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Name : Nikmatus Sholihah

Class : Nurse 3A class

NIM : 1702012358

Breath Relaxation Therapy Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertension

Rita Dwi Hartati, Desnanda Pandu Wardana, Rifki Ari Fajar

STIKES Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan,
Jl. raya Ambon kembang No.8 Kedungwuni Pekalongan
Email : rita.270985@gmail.com

A. Background
Hypertension is one of the diseases of the cardiovascular system which has a mortality and
morbidity. High blood pressure in hypertensive patients can be treated with pharmacological and
non pharmacological therapy. One non-pharmacologic therapy is In deep breathing relaxation.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of In deep breathing relaxation to the reduction of
blood pressure in patients with hypertension. The sample in this study are patients with
hypertension in the Kesesi Village of Pekalongan as much as 20 respondents. The sampling
technique in this study using a non-random (non-probability) sampling using purposive sampling
method. The results showed there is a decrease in blood pressure after the respondent is given a
breath of In deep breathing relaxationin which systolic blood pressure of 18.46 mm Hg and
diastolic blood pressure by 6.54 mmHg.

B. Research Question
Whether feel breathing relaxation theraphy can reduce blood pressure on hypertension patient?

C. Methode
This research used a quasy experimental study with the method of one group pretest posttest
design. The sample ini this study was patient with hypertension in Kesesi village, Kesesi sub-
district, Pekalongan district with a total sample of 20 respondents. The sampling technique ini this
study used non random (non probability) sampling using the purpose sampling method.

D. Results
In this study analysis statistics using paired sample T-test with a level of trust taken by 95% with α
5% (0.05), obtained by the value of pressure ρvalue systolic blood 0.001 and ρvalue pressure
diastolic blood 0.001. This means that ρvalue is smaller than value α 5% (0.05), so that H0 is
rejected means there is an influence of relaxation ththera deep breath to decrease ecrease blood
pressure in hypertensive patients at Kesesi Village, Kesesi District Pekalongan Regency. Seeing
these results can it is said that giving therapy breathing relaxation in having influence on pressure
drop blood in hypertensive patients in the village Kesesi District Kesesi District Pekalongan. So,
relaxation therapy deep breath can be used as one alternative action nonpharmacological nursing
for lower blood pressure in patients hypertension.

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