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10 Signs

You’re a Witch

Hi there magical creature,

What follows is an in-depth exploration of sure signs that you’re

rocking some intense witchiness even though you may not realize

Often it’s much easier to take information in via audio rather than
reading, so I also want to share with you this audio track:

Click here to get the audio.

The audio track is me getting interviewed by the wonderful Sarah
Starrs of Punk Rock Personal Development on Becoming
magical, deepening your desires, and raising your havingness


Carolyn Elliott
editor of BAD WITCHES magazine
teacher of INFLUENCE: the course on mastering practical magic
1. You don’t give
a fuck.
Witches are different than other people because they’ve integrated
significant dimensions of their shadow-selves.

This means they’re forces to be reckoned with, and they have access to
their creative unconscious.

So the most amazing quality of a person who’s a witch (whether or not

she consciously cultivates her witchiness or calls herself a “witch”)….

…. is that she’s reached a level of intuitive and imaginative power

which gives her an inner authority. 

Witches are moved by their own genius and not by any external dogma
or force (yes, that includes the dogmas of Wicca and neo-paganism -
and some of the most powerful witches I know are Buddhists and
Christians - deep witchery comes in all flavors). 

They may use a wide variety of traditional or institutional tools, but
they’re not dependent on traditional or institutional authority for their

They’ve woken up the magic within their own hearts and it’s alive and
Witches are often offensive to – well, just about every body. 

Both conventional types and also magical people who have rigid ideas
about what magic “should” look like get alarmed in the presence of a
powerful witch who obeys no rules but her own.

So if you find yourself very committed to spiritual development but

having next to zero interest in fulfilling anyone else’s expectations of
what your magic or spirituality should look like….

…. then you may just be a witch.

2. Seriously, you do
not give a fuck.
In your life you’ve probably had plenty of experiences of people
freaking out at you about your signature strange way of being in the
world, and while this is sometimes sad or challenging, ultimately you
don’t care.

You know you’ve got work to accomplish – art to make, people to heal,
houses to build, rituals to craft, stories to write – and you just don’t
have time to be constantly soothing people who expect you to adhere to
some standard other than your own genius and inner authority.

This may mean that eventually you go into stealth mode so as not to
continually create alarm, but you don’t go stealth because you’re hiding
or avoidant.

You do it because you know you’ve got things to accomplish and only a
limited amount of time here in the third dimension.
3. You make people
No matter how toned-down you allow you are in your dress or
demeanor, you still make people nervous just by your very presence.

There are things that can be done to mitigate this, but it’s probably

For folks who are looking to external authorities to tell them what’s
good and beautiful and okay, the presence of you, someone who is
wholly reliant on inner authority, is inherently disturbing.

Why is your witchy presence so disturbing?

It’s because others can sense there’s something about you that’s
unpredictable and uncontrollable. You’re not being ruled by the
conventional programs, so you’re not immediately legible to people who
still allow themselves to be ruled.
4. Folks tell you that
your eyes are
“beautiful” – what
they mean is that
they’re penetrating.
Since you’re a witch, most people don’t have the words to describe
your eyes. They just notice that there’s something compelling and
different about them.

That something is that your eyes truly see.

You can look at someone and see what programs they’re running, see
where they’re blocking themselves, see what they’re attached too, see
how they mishandle their own sexual energy and power, see their
potential for liberation.

It’s just evident to you when you look at someone because you’ve
done that liberatory work on yourself already.
5. You can always
tell when someone
is full of it.
See the above.

Your penetrating vision is a kind of psychic perception. You can see

how people deceive themselves because you’ve unravelled many of your
own self-deceptions.

You can hear when someone is bullshitting because you can perceive
that the whole of their being is not in full resonance with their words.

6. You’ve been actually

persecuted at least
once in your life.
Because you make people nervous and you don’t give a fuck and you
probably did not start out in stealth mode, it’s very likely that if you’re
a witch you’ve attracted actual persecution at some point.

This could be persecution in the form of cruel harassment and teasing

in childhood, or persecution in the legal and professional realms as an
Often it’s persecution in the form of malicious gossip from former
friends who couldn’t keep up with your magical growth and then felt

Kindness and compassion in the form of brahmavihara cultivation are

great antidotes to energetic persecution, and so are traditional
protection spells and an ongoing practice of developing your
communication and relating skills.

7. You encounter tons of

synchronicity, and it
doesn’t always lead you
to peachy places.
Truly powerful witches are basically tantric bodhisattvas; they have a
soul-commitment to liberate themselves and all beings as fast as
possible, ideally in one lifetime, using alchemical transmutation.

This means that witches on the karmic fast-track and that life lessons
very often comes super-fast and hard to witches.

So the downside of this is that following even gorgeous synchronicities

can sometimes lead witches to apparently dark places – and that the
visit to the dark and dirty places is a totally unavoidable, built-in part
of the trip.

In other words, witches know that life and magic are not always
“love’n’light” New Age bowl of cherries – instead, they’re often a tour
of the hell realms.

8. Your disapproval
visibly hexes

Most people are way more insecure than you are.

So one reason that you make people nervous is that you have so much
personal power that if you dislike, insult, or disapprove of them or
something that they like – they’ll feel it, hard.

Their day will be ruined, and maybe their whole entire confidence in

Sounds harsh, but you’ve got that kind of power. 

When people get hexed by a cross word or look from you, they lose
connection with their own best direction. They look dazed because
they’re up in their heads, spinning scared, self-doubting thoughts

Folks are so affected by your disapproval for the very reason that they
can sense your perception is penetrating. This is the “evil eye” that’s
been so feared in so many cultures across history. 

Of course you would resent and fear someone who had the power to
crush your confidence with a glance.

So as a witch, it’s a good idea to continually cultivate awareness of and

transmute your own resentments and fears.

When you do this, you make sure that you’re not walking around
spattering everyone with mean ju-ju just because you don’t feel good
about yourself that day.

9. You’ve experienced your

raw magnetism in action.
You know you’re hot stuff.

You’ve had abundant experiences of your own magical ability to

magnetize amazing romantic partners and friends and other beautiful

Plus, there’s times when people just come up to you and tell you how
fascinating you are or how deeply moved they felt by your work.

So yes, you’re magnetic.

10. Your experience of the

fourth dimension is more
vivid than most people’s
experience of the third
“The fourth dimension” is a short-hand term for the world of spirit
and emotion and desire and vibration and feeling and intuition and

“The fourth dimension” is all the unseen stuff that can have the power
to dramatically affect the seen.

On the whole, witches have a much easier time navigating fourth

dimensional realities than they do with third dimensional realities.

The third dimension is hard, literally. 

The third dimension includes matter: table legs that you can stub your
toes on, cars that can crash if you steer them the wrong way, water that
leaks through roofs, bills that have to be paid.

A major challenge for witches is integrating their fourth dimensional

prowess with third dimensional day-to-day reality.

The third dimension is more difficult for us than it is for non-witches

for the simple fact that large amounts of our minds and hearts are
usually occupied by the fourth dimension. 

We have less processing power to devote to third dimensional issues,
and so we have to make it a deliberate part of our spiritual practice to
deal with material reality – hence, practical magic.

So, feeling a bit witchier and bad-ass than you were a few minutes


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