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Jason & Betsy

Wedding Ceremony





Best Man:

Flower Girls:

Page Boy:


First Reading:

Second Reading:

Prayer of Faithful:

Offertory Prayers:
The Entrance Hymn:


We are gathered here to witness and celebrate a very special event in the life of Betsy and Jason.
On behalf of both of them, their families and friends, I take the opportunity to welcome the main
celebrant ____ , co-celebrants and all of you this evening.

Today, in this Church; Jason and Betsy will pledge their love for each other as Husband and
wife. As we rejoice with them on this joyful occasion, let us pray that the Lord bless them with
all the necessary graces to live up to the responsibilities of Holy Sacrament of Marriage.

Let us pray to Jesus to bless our families and to shower the blessings of unity, peace, and mutual
love of His own family in the little town of Nazareth.

Celebrant: My brothers and sisters, to prepare ourselves to celebrate this sacred mystery, let
us call to mind our sins…

All: I confess to Almighty

Celebrant: May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sings and bring us to
everlasting life. AMEN
The Penitential Rite



Celebrant : Abba Father, you have made this bond of marriage a holy mystery, a symbol of
Christ’s love for His church. Hear our prayers for Jason and Betsy. With faith in
you and each other, they pledge their love today. May their lives always bear
witness to the reality of that love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever
and ever. AMEN.

The First Reading

Responsorial Psalm

The Second Reading


The Holy Gospel

Prayer of the Faithful:

Celebrant: In reverence and exultation, let us pray for Jason and Betsy, to be united in Holy
Matrimony, saying “Lord Have Mercy on them”

All: Lord, Have mercy on them.

Reader: O heavenly Bridegroom, who offered his life for his bride, the church, bless this
couple to life a life of sacrifices in mutual love and unity, we pray.

All: Lord, Have mercy on them.

Reader: O Christ, who invites all to the spiritual banquet of the word of God, bless this
couple to be partakers of the heavenly Banquet, having lived an exemplary family
life according to your Percepts, we pray.

All: Lord, Have mercy on them.

Reader: O Christ, who taught the indissolubility of marriage, bless the couple to live a
happy married life of Chastity and fidelity, we pray.

All: Lord, Have mercy on them.

Reader: O Christ, who favoured the bride and the groom in the marriage feast at Cana with
your Presence, bless this couple to live a life of prayer, trusting in your Helf and
relishing your graceful presence, we pray.

All: Lord, Have mercy on them.

Reader: Lord God, bless this bride and groom to lead with success the married life they
begin in Joy and Hope. Fill them with your peace and make them worthy to obtain
the everlasting Crown you have promised your servants. Be Gracious to the
Parents and the dear ones who raised this couple in love & bless all who
participate in this sacred ceremony. Father, Son & Holy Spirit, Lord of all,

The Nuptial Rite

Celebrant: My dear, Jason and Betsy, you have come together in this church, so that the Lord
may seal and strengthen your love, in the presence of the Church’s Minister and
this community. Christ abundantly blesses this love. He has already consecrated
you in Baptism and now he enriches and strengthens you by a special sacrament,
so that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity, and
so, in the presence of the church, I ask you to state your intentions.

Exchange of Marriage Vows

Celebrant: Jason and Betsy, have you come here freely and without reservation to give
yourselves to each other in marriage?

Jason: Yes, I Have

Betsy: Yes, I Have

Celebrant: Will you love and honor each other as husband and wife for the rest of your lives?

Jason: Yes, I Will

Betsy: Yes, I Will

Celebrant: Will you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the
law of Christ and the church?

Jason: Yes, I Will

Betsy: Yes, I Will

Celebrant: (To the Witnesses). And are you witness to this?

Witnessess: Yes, we are.

Declaration & Consent

Celebrant: Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hands, and declare
your consent before God and His Church.

Jason: I, Jason, take you, Betsy, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise, to be true to
you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and
honour you all the days of my life.

Betsy: I, Betsy, take you Jason, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise, to be true
to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and
honour you all the days of my life.

Celebrant: You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness
strengthen your consent and fill you both with His blessings.

What God had United,

Men Must Not Divide

Blessing of the Taali

Celebrant: O Lord, You, by your death on the Cross, have earned the Church as your bride,
bless this thali that unites Betsy and Jason in mutual trust and love. May this
Thali, the very symbol of Unity, bind them to indivisible love and fullness of
fidelity. May the Cross, embossed on it, give them strength to bear cheerfully the
sorrows of life, and to lead a life of pleasing to you. May this also be a symbol of
their fidelity (sprinkles holy water on the thali).

All: Amen

Blessing the Rings

Celebrant: Lord, send your blessings on these rings which we bless in your name. Bless and
consecrate Jason and Betsy in their love for each other. May these rings be a
symbol of their true faith and deep love for each other. May they do your will and
always live together in peace, happiness, goodwill and love. We ask this prayer
through Christ, Our Lord. (Sprinkles holy water on the Rings).

All: Amen

Blessing the Manthrakodi

Celebrant: O, merciful Lord, who adorns the human soul with the enduring mantle of grace,
bless this manthrakodi. Help Betsy and Jason to put you on through their mutual
love and self-giving. O Lord, who clothed the holy Church, Your bride, in the
mantle of glory, make this couple worthy to put on the robe of glory in heaven
after a life of sanctity on earth (sprinkles holy water on the Manthrakodi).

(The celebrant hands the Taali to the groom who ties it around the bride’s neck. Rings are
exchanged by the bride and the groom on each other’s fingers. Rosaries are given to the couple
each by the Celebrant. Manthrakodi is given to the Groom to be spread on the bride’s head by
the celebrant, while the choir sings a hymn).
The Matrimonial Pledge

The bride and groom place their right hands on the Gospel, and as the Celebrant prompts the
pledge, the couple repeats the words after him.

Jason & Betsy: We pledge, / by the Holy Gospel,/ to live in love and fidelity,/ and with oneness
of mind,/ in joy and sorrow,/in wealth and want,/ in health and sickness,/ from this
day,/till the hour of our death.

Celebrant: (to the couple). Brethren, bow your heads and receive the blessings.

(The bride and the groom bow their head. The Celebrant extending his right hand over them,

May Almighty God bless you. May he enrich you with internal beauty and the gifts of the Holy
Spirit. May Christ, the Head of the Church, be always your sovereign and protector. May he be
your friend in all doings, and tone up your life with all mental, physical and temporal well-being.
May he help you receive gladly the children God may deign to bless you with and lead them in
the path of Holiness. And may He make you worth to offer his Praise, worship and thanksgiving

I, now pronounce Jason & Betsy, Husband and Wife.

Offertory Procession:

Celebrant: We have witnessed God’s presence in the sacrament of Matrimony; Let us now
offer our gifts to the Lord as we share in his Eucharistic banquet.

Flowers: Mrs. And Mr. George Fernandes thank you Lord for making your daughter
‘Betsy’ the fragrance of their world. The fragrance that she spreads is the power
of Jesus that reins within her. Lord, bless her with your abundant grace that she
keeps spreading her love and goodness to Jason and his family and to all around
her; throughout her life.

Candle: Mrs. & Mr. Suhrid Fonseca thanks you Lord for making your son ‘Jason’ the light
of their world. Just as the candle selflessly burns itself to spread light & warmth
around, we pray that Jason stands up during times of adversity and keeps
spreading his love, care & warmth to all around him; throughout his life.

Bible & Rosary: Lord accept this Holy Bible and Rosary. Bless Jason & Betsy that they may
always recognize the power of your Holy Word and Prayer and make use of these
gifts to lead more meaningful Christian lives.

House: House is built by bricks & mortar but home is made of love, trust and co-
operation. Lord, bless the home of Jason & Betsy with your ever loving presence;
make it like the home of the Holy Family of Nazareth with Mary the mother.

Just as this bread and wine are fruit of love and the toil of human hands, so are Jason and Betsy,
the fruit of love and the labour of their parents and families. We offer you this bread and wine as
a symbol of human toil and nourishments of life. May the Eucharist we are about to celebrate be
a source of blessing and refreshing banquet to all of us.

Celebrant: By the grace of the Holy Spirit, God, pour into the hearts of all the gift of ability
of love. Grant a generous increase of this gift to Jason and Betsy and all present,
so that they may be known by their love, we ask this through Christ our Lord.
Offertory Hymn


The Eucharistic Prayer

Celebrant: We come to you, Father, with praise and thanksgiving…


Celebrant: Father, accept this offering from your whole family. Grant us your peace in this
life, save us from final damnation, and count us…

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father…
The Nuptial Blessings


My dear friends, let us turn to the Lord and pray that he bless with grace Betsy, now married in
Christ to Jason; And that through the sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, he will unite in
love the couple he has joined in this Holy bond.

Father, by your power, you have made everything out of nothing. In the beginning, you created
the universe and made mankind in your own likeness. You gave man the constant help of woman
so that man and woman should no longer be two, but one flesh, and you teach us that what you
have united may never be divided. Father, by your plan, man and woman are united, and married
life has been established as the one blessing, that was not forfeited by original sin or washed
away in the flood.

Give your blessing to Betsy, your daughter so that she may be a good wife and mother, caring for
the home, faithful in love for Jason.

Give your blessing to Jason your son, so that he may be faithful husband and a good and
responsible father to the family that you bless them with.

Grant that both may remain in your love all the days of their life. Father, grant that as they come
together to your table on earth, so also they may one day have the joy of sharing your feast in
Heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Communion Hymn

Post Communion Prayer

Celebrant: Let us pray. Lord, in your Love and Mercy, You have given us this Eucharist to
unite us with one another and with you. In this Holy Sacrament, You have made
Jason & Betsy one in love. Let their love and faith for each other radiate to all, the
essence of Your love and mercy. We ask this prayer through Christ Our Lord.
Prayer of the Bridal Couple

Jason: On this great day of our lives with hearts brimming with gratitude for bringing us
together, loving Father, we thank you.

Betsy: This day has been made solemnly beautiful and meaningful by our very own dear
Fr. Who blessed our marriage into the love of Jesus. Loving Father we thank
you for him.

Jason: We are lucky that we have the best grandparents, parents and the best siblings in
the world. Loving Father we thank you for them.

Betsy: For all the family members, the choir group and all friends, who made it a point to
offer their services and to participate in the Eucharist. Not forgetting those who
have travelled from distant places to grace this occasion. For all these beautiful
people we thank you.

Jason & Betsy: Last but not the least we thank you Lord Almighty for bringing us together. We
adore you; we praise you and we thank you from the depths of our beings.

Bless us Lord as we build our nest beneath your wings.

The Final Blessings

Celebrant: Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessings.

Merciful and Eternal Father, keep Jason & Betsy in love with each other, and may the peace of
Christ be always with them.


May your final happiness be in each other. May daily problems never cause you undue anxiety
nor the desire of earthly possessions dominates your lives.

May Almighty God Bless you, In the name of:

The Father and of the Son and of The Holy Spirit. AMEN

This celebration of marriage has ended; go in the fullness of his blessing. Go in peace to love and
serve the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God

“Love is patient and Kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or
selfish or irritable; love does not keep record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy
with the truth, love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal” –
Bible (1 Cor 13: 4-8)

We would like to express thanks to our grandparents, parents, family and friends for their love
and support.

Thank you all for sharing this special day with us. We are especially thankful to Parish Priest
……….., the choir and all who labored to make our wedding ceremony a meaningful and
memorable one.

We thank you.

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