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College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management  

Office of the National 
Service Training Program 
Section: BSHM – H1A 
Group Number: Group 2  
I. Title 
“ECOPPORTUNITIES: sustainable bricks for a sustainable future” 
II. Project Proponents 
H1A students of La Salle spearheaded by Sir Renan Kasilag 
III. UN Sustainable Development Goal/s Addressed 
This project proposal addresses these UN Sustainable Development goals: 
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being 
The students believe that tackling the issue of garbage disposition in Barangay Sampaguita 
will also have a positive effect on the health of its residents. This is because the residents, 
having no other means of getting rid of their garbage, burn it in their backyards and risk their 
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 
The Eco bricks is an innovative way of building infrastructures because they offer a 
substitute for construction materials such as hollow blocks. 
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities 
ECOPPORTUNITIES  is  a sustainable project. We are confident that the barangay can carry this 
themselves and make their own projects.  
Goal 13: Climate Action 
The  project  will  be  using  mostly  recycled  materials  (bottles),  because  of  this,  it will be able to 
lessen  its  contribution  to  the  pollution  since  they  would  not be burned and will not end up on 
our  oceans.  The  project  may  also  serve  as  inspiration  for  other  communities  to  have 
sustainable and green advocacies in the future. 
Goal 14: Life Below Water 
Because  the  bottles  are  repurposed  into  a  project  in  this  program,  there  would  not  be  a 
reason for them to end up in our oceans and other bodies of water. 
Goal 15: Life on Land 
Because  the  bottles  will  be  repurposed,  there  would  not  be  a  reason  for  them  to  end  up  on 
dumpsites or on our natural attractions. 
Goal 17: Partnership to achieve the Goal 
The project will help in promoting partnership in the community itself and partnership between 
the  Lasallian  community  and  the  community  in  Barangay  Sampaguita,  building  trust  and 
IV. Project Duration 
The duration of the project is estimated to be done on the months of March to May, 2019. It 
will cover the three months of the second semester. When the project is approved, one day is 
allotted to inform the community residents on how to make the EcoBricks and its benefits in 
the form of a seminar. The rest of the weeks will be allotted for the making of the project 
V. Objectives of the Project  
This projects aims to: 
a.)​ ​Conduct a seminar on how to make an EcoBrick and show its benefits to both the 
community and the environment 
b.)​ ​To provide ideas about sustainable development by conducting a seminar on the possible 
c.)​ ​To be able to produce an eye catching landmark that will distinguish Barangay Sampaguita 
from the rest 
d.)​ ​To show the essence of camaraderie and teamwork to the students of H1A by engaging 
them in the project making process 
e.)​ ​To repurpose the trash of the residents of Barangay Sampaguita as another means of 
construction material 
f.)​ ​To stop the residents from burning their trash by using them as stuffings for the bottles 
VI. Project Description 
A. Background 
  Plastic? It’s everywhere and it unites us. Taking responsibility of one’s waste is the 
embodiment of Ghandi’s saying “Be the change you want to see in the world”. With the 
increasing number of plastic wastes here on Earth, the students came up to make EcoBrick. 
When we were conducting our Community Needs Assessment (CNA) the results were 
synonymous: Garbage was the main problem. Because the community members of Barangay 
Sampaguita are not visited by the garbage collectors, they seek alternative ways to dispose 
of their garbage and that way is by burning them, irregardless of its classification and 
hazardousness. The barangay practices good public cleanliness but because they burn their 
trash, they negatively affect the health of the residents and passerbys.  
Thus, this affects both the health of the residents and the ozone layer and the oceans of the 
world. The eco bricks will not only get rid of the garbages, but it will also serve as an 
innovative and sustainable option for the community members to use in their other projects in 
the future.  
What is an EcoBrick? An EcoBrick is a plastic bottle that is tightly packed with 
non-biodegradable wastes that can be found anywhere, most commonly is plastics. These 
bottles are then used as building materials to create sustainable homes, schools, and 
furniture. But why EcoBrick? First, it helps the environment to lessen plastic wastes that can 
be very timely in our era. Second, EcoBrick has endless possibilities, you can create trash bins, 
plant holders and fancy furnitures. Last, EcoBrick can be very sustainable as it helps the 
environment it also helps the community to grow. With the help of the residents of Barangay 
Sampaguita, EcoBrick can be a huge success on their community. 
B. Justification  
As  the  future  leaders of the hospitality and tourism industry, we must protect our nature. The 
present  generation  of  plastic  keeps  on  expanding  at  a  noteworthy  direct  rate.  Customary 
modern  reusing  frameworks  can't  keep  up.  Ecobricking,  as  a  low-tech,  open-source 
arrangement,  spread  inside  a  social  media  district  virally  —  rapidly  outperforming  the  rate  of 
nearby  plastic  utilization.  ​In  the  Northern  Philippines,  ecobricking  spread  through  the  entire 
school  system,  involving  250,000  students,  within  one  year.  ​Local Dumpsites in Bontoc
closed within six months because of the dramatic reduction in municipal plastic output in the
city. ​Numerous  individuals,  networks  and  organizations  feel  they  have  to  depend  on  an 
outside  office  to  bargain  dependably  with  their  plastic.  Most  customary  reusing  frameworks 
cost  a  huge  number  of  peso.  With EcoBricks there is no requirement for a major reusing plant 
or  a  monster  Incinerator.  Ecobricks  permit  individual  and  network  activity  (without  the  need 
of  extraordinary  aptitudes,  gear,  offices,  accounts  or  political  authorization),  to  change 
streams  of  plastic  into  valuable,  zero-cost  and  inconclusively  reusable  building  squares. 
People  can  begin  right  this  minute  to  assume  responsibility of their plastic: all that is required 
is a plastic bottle and a stick. 
C. Benefits derived from the Project  
a.)​ ​Showcase sustainable development 
b.)​ ​A sustainable and cost efficient construction alternative 
c.)​ ​Less pollution 
d.)​ ​Promotes a greener mindset 
e.)​ ​An eye-catching landmark for tourism 
f.)​ ​Trash is repurposed 
g.) ​ ​The participants learn to work as a team 
D. Coverage  
This project will include the residents of Barangay Sampaguita, more specifically, the mothers 
and fathers of the household as well as other adults that may be willing to participate or 
volunteer to the cause, together with the students of De La Salle Lipa under the College of 
International Hospitality and Tourism Management (CIHTM) H1A. 
VII. Methodologies  
Upon the approval of the project proposal, the first initiative is to coordinate with the 
barangay on how the project will go about with regards to the location and storage, the 
available man power, the schedule they can work with and other assistances that they may 
provide. There is also a need to discuss how we are going to invite the residents and how to 
draw their attention to the project. The second initiative is to disseminate the planned project 
to the residents of Barangay Sampaguita with regards to its benefits, how it will go about and 
how it will be conducted. All this will be made possible with a seminar held at the allotted 
location of the Barangay officials where the expected participants will be the parents of the 
household as well as other adults who are willing to come and join the seminar. The third 
initiative therefore is implementation of the project proper, this includes the collection of the 
EcoBricks from both the residents and the students of H1A and the assembling of the 
landmark. The last initiative would be to evaluate the project to determine how successful it 
was and the lessons learned from the project making. 
VIII. Detailed Budgetary Requirements 
CHICKEN WIRE 10 meters long x P18.00 Php 180
CEMENT 2 sacks x P220 Php 440
PAINT 1 Red (1 Liter) x P180 Php 360
1 White (1 Liter) x P180
PAINT BRUSH 2 brush x P99 Php 198
Total: Php 1,178


TRANSPORTATION *provided by the school *provided by the school
IX. Detailed Schedule of Activities 
The implementation of the project proposal shall be made in the hours of our class in NSTP. If the same 
schedule shall be followed, it will be conducted every Monday of the second semester. 


Week 1  Coordinate with the barangay  ● Barangay Officials 
7:30am - 10:00am  discussing the following:  ● students of H1A 
- location 
- budget for the project 
- persons involved 

Week 2  Program regarding the  ● Barangay Officials 

7:30am - 10:00am  implementation of Eco Bricks  ● Residents of Barangay 
discussing the following:  Sampaguita 
- how to make the eco  ● students of H1A 
- how it is sustainable 
- the possible 
Week 3 onwards  Collection and implementation  ● Barangay Officials 
7:30am - 10:00am  of the program and project  ● Residents of Barangay 
● students of H1A 

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