘Pretentious’, ‘Reckless’, ‘Presumptious’
Athanatos ‘Immortal’, ‘Of Immortal Fame’
Autophyês / Autopheus ‘Self-generating’. ‘Self-begotten’
Azonos ‘Without Borders’
Azostos ‘Ungirt’, ‘Without a Belt’
Baridouchos ‘Barque-holder’, ‘Skiff-holder’
Basileia ‘Queen’, ‘Princess’
Bolos ‘Far-Thrower’,
Boôpis ‘Cow-eyed’
Booporos ‘Ox-Herder’
Borborophorba ‘Eater of Filth’
Boukolos ‘Ox-Herder’
Brimô ‘Angry-One’, ‘Terrifying’
Buthios ‘Abysmal’, ‘Of the Depths’
Charopos ‘Ferocious-aspected’, ‘Fierce’, ‘Grim’, ‘Flashing’, ‘Bright, ‘Having blue-grey eyes’, ‘of
the Sea’
Chthonia ‘Chthonic’, ‘Of the Earth”
Chrysôpis ‘Golden-faced’
Chrysosandalos ‘of Golden Sandals’
Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia ‘Goddess of the Lower World Wearing Golden Sandals and
Drinking Blood’
Chrysostephanos ‘Golden-Crowned’, ‘Crowned with Splendor’
Chrysostephês ‘Golden-crowned’
Dadophoros ‘Torchbearer’
Dadouchos ‘Torch-bearer’
Daeira ‘The Knowing One’
Daidalos ‘Cunning’
Damasandra ‘Dominator of Men’, ‘Subduer of Men’
Damnamene ‘Means of Constraint’
Damnodamia ‘Subduer of Subduers’
Damnomeneia ‘Dominating Force’
Dasplêtis ‘Horror’, ‘Frightful-one’
Deichteira ‘Teacher’, ‘Revealer’
Deinos ‘Terrible’
Despoina ‘Lady’, ‘Mistress’
Dione ‘Goddess’
Doloessa / Doloeis ‘Astute-one’, ‘Subtle’, ‘Wily’, ‘Cunning’
Drakaina ‘Serpent’, ‘Dragon’
Eidôlios ‘Phantasmal’, ‘Ghostly’
Eileithyia ‘Nurse of Childbirth’, ‘Goddess of Midwives’
Einalian ‘Of the Sea’
Einodia Thygater Demetros ‘Daughter of Demeter, who is of the Road’
Ekklesia ‘Of the Assembly’
Ekdotis ‘Bestower’
Elaphêbolos ‘Deer-huntress’, ‘Shooter of Deer’
Elateira ‘Driver’, ‘Charioteer’
Ellophonos ‘Fawn-slayer’
Epaine ‘Awe-Inspiring’, ‘Glorious’, ‘Sublime’
Empousa / Empusa [Of unknown meaning, related to the monster Empusa and the idea of
phantoms and specters]
Empylios ‘At the Gate’
Empyrios ‘Empyrean’
Enodia ‘Of the crossroads’, ‘Of the Roads’, ‘Of the Path’
Ephodia ‘Traveling Expenses’, ‘Provisions for the Road’, ‘Traveling Supplies’, ‘Resources’
Ephoros ‘Guardian’ ‘Overseer’
Epigeioi ‘of the Earth’
Epiphanestate Thea ‘the Most Manifest Goddess’
Epipurgidia ‘on the Tower’
Episkopos ‘Guardian’, ‘One who Watches Over’, ‘Overseer’
Epiteichea ‘The Stronghold’, ‘Fort’
Epi-tymbidia ‘Sepulchral’
Eranne ‘Lovely’
Erannos ‘Lovely’
Ergatis ‘Energizer’
Êrigeneia ‘Daughter of morning’, ‘Early-born’
Erôtotokeia / Erototokos ‘Bearer of love’, ‘Producing Love’, ‘Who Bore Love’
Eukoline ‘Good Tempered’
Eupatepeia ‘Noble-born’
Eurippa ‘Horse-finder’
Geneteira ‘Mother’
Genetyllis ‘Birth-Helper’, ‘Goddess of Childbirth’, ‘Midwife’
Gigaessa ‘Giant’
Gorgo ‘The Grim’, ‘The Gorgon’
Hecatoncheires ‘Hundred-handed’
Hegemonen ‘Guide’
Hêgemoye ‘Queen’
Helike ‘Revolving’
Hersechthonia ‘Speaking From Below’
Hexacheira ‘Of Six Ways’, ‘Of Six Hands’
Hiera ‘Holy One’
Hieros Pyr ‘Holy Fire’
Hipparete ‘Horse-Speaker’
Hippokyon ‘Mare Bitch’, ‘Horse Dog’
Hippoprosopos ‘Horse-Faced’
Hypolampteira [Of Unknown Meaning – possibly related to light or brightness]
Iocheaira / Iokheaira ‘Arrow-shooter’, ‘One who Shoots Arrows’
Indalimos ‘Beautiful’
Ippokyôn ‘Mare-Dog’, half dog/ half horse
Ippoprosôpos ‘Horse-faced’
Kalkaea ‘Wearer of High Boots’
Kalligeneia ‘Bearing Beautiful Offspring’
Kalliste ‘Fairest’
Kapetoktypos ‘Tomb-disturber’, ‘Causing the Noise of Lamentation’
Kardiodaitos ‘Heart-Eater’, ‘Feasting on Men’s Hearts’
Kareia ‘of Karia’, ‘Kraus’
Karko ‘Lamia’, ‘Child-Eating’, ‘Nocturnal Spirit’
Katachthonia ‘Subterranean’
Katakampsypsaychenos ‘Bender of proud necks’
Kelkaia [Of Unknown Meaning]
Keratôpis ‘Horned-faced’, ‘Horned Looking’
Keroeis ‘Horned’
Kthonia ‘Of the Underworld’, ’Of the Earth’
Kleidouchos / Kleidoukhos ‘Key-holder’, ‘Key-keeper’
Klôthaiê ‘Spinner of fate’
Kore ‘Maiden’
Kourotrophos ‘Child’s Nurse’, ‘Nurse of Youths’
Krataios / Kratais ‘Powerful’, ‘Dominator’, ‘Of the Rocks’
Krokopeplos ‘Saffron-Cloaked’
Kunolygmatos ‘Doglike Howler’, ‘Who howls doglike’
Kydimos ‘Glorious’
Kynegetis ‘Leader of Dogs’
Kynokephalos ‘Dog-Headed’
Kynolygmate ‘Howling Like a Dog’, ‘Who Howls Dog-like’
Kyôn ‘Bitch’, ‘Dog’
Kyôn Melaina ‘Black Bitch’, ‘Black Dog’
Kyria ‘The Powerful’, ‘The Supreme’
Laginitis ‘Of Lagina’
Lampadephoros ‘Lamp-bearer’, ‘Torch-bearer’, ‘Who Warns of Nighttime Attack’
Lampadios ‘Lamp-bearer’, ‘Torch-bearer’
Leaina ‘The Lioness’
Leontoukhos ‘Holding a Lion’
Leukophryne ‘White-Browed’, ‘Of the White-Browed Hill’
Limenitis ‘Harbor Goddess’
Limenitikos ‘Of the Harbor’, ‘Harbor Goddess’
Limenoskopos ‘Of the Threshold’, ‘Watcher of Havens’, ‘On the Harbor’, ‘Watching the Harbor’
Liparokredemnos ‘Of the Bright Headband’, ‘Bright-Coiffed’
Liparoplokamos ‘Brilliant-Braided’
Lochias ‘Protector of birth’, ‘Goddess of Childbearing’
Lykaina ‘She-wolf’
Lyko ‘She-wolf’, ‘Wolf-formed’
Maera ‘Shining’
Mageus ‘One who Kneads’ [Possibly related to Magi]
Makairapos ‘Blessed-one’
Medeousa / Medusa ‘Protector’, ‘Guard’, ‘Gorgon’
Meisopomenos ‘Laborer of the Moon’
Meisoponeros ‘Vice-Hating’
Megiste ‘Greatest’
Melaine ‘Black’
Melaneimôn ‘Black-clad’, ‘Wearing Black’
Melinoe ‘Soothing One’
Mene ‘Moon’
Moira ‘A Share’, ‘Fate’
Monogenes ‘Only Child’
Monoprosopos ‘With One Face’
Mormo ‘She-Monster’
Munychia [Of Unknown Meaning]
Nekuia / Nekyia ‘Goddess of death’, ‘Mistress of corpses’
Nerteria ‘Infernal’, ‘Subterranean’, ‘Nether One’
Nerterios ‘Infernal’, ‘Subterranean’, Nether One’
Nerteron Prytanin ‘Mistress of the Dead’
Noctiluca ‘Light of the Night’, ‘Night Shiner’
Noeros ‘Intellective’
Nomaios ‘Pastoral’
Nychia / Nykhia ‘Nocturnal’ ‘Nocturnal-One’ “Goddess of Night’
Nyktairodyteira ‘Night Riser and Setter’, ‘She that Rises and Sets by Night’
Nykteria ‘Of the Night’
Nykti ‘Of the Night’
Nyktiboos ‘Night-Shouter’, ‘Night-Crier’
Nyktipolos ‘Night-Wandering’
Nyktophaneia ‘Night-shining’
Nymphen ‘Bride’
Nyssa ‘Goader’, “Goal’, ‘Beginning’, ‘Turning Post’, ‘Ambition’
Oistrophaneia ‘Manifester of Madness’
Oistroplaneia ‘Spreader of Madness’, ‘Causing the Wanderings of Madness’
Oksyboê ‘Shrill-screamer’, ‘Shrieker’
Oletis ‘Destroyer’
Opaon ‘Follower’
Opheôplokamos ‘Coiled with Snakes’, ‘With Snaky Curls’
Oriplanos ‘Mountain-roamer’, ‘Mountain-Wandering’
Oroboros ‘Tail-Eating’
Ourania ‘Celestial’, ‘Heavenly’
Ouresiphoites ‘Wanderer in the Mountains’
Oxythymia ‘Gallows’, ‘Quick to Anger’
Paggennêteira ‘Mother of All’
Paiônios ‘Healer’
Pammêtôr ‘Mother of All’
Pandamateira ‘All-tamer’, ‘All-powerful’, “All Subduer’, ‘Master of all’
Pandina [Of Unknown Meaning – Possibly related to ‘whirling’ or ‘rotating’]
Pandôteira ‘All-giver’, ‘One who gives everything’, ‘Bestower of Everything’, Bounteous’
Pangaios ‘World-wide’
Panopaia ‘All-seeing’, ‘One who sees everything’, ‘Panorama’
Panta Ephepousa [Of Unknown Meaning]
Pantos Kosmou Kleidokhos ‘Keeper of the Keys of the Cosmos’
Pantrephô / Pantrophos ‘All-nurturing’, ‘All-sustaining’, ‘who feeds all’
Parthenos ‘Virgin’
Pasikrateia ‘Universal Queen’, ‘All-powerful’, ‘who dominates all’
Pasimedeonsa ‘All-guarding’, ‘All-protecting’
Pasimedousa ‘Ruling Over All’
Pasiphaessa ‘Wide-Shining’
Patrogenes ‘Father-Begotten’
Pege ‘Source’
Pege Psychon ‘Source of Souls’
Persia ‘Persian’ ‘Daughter of Perses’
Phaennô ‘Brilliant’
Phaesimbrotos ‘Bringer of light to mortals’
Phaethô ‘Radiant’
Pharaea ‘Of Pharaea’, ‘Daughter of Zeus and Pheraea’
Philêremos ‘Lover of Solitude’
Philoskylax ‘Lover of Dogs’
Phoberos ‘Terrible’, ‘Fearful’
Phoebe ‘Bright’
Phoinikopeza ‘Ruddy-footed’
Phôs ‘Holy light’
Phôsphoros ‘Light-bringer’
Phôtoplêx ‘Who smites with light’, ‘Who strikes with light’
Phroune ‘Toad’, ‘Frog’, ‘She-Toad’
Phthorênês ‘Ruin-Bringer’, ‘Corruptor’
Phylakê ‘Protector’, ‘Guardian’, ‘Who Keeps Watch and Ward’
Physis ‘Nature’ (personified)
Podarkê ‘Quick-footed’, ‘Fleet-footed’
Polyboteira ‘Generous Giver of Nourishment’
Polykleitos ‘Famed’, ‘Much Renowned’, ‘Far-Famed’
Polyplokamos ‘Of Many Tentacles’, ‘With Many Feelers’
Polymorphos ‘Many-formed’, ‘Of many forms’
Polyôdynos ‘Full of Pain’, ‘One who suffers much’
Polyônymos ‘Many-named’, ‘Of many names’
Potnia Theron ‘Mistress of Animals’, ‘Lady of Wild Beasts’
Presbeira ‘Ancient’, ‘Elder’
Prodomos ‘Of the Vestibule’, ‘Before the House’
Prothegetis ‘Leader’
Prokathegetis ‘She who goes down before’, ‘Leader’, ‘Teacher’, ‘Guide’
Promêthikos ‘With forethought’
Propolos ‘She Who Leads’, ‘Guide’, ‘Companion’, ‘Servant’
Propylaia ‘One Before the Gate’
Prothyraea ‘Before the Gate’
Prostistos ‘Primordial’, ‘The Very First’
Psychopompe ‘Soul-Guide’
Pyriboulos ‘Of fiery counsel’
Pyridrakontozônos ‘Girt with flaming serpents’
Pyriphoitos ‘Fire-walker’
Pyripnos / Pyripnoa ‘Fire-breather’, ‘Breathing Fire’
Pyrophoros ‘Fire-bearer’, ‘Torch-bearer’
Pyrtania ‘Invincible Queen of the Dead’, [Possibly related to ‘Council Chamber’]
Rêksipylê ‘Door-breaker’, ‘Gate-breaker’
Reskichthon / Rexichthon ‘Bursting forth from the Earth’, ‘Earth-Cleaver’
Rhododaktylos ‘Rosy-Fingered’
Rixipyle / Rexipyle ‘She Who Throws Down The Gates’
Sarkophagos ‘Flesh-Eater’
Skotia / Skotios ‘Somber’, ‘Of the Dark’, ‘Of the Gloom’
Skylakageia ‘Dog-leader’
Sôteira ‘Savior’
Speirodrakontozonos ‘Girt with Serpent Coils’
Stratêlatis ‘Leader of hosts’, ‘General’
Strophaia ‘Standing as a porter at the door hinge’
Taurodrakaina ‘Bull-Dragon’, ‘half bull/ half serpent’
Taurokarênos ‘Bull-headed’
Tauromorphos ‘Bull-formed’
Taurôpis ‘Bull-faced’
Tauropolos ‘Bull-Herder’
Taurôpos ‘Bull-aspected’
Tartarouchos / Tartaroukhos ‘Ruler of Tartarus’, ‘Controller of Tartarus’
Tergeminus ‘Of Triple-Birth’
Terpsimbrotos ‘Delighting men’, ‘One who delights mortals’, ‘Gladdens the hearts of men’
Tetrakephalos ‘Four Headed’
Tetraoditis ‘Of the Four ways’, ‘Of Four roads’, ‘Haunting Crossroads’, ‘Four-Road’s Mistress’
Tetraônymos ‘Four-named’
Tetraprosôpos ‘Four-faced’, ‘Four-Headed’
Tetraprosôpinos ‘Four-faced’
Thanatêgos ‘Death-Bringer’
Thea Deinos ‘The Dread Goddess’
Therobromon ‘Roaring like a Wild Beast’, ‘Of the City of the Beast’
Thêroktomos ‘Beast-slayer’
Thrinakia ‘Triple-pointed’, ‘Of three extremes’, ‘Triple’
Tlêtê / Tletos ‘Patient’
Triauchenos ‘Triple-necked’, ‘With Three Necks’
Triceps ‘Three-Formed’
Trikaphalos ‘Three-headed’
Trikaranos ‘Three-headed’,’Three-faced’, ‘Triple-headed’
Triktypos ‘Triple-sounding’
Trimorphos ‘Three-Formed’
Trioditis ‘Of the Three ways’, ‘Of the three roads’
Triônymos ‘Triple-named’
Triphthoggos ‘Triple-voiced’, ‘Having Three Voices’
Triprosôpos ‘Triple-faced’
Triva ‘Of the Three Ways’, ‘Goddess of Three Roads’
Tymbidian ‘Sepulchral’
Tymborychos ‘Gravedigger’, ‘Grave-Robber’
Zatheiê ‘Divine’
Zatheos ‘Divine’
Zerynthia ‘Of Mount Zerynthia’
Zônodrakontis / Zonodrakontos ‘Encircled by Serpents’, ‘Covered in Snakes’, ‘Intertwined with
Zootrophos ‘Nourisher of Life’

Evocation of Hekate Suitable for Any Rite

(Hands together at heart center)
Blessed Hekate, Great Mother, I am grateful for Your presence in my life.
I implore You, attend this rite.
Great Hekate, who spins the web of the stars and governs the spiral of life.
Brimo, Chthonia, Einalian, Enodia, Kleidouchos,
Kourotrophos, Nykliopolis, Perseis, Propylais,
Propolos, Phosphors, Trimorphis,
Soteira, Soteira, Soteira.
Fierce Goddess, Attend your epithets!
I draw upon Your colors!
(Left hand down)
Black as night,
(Hands together at heart center)
Red as blood,
(Right hand to the sky)
White as stars.
(Hands together at heart center)
Lend me their energies,
I implore you, Mighty Queen!
I offer myself to You.
I bow before You,
Hear me, know my name.
(Bow your head, state your name.)
(Left hand down) Hail Hekate
(Right hand up) Hail Hekate
(Hands together at heart center) Hail Hekate
I honor You as She of all forms.
(Left hand down)
I honor You as the Young Mistress,
And ask that You bestow upon this ritual the energy of youth.
(Hands at heart center)
I honor You as the Eternal Creatrix,
And ask that You send the power of creation to my working.
(Right hand up)
I honor You as the timeless World Soul,
And ask that You lend me your wisdom for this rite.
(Left hand down) Hail Hekate
(Right hand up) Hail Hekate
(Hands together at heart center) Hail Hekate
I honor you as She who rules over
The Under World, the Middle World and the Upper World.
(Left hand down)
I honor You as the Gatekeeper of All Under World and Goddess of the Daemon
May they strengthen my rite!
(Hands together at heart center)
I honor You as the Guardian of the Crossroads of the Middle World, the Universal Key Holder,
And seek Your guidance along my earth-bound journey.
(Right hand up)
I honor You as the Breath of the Universe and the Mother of Angels
Behold, I seek their assistance now!
(Left hand down) Hail Hekate
(Right hand up) Hail Hekate
(Hands together at heart center) Hail Hekate
I honor You as Sovereign over land, sea and sky.
(Left hand down)
I honor You as Queen of the Sea
And petition for Your mighty waves to strengthen my desire.
(Hands together at heart center)
I honor You as Queen of the Land
And ask that You hasten my working on the earthly plane.
(Right hand up)
I honor You as Queen of the Sky
And implore your assistance across the higher realm.
(Left hand down) Hail Hekate
(Right hand up) Hail Hekate
(Hands together at heart center) Hail Hekate
(Left hand down)
I honor You as Torch Bearer,
And ask that Your light shine on this working.
(Right hand up)
I honor You as the Key Holder,
And pray that You’ll open the doors to your mysteries.
(Hands together at heart center)
I honor You as Queen of the Witches,
And ask Your blessing for this rite!

My intention is pure
And my will is strong!

From this point forward you should commence your own ritual or spell.

The Strophalos 


Prayer to Hekate Drakaina for Releasing the Past

Hail Hekate Soteira, Savior!

Hail Hekate Drakaina, Mother of The Great Serpent that is all of life!

Hail Hekate Propolos, Eternal Guide.

Save me from the charms of the snake of the past,

Guide me so that I will know the natural cycle of life and death,

That I will know how to let go of all that no longer serves me.

Accept my offering of this snake of the past,

And guide me towards the holy serpent that brings rebirth.

Hail Hekate Soteira, our Savior!

Hail Hekate Drakaina, Mother of The Great Serpent that is all of life!

Hail Hekate Propolos, Eternal Guide.

The Crossroads and the Key: Hekate and
There are many epithets and symbols of Hekate that can be helpful during times of transition,
beyond the key and the crossroads. As Dadouchos, She holds the torch that lights our way. As
Propylaia, She stands before the gate, holding the key until we are ready. As Trimorphos, She
reminds us that She holds the power of transformation and will give us the strength required for
personal growth.

I find snake energy very powerful during times of change. Snakes have literally crossed my path
several times during a transition. I like to think that they are Her emissaries sent to remind me
that She is watching over me. If you are feeling the pull of a new key, look around for her
messages. Does a snake appear? Do keys drop spontaneously? Are there unexpected dogs
around? Something as simple as a falling clove of garlic can be Her trying to get your attention.
Although the established symbols can present as a message, I urge you to look for Her in deeply
personal ways that might make sense only to you…and Her because She knows your heart. A
few days ago, I grabbed my keys off the hook by the front door and the manifestation talisman
that hangs adjacent fell off. That talisman has been tied there for two years and has never
budged. Time to make a new one!

I’ve got to admit that I find writing about starting new things a bit daunting because I detest
articles that make it seem easy to go through times of great change. Sayings like, “let the past
go,” or “leap and the net will appear” really get on my nerves! I didn’t want to write an article
that sounded pithy like that, especially since I write about Hekate and there is nothing shallow
about Her or being one of Her devotee’s. Change is hard. Taking the key for a new beginning
takes courage. New keys appear usually after great upheaval – Hekate is the storm bringer, after
all, and She will let natural disasters rip up our lives in accordance with Her divine will. Then it’s
time to make sense of what’s happened, repair damages, and maybe build something new. After
this liminal time of reparation, though, it is time to move forward, as terrifying as that can be.
None of this is easy. All of it is worth it. Hekate will guide us through it all.

Casting a spell to bless your new beginning helps to manifest your intentions. My “by-the-door
talisman” was charged during a spell where I infused the seven areas of my life with specific
intentions and placed the energy into tokens I made and then bound together. For example, I
made a little book and pen to represent getting to a place in my life where I could have the time
to teach and write about Modern Hekatean Witchcraft. No wonder it fell to the floor – goal
accomplished! If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know what your new beginning is, or when it’ll
happen, or if there seems like an unmovable barrier in the way, I think it’s good to explore
through meditation and journeying the nature of your desire. Sometimes, the thing we think we
need the most is not in our best interest. Forcing the issue will only lead to heartbreak. There are
times when we need to be patient, heal, and accept things as there are. Only you can know what
is appropriate for you.

She waits at the crossroads, biding the time until we take are ready for our next key. She stands
ready to illuminate our way ahead. It is up to us to take the key and open the gate before us.

Prayer for a New Beginning*

Hail Hekate Kleidouchos, She who holds the Keys.

Hail Hekate Dadouchos, She who lights the World.
Hail Hekate Propylaia, She who stands at the Gate.

I stand before you, humbled by your blessing of a new key,

That opens the gate to a new beginning.
Accept my gratitude for bringing me to this place.

May I be brave enough to take up the key.

May I be committed enough to do the required work.
May I be strong enough to overcome all obstacles.

I ask for Your continued blessing,

Your guidance,
And protection,
So that I will be true to my path ahead.

Hail Hekate Kleidouchos, She who holds the Keys.

Hail Hekate Dadouchos, She who lights the World.
Hail Hekate Propylaia, She who stands at the Gate.

* I use epithets in Greek that describe a specific aspect of Hekate, then I follow with the rough
modern English translation. So, “Kleidouchos” means “Key Holder” or “Key Keeper,” for

Prayer for a New Beginning*

Hail Hekate Kleidouchos, She who holds the Keys.
Hail Hekate Dadouchos, She who lights the World.
Hail Hekate Propylaia, She who stands at the Gate.

I stand before you, humbled by your blessing of a new key,

That opens the gate to a new beginning.
Accept my gratitude for bringing me to this place.

May I be brave enough to take up the key.

May I be committed enough to do the required work.
May I be strong enough to overcome all obstacles.

I ask for Your continued blessing,

Your guidance,
And protection,
So that I will be true to my path ahead.

Hail Hekate Kleidouchos, She who holds the Keys.

Hail Hekate Dadouchos, She who lights the World.
Hail Hekate Propylaia, She who stands at the Gate.

By Smoke, Flame and Ash: Ritual of the

Hieros Pyr
The usual cleansing of mind, body and space should be conducted prior to doing this ritual. The
Hieros Pyr incense can be burned and the ensuing ash used for sigil activation. The Holy Fire
Water can be used to anoint the three major energy centers of the body (root, heart and crown)
during the ritual. I suggest a black candle as part of the ritual, although you can go all out and
have black, red and white to represent the three forms of fire and the self. Use the incense and
the water as your offering to Hekate. This is a ritual of the Dark Moon. Anoint the focal points as
you petition each of the forms. Arrange your altar in a chthonic style, down low to connect to the
energy of Hekate as Witch-Mother. As always, use as is or adapt as you feel led.

This ritual is one of my favorites. The incense is a stable trance inducer and the Holy Fire Water
is actually not poisonous, so I consume a cup along with pomegranate seeds soaked in it. Then I
open up to the visions of the smoke and flame.

Start by making your offering to Hekate, through the botanical gifts and a prayer or hymn.

Hail Hekate, Hieros Pyr!

She who is the holy witch-fire.
Hail to the Hieros Pyr,
The sacred witch-fire!

Hail to the ash, smoke and flame,

And to the plants which render same!

Through your sacred smoke, I am cleansed.

Through your bright flame, I banish all that harms.
Through your alchemical ash, I am transformed.

Hail Hekate, Hieros Pyr!

Hail to the plant spirits who render your fire!
Hail to smoke, ash and flame,
Whose powers I now claim!

After: Release excess power, thank Hekate, open your space if you closed it. Cast your bones,
asking for guidance for your ash, flame and smoke aspects or do a three-card Tarot draw for the

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