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overview of
latest SEPA
& initiativesl

Your Chairman: Hear the views oÍ more than 20 payment experts and key decision makers:

trI i

SEPA St.er nq Comm !lê€

Conference highlights
€qu€ns SEPA Ljptake & Next Steps:
End dates: EPC view versus ÊC approach
@ Eiric;m,,r SEPA Cards Framework:
New card schemes: expectations írom banks, merchants, consurners and regulators
.l Collis SEPA End User Requiremenls:
What is s!owing down the uptake oÍ SEPA products?
With views from: Belglan N,4inistry of Finance, Sociale Verzekeringsbank, Eurooommerce, IKEA
POT@ SEPA Products and Services - Avenues Íor Growinq Revenue:
StandaÍdization in payment services and new sources oí revenue geneÍaiion
w ê-SEPA Developmenls:
New mob le payment init atives, inteÍoperabihty oi e-Payment schemes, security solutions
'. il : : Opêning rêmarks Írom your chaÍman
SEPA business case revisiled
Dear colleague,

G obalHead Paymenls & Cash À4anagement ING

w€ are proud ro pres€ntrhesrh annua SEPA conÍêrêncê
and Chalrman SEPA Steer ng Comm liee
program. SEPA s an indêpendenl galhering where paymênl
proÍesslonals lrom alloveÍ Europe meet and discuss SEPA
challenges. Duíng lh s years conference you can counl on:
EPC Roadmap Íorthe Single Euro Payments Area
Assessing SEPA progress for SCT and SDD
A complete ovêrview oí lhs latest SEPA developments
The need Íor an end date
Vews lrom polcy makêrs and prorn nenl paymenl expêrts
Progress SEPAÍorCards and e SEPA
Fequlrêments Írom impodant end users
SEPA Governance
Gíêat networking opport'rnitiês

Chairman EPC afd SenioÍ Execuive Vice Presdent

SEPA rêmalns rhê most lmportantrhem€
[,larkel lnfrastruclures ABN A[4RO Bank
wlthln thê paymênts lndusrry
Asthe uptakê oí new SEPA inslrumenrs is slowerthaír expectêd,
Nextsleps in vi€w otthe European Commission
fear ofSEPAiatiguê is staíting to emêrgê across theÍinancial
RoadmapÍor comp elinq SEPA
services comrnunily. The ncrêasing Ílsk oídêlay puls prcssurê
EC regulat on on SEPA end dales
on banks abillies to generate íelum on lheir invesiments.
As such, the whole induslry wondêrs: will theÍe be an end datê?
Head ol Unil Payrnenl Syslems, DG lnterna l,4arkel
lveanwhiethe need for banks to be innovative and provide
and Seívices European CorÍmiss on
value added serucesÍor cuslomers continues lo grow

Nêxt slêps dlscussion:

Learn howto capilalize on nsw dcvelopments!
Europêsn Paymênl Harmonization Írom drêám io rêality
On D€cember 1si all maior players meel and discuss lhe Íuture of
Are wê hêading lor SEPAlaligue?
thê paymenrs indusÍy. Key induslÍy figures will nfoím you aboul
thê latosl changes and initiaiives. A grealchancêto lêarn howlo
Sênior VP G obalPaymenis Deulschê Bank
capilalize on SEPA challenqesl
SEPA requireíÍênts or skict Íeg! álion? Exlending SEPA
rêqu rêmenls to esEPA?
l,lake s!Íe you do not m ss rhe conference and rcgisteítoday
llook ÍorwaÍd 10 w€lcoming you on Wednesday Decembeí 1
Head oÍthe Market lnteglallon Division,
DG Payments and Market nÍraslructure ECB

Best íegards,
M6rk Bultênhek
Global Hêad Paymênts & Cash l,lanagêment ING
Chairman SEPA Sieeing Commlllee Dutch Bank ng Associal on
The valueof new carcl schemes in Europe
Ma n cha lengesÍor new nitalives
Expeciat onsÍrom banks, merchanls, consumers and

Why you should not miss SEPA 2010? É' reqllarors

Our delegates say it best! zs,

cEo Pavl-af
Good semlnaÍ wlh inleresting topics and good presenlationsl'
E. P. Vaaja, Nordea Bank NoMay Thê nêed Íor ellective sêparation
ol card schemes and processins
Good: inlereslingspeakêrsand good neiworkingopportuniUes.' Some obseruatons on market distorion
A. l,4akkinie, Equens

lnieresling dilÍerenlviews shared on thê PSO / SEPA

í::l Recornmendalions Íor efleci ve separation

efv ronmentwith clear y a callÍor a ínoíeaclive approach.' -r')- ExeculiveAdvisorEquens

P. Clemens, Foyal Bank olScotland
What can you expecttrom resulalors?
Very good presenlalions, very good speakers.'
[4. Diallo,lNG Head of Unit Paymenl Syslems, DG Competition,
'Uselu 1o get an overview oíthe markêts new developmenls and Euíopean Comm ssion mnr

R. Brinks, Capgemini
End usêr cliscussion:

What is slowing down lhe uptake ol SEPA pÍoducts?

Proqlam ÍVanaq€TSEPA outch l\,linislry of Finance

g. Program ManagerSEPA Belgian Minislry oÍ Finafce

n Managing Dlreclor Cenlra OlÍice Socale VeÍzekeÍ ngsbank

lllanageÍ EU AÍlalrs and AdvisoÍ Paymeni Cards lkea

ffi LegalAdvisoron PaymeniSysteíns Eurocommerce

and l',lembêr oÍihe EPC Cards Slakeholders Group
Organisations that visited the conÍerence:
ABN AMFO Bank . Dexia Bank . ING Bank . Forts . Oêlls6he Bank .

6ï Foyal Bank ol Scotlênd . Cilibank Ba.k van D€ Post . CBC Sanqu€

, ceska spo relna . BNP PaÍib6 . The Associaton ol Local Banks in
Dênmá.k . Ba.cad llaliê . Fri6sland Bank SNS Bank. Nordea gánk
Noíge, Société Générale . PKO Bank Polski . UBS Belqlum. National
. .
Êank ol Poand SIFD ÍRANSFOND Nova Ljubljanska Banka .
Narodna Banka Siwerska . Febellin. EuÍopeán Comm $ or . Financial
Supêtolson Authority Financial Arbl ol the Cz6ch Républc De.
í;} Nederlandsch€ Bank . GSM Associalion . EuÍo Bankng Association .

Kalowa l2ba Ro2l cueniowa . Un f€ Posl . Calyon . CoLlis . Europêa.
ChaiÍman: Chairman: Paymenl Sorulons . Clear 2 Pay . Callalay & Woulers . SWFT . Devot€am
Dêputy Director Payment systems D rêcloí oí Card Producls & . Fael . Porling XS . R sqit . ExpêÍián N€de and . Liánds NelcaÍe .
European Savings Banks Group DEALCUÍence Halcom . VISA Europe . M$lercárd . PayFat . TSYS . lnlernatonal
Card Setoicês . Belgian assoc alion oÍ Corporale Í6surís . Payment
Syslem End-Users Comminee . Coleqe voor ZorgveÉekeingen 0e .
Standardization in paymonl New mobile paymênt inlllallvês
Bêlélinqdiênsl . Volkswagen Group. Fédéral on de la Distrbdon .
Visa's global mobile aclivity, case
lnBev . ljmê Warner Publsh n9 . Yachl . Corus Setoices Nedènand .
sludies, challenges lo overcornê, Plblc Paymenls administÍation of th6 Bepub ic oÍ sloveniá . oê halzê
D reclor Paymenl and CaÍd London 2012 Group . Gem€€nlelitk HavenbedrjtAnnreÍpen . Beloacom

Eil Schemes Assoclalion of German

Public Sector Banks UÓB) Head oÍ Sales ánd Businêss

fl. Developmenl Growlh & Emerg ng

Raise your company's proÍile
beforê, during and aÍter SEPA 2010
Can banks find n€w Inlsroperábilily oÍ
Find oul howyou can expand youÍ business and exceed your
oppotunities tor growth and e-Paymont schefies
targetswilh one oí ouÍsponsoÍship or exhibiion packages.
new sources ol rêvênuê? SEPA e-Payrneni Framework
The hlgh qualily confeÍence prograrnme altracls serior
& ICPNO, Online Banking
execuives and bus ness lead€rs wlhln lhe payrnent indusiry.
i:ï::tï:": J:il:ii;, "*,
s] ePayments & lcPNO,
Progress oÍ lhe schemes
There arc severalposs bllitiesio showcase solulions and
technologies. Sponsor packages can b€ta lored to specific
wishes and b!dgeis.
Managing Dnedor PSE À,4anaging D Íêclor SecureVault
Payínênts (USA), PayO (UK)
FoÍ more inlonat on pleass conlact Adii i\,larra,
Senior ManageÍ Sponsoring & Exhlbilions.
À,4anaging D íêclor GiroPay
Call: +31 (0)6 158397 13 Ernail: a.maÍra@euroforum.nl

Oulsourcing lmplementlon ot ê-SEPA

SEPA and sourcing, matchmaking, products in thê ê-baniing
results ofthe corporate paymenls
Oppo{unitjes and challenges, €ou€ns';: ;",:;' :'ï,.;;ï"".: .11'-ïxiï;; #
íoclsing on securily so ul ons
mènÈ maaêr lsEPÀ) consêquê^ry @
l'/anagiírg Direcror Enigma
Payments Consulling Business Developêr Paymenls
PoI@ *Gollis
Closing íemarks lollo'Àêd by d nks rêception

Shoílly aíler the conÍerence you will íeceive a surnmaÍy ofihe mosl
mpotartspeaker messages dur ng SEPA 2010. This suÍnmary s @ËNicMA V *,qflfirÈ,Js
made poss be by @ ii à1VlÊtu]i
PO Box 845 5600 AV Eindhoven The NelheÍands

Btochue nunber.

a 1. Webi www.sepacongÍess.com
o YeS, lwould ike to ÍegisterÍoÍ EL 2. Eínail: inschijv ng@e! roforum. n
p 3. Telephone:+ 31 lo)40 2974977
I 4. Ívlail: Eurcforum, PO Box 8,r5, 5600 4V

S€,PA l5 5.
Eindhoven. The Neihenands
Fax: + 3l (o)40 2 976 984

Please menlion the number oÍihls brochure (in the lêít comer oflhe
íegistEtion loffn)when you regisrêr by phone orê-mail.
You willreceve a coníirmation oíyour regislration. DÍections lo lhe
1 DecembeÍ 2010, NH Barb zon Palace amsteídam (eÍ 64391/N11 00) venuewillbe forwarded 10 you aboui two weeks priortothe conÍerêncê.
Íthis is nol lhe case, p êase contact us.
O Peasêsend mê morê intoÍmal on aboul sponsoring oppodunLties

1 Dscembor 2010
NH BaÍbizon Palace Amslerdam
Prins Hêndrikkade 59
oMr/ tlM s/ O[/]s 1012 AO Amsterdam
Thê Nêtherlands
T€lephonêi +31 (0)20 5 564 564


lníormatlon aboul lh€ conÍerencê programmê,

rêglstrsllon and dlscounls

Têiêphone: +31 lO)40 2 972 712

EmaiL n voêt@euroforum.nl

Register before 10 October and save € 200,-!

g qE
Teephone Fax € 7ee.. € 89S,

Biling addÍess 1i d,íred i or rhê abo'e add'êss) Thêsê pr És ar€ €xcl. VAT and pêr pêÍson. The pÍ ces nclude coíee. ihêê soda linch
apéÍiliÍ and aeess ro the pÍeseniat ons of lhe speak€B


OÍ regisleÍ directly through our websitê:


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