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Case Study: A Teaching Strategy for Promotion of Literacy amongst the

Member of Self Help Groups in basic accounting.

Adult education basically aims at teaching mature students that have already taken part in the
workforce. Learning as a mature student gives individuals the chance to gain new skills and
expand their techniques. Adult students in general are active learners. Developing literacy and
numeracy skills in adulthood especially in a particular field, also gives individuals a better ability to reach
their full potential. Many adult students gain additional confidence in their skills and it teaches students
valuable skills that can be put into application in a wide range of situations

In the context of Self Help Groups, the illiterate or semi literate members after being taught in a
particulate field, say bookkeeping, they will gain additional confidence in keeping records of their
financial affairs and will also spread their knowledge to their fellow members. The confidence and
aptitude gained with adult education is valuable both in and out of the workplace.

Things to Keep in Mind While Teaching Illiterate or Semi Literate Members:

The first thing to be remembered is that they are adults and are to be treated accordingly. Don’t
make them sit and listen for long periods in a teacher-directed activity. They cannot be expected
to find the activity being taught every time to be meaningful. Adults do not like to be pointed out
for their mistakes. Also don’t be rude to an adult who is talking to you or who is not being able
to get the teacher’s point.

Further, the very first step is to create an environment where the illiterate or semi literate
members demand knowledge and information, empowering them to change their strategies.
Motivation is the basic key to provocate adults to learn something new they need to understand
the consequences and changes it will bring into their lives. This can be done be making them
realize that it is never too late and it is not unattainable. Also it could be done by heightening
social awareness and by inculcating in members the confidence that change is possible. Also,
spread the message that their participation and efforts can push them out from different types of
oppression. Finally, highlight the need of elementary education as a way of addressing the issue.
Illiterate or semi literate learner goals are concerning with recalling new words and bring them to
application, this problem could be dealt by increasing the member’s involvement and feedback,
and relating the issue to their own experiences.
Why Proper Book Keeping Is Essential
1. To record all the transactions of the SHG in a continuous manner for enabling the members to
understand them.

2. Decisions taken by the group will be known to all the members from time to time and it will
promote them to take always right decisions in their meetings. So the members will also be free
from doubts and fear of abuse of decision making power.

3. Bookkeeping will help in assessing the financial status of the group like member’s savings,
loans, attendance, group fund, recovery percentage etc.

4. It helps in building confidence and unity among the members.

5. It promotes institutional development by increasing the credit worthiness of the group.

6. It enables the group to monitor its performance.

7. By good Bookkeeping arrangements the scope of the group to attract outside resources like
Bank and other agencies will be accomplished.

8. Good Bookkeeping arrangements create transparency of its transactions to its members

leading to strengthening and sustainability of the group.

9. It brings recognition to the group in the eyes of the public institutions.

10. Bookkeeping helps in rating of the groups’ performance.

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