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Exercise on prepositions – The Wampanoag

Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions.

1. The Wampanoag are the native American tribe that helped the Pilgrims the Mayflower
to survive their first year the New World.

2. The tribe was divided smaller groups, and each group was ruled a chief.

3. The Wampanoag lived villages the southeastern coast

North America. Their name means ‘people of the east’.

4. One member the Wampanoag, Squanto, knew English because several years before
he had been kidnapped and taken Europe.

5. Squanto was the first to meet the Pilgrims and he welcomed them English.

6. The Wampanoag shared their knowledge hunting and fishing the

European settlers and showed them how to grow corn and beans.

7. autumn, the harvest was so good that the settlers invited the
Wampanoag a great feast that is now remembered as the first Thanksgiving.

8. A treaty the Wampanoag and the settlers secured peace about 40

years, but then the settlers claimed more and more land and treated the Wampanoag

9. This finally led war the English and the Wampanoag (1675-
1676) which the Wampanoag were defeated.

10. The Wampanoag left their lands and moved the islands Nantucket and
Martha's Vineyard.

11. Today there are only about 2,000 Wampanoag people living the United States.
Exercise on prepositions – The Wampanoag
Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions.

1. The Wampanoag are the native American tribe that helped the Pilgrims from the Mayflower to
survive their first year in the New World.
2. The tribe was divided into smaller groups, and each group was ruled by a chief.
3. The Wampanoag lived in villages on the southeastern coast of North America. Their name
means ‘people of the east’.
4. One member of the Wampanoag, Squanto, knew English because several years before he had
been kidnapped and taken to Europe.
5. Squanto was the first to meet the Pilgrims and he welcomed them in English.
6. The Wampanoag shared their knowledge of hunting and fishing with the European settlers and
showed them how to grow corn and beans.
7. In autumn, the harvest was so good that the settlers invited the Wampanoag to a great feast that is
now remembered as the first Thanksgiving.
8. A treaty between the Wampanoag and the settlers secured peace for about 40 years, but then the
settlers claimed more and more land and treated the Wampanoag with disrespect.
9. This finally led to war between the English and the Wampanoag (1675-1676) in which the
Wampanoag were defeated.
10. The Wampanoag left their lands and moved to the islands of Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard.
11. Today there are only about 2,000 Wampanoag people living in the United States.

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