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Mr. Robert Moeller/Ms.

Julia Burke,

I am a NYPD Police Officer. I am writing this letter anonymously because I

would be retaliated against internally if I identified myself or my identity
becomes known.

You are defending Mr. Chanel Lewis in which you do not have full disclosure
of information.

When Lt John Russo called the 106 th Precinct Detective Squad and requested
them to obtain a .. DNA swab" of Mr. Chanel Lewis the "swabbing' detectives.
after they approached Mr. Lewis and obtained a "swab" from him reported
back to Lt John Russo the following," He is not the perp. He is to puny and
dimwitted."There were two "swabbing" detectives.

Lt John Russo reported the "swabbing" detectives statements to Chief

Robert Boyce, Assistant Chief Patrick Conry, Deputy Chief Michael
Baldasanno, Sergeant Steve Mancini and Sergeant James Connelly. All of
them. at the time, were assigned to the Office of the Chief of Detectives.

If two NYPD detectives believed and reported Mr. Lewis was dimwitted, how
could they accept a consent to swab from him. If he was too puny to be the
perp what would be the basis to swab Mr. Lewis.

Did the two ..swabbing" detectives record their observation of Mr. Lewis on a
Detective Follow-Up report. Did Lt Russo disclose the ..swabbing" detectives
statements to any of the court hearings he testified at.

During the first 12 days of the investigation the Investigation's Commander,

Deputy Chief Michael Kemper had morning tactical meetings with the
investigators. Deputy Chief Kemper stated on several occasions at these
meetings. We are looking for two jacked up white guys who are from Howard

The Commanding Office of the Police Lab. Deputy Chief Emanuel Katranakis
during the first 12 days of the investigation, at many meetings and in many
venues. was openly lobbying for swabbing all white males in Howard Beach.
An absurd position but such demonstrates the lack of professional
investigative skill and the extent to which they would go to solve the case.

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