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TTF Program


Using the Business Model Canvas (BMC)or its adaptation Lean Canvas (LC) format that
follows, allows TTF and the Applicant to discuss relevant issues for commercialization, then
postulate howthe Disclosed Intellectual Property addresses a problem that may lead to a
solution of the problem by being developed into Products or Services by a private sector
company. LC is an adaptation of the BMC that focuses on problems, solutions, key metrics
and competitive advantages. LC is therefore suitable for presenting and explaining potential
of innovations in early stages of development.

The BMC (LC) is normally used to assess the potential of a new product, and many times
creating a new company. In this case, it is used to understand the potential of the invention
and the issues that a potential Licensee company will use to decide if it wants to
commercialize the invention.

While many of these issues will be unfamiliar to an Applicant, a discussion of each item
usually sparks creative thinking. They are critical to understanding how to commercialize an
invention, particularly as suggestions on each item are useful to convince companies that we
have thought about issues that are central to their daily thinking and are key to their
generating interest in the invention.

1. Problem:

Find 3 main problems you are addressing

2. Customer segment:

Identify who has the problem, define target customers and users
Early Adopters: find a small niche that is having the biggest problem, the ones that suffer the
most (early adopters)
Existing Alternatives:Find out how they (Early Adopters) are solving the problem now

3. Unique Value Propositions (UVP):

Define your UVP based on the today’s alternative, what makes your product more efficient, a
single and compelling sentence that makes everybody understand why you are far better
(your features need to be compelling to the customers’ needs, other ways are irrelevant to

The UVP may be:

- Quantitative- price and efficiency
- Qualitative- overall customer experience and outcome

The UVP MUST be stated in terms of Benefits, not product features

4. Solution:

TTF Program

Outline the main features of your solution. When your features are similar of the ones of the
competitors, this is an equality. What matters are the points of difference! What you do, that
the others do not do and is what matters to the clients.

5. Unfair Advantage:

What is it that gives you an advantage in front of the competition? Something that can’t be
easily copied or bought.

6. Channels:

How will you reach your customers.

7. Cost structure:

Which will be the main costs when the solution is ready for the market (e.g. customer
acquisition costs, distribution costs, hosting, people etc).

8. Key Metrics:

Key activities you will measure to track the success (e.g. units sold, users registered, retaining
users, paying customers, number of complaints …)

9. Revenue Streams:

Which will be the main revenue streams when the solution is ready for the market (e.g. direct
sales, licensing, pay per use, etc)


‘’Pemberdayaan Peternak Bebek Desa Gebang Kecamatan Pakel Kabupaten Tulungagung Melalui Program
Pembuatan Pakan Unggas Dan Telur Asin Yang Mandiri, Inovatif Dan Kreatif’’

Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationships Customers Segments

 Dinas Koperasi dan  Budidaya Azolla Pemanfaatan Potensi  Return Produk  Dewasa (15-50
UMKM  Sortir Bahan Baku Desa dengan  Konsinyasi Tahun)
 Dinas Perindustrian  Quality Control Mengolahnya  Promo dan Diskon  Pekerja
dan Perdagangan  Membuat Pakan Menjadi Produk yang  Undian Berhadiah  HOREKA
 Dinas Peternakan dan  Membuat Telur Asin Mempunyai Value  Fast Respons  Peternak Bebek
Kesehatan Hewan  Pemasaran serta Meringankan  Tempat Makan
 PLUT Biaya Produksi  Tempat Nongkrong
 Asosiasi UMKM Peternak Bebek  Warkop
 Rumah dengan Membuat
Makan/Warung Pakan Alternative.
 Minimarket Key Resources Channels
 Poultry Shop
 Jasa Pengiriman  Peternak Bebek  Website dan Sosmed
 Ibu-Ibu PKK  Brosur/ Pamflet
 Kolam Budidaya Azolla  Offline
 Kandang Ternak  Penitipan Produk
 Resseler/Dropshiper

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

 Bahan-Bahan Produksi Penjualan Hasil Produk

 Gaji Pegawai
 Alat Penunjang
 Biaya Pemasaran dan Promosi

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