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4/4/2019 Gmail - Africa Is a Country Digest, week of March 25: Moçambique floods and portends what Africans will

icans will face with climate change + more

Emma O'Shaughnessy <evoshaughnessy@gmail.com>

Africa Is a Country Digest, week of March 25: Moçambique floods and portends
what Africans will face with climate change + more 
3 messages

Africa Is a Country <auth@africasacountry.com> 28 March 2019 at 23:11
To: evoshaughnessy@gmail.com

Weekly Digest
This week, thousands of scholars of international relations gather in Toronto for the annual
meeting of the International Studies Association. The meeting is held annually in the
United States and occasionally in Canada. This year again, scholars holding passports
from the Global South are faced with the mighty wall of Western borders, as visa denials
and delays lock them into the precarity of subaltern citizenship. This is a good time to
revisit this AIAC article on the passport being the most powerful currency today. The idea
of a borderless world ought to enter the realm of the possible and necessary.

A borderless world means also paying greater attention to why Africans are on their own

facing climate change and the fragility of the Mozambican state is laid bare in the face of
climate change in the aftermath of Cyclone Idai.

– Oumar Ba, Editorial Board

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4/4/2019 Gmail - Africa Is a Country Digest, week of March 25: Moçambique floods and portends what Africans will face with climate change + more

The fragility of the Mozambican state in the face of climate change

As Cyclone Idai swept across Mozambique, it and captured by global capital, leaving
encountered a state weakened by an ordinary Mozambicans exposed. Ruth Castel­
extractivist development model Branco breaks it all down for us.

Shop Africa Is a Country

This week in culture
Hisham Aidi is back on Africa Is a Country,
this time with a piece about Malcolm X's time
visiting the African continent and the Middle

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4/4/2019 Gmail - Africa Is a Country Digest, week of March 25: Moçambique floods and portends what Africans will face with climate change + more
East. He argues that the American civil rights
leader is a powerful optic through which to
understand America's post­war ascendance
and international expansion.

This week in politics
The bases on which Israel's supporters
believe it is subject to unfair criticism, are
eerily similar to the rationalizations of
apartheid South Africa's defenders in the
1970s and 80s. In the wake of the critiques of
Ilhan Omar, Michael Bueckert asks, "When is
it antisemitic to criticize Israel?"

From the archives
Not really an archival post as much as a long
running thread on Africa Is a Country, is the
Toto "Africa" meme. The song is back in
popular cultural context lately thanks to a
cover version by American band Weezer.
Endre Dalen takes a look at a new
possible interpretation of the song's lyrics.

Something Extra
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4/4/2019 Gmail - Africa Is a Country Digest, week of March 25: Moçambique floods and portends what Africans will face with climate change + more
No explanation, just a hot tune and video
from Africa's Iberian capital, courtesy Dino

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button below to donate today!


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