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Audition Monologues:

Open auditions will take place on the McNeal stage and consist of two monologue selections (available
at fchsmusical.weebly.com) and a few whole group exercises (to be explained at the audition). Please
bring a completed audition form (also available at fchsmusical.weebly.com) and sign-up below by
Monday, March 13th at the latest. See the callboard for a synopsis and casting info or visit

For your audition, please choose any two monologues from the selections below and prep them.
Memorization is recommended but not required. Questions? See. Mr. Tyler

NARRATOR: And so it was that Agnes the Ass—hatted and Tillius the Paladin ventured forth into the
dark dwellings of the truly evil and quite large in stature Orcus the Overlord of the Underworld in
search for the lost soul of Athens. But what they found deep in that cave was not what they were
prepared for in the least bit.

ORCUS: Then you will climb the mountain of steepness to the castle of evil to find The Tiamat.
But to be able to face The Tiamat, you will have to face and defeat all three of its guardians, the Big
Bosses of New Landia. And each one of them are totally badass so - most likely - one if not all of you
will die before you get there.

FARRAH: Nice? Yo, do I sound Canadian to you? Ain't no one here gonna be nice all the damn time.
Faeries are happy. No one said nice. HAP-PY. And I'm brimming like mad with some magical
happiness. And guess what makes me happiest? Kicking the crap out of any lame-ass adventurers who
decide to trespass on my magically enchanted forest!

AGNES: My memories are shit. Do you want to know what my memories of Tilly are? They're of this
little nerdy girl who I never talked to, who I ignored, who I didn't understand because she didn't live in
the same world as I did. Her world was filled with evil jello molds and lesbian demon queens and
slacker Gods while mine had George Michaels and leg-warmers. I didn't get her.

AGNES: I didn't know her. That breaks my heart. I remember her as a baby, I remember her as this
little toddler I loved picking up and holding, but I don't remember her as a teen at all. I'll never get the
chance to remember her as an adult. And now all I have left is this stupid piece of paper and this stupid
made-up game.

LILLITH: No, I mean...we were close. I mean, she wasn't my girlfriend or anything, but I always knew
she was, you know, interested. And, well, maybe I could have been too, it's just I didn't know. I don't
know. Anyways, you're not crazy. Tilly was my first kiss. I'm pretty sure I was hers too. I thought you
might want to know that about your sister.

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