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Communication plays an important role in the development of a nation. It is an integral

part of development. Societies cannot change and develop without communication, as it is a
process of social interaction through which people are influenced by ideas, attitudes, knowledge
and behavior of each other.Communication has attained a great importance in the developmental
programs. It is through the process of communication that people are made aware of the nature
and objectives of the programs.The useful developmental messages are conveyed to the target
groups through various communication approaches. This helps masses in acquiring new
knowledge required for coping with fast changing society.It helps people in adoption of
innovations for the improvement of their practices, methods and quality of life.

Development as an objective is planned transformation of society from one stage of life

and living to well-defined and known goal. It is a process in which human is the objective as well
as the tool of development. Communication, thus, becomes a key factor in the process of
development.Thus, communication is very important in fostering the development process in a
country. It can be a powerful instrument in integrating diversified society. It can create an ethos
of change and progress.Communication by itself does not produce development. Communication
should be designed or tailored to fit the various development projects. This can be done by
experimenting on communication strategies for development.Communication is very important
for development planners and practitioners as they mediate between specialists and layman.
They are required to develop and use effective communication strategies in order to play their
role effectively.Communication as the foundation upon which development planner builds
various programs of attaining the goals of economic and social advancement of society by
communicating the knowledge of useful technology.It means that the advancement of the
country lies in the effectiveness of its communication system at every level. Thus, communication
occupies a pivotal position in the process of development.In the field of extension education,
communication serves as the most vital means in convincing people for the acceptance and
adoption of innovations. Extension education involves communication of technical know-how to
the people.Thus, it is very difficult to draw a distinct line between extension education and
communication. In reality, extension education would be dependent to a large extent on the art
and technique of effective communication.It is a main vehicle of transmission of the useful
messages for their application through implied behavioural change. In other words,
communication is a means to achieve the objectives of extension education. Profession of
extension education cannot exist in the absence of effective communication.


Komunikasi memegang peranan penting dalam pembangunan suatu bangsa . Ini merupakan
bagian integral dari pembangunan. Masyarakat tidak bisa berubah dan berkembang tanpa
komunikasi , karena merupakan proses interaksi sosial melalui mana orang dipengaruhi oleh ide-ide ,
sikap , pengetahuan dan perilaku satu sama lain .Komunikasi telah mencapai penting dalam
program-program pembangunan . Ini adalah melalui proses komunikasi bahwa orang-orang dibuat
sadar akan sifat dan tujuan program .Pesan perkembangan berguna disampaikan kepada kelompok
sasaran melalui berbagai pendekatan komunikasi . Hal ini membantu massa dalam memperoleh
pengetahuan baru yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi cepat mengubah masyarakat .Ini membantu
orang dalam adopsi inovasi untuk peningkatan praktek mereka , metode dan kualitas hidup .

Pembangunan sebagai tujuan direncanakan transformasi masyarakat dari satu tahap hidup
dan hidup untuk tujuan yang jelas dan dikenal . Ini adalah proses di mana manusia adalah tujuan
serta alat pembangunan .Dengan demikian , komunikasi sangat penting dalam mendorong proses
pembangunan di suatu negara . Hal ini dapat menjadi alat yang kuat dalam mengintegrasikan
masyarakat yang beragam . Hal ini dapat menciptakan etos perubahan dan kemajuan .Komunikasi
dengan sendirinya tidak menghasilkan pembangunan. Komunikasi harus dirancang atau disesuaikan
agar sesuai dengan berbagai proyek pembangunan . Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan
percobaan pada strategi komunikasi untuk pembangunan.Komunikasi sangat penting bagi para
perencana pembangunan dan praktisi karena mereka menengahi antara spesialis dan orang awam .
Mereka diminta untuk mengembangkan dan menggunakan strategi komunikasi yang efektif dalam
rangka untuk memainkan peran mereka secara efektif .Komunikasi adalah fondasi yang perencana
pembangunan membangun berbagai program untuk mencapai tujuan kemajuan ekonomi dan sosial
masyarakat dengan mengkomunikasikan pengetahuan tentang teknologi yang bermanfaat .Ini
berarti bahwa kemajuan negara terletak pada efektivitas sistem komunikasi di setiap tingkat .
Dengan demikian , komunikasi menempati posisi penting dalam proses pembangunan.Di bidang
pendidikan ekstensi , komunikasi berfungsi sebagai cara yang paling penting dalam meyakinkan
orang untuk penerimaan dan adopsi inovasi . Pendidikan Perpanjangan melibatkan komunikasi
pengetahuan teknis kepada masyarakat .Dengan demikian , sangat sulit untuk menarik garis yang
jelas antara pendidikan penyuluhan dan komunikasi . Pada kenyataannya , pendidikan ekstensi akan
tergantung untuk sebagian besar pada seni dan teknik komunikasi yang efektif .Ini adalah kendaraan
utama penularan pesan yang berguna untuk aplikasi mereka melalui tersirat perubahan perilaku .
Dengan kata lain, komunikasi merupakan sarana untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan ekstensi .
Profesi pendidikan ekstensi tidak bisa eksis tanpa adanya komunikasi yang efektif



1. What is the important role in the development of a nation?

2. Why Societies cannot change and develop without communication?
3. How to help masses in acquiring new knowledge required for coping with fast changing
4. What is the development as an objective?
5. Why communication is very important in fostering the development process in a country?
6. What is the goals from communication as the foundation?
7. What is the function of communication in the field of extension education?
8. Who is the objective as well as the tool of development in communication?
9. Why Communication is very important for development planners and practitioners?
10. How can make extension education exist?


1. Communication plays an important role in the development of a nation

2. Societies cannot change and develop without communication, as it is a process of social
interaction through which people are influenced by ideas, attitudes, knowledge and
behavior of each other.
3. The useful developmental messages are conveyed to the target groups through various
communication approaches. This helps masses in acquiring new knowledge required for
coping with fast changing society.
4. Development as an objective is planned transformation of society from one stage of life
and living to well-defined and known goal.
5. communication is very important in fostering the development process in a country. It
can be a powerful instrument in integrating diversified society. It can create an ethos of
change and progress.
6. Communication as the foundation upon which development planner builds various
programs of attaining the goals of economic and social advancement of society by
communicating the knowledge of useful technology
7. In the field of extension education, communication serves as the most vital means in
convincing people for the acceptance and adoption of innovations.
8. human is the objective as well as the tool of development.
9. Communication is very important for development planners and practitioners as they
mediate between specialists and layman.
10. extension education can exist with effective communication.


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