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Characteristics of Genres:

Abstract, Poster and Slides

Designed by Prof. Martha Patricia Ferreira M.

Language Center
Reading Comprehension Strategies Course
Graduate Program
An abstract is a very concise summary or brief presenta�on of a larger document
and is usually placed before the body of a wri�ng. It is a highly specialized form of
academic wri�ng.
Abstract Purposes  Help reader decide whether to read the full text or not
 Summarize the findings of the text.
 Help scholars find an ar�cle.
Audience  Scholars, undergraduate & graduate students, journals, conferences.

Features  Clear and concise; stands alone (coherent and cohesive).

(style)  Conveys complicated informa�on in a limited amount of space (100-300
 Mainly uses ac�ve voice – forceful.
 Avoids abbrevia�ons, jargon, anacronyms; if necessary, defines unfamiliar
terms & introduces anacronyms.
 Structure:
 Topic and research ques�ons
 Methods,
 Results/findings
 Conclusions/recommenda�ons.
An academic poster is a graphic and textual method of presen�ng informa�on. It
balances the content (informa�on) and the layout (how the informa�on is
Poster (1) Purposes  A required assessment task for undergraduate or postgraduate students
 Usually displayed during a conference with �mes assigned for presenters to be
available to discuss their content with a�endees
 Excellent way for beginning presenters to introduce their work to their peers
 Allows for valuable networking opportuni�es.
Audience  Scholars
 Undergraduate & graduate students
 Conference a�endees
 Peers
Features  Clear and understandable message without a verbal explana�on.
(style)  Beau�ful diagrams and professionally presented posters do not subs�tute
for CONTENT. Presenter must have something worthwhile to say in his/her
 Text: Font size for main heading and subheadings; readable from 2-3 mts.
Recommended fonts: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma and Times New Roman.
Features  No capitaliza�on for emphasis
(style)  Use of bullets, lists and tables to increase clarity and qua�ty of

Poster (2) 

Avoid abbrevia�ons, jargon and anacronyms
Block of text: maximum 3 paragraphs
 Colors: light backgrounds with dark color text for contrast
 Graphics: high quality (i.e. graphs, illustra�ons and photos) as center
An academic poster is a graphic and textual method of presen�ng informa�on. It
balances the content (informa�on) and the layout (how the informa�on is
Overhead slides/ Purposes  A required assessment task for undergraduate or postgraduate students
transparencies (1)
 Usually displayed during a conference with �mes assigned for presenters to be
available to discuss their content with a�endees
 Excellent way for beginning presenters to introduce their work to their peers
 Allows for valuable networking opportuni�es.
Audience  Scholars
 Undergraduate & graduate students
 Conference a�endees
 Peers
Features  Clear and understandable message without a verbal explana�on.
(style)  Beau�ful diagrams and professionally presented posters do not subs�tute
for CONTENT. Presenter must have something worthwhile to say in his/her
 Text: Font size for main heading and subheadings; readable from 2-3 mts.
Recommended fonts: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma and Times New Roman.
Features  A�rac�ve and easy to read.
(style)  Use large fonts and images
 Present one key point or example per slide
Overhead slides/ 

Use headings and bullet points in preference to lines of text
Use strong colors and don't use too many
transparencies (2) 

Use simple graphs in preference to tables of figures
Pay a�en�on to layout
 Use the center of the transparency rather than the edges
Academic abstract



Overhead slides/transparencies

Poster features

Report abstract

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