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Jonathan Mills

Physics 222 ± Section 003

Joule Equivalency of Electrical Energy

October 1, 2010
rhe objectives of this experiment are to understand the equivalence of electrical energy
and heat energy, to learn techniques of calorimetry, to learn how to measure electrical energy,
and to measure the Joule equivalent of electrical energy.

Electrical and mechanical energy use the same units of energy. rhis is because both were
developed by the same principles of energy and power. Heat energy is measured in quantities
separately defined from the principles of electricity, magnetism, and mechanics. Due to this
inconvenience, Sir James Joule developed a constant of proportionality between the two forms of
energy which is now called the Joule equivalent of electrical energy. rhis constant allows for an
understand relationship between the two forms of energy.
Power is defined as the rate of doing work, and electrical power is defined as the amount
of electrical energy being expended per unit of time. Work is the mechanical energy required to
move an electrical charge through a potential difference (W = Q x V) therefore power, P, is
given by (P = W / t = V x Q/t) so that power is equal to potential difference times current.
Heat energy is measured in kilocalories as opposed to mechanical and electrical energy
which is measured in joules. rhe change in heat energy of a material is directly proportional to
the change in temperature of the material and depends on the type of material and its mass. rhe
change of heat energy for a given change of temperature is equal to mass of the material times
specific heat of the material times the change in temperature (Q = mcr). When electrical energy
is transformed into heat energy, then the equivalence of the electrical energy and heat energy is
given by multiplying the joule equivalent constant of 4186 Joules/kilocalorie times the change in
heat energy (W = J x Q). rhroughout the experiment a constant current and voltage will be
maintained causing the resistance to increase and therefore the heat energy. rhis heat energy
will increase the temperature of a quantity of water and the container in which it is kept. rhe
change in heat energy of the container and water will be the sum of the heat energies of each and
will be given by Q = (m¶c)(c¶c)r + (m¶w)(c¶w)r. where m¶c and m¶w are masses of the
container and water and c¶c and c¶w are specific heats of the material of the container and water.
With our previous equations for work and energy, we can deduce that our joule equivalence
calculated for the experiment will be given by the following equation: J = { (VI) / [ (m¶c)(c¶c) +
(m¶w)(c¶w) ]} x [ 1 / (T/t) ]. In this equation, temperature, r, is a function of time, t.

See attached.

It was determined that the units for heat energy could be successfully converted to the
units for electrical and mechanical energy. By using our calculated heat energy we successfully
provided the joule equivalence constant with an average percent error of less than 5 % in the
second data set. rhese calculations are supported by the data as well as by the known joule
equivalence calculated first by Sir James Joule as 4186 Joules/kilocalorie. rhe data collected
can also be proven true by the equations of heat energy and heat energy relationships to
mechanical and electrical energy.

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